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    Sorted based on the number of comments given to others' PRs, but also showing comments on own PRs and other comments given.

    [This page was last updated on Nov 07 2020]

    I'm not sure if >ins> is the correct tag to use here? (And the closing tag should be >/ins> right) From what I gathered online >ins> is to underline some text in html to indicate it is an insertion, but there's not >del> tag here, so I think it might be more appropriate to use either the >u> tag for underlining or []() syntax if its supposed to be a link

    I think we should retain the step of copying our jar file over to the folder the user wants to use as the home folder, as we'll need to do saving in a data folder as well

    There's inconsistency between this and the description of the help command below. Also, I think the help contents will be opened in a window and not a page?

    Refer to comment above

    Maybe we should change PHONE to PHONE_NUMBER, following the original format, for clarity

    Shows commonly used commands for TBM.

    * Role: In charge of deliverables and deadlines

    Following the format for client delete INDEX, maybe add a short one line statement to explain what this command does?

    Same as prev comment, and there's also an extra newline here that I think would be better to remove

    The indexing is off here

    Indexing off here too

    * 1a. The list of clients is empty.

    Might want to change this to match the original "Finds clients whose names contain any of the given keywords.", and change n/NAME to KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS] as the format section below mentions keywords

    * The search is case-insensitive. e.g `hans` will match `Hans`

    * The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. `Hans Bo` will match `Bo Hans`

    * Only the name and country are searched.

    * Only full words will be matched e.g. `Han` will not match `Hans`

    * Persons matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. `Hans Bo Russia` will return `Hans Gruber`, `Bo Yang`, `Alice Katya`

    ### Listing all clients: `list`

    Shows a list of all clients in the address book.

    Finds clients whose names contain any of the given keywords, or whose country of residence contains any of the given keywords.

    I think we should just stick to either the abbreviation TBM or the full name in the headers, not both

    either that or perhaps change both back to the simple "User Guide" and "Developer Guide". I don't really see a need to have TBM in the title, as the whole website is already about TBM, plus we have introductions and our home page.

    Just to add on, I don't think the >ins> tag should be used here, as markup defines it as inserting something? e.g. here. >u> seems more appropriate if the intention is to underline the text.


    this.countryName = new Locale("", countryCode).getDisplayCountry();

    I think its more intuitive to call this specific method

    private final String COUNTRY_NAME;

    private final String COUNTRY_CODE;

    private final ArrayList<Note> COUNTRY_NOTES;

    From the convention guide: Constant names must be all uppercase using underscore to separate words. I'm not sure if countryNotes should be marked final actually, since we are going to modify it in the addCountryNote function.

    Also, I feel that the notes should be stored in something like a LinkedHashSet, since we don't really want to add in duplicate notes, and its easier to check if its a HashSet.

    I feel like we shouldn't initialize countryNotes until it is actually needed. E.g. Only when the user actually adds a country note, or there are notes for this country in the save file. If not its unnecessary overhead, especially if there are many countries.

    Not sure how the rest think @tankangliang @rtshkmr @LeeEnHao

    Constant names must be all uppercase using underscore to separate words.

    Is there a need for this Map? From what I see, I think we can just keep the ISOCountry String array, then check if the entered String is inside, before initializing a new Locale with that String. This way, we won't have to keep so many country objects, since most of the countries likely won't be used.

    Constant names must be all uppercase using underscore to separate words.

    Constant names must be all uppercase using underscore to separate words.

    Ah ok nvm I think can just stick with this for now. I was thinking of something else to prevent the unnecessary creation of objects, but this HashMap is still necessary for it, my bad.

    Btw can change the HashMap to Map, so that we standardize

    Hmmmm seems like by constant they mean static final only. Static only or final only aren't counted as constants, even though one of the examples in the website has an example of final only variables being set to all caps + underscores.

    No need to change bah

    Would be better to standardize with the other commands, for example the ClientFindCommand.

    Btw, ClientFindCommand doesnt have requireNonNull(predicate), I think can just add it in there too

    There needs to be a javadoc comment here. (All public classes should have javadoc according to the textbook)

    javadoc comment


    Might want to standardize with other equals methods. Basically these 3 parts: short circuit if same object, instanceof handles nulls, and state check. Can look at ClientEditCommand for an example

    Maybe can add extracting out the messages into a static final string into the TODO: better messages, in case we forget

    javadoc comment

    javadoc comment

    Might want to add a TODO here

    This whitespace is little bit weird lol, but might just be my personal preference

    here too

    Might want to change the predicate name to ClientCountryMatchesInputCountryPredicate for clarity?

    might wanna change this equals to match the 3 step thing

    Probably should calculate and return the hashcode using noteContents, since I think Note is already being used hashed objects

    Would suggest changing this to isValidCountryCode, for clarity

    Hmmm I was thinking that this CountryManager class holds all Country objects, while every other class should be holding references to these objects instead of any new Country() object. That way, the class themselves should be able to check if the Country has any notes, and this method would not be needed.

    Can help to update the parser names for the delete and find command?

    Should probably add in a hashCode() function just in case

    Actually for this toString, should we be returning countryName instead? Maybe can add a comment to address why we're returning countryCode.

    The whitespace is off

    Add a comment for standardization

    // multiple countries - last country accepted

    not sure about that, but later that guy forget lmao

    I think we should just do it now man. From java docs: Note that it is generally necessary to override the hashCode method whenever this method is overridden, so as to maintain the general contract for the hashCode method, which states that equal objects must have equal hash codes.

    Yeah, but usually the purpose of the toString is to return a more "human readable" format of the object, so maybe countryName would be a better choice for the return value.

    LOL ok then just fix it in that issue bah

    Would be slightly clearer if you changed the variables names to SMALLEST_NEGATIVE_OFFSET and LARGEST_POSITIVE_OFFSET imo

    Not sure why this sys print is here

    Add new tests for timezone pls

    We should catch NumberFormatException here, in case people enter a number that is longer than what an int can hold

    Extra new lines, and I think the javadoc can be added already right

    Would be better if MESSAGE_USAGE is moved upwards for organization purpose, so that public static final is above private static final

    Also, its hard to read when the lines are separated so much with the random comment also, would suggest this:

    (must be a positive integer should also be moved to the description, not inside the parameters)

    Rmb to import PREFIX_NOTE

    + "Parameters: INDEX " + PREFIX_NOTE + "NOTE_STRING\n"

    + "Example: " + COMMAND_WORD + " 1 " + "client note content";

    I think everything has to go through model, as it is being used for UI I think

    This variable doesn't seem to be used, since you already removed the redundant code

    agree with rayson

    Would be good to remove the line break for readability

    Would be good to move this down, after the if statement

    Probably would be good to add a javadoc comment for this method as well

    There is a need to implement the hashCode function, since note is being used in a hashSet.

    Could you also change the equals method to match the 3 step thing? (1. short circuit if same object. 2. instanceof handles nulls 3. state check)

    There's like extra newlines here and above as well

    Extra newline

    I would suggest that this is changed to a LinkedHashSet, as we will want the order of the notes to remain the same as the order they were added. HashSet does not guarantee order

    I believe the country notes are also using LinkedHashSet

    Also, I think it would be better if the clientNotes was initialized only if the client has notes, probably can add a TODO here to optimize this.

    I think this variable still isn't being used

    Other than that, LGTM

    public String getInputCountryStringRepresentation() {

    Better to have descriptive function names without abbreviations imo

    Probably can be on the same line for clarity

    Would be better to move this above MESSAGE_DUPLICATE_COUNTRY_NOTE so that the public static final variables are tgt.

    For this, it would be more concise to just use the overloaded constructor of ArrayList ArrayList​(Collection&gt;? extends E> c) to make the copy of the filtered client list

    Either that or just initialClientList.addAll()

    Would it be better to use an assertEquals here?

    This can be moved out of the loop I think

    The assertTrues and assertFalses here can probably be changed to assertEquals and assertNotEquals for better clarity

    The assertTrues and assertFalses here can probably be changed to assertEquals and assertNotEquals for better clarity

    Ah ok I missed that

    I think it would be better if clientParser accepts a Client instead of a generic Object, then do the casting here. This way, we wont have to do the casting + assertion inside clientParser.

    Should these have more descriptive names?

    Also, should include param/return tags in javadoc for this method

    If this is a temporary method, should add in a TODO somewhere here to remove after its not needed. This method looks very un-OOP-like lolol

    Should include params and return tags also in this javadoc

    This method needs more explanation using comments/better descriptive names. For example, what is start to end order? Why is there the Math.min with the magic literal 14?

    Would suggest extracting out the 14 as a private final static var

    Also, I think it should be String... args and not String ...args? At least that's the format google java format uses

    Sys.print shld be removed. Also, better explanation should be given in the comments/javadocs, and the variable names should be more descriptive. For example, what happens in the bigger picture if there is no null field that can be set?

    public class WidgetModelManagerTest {

    Also, extra newlines above this can be removed

    Naming of test functions should follow the format

    Naming of test functions should follow the format

    test functions should follow the format: featureUnderTest_testScenario_expectedBehavior()

    e.g. sortList_emptyList_exceptionThrown() getMember_memberNotFount_nullReturned

    test functions should follow the format: featureUnderTest_testScenario_expectedBehavior()

    e.g. sortList_emptyList_exceptionThrown() getMember_memberNotFount_nullReturned

    Also, probably should make all the tests public void to standardize

    I feel like optional isn't needed in this file? It would be clearer if you do divs[X] == null ? "" : divs[X]

    Is this sysprint leftover from debugging? Other than this, LGTM

    This should be an assert / exception instead, since our countryNotesMap already contains all possible countries, and if there is a country not contained in our map, it should not have been created in the first place

    This should be an assert / exception instead, since our countryNotesMap already contains all possible countries, and if there is a country not contained in our map, it should not have been created in the first place

    * SUGGESTION_TYPE must be one of the following: `frequency`, `available` or `contract`

    maybe change to command word suggest instead? Make it seem more like normal english

    should extract these strings as static final vars

    Should add a TODO here to do something in the execution

    I think it's fine to leave it as a class for now, since if we change it to an enum it might be hard to integrate. Maybe can just KIV as a TODO.

    This needs to be updated to the actual message constraints for note. Commands like "client note add 1 nt/" causes this to appear in the response box, which is a bug.

    Would suggest a simple "Note should not be blank"

    why are these protected? I couldn't find any other classes in the same package using them

    Should return an unmodifiable set instead.

    Since the equality checking was updated to include hasSameTags, the hashCode should be updated to ensure the tags are hashed as well, to maintain the contract between the equals and hashCode method.

    Should return unmodifiable objects. Also, getCountryNote doesn't seem to be used, will it be used in a later commit?

    This doesn't seem to be called in the program, will it be added in a later commit?

    I think it would be better if we did a new ClientBuilder(ALICE).build();. The ALICE client itself should not be modified as it may affect other parts of the testing unexpectedly.

    void initMapFromClients_addClientWithTaggedNotes_success() {

    This method doesn't seem to return a boolean, so success should be used instead. Or you could change it to doesNotThrowException. The other 2 methods below also need their method names updated, returnsTrue should be <expected outcome>.

    Will need to add more tests, but can do in a separate issue probably.

    Not sure why only this variable is static? Could probably make all of them just final.

    Should probably test the other methods and constructor as well, but can be done later in a separate PR as its not that important for now.

    Same comment as in TagNoteMapTest.java

    Is this needed lol

    Same issue for this, refer to TagNoteMapTest.java for the comments on test method naming. For stuff that throws exception, the format should be ..._throwsXXXException().

    Is this needed?

    Should not have a newline here

    Should probably change this to tagSet.

    should probably requireAllNonNull here.

    Also, is there a need for this method to be public? It seems to be only used here

    This doesn't seem to be used, is it in a later commit?

    Also, should requireAllNonNull here

    Should do this todo, if not the method name becomes confusing.

    * @param countryNotes The set of countries, each containing their notes and associated tags.

    * @param clients The list of clients, each containing their notes and associated tags.

    * Initialises the TagNoteMap from a list of clients.

    * Initialises the TagNoteMap from a list of countries.

    Should untagged tags be added to the note?

    agree with rayson, also maybe you can have a static final tag object already created in the Tag class, then your ParserUtil can just find Tag.UNTAGGED


    Change this to a todo pls, if not we'll forget to remove it

    remnants of debugging?




    Removed the other duplicate call

    Would suggest adding a requireNonNull / assert != null here just in case. Also, what happens in execute if list.size() == 0?

    Actually, looking at this, I would suggest implementing a compound predicate instead of having a list. So maybe something like Predicate&gt;Client> combinedSuggestionTypePredicate = (client) -> suggestionTypeList.stream().map(suggestionType -> suggestionType.getSuggestionPredicate()).reduce(true, (x, y) -> x.test(client) && y.test(client));

    ^I didn't test this, but I think it should be correct

    Should have an equals and hashcode method, so as to standardize with other predicates, and also enforce the contract between equals and hashcode. Since this class doesn't have any vars, we can just return a constant int for hashcode, and have equals return true as long as other class is instanceof this one

    Maybe can just put the assert false and return null in the default block? I think it would make it cleaner

    Is this method needed? Is it possible to change other parts of the code so we use the withTimezone(String timezone) method instead?

    shld add new line before this to standardize

    Too many new lines here

    Can add one more assert for just "client" without the space? Just in case.

    Same for client note test below

    extra new line here

    Can rename this to clientCommandType? and the country one to countryCommandType?

    rename this to clientNoteCommandType?

    Small issue, but the number of equals on both sides aren't balanced

    what is this supposed to log? I can't really tell from the code itself, maybe make it explicit with a comment?

    why got copyright one lmao

    also, should add a todo to change this

    Each note should display on a separate line, if not long/many notes will be hard to read

    If this path is not supposed to be reached, should just throw an exception here, logging it as info doesn't really make sense. You could probably log the stacktrace though

    I like the variables at the top, makes it easy to see, should probably standardize for the whole CSS (can do in a separate issue)

    For the scrollbar I think we shouldn't hide it actually, and I feel that the border-radius are a bit too much, maybe can reduce, plus one of the boxes (the one that shows the command messages) isn't rounded, while the rest are

    For all the changes in this file, should probably standardize to no space before />, since thats the format of all the fxml files

    Also, this help icon should be added to the top context menu (can do in a later issue)

    ??? why is there this assertNotEquals here lolol

    are hamcrest and assertj used? Also, do we need to define JUnit as testCompile? (since we already defined it in our testImplementation/testRuntimeOnly)If we need to, should probably use the jUnitVersion variable instead of a string

    fx:id here is empty?

    The indentation here is a bit confusing, I think this and StackPane above should be indented 2 more spaces?

    I think the indentation and line breaks in this file are off. Can consider taking out the <children\ cwf="C:\repos\nus-cs2103\dashboards-base\contents\cs2103\tp-comments-panels.mbdf"> tag and leaving it as




    so that clutter is reduced. </children>

    this comment seems to be half-written lol

    This variable doesn't seemed to be used

    I think a clearer and cleaner implementation of this would be .collect(Collectors.joining()).replace("[", "").replace("]", ""); instead of the reduce

    "standardise" should be "standardised"

    Where is this view variable used ah

    Cuz right now its just being set to WidgetModelManager but on the next line you return a new WidgetModelManager?

    Can change this to offset or offsetValue?

    why was this newline added lmao

    extra newline

    Should requireNonNull for country

    Actually, do we need this ? extends Note? Would using List&gt;Note> be better?

    probably can remove this newline

    * A high-level class responsible for mapping ISO3166 countries to their respective country notes.

    Actually I would suggest we move isValidCountryCode method to Country class, then this class will be solely in charge of the relationship between Country and CountryNote (SRP), and the classname can be changed to CountryNoteManager I guess

    should we put an assert false here?

    Should requireNonNull countryNote

    Should add simple javadoc for getTags()

    Small issue, this should be changed to getCountryNotes

    Random "The" here

    this sentence is half-complete, I think can just remove the "between"

    This png file doesn't seem to have been generated, not too sure why, can you try editing this a bit and pushing again?

    extra newline

    should have a [else]

    Need to update javadoc for this method to match the method behavior

    This variable isn't being used

    When will this be null? Should it just throw an exception when null if its not supposed to be null?

    Should the equals and hashCode methods be updated for this class?

    extra newline

    extra new line

    Can probably add one more test for the empty constructor then check if Instant.now() is > 1s away from the constructed LastModifiedInstant.

    ok shld add a comment then, just to explain why its different from the rest

    Suggestion: have a public static NULL_COUNTRY object = new Country();, and just use Country.NULL_COUNTRY to access it.

    This is what I did for my ContractExpiryDate, so you're not creating new objects all the time, and imo it makes it clearer to the reader.

    When will this be the case? Should it be country == Country.getNullCountry()?

    This needs more tests, but can be done in a separate PR

    Maybe put the comment as a message

    assert !(isClient && isCountryNote) : "isClient and isCountryNote cannot be both true";

    should require non null for country

    extra newlines

    Should probably change these tests to use the assertParseSuccess and assertParseFail static methods

    same comment as deletecommandparsertest

    * Gets the list of country notes in TBM as an unmodifiable observable list.

    * @return The unmodifiable observable list of country notes in TBM.

    Should this be country.equals(Country.getNullCountry())?

    These 2 functions don't seem to be used anymore

    these functions dont seem to be used

    Should this be paused for longer? I don't really notice it when I'm running the tests

    Should add a TODO to remove this test at the end if we find that it's useless

    Should probably remove this comment lol

    assertEquals(expectedId + ". " + expectedCard.getNoteContents() + " [" + expectedCard.getCountry() + "]",

    **Add country note** | `country note add c/COUNTRY_CODE nt/NOTE_STRING` <br> e.g., `country note add c/SG nt/has one of the lowest coporate taxes in the world`

    Think this can be changed to assertParseSuccess

    public void parseCountryCommands_addCountryNote_success() throws Exception {

    ah right my bad

    missing semicolon here

    -BACKGROUND: #393939; /*DARK GREY*/

    -PANE_BACKGROUND: #000000; /*BLACK*/

    -PRIMARY_COLOUR: #FF3333; /*RED*/

    -PRIMARY_TEXT: white; /*WHITE*/

    -ACCENT: transparent; /*NO ACCENT*/

    -TERTIARY: #010012; /*DARK NAVY*/

    probably no need for this, since we're mutating the client directly

    spacing here should be 8 spaces i think

    Not too sure why these were reformatted, should probably set ur auto-formatter to reformat only when chars > 120 in a line, same for everything below. Also, I think the second line should be 8 spaces instead of 4, when doing a linebreak

    probably should name this modelClient instead of freshClient

    Should probably change this javadoc to match those of other toModelType() functions like JsonAdaptedClient etc.

    Not sure why the formatting in this file changed so much also, would suggest to change ur autoformatter settings to match the project's code style, or not use the autoformatter, if not unrelated lines will keep changing in your commits

    formatting issues with this file, and for the testing of the JsonCreator, you can refer to JsonAdaptedClientTest.java, also it only appears to be not used because a third party library (jackson), and not our own code, is calling it, just like how the FXML notation variables don't seemed to be used

    these should be on the same line

    these should be on the same line

    no space between [ and {

    actually for client notes, is it possible to not store the countryCode in the first place? Seems a bit wasteful and unneeded. JsonCreator and toModelType() can probably handle the lack of the countryCode programatically. @raysonkoh any comments about this?

    @raysonkoh I think if we change it, we should change before the end of v1.3, since we have our bug-finding practice coming up and people can help catch the bugs if any. If we change after v1.3, we might introduce some bugs that no one finds until the final bug-finding test.

    the formatting is still abit off, it should be [ { instead of [&gt;br>{ and }, { instead of },&gt;br>{


    extra new lines, also some formatting issues with this file, where lines >120 chars are being broken up for no reason, leading to changes in random lines.

    These 2 lines are >120 chars, they can be on the same line. Also, breaking it up at the first . makes it inconsistent with the rest of the code base, and harder to read.

    formatting, breaking a line up after = makes it inconsistent with the rest of the code base

    can this be put on the same line

    same line?

    same line?

    probably can reformat here abit



    change back the indentation pls, supposed to be 8 spaces after the primary line, not 16

    lmao good catch

    wrong naming/enum? (available vs contract)

    small nitpick but can add the comments + the different class -> returns false thing

    extra newline

    assertThrows(ParseException.class, () -&gt; parser.parse(" c/MY nt/ t/a"));

    assertThrows(ParseException.class, () -&gt; parser.parse(" nt/ c/MY t/a"));

    Better isolation for testing no notes

    assertThrows(ParseException.class, () -&gt; parser.parse(" c/RUS t/a nt/random string"));

    assertThrows(ParseException.class, () -&gt; parser.parse(" c/R t/a nt/random string"));

    Same reason as below, also, should have a noCountryHasNote test method

    Should this be in a separate test function?

    tagNoteMap not being updated after setting the tags?

    @raysonkoh I think we can probably remove the model.updateTagNoteMapWithNote() and instead place it inside the function model.addCountryNote, since addClientNote is doing that as well. Then we can remove model.updateTagNoteMapWithNote() from the execute() function of both client note add and country note add, and make the method private in model

    there's 2 updateTagNoteMapWithNote here

    Can follow the format of the rest of the file and remove the parsesSuccessfully

    same as above, remove parseSuccessfully

    missing whitespace

    missing whitespace

    missing public

    should change to the behavior that the original client edit commands had

    missing newline

    extra newline

    an empty parseException would work, since this whole block is already inside a try catch, can add a comment to clarify

    No need to use this arePrefixesPresent function if we only have one prefix to check. Also should be either note string or tag prefix present

    what does pe here do?

    should "nope" be removed?

    extra newline

    extra space added

    extra newline

    extra newline

    need newline here

    need newline above

    I think we should change it to -> lack of t/ results in the tags staying the same, but doing t/ replaces the tags, instead of adding a new tag. Similar to how client edit worked last time when we had tags.

    Also, should there be an option to edit the country using c/?

    should add notes about how the INDEX is obtained from the last view country notes list panel

    need more tests for this, but can be done in a separate PR

    Should this be deleted?

    Need some comments here, quite hard to understand what this code is doing.

    Imo I think the constructor CountryNote(CountryNote note) and the method setCountry is not needed, instead we can just have a CountryNote constructor with content, country and tags, and then port the countryNoteToEdit fields over as needed.

    Feels like that'll make the code much clearer.

    Also, I think .remove for sets won't throw any exception even if that item isn't inside the set, so its safe to remove the contains check

    Can use the constructor i mentioned in CountryNoteEditCommand for simplification of this line

    I think indexOf can throw unchecked exception, so it would be better to do an assert contains before this line, and remove the assert after this line.

    Can probably use assertParseSuccess here

    Can probably use assertParseFailure here

    refer to comment in CountryNoteEditCommand

    refer to comment in CountryNoteEditCommand

    extra ;

    assert hasCountryNote(oldCountryNote) : "old country note must exist in internal list";

    would be better / more in line with other tests to change all these Strings to static final and their names to all caps+underscore

    * `country note edit 1 nt/new government policy to support local development in cloud security t/contract` Edits the first country note in the last-viewed country notes panel to have the content "new government policy to support local development in cloud security" and a new tag "contract" in addition to the previous tags.

    should move final variables to below static final ones

    extra newline

    Can we change this to widgetViewBox.init()?

    private void assertViewBoxDisplay(WidgetViewBox widgetViewBox , Client expectedClient) {

    should add public in front of these two methods

    private class InteractionTerminal {

    I think this + CountryNoteCard class is not being used, safe to delete?

    I think this class + the fxml is not being used, safe to delete?

    extra newline

    * Returns the client to be displayed in the widget view box.

    * Sets the client to be displayed in the widget view box.

    probably can remove the @param since there's no description, and adding a description would be redundant

    probably can remove this @param

    probably can just remove this @return

    * Static factory for use in GUI testing.

    Actually, not sure if there's a need for this static factory since we can replace this with new WidgetViewBox(FXCollections.emptyObservableList()) in our test functions

    * Updates the current client of the widget view box to the given client.

    * @param client The new client to display.

    should this be here?

    don't think the stream() here is needed

    extra newline

    no need for contains, since set.remove won't throw any errors/exception even if the tag is not inside

    Can remove TypicalClients.

    Also, no need for new ArrayList since Arrays.asList already returns a list

    should only have one newline

    can't we already remove it? Since its not being used anywhere in the whole codebase

    what does the pe do?

    private Model model;

    Already done in setUp

    If this is needed to be called everytime we create a modelManager, shouldn't we just put it inside the constructor?

    same comment as above

    same comment as above

    same comment as above

    shouldn't setClient method in modelManager also update the tagNoteMap? Not sure where its being done currently.

    return Arrays.asList(alice, benson, carl, daniel, elle, fiona, george);

    No need for extra brackets

    is there anything we can do in tagnotemap that would allow us to replace a client instead of doing re-init?

    Given below are instructions to test the app manually. Additionally, testers can look through our [Testing Guide](Testing.md) to get started on automated testing.

    the file Ui_old seems to have been renamed to Ui in this PR

    I think the standardization for the md files is to not have line breaks unless the actual line is 2 lines, since word wrap can already do this kind of line wrapping for you

    same for these lines, and many other lines in the file

    there's a lot of random new lines in this file, would be better to remove them

    I think the ./ should be removed, so that it matches other urls

    Theres an extra space between first and time, and also between you're and trying

    Should this be Country Notes instead of country?

    Not sure if the triple * is intentional? But it seems to give the same result as **_, (italics + bold) which I think is clearer, since triple * and double * look too similar

    extra space

    about a particular client*

    * **Client List Panel** will always allow you to view your clients' information at a go. It's scrollable so that you

    I don't think spawn is the right word to use here. Also, we shouldn't put generic widget view box in our user guide. Something like display panel would be more appropriate

    relevant commands are sent. Initially it will show you your local time to the precise second, as well as your current location.

    extra spaces at 3 locations

    I think we're standardizing using ** for strong and _ for italics. Btw, don't break the html tags

    assert !clientNotes.contains(clientNote);

    For standardization

    Would suggest changing this method name to getClientNotesAsUnmodifiableList()

    Needs a new line before this comment. Also, I'm not too sure what this comment means?

    Can just change this to an assertThrows

    same as prev comment

    assertEquals("1", commandHistory.getPrevious()));

    should probably do another UP and check if getInput == viewCommand1 then DOWN again and check if getInput == viewCommand2

    Should add more tests that do invalid commands then check if the history is correct, and also test the behavior with no history, and the behavior when there's no previous history, and lastly the behavior when there's no next history.

    Empty else block shouldn't be used

    Can we get the command box to clear the very first time there's no next element? (So like it shouldn't clear if I'm just typing and accidentally press down, but if i'm going through history and press down after the most recently used command it should clear) I think that's more consistent with CLI behavior.

    is the null check needed? When will it be commandTextField.getText() be null?

    my suggested change was only 4 spaces, my bad. It was my intention to align all the assertEquals rather than just add 4 spaces lmao.

    This isn't being used?

    is there a need for 2 x clearTemp()? Or is one enough

    would be clearer as a else if (hasRudimentary()) + throwing outside of the if/elseif block

    I'm not sure what the rudimentary is for? If its to store an incomplete command maybe can the naming to incompleteCommand instead of rudimentary

    incomplete sentence + unneeded line break here

    is there a need to use a static init? I think currently can just call constructor without args and create the empty arraylist inside the constructor

    related to comment in commandbox.java, I think can just this.history = new ArrayList>String>() inside the constructor, instead of having the args

    renamed to jsonAdaptedCountryNote

    my bad, added it back

    Should probably change this to return Arrays.asList and the return type to List>CountryNote>

    Is it possible to change OS-X to macOS for both UG and DG? I think it'll be better

    Views the list of country notes that are associated with the country corresponding to the country code supplied.

    Adds a note that will be associated with the country corresponding to the country code supplied.

    Should we make this bold? Just in case. Also i realised we can delete country notes even when we haven't viewed the list panel displaying country notes lol, like directly from startup

    bold this?

    Due to ambiguity, editing of a country note when the country notes panel is not being displayed is not allowed, and an error message will be shown if this is attempted.

    Due to ambiguity, deleting of a country note when the country notes panel is not being displayed is not allowed, and an error message will be shown if this is attempted.

    * **Display Panel** shall render *Client Cards* or *Country Cards* when relevant commands are sent. The default view shows you your local time to the precise second, as well as your current location.

    Should this be left inside? Since it's supposed to be a snippet. Or maybe change the desc to "Here's a sample showing what this editable text file will look like:"

    Should all the figures be wrapped in &gt;p align="center"> ? Also, maybe make them italicised

    This else block should belong to the other if statement (if (clientObservableList.size() == clientListSize && !c.wasPermutated())), and not the inner one. If not when you remove the client you're currently viewing it won't go back to default view

    I think this should be 'content' instead of Note.class.getSimpleName(), if not the message will read: Note's Note field is missing

    Should lowercase the getSimpleName so the displayed message will look less weird

    extra newlines

    "Phone numbers should have at least 3 digits and at most 15 digits, please refer to our UserGuide for"

    &gt;i> tag broken

    &gt;i> tag broken

    extra space before br

    **PHONE_NUMBER** | `p/` | Phone numbers should have at least 3 digits and at most 15 digits. <br> Please refer to [Appendix B](#appendix-b-international-standards-followed) for a comprehensive description. <br> e.g. `p/81867752` or `p/+65 81867752`

    extra newline

    extra newline

    grammatical error: "may follow this international"

    <strong><i>{End of Appendix A, please return to the <a href="#table-of-contents">Table of Contents</a>}</i></strong>

    Think we should change this back to the wikipedia one, since the official search tool is an alternative

    random line here that is out of place

    Comments not updated

    Should this be 12 digits instead, since it is without country code

    Maybe add some examples like so: "Note that parameter prefixes such as t/ or n/ are special keywords..."

    Better to use an assertDoesNotThrow() here

    * @param filePath {@code Path} where the {@code UserPrefs} shall be stored as JSON.

    Block comments should follow this format:

    I think can leave out the "within the Logic component", since the diagram also involves the model component. Also, not sure why the model part was cut to become less detailed?

    Does Country actually have a dependency on CountryCodeVerifier? It seems like its only referencing it in an assert.

    Is it possible to have an else after this if so that the diagram looks better? Like the right arrow coming from the first diamond should have an [else]

    I think using a merge node to merge all arrows before pointing to end will be good, not sure if it's a limitation of PlantUML that there are double arrows.

    Not sure actually, but on second thought to be safe it's better to leave it in bah

    Ok sure

    * Gets the list of client notes associated with this client as an unmodifiable list.

    * @return An unmodifiable list of client notes associated with this client.

    * Gets the observable list of client notes associated with this client.

    * @return The observable list of client notes associated with this client.

    * Replaces the contents of this list with the contents from the given {@code replacement}.

    * A representation of a Country that is identified by a 2-letter ISO3166 country-code.

    Not sure why this message was broken up into two lines

    If its not too much work, I think it would be better to revert to the previous format of multiple test functions actually, since most of our test files use the multiple function method, and that's what the coding standards seem to recommend also.

    see prev comment

    * @param note The particular {@code Note} to get associated tags for.

    * @param tag The particular {@code Tag} to get associated notes for.

    the link leads to a table with UTC timezones instead

    I think we should standardize (forgot which other file was it) and just remove the static, and add a comment above saying this is some special static init block

    Is there a need to convert to arraylist? Cannot just iterate through the set?

    Should probably add a comment stating what this does.

    same comment as in UG about the link. Is there any better links?

    Is this some special case? Should add a comment if that's the case

    long currentHour = (totalHours + hoursOffset) % 24;

    Should add a few more negative test cases like "GMT" and "GMT+" and "GMT-", and maybe "gmt+08:00", and "GMT+8" and "GMT+08", and "GMT+8:00", and "GMT+08:0"

    extra newline

    Yeah its cuz the parsing of a date string always needs to have exception thrown

    I'm not sure if and how the LocalDate parser does its parsing though, so I would prefer to be safer by mandating the regex check. For example, it might parse 20/19/020 as a correct date and not throw any errors. Apparently using the ResolverStyle.STRICT is supposed to prevent this kind of mis-parsing, but I think the regex would be more defensive coding-like


    My bad, fixed it

    technically it only updates the filteredclientlist, but the change is "propagated" to the sortedfilteredclientlist, so I'm not sure which would be clearer. I'm thinking since it operates on the filteredclientlist only, the name should be left as is.

    Done, abstracted into a private static method in the same class








    imo I don't think there's a point in extracting it out as an empty string is kinda like a null value, and we don't extract out null values.

    This one is being used to display country notes if we're looking at one country only, so I just left it as countryNoteListView



    have forced to it order based on note contetns

    I think the tags are hard to compare (the overhead/extra code will be quite bad and messy), and its unlikely that all country code and note content will be equal but tags different, so I'll just leave it as this for now.

    All the other command classes don't have the hashcode function, so I deleted this one to standardize

    Yup, this check is needed since the very first time the WidgetViewBox is initialized, the textClock is null, and we call this function



    ok sure changed



    Bugfix for when country note view is called followed by client list, which doesn't reset the widget display viewbox back to default, even though it should.


    I think the reason its called isExit is because the commandresult itself is an exit command. Aka there is only one such command that causes the app to exit. Also, the "Returns true if CommandResult will cause the application to exit" would be less accurate because the commandresult doesn't cause the application to exit, it just carries the message that the application should exit to the mainwindow class, which then implements the exit

    It should be in the plural because we can have multiple suggestion types being passed in in the form of an ordered set

    good catch, ill change the rest of the parsers as well






    Fixed by #121 #142 #144

    Fixed by #120

    Duplicate of #92

    Duplicate of #90

    Removed from plans

    Quite a few TODOs and stray comments. I think a follow-up issue can be created to cleanup the todos and stray comments.

    Just wondering, what is the main purpose of having TagNoteMap class? Is it so that it would be easier to query for notes based on a given set of Tags? Because it seems like additional work to "sync" tags with notes and it might be quite error-prone if the syncing is not done right. Any thoughts @qwoprocks ?

    @raysonkoh actually the implementation @rtshkmr did was a bit off from what I had in mind, the tagnotemap is actually supposed to be the one being passed down from logic manager to the parser to create the tags, so there would no need to do the syncing stuff. @rtshkmr isit alright if i just push to this PR and implement that?

    1. Cannot uniquely identify `clients` by their name at the moment.

    Possible fix: store the client as a string containing "&gt;client name> &gt;client email>", as we can use isSameClient method of Client to match the clients and notes.

    Is the testing for ContractExpiryField class supposed to be done in another PR?

    Ah right I forgot lmao I'll add it in now

    Duplicate of #162

    Looks good. There's still a slight aesthetic issue where the list cell is not contained within the list view rounded container, but this is pretty trivial.

    good catch, I'll add it as an issue

    Realized that it probably wouldn't make a difference, and might flood the javafx thread with pending runnables.

    Manually tested country note add and country note delete, seems to be working as expected. So just to check, a country note will first be sorted by country code, then insertion order right?

    @raysonkoh yup correct

    Not going to do this for v1.4, may consider as further extension.

    Fixed by #317

    Moved to v1.5 because this might introduce bugs and our current implementation is good enough for now

    Redo-ing the implementation

    I think we can remove this test case.

    // Keywords match phone and email, but does not match name

    Should remove INVALID_ADDRESS and VALID_ADDRESS from constant declarations above as well.

    Is there a particular reason as to why this test case was removed? Perhaps we can use a different invalid value instead of removing the entire test case.

    Should probably remove the above


    private Label address;

    as well.

    platform for tutors to handle all of their administrative matters.

    - Tutor's Pet displays your upcoming lessons so that you will never forget about them again.

    Not sure if this would sound more in line with the other points since the word 'your' was used in both the other.

    - Tutor's Pet allows you to mark your students' attendance and participation for each lesson.

    Nice catch!

    public static final String MESSAGE_SUCCESS = "Listed all students.";

    Perhaps we can update the Tag examples to something that's more student-tutor relationship like. Maybe something like how the student is performing in class.

    This line shouldn't change.

    Similar here, would be good to update the example tags.

    Would be good to update this test constant as well.

    Command word should be in kebab case.

    Command word should be in kebab case. Perhaps can change the title to "Listing all students within a class".

    We should retain the generated table of contents instead of using simple bullet points.

    I think the second add is redundant.

    Ellipsis should remain outside of the square brackets since users need to repeat the prefix as well.

    I don't think we are supporting the separation of CLASS_NAME from MODULE_CODE?

    Need to remove the address field in this section as well and update the tag prefix.

    Need to update tag prefix here as well.

    I don't think name, telegram handle and email are optional fields.

    We need to rethink the command syntax for this operation. The parsing of arguments will be troublesome in this format.

    For now maybe we can leave this feature out of the UG.

    Kind of weird I'm a Project Advisor in the project I'm working on. Maybe Lead Developer would make more sense, but I'll change that in my own AboutUs update later.

    * **`add`**`n/John Doe t/@johndoe e/johnd@example.com tag/student` : Adds a student named `John Doe` to the application.

    The second example should include more than one tag to show the possible multiplicities.

    e.g. `[tag/TAG]…​` can be used as ` ` (i.e. 0 times), `tag/student`, `tag/Average tag/TA Candidate` etc.

    Format: `add n/NAME t/TELEGRAM_HANDLE e/EMAIL [tag/TAG]…​`

    Format: `edit INDEX [n/NAME] [t/TELEGRAM_HANDLE] [e/EMAIL] [tag/TAG]…​`

    Not sure if this is the best implementation since the /by prefix will have no values associated with it when parsed by the ArgumentTokenizer

    * `list-students c/CS2103T Tutorial T10`

    **Add Student** | `add n/NAME t/TELEGRAM_HANDLE e/EMAIL [tag/TAG]…​` <br> e.g., `add n/John Doe t/@johndoe e/johnd@example.com tag/student`

    **Edit Student** | `edit INDEX [n/NAME] [t/TELEGRAM_HANDLE] [e/EMAIL] [tag/TAG]…​`<br> e.g.,`edit 2 n/James Lee e/jameslee@example.com`

    **List Students in a Class** | `list-students c/CLASS_NAME`<br> e.g., `list-students c/CS2103T Tutorial T10`

    | `* * *` | Tutor with many students | Store my students' contact info/emails | Contact them easily |

    Links an existing student to an existing class in the application.

    * `list` followed by `link s/1 c/2` links the 1st student in the application to the 2nd class in the application.

    * `find Betsy` followed by `link s/1 c/2` links the 1st student in the results of the `find` command to the 2nd class in the application.

    #### Linking a student to a class: `link`

    Should we update the rest of the use cases to use full stops as well?

    Hmm, I think summary should remain after the detailed explanation, since it serves so summarise the above mentioned information.

    In and A shouldn't be capitalised in the title.

    I think we should retain the present participle form of the verb? The CS2101 set of slides for "Writing User Guide" also seems to favour retaining the present participle form of verbs, although it does not seem explicitly mentioned.

    * 3a. No students found.

    Would be good to mention that it is a message, otherwise might be confusing how to show an absence of something.

    Should we keep it consistent and use delete instead of clear?

    Technically Tutor's Pet can return more than one student found, so maybe it would be good to mention that it shows all matching students.

    Applies to finding classes as well.

    ## Command overview

    #### Clearing all students : `clear-student`

    #### Clearing all classes : `clear-class`

    | UC13 | Link a student to a class |

    | UC14 | Unlink a student from a class |

    **Use case: UC14 - Unlink a student from a class**

    **Use case: UC13 - Link a student to a class**

    | UC12 | Clear all classes |

    | UC13 | Link a student to a class. |

    | UC14 | Unlink a student from a class |

    assertParseFailure(parser, NAME_DESC_BOB + VALID_PHONE_BOB + EMAIL_DESC_BOB,

    assertParseFailure(parser, VALID_NAME_BOB + PHONE_DESC_BOB + EMAIL_DESC_BOB,

    assertParseFailure(parser, NAME_DESC_BOB + PHONE_DESC_BOB + VALID_EMAIL_BOB,

    public static final String MESSAGE_SUCCESS = "All students in Tutor's Pet have been cleared!";

    Perhaps we can rename this to getAddStudentCommand(Student student)

    public void parseCommand_editStudent() throws Exception {

    public void parseCommand_deleteStudent() throws Exception {

    public void parseCommand_addStudent() throws Exception {

    public void parseCommand_clearStudent() throws Exception {

    public void parseCommand_findStudent() throws Exception {

    public void parse_validArgs_returnsFindStudentCommand() {

    public void parse_validArgs_returnsDeleteStudentCommand() {

    I don't think we should allow the explicit setting or getting of UUID in EditStudentDescriptor since it would then no longer be editing the same student.

    The editedUuid should always be that of the studentToEdit.

    I think it would be good to set a default UUID for each student in the tests and not rely on randomly generated data. This way it would be more predictable and testable.

    I don't think there is a need for EditStudentDescriptor to have a uuid field.

    requireAllNonNull(uuid, name, phone, email, tags);

    It would be good to edit the constructors in the TypicalStudents file as well to ensure the test constants are truly identical.

    private static ModuleClass createEditedModuleClass(ModuleClass moduleClassToEdit,

    EditModuleClassDescriptor editModuleClassDescriptor) {

    * Parses input arguments and create a new EditModuleClassCommand object.

    * Parses {@code userInput} into a {@code StudentNameContainsKeywordsPredicate}.

    There's quite a bit of overlap here, would be good to deduplicate into:

    public static final Index INDEX_FIRST_ITEM= Index.fromOneBased(1);

    public static final Index INDEX_SECOND_ITEM = Index.fromOneBased(2);

    public static final Index INDEX_THIRD_ITEM = Index.fromOneBased(3);

    * A utility class for ModuleClass.

    Seeing this template always makes me feel like they have already foreshadowed that we should do undo/redo features.

    * Contains integration tests (interaction with the Model) and unit tests for

    * A UI component that displays information of a {@code ModuleClass}.

    Since we seem to be standardising to capitalise UI.

    // Independent UI parts residing in this UI container

    It should be A UI because in both user interface and UI the word/abbreviation is pronounced as though it starts with the consonant y.

    * A UI component that displays information of a {@code Student}.

    -fx-background-color: transparent, #274156, transparent, #274156;

    I think it would be best to define the return type as Label since we do in fact return a Label.

    * Converts this Jackson-friendly adapted class object into the model's {@code ModuleClass} object.

    * Converts a given {@code UUID} into this class for Jackson use.

    * Converts this Jackson-friendly adapted UUID object into the model's {@code UUID} object.

    * @throws IllegalValueException if adapted UUID is null.

    I think it would be a good idea to introduce some checks for invalid UUIDs since the user can go into the json file to edit entries manually.

    I would agree with @junlong4321 on this, it would be good to isolate any possible failure to just students.

    While in invalidClassTutorsPet.json, students would be useful in the future when we implement validation for students who are registered in classes.

    I agree with @ruixuantan. It would be safer since users can head into the json save file and modify its contents manually.

    I think if we are fine with breaking the abstraction barrier, in some sense we already have since we are dealing with UUID objects instead of strings, then it is okay to change all references to studentUuids instead, including in the model.

    Naming here might be a bit confusing since uuid is a object type itself.

    private final String uuidString;

    * Constructs a {@code JsonAdaptedModuleClass} with the given class details.

    * Converts a given {@code ModuleClass} into a {@code JsonAdaptedModuleClass} for Jackson use.

    * @throws IllegalValueException if there were any data constraints violated in the adapted class.

    * Creates a {@code ModuleClassBuilder} with the default {@code Name} and empty {@code studentUuids} list.

    public static final UUID ALICE_UUID = ALICE.getUuid();

    public static final UUID BENSON_UUID = BENSON.getUuid();

    Can these two methods be made private?

    I would advise against adding the class names as Tags since it might confuse our first time users into thinking that linking students to classes would automatically add the classes as Tags.

    Perhaps it would be a better idea to declare the students and classes as static members and then have the two methods return a list of the static members.

    Also, I think the two getter methods can be made private.

    // different keyword -&gt; returns false


    * @throws ParseException if the user input does not conform the expected format.

    NIT: It might be a good idea to leave a class or two for manual adding when testing.


    FindModuleClassCommand expectedFindModuleClassCommand =

    new FindModuleClassCommand(new NameContainsKeywordsPredicate<>(Arrays.asList("CS1101S", "Tutorial")));

    // no leading and trailing whitespaces

    assertParseSuccess(parser, "CS1101S Tutorial", expectedFindModuleClassCommand);

    * Additionally, removes all {@code Student UUID}s in each {@code ModuleClass}.


    * Removes all {@code Student}s from the student manager.

    * Also removes all {@code Student UUID}s from each {@code ModuleClass}.


    Perhaps it might be a good idea to have the same name for both methods (in Model and in TutorsPet)?

    Perhaps {@code Student UUID}s would be more accurate since {@code studentUuids} refers to the list itself rather than its contents.


    * Removes all {@code Student UUID}s from every {@code ModuleClass} in the class list.


    Is there any particular reason why we choose ClearModuleClassCommand as the different type as opposed to some other primitive type like an integer?


    private static final int NUMBER_OF_COLOURS = COLOURS.length;

    Should we be using the American spelling of Colour instead?

    I think we should retain the name listOfTags or tagList instead? Although the field was declared as static final, it is not exactly a constant in essence since the contents of the list can change.

    I think it would be wise to follow the following categorisation of constants as given by the excerpt below from the Google Style Guide.


    return internalList.stream().anyMatch(toCheck::hasSameUuid);


    return students.containsUuid(student);

    Instead of reading students once again, perhaps we may want to use the existing information stored within tutorsPet instead?

    We can also document this precondition in the JavaDoc to state that the tutorsPet passed in should have its students loaded prior.

    Just wondering, is this "feature" extended to the native UUID stored in each JsonAdaptedStudent as well?

    * If Tutor's Pet encounters duplicate {@code Student UUID}s in a class, it will not load

    * duplicate {@code UUID}s into the model. Hence, Tutor's Pet should still boot up successfully.

    * Ensures that Tutor's Pet will not be able to boot up given an incomplete {@code UUID}.

    * Ensures that Tutor's Pet will not be able to boot up although Java tries

    * to pad missing {@code UUID} digits in broken {@code UUID}s with zeros.

    * Prevents Tutor's Pet from booting up if two or more {@code Student}s are found with the same {@code UUID}.

                "Invalid student(s) found in class(es).";

    In view of the change, I would recommend changing the test case to remove a student that was not previously part of any class. This way, we would only be changing the student list and would be a better representation of the test case.

    I'm slightly intrigued as to why 50?

    Will we be supporting hyperlinks as venues given the current situation?

    Perhaps it might better for these methods to take in LocalTime objects instead to remove any chances that a parse error is thrown.

    Perhaps it would be good to test the equals method as well?

    Same for the NumberOfOccurrences class.

    Perhaps something along the lines of Add an attendance record of a student would be better? Similarly for the rest below?

    Tutor’s Pet is a desktop application that helps Computer Science teaching assistants reduce the amount of time they spend on administrative tasks.

    Or alternatively, perhaps this sentence can be written in a more user centric manner?

    Perhaps it would be easier to support 24 hour time format (0800, 1000 etc.) first before thinking if we want to support other time formats?

    command may not be the best word to use here since they do not see all commands executed, i.e. they only see commands that can be undone/redone. I suggest an alternative here, although I think it definitely can be further improved.

    ### View action history : `view-history`

    View a list of actions that can be undone or redone.

    The week seems to be missing from the description, same for the subsequent attendance record commands.


    The phrasing of this sentence is rather weird, especially the add students into those classes part. I have an alternative below, but open to better phrasing as well.


    It allows teaching assistants to keep track of the students in their classes, and record their attendance and participation scores.'''

    *  `edit-attendance c/1 l/1 s/1 w/1 p/10` Edits the 1st week's participation score of the 1st student of the 1st lesson of the 1st class to 10 points.
    | **View Action History**           | `view-history`                                                                                                                                                            |

    I don't think week 0 is officially supported.

    * The `WEEK` **must be a positive whole number** 1, 2, 3, …​

    * The `WEEK` **must be a positive whole number** 1, 2, 3, …​

    * The `WEEK` must be a positive whole number** 1, 2, 3, …​

    * The participation score **must be a non-negative whole number** 0, 1, 2, …​

    * User has to specify at least 1 field (DAY/START_TIME/END_TIME/VENUE) to be changed.

    Just noticed this, but perhaps this should be use case ends since it has been deemed that the lesson already exists?

    Use case ends.

    Seems like this was inherited from previous versions.

    1. User requests to delete a specific attendance record.

    Since the command expects multiple correct indexes, would it be more appropriate to phrase it as One or more of the given indexes are invalid.?

    That's true, I think we can keep the current version.

    I think it would be best for these to be left to be handled by the logic part of the house for consistency with the rest of the model components. It would be sufficient to provide getter methods and a suitable constructor.

    Similarly, these methods should be reserved for the commands in logic to handle to better decouple the model from the controller/logic.

    Instead of introducing this method within the model, perhaps it would be better for the methods that require a zero based number to use the currently available Index object and retrieve a getOneBased() value instead?

    That is, the method that does the comparison should be the one performing the conversion from a zero based index to a one based index for comparison with the Week value.

    Perhaps we should take in Index instead of int for week associated values (at least for this class since it sort of acts like an index to a list) so that there is less room for mistakes of getting the base wrong in the future?

    Or since the Week class seems to be unused, perhaps the Week class can be used to store a valid (i.e. within 1 and 52 when counted from base 1)Index object. And the Week object can be used as the definitive way to check for validity and retrieve AttendanceRecord objects from the appropriate week/index.

    * Inserts a new {@code UUID} and {@code Attendance} into the {@code AttendanceRecord} we are building.

    This class seems unused, but perhaps we can convert it to store an Index while performing validation on the Index value.

    This way, we can ensure that there will be no ambiguity when parsing, transferring or retrieving values based on weeks.

    * Returns true if the given week is an integer between {@link NumberOfOccurrences.LOWER_BOUND}

    * and {@link NumberOfOccurrences.UPPER_BOUND}.

    * Guarantees: immutable.

    * Returns the {@code Attendance} of the given {@code Student UUID}.

    * Guarantees: immutable.

    This shouldn't be necessary anymore right?

    * Returns the {@code Attendance} of a {@code Student} in a particular {@code Week}.

    * Returns the {@code AttendanceRecord} of a particular {@code Week}.

    The changes might cascade into the other tests as well.

    public static final int VALID_WEEK_VALUE_5 = 5;

    public static final int VALID_PARTICIPATION_SCORE_33 = 33;

    public static final int VALID_PARTICIPATION_SCORE_51 = 51;

    public static final int VALID_PARTICIPATION_SCORE_80 = 80;

    // invalid score

    assertFalse(Attendance.isValidParticipationScore(Attendance.LOWER_BOUND - 1));

    assertFalse(Attendance.isValidParticipationScore(Attendance.UPPER_BOUND + 1));


    // valid score




    Index invalidWeek = Index.fromOneBased(Week.UPPER_BOUND + 1);

    if (!lesson.equals(lessonToDelete)) {

    public static final Prefix PREFIX_START_TIME = new Prefix("st/");

    Perhaps this might allow more versatility for this method? Or alternatively it could be mentioned in the method description that it will always assume a class index of one.

    public static String getAddLessonCommand(Index moduleClassIndex, Lesson lesson) {

    return AddLessonCommand.COMMAND_WORD + " "

    + PREFIX_CLASS_INDEX + moduleClassIndex.getOneBased() + " "

    + getLessonDetails(lesson);


    Not too sure about this, but "Days" sound slightly better? Or perhaps can consider using "The day...", but it might not sit too well with the other constraint messages.

    public static final String MESSAGE_CONSTRAINTS = "Days must be typed out fully in capital letters.\n"

    * The {@code String} must be capitalized and be spelt exactly as each enum value.


    * @throws InvalidDayException if the {@code String} does not match any of the enum values.

    Perhaps we can simplify this method to:

    private boolean hasDuplicateLessons(List<Lesson> lessons, Lesson lessonToCheck) {

    return lessons.stream().anyMatch(lessonToCheck::isSameLesson);


    * Converts the contained {@code List<JsonAdaptedUuid> studentUuids} to a {@code List<UUID>}.

    * Converts the contained {@code List<JsonAdaptedLesson> lessons} to a {@code List<Lesson>}.

    List<UUID> studentUuids = getUuidList();

    final Set<UUID> studentUuidSet = new HashSet<>(studentUuids);

    return new ModuleClass(modelName, studentUuidSet, lessonList);

    Could we split this into a separate test case since we are testing for a failure here?

    Would be good to update the JavaDocs with the appropriate details.

    Could we test for a null lesson as well? Perhaps in another file nullLessonTutorsPet.json and this file can be renamed nullStudentUuidsTutorsPet.json.

    Could we test both versions of JsonAdaptedLesson creation? That is have another test case that creates the JsonAdaptedLesson solely using the individual details of the Lesson rather than the object itself.

    Nice thanks!

    We need to perform some checks to ensure that the student is a member of the moduleClass as well.

    This seems to appear quite a few times around the code base, could this be placed into another class, perhaps the ParserUtil, or any other suitable class and the rest can reference this public method instead.

    Could we include a test for a null Week as well?

    It seems like the expected vs actual fields are swapped? It might be good to also declare the parser version as the command and the AddAttendanceCommand version as expectedCommand?

    Perhaps we should have a test for the case where the student is not a member of the class?

    I think typically there are spaces both before and after the : in enhanced for loops?

    public static final String MESSAGE_MISSING_STUDENT_ATTENDANCE = "Student's attendance does not exist";

    Nice check

    Just noticed this, but could have probably used .getOneBased() > lastShownStudentList.size() to drop the equality sign. Not important though.

    For some of the tests here, it might be good to add simple assert statements to make sure that certain assumptions about the model are true. For example the studentNotInClass, execute_success, noStudentAttendance tests rely on the fact that the TypicalTutorsPet provided meet certain criteria.

    Should we check if the attendance we want to delete exists in the first place?

    It might be a good idea to display an error message instead of showing a success message if the attendance did not exist.

    In AddAttendanceCommand, parseWeek seems to throw the Week constraint message instead of the usage message when it fails. Perhaps we should keep it consistent.

    I think this appeared in AddAttendanceCommandTest previously. Instead of duplicating it, perhaps we can make it public in the other class for others to use. It can also be moved to another more suitable location, especially as it seems like these helper methods are becoming more common.

    + "Note: All indexes must be positive integers.\n"

    [Redacted: non-issue]

    + PREFIX_WEEK + "WEEK_NUMBER (must be a positive integer)\n"

    I think it would be good to state the main purpose of the method first before providing additional details.

    * Adds {@code attendanceToAdd} to {@code targetLesson}.

    * All existing {@code Attendance}s in {@code targetLesson} are copied to the new {@code Lesson}.

    * @throws CommandException if an {@code Attendance} already exists for the {@code targetStudent} in the {@code targetWeek}.

    * @throws CommandException if the {@code Attendance} of the {@code targetStudent} in the {@code targetWeek} does not exist.

    * Removes the {@code Attendance} of the {@code targetStudent} in the {@code targetWeek} from the {@code targetLesson}.

    * All other existing {@code Attendance}s in {@code targetLesson} are copied to the new {@code Lesson}.

    Perhaps we should first check that the student is a member of this class before proceeding further?

    Nice job extracting these methods to a separate class.

    Since they are public methods now, perhaps we should have unit tests for them? It can come in a separate PR subsequently though.

    // delete week 1 attendance record

    Map<UUID, Attendance> record = lesson.getAttendanceRecordList()


    Map<UUID, Attendance> updatedRecord = new HashMap<>(record);

    Lesson modifiedLesson = new LessonBuilder(lesson)

    // delete non-existent week 5 attendance record

    Map<UUID, Attendance> record = lesson.getAttendanceRecordList()


    Map<UUID, Attendance> updatedRecord = new HashMap<>(record);

    Lesson modifiedLesson = new LessonBuilder(lesson)

    * Adds {@code lessonToAdd} to {@code moduleClassToAddTo}.

    * All existing {@code Lesson}s in {@code moduleClassToAddTo} are copied to the new {@code ModuleClass}.

    Perhaps we should also change moduleClassToAddTo to targetModuleClass for consistency?

    * Replaces the {@code lessonToEdit} with {@code editedLesson} in {@code targetModuleClass}.

    * All other existing {@code Lesson}s in {@code targetModuleClass} are copied to the new {@code ModuleClass}.

    * Removes the {@code lessonToDelete} from the {@code targetModuleClass}.

    * All other existing {@code Lesson}s in the {@code targetModuleClass} are copied to the new {@code ModuleClass}.

    Can I check how does this defer in purpose from createModifiedModuleClassWithEditedLesson?

    Perhaps we can follow the existing statements and use a single statement that all indexes must be positive integers.

            boolean isStudentIndexPresent = argMultimap.getValue(PREFIX_STUDENT_INDEX).isPresent();
    boolean isWeekPresent = argMultimap.getValue(PREFIX_WEEK).isPresent();
    if (!isModuleClassIndexPresent || !isLessonIndexPresent || !isStudentIndexPresent || !isWeekPresent) {

    boolean isModuleClassIndexPresent = argMultimap.getValue(PREFIX_CLASS_INDEX).isPresent();

    boolean isLessonIndexPresent = argMultimap.getValue(PREFIX_LESSON_INDEX).isPresent();

    boolean isStudentIndexPresent = argMultimap.getValue(PREFIX_STUDENT_INDEX).isPresent();

    boolean isWeekPresent = argMultimap.getValue(PREFIX_WEEK).isPresent();

    if (!isModuleClassIndexPresent || !isLessonIndexPresent || !isStudentIndexPresent || !isWeekPresent) {

    @junlong4321 Actually, for such a case where the Boolean variables are only used in the guard clause, shouldn't they be part of the block for the guard clause?

    There seems to be one more occurrence at line 37 in this file.

    Should this and the following points be relocated to the Using Tutor's Pet section?

    Should this be Classes and Students instead since the application uses those words instead?

    students in Tutor's Pet, make use of the **`list-student`** command.

    Gives you an overall summary of a student's attendance and participation scores.

    Perhaps a more user-centric phrasing can be used here?

    ![Delete lesson after](images/ugimages/DeleteLessonAfter.png)

    A `UUID` is a unique 128-bit number to identify a unique `Student` within Tutor’s Pet.

    `Student` `UUID` will help to ensure referential integrity of `Student` data across different models when

    `Student` data is modified by the user.

    Maybe you could mention that another con is the very low, but still present, risk of a collision when generating random UUIDs.

    * Cons: The `Email` field is editable while the unique identifier of each `Student` should not be editable to prevent the need to cascade a change in the identifier of the `Student`.

    I think we should include style.puml across all our diagrams to ensure consistency?

    Based on the textbook, there seems to be a colon before the class name even for calls to static methods.

    participant "<<Class>>\n:ModuleClassUtil" as ModuleClassUtil LOGIC_COLOR
    participant ":ModuleClass" as ModuleClass LOGIC_COLOR
    participant "<<Class>>\n:LessonUtil" as LessonUtil LOGIC_COLOR
    participant ":Lesson" as Lesson LOGIC_COLOR
    participant "<<Class>>\n:AttendanceRecordListUtil" as AttendanceRecordListUtil LOGIC_COLOR

    Perhaps this line isn't necessary since the association has been represented as a field already? I'm not too sure on how maps should be represented as well. We should probably check with Prof Damith for clarification.

    It contains the `Attendance`s of all `Students` who have attended the particular lesson.

    Or perhaps we can rephrase the sentence since the above does not get rendered as nicely?

    Hmm I'm not sure if we should have the colon here?

    If you would like to add a lesson to a class, you can make use of this command.

    * You receive news that you will be teaching `CS2103T Tutorial` on `Tuesday 10:00-11:00` at `COM2 #02-02` from week 1 to 13. Hence,

    * You have one less lesson to teach now.

    If you would like to delete a specific student's attendance from a lesson, you can make use of this command.

    * Alice's attendance for week 1 has been deleted.

    * You would like to delete Alice's attendance for the Thursday 10.00am to 11.00am lesson of CS2103T Tutorial in Week 1.

    Hence, you type in the command `delete-attendance c\1 l\1 s\1 w\1` and press <kbd>Enter</kbd>.

    I think every command should be part of a sub category of features?

    #### Display Statistics : `stats`

    Would it be possible to move private methods to the bottom of the class so that it can be grouped with the rest of the private methods?


    * Returns an {@code AttendanceRecord} where the {@code Attendance} of the {@code studentToRemove} has been removed.

    * If the {@code studentToRemove} does not exist in the {@code attendanceRecord}, the {@code attendanceRecord} is returned unchanged.


    private static AttendanceRecord removeStudentFromAttendanceRecord(


    * Returns an {@code AttendanceRecordList} where the {@code Attendance}s of the {@code studentToRemove} have been removed.


    I think this line can be simplified?


    Same as above,


    Perhaps we could shift the responsibility of removing the student from module class to the command instead. Since there is currently no existing dependency from model to logic, it might be best to keep it that way to remove this cyclic dependency between the packages?

    One suggestion would be for the delete and clear student commands,we can retrieve the ReadOnlyTutorsPet from the model and perform the mapping function there, and then set the new TutorsPet back into the model.

    @ruixuantan do you have any suggestions on how this cyclic dependency can be resolved?


    * Returns a {@code Lesson} where the {@code Attendance}s of the {@code studentToRemove} has been removed.


    * Returns an {@code AttendanceRecordList} where the {@code Attendance}s of all {@code Student}s have been removed.

    * Removes the {@code studentToRemove} and all associated {@code Attendance}s from the {@code targetModuleClass}.

    * If the {@code studentToRemove} does not exist in the {@code attendanceRecord}, the {@code attendanceRecord}

    * remains unchanged.

    public void removeStudent(Student student) {

    public void removeAllStudents() {

    I think I spotted a typo in the other Cards as well, could you help to change them as well?

    * Creates a {@code LessonCard} with the given {@code lesson} and index to display.

    Perhaps applyStylesheet() or something along those lines would be better since we are not toggling between states?

    Same for the 3 methods below, maybe apply would be a better word?

    If you would like to see a list of all classes in your Tutor's Pet, make use of this command.

    I think typo already suggests that its an error?

      However, you made a typo and gave him 35 instead. 

    Alternatively maybe we can drop the typo word?

      However, you accidentally gave him a score of 35 instead.

    I don't think multiplicities are required in this diagram since it does not really add any value?

    I don't think these components are in a package?

    Is there an alternative that you missed out?

    #### Design Considerations

    Should we put the status as the last column instead?

    I think Name and Tag do not reside in the Student package?

    Is there a particular reason why this differs from the Student diagram?

    Also, I think it is not part of the ModuleClass package?

    Perhaps it would make more sense to ensure that they do not map to each other's value than that they map to a specific value?

    * `DisplayStatisticsCommand#execute()`: Performs a validity check and returns a specific student's statistics if all

    * `AddAttendanceCommand#execute()`: Perform a validity check and adds a student's attendance for a particular week's lesson if

    ### Deleting a lesson

    1. Deleting a lesson

    Not sure if this section should be labeled Clearing classes in Tutor's Pet? Or if we plan to have all the clear and reset features in this section then I think its fine to retain the section name.

    Should this be separated into two sections?

    Otherwise its a little weird why finding student is not planned to be part of the list...

    If the intention is to have find student as part of this section as well, perhaps you can put it in the header and have a placeholder somewhere later in the body.

    Should editing come before the display functions?

    Perhaps it would be good to link with abstraction as the link may not be very obvious.

    I think for sequence diagrams it might be better to leave the arguments in since the original example from AB-3 had them.

    Should this be mentioned in edit lesson as well?

    I don't think the (PPP) part is necessary?

    It might be weird to have both bullet points and numbering together?

    Is this supposed to be after?

    ![Edit class after](images/ugimages/EditClassAfter.png)

    ![Edit class before](images/ugimages/EditClassBefore.png)

    This step is a little long, perhaps we can put the You type... into a separate step on its own? Maybe something like this?

    1. Your module coordinator decides to allocate another class to you and you want to be able to distinguish between

    the two classes. Hence you decide to edit the `CS2103T Tutorial` class to `CS2103T Tutorial T10`.

    1. Type the command `edit-class 1 n\CS2103T Tutorial T10` and press <kbd>Enter</kbd>.

    Are there any terms we plan on putting in the glossary?

    Perhaps in would make it more obvious if it is inclusive or not.

    For example, if a semester has 13 weeks and your lessons begin in week 3 and end in week 13,

    Nice, I like this method of resolving the check issue. @junlong4321 perhaps you can use this for the edit-student issue as well.

    @ypinhsuan Would it be possible to overload the method instead of taking null for the second argument when it is an add operation?

    We can't use lastShownList because it does not contain all students in Tutor's Pet. The model has to handle this check.

    | **List all students and classes** | `list` | |

    1. You type the command `edit-lesson c\1 l\1 d\Tuesday` and press <kbd>Enter</kbd>.

    1. You type `find-student roy` and press <kbd>Enter</kbd>.

    1. You type `edit-student 3 e\charlotteolive@example.com` and press <kbd>Enter</kbd>.

    I think most of existing instructions do not include a fullstop here?

    1. Finding a student

    1. Editing a student

    1. Deleting a student while all students are being shown

    1. Adding a student

    (where `x` is larger than the size of class list)<br>

    Agree with the annotations, but I think it is okay to dedicate a separate PR for that also.

    Not sure if we should be including the reference to LumiNUS, perhaps it should be included in the glossary then?

    1. It is the end of the semester and you wish to key in your students' attendance into LumiNUS. You enter the

    1. The change resulting from the command's execution is saved using the `commit(...)` method for the `undo`/`redo` feature.

    1. A new instance of an `AddAttendanceCommand` object would be created by the `AddAttendanceCommandParser` and returned

    It's better to play safe and include it since we did also include Telegram in the glossary.

    TIL, didn't know that.

    Quite interesting explanation here also: English StackExchange

    The JavaDoc was adapted from an equivalent JavaDoc in UniqueStudentList.

    I would be more inclined to retain both in their current expressions.

    This JavaDoc was directly adapted from a corresponding JavaDoc in the existing UniqueStudentList class as well. As such, I would be more inclined to retain the current expression since it is consistent with existing code.

    The backing list refers to the internalList while unmodifiable means that any attempted modifications on the list would result in an UnsupportedOperationException being thrown.

    // workaround as storage functionality for ModuleClasses has not been implemented

    // workaround as storage functionality for ModuleClasses has not been implemented

    Agree with @junlong4321 for consistency.

    This JavaDoc was directly adapted from a corresponding JavaDoc in the existing UniqueStudentList class, so I would be more inclined to retain the current expression since it is consistent with existing code.

    As these informal list points are not complete sentences and are fragments, I would be more inclined to leave the full stop out?

    Oops, that slipped through my manual search and replace.

    I think for this case, it would be okay to not include an empty line above the comment since it is the first line in the method body. It will also be more in line with existing code.

    Good idea, added in!

    Resolved instead by changing to lowercase throughout, more in line with comments found above.

    Because of the need to include the CURRENT_INDICATOR for a particular entry, which is rather specific to ViewHistoryCommand, the method in StringUtil would be oddly specialised for a method in the commons package.

    Instead, I think I would abstract out the creation of the message to a helper function that resides within the ViewHistoryCommand class.

    I've included this spacing to separate code used to set up the environment (above) from the code that is being tested (below).

    I've included this spacing to separate code used to set up the environment (above) from the code that is being tested (below).

    The cache is used in the following scenario:

    1. The user has some previous commands already saved in the history.

    2. The user partially types a command string, but decides to refer to a previous command.

    3. The user recalls the previous command for reference but wants to return to the partially typed command.

    4. The user can retrieve his partially typed command string from the cache.

    I've also included some logging functionality at the info and fine levels.

    Hmm I wanted to differentiate this constructor from the previous as this constructor is typically not meant to be used to create new lessons, but rather act as a "copy" constructor with modifications. Would it be better to leave it as is, add the word "new", or "Creates a copy of a lesson with the specified parameters."?

    I did consider the direct de/serialisation of key-value pairs using the Jackson, however I was rather hesitant to use it as I was unsure how it would play with the current implementation of JsonUtil. Similarly, the StudentAttendance implementation was used to avoid the need to complicate the deserialisation of key-value pairs.

    I do agree with you that the direct serialisation would be more intuitive and provide a one to one mapping with the actual classes in the model.

    I'll be inserting another diagram over there (around line 280) to explain the case when the current value is cached in a subsequent PR. So I think I'll leave the summary at the end for now.

    I've linked it to the implementation section instead.

    @ruixuantan Would it be possible for you to invert the direction of the diagram of the Attendance model? It's kinda weird since its the only class diagram where the hierarchy is going from bottom up.

    I did consider changing the bullet points to numbered steps, however I decided against it since its the mock PE tomorrow and its unlikely that everyone will be able to standardise it by then.

    I took a look at some of the examples that Diana gave, and it seems that Title Case is used for all headings except those that are related to commands. As such for our user guide, I've standardised it to use Title Case for all heading levels 3 and above, while Sentence case is used for all heading levels 4 and below.

    Can you rebase and then should be good to go.

    Not sure if we need to get approval before we merge this in since we are trying to use a new module?

    This seems to be missing the saving of UUIDs to local storage, is that planned for a separate PR?

    Closed with #61.

    Closed with #62.

    Resolved in #68.

    Closed with #55.

    Closed with #55.

    Closed with #55.

    Closed with #55.

    @ruixuantan could I also get your opinion on the test cases written for the new features?

    Closed in #131

    @ruixuantan This PR only adds unit tests for LessonUtil since they were updated. I'll leave #158 open until unit tests have been added for ModuleClassUtil.

    Non-issue since users can use stats to see if a week has an attendance record and use find attendance to view the specifics.

    Probably won't fix due to time constraint.

    For future reference, LumiNUS uses the term Class Groups.

    Issue remains unresolved.

    Example: Add and edit commands tend to be similar and can be condensed further.

    Not a bug, intended behaviour. Student David Li is not part of CS2103T Tutorial in sample data while Alex Yeoh is.

    Error message clearly states so.

    Not a bug, intended behaviour. Lessons should not be overnight anyways.

    Might want to include this constraint in the documentation?

    Bug inherited from AB-3.

    Perhaps will not fix or put in place regex limitation?

    Duplicate of #232

    Duplicate of #232

    Duplicate of #232

    Duplicate of #232

    Duplicate of #233

    Not a bug, intended behaviour.

    Perhaps list-student with class parameter should filter the class list as well.

    Duplicate of #238

    Inherited from AB-3.

    Duplicate of #226

    Somewhat a duplicate of #226.

    Will be fixed with that.

    Bug inherited from AB-3.

    Likely won't fix since we cannot throw multiple exceptions.

    Will be fixed with #226.

    This likely won't be fixed on its own since there will no longer be any ambiguity.

    Duplicate of #232

    Not a bug, intended behaviour.

    Perhaps we can change week to occurrence for less confusion?

    Not a bug... It's sample data for a reason...

    Unable to reproduce.

    Will not include Student and Utility as no description/alternative explanation that adds value could be found.

    Do change the USERGUIDE_URL in HelpWindow.java as well!

    Switch to use logger

    Switch to use logger, same for other 2 instances below

    Switch to use logger


    "Clears the item list"?

    Would it be better to default quantity to 0 and description/location to none if user doesn't key them in? Currently they act as compulsory fields.





    Extra lines

    change address-book


    change comment title

    change comment title

    person -> item

    Should these be locationIds and recipeIds?

    Should these method names be getLocationIds and getRecipeIds?

    use this format instead, replace with the fields we have

    plural forms

    plural forms

    extra lines

    address book -> item list?



    Make this comment appropriate pls 😃





    the right side has less equal signs 😦

    change address book to item list or something similar

    same for this segment

    change logger message

    itemToAdd might be better

    extra lines

    item -> item and location

    item -> item and location

    person -> item

    extra lines


    item list file path

    of recipes

    recipe list file path

    will fail checkstyle

    item -> recipe


    can consider shorter prefix

    for clarity can change to "Recipe ID is out of range"

    should this be {@code Item}?

    catch specific exception

    add comment above this line specifying that this is for the delr command

    conform -> conform to

    extra lines

    this constructor might be misleading, would it be better to modify the existing one?

    for instance

    if (!isDeleted) {



    in the existing constructor might make it usable as an equivalent to this one

    remove or change to logger statement

    Name typo (?), img not updated


    change names in [ ]s to be consistent styling

    img not updated

    img not updated

    address book -> item/recipe

    these steps as well

    persons -> items/recipes

    actual pictures pls 😃

    should this be 3a and 4a?


    standardise with README, use InvInator.jar or change README to inventoryinator.jar

    add line back

    add line back

    add line back

    add line back

    add line back

    via the issue tracker of this repository, with link to it

    keep names consistent - full name or given name

    rephrase to "what is going on under the hood"

    should this be "deli stone" for the moment?

    delr -n >name> -i >index>?

    should locations be included as well?

    del -> deli

    same for this line

    delete -> deli/delr

    mark as TODO for easier search

    optionally provide a short intro on how we structured our personas (explain that our app will help transition the before scenario to the after scenario, etc.)

    include option to use

    java -jar InvInator.java

    contacts -> items

    mark as TODO

    mark as TODO

    should we change to deli and delr for now?

    should we split del -> deli + delr?

    should we split del -> deli + delr here?

    i think we should specify that they need to overwrite multiple files, since our storage for each class is in separate files

    change titles for each of these files

    Should this use the NOT_FOUND message instead? User does not need to know our implementation

    itemList.removeIf(x -&gt; !x.getName().equals(productName) || x.isDeleted());

    in line 43 looks like it already ensures the item won't be deleted

    Suggest to change phrasing to something like

    "soft deletes recipes that contain deleted item as product or ingredient"

    DeleteRecipeCommand -> DeleteItemCommand

    use proper punctuation please

    use proper punctuation please

    and all recipes associated with the item

    please space the methods in this file




    remove this line

    @code item


    proper punctuation please







    use block comment

    fix spacing in this file

    fix spacing in this file

    fix spacing in this file


    space out these tests

    re-add spaces in this file

    fix spacing

    fix spacing




    more clear explanation needed



    should these be containsMultipleWordsIgnoreCase?

    remove line

    remove line

    is it possible to test results of command? eg. if no such item exists, or check that the item being shown is indeed the right item

    import from the file with existing modelstub

    deceptive naming

    try to remove if not too necessary, is an unusual class to have

    use isEmpty

    Might be better to not have "will you like to add some?" if there's no direct button to do so

    use isEmpty

    should this file be added?

    Just "No items match the search string." should suffice here

    One or more... will suffice

    perhaps just "None" is better?

    change these tests to using wrong prefix

    can remove the old tests once replaced

    remove, same for the rest of the printlns in this file

    change other list as well

    should this be unhidden? same for recipe variant as well

    should recipes be reset as well? or is it automatically reset since all items are removed

    is now supported as addq, should update this?

    will this ever be supported?

    same for this

    space equally as the above lines

    spacing after ,

    remove extra line

    add test to edit tags

    add test for this

    standardise to without the "inator", same for rest of instances

    change to more informative error message, at least the itemId of the item that caused the error (even if it never hits) - but keep documentation

    might want to use stringbuilder here and the subsuquent +=s

    don't do this, it creates coupling btwn the variables - use a method that returns Integer.parseInt(...)

    document why it is ignored, or add logger (same for other similar instances)

    why this change?

    standardise to all words inside ** ** to have 1st letter in caps, eg. Add tag to item -> Add Tag to Item

    either -> any

    either -> any

    add ... after string2 like in findt

    add {digit} like in findt

    remove space after /

    quantity -> tag

    change this to something relevant

    might be better to put commas? same for find

    this message doesn't look right, also don't see it being used

    is -> was

    wrong class

    add line spacing before this line

    why including overlaps? add documentation

    space this out with lines before & after

    change javadocs

    change javadocs

    but don't duplicate tags also get handled? some documentation contradiction here

    change javadocs

    wrong type of command...

    add more spaces

    from below code it looks like this will only show iff the user input is exactly the current tags. should it also show if it's a subset?

    add message

    concerning, any reason why?

    try reverting this particular chunk and see if you can still run?

    modes, which are: display...

    this needs a clearer explanation

    a, b

    Replaced by the ItemParserUtil and RecipeParserUtil

    Will be added when future tests require it, currently the item list is needed to reset the item's recipelist so some tests don't contaminate it and affect future tests.

    The constructor takes Set in at the moment, might look into this in future

    Done in https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-F13-1/tp/pull/17

    Done in https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-F13-1/tp/pull/16

    Issue #30 opened as per review.

    resolved by #31

    Pushed to future PRs:

    1. LocationList current defaults to Optional.empty, to be fixed and tested.

    2. RecipeParserUtilTest incomplete, does not test for ingredient-related parsing.

    Can now be closed, so closing the tutorial PRs.

    Can now be closed, so closing the tutorial PRs.

    Can now be closed, so closing the tutorial PRs.

    Can now be closed, so closing the tutorial PRs.

    Opened #73 regarding above comment

    needs update of developerguide.md as well

    seems too difficult to implement reliably in reasonable time complexity

    Intended behaviour due to regex behaviour.

    Agree with the suggestion, but complexity is too high for our scope and timeframe 😦

    Cannot replicate, will KIV

    Has been resolved.

    Moved to issues #148, #149, #150, #151, #152

    UG section done, DG section remains

    closed as per recommendation by prof

    No more functional code for v1.4.

    New feature added does not correspond to the feature you were assigned. Possible typo?

    Examples provided not changed to match the changed feature.

    User command should be just "list" instead of "list 2" to fit the explanation fo the command. Possible typo?

    Maybe changing it to "displays all your assignments and lessons for the next 2 weeks" would be more succinct?

    How about "displays all your lessons and assignments for the next 2 weeks (including the current week)"?

    Looks good!

    @printinghelloworld sounds good 😃

    Looks good 😃 A minor nitpick is that you may want to consider removing point number 3 ("ASM retrieves lesson data from NUSMods API") as according to the textbook, use cases only describe the externally visible behavior, not internal details, of a system.

    Similar to the above comment, maybe it would be better to change the phrasing to describe how the ASM displays the lessons from the newly imported timetable

    Maybe including the time the assignment is due in the deadline would be better?

    E.g: n/Lab report 3 d/23/04/2020 1230 mod/CS2100

    Since we have some optional fields as well, maybe it would be clearer to the user if we changed the description given in AB3 to match our project?

    I was suggesting to keep the Tip section and change the description to "You can use the remind tag to set reminders for the assignment you want to add instead of using the remind command after adding the assignment" or something along those lines.

    Currently, module code can accept the same string format address in AB3. Perhaps consider changing it the VALIDATION_REGEX to match the format of module codes as well?

    Testing of new ModuleCode field may be more accurate if the input was changed to match the module code format.


    Similar to the above comment, VALID_ADDRESS_AMY should be VALID_MODULE_CODE_AMY.

    Similar to VALID_ADDRESS_AMY comment.

    Name of method still refers to address instead of moduleCode. Possible typo?

    Could consider changing the test cases to test for valid module codes 😃

    According to the 2103T textbook, the suggested guideline for code quality is to break-line after the bracket instead of in the middle of an instantiation.


    JsonAdaptedPerson person = new JsonAdaptedPerson(


    The comment describing the test still refers to address field instead of module code field.

    Similar to other comments, the comment describing the test still contains address.

    Comments still refer to address. But it is just a minor nitpick 😃

    Similar to other comments 😃

    This line can be removed 😃

    Comment still refers to address instead of module code

    Maybe could do more testing to ensure that the regex works as it's supposed to? You can consider testing for modules codes with no alphabets at the start ("1010S"), modules with no numbers ("GER"), modules that begin with more than 3 alphabets ("ABCD1000") etc

    Comment still refers to address field.

    Similar to other comments relating to address comments 😃

    Similar to other comments relating to address comments 😃

    Similar to other comments relating to address comments 😃

    Similar to other comments relating to address comments 😃

    The comment describing the email test is not deleted.

    The comment for this test still contains 'email'


    This test case seems to still have references to email.

    Comment still references email.

    Comments for this field use 'persons' instead of 'assignments'. Be sure to check the comments as well 😃

    Similar to the other comment, the comments for the field use 'persons' instead of 'assignments'

    Similar to the other comment, the comments for the method use 'persons' instead of 'assignments'. Same for the equals method below this method 😃

    Similar to the other comments, the comments use 'persons' instead of 'assignments'

    Similar to the other comment, the comments for the method and the string parameter at line 9 use 'persons' instead of 'assignments'.

    Similar to the other comments, the comments use 'persons' instead of 'assignments'.

    Similar to the other comments, the comments use 'persons' instead of 'assignments'

    Nice test cases 😃 You may want to consider leaving a space between some parts of the code to make it more readable (e.g leaving a space between lines 79 and 80 and leaving another space between lines 81 and 82)

    Similar to the previous comment on improving readability 😃

    Similar to the other comments, the comments use 'persons' instead of 'assignments'

    According to the CS2103T textbook, the convention for the indentation for wrapped lines should be 8 spaces.

    Following the CS2103T convention, you may want to consider changing the indentation to match the one in red 😃

    You may want to consider leaving a blank line between some lines to improve readability and code quality (E.g leaving a space between lines 82-83 and lines 84-84). You can refer to the screenshot of the CS2103T coding conventions below 😃

    Similar to the comment above on readability 😃 You may want to consider applying the same thing to the other test cases in this class

    JavaDocs should be @moduleCode instead of @address 😃

    JavaDocs should be @ModuleCode instead of @Address

    Since assignment starts with a vowel, it should be "an assignment" instead of "a assignment" 😃 The same typo can be found throughout the project. You can consider using the "find in path" feature in IntelliJ to help you find them (Edit -> Find -> Find in Path)

    This test case should be removed 😃

    May want to consider adding a link back to the main point which is that ProductiveNUS is supposed to help NUS Computing students resolve the problem so that it is clear what the aim is 😃

    I also think it may be better to use more passive language? So instead of 'You often...' it may be better to use 'You may often...'. What do you think?

    Looks good! A suggestion could be to bold/box certain words to make the aim more obvious.

    The test cases look good! Minor nitpick, the comments next to the valid test cases do not match what is being tested. Also, if the lesson names do not accept numerals in the name, you may want to consider changing the validation regex to only accept alphabets 😃

    Nice test case 😃


    Naming the deadline field time may be more appropriate for the Lesson class as it doesn't really make sense for a Lesson to have a deadline.

    Personally, I feel that using 'schedule' is a little vague. Maybe you could consider changing it to 'schedule manager' or 'schedule book'? What do you think?

    Message for duplicate assignment still refers to address book.

    According to the CS2103T code convention, boolean variables should be named to sound like booleans (e.g isRemindTypo/containsTypo instead of remindTypo).

    I think can just use the hashcode method you created in Lesson.java as given the way you implemented it seems similar to how AB3 implemented it for Person, I think lessons.hashCode() should be fine.

    According to the CS2103T coding standards/conventions, we should try to avoid deeply nested methods. Maybe you could consider removing the else block and extracting the "happy path" to prevent the method from becoming too deeply nested. Another suggestion is adding an empty line in between lines of code to improve readability. You could consider applying the SLAP framework as well 😃

    I'm not very sure what "Lists the tasks within the next index number of weeks" means. Maybe consider changing the explanation to what is stated in the User Guide?

    Nice! You could consider abstracting out the implementation as a private method as the execute(Model model) method is a little long now and according to the CS2103T conventions on code quality, we should try to avoid too long methods 😃

    According to the CS2103T textbook, under code quality, we should strive to extract the "happy path" out. You could consider changing the code to extract the "happy path" 😄


    if (!isNotListAll) {

    return new ListCommand(Index,fromZeroBased(0));


    try {



    According to the CS2103T coding conventions, we should delete code that we do not need 😃 Are you planning to use the commented out code at a later date?

    JavaDocs still refer to assignments instead of lessons

    Similar to the comment above regarding the JavaDocs 😃

    Similar to the comment above regarding the JavaDocs

    String still refers to Assignment instead of task 😃

    JavaDocs still refer to assignment instead of Task

    Similar to the above comment regarding the JavaDocs.

    Similar to the above comment regarding the JavaDocs.

    JavaDocs still refer to assignments instead of tasks

    JavaDocs still refer to Assignment instead of Lesson

    Similar to the comment above regarding JavaDocs

    JavaDocs still refer to Assignment instead of Task

    Similar to the above comment regarding JavaDocs

    Similar to the above comment regarding JavaDocs

    Similar to the above comment regarding JavaDocs

    Good job 😃 You may want to consider abstracting lines 125 to 135 into another method as this method is quite deeply nested. Remember to SLAP hard 😄


    Good job 😃 You may want to consider extracting this part into another method as the CS2103T textbook suggests that we should SLAP our code to improve code quality.

    JavaDocs for ScheduleCommand refers to RemindCommand instead of ScheduleCommand.

    Good job 😃 A suggestion you may want to consider is to name the boolean variable "can" to something more descriptive and meaningful, as currently "can" doesn't really describe what the boolean is checking for. If you do change the name of the variable, remember to adhere to the CS2103T conventions and ensure that it sounds like a boolean value (i.e isPossibleTime, canSchedule etc)

    According to CS2103T conventions, boolean methods and variablels should be named to sound like a boolean (i.e haveOverlap, isOverlappingTime etc)

    JavaDocs refer to AddCommand instead of ScheduleCommand.

    Is this constructor used for testing?

    If this constructor is used for testing, it may be better to create a ScheduleStub class in the test package for testing 😃 But this is a minor issue that can be done when you do UnitTesting.

    The JavaDocs for the constructor should be phrased as "Constructs a ...". But this is a minor detail that can be fixed in v1.4 so don't worry about it for now bah 😃

    oh okie okie

    What's this System.out.println used for? Just curious 😄

    JavaDocs conventions for CS2103T is for JavaDocs to phrase JavaDocs in such a way: "Constructs...", "Retrieves....", as opposed to "Construct..." or "Retrieve..."

    Since the undo command currently only works with every command except for find and list, you may want to consider adding that information into the message usage and message undo fail so that the user will know exactly why it fails 😃

    According to the CS2103T code quality conventions, it recommends that we extract the "happy path".

    Maybe stating the priorities would be clearer for the user to understand?

    For example, "Sets, HIGH, MEDIUM or LOW priority for the assignment identified by the index number...."

    JavaDocs still refers to the remind command for @param

    Assignment variable still refers to remind command instead of priority command

    False priority is a little misleading as it makes it sound as if the user used the wrong input format for the Priority command instead of setting no priority to the assignment. You may want to consider changing the phrasing of the JavaDocs for the constructor such that it better reflects what the constructor does 😃

    Slight nitpick but since you gave the date format before the time format, you could consider using "... finding of assignments by date and time separately", instead of "... finding of assignments by time and date separately". But it is fine if you leave it as it is too 😃

    You could consider changing the word prefixes, as it may not be very clear to the user exactly what we are referring to when we say prefixes. Maybe something like "Multiple assignment fields detected. Finding is done one field at a time." then provide examples of what a field is?

    The fetching of keywords for each field appears to have some overlaps. You could consider abstracting the implementation and creating a method called getKeywords(String prefix) to improve the code quality 😃

    Should be "Tests that an Assignment..." instead of "Tests that a Assignment...". Possible typo?

    Similar to the above comment on the grammatical error.

    Likewise 😃

    According to the CS2103T coding conventions, boolean methods and boolean variables should be named to sound like a boolean. However, it appears that this method is overriding a method from Predicate, so it should be fine 😃

    Nice test cases 😃 A suggestion is inserting white spaces between each test case to improve readability. You may want to consider testing for incorrect date and time as well (i.e 31-02-2020 or 2500) to ensure that the parser works as intended 😃

    Similar comment regarding the insertion of white spaces 😃

    You may want to consider testing for the other fields as well to ensure that they are working as they are supposed to but this is a minor nitpick 😃

    Similar comment regarding the insertion of white spaces 😃

    You may consider adding in comments to tell the reader exactly what you are testing for (e.g invalid deadline, invalid date, valid time or invalid module code). Though this is just a minor nitpick 😃

    Nice use of white spaces 😃

    Though you may want to consider using the white spaces to not just improve readability but to group code with similar logic together (i.e grouping all the nameKeywords, deadlineKeywords... List>String> variables together and only inserting the white spaces in between priorityKeywords and findByNames. Likewise for the FindCommand variables and the assertEquals methods).

    The description and format does not fit the unprioritize command 😃

    The phrasing sounds a little weird to me, though it could just be me XD The "to import" at the end of the sentence appears a bit redundant as well since at the start of the sentence, you already mentioned that the information will be imported.

    Maybe "The user can import information about their lessons into ProductiveNUS using their NUSMods timetable URL" would be more concise?

    Looks good 😃

    Maybe using "Unmarks the 3rd assignment as done" would be more appropriate since undone is not exactly proper English XD But I think the way it is now is fine too.

    Likewise for here 😃

    Oh when I googled it, Google said unmark is proper English but okie XD

    I agree with Andrea 😃

    JavaDocs refer to reminders instead of the suggested schedule 😃

    JavaDocs still refer to prioritize command

    Should be "Creates and returns an Assignment..." instead of "Creates and returns a Assignment.."

    JavaDocs still refer to RemindCommand

    JavaDocs refer to Remind instead of Done

    Commends refer to reminders instead of marking assignments as done

    Likewise for this comment 😃

    Oops must have forgotten to delete the empty return tag when I created this method. You can just delete the @return tag since the other methods don't seem to have the @return tag 😃

    Is there a reason these methods are static methods? They seem to only be used in the DeleteCommand class, so I don't think they have to be static.

    Does this currently only test for a single index?

    Maybe adding comments to explain what these are would be good as I am currently a bit lost as to why INDEX_FIRST_ASSIGNMENT was added twice 😃

    The phrasing for line 142 sounds a little strange. Maybe "... quickly view assignments that are due soon." would be better?

    Hmm, then maybe removing the (with deadlines nearing) would be better in terms of phrasing 😃

    For this table, I don't think the "type of keyword" column is very meaningful as the syntax column already mentions the type of keyword in all caps. Also, personally, I feel that the "syntax with example" column is a little cluttered. Maybe separating that column into 2 columns would be better? (one syntax column and one examples column)

    Format line should be placed right after the "Finding assignments" subheader to preserve consistency 😃

    Currently, the parameters section and the table appear to have some slight overlap. You may consider either incorporating the parameters section into the "Remarks" column in the table, or edit the parameters section such that it is distinct from the table.

    What if the user inputs remind without a priority?

    Is it because Priority is an optional field? Does remind have the same problem as well or is it just Priority?

    In our User Guide, MORE INDEXES has an underscore (e.g MORE_INDEXES) so you may want to consider changing the description to match the User Guide 😃

    Good catch! I shall go amend it later 😃

    Likewise for here 😃

    I think the previous subheader "Importing your timetable" would be more user-centric 😃

    You may want to consider telling the reader exactly where the task list is by providing a diagram of the GUI and highlighting Upcoming tasks or you can just mention that the task list is displayed under Upcoming tasks in the description 😃

    It may be good to phrase it as "your task list" instead of "the task list" to make it sound more user-centric, though this is just a minor nitpick.

    The diagram looks good! There seems to be a problem with the formatting of the Figure caption though (Refer to screenshot below)

    It may be good to mention where the user can find their added assignments 😃

    Looks good 😃 However, as the rest of us put the descriptions of the examples outside of the Example: section, it may be good to write the examples as their own paragraphs (and add some diagrams if needed) for consistency. Then under Examples: section, you may either write some examples commands (without the description) or just remove the section if you believe it is not necessary.

    Also, another note is that @hyngkng has changed the priority prefix from priority/ to p/

    Maybe phrasing it as You can keep track of your uncompleted assignments... would be better since undone isn't really grammatically correct in this scenario XD

    Maybe phrasing it as "You can mark your assignments you have marked as done as undone...." would be better? Since currently it sounds like undone assignments can be marked with a specialised undone tag instead of allowing the user to mark done assignments as undone.

    Should be "You can unmark done assignments..." instead of "You can delete...." 😃

    It may be good to include how to open the command interpreter for Mac and Linux OS as well 😃

    Yup. Umm not sure tbh.

    You can either ask @andreatanky or next to "assignment list" just put "(highlighted in red)" or whatever colour you want to highlight it then add the diagram below 😃

    There are 2 done 2 3 the markup 😃

    You may want to consider mentioning the user benefit of this command (e.g "if you are new to ProductiveNUS and would like to view a summary of the command" or "if you want to see a quick overview of all available commands")

    Minor nitpick but maybe phrasing it as "You can use this command to exit the program" would be more consistent with the rest of the UG in terms of the style of writing 😃

    Do we not? XD

    You can just rephrase the sentence then bah. The ones I provided are just suggestions 😃

    I agree with @printinghelloworld . Perhaps mentioning how the user will not be required to manually plan a time to do the assignment would be good 😃


    Remember to change the prefix from dobefore/ to before/ 😃

    Is there a reason isSameAssignment causes the add command to be buggy but the equals method doesn't? Just curious XD

    May be good to include test cases where the index lies outside of the stated range (e.g 51)

    Noicee. You may want to consider adding comments for the boolean argumentRange to tell the reader what the valid range is 😃

    Looks good! However, the other commands implemented the error message by using Messages.MESSAGE_INVALID_COMMAND_FORMAT ("Invalid command format!") and MESSAGE_USAGE ("Format: clear").

    But this is just a minor nitpick so you can ignore this for now XD

    I can go edit it to match the other classes once this PR has been merged 😃

    According to the CS2103T coding conventions, all constants must be in UpperCase and use underscore to separate words.

    Since nusModsProtocolAndHost is a final variable, it is a constant and should hence be named NUSMODS_PROTOCOL_AND_HOST.

    Maybe instead of using the standard invalid command format message, telling the user that the URL is invalid may be a more meaningful error message 😃

    You may want to consider mentioning the user benefit of the edit command as well 😃

    There seems to be something wrong with the formatting of the table 😦

    Nice addition 😃 You may want to further expand on the user benefit as well as Dr Wee mentioned that we should answer the "so that" question.

    A suggestion would be "...so that you can easily amend any mistakes you made when adding assignments".

    The description looks good! However, there seems to be something wrong with the formatting 😦 I have attached a screenshot of the FAQ is displayed in the UG on GitHub.

    The formatting here appears to have a minor error as well.

    Looks good! You may want to consider adding white spaces between the figure caption and the steps to improve readibility 👍

    Has @minhhhnguyen2000 been informed of the change in prefixes for the schedule command?

    Maybe it would be good to rename the final static variable to TIME_DATE_TIME_FORMAT as well as I believe the Lesson class also makes use of the same variable to format the start and end times

    The JavaDocs of the Time class should be changed to match the new name.

    Maybe something like:

    "Represents the time found in a task in ProductiveNUS

    Guarantees: immutable; is valid as decalred in

    It would be ideal if isValidDeadline is changed to isValidTime as well, though if only the assignment class uses isValidDeadline, then it may be fine to leave the name as it is.

    If I am not mistaken, the time constructor is used for both assignments and lessons. Hence, it may be more apt to rename the parameter of the constructor as well 😃

    Likewise for here

    JavaDocs should be changed to match the new class name 😃

    Follow up to my previous comment on the naming of isValidDeadline, since isValidDeadline is used in to check the format for Lesson as well, it would be good to rename the method to isValidTime

    Not really related to your part, but it may be good to use the final static variable TIME_DATE_AND_TIME_FORMAT here as well 😄

    Likewise for here

    Likewise for here. You can redirect this issue to @minhhhnguyen2000 if you wish XD

    address name should change to module code after merging the PR that changed the address field to module code

    Sounds good!

    Amended 😃

    Since we are probably going to be adding an edit feature in the future we can just leave it in first or add it to v1.2 since the implementation is all done for us already 😄

    What do you mean?

    At first, I made it a non-abstract class, but then IntelliJ made noise because it extends abstract class Command so i either had to override the execute method in NegataCommand or make NegateCommand abstract. Since I personally felt that overriding the execute method in NegateCommand was a little redundant since the UnremindCommand, UnscheduleCommand and UndoneCommand will override the execute method again, I decided to make the NegateCommand class abstract.

    I can change it back to a normal class if you want to though, I shall just override the abstract execute method in NegateCommand if you want to change it to a normal class 😃

    Oh yup. Must have missed it out. I shall go change it now




    it's supposed to be 📋 Notes about the command format, I forgot to change the icon back to the clipboard. Shall go amend it later 😃



    Will description 'Tags your assignment with a reminder which adds it to 'Your reminders' section' be clearer?

    Noted! I have edited the phrasing. Is the edited version clearer?

    I have changed some of these user stories to make it more specific. eg. 'work'

    Perhaps refer to DG to see which is better?

    Updated accordingly 😄

    Looks good! Just a small suggestion, maybe we can standardise the use of capital letters under 'I can' and 'so that I can'. we can either capitalise the first word or not capitalise the first word for both scenarios 😃

    Sounds good! Which do you suggest is better? I'm fine with either way 😃

    Looks good! Just a small suggestion, maybe we can standardise the use of capital letters under 'I can' and 'so that I can'. we can either capitalise the first word or not capitalise the first word for both scenarios 😃

    Sounds good! Which do you suggest is better? I'm fine with either way 😃

    I think for now we can not capitalise for both scenarios !

    Amended 😃

    LGTM! I was at first worried about nested loops but figured there isn't a much better way anyways

    I refactored the code so that the nesting isn't that bad and made the code neater 😃

    Actually does the user need to list all modules first before adding a new one ah?

    Maybe an empty list shouldn't affect the addition of a new module? If not a user can never add his first mod since the list will be empty then LOL

    * Duplicates are not allowed (by .isSameModule comparison)

    Should we update the default pathname to gradpad.json or something along those lines?

    I think we can update the javadocs for these changed methods 😁

    * Adds a new {@code Module} to the {@code GradPad} that we are building.

    This test fails cos 2 Modules shouldn't be equal if they have different module codes. Perhaps we can remove the module code change

    Module editedAlice = new ModuleBuilder(ALICE).withTags(VALID_TAG_CORE)

    I think we need to update TypicalModules.ALICE cos the tests can't build since ALICE is an invalid module. It'll probably be good to rename it too LOL cos alice is still a person's name

    Maybe we can rename the dummy path since we're no longer building addressbook 😁 Same goes for the change on line 46 below


    Same as prev comment

    Maybe we can remove the regex split? It doesn't do anything since module codes never have spaces in them. Maybe we can just create an array with the module code in it as a single string:

    String[] keywords = { CS2103T.getModuleCode().moduleCode };

    This is exactly the same as the CS2103T in the prev line HAHAHA so it'll always return true LOL

    In this test, we are seeing if modules with the same module code and MCs, but different tags, will be considered the "same" by GradPad, so maybe we can just change the tag:

    Module editedModule = new ModuleBuilder(CS2103T).withTags(VALID_TAG_NON_CORE)

    Nit: I think we need to update the javadocs for this method

    Let's change these example tags HAHA altho I wish modules could give me friends and money...

    public static final String MESSAGE_DUPLICATE_MODULE = "This module already exists in the grad pad";

    Perhaps we can rename the variable editModuleDescriptor here and also the references in the few lines below it.

    EditModuleDescriptor editModuleDescriptor = new EditModuleDescriptor();

    public static final String MESSAGE_DUPLICATE_MODULE = "This module already exists in the grad pad.";


    * Stores the details to edit the module with. Each non-empty field value will replace the

    * corresponding field value of the module.



    * Creates and returns a {@code Module} with the details of {@code moduleToEdit}

    * edited with {@code editModuleDescriptor}.


    I think we need to update the javadocs here 😁

    * Deletes a Module identified using its displayed index from the grad pad.

    Perhaps we can use camelCase for the property names? JSON properties are basically hashmap keys; so just like how we wouldn't use multiple words (with spaces) in a key or variable name (altho JS/JSON allows), maybe we can use moduleCode or module_code instead?

    * Constructs a {@code JsonSerializablegradPad} with the given modules.

    Not a suggestion/request for change, but I was just wondering why the original code does this redundant check here when it could just call gradPad's setModules fxn, which already uses UniqueModuleList to ensure all modules are unique.

    I just put this comment here first in case we want to improve code quality next time.

    List<Modules> gradPadModules = modules.stream().map(JsonAdaptedModule::toModelType).collect(Collectors.toList());

    try {


    } catch (DuplicateModuleException ex) {

    throw new IllegalValueException(MESSAGE_DUPLICATE_MODULE);


    I think we need to rename the file also 😁

    I think this test assertion is the same as the one a few lines above 😁

    Since it's supposed to include other valid values, perhaps we can do:

    userInput = targetIndex.getOneBased() + CODE_DESC_CS2103T + INVALID_CREDITS_DESC + CREDITS_DESC_CS3216;

    descriptor = new EditModuleDescriptorBuilder().withModuleCode(VALID_CODE_CS2103T).withModularCredits(VALID_CREDITS_CS3216).build();

    Nit: the test is perfectly fine but maybe we can replace the dummy keywords with module names

    The lastModule is already CS3216 right HAHA so we don't need to "edit" it with the same code and credits again

    Module editedModule = moduleInList


    😁 I think the re-naming of the variable was missed out

    * A utility class to help with building EditModuleDescriptor objects.

    * Parses the {@code tags} into a {@code Set<Tag>} and set it to the {@code EditModuleDescriptor}

    nit: typo

    This module is valid HAHA

    It's why the test for invalid module in JsonSerializableGradPadTest isn't passing

    Nit: grammar 😆

    ease your module planning process. A module searching platform is also included in GradPad, providing easy

    class to create a corresponding `AddCommand`.

    I think the method call wasn't specified; is it supposed to be AddCommandParser.parse()?

    We need to change deletePerson(1) in line 51 😁

    deactivate GradPadParser

    typo? hehe

    Maybe we can rename the return variable as a or smth? I only named it e in my diagram cos it stands for EditCommand 😁

    Format: `add c/ {module code} cr/ {modular credits}`

    What does the timestamp in the status bar refer to ah?

    Grammar nit: Not really sure how to tweak it but "successful find" sounds a bit weeeird? 😁

    Maybe one way could be "...in GradPad to successfully show the found module."?

    Yeah okay that sounds good 👍

    Let's update the javadocs too 😁

    Should we add "matches part of any word in ModuleCode" too? Since now we support it

    Do you think we should remove "multiple words" ah? I feel like it might be an irrelevant equivalence class now that we use a .contains() check

    Removing it will also match the new test cases below since we're removing the old tests involving multiple words

    Is there a typo for help modules? LOL actually can't tell cos this is still a correct invalid command HAHA

    3. GradPad displays the deleted module onto the `Command Line Display`

    **Use case: UC05 Edit a Module in `Current Modules`**

    I think we also need an extension to cover the case when invalid fields are given e.g. credit/5 instead of cr/5

    Actually it's not just the required module list righttt cos that's only like ~10 mods out of all 150 CS mods that they can search for

    1. User requests to search for a module in the CS curriculum.

    Same comment as previous 😁

    Perhaps it might be better to list this out separately? Maybe below this sentence we can put:

    The following module details will be displayed:

    • module code

    • title

    • etc

    I think square brackets are only for optional arguments? Actually are we following the original UG syntax format ahhh? I'm not too sure

    Minor minor code nit: perhaps this could be joined into one if statement instead of nesting so readers can easily tell what this block does (i.e. check if user is disconfirming)

    boolean isDisconfirmation = stalledCommand instanceof Command && !commandText.equalsIgnoreCase("yes");

    if (isDisconfirmation) {

    You mentioned that you were concerned about messiness earlier but I think this implementation is fine actually! 😀

    But if we want to, we can abstract this out into a stallComponent fxn that handles the stalling. It might take in a Command, do the necessary stalling/operations, then return the CommandResult. This will make things more future-proof cos we don't know how many future commands need confirmation, and we don't wanna keep stuffing everything into execute

    if (command instanceof ClearCommand || command instanceof DeleteCommand) {

    return stallCommand(command); // returns the CommandResult


    These two lines need to be swapped 😁 cos we don't want to stall the command before checking that it's valid, which only happens when we call getModuleToDelete.

    Right now if we type in an invalid delete e.g. "delete 100000", the command is still stalled and GradPad will wait for a confirmation. When a user then corrects himself and types "delete 1", GradPad will say "command aborted" instead of executing the corrected command

    Really really small nit: I think this method can remain as private since only handleStall should use it HAHA Actually how come it's changed from private -> public since the last review ah?

    Since we have so many messages here, perhaps we can shift this into a class on its own e.g. RequiredCommandMessages to avoid bloating the RequiredCommand class. We can then do static imports as needed

    This code seems to be repeated in a few compareX fxn so it might be good to abstract it out into a getModulesToAdd(&gt;requiredModuleList>) fxn or something along those lines that takes in a List and returns the string modulesToAdd

    Maybe we can name this isFoundationCleared to make it more boolean-like? Same applies for the other compareX functions

    Perhaps we can use a java StringBuilder here since we're iteratively doing string concatenations (line 91). Otherwise we'll be doing O(n) operations per iteration and this fxn will run in O(n^2) 😁

    Maybe it'll be better if we handle the exceptions in this command instead of propagating it cos that would mean we need to change the execute contract (as has been done). But in doing so, we are breaking the interface segregation principle since ALL other commands are also now bound to a contract that isn't applicable to them.

    (cont. from prev comment)

    So maybe what we can is to wrap these error-throwing calls in a try-catch block and handle exceptions here instead. After all, clients expect this execute method to give them a result (success or failure message), and not an exception.

    try {






    } catch (IOException | DataConversionException e) {

    // from the error msg you wrote in MainWindow hehe

    return new CommandResult("File not found :(");


    Maybe we can declare the pathstring as a class-level constant instead to make it obvious where the filepath is stored when we need to change it next time 😄

    Same as RequiredCommand, perhaps we can wrap this in a try-catch and handle the exception here rather than propagating it and binding all other commands to a new contract

    Same as previous comment in RequiredCommand, we can use a StringBuilder instead so that this fxn can run in O(n) instead of O(n^2)

    Maybe we can initialize this to an empty Optional instead of leaving it as null? I think it's a bit weird that the field can either be null, empty Optional, or filled Optional when the purpose of Optionals is to abstract away nulls anyway HAHA

    But this one is really a minor suggestion 😁

    Perhaps we can consider using this instead:


    As mentioned in the java API, it's generally not recommended to do equality checks for Optionals cos they produce unpredictable results 😁 Same applies for the other tests below and also ScienceCommandTest

    Shouldn't areModulesCleared become true when we find out that the user has taken a science module?

    Likewise if areModulesCleared is true then shouldn't we be showing MESSAGE_SUCCESS_SCIENCE instead since the user has cleared this basket HAHA

    How come taking a single internship module means that areModulesCleared is false ahh? I tot it should only be false if total MCs > 12 since we need >= 12 in order to clear the internship basket >>


    Actually how come we need the areModulesClearedflag instead of using an if-else statement ahhh?

    Just to clarify, is this code saying: if a module is taken, then add its MCs to modularScore. If it's not, add the module title/mc to the result to display instead.

    PAISEH I'm very confused here ><

    if (doesModuleAlreadyExist(module, currentModules)) {

    int modularCredits = Integer.parseInt(module.getModularCredits().toString());

    modularScore += modularCredits;

    } else {

    String moduleToAdd = module.getModuleCode() + " (" + module.getModularCredits() + " MCs)";



    I think we might not need to catch, reconstruct, and re-throw the same exception? HAHA We can just remove the try-catch block 😁

    I think there's no IllegalArgumentException to catch here LOL StringUtil.ignoreCase and SearchCommand's constructor both don't throw ittt

    Just interesting side note (no need to change anything!):

    JUnit tests automatically fail if any exception is thrown so we don't need to be concerned with catching exceptions and failing the test ourselves 😄

    Oooh okay! My bad hehe I didn't realised that checkArgument in StringUtil.ignoreCase() throws an undeclared IllegalArgumentException (since its a runtime error)

    No need to change, this is great 😄

    Suggestion: Should we explain that we allow users to edit multiple fields in the same command?

    Should we use the term Completed Modules list since we're using it throughout the UG to keep things consistent?

    Should we put a note or something letting users know that if their internet is down, then they can only search CS-curriculum modules?

    Shall we make this private? This fxn should be uniquely called by this class only since it calls the inherited Object.getClass() method that depends on this class's runtime Class

    And actually this fxn gets the file content from a resource and returns it as a string right HAHA not the file name, as mentioned in the fxn name

    This method is reading in a JSON string, like "{ module: { title: "abc", mc: "2" } }", not a file path 😁

    Should we list out what the constraints are? I think most people won't know, including me HAHA

    As mentioned above, this is actually the entire content of the file stored as a string, not the file name 😁

    Should we store these constants in the test package instead? I think it might not be so nice to mix production code and test code 😁 None of the production classes need to reference these anyway hehe

    Should we add a state check for module title equality too?

    Instead of changing this test to a negative test with duplicate modules in a filtered list, could we still keep it as a positive test for successful execution on a filtered list? Cos there's already a number of negative tests below for the same equivalence class 😁 We could edit the tags here instead and assert a successful execution

    Actually why do we need to look up the info for the module to be edited ah? I thought we only need to know if that module has been previously added to GradPad, which is already checked by EditCommand. Just asking cos these http requests are expensiveee $$$ 😢

    Should we include negative tests for invalid module codes instead? i.e when a user tries to edit a module that doesn't exist in Completed Modules

    Smol nit: Since this test and the one before it both only specify one field, should we name them "onlyModuleCodeSpecified" and "onlyTagsSpecified" or something like that instead?

    Does this effectively remove the size constraints for this row so that it can be dynamically sized according to its children?

    This might just be me but I find the font size a bit too small >>

    I don't think so? HAHA I think there are only 2 equivalence classes for the inputs to DeleteCommand:

    • Module code exists in the list
    • Module code doesn't exist in the list

    Since you've covered both I think we're good 😄

    Woah why is this test deleted

    Should we put this in the note too? We also need to remove the numbering

    Refer to the [Feature Summary List](#feature-summary-list) below for a summary of all commands.

    Since this fxn is duplicated from RequiredCommandStorage, should we just put this in JsonUtil instead and make it static?

    Maybe we can rename this class? 😁 Since it actually stores storage paths and no messages HAHA

    We're still guaranteeing that it's immutable so maybe we can keep the first part of this sentence?

    Same comment as the one in ModuleTitle about immutability

    Just a suggestion: maybe we can use moduleCode.startsWith instead. I have no clue about this but I'm just scared if some module ends with a "GEH" or smth LOL, then .contains will still return true

    public static final String MESSAGE_FAILURE_GEM = "There was an error loading the required GE Modules :(";

    Suggestion: should we add a getAllModules method to GemCommandStorage and calling that instead of doing all of this manually here in the client code?

    return new CommandResult(MESSAGE_FAILURE_GEM);

    Since these 4 fxns have the same duplicate code, could the first 3 just make use of the 4th one? Then we can make the 4th fxn just a utility like setUpModules(Path path)

    public void setUpTestModules1() throws IOException, DataConversionException {



    public void setUpTestModules2() throws IOException, DataConversionException {



    public void setUpSingleModule() throws IOException, DataConversionException {



    public void setUpModules(Path path) throws IOException, DataConversionException {

    JsonGradPadStorage storage = new JsonGradPadStorage(path);

    ReadOnlyGradPad gradPad = storage.readGradPad().get();

    testModules = gradPad.getModuleList();


    Nit: Maybe we can make these Path objects just like the two paths above it? It's a bit funny when the 4 variable names here say "path" but actually it's 2 paths and 2 strings HAHA

    Coding convention suggestion: perhaps we can include the method under test 😁

    public void execute_nullModel_throwsNullPointerException() {

    I think you mixed up actual and expected HAHA 🤣 in the other tests below too

    Actually we don't do prefix search 😁 e.g. searching "103" will return "CS2103T" also

    public static final String FIND_COMMAND = "find CS1 : Displays all modules that contain the keyword 'CS1'. \n"

    Should we boast and say "from NUSMods" ah LOL

    Grammar nit:

    ease and improve your **module planning process**.

    I think Serene mentioned that we can list examples of the "NUS resources" we are talking about. Maybe we can say NUSMods and/or faculty websites?

    Hmm, I didn't think of that but since you've suggested it, why not? Haha I think there's no harm and it might be good 😄

    Agreed - I think this could be in the testing guide in our DG instead since it's like "confirming" that the delete works. But I'm not too concerned abt this for the PE-dry-run for now 😄

    I'm feeling like this is starting to go into parsing territory hmmm... Should we put this in GradPadParser instead? Then below we can just call gradPradParser.isYesCommandWord or something

    Minor: I'm not sure if this violates the coding quality standard of not reusing formal parameters, but I'm also not sure what's an alternative tho HAHA

    O maybe it can be

    Command command;

    if (isYes(commandText)) {

    command = gradPadParser.parseCommand("yes");

    } else {

    command = gradPadParser.parseCommand(commandText);


    We need to tweak the logic down here too cos now stalling doesn't work correctly 😕

    If you type in a valid command while the app is asking for confirmation, it will execute that command instead of aborting the current stalled command since we're only aborting it when we get a ParseException now.

    E.g. delete cs2101 --> (app asks for confirmation) --> add cs1101s --> (app adds cs1101s) --> yes --> (app still deletes cs2101

    Typo (different commands):


    For example, if the command specifies 'edit MODULE_CODE c/NEW_MODULE_CODE t/core', 'edit MODULE_CODE t/core c/NEW_MODULE_CODE


    Actually should we include the optional tags in this summary since the bug report raised the issue abt inconsistency?

    I agree with your first comment; I was thinking along the lines of this:

    **Add** | `add {module code} [t/tags]` | `add CS2100 t/core`

    This will throw an error if there are no semesters, which makes semesterResult empty, cos then we'll be calling .substring(0, -2). Even though the API will never return an empty semesterData field, we can be defensive just in case something goes wrong while fetching and parsing the data.

    We can avoid dealing with extra commas and spaces by not adding them until they're needed:

    public String getSemesters() {

    return semesters.stream().map(Object::toString).collect(Collectors.joining(", "));



    * Parses input arguments and creates a new ForceDeleteCommand object


    * Contains integration tests (interaction with the Model) and unit tests for

    * {@code ForceDeleteCommand}.


    Coding standard nit: there should be a blank line after the first line

    Would it work if we use the mapper that's already defined in the class?

    Maybe we can move this out of the loop since it doesn't change every iteration

    We don't actually need to check containsKey HAHA if the map doesn't contain the key then the modules won't be equal (the next line)

    I think there are still a lot of preclusions HAHA like cs1010s, cs1010j, etc.

    Actually we don't need to store it separately since we already store storage, which contains the map right HAHA

    And just to add on, notice that execute and compareModules are now aware of preclusionMap, even though it is only used by isModuleAPreclusion, a much lower-level method. The parameter is being passed through 2 methods despite them never using it. This anti-pattern is also called prop drilling/threading in JS btw HAHA

    Maybe we can just do Map&gt;String, String> preclusionMap = storage.getPreclusionMap() within the isModuleAPreclusion fxn instead of in execute?

    Maybe we can say "module-specific storage classes"? Cos the rest of the classes do more than extracting and parsing JSON (they also handle writing)

    Wah ok tbh I really like this - it couldn't be clearer xD

    Constructor calls should be the class name not the object's name. I think it can also be omitted since it's evident in this case 😄

    RequiredCommand -&gt; RequiredCommandStorage : RequiredCommandStorage()

    Similarly, the label should just be the class name without the new keyword 😄

    RequiredCommand -&gt; CommandResult : CommandResult(leftOverModules)

    Actually ScienceCommand doesn't contain a list of hard-coded modules right? HAHA if not then it wouldn't have to set and get the science modules fromRequiredCommandStorage

    I was abit confused when step 6 says GemCommand already contains both storages, but step 7 says they're only created then. Maybe we don't have to mention the attributes? I think the creation of both objects is quite clear on its own

    Really damn small nit but maybe the happy path could be made clearer since it's actually just a single path:

    if (!model.hasModule(module)) {

    String moduleToAdd = module.getModuleCode() + "\t" + module.getModuleTitle()

    + " (" + module.getModularCredits() + " MCs)";



    Since all the setupXTestModules methods have the same 2 lines for reading data, should we create a utility fxn to handle this instead?

    Agreed - idk how I missed this out the first time round paiseh >> Since it's in the Storage component, it might be good if it's only concerned about storing and retrieving data without being aware of the model

    Typo: missing closing quote

    SearchCommand -&gt; ModuleInfoSearcher : searchModule("CS2103T")

    Should we put this in? It's not required to test the launch and I'm scared if it comes across as too mandatory. We need to remember that requiring internet connection is a tP constraint

    Should we put these in the Messages class?

    I think it's better to make this a static method since it is a getter for a static stub class; otherwise we'll have to do new NusmodsDataManagerTest everytime we want to get the stub

    Da javadoc blank line HAHAHA SOZ I know it's annoying >>

    Nit: since this is a negative test (when input is null), maybe we can name it invalid test?

    Should this be .equals(null) since the test is about empty objects/inputs?

    Instead of opening up Logic and checking if its stalledCommand is null, could we just do logic.execute(YES_COMMAND_WORD) a second time instead? If stalledCommand was correctly cleared the first time round, then this second execution should return the nothing-to-confirm msg

    This way, we don't need the new contracts in the interface xD

    Coding standard nit: maybe we can import the DEFAULT_WIDTH constant from GuiSettings instead of using magic numbers? Same goes for height in the next test

    Updated these 2 badges so that when you click on them, they take you to our repo's CI and codecov pages respectively:

    Let me know if this regex is fine cos I'm not too sure what kind of module codes we support

    I left the contents unchanged for now as I only needed the tags as defaults

    I added module field templates here and left the rest of the templates alone. We can remove at the end if nobody else needs them

    I only added CS2103T and CS3216 as new modules in this class and left everything else alone first. Likewise, if nobody else needs them, we can remove them at the end

    Oh yeah you're right. In that case, I'll let filterModuleSummaries take in a bunch of keywords to filter against. We can then define the keywords in a hardcoded constant depending on the list of required modules.

    We still need this normal file path cos it tells GradPad where to save data to

    Updated this and added IS1103 cos its now part of the list of new required modules

    Very very good catch! Thanks and resolved 😄

    This is now moved into the new isValidTagName test method below

    Ui looks great but I think the website says it has to be the ard the same size as the original. Right now it's too big:

    Feel free to resize, update the PR, and merge in your own time! 💯

    I think this issue is too big and general? Maybe each person can create an issue specific to their work e.g. my issue should be "Add feature list and command summary to user guide" since I'm doing first page of our google docs

    @yan-soon typos have been fixed; thanks so much for catching them!

    Update: As per @shaokiat suggestion, tweaked filterModuleSummaries method in DataFetcherManager class to accept multiple keywords to filter against. For now, I put some sample keywords in a constant MODULE_FILTER_KEYWORDS in the same class. We can change it when we work on required modules?

    "c/ new module code"

    "t/ new tag"

    Shift note abt command formats to Command Summary section

    Linked to #164

    Approved by 2101 tutor already.

    Add support for "y" and "ye"


    Add semester data to ModuleInfo + edit search command to print it out

    KIV hanming

    Explain more in UG maybe?

    Add a check for equivalent modules to Module class, i.e. isEquivalent method or something

    Take a look at isCancel in LogicManager.execute and YesCommand

    Use isSameModule to check and display diff error msg

    Duplicate of #153

    Add case-insensitive check to UniqueTagMap's checkAndReplaceTags method

    Create JSON file of equivalent modules (hashmap ds)

    Change to parseDouble

    Update: Change the Module --> Tag association from composition to navigability as discussed. Yes I made a typo in the commit LOL so I hope this clears confusion

    I think you should keep "Developer".

    I checked again, and I think you missed out the find sales history feature under sales tracking.

    I agree.

    I think that this should be specified as a sub feature under list, so as to distinguish between all ingredients and a single ingredient.

    Perhaps this archive employees contact details section should be grouped with the other employee contact details features?

    I think this page will be continually updated, so we should include what we have done to the project so far - which would be the documentation section.

    For the ingredient levels, it would be good and clearer to state the unit of measurement. You could add this to the description or edit the examples to show this is the case.

    We are missing Feature 4.3 Find the sales history data based on date documentation.

    Remove the bullet points in this section to standardise the description field for the features. Instead of starting with a noun, start with a verb (once again to standardise across the UG). Eg. Set the level ...

    Since it's just one argument, requireNonNull(targetIndex) will do.

    I think we should keep both. They will both be Phone objects, but with different prefixes.

    Perhaps you can use requireAllNonNull(...) instead.

    Should this be using .equals method instead to do the check?

    You are missing empty lines in between the methods.

    IngredientList should not be under AddressBook, as AddressBook should only be in charge of contact details.

    Mismatched javadoc?

    As mentioned earlier, functions and features relating to ingredients tracking should be abstracted out to its own classes (instead of being in AddressBook).

    I assume this has yet to be implemented?

    Incorrect test case? Should these be all throwing assertion errors instead? They should not be called as it is a default model stub that have all of the methods failing.

    Should target be non null too?

    Requires change to fit ArchiveList

    Missing public attribute? Applies for all the other tests.

    Unnecessary white space?

    Is this an extra space?

    Command is an abstract class, no super constructor is needed.

    I think that perhaps naming the boolean isReset is better, so that there isn't a double negative. This is just a grammar comment.

    No need to use String.format if there is nothing to format.

    I think that they should be on the same line.

    I see,, then it makes sense to use isNotAlreadyReset.

    I think it is better to be placed on the same line to standardise with the other case statements.

    Should be Unarchives as the command is singular

    Is this an extra line?

    Grammar: It is equivalent to *the person being archived) OR (having archived the person).

    Could be better phrased as: "A Person whose archive status is true"

    Similar to the above comment

    Perhaps it should be views because a command is singular.

    Can be combined by using requireAllNonNull, however, this is also fine.

    Extra line

    This can be placed in one line

    spelling: should be archive

    The command is s-update. Additional there should not be a colon after the command word.

    extra fullstop

    Oh, I am referring to the description. It should be "views a single ingredient ... ", since the command word is singular

    I think it is better to keep it in one line, so that it is standardised with the other case statements.

    Perhaps it is better to say View single ingredient?

    Is this perhaps a wrong import line?

    So you are suggesting that we keep the archived and not archived employees in the same contact list? OR will this list show only archived when passed in a archived list of employees?


    Should add underscore between the words. I believe this is part of the naming conventions

    Instead of saying short form name, abbreviation would be better.

    Saying OR search may not be that user-friendly?

    Since you only stated one implementation, calling it Alternative 1 may not be that good? Since there was no other alternatives considered.

    There are a lot of empty lines in this java file. Are they all necessary and can it be cleaned up?

    Remember to delete this test if unused.

    Incorrect javadoc? I'm reviewing based on the assumption that this command will find an employee by the tag.

    I think FindTagCommandor FindByTagCommand would be more apt/ sounds better.

    Same problem as the javadoc

    So this is a different feature from the one listed in this PR?

    Remove extra line.

    I think it is better to add a blank line above this if-else block

    Same comments as TodayCommand

    Missing javadoc description

    It's also missing a javadoc description

    If the input was "9999999999999999999", it will cause a NumberFormatException as Integer.parseInt() is not able to parse such a number. So, perhaps you should catch if limit has been exceeded first? You can test this to check if it's true for your case, because it was for mine.

    I think it is okay to leave out the parameters, but this is just a note.

    Extra blank line?

    Instead of using double negatives, this could be better phrased as " .., tags of length below 50 characters"

    Should be phrased as "There are a total of ... "

    Change to version 11

    Could you restore this line? to indicate the start of the util methods.

    hmm, I have also added this file, but differently... Will it affect your tests greatly, if mine could be used instead?

    There is a spelling error in "ingredient"

    There is a spelling error in "ingredient"

    There is a spelling error in "ingredient"

    Difference between these two functions?

    Change the subheader to just "Implementation"

    It should be restored below the setSalesRecordEntry method.

    Did you mean "who is available to work"?

    I think it is better to keep the order consistent. i.e Monday or Friday, instead of Friday or Monday. Applies to step 2 too

    Suggestion: I think it is more intuitive to follow the ordering of the days of the week. i.e. Tuesday should come before Wednesday

    I think that "computer's current date" is a better phrasing.

    Consecutive words with "-ing" should not be placed together. Suggestion: remove "using"

    There's only one example

    Should this be placed in between the div line to show the blue box? Since this is additional information about the tags

    Should this be placed in between the div line to show the blue box?

    Should this be placed in between the div line to show the blue box? Perhaps you could also add something to say "notes" about what? Applies to all similar sections

    I think the older version is better and less technical.

    Add in a brief explanation. eg. "tCheck currently does not support the use of human-modifiable save files" etc.

    The sentence doesn't sound fluent. Perhaps this could be better phrased? The last half of the sentence is grammatically incorrect.

    "can only show"

    I don't think you need the bullet point here, as there is only one point.

    Similar to above comment on bullet point.

    Remove bullet point here.

    Remove bullet point here.

    Similar for this, and other similar parts.

    Should be "... changes to all ..."

    Could be better phrased as such:

    "Q: Why does tCheck ignore additional/ extra input that I add after single-word commands, like help"?


    • I think it should just be "input" instead of "inputs" since the entire line entered is the input?

    • it should be "a" instead of "the" in "after the single-word command"

    • if "input" is used, then "extra input does not affect ..." OR if "inputs" is used, then "extra inputs do not affect ..."

    Should not be a question. A better phrasing is "How the command is processed"

    Note: For all the examples, I think there is a need to first explain the user input in an earlier section - which I believe should be covered under wang qian's updates. If that is done, then this section should be ok

    The sentences that contains "the situation is ... " is not fluent. Perhaps a better way to structure the sentence is: "there is an .... (describe the situation)". e.g change could be: "there is a duplication of valid prefixes." Alternatively, eg. "the situation faced is the duplication of valid prefixes". I prefer the first suggestion.

    Oh, okay I understand. I also think I figured out why it didn't sound fluent to me. I believe the sentence should be structured as this instead: "the situation of duplicate valid prefixes is detected". It was to do with the ending, rather than pertaining to "situation".

    Remove "Completed" in the sub-header. This was a recommendation from the peer review we did.

    I think it should be "brand" not "branch". Additionally, I don't think we need to be so polite by using "please".

    I think "all the six ingredients are pre-defined in tCheck's ingredient book." can be a sentence on its own.

    Should be "display" instead of "displays", because "will ... display"

    I'm not sure why, but I couldn't view the image when I was looking at this document in your branch. Did you remember to upload the image?

    It should be "store" not "stall". Applies to the rest of this section

    Should be "Manpower Management"

    Typo for "first"

    Perhaps using "User Guide" is better?

    "an executable command". as "executable" starts with a vowel and thus uses "an"

    Note: Not sure if a warning sign was used in the UG, perhaps we can discuss this.

    I think that you are missing the "italics" format for the terms related to tCheck's GUI

    Instead of "gives you...", "explains the ..." is a better choice of words.

    I think you should describe it in more layman terms first. eg. "It is the input that follows behind a prefix". Then, give the explanation, that you have written here.

    Missing fullstop at the end of the line

    Instead of "gives you...", "explains the ..." is a better choice of words

    Instead of "gives you...", "explains the ..." is a better choice of words.

    Perhaps use "Employee Directory" instead of "employee directory", since it is referring to a particular section inside tCheck.

    This can remain as "[Completed]". I was referring to the completed implementation subheader. Or do you think we can remove all the [completed] if our DG will only record completed implementation details?

    No need to edit here as I have added it in my update. Alternatively, I guess it can be resolved during merge conflicts

    Did you mean "re-enter the data in the correct format"?

    I feel that this is too specific to the implementation.

    Incorrect preposition. Should be "corresponds to"

    I think that this is a better phrasing: "until the index entered is valid"

    As mentioned earlier, this may be too specific to the implementation.

    Should be "display" instead of "displays" because "will .... display"

    Perhaps this should be "re-enter in the correct format"?

    Should it still be "persons"?

    This should be "from one computer to another"

    I don't think we need to say this? It sounds like a feature to me. This can be discussed further.

    Should be "... experience in ..."

    Indeed, I will make that change. Thanks for the catch!

    I have placed a blank line to separate the expected result and test case. In my opinion, there is a need for the blank line, but we could discuss this in the meeting to decide.

    I think I was unclear because I put test cases for updating one drink and more than one drinks under the first one. I will separate them.

    It may not be that direct. I will remove this section as I cannot explain it that accurately.

    Yes, I will update that.

    I don't think there is a need to do that, as it should be clear that this is a list of instructions, following line 130

    Thanks for the reminder.

    Thanks for the reminder.

    Thanks for the reminder.

    I think it should be clear as I mentioned Sales Tracker inside the Main View at the introduction of the sales-related features.

    True, I have mentioned the list earlier in the sentence.

    Sure, I will take this suggestion.



    Thank you for the feedback! We will create a better error message for the input regarding the number of drinks sold. This will help to differentiate the error between wrong prefix and wrong type of input for number of drinks sold.

    Thank you for pointing this out! It was not that s-list did not work, but rather s-list will not reorder the list back to the previous order after s-rank has sorted the list. It would not affect how users can use the sales tracker. We will merge the two types of list into one list function to reduce redundancy.

    Thank you for pointing this out! We will update the s-update function to refresh and show the newest list.

    Thank you for pointing this out! However, this is a behaviour that has been inherited from AB3's implementation. We will not be changing this behaviour. However, we will update the UG to make this clear to the user.

    Thank you for the feedback! We have decided to merge the s-list and s-rank function, so as to reduce the redundancy in the list function. s-update will still refresh the list but in no order while s-list will show the list in a descending order.

    Thank you for pointing this out! We will add a limit to the maximum number that the s-update feature can use, and also check for integer overflow.

    Thank you for pointing this out! We will add an upper limit to the number that the s-update feature can update, and also check for integer overflow.

    Thank you for pointing this out! We will add a limit to the maximum number that the s-update feature can update, and also check for integer overflow.

    Thank you for the suggestions!

    1. We would like the user to be able to update multiple drink items at once. Using INDEX would not be able to meet that requirement of ours due to the implementation of AB3 that we have inherited from.

    2. The GUI window has a minimum size, such that the GUI components can still be fully seen. We thought that this would be better than having a GUI where going beyond the minimum size would result in a weird view. Nonetheless, thanks for the suggestions and feedback!

    i agree with jun da, i think changes to different parts of the project should be done in different branches. this is for clarity and ease of finding. might be a bit strange to see a branch merge for both ug and actual code.

    for consistency across the entire codebase, i think it'll be better if you have your documentation written like this:


    * Returns a trimmed predicateField. If...


    this documentation should be changed too!

    this documentation should be changed too!

    this documentation should be changed too!

    this documentation should be changed too!

    this documentation should be changed too!

    this documentation should be changed too!

    this documentation should be changed too!

    there are 2 grammatical errors here - should be "an" instead of "a" and "its" instead of "it's".

    also, can you change this reference from address book to Athena?

    should be "an" instead of "a" event.

    should be "an" instead of "a" event.

    could be wrapped in an Optional instead (since you're doing so below anyway)

    consider adding the NoSuchElementException thrown to the method signature

    this should be spaced out to three lines

    nope, just a personal preference.

    do you have an example?

    noted. i mentioned this because Parser.parse (and all its implementations) contain an unchecked exception in it's method signature.

    this should be changed to match the new parsing structure, and a COMMAND_TYPE field should be added.

    this is not implemented yet. perhaps it should be made a bit clearer (with a comment in the code maybe)?

    this currently leads to bugs; if i put an index of 3, it'll still return the DESCRIPTION_COMPARATOR. i think you should have individual cases for each comparator, and then throw a ParseException in the default line.

    although i think it would be better to have the detection of invalid inputs handled in SortEventCommandParser.parse.

    yeah so i think the default branch in here should throw something like an IllegalArgumentException (for us to see, since this branch should never be reached), and the one in SortEventCommandParser.parse should throw a ParseException (for the user to see, if they input an invalid number).

    "combines the" repeated twice

    i think another punctuation mark would be better - maybe:

    "Returns true if the tag is valid - that is, it has at least..."

    i think our documentation is done in present tense, so using "cannot be found" would be more consistent than "could not be found". also, since "tags that could not be found" is repeated twice, maybe just rephrasing the entire sentence would be preferable, so something like:

    "For tags that cannot be found, the string will reflect that by prepending the appropriate message."

    slightly awkward; maybe use firstly/secondly/lastly?

    new tagging sounds a bit weird, but this could be me. could you elaborate on what you mean?

    tagTree should be enclosed in {@code } for consistency.

    did you mean set of persons?

    slight inconsistency; first line of documentation says the set returned falls under the given tag and all its sub-tags, but this line says or.

    perhaps both these sentences could be combined into one.

    i think "given" instead of "if" sounds better.

    lacking capitalisation; also i think it should be personToCopy rather than persontocopy.

    lacking capitalisation; also i think it should be personToCopy rather than persontocopy.

    i think you meant "When relationships...".

    i think using "which" instead of "whose" is more appropriate.

    perhaps "cyclic dependencies"?

    i think you should either connect both sentences with a comma (i would prefer this) or write "Returns false otherwise." in the second.



    should these have documentation?

    i don't think union is a verb.

    who's jackson

    should this be capitalised? actually should there be standardisation in how json is referred to? some documentation refer to it as JSON and some as Json.


    makes sense.

    hmm okay, i'll keep this in mind.

    can you add whitespace similar to the one current Commands adopt?

    slightly awkward because "add..." is usually followed by "to...". maybe use "create" instead of "add" or mention that you're adding it to Athena?

    from what i've seen from the other classes, i believe this line should not end with a full stop

    i think this sentence should end with "and returns an AddTagCommand object for execution."

    does this imply that some tags (i assume highest parent level ones) are in addressBook but not tagTree?


    i think you're missing the word "use".


    this information is outright incorrect. the fact that you've said something like this shows that you do not understand how the method works.

    If it can't throw, the method should not have a throws keyword.


    Which is not the same as "this method cannot throw a CommandException or a ParseException, handling can be ignored".

    incorrect. because line 229 uses Logic.execute(), your method has to either implement a way to catch these exceptions by embedding it in a try-catch block, or simply put it in the signature. the problem with the former is that your catch block then cannot be empty, as if the exception is thrown by Logic.execute(), neither is a CommandResult returned nor an exception thrown. the reason you can put it in the signature is because, as the back-end programmer, you know that it will never throw this exception.

    basically, the method can throw it but won't.

    In the case where command word for show reminder is changed in the enum but not changed here, this method will throw a exception.

    yes, but CommandException and ParseException are both for users. as the programmer, you are expected to make consistent changes across the codebase when one reference changes. to use either of those exceptions as a way to ascertain that is wrong.

    Import enum CommandWord to avoid such incident. Implement catching and processing in case of an error, perhaps displaying an error message saying something like "reminders failed to show" in the resultPanel.

    this is literally what line 231 does.

    Do not follow executeIntroCommand() method above, its not a good implementation.

    would you like to explain why? if you want to say this, at least have the courtesy to @ me. if you want to discuss the implementation i'm all ears, but i'd prefer that to you straight up, condescendingly and accusatively stating that "its [sic] not a good implementation".

    fyi markdown's lists can accept 1's as indices and this helps you not have to keep track of how long the list is prior. could you undo it?

    the lower case is intended as it's an emoji.

    multiple is inclusive of zero.

    sentences' connotations are the same.

    i think this may not be correct as it implies that an INDEX is tied to a specific contact.

    i think this may not be correct as it implies that an INDEX is tied to a specific contact.

    this adds inconsistency as all the other sentences do not mention Athena before the verb.

    i think this may not be correct as it implies that an INDEX is tied to a specific contact.

    hmm, perhaps we should mention the DATE_TIME format at the start of the events instead of in the add command?

    some inconsistency between this and the rest as they end with full stops.

    if we split this into two separate points 'also' is unnecessary in the second sentence.

    sentences' connotations are the same.

    i think you missed this!

    maybe add that it's your computer's CLI to differentiate it from the app? phrasing now makes it sound like there's one general CLI every computer uses.

    hmm true... maybe you could write "multiple times (including zero)".


    think "Additionally" sounds better than of "Besides this".

    think "However" is unnecessary as sentences before and after are not contrasting.

    perhaps rephrase the second sentence to:

    "Using Person class' isSamePerson(Person) method ensures that there are no duplicate contacts in Athena."

    perhaps either of these would be better for the second sentence:

    "It uses a hash map with Tags as keys that each store a set of Persons as its value."

    "It uses a hash map, with Tags as keys and sets of Persons as values.

    no ellipsis please

    is it necessary to mention when the support was added?

    also i think the last sentence sounds nicer as:

    "Certain commands that affect a Tag may also affect its child-tags." (also maybe use a different word besides affect)

    missing full stop

    same as above

    same as above

    "provides a few defined methods" sounds weird. drop either "provides" or "defined"?

    same as above

    "The methods listed above illustrate the difficulty of preserving consistency within the system."

    "In particular, the method deleteTag is..."

    "The sequence diagram below illustrates..."

    maybe remove "also"? something's weird with this one but i can't quite put my finger on it.

    remove "if possible" to sound more confident in our implementation

    add a comma between AddressBook and so

    "To ensure that the right commands are called at the right time, Model only implements a limited set of methods that can change the internal mapping."

    variety*, also, "... correct methods from either AddressBook, TagTree or ContactTagIntegrationManager are chosen."

    is this necessary

    nothing to correct here i just wanted to say that this is really well-written

    no ellipsis please, just use etc

    "Suppose we delete a single Tag, the parent-tags..."

    to a set?


    should this just be SHOW? none of the other commands are attached to the type of functionality they target.

    "an" instead of "the"?

    i think this should end with a full stop.

    i think this should also end with a full stop.

    this documentation should be updated

    this documentation should be updated

    missing full stop

    this documentation should be updated

    this documentation should be updated

    this documentation should be updated

    this documentation style seems inconsistent with the rest of the UG.

    i meant the use of "=" is inconsistent.

    should be "Changes... to..."

    if the*? also should this be in present tense since the first sentence is also in present tense?

    i think this straight up breaks the parser as it relies on this field to check if the input format is correct. i think this branch should only be merged when we actually change isValidTime and parse below.

    sorry, this is a misinterpretation on my part.

    i think this is inconsistent with the actual pattern below.

    you might want to write your full name here i think it's what everyone else is doing

    fyi markdown lists can have all indices be 1

    naming is a bit weird... one is before-behaviour and the other behaviour-after

    your pr says 247 but links to 242

    i... do not think it's grammatically correct for there to be a space before the colon

    within 4 days of*

    [field] adds, so i think these changes should be reverted.

    good catch!

    not {@code}?

    ah i see. i do think that using a colon here still looks weird. perhaps we could change them to hyphens instead? that way, it would also be consistent with the table of contents.

    ah okay. thanks for clarifying.

    agreed, or maybe deleteByTag (although that also sounds like a mouthful). the ideal is for us to be able to group it under delete.

    this documentation should be updated

    hmm, interestingly this is also something that i had issues with. i avoided using AddressBookParser.COMMAND_TYPE as i did not want to create further cyclic dependencies (AddContactCommandParser -> AddContactCommand -> AddressBookParser -> AddContactCommandParser).

    a plausible solution would to be to create an enumeration to only store command words/types and for all command classes to reference that instead, so the test cases can remain untouched.

    agreed. i will change these when the above conversation has been resolved.

    the implementation would be to create two enumerations - CommandWord and CommandType - and have AddressBookParser and the Command classes refer to the enumeration instead. this accomplishes two things:

    1. resolves the aforementioned cyclic dependencies.

    2. test cases can remain as is, since they currently refer to each individual Command class' word/type.

    i think there is merit in having the test cases remain in their current classes as they are intended to test certain classes.

    My suggestion was actually to not have this at all.

    hmm, what would you propose then?


    good call.

    yep, this is handled in the BooleanInput class.

    good catch! i will do so.

    haha, i ran the tests again to ensure nothing else was affected.

    Use cases to be compartmentalised by individual member.

    Introduction not added, reopened

    Resolves #82 and #83.

    We have elected to update the UG for two reasons:

    1. Consistency - some of the event methods end with an s while others do not. While this was intended to represent the plurality of some of the returns, this can be confusing for users unfamiliar with Athena. Additionally, to standardise methods between contacts and events, we should use the similarly worded commands for both. Since list is already implemented as a contact feature, we'll stick to listEvent.

    2. Convenience - the documentation of listEvent in the UG is incorrect to begin with. Instead of having to correct both the method and the UG (to listEvents), we instead change only the UG.

    I will update the UG by tomorrow to fix these inconsistencies.

    I suspect it is possible to store this information in a file that already exists in the codebase, as changes to the GUI are saved through different sessions. It is likely that the same file can be used to store this information.

    For clarity, this is unlikely to require large-scale changes across the codebase, as existing classes can be used. Instead, the parser will be changed to support the new command structure.

    Turns out it's just a macOS quirk. Perhaps this will be implemented in the future, when there are other forms of state saving required.

    Looks good to me. I'm just wondering how the TagManager class helps to keep track of the participants (persons) of a particular event without implementing necessary changes in Calendar class or respective events class?

    i don't think it's supposed to. this class is just a means to implement better Tag management-related features. the intermediary between contact- and event-functionalities have yet to be implemented.

    i think we can give the user the option to capitalise their Tags and use regex to ignore case sensitivity in our searches.

    i see your point, but i think the best solution is just to include a way for them to edit their tags after they've been created. as a user, i would not like having to be forced into using a certain case (be it upper or lower), as different cases can add nuance to the tags.

    Enumerations added (see conversation with @chan-j-d above for more details).

    fixes for this will be rolled out when the new GUI is done.

    lgtm - good job!

    i will implement this alongside #118.

    closed and split into #129 and #130.

    in adding these test cases I had to add a few other classes - EventBuilder, EventUtil and EditEventDescriptorBuilder. you may find these classes helpful in constructing your own test cases.

    i think you need to comment directly on that person's ped repo or they can't see it.

    although i can see where you are coming from, i do not think we should restrict users from being able to create extremely similar contacts. i also don't think it's a bug - a user should have the flexibility to be able to add whatever they desire to the address book. it may seem counter intuitive but i think this decision should be left to the user rather than an seemingly arbitrary restriction by the designers. unless anyone else has strong objections this is closed.

    closed; an issue very similar to this was addressed in #211

    this should be a relatively quick fix.

    this is a good catch, but wouldn't your changes exclude an entry like 31-1-20?

    i realise that many test cases actually test for this and use the last input, meaning that this is an intended feature. it'd be more appropriate to explicitly state this in the user guide rather than changing the code.

    Should we standardize comments? One possible style:

    Separate-line comment with whitespace, singular verb, and uppercase 1st character.

    // Parses user input...

    Command command = addressBookParser.parseCommand(commandText);

    Same-line comment with whitespace, singular verb, and lowercase 1st character.

    Command command = addressBookParser.parseCommand(commandText); // parses user input...

    We could follow any other style too. Just thought it might be better for everyone to stick to 1 for consistency.

    Sure, we can restore this when we complete EditCommand.

    Really like the regex here. It is simple and effective.

    I know this is a bit late, but do you think we should change AddPersonCommand to AddPatientCommand?

    I think our Person refers specifically to Patient since we have the periodOfStay field. If we are adding a Staff class in the future, it may be a little misleading since Staff is a Person too.

    What do you think?

    Since we are using Patient now, maybe we can rename some of these variables?


    Also, do you think we should change our usage of "person" to "patient"? 🤔

    i.e. "The patient name..." instead.

    I like the use of guard clauses in this method. Makes the code much cleaner 😀

    Great work on writing the unit tests! For v1.1, we might not need it but getting it done earlier is a nice bonus.

    Maybe it could be invalidPatientName instead? I know it might be a little troublesome to change all references to Person to Patient. I can help with that if you would like.

    For separate-line comments, do you think we should keep the first character in uppercase?

    The Java coding standard we are using does not explicitly mention it but seems to follow that. I think comments that start with keywords may not need to be capitalized though (e.g. null).

    I think "list of patient/all patients that match the specified criteria" may be clearer?

    Great use of Optional here!

    Do you think an Enum may be preferable here since there are a limited number of possible values?

    Using int is not very scalable. If we have 10 different search conditions, we would need 10 int, and it can be hard to keep track of these variables.

    Perhaps we can declare a nested Enum:

    private enum SearchCondition {



    SEARCH_CONDITION_INVALID; // no condition or multiple conditions given


    If you would like to use int, maybe it would be better to make them static and change the variable names to indicate they are constants. E.g.

    private static final int SEARCH_BY_NAME = 1;

    Personally, I think Enum might be neater. 😄

    Maybe we can add a space here? "TEMPERATURE RANGE " instead of "TEMPERATURRANGE".

    This text will be displayed to the user, and the former may be easier to read?

    Maybe one private method for each search condition? That would be great.

    I'm not too sure but I think the execution will not reach this return statement? If that is the case, I think we can throw a CommandException instead of returning null? Returning null here may cause a NullPointerException somewhere else.

    Perhaps we can rename this method to confirmSearchConditions or determineSearchCriteria? area may not be very clear that we are referring to the search conditions.

    JavaDoc comments here are really useful to understand the purpose of the nested class. Great work 👍

    @itssodium Could you check whether these changes are correct?

    If I am not wrong, the Covigent part is the latest edit. It might have been overwritten by accident.

    Would you be able to undo the deletion of this file? DateTimeUtil.java was recently added to manage dates and times.

    Perhaps we could name this AddRoomCommand instead?

    AddNumberOfRoomsCommand seems a little verbose since the number of rooms is implied, though this is a matter of preference.

    If you like AddNumberOfRoomsCommand better, let's keep that.

    Similarly, perhaps we could rename the command to addroom.

    I think it's great that you refactored the code used for I/O. I/O should be abstracted if possible (SRP) since this class mainly handles the adding of the room.

    Maybe we can follow the convention here? For messages, Address Book Level 3 follows this convention: MESSAGE_ERROR or MESSAGE_SUCCESS. We could use MESSAGE_NUMBER_OF_ROOMS_UNDEFINED or something along those lines here for consistency.

    Would be good to add a comment here if the -1 means something.

    Similarly, we can follow the conventions for messages here.

    It is less about whether the user will enter a negative number, and more about how we should secure our application.

    Personally, I feel that it is good if we can handle as many exceptional cases (sometimes called edge cases) as possible. Without proper handling, anyone can crash the app simply by entering a negative number. It can be annoying for the user if they accidentally type in a negative number and the app just stops working.

    Besides, near the end of the semester, our application will be manually tested for bugs. I am fairly sure the testers will try to use negative numbers as inputs. If they can cause the application to crash, they will flag the problem as a bug and deduct our marks for it. Let's do our best to stop that from happening! 😄

    May I ask what is the reason for naming the class RoomBook instead of RoomList or RoomQueue? I feel that Book does not explain what the class does.

    Would it not be possible to use an ArrayList&gt;Room>?

    I think it is easier to understand if you iterate through all the Room objects in a loop and call an isEmpty() method to determine which Room is empty.

    Performance-wise, I understand PriorityQueue may be better but we are sacrificing code clarity for performance.

    Shouldn't Room contain an ArrayList&gt;Task>?

    @itssodium Would you be able to check this?

    Do you mean it will be used for allocating the Patient to the Room?

    Okay, leave this part to me. I will add in the TaskList.

    Would it be possible to use Optional&gt;Patient> here? While it is true that the Room can have no Patient, it is best to avoid null.

    Great that you have a separate class for storage!

    I think that is probably the temporary files used for testing? 🤣 Shall we rename the test files?

    Yup, Address Book Level 3 has a convention for the names of test cases. Maybe we can follow that next time?

    Ohh okay I follow your train of thoughts now. For adding Patient to Room, I think we should be more explicit? Maybe something like AddPatientToRoom.

    I think you can use AddRoom for this.

    May I check if URI is used here? I think path is a String and URI may not be needed here?

    I think it would be good if you could leave a comment to explain the use of the nr and ro options!

    Would it be possible to split this test into smaller units? It is currently longer than 30 lines.

    Perhaps this part

    rooms = new PriorityQueue<>();

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

    Room room = new Room(i + 1);

    if (i % 2 == 0) {




    roomsInArray[i] = room;


    roomList = new RoomList(rooms, roomsInArray, 10);

    numberOfRooms = Paths.get("numberOfRooms");

    roomsOccupied = Paths.get("roomsOccupied");

    roomOccupancyStorage = new RoomOccupancyStorage(numberOfRooms, roomsOccupied);

    roomOccupancyStorage.saveNumberOfRooms(roomList, numberOfRooms);

    roomOccupancyStorage.saveOccupiedRooms(roomList, roomsOccupied);

    roomList1 = roomOccupancyStorage.readOnlyRoomOccupancy();

    assertEquals(roomList, roomList1);

    can be in a separate test?

    I think addRooms here refer to allocating a Patient to a Room? Most likely, this test would be in a separate class so maybe we can remove it first?

    Don't worry, I can handle this part. 😄 I will have to integrate the TaskList into Room to get my part working anyway.

    I think it would be good to leave an explanation of why numberOfRooms is initialized to -1.

    Perhaps the messages here can be moved to another class? Ideally, we can avoid adding constants to this class since the messages are stored in seedu.address.commons.core.Messages instead. Maybe look into putting your messages there too?

    I think IntelliJ might have changed this to wildcard imports? Maybe we can revert this?

    Do you think we should keep the indentation consistent? For *.fxml files, maybe we can use 2 or 4 spaces (not sure what the original is).

    I think it would be patients here. Very minor grammatical issue though 😄

    I like how there is an order for the different types of entities (patients followed by rooms followed by miscellaneous). Maybe in the future, we can a header to each entity to further organize the content of our user guide? E.g.

    3.1 [Command Format](#31-command-format)<br>

    3.2 [Patients](<Section explaining what Patients are>)<br>

    3.2.1 [Add a patient: `addpatient`](#32-add-a-patient-addpatient)<br>

    // ...

    Do you think we should standardize this? Not sure if it is as important in the JavaDocs because it is understandable, but what about the user guide?

    Should we refer to the application as the app, the application, or Covigent?

    Thank you for noticing and changing this! 😄

    Because isSamePatient(...) uses name, age, and phone number as criteria to detect duplicate Patient in a list, will this not pose a problem when deleting? It is possible to have more than 1 Patient with the same name after all. In that case, only the first matching Patient is deleted.

    I think it may be a little strange that the user cannot select which Patient to delete if they share the same name. I am not sure about the optimal way to solve this problem. Would deleting by index be better?

    Good job noticing the bug here! 😄

    Maybe this can be renamed to indicate that an invalid search criterion has been provided. searchPatient does not really explain which aspect is being tested.

    Something like execute_searchPatientInvalidSearchCriteria_throwsCommandException() may be good?

    I think it would be good to mention something along the lines of how the command replaces the current number of rooms with the newly specified value. Also, whether the data in the current rooms will be migrated or reset.

    We can always improve on the user guide in the future though, so maybe we can KIV? 😄

    Since there are multiple files being checked, maybe we can include which data file is not in the correct format in the warning.

    The same goes for the other warnings.

    Maybe we can keep this statement in a single line such that it looks even neater? It has fewer than 110 characters and can fit in one line!

    Perhaps we can remove code that is commented out. If we merge this, we may forget to remove it in the future. Also, commented out code seems like regular comments and may be difficult to locate in a large codebase.

    Great work with the hashing!

    May I ask why the 31 is needed here?

    I think maybe we can make this more general and apply it all the other *List classes (UniquePatientList, RoomList, TaskList). Otherwise, I think the interface may not be needed?

    Possibly ReadOnlyList&gt;T>? We can do either:

    1. Include all methods such as add, delete, etc. (much more work because we have to rename all methods to share a common name).

    2. Include just the method to obtain a read-only list (easier).

    Maybe we can add a TODO here to indicate that in the future, we should set the application default to having a few rooms with patients and tasks?

    Although ObservableList and PriorityQueue maintain the same rooms, for safety would it be better to include a comparison for the ObservableList too?

    The condition for this is rooms != null && roomList.rooms != null but I think neither the PriorityQueue nor ObservableList can be null because of the default value, right?

    In that case, can you not just return false if any of the 2 PriorityQueue and 2 ObservableList are null?

    Instead of tracking numOfRooms in a variable, would it be possible to just make use of the size of the ObservableList? Maybe include a method to get size (similar to the other *List classes).

    This would reduce the complexity of the class, especially when writing the equals(...) or hashCode() method since there is one fewer variable to manage.

    @JsonProperty tells the Jackson ObjectMapper to map the JSON property name to the annotated Java field's name so we end up with this:

    "room": {

    "roomNumber": value

    "isOccupied": value


    For consistency with JsonAdaptedPerson, perhaps we can keep it the same as the variable name (i.e. roomNumber and isOccupied)? We would have

    public JsonAdaptedRoom(@JsonProperty("roomNumber") int roomNumber,

    @JsonProperty("isOccupied") boolean isOccupied) {


    We can add a TODO here since we are not using the Patient and Task in this class yet.

    Consistent @JsonProperty here! Variable name should be rooms.

    Good job with switching to temp folders! 😊

    Maybe we can import java.util.Optional directly?

    I think if we are not using this class currently, we can remove it 1st?

    I will add this when I pull your changes 👍

    Might be good to declare a constant for "-" to indicate what it is doing more clearly!

    Might be difficult to switch here since there are multiple conditions.

    I think the current structure is not too bad. Maybe we can rename clearRoom to isNewEmptyRoom for clarity? clearRoom sounds like the name of a method hahaha.

    Also, I think isCurrentlyOccupied sounds more like a boolean. How about we use that instead of alreadyOccupied?

    Instead of ...orElse(null) != null, maybe we can use editRoomDescriptor.getIsOccupied().isPresent()?

    Would it be possible to combine case 1 and case 3 since both return Room(updatedRoomNumber)? 🤔

    !hasNewPatient could be the condition.

    Actually, I'm curious about why clearRoom is needed as a condition.

    While not entirely linked to this PR, I think we should modify Room to store an Optional&gt;Patient>. Then, we can remove the isOccupied boolean and use Optional&gt;Patient>.isPresent() to find out whether a room is occupied.

    I understand it may be easier to return an Integer but this method is similar to the parseIndex. We can use the Index class provided in the original codebase and use parseIndex instead.

    That was what I did in AddTaskCommandParser 😆

    Hmm if we modify RoomList directly from EditRoomCommand, we may be breaking a few abstraction barriers since Command will be interacting with RoomList.

    To avoid this problem, we can add a setRoom(Room target, Room editedRoom) method to RoomList. Then, add another setRoom(Room target, Room editedRoom) method to Model (the interface). Finally, In ModelManager, call roomList.setRoom(...).

    We can then use the setRoom(...) method by calling model.setRoom(...). So we are restricting the interactions between classes such that Command only interacts with RoomList via Model.

    Does DuplicateRoom apply only to identical RoomNumber?

    Thanks for adding this TODO! 👍

    Wait, I see that setRoom has been done. Good job! In that case, why is the modifiable room list still needed?

    Also, perhaps we can rename these methods to hasRoom(...) and setRoom(...) for consistency with Patient?

    Okay, I see what you mean. For now, we are treating RoomNumber as an index but in the future we may allow the user to set their own room numbers.

    Would it be convenient for you to move the room-related methods to RoomParserUtil?

    If not, I could do that later because I intend to make ParserUtil an abstract class.

    getRoomList() returns the ObservableList though. Wouldn't it be possible to check if the room is present from there?

    I think one reason we would not want to return the RoomList is because it is mutable. That means that if we return RoomList from ModelManager, any other class can modify the content through RoomList (e.g. call roomList.addRooms(...)) instead of through the Model (i.e. call model.addRooms(...)).

    getRoomList() returns a read-only list so we can prevent the contents of RoomList from being changed directly. In fact, I think that was the original intention behind the asUnmodifiableObservableList() method.

    I think editroom command does not allow task to be edited right?

    In that case, maybe we don't need to use editRoomDescriptor.getTaskList()?

    Maybe it would be good to remove codes that we commented out? Otherwise, we may completely forget about it.

    Perhaps the predicate could take on a more meaningful name. What about filterByRoomNumber or something along those lines?

    Good job on reducing the number of ObservableList we need!

    If we are changing that, I think we can make the method name clearer too. Maybe getFilterByRoomNumberPredicate()?

    Let's look into resolving the TODOs in v1.3?

    Just wanna check if stylesheets need to be set to each of the element? If I am not wrong, as long as you set stylesheets to ScrollPane, the rest of the elements should inherit the CSS accordingly?

    For multiple non-null args, we can use requireAllNonNull(...) instead to shorten the code!

    Maybe can explain why this statement is necessary here?

    Great work using a listener to update the UI for Room!

    Would it not be possible to use getPatientWithName instead? I feel like that may significantly reduce the amount of code that we need.

    Might be good to add a comment there to indicate that it refreshes UI.

    I think the patient name is the identifier for a patient right? In that case, wouldn't it better to avoid using the Index class?

    Would you like to switch to getRoomList() here? We will eventually remove getModifiableRoomList.

    If I am not wrong, the two methods getPatientIndex() and getPatientFromIndex() are used in the EditPatientCommand class, right?

    Instead of this

    Index index = model.getPatientIndex(patientToBeEdited);

    if (index.getZeroBased() == 0) {

    throw new CommandException(Messages.MESSAGE_INVALID_PATIENT_NAME_INPUT);


    Patient patientToEdit = model.getPatientFromIndex(Index.fromZeroBased(index.getZeroBased() - 1));

    Would it not be cleaner to do this in EditPatientCommand?

    Optional<Patient> optionalPatient = model.getPatientWithName(patientToBeEdited);

    // Better still, use Patient patientToEdit = optionalPatient.orElseThrow(...). I forgot the syntax hahaha.

    if (!optionalPatient.isPresent()) {

    throw new CommandException(Messages.MESSAGE_INVALID_PATIENT_NAME_INPUT);


    Patient patientToEdit = optionalPatient.get();

    That way, we avoid using Index altogether.

    Oh yeah, this wouldn't work if you use the unmodifiable version. Feels like using the modifiable version is a hack though hahaha.

    Actually, we probably should have another class similar to PatientRecord to interact with RoomList. Add, delete, set are done through PatientRecord right now. I think it's fine for now though. Maybe add a note to move this method to the new class once it is set up.

    Maybe we can standardize the casing for file names (i.e. logo.png).

    I would like to check if we are changing the colour scheme of the UI. I think #2b5c7b is the one we are using in our mock-up.

    Since we are removing the menu, I think you can remove the corresponding CSS too!

    Maybe keep the format for the comments consistent.

    // Set images ...

    Do you think setAccelerator() can be removed too?

    If we are removing the menu, I think the exit button will disppear too, right?

    Similarly, this might not be needed anymore.

    Is it necessary to cast to (int) here. count() should return an int I think.

    Hmm I think maybe model.canFit() can be renamed? It is difficult to understand what that method does. Perhaps hasSpaceForRooms()? Same for the other canFit() methods.

    Do you think setRoom() would be clearer here?

    Would you like to rename this to RoomRecords to keep it consistent with PatientRecords?

    Noticed the defensive programming here 👍

    An alternative is to check using regex. [\\p{Alnum}]{1, 150} should do the trick.

    Yup, this should be removed.

    It will throw an AssertionError when RoomList does not contain room. The method actually stills work without the assertion. That said, when we are calling from logic, the room passed to this method should be in the RoomList.

    The assertion warns the developers when room is not in RoomList.

    Added the line separator!

    Do you think it would be cleaner if we kept this error message in InitRoomCommandParser since it is specific to the command?

    I think the method name can be the same here? setPreferredNumOfRooms seems okay to me.

    Maybe it would be possible to use the Index class here. Create an Index object from roomNumber and use it for the list operations.

    This avoids "magic numbers", i.e. the -1 does not keep appearing.

    Would be good to define 5000 as a constant MAX_NUM_OF_ROOM!

    Good negative test case!

    We may want to use verbs for the name of methods to make it clearer? getNumOfOccupiedRooms()?

    May also want to make the Javadocs for this method clearer.

    I think you can use rename roomList1 to expectedRoomList to highlight the difference between the 2 RoomList. Same for the other test cases!

    Really glad we finally got it to work!

    Let's try not to expose RoomTasks to other classes? Adding a getter here would allow other classes to get RoomTasks from Room and add any tasks to it. We can make the tasks read-only by exposing only getReadOnlyTasks. Do see my comment below too.

    It is possible to use new RoomTasks(roomToClear.getReadOnlyTasks()) instead to avoid adding a getter!

    This is a smart way to listen to changes in the list of tasks in room! 👍

    Okay, noted on this. I will make the change. Thanks!

    Agreed! Let's remove the additional fields.

    Yes, right you are! I will change this.

    Interestingly, yyyyMd does not work.

    Consider the date "12 Jan 2020", for instance. With yyyyMd, it would be "2020112". But this string is ambiguous. Are we referring to "2 Nov 2020" or "12 Jan 2020"?

    If we want to use yyyyMd, we would need a delimiter (e.g. yyyy-M-d). I decided against using the hyphen because it doesn't read as well when it is a date range.

    Actually, yeah. It is probably not needed for an MVP.

    The rationale behind adding DateTimeCreated is to allow the user to filter tasks with creation date as a criterion. For example, in Slack, users can see when the task is created. It is helpful when the user wants to query what tasks were created yesterday or within the last few days.

    Right now, the plan is for the user to click on a Room in order to view all tasks assigned to it. There is no separate tab for the users to manage tasks (we should probably have this to show user which tasks from which rooms are due?). In the future, when we implement reminders or a search for tasks, DateTimeCreated might be more useful.

    I think I will remove this from the MVP. Unit testing for this class also requires more work because we would need another layer of abstraction to handle and control the date-time instead of using LocalDateTime.now().

    Thoughts on this?


    Nope, it is in an entirely different file. That said, I wonder if it will be confusing for the user?

    No problem!

    I think p/ is good 😄 We can try to keep it as short and sweet as possible since that's easier to remember.

    Good point. Will use that instead 👍

    It is missing the success case actually. Will need to set up a stub to perform the test. Will KIV 1st.

    Hmm could you clarify on this? I think most of the other Command classes handle add, delete, and update through Model. The Model is the abstraction.

    Good point. We should change the names of the tests here!

    Yes, @LeeMingDe mentioned this too!

    Hmm... Should it be in alphabetical order? I was thinking maybe it should be sorted by the type. We can have Patient, followed by Room, then Task.

    3.2 Patient

    3.2.1 Add Patient

    3.2.2 Delete Patient


    3.3 Room

    3.3.1 Initialize Rooms


    3.4 Task

    3.4.1 Add Task

    3.4.2 Delete Task

    The current arrangement is like this: the methods that are common to Patient, Room, and Task are placed into ParserUtil. Task-specific methods such as parseDescription are in TaskParserUtil.

    Good observation!

    Oh I decided to group the success cases together. Might indeed be neater to space them out.

    roomNumber cannot actually be null though, because it is a primitive (i.e. int).

    Yup that's true. Good observation here 😄

    That said, assertions may not necessarily be enabled, especially when an application goes into production.

    The roomNumber &gt; 0 check is to prevent the application from crashing if this method somehow gets called when assertions are off.

    Yup, I think the app is meant to crash in that case. model.getTaskFromRoomWithTaskIndex(taskIndex, room) should return either an empty Optional or an Optional-wrapped task. It should never be null here.

    The app will crash with a NullPointerException if taskToDelete is null either way.

    Yup, it will crash the app provided assertions are enabled. If getRoomWithRoomNumber(...) is called with a roomNumber greater than 0, it would be a programming error. Crashing in that case is helpful for debugging.

    @itssodium would you like to close this PR? I think we could keep the other one instead?

    Good work! We will have to correct the CheckStyle problems in order to merge. Would you be able to change the order of imports?

    We have decided to close this issue. Don't worry about creating the pull request from master.

    For future pull requests, remember that every new feature should be done in a separate branch!

    Task models are added 1st. Will be integrated with Room in v1.2.

    While not ideal, I decided to force push to my own repo in order to squash the commits that contained only minor changes for CheckStyle compliance.

    I will be more careful when pushing to my repo in the future.

    Overall, clean and neat code! Believe you haven't integrated the command into the code yet but seems like good support for your command for now. One thing though, I am not sure why you want to have a DateTimeCreated for task? Anyway, LGTM!

    Haha, yeah I set up the PR to update everyone with my progress. The integration is not complete yet. I will request for more reviews when the integration is done.

    To fix your addressbook and let it show its contacts, follow these steps:

    1. Go to your data folder
    1. Open up addressbook.json
    1. In the second line, change "persons" to "patients"

    I recommend deleting data/addressbook.json if you have not added any custom data. Upon restarting the app, the file should be regenerated.

    Additionally, the logic in readAndSaveRoomList unit tests may be difficult to follow without comments. Do you think it would be possible to add

    // Save in new file and read back

    RoomOccupancyStorage roomOccupancyStorage = new RoomOccupancyStorage(numberOfRooms, roomsOccupied);

    // ...

    to indicate that you are saving and loading the file for testing?

    There is also some code duplication in the readAndSaveRoomList tests, which we can consider refactoring into private methods.

    I removed the link to #58 because we haven't actually displayed the Patient and Task details for each room. We can definitely merge 1st though.

    Rebased to avoid additional merge commit.

    lgtm, good job! However, the pr is super long, would it be better to like split it up in the future? eg. do the tasklist/task class and merge it first. then the addTask command and then merge it?

    Totally agree with this. Ideally, I think a PR should not exceed 500 lines. It is difficult to review the PR when it is that long. I originally wanted to split this as well. Will definitely do so in the future! 👍

    getRoomWithRoomNumber has been implemented in #115. Can use that for EditRoom too.

    Duplicate tasks are allowed!

    * Tertiary student

    | `* * *` | user | set a monthly spending limit | track how much I have left to spend for the month |

    Don't commit .iml files.

    * **Tools**:

    Newline at EOF.

    parseEmail should be renamed to parseDate with the corresponding parameter renamed. Same for all other instances.

    parseTag should be renamed to parseCategory with the corresponding parameter renamed. Same for all other instances.

    parsePhone should be renamed to parseAmount with the corresponding parameter renamed. Same for all other instances.

    * Parses an {@code String amount} into a {@code Amount}.

    * @throws ParseException if the given {@code amount} is invalid.

    * @throws ParseException if the given {@code date} is invalid.

    * Parses a {@code String category} into a {@code Category}.

    * @throws ParseException if the given {@code category} is invalid.

    * Parses {@code Collection<String> categories} into a {@code Set<Category>}.

    parseTags should be renamed to parseCategories with the corresponding parameter renamed. Same for all other instances.

    The UI consists of a `MainWindow` that is made up of parts e.g.`CommandBox`, `ResultDisplay`, `TransactionListPanel`, `StatusBarFooter` etc. All these, including the `MainWindow`, inherit from the abstract `UiPart` class.

    <div markdown="span" class="alert alert-info">:information_source: **Note:** An alternative (arguably, a more OOP) model is given below. It has a `Category` list in the `AddressBook`, which `Transaction` references. This allows `AddressBook` to only require one `Category` object per unique `Category`, instead of each `Transaction` needing their own `Category` object.<br>

    ecp -&gt; ec ++: index, editPersonDescriptor

    Let's update the diagrams at a later stage.

    Simply add the following to [`seedu.address.ui.PersonCard`](https://github.com/se-edu/addressbook-level3/commit/850b78879582f38accb05dd20c245963c65ea599#diff-0c6b6abcfac8c205e075294f25e851fe).

    Let's revert this change since we will most likely be deleting tutorials eventually.

    Person editedPerson = createEditedPerson(personToEdit, editPersonDescriptor);

    Could you import EditCommand.EditTransactionDescriptor instead?

    * Adds an income to the finance tracker.

    The command result display is not big enough to display everything, nor can it be scrolled. Instead, the words are just cut off.

    Should something else be used instead of menu? Having to click the Menu, then the MenuItem for tabs is very clunky. An alternative is JavaFX TabPane.

    I don't think the help menu should be grouped with the other options as the other options are tab headers while the help menu is a menu.

    This extra line break can be removed.

    * Opens the analytics window.

    Missing full stop.

    panelLabel does not seem to correctly reflect the chosen tab.

    Note how Income is selected, yet the label displays Expense.

    If the JavaFX TabPane were used, I don't think you need to write such hacky code.

    * Creates an {@code ExpensePanel} with the given {@code ObservableList}.

    Should this class be dealing with Expense objects instead of Transaction objects?

    * Creates an {@code IncomePanel} with the given {@code ObservableList}.

    Should this class be dealing with Income objects instead of Transaction objects?

    Any reason why these imports aren't grouped with the others?

    Move this import up with the other imports, and leave a line after the last import.

    This might be due to the bug found by @zhaojj2209 whereby switching tabs works only for the first time since the application was started.

    Unable to reliably replicate this. I'll close this comment for now and keep and eye for this bug occurring in the future.

    @siddarth2824 will be addressing this in a separate PR.

    See https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-W16-3/tp/pull/75#discussion_r501141034.

    See https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-W16-3/tp/pull/75#discussion_r501141034.

    This will be changed in a future PR once the Expense model is more fleshed out.

    This will be changed in a future PR once the Income model is more fleshed out.

    Add full stops? Same for the other comments.

    Possible to add backticks to parts which reference code? i.e. AddCommand

    + ": Deletes the expense identified by the index number used in the displayed expense list.\n"

    + ": Deletes the income identified by the index number used in the displayed income list.\n"

    * Deletes an income identified using its displayed index from the finance tracker.

    * Deletes an expense identified using its displayed index from the finance tracker.

    Currently, these specific success messages are being shown. Should these be removed?

    This value depends on the number of entries in our test data though. How do you propose we get around this without hard-coding?

    public void execute_showsAllExpenses() {

    Sounds weird otherwise. 😕

    public void execute_showAllIncomes() {

    Is this line break intended?

    - Edit find commands to be similar to edit commands e.g `find INDEX KEYWORD`

    Should the date be set in the CNY period?

    Perhaps bullet points detailing the behaviour of the command on each tab could be moved from the format section to the description section? @yongping827 what do you think?

    Can getFilteredExpenseList return an ObservableList&gt;Expense> instead?

    Similarly, can getFilteredIncomeList return an ObservableList&gt;Income> instead?

    Can we enforce the subtypes within the list itself?

    Use a more descriptive variable name.

    Use a more descriptive variable name.

    Remove extra newline.

    This is quite bad design. Perhaps we should just throw an error when executing any of the base commands which should never be executed?

    Refer to issue #125.

    Is this assertion necessary?

    Similarly, is this necessary?

    `JsonAdaptedExpense` and `JsonAdaptedIncome` are JSON-friendly adaptations of `Expense` and `Income` respectively.

    Remove this extra newline?

    * Creates a {@code MonthlyBudget} with an expense limit and savings goal of $0.

    Comment is not descriptive.

    * This guarantees that the elements of the FilteredList can successfully be cast to the target type.


    * @param list The FilteredList to be cast.

    Add an empty line between the description and parameter sections.

    Add line breaks after every full stop. This will help us version control the document better. Same for the rest of the document.

    Edits an expense in the finance tracker.

    Edits an expense in the finance tracker.

    Don't leave gaps in between for consistency with the other classes.

    Since these are mostly the same, can they be generalised into a method? Or will these diverse significantly in the future?

    Reorder the imports to be alphabetical.

    box BookmarkExpense UI_COLOR_T1

    [->LogicManager: execute("convert-bookmark-expense 1 d/20/10/2020")

    ![Sequence Diagram of the Convert Bookmark Expense To Expense Feature](images/ConvertBookmarkExpenseSequenceDiagram.png)

    adds a bookmark expense titled `Phone Bill` with amount `$60.00` and two categories `Utilities` and `Personal`.

    Should we standardise Food & Drink to Food & Beverage?

    // multiple dates

    + "Inputting the date is optional. If no input is given for d/DATE, the current date will be used.\n"

    Same for the other instances of this sentence.

    Group this import with the others in alphabetical order.

    * Returns true if the {@code Amount} has a non-negative value.

    Missing description of param.

    Missing description of param.

    Useless comment.

    Try to make it more descriptive, I don't need a comment to tell me this is a constructor.

    Should these statements be reordered to fit the subsections?

    Add a space before this line so that the image isn't so cramped?

    * `edit 2 t/Shopee Internship d/24/10/2020`

    add-income t/Shopee Internship a/560 d/03/10/2020 c/Work

    New income added: Shopee Internship Amount: $560.00 Date: 03/10/2020 Categories: [Internship]

    Adds a new income titled `Shopee Internship`, with amount `$560.00`, date `03/10/2020`, and a single category `Internship`.

    This line isn't very clear as to what it's for. 😕

    If it is meant to be captions to the image, perhaps we could work out some styling to use that makes its purpose more obvious?

    Same for the other captions.

    To be resolved in a separate PR. Issue #256 opened.

    Perhaps it would be better for this method to simple do the replaceAll, then pass removedExtraWhiteSpacesTitle into parseTitle? That way, we get less repetition of code.

    Also, I believe whitespace is a single word.

    String removedExtraWhitespaceTitle = title.replaceAll("\\s{2,}", " ");

    Can you add non-breaking spaces to all example code snippets for both the warnings? I'm afraid this might give rise to ambiguity.

    Should this be made specific to either dates and/or months only? The given example doesn't quite apply to year.

    public static final String MESSAGE_CONSTRAINTS = "Dates should be a valid calendar date of the format dd/mm/yyyy, "

    Just in case someone enters 30/02/2020 and files a bug report stating that the error message is not informative?

    That would be good I think. We can properly define what a valid calendar date is in the user guide.

    Sounds good! 👍

    Possible to link to the various issues?

    Would be good to use :jack_o_lantern: and :ghost: instead.

    Minutes does not appear in the list because the front matter is missing.

    date: 2020-10-31

    Wrong date.

    - Got a time traveller on our hands [#246](https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-W16-3/tp/issues/246)

    Broken link.

    Should there be a reference made to the clear command under quick start? Seems weird to have this all the way at the bottom.

    This was originally broken up into 2 lines as the final submission has to be a PDF file. When written in a single line, the code block is displayed with a horizontal scrollbar that results in the line being cut off in PDF format.

    As a side note, there are multiple other instances in the user guide where code blocks are too long and get truncated after converting to PDF.

    Any leading/trailing whitespaces will be ignored. e.g. `add t/   Bubble Tea` and `add t/Bubble Tea   ` will be treated as `add t/Bubble Tea`.

    Searches for all expenses with titles containing the specified TITLE_KEYPHRASE keyphrase exactly.

    Partial matches are accepted. e.g. t/Snack will match Snacks

    Do these two statements contradict each other?

    Inconsistent use of full stops.

    The message displayed in the application uses t/KEYWORD instead of t/TITLE_KEYPHRASE.

    Same issues here as highlighted above.

    No more CELC definitions?

    Should we use the plural form when there are multiple pull requests?

    Should there be a break statement? Otherwise, hasEmptyTitleKeyphrase merely depends on the last element in titleKeyphrases.

    Similar issue here as above.

    The following error is thrown when find t/ t/hello is input.

    INFO: ----------------[USER COMMAND][find t/ t/hello]

    Nov 06, 2020 7:38:43 PM ay2021s1_cs2103_w16_3.finesse.logic.parser.FinanceTrackerParser parseCommand

    INFO: ----------------[CURRENT TAB][overview]

    Exception in thread "JavaFX Application Thread" java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException

    at javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader$MethodHandler.invoke(FXMLLoader.java:1787)

    at javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader$ControllerMethodEventHandler.handle(FXMLLoader.java:1670)

    at com.sun.javafx.event.CompositeEventHandler.dispatchBubblingEvent(CompositeEventHandler.java:86)

    at com.sun.javafx.event.EventHandlerManager.dispatchBubblingEvent(EventHandlerManager.java:238)

    at com.sun.javafx.event.EventHandlerManager.dispatchBubblingEvent(EventHandlerManager.java:191)

    at com.sun.javafx.event.CompositeEventDispatcher.dispatchBubblingEvent(CompositeEventDispatcher.java:59)

    at com.sun.javafx.event.BasicEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(BasicEventDispatcher.java:58)

    at com.sun.javafx.event.EventDispatchChainImpl.dispatchEvent(EventDispatchChainImpl.java:114)

    at com.sun.javafx.event.BasicEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(BasicEventDispatcher.java:56)

    at com.sun.javafx.event.EventDispatchChainImpl.dispatchEvent(EventDispatchChainImpl.java:114)

    at com.sun.javafx.event.BasicEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(BasicEventDispatcher.java:56)

    at com.sun.javafx.event.EventDispatchChainImpl.dispatchEvent(EventDispatchChainImpl.java:114)

    at com.sun.javafx.event.EventUtil.fireEventImpl(EventUtil.java:74)

    at com.sun.javafx.event.EventUtil.fireEvent(EventUtil.java:49)

    at javafx.event.Event.fireEvent(Event.java:198)

    at javafx.scene.Node.fireEvent(Node.java:8879)

    at com.sun.javafx.scene.control.behavior.TextFieldBehavior.fire(TextFieldBehavior.java:184)

    at com.sun.javafx.scene.control.behavior.TextInputControlBehavior.lambda$keyMapping$62(TextInputControlBehavior.java:330)

    at com.sun.javafx.scene.control.inputmap.InputMap.handle(InputMap.java:274)

    at com.sun.javafx.event.CompositeEventHandler$NormalEventHandlerRecord.handleBubblingEvent(CompositeEventHandler.java:218)

    at com.sun.javafx.event.CompositeEventHandler.dispatchBubblingEvent(CompositeEventHandler.java:80)

    at com.sun.javafx.event.EventHandlerManager.dispatchBubblingEvent(EventHandlerManager.java:238)

    at com.sun.javafx.event.EventHandlerManager.dispatchBubblingEvent(EventHandlerManager.java:191)

    at com.sun.javafx.event.CompositeEventDispatcher.dispatchBubblingEvent(CompositeEventDispatcher.java:59)

    at com.sun.javafx.event.BasicEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(BasicEventDispatcher.java:58)

    at com.sun.javafx.event.EventDispatchChainImpl.dispatchEvent(EventDispatchChainImpl.java:114)

    at com.sun.javafx.event.BasicEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(BasicEventDispatcher.java:56)

    at com.sun.javafx.event.EventDispatchChainImpl.dispatchEvent(EventDispatchChainImpl.java:114)

    at com.sun.javafx.event.BasicEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(BasicEventDispatcher.java:56)

    at com.sun.javafx.event.EventDispatchChainImpl.dispatchEvent(EventDispatchChainImpl.java:114)

    at com.sun.javafx.event.EventUtil.fireEventImpl(EventUtil.java:74)

    at com.sun.javafx.event.EventUtil.fireEvent(EventUtil.java:54)

    at javafx.event.Event.fireEvent(Event.java:198)

    at javafx.scene.Scene$KeyHandler.process(Scene.java:4058)

    at javafx.scene.Scene$KeyHandler.access$1500(Scene.java:4004)

    at javafx.scene.Scene.processKeyEvent(Scene.java:2121)

    at javafx.scene.Scene$ScenePeerListener.keyEvent(Scene.java:2595)

    at com.sun.javafx.tk.quantum.GlassViewEventHandler$KeyEventNotification.run(GlassViewEventHandler.java:217)

    at com.sun.javafx.tk.quantum.GlassViewEventHandler$KeyEventNotification.run(GlassViewEventHandler.java:149)

    at java.base/java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)

    at com.sun.javafx.tk.quantum.GlassViewEventHandler.lambda$handleKeyEvent$1(GlassViewEventHandler.java:248)

    at com.sun.javafx.tk.quantum.QuantumToolkit.runWithoutRenderLock(QuantumToolkit.java:390)

    at com.sun.javafx.tk.quantum.GlassViewEventHandler.handleKeyEvent(GlassViewEventHandler.java:247)

    at com.sun.glass.ui.View.handleKeyEvent(View.java:547)

    at com.sun.glass.ui.View.notifyKey(View.java:971)

    at com.sun.glass.ui.win.WinApplication._runLoop(Native Method)

    at com.sun.glass.ui.win.WinApplication.lambda$runLoop$3(WinApplication.java:174)

    at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834)

    Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException

    at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

    at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)

    at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)

    at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:566)

    at com.sun.javafx.reflect.Trampoline.invoke(MethodUtil.java:76)

    at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

    at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)

    at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)

    at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:566)

    at com.sun.javafx.reflect.MethodUtil.invoke(MethodUtil.java:273)

    at com.sun.javafx.fxml.MethodHelper.invoke(MethodHelper.java:83)

    at javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader$MethodHandler.invoke(FXMLLoader.java:1784)

    ... 47 more

    Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Keyphrase cannot be empty

    at ay2021s1_cs2103_w16_3.finesse.commons.util.AppUtil.checkArgument(AppUtil.java:39)

    at ay2021s1_cs2103_w16_3.finesse.commons.util.StringUtil.containsIgnoreCase(StringUtil.java:27)

    at ay2021s1_cs2103_w16_3.finesse.model.transaction.predicates.TitleContainsKeyphrasesPredicate.lambda$test$0(TitleContainsKeyphrasesPredicate.java:22)

    at java.base/java.util.stream.MatchOps$1MatchSink.accept(MatchOps.java:90)

    at java.base/java.util.ArrayList$ArrayListSpliterator.tryAdvance(ArrayList.java:1631)

    at java.base/java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline.forEachWithCancel(ReferencePipeline.java:127)

    at java.base/java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.copyIntoWithCancel(AbstractPipeline.java:502)

    at java.base/java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.copyInto(AbstractPipeline.java:488)

    at java.base/java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.wrapAndCopyInto(AbstractPipeline.java:474)

    at java.base/java.util.stream.MatchOps$MatchOp.evaluateSequential(MatchOps.java:230)

    at java.base/java.util.stream.MatchOps$MatchOp.evaluateSequential(MatchOps.java:196)

    at java.base/java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.evaluate(AbstractPipeline.java:234)

    at java.base/java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline.anyMatch(ReferencePipeline.java:528)

    at ay2021s1_cs2103_w16_3.finesse.model.transaction.predicates.TitleContainsKeyphrasesPredicate.test(TitleContainsKeyphrasesPredicate.java:22)

    at ay2021s1_cs2103_w16_3.finesse.model.transaction.predicates.TitleContainsKeyphrasesPredicate.test(TitleContainsKeyphrasesPredicate.java:12)

    at java.base/java.util.function.Predicate.lambda$and$0(Predicate.java:69)

    at javafx.collections.transformation.FilteredList.refilter(FilteredList.java:332)

    at javafx.collections.transformation.FilteredList.access$000(FilteredList.java:50)

    at javafx.collections.transformation.FilteredList$1.invalidated(FilteredList.java:102)

    at javafx.beans.property.ObjectPropertyBase.markInvalid(ObjectPropertyBase.java:112)

    at javafx.beans.property.ObjectPropertyBase.set(ObjectPropertyBase.java:147)

    at javafx.collections.transformation.FilteredList.setPredicate(FilteredList.java:125)

    at ay2021s1_cs2103_w16_3.finesse.model.ModelManager.updateFilteredTransactionList(ModelManager.java:276)

    at ay2021s1_cs2103_w16_3.finesse.model.ModelManager.updateFilteredTransactionList(ModelManager.java:284)

    at ay2021s1_cs2103_w16_3.finesse.logic.commands.FindTransactionCommand.execute(FindTransactionCommand.java:22)

    at ay2021s1_cs2103_w16_3.finesse.logic.LogicManager.execute(LogicManager.java:52)

    at ay2021s1_cs2103_w16_3.finesse.ui.MainWindow.executeCommand(MainWindow.java:248)

    at ay2021s1_cs2103_w16_3.finesse.ui.CommandBox.handleCommandEntered(CommandBox.java:96)

    ... 59 more

    Inconsistent indentation level with line 148.

    Just to check, is the reason why a space is prepended so that you can chain these strings together? If so, perhaps it would be good to add a comment stating this.

    Possible to add tests for partial title keyphrases too?

    Any reason for prepending with a space here?

    pitest can be added at a later time when we get around to achieving full coverage.

    My bad, removed test.

    I thought that the GITHUB_TOKEN secret was being blocked due to this PR being from a fork. Seems to also happen with branches on this repo. 😕

    Apparently, GITHUB_TOKEN cannot be used; must be a GitHub user's personal access token.

    Setting the baseurl to be the repo name is necessary for GitHub Pages to function.

    CI job is able to run now. Tested on a branch of this repo as PRs from forks are unable to access secrets.

    See https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-W16-3/tp/runs/1160121842.

    @yongping827 The corresponding comment in AddIncomeCommandParser does not have a full stop, should I still add it?

    This was left as such to mirror the corresponding change in #56. Can I confirm this is not intended?

    Edit: Never mind, just saw https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-W16-3/tp/pull/63#discussion_r499263026.

    Full stops to be added separately. This is honestly very low priority.

    Hmm, I went with ListTransactionCommand as the commands shouldn't have to care about the state of the UI; that's the job of the FinanceTrackerParser.

    This comment is here because the contents of this file needs to correspond to the transactions created in TypicalTransactions. For the other test JSON files, they have no such dependency.

    Believe it or not, the 3 line breaks here is for consistency with the rest of the file.

    Pre-emptive logging so that any bugs reported in the future can be investigated.

    Left -apple-system in so that if WebView ever gets fixed, everything starts working normally again.

    If anyone can find a more CELC-friendly way of phrasing this without introducing any ambiguities, I'm all ears.

    Could you point out where code is duplicated? I don't see any instances of code duplication.

    Ah okay, I see now!

    I was wondering why IntelliJ was throwing warnings for the pitest task in build.gradle. See https://github.com/szpak/gradle-pitest-plugin#eliminate-warning-in-idea. For documentation purposes only; I agree that this change feels less readable.

    Requested for permission to use the external library at nus-cs2103-AY2021S1/forum#253.


    While the current deployment process works with personal access tokens, @wltan brought up the point that we should have it work with the repository token GITHUB_TOKEN instead. This is a more ideal solution, especially if Prof Damith were to adopt the use of jekyll-spaceship.

    Relative links are currently not working. Trying to find a fix.

    PR has been picked up by the grading script.

    Closed with #50.




    Could you rebase to address merge conflicts before we start reviewing?

    Issue seems to be caused by spaces in the file path.

    Define the allowed inputs for Title and Category more explicitly in the user guide. The intricacies of the input validation cannot be captured within MESSAGE_CONSTRAINTS without making it unnecessarily verbose which is not user friendly.

    See #130.

    Pushed back to v1.4 so as to devote more time to developing and polishing features.

    Related to #131.

    Related to #131.

    Related to #131.

    Related to #131.

    Preview of user guide in Fine$$e:

    As of this PR, all the links in the user guide are functional.

    1234 is a perfectly valid input for the title parameter as stated in our user guide. It is merely an identifier of the transaction for the user and does not affect the functionality of the application in any way. As such, there is no "abuse of the application" going on.

    Remove all abbreviation elements &gt;abbr> from the user guide and write out the contents of these tags explicitly.

    Not only does this confuse CELC, it also confuses our peers as seen in #243.

    ¥, £, and Ü are not in fact ASCII characters, let alone printable ASCII characters.

    In addition, the list of printable ASCII characters was explicitly defined under section 4 of the user guide.

    Add acknowledgements for all libraries used.

    This is not a bug as the previous behaviour was WYSIWYG. Nevertheless, we will be replacing instances of multiple whitespace with a single whitespace to prevent issues such as this from being opened in the practical exam.

    Add badge for license.

    Resolved in #252.

    I'm in favour of your suggestion with regards to CommandHistory. A singleton pattern makes sense here as there should only ever be one instance of CommandHistory. Very elegant! 👍

    Add a note somewhere in the user guide that Fine$$e deals with transactions and not items. See https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-W16-3/tp/issues/238#issuecomment-721108856.

    I think "the filename of the profile photo should be doc/images/githbub_username_in_lower_case.png" - Week 7 Point 2 in Project

    Might wanna consider team/samlsm instead

    Missing space before 4a.

    Missing space before 4a.

    Remove extra space

    Missing "Use case ends."

    Inconsistent comma, (+ EMAIL_DESC_BOB,)

    Inconsistent comma, (+ EMAIL_DESC_BOB,)

    Inconsistent comma, (+ EMAIL_DESC_BOB,)

    '''//// student-related tests''' may work better here instead of Student, since we also have '''//// moduleClass-related tests'''

    Extra space

    Extra space

    See if its possible to trim down this part. I took a couple of tries before I understood what was going on

    ''' The {@code ModuleClass} must not exist in the current list '''

    Don't quite understand this. Specifically, don't understand what is a backing list and what is meant by unmodifiable

    /** Returns an unmodifiable view of the filtered

    * {@code ModuleClass} list.


    // student-related constants

    // moduleClass-related constants

    Need full stop for this comment

    Comments start with lower letter + no full stops

    // workaround as storage functionality for ModuleClasses has not been implemented

    Ok lets retain it in that case

    Ok lets retain it in that case

    Ok lets retain it in that case


    Missing space

    + PREFIX_TELEGRAM + "johnDO3 "

    Consider keeping the previous tag set? Because its more of an app to track students rather than keep address contacts.

    I think the tagset got overwritten. Saw that you merged the master branch into your branch

    Might be good if we remove the telegram prefix, since user has to type @ for email. So we might want to keep the design consistent by making them type @ for telegram handle

    An alternative would be to update both the UG and DG to reflect the telegram handle changes.

    I personally would go for the former than latter. How about the rest?

    Any reasons why "student" was removed?

    Extra white space

    Any reasons for removing this white space?

    Any reasons for removing this white space?

    Any reasons for removing this white space?

    Resolved by sticking to using TELEGRAM_PREFIX = "@"

    Any reasons for removing this white space?

    Resolved by adding back "student" in command

    * @param index Index of the class in the filtered class list to edit.

    * @param editModuleClassDescriptor Details to edit the class with.

    // short circuit if same object

    // instanceof handles nulls

    // state check

    * @throws ParseException If the user input does not conform the expected format.

    I think the full stop got removed for some reasons.

    My current updated code base has a full stop for this comment

    * Parses input arguments and creates a new FindStudentCommand object.

    '''@throws ParseException If the user input does not conform the expected format.'''

    || (other instanceof ModuleNameContainsKeywordsPredicate // handles null)

    start with lower case, e.g

    // one keyword

    * Returns an {@code EditModuleClassDescriptor} with fields containing {@code moduleClass}'s details.

    Can you help center the fencing for the table?

    Can you help organise/center the fencing "|" for the userguide table as well? I remembered centering it awhile back during v1.1 but seems like some of the fences got out of position again

    Shows a list of all students and all classes in the application.

    Might want to consider putting this after DeleteModuleClassCommand.COMMAND_WORD but before LinkCommand.COMMAND_WORD to maintain a fixed action sequence

    "3" seems like a magic number across the test script. We might want to consider abstracting it into a variable in a separate PR

    I think we should use Color since the naming before the change was Color

    I agree with Dexter on this

    * Deletes the given {@code Student} and the {@code Student}'s {@code UUID} in all {@code ModuleClass}es.

    * Deletes {@code key} from this {@code TutorsPet} and also the {@code UUID} of {@code Student} from all {@code ModuleClass}es.

    Just to clarify, the reason why you create a new hashset is because the set returned by getStudentUuids() is immutable?

    // manually remove UUID

    Is this change because if a student is deleted, then the associated student in ModuleClass is removed as well?

    Extra space

    Extra space

    Can we remove this space? Since line 17 and 19 are both messages

    Space between line 15 and 16?

    The words undone and redone are kinda awkward but I think its okay if we express it in that way, since it still gets the message across in a succinct manner

    * Creates a {@code StateRecords} with the specified {@code currentIndex} and {@code stateRecords}.

    Extra space

    I agree with Dexter on this. We can probably extract the CRUD operations to Logic instead of clustering everything in AttendanceRecordListTest.java

    We can shift the CRUD here out to another class as well

    Any reasons for this spacing?

    Any reasons for this spacing?

    Would recommend putting new back, since we are technically still generating a new Lesson

    Nice assert

    Name moduleClassName= targetModuleClass.getName();

    + PREFIX_WEEK + "WEEK_NUMBER (must be a positive integer) "

    + "Note: All indexes must be positive integers.\n"

    Swap line 91 and 92 for consistency

    assert targetWeek != null;

    Maybe keep the original?

    + "by the index number used in the displayed class list "

    * Adds all edited lessons in the target module class to the new module class.

    We can consider adding this for AddLessonCommand and DeleteLessonCommand as well


    Then we might have to do a full refactor for all occurrences and stick with it? Because from what i remember, many of the shorthand for loops do not have spaces

    + "Existing values will be overwritten by the input values.\n"

    "Note: All indexes must be positive integers.\n"

    We can remove "must be a positive integer" from these 3 indexes to keep the formatting consistent with '''AddAttendanceCommand''' and '''DeleteAttendanceCommand'''

    Can we separate the else if to another if guard clause to keep the format consistent?

    String message =

    Separate guard clause

    if (!isModuleClassIndexPresent || !isLessonIndexPresent || !isStudentPresent || !isWeekPresent) {

    if (argMultimap.getValue(PREFIX_PARTICIPATION_SCORE).isPresent()) {

    Thanks for the catch!

    Can we abstract out these values like AddAttendanceCommandTest and DeleteAttendanceCommandTest?


    Index moduleClassIndex = INDEX_FIRST_ITEM;

    Index lessonIndex = INDEX_FIRST_ITEM;

    Index studentIndex = INDEX_FIRST_ITEM;

    Week targetWeek = VALID_WEEK_1;

    assertThrows(NullPointerException.class, () -&gt; new DeleteAttendanceCommand(

    null, lessonIndex, studentIndex, targetWeek));

    Nice catch!

    Can i check why is there a change to getOneBased() ?

    Can update the above '''/'''s to ''''''

    Sry, is there a reason why this is being replaced?

    I see!

    Should we add in null tests for the other test cases as well?

    Would it be good to keep this? Because there might be multiple aspects to a feature

    Users should not have to type in attendance-related commands when the student is absent from a lesson.

    I'll send in a separate PR to update my pros and cons section as well. Lets follow your style of having the pros and cons as individual pointers rather than paragraphs

    + "Note: All indexes and numbers must be positive integers.\n"

    Should we show her the different themes as well? E.g using screenshots

    Not very sure but I think the name of this puml should be DeleteStudentSequenceDiagram.puml?

    Was thinking of the different themes (ie light, alternate, dark) and not just the buttons alone. What do you think?

    Is this excess whitespace?

    Logic here looks correct to me

    ## Other Contributions

    * A list of all PRs I have reviewed can be found [here](https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-T10-4/tp/pulls?q=is%3Apr+reviewed-by%3Aruixuantan).

    My team, comprising 5 NUS Computer Science undergraduates, developed the application over the course of 6 weeks.

    ^ See if its better

    * `edit-attendance` command feature. [#157](https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-T10-4/tp/pull/157)

    * Update student-related commands and parsers. [#56](https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-T10-4/tp/pull/56)

    * Added a `reset` command that allow users to clear all data in Tutor's Pet. [#106](https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-T10-4/tp/pull/106)

    On a side note, might want to consider standardising everything in this section

    1. If `Lesson` does not exists in `targetModuleClass` and the timing does not overlap with any existing `Lesson`s, a new

    `ModuleClass` with `Lesson` will be created. Otherwise, a `CommandException` will be thrown.

    Should we stick to '''>br>''' instead of ''''''? Since the existing manual tests are using '''>br>'''

    Checked the ug on your branch. The steps counter will reset to 1 if there isn't an additional space at image of line 324/325.

    ![Reset before](images/ugimages/ResetBefore.png)

    Resolved by removing MODULE_CODE

    Resolved by removing MODULE_CODE

    Resolved by removing [] for all fields within add apart from [tag/TAG]

    Resolved by updating line 58 to

    e.g. `[tag/TAG]…​` can be used as ` ` (i.e. 0 times), `tag/student`, `tag/TA` etc.

    Resolved by adding in commit suggestion

    **List Students in Class** | `list-students /by n/CLASS_NAME`<br> e.g., `list-students /by n/CS2103T Tutorial T10`

    Resolved by changing clear class to "clear-class"

    Resolved by changing list students to "list-students", and title to "Listing all students within a class"

    Resolved by retaining {:toc}

    Resolved by removing redundant add

    Resolved by moving ellipsis outside of square brackets

    Resolved by removing address field and updating tag prefix from /t to /tag

    Ok i won't be touching it in that case

    Added the tags, used tag/average and tag/TA candidate to keep formatting consistent

    I think it'd be better if the summary comes before the detailed explanation. As a user i wouldn't want to scroll downwards if i just want to reference the commands. What do the rest think?

    I thought of that, but the issue is that the formatting will not be standardized across the table and commands. I feel that perhaps its better to caps everything so that we standardize our documentation

    Issue is that the formatting will not be standardized across the table and commands. I feel that perhaps its better if we follow the actions used in the command summary?

    Changed Command summary to Command list

    Resolved by rewording expression to show that Tutor's Pet can return more than one user found

    Will keep clear instead of changing to delete

    Ok lets keep the previous

    Will be keeping line 155 instead

    To change to '''requireAllNonNull(uuid, name, phone, email, tags);'''

    Good catch, thxs, no point editing UUID so no point adding UUID into EditStudentDescriptor.

    Resolved by removing setUuid() and getUuid()

    Resolved by changing line 93 to '''UUID updatedUuid = studentToEdit.getUuid();'''

    To add a DEFAULT_UUID in StudentBuilder.java and convert it to a UUID for usage instead of generating a random UUID for testing

    Resolved by removing UUID field

    Resolved by specifically adding Uuids into TypicalStudents

    RIP, forgot to remove sneaky boi

    Added the following :


    if (uuid == null) {

    throw new IllegalValueException(String.format(MISSING_FIELD_MESSAGE_FORMAT, "uuid"));




    public void toModelType_invalidUuid_throwsIllegalValueException() {

    JsonAdaptedStudent student =

    new JsonAdaptedStudent(null, VALID_NAME, VALID_PHONE, VALID_EMAIL, VALID_TAGS);

    String expectedMessage = String.format(MISSING_FIELD_MESSAGE_FORMAT, "uuid");

    assertThrows(IllegalValueException.class, expectedMessage, student::toModelType);


    Since UUID is a built-in java class, instead of doing something like throw new IllegalValueException(String.format(MISSING_FIELD_MESSAGE_FORMAT, Name.class.getSimpleName())); , i opted for throw new IllegalValueException(String.format(MISSING_FIELD_MESSAGE_FORMAT, "uuid"));

    Possible, but the json "studentIds" in the json file will be changed to "studentUuids". Which one do you guys prefer?

    I initially added a class entry, but then eventually removed them as I wanted to isolate the test cases better (Since this json file is more to test for invalidstudent rather than invalidclass.) Any thoughts?

    Currently since we are using UUID.randomUUID(), the edge case that could potentially happen is a null UUID rather than that of a UUID that is not specified properly, unless the user decides to edit the uuid in the json file to a smaller uuid string. Hence i decided to only test for toModelType_nullStudentIds_throwsIllegalValueException()

    Any thoughts on this?

    Was thinking that a guard clause would be sufficient (Since its likely the case that a uuid is either well defined (by using Java's UUID.randomUUID(), or null))

    Any thoughts on whether a try catch is needed here? Will include one if needed

    Thats a good idea. I'll pull information from ALICE directly and remove the TODO comment

    Resolved by keeping status quo for invalidClassTutorsPet.json (ie no changes)

    Resolved by adopting suggested change

    Resolved by pulling information from ALICE directly and removing TODO comment

    Resolved by refactoring all occurrences of studentIds to studentUuids, including the studentIds field in model ModuleClass.java

    Resolved by abstracting code inside toModelType() into two smaller methods.

    Resolved by adding try catch block

    Resolved by introducing checks for invalid UUIDs

    Yes, it applies across all UUIDs so long they are not invalid

    An example of an invalid UUID is "fffa3023-7d89-426b-ba01-" // No uuid values after dash

    In contrast, a valid uuid is "fffa3023-7d89-426b-ba01-d45eaa" // Missing values after d45eaa are padded with zeros

    Resolved by using existing information from ObservableList>Students> in tutorsPet

    Will change it to '''One or more of the given indexes are invalid.'''

    Could be a typo on the user's part. Would recommend keeping the '''Use case resumes at step 1.'''

    Added '''moduleClassIndex''' parameter into '''getAddLessonCommand'''

    Abstracted to '''ModuleClassUtil'''

    Added guard clause to check if attendance exist in the first place, and added negative test case to check for error message throwing for this scenario

    Changed to following AddAttendanceCommand format and throw MESSAGE_CONSTRAINT instead

    Added assertion for both '''DeleteAttendanceCommand''' and '''AddAttendanceCommand'''

    Inserted assertion

    Simplified for both '''AddAttendanceCommand''' and '''DeleteAttendanceCommand'''

    Created ModuleClassModificationUtil and LessonModificationUtil classes to address this

    Lets do it in a separate PR.

    createModifiedModuleClassWithModifiedLesson is used in AttendanceCommands. It is specifically used as a bridge to modify a targeted module class after CRUD has been done on attendance and stored inside a lesson. createModifiedModuleClassWithEditedLesson specifically performs CRUD on the lesson itself

    We can use manualReplaceLessonToModuleClass from ModuleClassUtil for now since there are no test cases for those methods which you've mentioned yet

    I'd like to check with you guys on how we should go about handling this block.

    Problem : removeAttendance(...) throws CommandException when it is unable to find an attendance to delete. This works for individual attendances, but if we doing a cascading delete (ie removing all occurrences of the student), then we would want to return the attendanceRecord even if no student can be deleted.

    Solution 1 (Currently implemented) : Do a try and catch to overwrite the CommandException

    Solution 2 : Remove the removeAttendance(...) abstraction and use the underlying code in removeAttendance(...) in this method. But this will violate SRP.

    Solution 3 : Propagate the CommandException upwards to LessonUtil and ModuleClassUtil and eventually UniqueModuleClassList. But downside is that you eventually have to handle it with try catch.

    To go with solution 1


    This seems to be missing the saving of UUIDs to local storage, is that planned for a separate PR?

    To implement saving of UUIDs to local storage

    Mostly looks good to me, just need some minor changes.

    Could you also add a test case to ensure that EditStudentDescriptor does not change the UUID of a student?

    I think this part of EditStudentDescripterTest.java factors in that UUID isn't changed? Otherwise it will return false if the UUID changes

    public class EditStudentDescriptorTest {


    public void equals() {

    // same values -&gt; returns true

    EditStudentDescriptor descriptorWithSameValues = new EditStudentCommand.EditStudentDescriptor(DESC_AMY);


    Not sure if we need to get approval before we merge this in since we are trying to use a new module?

    Module has been removed (Last checked 26/09/2020)

    Looks great! But like what Dexter said, I am not sure whether we need to get permission first.

    Module has been removed

    @ypinhsuan can yours work? my one works fine

    Decided not to implement UUID equality check as it may risk introducing a lot of bugs into the code

    Not required.

    Use \ , update test cases to use PREFIX variables instead of hardcoding commands (e.g "\c")

    Number of occurrence is 10. There is no week 11

    TODO : Change number of occurrence to number of weeks

    AB3 makes phone number compulsory but not everyone has a phone number. Telegram to be kept compulsory. Won't fix

    Filtering of the list provides a visual cue to the user that the student has been linked to the class. Clearly stated in the UG that the list will be filtered. Not a bug. Won't fix.

    Step 1 - To remove name field from isSameStudent(...) comparator

    This is the correct behaviour because the repo url should end with .git.


    I think this will cause an error as well : http://github.com/d/a/b.git

    Issue here isn't whether it ends with .git or not. Issue here is that tokeniser backslash will collide with url backslash. One workaround is to convert all of your command backslashes to frontslashes so that your addressbook can handle URLs without throwing errors.

    It will be a bug of the highest severity if the tester catches it during the actual PE so you might want to look into it instead of closing the issue

    Got it, thanks! Misinterpretation on my part, my apologies. Should be fine in that case 👍🏻

    Is it better to change this sentence to this?

    "This project is based on the AddressBook-Level3 project created by the SE-EDU initiative."

    As I feel like this flows better for me.

    Should this be linked to our repo's actions instead of the se-edu's one?

    no i mean the link not the badges. Now you are linking it to se-edu/addressbook-level3



    I think this line can put?

    I'm a bit not sure about this. Is it we can edit the travel plan at top directory also?

    dk hahaha

    @jiaweiteo @jeannetoh99 @timjkong

    According to @jiaweiteo , only the name should be considered as identity fields, while passport and phone should be data fields

    i think its better to put getTPOList()

    same for all the other TPO

    Is it better to have ScrollPane here? As we might have lots of TravelPlan and the Pane cant show everything

    Same as above. Maybe we put ScrollPane here

    JavaDoc errors

    JavaDoc errors

    We just need one method from Directory only? What about AccommodationList all that?

    Is there a better way of doing this? Like not typecasting but instead use the polymorphism.

    Why did you use assert here btw? Cos I think assert won't be run if we didnt specify it and the user probably wont run our program with assertion on. Maybe check it using if block and throw an exception? Same for all the methods below

    JavaDoc error

    same for line 57

    JavaDoc error

    thats why before i put 2 boolean method to check is which one

    nah typecasting is not considered polymorphism. We have to do directory.the method straight away i think. But it might be not worth the time to think about that. So maybe can leave it like this first ba

    oh okok then Logic is the one that have to make sure the directory is the correct instance?

    Why this one change back to TravelPlan? It's not used in other place meh? like Activity all that

    Oh I see what you did there. Works but I feel like it is not following some OOP shit or smth. But I think we come back to this later ba.

    I think the cost is just numbers? iirc

    Do you think we want to make the arrangements of all these fields consistent throughout our whole repo. Cos I feel its a little bit messy right now, everybody's arrangement is different.

    @jiaweiteo @jeannetoh99 @underthehai @timjkong

    Same as above

    Is it travel plan list?

    I think it is suppose to be start date and end date?

    We use -1 to indicate no changes, but here we throw an exception? Would it have any problem?

    There is an extra whitespace in front of Activities?

    Here also. Or is it deleted whitespace haha i not sure

    Why the whitespace!!!

    The Ui didn't show the index actually, do you think we wanna show it? Then, need add into Ui part


    But why previous one no problem one ah? hmmm

    JavaDoc issue: "address book"

    I think this can rename to SHOW_ALL? I remember I changed it to SHOW_ALL don't know when get changed back haha

    NameCard should be under TravelPlannerPanel

    These 3 should be TravelPlanObjectListPanel

    There is a space in front of -tra... ? Cos I tot just "-travelplan 2"

    No, its not. You go check the implementations in Ui component

    oo okok cos i think i didnt put space in front of mine

    Actually, I might try to change it so that there isn't so much magic number here and there, using the ArgumentTokenizer, cos you guys didn't utilise it i think?

    Hmmm is this image name correct?

    This fonts can add in CSS? But its fine, just asking

    Do we allow them to type this command when in wishlist? Or do we output error message?

    I think you miss out the (L) / (G)?

    What does this line suppose to do?

    Why do you need logic here tho? Doesn't seem to be used anywhere in the changes in this class?

    Now no need do typecasting already. You can add this getTotalCost() method into Directory class.

    But still need to check isTravelPlan() to setText lah

    Is calling the update() here suitable?

    I think the travelPlanPanel.update() can be called here instead? So, no need to pass into TravelPlanObjectListPanel

    I think this method is not needed? Cos in Storage i also need this so i called getName().name

    Same for this. I just call getImportance().value

    or do you think we should do this instead?

    magic number here

    Or nvm i can change it when i do defensive for sort command. or you want to help me change also can hehe

    I think the error message still need to be refined abit.

    OK i think that is considered my part haha

    Is this used anywhere? Same for all the other tpo ones.

    Should the cost and date be lowercase? maybe others will misinterpret it as uppercase and type that instead

    Why do you need to sort both actually? I think sorting the internal one is sufficient. the unmodifiable observable one will update itself i think? i not sure

    I think the internal list should not be accessed. So, ermm i think add a sort method in AccommodationList maybe? or both AccommodationList and UniqueAccommodationList

    Same as above.

    Same no need typecast alr

    So this should not be able to access

    This one i not sure tho. I'm thinking to sync everything to use AccommodationList XXXList instead of UniqueXXXList

    oh... hmmm

    Can you make the wish list "wishlist" instead? I think we use wishlist.

    CopyCommand perhaps?

    Do you think its better to use guard clause here instead of if else statement?

    Same as above

    I think its better to name it as ....START_AND_END_DATE?

    Perhaps you can use the MESSAGE_INVALID_START_AND_END_DATE here?

    copy and move command


    "A pop-up window will provide the link to access Wanderlust UserGuide for help"

    Why is there a huge whitespace here tho?

    This doesn't include mobile isn't it?

    Does this work? I think it cannot be null tho. "new TravelPlanner()" should work

    I think the date can be abstracted out, just pass the TravelPlan to isValidActivityDate() then in Model, you get the start and end date there.

    Same as above.

    Can this be put in isValidStartAndEndDate()? So, everything is checked in one method?

    Same as above. Or is it becos of the error message?

    I think the JavaDoc for this can put like, see isValidActivityDate() something like that? I not sure tho.

    Think this will be considered as duplicate?

    I think it's bad "SLAP" here. Perhaps can just do startDate.isBefore(WanderlustDate)

    Same for all date checking logic in this class

    All these getValue() haha, kind of wanna abstract all of them out XD, but see you want or not. I think its ok? Like add a method in WanderlustDate compareTo() so can just call startDate.compareTo() instead of this, need getValue() everytime.

    I'm just concern about if this will be considered duplicates code. I think it's OK ba.

    The passport and mobile field needs to be changed, to reflect the new Regex.

    Passport: [STFG] + 7 numbers + [A-Z]

    Mobile: [89] + 7 numbers

    Is it within travel plan instead?

    Mobile and Passport parameters need update

    Actually now it's case-sensitive XD

    Same as above.

    The dates need to change according to Jia Wei's new implementations.

    Same as above.

    Passport number need to change to [STFG] + 7 numbers + [A-Z]

    Date issue

    Nice! Maybe can notify others about this changes also?

    @timjkong @underthehai

    This one I made quite some changes. So when you resolving conflict can just use mine.

    Same for this part.

    I renamed this method, so update when pulled from upstream.

    Nice way to work around the magic numbers! @timjkong @underthehai

    Maybe consider using a stub?

    I wonder why you didn't use the method in CommandTestUtil (assertCommandSuccess(), etc.)?

    Or is it suppose to use original model?

    This method name I changed to assertEditParseSuccess(), wait I merge then you update

    Need, but i thought haishan is also doing this so I left out the edit and show features for her, or I should just do them?

    Hmmm I don't know.

    @jeannetoh99 @underthehai @timjkong

    Maybe can add the person to be deleted is not found?

    You mean the person is not found in the travel plan or you mean the person is missing in the input command?

    I will add the case for target not found, but the error message one cause I wanted to make them generic so don't need to be too specific. The implementer of that feature can do whatever they want to the error message. What do you think?


    I updated it. But I don't know if it works, can help me check?

    oh cos this method is I cincai add one last time. No JavaDoc all that, need to redo

    Actually I changed all to without all the Wanderlust in the front. Tsk didn't read my telegram message. YOU SHOULD CHANGED!!! NOT ME!!! HAHAHAHA

    They are included in the etc XD or else too long lah, or you think I should change the commandbox all that to travelplan thing?

    I make it so its like

    "sort -activity " will show the error message specific to activity

    "sort -accommodation" will show error message specific to accommodation etc.

    do you think its ok?

    huh? It's not [STFG] ?

    My CI will pass after merging @jeannetoh99 TravelPlan class

    Don't merge first after commiting changes.

    I need to think about all the ReadOnlyXXX classes, if they are needed

    I think I'm done for now? Hopes everything works.

    And do you think we need to make sure that the travel plan inside travelPlanner needs to be updated too?

    I closed ah, I have added them in my side

    I think the commit is messed up, cos I branch this from the branch where I updated the Design section. So, this PR includes both changes. RIP

    Perhaps it would be good if we insert our website here.

    Perhaps we could keep keep this so we can change it individually

    Perhaps we could keep keep this so we can change it in future

    Perhaps we could keep keep this so we can change it in future

    Perhaps we should keep the product name consistent, to Insurance4Insurance, I4I

    Perhaps we can add a "Coming soon." here

    Perhaps this could be "Adds a client to I4I."

    Perhaps this could be Format: add n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER e/EMAIL a/ADDRESS [o/NOTE] [t/TAG]…​

    Perhaps this could be


    • add n/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com a/John street, block 123, #01-01

    • add n/Betsy Crowe t/friend e/betsycrowe@example.com a/Newgate Prison p/1234567 t/criminal o/This client is new.

    Perhaps this could be Lists the entire list of clients in I4I.

    For now, for v1.2, I think we would try to minimise the amount of fields to delete, so we would add in NOTE and keep the rest. However, this may change in v1.3/1.4, so we can update the UG then.

    For now, for v1.2, I think we would try to minimise the amount of fields to delete, so we would add in NOTE and keep the rest. However, this may change in v1.3/1.4, so we can update the UG then.

    We can add back the "Tip" for tag if you are okay with the above change.

    Perhaps we can format INDEX to INDEX.

    Perhaps we can edit to Example: list followed by delete 2 deletes the 2nd person in I4I.

    Perhaps we can add a Coming soon here

    If you are okay with above edits to add, perhaps we can change to this:

    Add | add n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER e/EMAIL a/ADDRESS [o/NOTE] [t/TAG]…​ >br> e.g., add n/Betsy Crowe e/betsycrowe@example.com a/Newgate Prison p/1234567 o/This client is new. t/friend t/criminal

    Perhaps we can add in help as well, since we are implementing in v1.2

    Help | help

    Perhaps we can add this back, since we are implementing help in v1.2

    But we would need to update the image to https://ay2021s1-cs2103-t16-2.github.io/tp/UserGuide.html

    Perhaps we should change this to

    • Wraps all data at the client-list level

    Would it be better if we have multiple tags and 1 note? i.e. the ... comes after tag instead

    Would it be better if we have multiple tags and 1 note? i.e. the ... comes after tag instead

    Perhaps this can be updatedNote?

    Perhaps the message could be "Notes can take any values, and it should not be blank"

    Perhaps this can be package seedu.address.model.person;

    Perhaps seedu.address.model.note.Note can be simplified to Note

    Perhaps we can return noteName

    Perhaps this could be " "?

    Perhaps we don't need to add an invalid tag here

    Perhaps we don't need to add an invalid tag here

    Perhaps we could add back the space here String ...

    Perhaps we should add back the space here?

    Perhaps this should be 8 spaces relative to line 22? But not sure why the original AB3 passed checkstyle

    Similar concept for the rest of the lines in this file

    Alright got it

    Perhaps we should remove the extra tab here

    Perhaps we should change to

    "Priority values should only take L, M, H, U, l, m, h, u, low, medium, high, or undefined;

    Perhaps we dont need to check null here

    Perhaps we dont need to use equalsNullable here

    Perhaps we should require non null for priority

    Perhaps we should throw error if priority is null

    Perhaps we dont need to check for null

    Perhaps we dont need to check for null

    Perhaps we should add back the space here

    The ^$ might not be necessary, but I might be wrong

    "[ulmhULMH]|undefined|high|medium|low" might work

    Perhaps we should add an assertion here

    Perhaps we should add in javadoc? Same for the rest of this class.

    Perhaps this should be in policy.exceptions?

    Should this be only takes into account of name?

    Perhaps we should rename this file/class to JsonSerializablePolicyList?

    Should this be I4I instead of AB3?

    What does the ? represent?

    Perhaps we can update the command summary table?

    Oh I mean to update the add command with [l/PRIORITY]

    Perhaps this can be "You can add a new policy by using the addp command.";

    Can we add a new line here?

    It might be better for us to use HashMap instead of Hashtable as we do not need synchronisation


    If this were to change to hashmap, we can update the javadocs (and other corresponding javadocs). Perhaps we can refer to it as the "Policy List" instead of hashtable/hashmap.

    Perhaps we can have return policies.containsKey(toCheck.getPolicyName().value);

    Perhaps the method name could be getSamplePolicies()

    Perhaps the assertion can print "Policy should not be null"

    Perhaps we should check policy.getPolicyName() != null and policy.getPolicyDescription() != null as well

    and print "Policy name should not be null" and "Policy description should not be null"

    Perhaps we should test for adding policy as well

    Perhaps we should test for different policyList -> returns false

    Perhaps we should have invalidPolicy test, with both invalid name and description

    Perhaps we should have Policy here, as we are testing one field at a time. Same for rest of optional fields missing

    Perhaps we should test for missing Policy name prefix

    Perhaps we should have policy here

    Perhaps we should test for multiple policy names - last policy name accepted

    Perhaps we should have policy here, same for rest of multiple fields

    Perhaps we can refer to add command parser for some tests

    • invalid value: failure

    • all fields present success => multiple policy names / policy description - last policy name / policy description accepted

    Perhaps the method name should have throwsCommandException behind

    Perhaps we should have .equals() test

    Perhaps we should use HashMap here, as previously commented in PolicyList.java

    Perhaps we should have standardised names for the tests. Same for the rest of the tests in this file

    Perhaps we should test for

    • getPolicy(): E.g. null input, null output (key not present), key present

    • equals()

    Perhaps we should have a positive test

    Perhaps we should test for null and Duplicate

    Perhaps we should test for null

    Perhaps we should requireNonNull

    Same for the other contains()

    Is createNewPolicyList() being used? If it is, we can add it into the PolicyListTest.java

    Perhaps we should use Policy to format the name, instead of Policy

    Same for other objects, classes, variables in this DG e.g. Person, PolicyName


    If we want to use String as an object, I think it would be good to format it as String

    Otherwise we can leave it as string (lower case 's')

    Perhaps we can say ...checking for validity of each of the individual object's input

    Remember to put the multiplicity in the class diagram (0..1), otherwise it might be safer to remove the reference



    Maybe we can add a cross under the AddPolicyCommand

    Maybe we can add a note to say that:

    >div markdown="span" class="alert alert-info">ℹ️ Note: The lifeline for XXXCommandParser and XXXCommand should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.


    I think the AddPolicyCommandParser is the one that is creating the Policy (object p) first, then AddPolicyCommand is created with the object p as its parameter. Both are created in the parser

    Perhaps we can update the return 'a' to 'p'

    I'm not too sure if checking hasPolicy is low level wrt this diagram, but if you decide to keep it, then I think we can remove the return false

    Maybe you can remove the CommandResult if you think it clutters the diagram

    I think we can either say ClearPolicyCommand or 'the command used to clear the policy list'

    Hmm is should be similar in terms of parsing and Command creation, but is it similar in the Model part?

    I'm not sure about the efficiency and speed, but if you checked it then it's okay

    Hmm do we have this?

    Perhaps we can say User clears the list of existing policies. Or we can add what is the policy list in the glossary too

    Perhaps we can say User chooses to clear the policy list

    Remember to add in clear policies in the user stories as well

    Remember to add in the test cases as well (maybe in a separate PR)

    In testing.md, perhaps we can update the package names e.g. seedu.address.commons.StringUtilTest

    Perhaps we can say ...clear the entire...

    Perhaps we can say "does not" instead of forgets

    Perhaps we can say System adds a new client instead of "saves"

    I'm also not sure if this is a valid/relevant 1d1 as in the positive use case MSS, we do not mention the System adding/saving clients. I think we can either

    1. Include add/save client in the use case MSS (but that means changing other use cases as well)

    2. Adjust 1d1 so it sounds consistent as the others

    3. Not have this extension as resolving might be hard and it's on a different level than the use case

    Ps then we should say "clear the active client list and archived client list."

    Maybe you would want to add in this from AB3

    The UI component,

    • Executes user commands using the Logic component.

    • Listens for changes to Model data so that the UI can be updated with the modified data.

    Perhaps this should be a dependency (dashed line) instead of association

    If I didn't understand your question wrongly, the withoutNote() is meant to add in a null for BENSON, who originally has a note

    Hmm I don't think so, as long as we are consistent with the hashing

    And I made isArchive come before priority in the constructor (by accident)

    The predicate is meant for filtering the field in the Person, just like how we placed the Predicate for filtering Name in the same folder

    It's a really minor thing, on line 6 it {@link Command} in the Javadoc, so if we dont import it, it wont display properly

    I followed the PE instructions for this one; they specifically told us not to double click

    Same for here, I followed the PE instructions

    Done, can check now

    Reopening this issue as PR was accidentally merged

    Note that this PR was merged by accident, reopening issue and creating another (similar) PR

    Resolves #6

    Ensure that source should be >= 50 characters.

    Update URL and image in UG

    • address

    • email

    • phone

    Duplicate issue

    Closed as all issues in epic are closed

    Not a bug

    Not a bug

    Duplicate as #176

    Duplicate with #154, #155, #156

    Duplicate with #178

    Duplicate with #161

    Duplicate with #161

    In the example in https://ay2021s1-cs2103-t16-2.github.io/tp/UserGuide.html#unarchiving-an-active-client--unarchive, we did mention this already

    Closing since

    We allow the users (insurance agents) to also keep track of potential clients, so they may not have existing policies yet

    Duplicate as #174

    Not a serious feature flaw, but good to have

    Our restriction is very simple; just have not more than 50 characters. We wanted to have the flexibility of a user adding something like friend of friend of teacher, or met in 123 bar, so we lifted restrictions on space/number/special characters as well. They may not "make sense" sometimes like the example given, but we leave that decision to the user.

    Agree that this might be confusing, but we defined what makes a client "unique".

    2 clients are unique if they have

    • different names

    • same name, different phone

    • same name, different address

    As for policies, priorities, client sources, these may be the same across different clients, so we did not use them as uniqueness identifiers.

    The archive is meant as a way to store clients which may not be currently relevant to the insurance agent. For example, clients which are no longer managed by the agent. The agent may decide not to delete the client straight away, in case they happen to start interacting again, so they can store them in the archive.

    The archive has a separate view from the active list, so that the agent would not be distracted by archived clients. The agent has the option to switch to view the archive if needed. The default view upon starting up the app is the active list.

    The agent can unarchive an archived client, for which case the client would become active.

    From a user's point of view, this would be good for tracking the order in which the clients were added to the client list. Whenever we archive and unarchive back the same client, his relative position remains the same.

    I like your specifying: STUDENT_INDEX and CLASS_INDEX

    Perhaps it is clearer to define 'index' as follows?

    *`STUDENT_INDEX` refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list.

    *`CLASS_INDEX` refers to the index number shown in the displayed class list.

    Minor grammar issue, should it be is and not are?

    * 5a. At least one of the given indexes is invalid.

    Same as issue above.

    * 5a. At least one of the given indexes is invalid.

    Should we include test cases for UUID? Such as public void toModelType_nullUuid_throwsIllegalValueException().

    Apologies, mistake on my part for not typing correctly. Should be

    public void toModelType_nullUuid_throwsIllegalValueException() {

    Otherwise, looks good to merge.

    Should the tense follow the DeleteStudentCommand class instead?

    public static final String MESSAGE_DELETE_MODULE_CLASS_SUCCESS = "Deleted Class: %1$s";

    Nice abstraction.

    Should the filtered list be specified?

    * Updates {@code model}'s {@code filteredStudents} list to show only the student at the given {@code targetIndex} in the

    Same as above.

    * Updates {@code model}'s {@code filteredModuleClasses} list to show only the ModuleClass at the given {@code targetIndex} in the

    Same as above.

    * Updates {@code model}'s {@code filteredModuleClasses} list to show no module classes.

    Perhaps naming studentIds as studentUuids would make the code clearer?

    Should there be at least one class entry here? We can follow invalidClassTutorsPet.json, which has a valid student entry.

    Should you insert a INVALID_STUDENT_IDS list (and test case) also? Perhaps you can use a string that has less than 4 hyphens

    Nice handling of null UUIDs. However, would it be better if a try-catch block is used on UUID.fromString(uuid) instead? Then, any kinds of wrong UUIDs can be handled.

    I think you missed out on this:

    public static final String MESSAGE_DUPLICATE_MODULE_CLASS = "Class list contains duplicate class(es).";

    I think you missed out on the TODO comment. Perhaps instead of importing these STUDENT_UUID_X in test cases, we can call ALICE.getUuid() from TypicalStudent class instead.

    Should this for loop be placed in another method for proper SRP? The for loop above that iterates through jsonAdaptedStudent can be similarly placed in another method. Then, this toModelType() method will call these two for loop methods.

    To add on, according to Java's UUID API, UUID.fromString() throws IllegalArgumentException. Perhaps you can use this alongside with your null guard clause.

    I notice this try-catch block appearing in other parts of the PR. I think the proper way would be to write our own interface for UUID. But, for now, I think it is not needed.

    Should you indent this line?

    <fx:root minHeight="600" minWidth="740" onCloseRequest="#handleExit" title="Tutor's Pet" type="javafx.stage.Stage"

    xmlns="http://javafx.com/javafx/11.0.1" xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml/1">

    I noticed that these 3 lines of code are repeated in above test cases. Perhaps can consider abstracting these out into a private method?

    Should this be:

    ModuleClass specifiedClass = showStudentsInModuleClassAtIndex(expectedModel, INDEX_FIRST_ITEM);

    Should this be in the same 'format' as above?

    assertCommandSuccess(new ClearModuleClassCommand(),

    model, ClearModuleClassCommand.MESSAGE_SUCCESS, expectedModel);

    Would it be better to test against the moduleClasses directly? Since we are adding (and removing) them along with their studentUuids.



    Similar to above.



    Perhaps you can convert the for loop in ViewHistoryCommand into a method residing in StringUtil class.

    This is to avoid the explicit construction of expectedMessage. For completeness, the new StringUtil method also needs to be unit tested.

    Should you move the 1 and 50 to static constants?

    Perhaps naming the variables as they are is good enough?

    public static final String VALID_TIME_1400 = "14:00";

    public static final String VALID_TIME_1600 = "16:00";

    public static final Day VALID_DAY_WED = Day.WEDNESDAY;

    public static final int VALID_NUMBER_OF_OCCURRENCES = 7;

    public static final String VALID_VENUE = "COM1-B111";

    Should you also test the edge cases of 0, 50, and 51?

    Perhaps you can consider renaming WED_2_TO_4 to LESSON_WED_2_TO_4, so as to avoid confusing this constant as a time object.

    Just noticed, not sure if 'integer' is considered a technical term.

    Nice check.

    I don't really quite get the purpose of the cache.

    Understood the cache. Logger lgtm.

    I think should be Class'.

    public static final String MISSING_FIELD_MESSAGE_FORMAT = "Class' %s field is missing!";

    public static final String MESSAGE_INVALID_STUDENTS_IN_LESSON = "Invalid student(s) found in lesson(s).";

    public static final String INVALID_FIELD_MESSAGE_FORMAT = "Class' %s field is invalid!";

    if (!studentUuids.contains(studentUuid)) {

    throw new IllegalValueException(MESSAGE_INVALID_STUDENTS_IN_LESSON);

    Just throwing out this alternative: perhaps placing the Week object here would be better instead of in the JsonAdaptedAttendanceRecord class. So instead of having a List&gt;JsonAdaptedAttendanceRecordList> attribute, there can be a Map&gt;Week, JsonAdaptedAttendanceRecord>. Jackson supports Json serialisation of Maps: https://www.baeldung.com/jackson-map.

    Purpose is for symmetry between the Model classes. And I think it may help in reducing lines of code and tests.

    I think this current implementation is also suitable for purposes of this project.

    "_comment" : "StudentAttendance contains an invalid student attendance score",

    "_comment" : "StudentAttendance contains duplicate student UUID",

    "_comment" : "Records contains a null student UUID",

    "_comment" : "Records contains a null entry",

    "_comment" : "Record list contains duplicate AttendaceRecord",

    "_comment" : "null recordList",

    "_comment" : "recordList is empty",

    Would this be better?

    + "lesson on a specified week.\n"

    + "Note: All indexes and numbers must be positive integers.\n"

    + "Parameters: "





    Should this be moduleClassIndex?

    Perhaps you can consider writing a test case for finding attendance in a filtered list?

    Should you insert an assertion for lessonToEditIndex?

    assert targetModuleClass != null;

    assert lessonToEditIndex != null;

    assert lessonToUpdate != null;

    Perhaps an assertion can be included here to check that the size of updatedAttendanceRecord has decreased by 1.

    I think this can be simplified to

    Lesson modifiedLesson = new LessonBuilder(lesson)

    .withAttendanceRecordList(new AttendanceRecordList(updatedAttendanceRecords)).build();

    I am wondering if these lines, along with the private methods declared below, can be abstracted into a class that deals with the manipulation of the Lesson and Attendance related classes. These lines of code are repeated in other commands and in test cases as well.

    Should this be a requireAllNonNull check, since it is a public method now?

    requireAllNonNull(targetLesson, targetStudent, targetWeek, attendanceToAdd);

    Same as above. I notice that this occurs in the other refactored classes as well.

    Should you shorten the name of this method as well as the other refactored methods? Perhaps use addAttendanceToLesson?

    Should the methods from LessonModificationUtil and ModuleClassModificationUtil be used here instead? Perhaps we can do it after unit tests for these 2 classes are completed.

    * @see tutorspet.model.Model#getTutorsPet()

    * Represents a storage for {@link tutorspet.model.UserPrefs}.

    * Saves the given {@link tutorspet.model.ReadOnlyUserPrefs} to the storage.

    * @see tutorspet.logic.Logic#execute(String)

    * @see tutorspet.logic.Logic#execute(String)

    I think it would be great to include a javadoc comment here to summarize the purpose of this class.

    Same as the above comment on javadocs.

    Should you put these 2 variables as static constants or under a @BeforeEach method? They are used commonly in the test cases.

    Same static constant abstraction comment as above.

    Should you abstract these 2 lines out into a private method? These 2 lines are repeated in the add and edit methods.

    For statements such as these, would it be better to put the String.format method on the next line?

    assertParseFailure(parser, " "

    + PREFIX_LESSON_INDEX + "1" + " "

    + PREFIX_STUDENT_INDEX + "1" + " "

    + PREFIX_WEEK + "1",


    Same as above.

    Similar to the above comment, would it be better to format the statement as follows?

    private static final String INPUT_PREAMBLE = " "



    Nice catch!

    I think it will be good to add a unit test that tests this method directly.

    Should this be h3 size instead?

    ### Display Statistics Feature

    I think this should be labelled 1 throughout?

    1. `Logic` uses the `TutorsPetParser` class to parse the user command.

    1. A new instance of a `StatisticsCommand` object would be created by the `StatisticsCommandParser` and returns to


    1. `TutorsPetParser` encapsulates the `StatisticsCommand` object as a `Command` object which is executed by

    the `LogicManager`.

    1. The command execution calls static methods from the `ModuleClassUtil` and `LessonUtil` classes.

    1. The result of the command execution is encapsulated as a `CommandResult` object which is passed back to the `Ui`.

    * **Alternative 2 (current choice):** Extract the methods out to another class

    * Pros: Does not violate the law of demeter. Increases cohesion and thus increases maintainability.

    The Undo/Redo mechanism is designed around maintaining a history of `TutorsPet` states, and restoring a particular state when the user triggers an undo or redo command.

    Perhaps consider reordering these statements or shifting the TutorsPetState diagram lower? So as to establish a clearer link to the diagram.

    Should 'Alternative' be renamed as 'Choices'?

    * Pros: Will use less memory (e.g. for `delete`, just save the student being deleted).

    Would it be better to shift this diagram to around line 278? The explanation is rather dense there.


    Should this method return a double instead to avoid rounding off errors?

    totalParticipationScore += getParticipationScoreFromLesson(lesson, targetStudent);

    Same consideration as above, to change the return type to a double.

    Would it be better to indicate 'weeks'? So index 4 will be name of the lesson and index 5 will be the string of weeks not attended.

    + "%4$s, Weeks: %5$s";

    Would it be better to return List&gt;Integer> or int[] here, where each element of the list/array is the week number the student is absent? This will reduce the responsibility of this method and make testing easier. The method to convert this list to a string can be shifted to StatisticsCommand and be made private.

    Same consideration as above to change the return type to a List or Array.


    Should you move this into a private method in this class?

    I think you missed out on the casting. Might have to tweak some of the test cases also.

    return (double) totalScore / numOfWeeksParticipated;

    For example:

    This glossary provides definitions for special terms used in this guide.

    Would it be clearer write like this?

    * `Lesson(s) not attended` displays all lessons not attended by the student. This means that future lessons

    are also displayed.

    * Pros:

    * Does not violate the law of demeter. Increases cohesion and thus increase maintainability and testability.

    * Cons:

    * Requires more wrapper methods to carry information.

    * More effort to implement.

    * Pros:

    * Easy, straightforward to implement.

    * Cons:

    * Violates the law of demeter to a large extent.

    Not sure if this class diagram is necessary, since the Implementation section has similar diagrams. Perhaps can just link to those?

    I don't think there is a need to test this class. It is not necessary to enforce that the pre-defined colours map to a specific Hex Value.

    the immutability of `Lesson`.

    1. Prerequisites: List all classes and students using the `list` command. Uses default tutor's pet data.

    (Changed addressbook address entries to students, \t to \tag, Changed tag description, Removed AB3 address,

    Should you put the null checks of the tags in the for loop instead?

    * Added use cases `UC10` and `UC15`.

    Will it be better to standardise to sentence case instead. If not, I think need to change all the subheaders to title case.

    * Store `Lesson` objects directly in `ModuleClass`.

    **Command:** The text typed in by the user as an instruction for Tutor's Pet.

    **Case-insensitive:** The treatment of uppercase and lowercase letters in the same way.

    **Tag:** A word or phrase that labels a student.


    @junlong4321 yup, that is right.

    @dextertanyj agreed, will remove a student not in any classes.

    Agreed. I was not so sure what exactly is to go into the Logic and Model components. That's why I switched to int.

    Have included similar tests for JsonAdaptedModuleClassTest and JsonAdaptedStudentTest.

    I think I will stick with the space, because it follows the comma then space convention.

    For example: new A(a, b, c). So it feels more natural to have the space after colon.

    Agreed. But I cannot do it for AddLessonCommand as there is no list to 'compare' to.

    Changed to spaces before and after colons

    I think I will leave it like that for now, because I want to show Attendance. Will clarify with Prof Damith or Clarence.

    Screenshot just the dropdown menu of the theme button?

    Yup, we should standardize comments. I think we can just follow the style you suggested. Everyone okay? @raymondge @itssodium @chiamyunqing

    is it be better to use comment.trim().isEmpty() instead of comparing it to null?

    i think you can use the TODO function so its easier to check what you have to do next time



    //TODO: your todo item here 


    i'm not very sure, does the java doc require the parameter and the return value? eg.


    * Returns true if a given string is a valid age.


    * @param test....

    * @return boolean.....


    same for the java docs here!

    okay can!

    is it better if we do addpatient instead of addPatient? just asking out of curiousity, no need to change if you think its fine

    i think this should be addPatient instead of add?

    do you think we should add in details like the temp must be 1dp or that the age must be in the range from 0-120?

    hmm, why do you need this variable? Essentially, the numofRoomsInString is equal to Integer.toString(numOfRooms). so maybe you can just use that instead of declaring another variable?

    so for this, you can just use Integer.toString(numOfRooms)

    maybe you want to change the name to SearchPatientDescriptor? can rightclick, refactor -> rename

    not sure if this will fail the checkstyle because of multiple empty lines

    i think you can change the Person's to Patient's

    i think that this method might be a bit long, so maybe you want to extract out some lines of code into a new method? Its just a suggestion, it's fine without it also

    I think the one that was removed is correct? Might need to check

    is there a reason behind initializing the numerOfRooms to -1?

    perhaps it might be good to catch the exception for negative integers inputted by the user?

    Sorry, I don't really understand the need for a PriorityQueue in this class, can you explain the rationale for ti?

    can i know whats the purpose of this constructor? because its empty but yet it takes in an integer parameter

    i think i saw the method below this comment in the RoomBook class, so there might not be a need for this method here?

    same as the previous comment, this method might be a duplicate?

    since you are creating a new room every time the user adds a room, i think the previous data in the room might all be wiped?

    this might be a duplicate method too?

    it's only null for now right?

    i think this might override the data of the previous rooms too?

    i think you might want to change your naming for the priority queue and not use rooms? i got quite confused trying to read it

    since you are only counting the number of occupied rooms directly, will there be a problem with this? eg.

    i have 3 rooms

    • room 1

    • room 2

    • room 3

    So lets say room 1 and room 3 are occupied. so numberOfRoomsOccupied = 2 correct? But next time if you load the RoomBook, it will give me room 1 and room 2 occupied since the numberOfRoomsOccupied is 2?

    is the name of the file lol?

    this indentation might be abit off?

    let's work with the naming together for the test cases next time!

    is there a purpose for this method?

    i think you can delete this method if it is not in use

    hmm, i dont really think there is a need to test if the priority queues are equal? or if you want to test, you can just do

    int[] array1 = roombook1.toArray();

    int[] array2 = roombook2.toArray();

    Arrays.equal(array1, array2);

    i think better naming of the paths would be good? it's a little bit hard to understand/remember what the constructor of RoomOccupancyStorage is supposed to take in

    by accident? maybe a slip of the finger?

    hmm, but i think you can just chain the methods together? like .getRoomBook().getRooms() etc

    hmm, i thought that this field not supposed to be here anymore?

    Hopefully we won't get merge conflict for this when we merge our UI hahaha

    thanks for helping me to change what i have missed!

    same here, thanks for catching this

    should we make it such that there cannot be patient with the same name?

    Is there a typo here? don't think we have UndoCommand and RedoCommand right? hahha

    if this part is not needed, then will it be better to just delete it?

    i think you can delete this line and subsequently, the convertPriorityQueue method

    can delete the method below. i dont think it's in use anymore. i only created it to bypass the need for an observablelist

    i'm not sure why it cannot be yyyyMd, is there a difference?

    i think he used it because it allows easier tracking of the tasks due date using DateTime instead of a string

    Very good use of ObservableList, this will help immensely in the integration into the UI!

    i think this should be null dateTime instead of email?

    i think this prefix is already used for periodOfStay in PatientCliSyntax.java, will it be affected?

    thanks for cleaning up my unused method from before! 👍

    i think its fine. It makes me wonder if I should convert my editroom prefixes to p/ instead of pn/ for patient name. hahahah

    Yup, adhering to abstraction principle is good, however i feel it might not be worth it to extract only 2 lines of code into a new method. maybe what wl can do is to perhaps give a name to the variable to make it clearer.

    eg. String[] stringNames = searchPatientDescriptor.getStringName().split("\\s+"));.

    same here, abstraction principle is good, however, it might not be worth it to extract them out into a new method

    yup! is there a reason why you are checking if the search result has only has one value? I'm referencing to the (patientNameList.size() == 1) cuz your getListOutput(list) method will just print out everything

    hmm, just curious ah, why dont want just String stringName = argMultimap.getPreamble().trim().toLowerCase()? so eg. if you have searchpatient alex n/something, your stringName will be alex.

    Also, what is the substring(2) for ah? i think for very long but i still cant figure it out

    can consider Returns instead of Return? also, do we have to leave a line after line 70? i kind of remembered that it is in the coding convention but im not sure.

    might be good to have a java docs header before this!

    maybe you can use model.getUnmodifiableRoomList() here? model.getUnmodifidableRoomList() returns an ObservableList>Room> too. i discussed with yh last time about how the command class shouldnt be interacting directly with the room class but rather through the model class

    i changed the checkIfRoomPresent() method to a static method because of the reason below. ideally, i feel that checkIfRoomPresent() should be in RoomList.java class. what do you think?

    should there be an empty line before this line of code in the java docs?

    should there be an empty line before this? also, there are some extra white spaces in line 23

    same for the empty line before this

    ah, i see i see, sorry!! hahaha

    do you want to consider removing this comment? is it needed?

    would be good to have a class header for java docs!

    you can consider renaming your test method to toModelType_returnsOccupiedRoom_success() here.

    same here for the naming

    i think you can consider looking at the JsonAdaptedPersonTest class for an example of what to test!

    hmm, why do you need this method? is it to get access to the ObservableList? If you are not planning to modify the elements in the ObservableList but planning to "look at" the elements in it, you can consider the asUnmodifiableObservableList() method in this class at line 84

    do you want to consider moving these few lines of code into the map function from line 55? you can just write a one liner val = trimmedDueAt and i think it should do the trick?

    can consider val = trimmedDueAt so that any whitespaces are removed

    let us know if you need help with writing json test cases! Although Json is unfamiliar to me too, i'm sure we can work something out

    consider adding a java docs header here

    consider adding a java docs header here. Looks good to me for the testcases!

    you might want to standardize the naming of methods, so maybe this method can be toModelType_sameModelType_success(). same for subsequent methods below toModelType_sameModelType_throwsException(), toModelType_sameModelType_failure()

    remember to remove println statment here. you can consider adding a //TODO before using println statements, so you won't forget to remove them

    can remove instead of commenting if this is not going to be used in the future

    hmm for this right, why not just throw an exception in the method? why do you need to have a try-catch block to catch the exception and throw the same exception? eg. public void setTask(Task target, Task editedTask) throws TaskNotFoundException {

    Edit: Nevermind, i understood, its because its a void method

    would it be better to name the test parseCommand_editTask_failure() or parseCommand_editTask_throwExceptions() instead? Same for the tests at the bottom too!

    actually, do you need to wrap this part in a else statement?

    need fullstop here for java docs?

    full stop here too?

    i think you can unwrap from the else statement here too?

    i think you should be asserting if the roomNumber is null? Because if the roomNumber is >0 then it should be the user fault and not the system fault no?

    same here for what yq and i mentioned previously

    thanks for indenting!

    is this system println needed?

    will it be possible to add in java docs for these methods?

    i think there's already a method called setRoom()

    maybe can check if taskList.isEmpty();

    yup, i think it should be fine since you are doing unit testing to ensure that the function works

    if this is not needed, it can be removed?

    will this throw an Assertion exception if the roomlist does not contain the room or is there a check to ensure that the roomlist contains the room before calling this method?

    is there a line separating the description and the @param in the java docs?

    am not sure if there needs to be a line before @return for java docs

    i think it would still be good to log the process though

    maybe you want to use a private static final int MAX_PHONE_NUMBER_LENGTH = 20 instead of using magic constant?

    yup, but what i'm thinking about is that it would be good to add a logger to keep track of the changes in the ui

    i think this should be {@code ReadOnlyList&gt;Patient>} instead of {@code ReadOnlyList&gt;Room>}?

    i think this should be {@code ReadOnlyList&gt;Room>} instead of {@code ReadOnlyList&gt;Patient>}?

    makes sense, let me change it later

    oh ya, i forgot. ill change it later

    okay, let me change it now and update the pr

    yup, i think i missed out on that, thanks!

    i thought its already editpatient?

    okay can can

    whoops, let me rectify that

    the - means that its deleted

    all the red lines are deleted lines!

    okay, will change it, thanks!

    okay can, I will change it

    i think instead of arraylist, it might be better to use ObservableList directly. ObservableList is what is passed into ListView (UI component) and allows the UI to be updated whenever there is a change in ObservableList.

    okayy, ill change that real quick

    yup, i will change the indentation. good catch

    alright man, i have reverted all the wildcards imports! thanks for pointing it out

    the "-" is to remove the patient from the room! so eg. editroom 1 pn/-, it will remove the patient from room 1

    okayy, i will change it later! thanks for pointing it out

    yup, good idea

    i'm not sure how to use a switch here because the if conditions are all different, maybe you want to give me some suggestions?

    yup sure! i will change it

    cuz i feel like its not really an index, so grouping it under the index class seems wrong

    okay, let me try it out


    because i have to check if the room is present in the ObservableList. There is no way to access the RoomList other than through the ModelManager.java. i don't think its suitable to have a method in ModelManager.java to check if the room exists and to return that room

    sure, i can move the room related methods to RoomParserUtil

    I'm allowing the users to set the room number already, so index might not be that great...

    yup, i just changed it!

    i initially used hasRoom() and setRoom(). i forgot why i didnt use hasRoom() but i didnt use setRoom() because roomList class already has setRooms(), i feel that it will be quite confusing to have 2 methods named so closely to each other but does totally different things

    Yup, my test cases were failing, so I added a toString() to check. I thought about removing it, but I figured you might need it. Feel free to delete later. Don't think it matters

    Hmm, now thinking about it, it does seem like bad design. I'll change this later and update this pr. I will probably use the observablelist.stream().anyMatch to replace this (so it will stay in EditRoomCommand.java but won't have a method) . Do you think its a good idea?

    This is one of the dilemma I'm facing. Whether to have a static method in RoomList.java or have a method in EditRoomCommand.java (that is out of place). I think i will adopt the same method of just using the observablelist.stream.anyMatch() method and not create a new method. How does it sound?

    Since i have to change other parts, I think i will just update it in case I forget about it in the future

    thats true, let me shift the code there then

    i will shift this method to the model manager also

    okay sure!

    HAHAHAH, i wrote it that way so the method name not so long. will change it later!

    good catch on the ambiguity! i will make it clearer!

    there should only be one patient in a single room though. also, it doesnt move the patient, you have to clear the patient from the room first. maybe for v1.3, i can implement the auto remove and move feature

    yup, good catch. i removed it

    because the original css also have scrollPane in it, so i specified the css


    because initially it was just internalList.add(sth) and it wasnt updating the UI unless i change it to setAll

    not really, kinda forced to do it this way unless i dont use Index class for this method

    if i dont use Index class right, then i'll be using integer instead. cuz if i use roomlist.getObservableList.indexOf(getPatientWithName("some name here"), it will return -1 if the patient is not found. but Index class doesnt accept negative integer, so it will throw out an exception

    okay sure

    so its kinda like a comparison of using int vs using Index, because either way, i need the position of the patient from the list

    mayeb i will use this.roomList.getRoom..., because getRoomList returns the unmodifiable version

    yup. i dont really feel its a hack tho, cuz the ModelManager is supposed to interact with the roomlist directly. We should make it so that other classes cannot interact with the roomlist directly and remove the getModifiableRoomList though

    yup, wasnt really thinking sorz >>

    that is true, we can look into this for next week

    oki, i will do that next time HAHHAHA, didnt see

    thats true

    ya i think this one we dont have a choice but to couple them

    You can take a look at the RoomListPanel.java for references. I suspect the problem arose because you are calling patientDetailsPanel = new PatientDetailsPanel(patientToDisplay) and patientDetailsPanelPlaceholder.getChildren().add(patientDetailsPanel.getRoot()) repeatedly. Perhaps you can move both these LOC from the handleMouseClick and updateDetailsIfChanged method into the constructor for PatientListPanel.java

    i know its supposed to be like that, but i think we can include in the ug for better clarification?

    we will probably delete this section

    Can be taken into consideration for future design, will be closing this

    i think it will take the last parameter

    For 4, i will fix the RoomPanel by this Friday

    as of v1.2 there is no feature that requires the generation of reports

    interacting with GUI with a mouse* ?

    Again, no reports yet

    include date and time

    This is not in v1.2

    Don't edit the tutorial


    Parameter name not changed


    uses '@' symbol

    Comment: 32nd not 32rd

    Comment needs to be updated

    Looks like you forgot to change these comments as well

    Comment should be day greater than 31 instead

    Is it supposed to be date or Date, previously it was Phone not phone

    KIV the prefix because this includes date and time

    Perhaps it should be named modelDateTime


    Missed this out

    I personally feel that date and time should be separate, e.g. 01-01-2020 1200, we can discuss this in the team meeting tonight

    Should probably be on separate lines

    Should be named something more meaningful like status or taskStatus

    Shall discuss whether these fields should be optional in the team meeting later tonight

    Should be DATE_TIME

    does this prefix make sense or do we need to revise it since its date + time now, maybe it should be due: for example

    What is the purpose of this design wise? Is this to act as a null value without throwing NPE?

    The rationale behind using java String#trim on Phone was to remove leading and trailing whitespaces. When considering the user's dateTime input do we need to consider white spaces inside the string as well? For e.g. "01-01-2020 1200" vs "01-01-2020 1200" if we are not going to trim it then perhaps we need to consider adding an exception for this and add the corresponding unit test.

    Remove this

    rename this

    rename the date

    why did you change this?

    can change to complete or incomplete

    has a state of incomplete

    state of incomplete

    May need to capitalise the first letter so that the UI is standerdized



    Why is done not capitalised?

    Do we need to use String builder or is efficiency not important? @BobbyZhouZijian

    What does this return if the arg is empty @dearvae

    do not add all the white spaces

    no space needed here

    why are there so many empty lines


    what about status

    Value of status* - this makes it easier for the user to determine what is wrong with their input if there are multiple attributes in a find command

    Remove space

    remove this space

    why do you need to specify "which is null" when the attributes are the default values?

    why cant the default desc be an empty string?

    is it necessary to add an extra boolean when there was nothing wrong with the prev implementation?

    fix this

    I believe this is where you use parser util, code like this will be repeated, better to abstract it out

    Too many checks, this is not ideal

    remove this space

    Where is the description for what an event is

    ^ same as above


    fix this



    list is missing

    shouldn't it be

    public static final DateTimeFormatter DATE_FORMATTER = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(DATE_FORMAT)

    might wanna check if its null, javadocs specifies that it cannot be null, not sure if NPE will be thrown

    hmm i already implemented this in lessonCommandParser, no repeated code, abstract this method out if needed

    Magic number

    MAX_INT = .....

    then string format

    Why is this called isValidTitle??? Rename

    Test a few more values in each equivalence partition and especially near boundary values. Please include values such as 0, -1, some valid values and values near MAX_INT


    wont the user have to scroll down a lot to view the error message

    This is repeated code, just renamed in both deadline and events, since both are a sub class of task, implement these methods in task and you can override later on

    use the tags i have in commandTestUtil, do not use old tags from AB3

    maybe name the parameters timeSlot and editedTimeSlot

    timeSlot and editedTimeSlot

    Good catch

    Still valid?? awkward phrasing

    with proper callouts and markdown

    what about module tag and optional description?

    manage their tasks and visualise it on a calendar as well as time spent on tasks and lessons

    user with a lot of lessons

    why did you quote UC05 isnt this UC05

    and does not overlap

    Why is it UC08/09


    It is optional*

    what does still valid mean? Maybe can specify that the task must not overlap with existing tasks or lessons after being edited

    or overlaps with tasks and lessons


    I think the space before status is not intended right

    Hmm what about time or datetime

    Maybe you should include the test for time and desc as well? Test the regex

    Do lower case tags work?

    this date is not in the coming week

    not in the coming week

    added extension

    These are in addremark.md not actual code, not sure if it needs to be changed

    same reply as above

    ok undid changes in these documents, please review again

    ok undid changes in these documents, please review again

    not in this PR



    changes reverted

    this method is to list out the message constraints, in order to have a nice grammatically correct message the last type of task in this String should not contain a comma after it

    e.g. Acceptable types of tasks are: A, B, C. instead of Acceptable types of tasks are: A, B, C, .

    excellent suggestion, it works as well and is more concise

    LOL i thought i deleted, it was for debugging 😃

    yes need, good spot

    Does not LGTM. Please include markdown for important commands or things to note of. Thanks.

    Please include your portfolio under team/GabriellaTeh.md

    Resolved merge conflicts and created a new pull request from a different branch

    Hi Zijian, I conducted some boundary value analysis and found that it works as intended for the positive test cases but when i put in find status: it does not throw any error, it says 0 tasks listed, following equivalence partitioning i shall stop further tests

    A few problems I found:

    find status: XXX where XXX is an invalid input, returns 0 tasks found as well

    Error message displayed should state that status can only be of 2 values: complete and incomplete.

    find date:01-01-202 is also accepted and the date 01-01-2020 matches it, should this be considered an incorrect input

    According to this method in Event.java this is not a bug @BobbyZhouZijian

    @nuovonatura are you fixing this

    I think you pattern did not match our command. Here is my suggestion:


    Maybe we rename this class to Contact now?

    Ahh I see, just add another \ before each of the current

    I think this should be kept simple, for example: "Adds a contact to the app" . This applies to all of your messages

    You're missing the "T " prefix before the COMMAND_WORD here and at the example a few lines below too 😄 This applies to all 5 of your commands

    I think the example for time here should have hour:minute as well, we'll support that too

    As discussed, I think this should return a task's to string, and view it by Id! We won't have any find command

    After coding I think that all of these "notes" like things should be called "notes" with a prefix of "note/", and this field is purely optional. What do you think?

    for my iP I have written quite a nice date parser here, I think you can adapt it to this part (and add more supported format too)

    this comment here is quite obvious right? I think can just write it as "Parses a Remark"

    As I have commented on ViewTaskCommand, this should be modified accordingly

    Ah my bad, by index

    yeah I know, but like I want to create a special prefix for the note-like stuff, for users to throw anything they want into it

    Okay then maybe you create an issue for that?

    okay sure!


    the Task.Type is missing here 😄

    Missing Tash.Type here too!

    should we merge Location into Remark now?

    Not Email right?

    Just wondering, is there any better way than manually checking 5 fields to see if they are null or not? I think there is a requireNotNull method as well right?

    not String right? desc has type of String but for the message it should be Description

    Not Double.class.getSimpleName() right? It should be Weightage

    Okay sure

    Yeah but for the message you can't output like "missing a double", better to just replace it by "Weightage" (a String) since the Double.class.getName() is basically get the name of that class

    Hmm should we edit the module by index? or should it be index?

    We haven't agreed on whether a task must be associated with a module or not right?

    Should we merge location into remark now?

    Should it be to switch to the module tab now?

    love this simplicity 👍

    actually it will like expand the task (view in greater details)

    Now I think we should rename it to view

    for this, is it better if we have the type like lec (for lecture), tut(for tutorial)?

    "the length of the Lesson list" sounds a little unnatural, maybe "the number of lessons"?

    not of that type right? now we changed to deleting by index already

    same here, maybe "the number of lessons"?

    why do you need to check Task.isValidString here? I thought only the latter check is necessary?

    I think the remark doesn't need any kind of validity checking right?

    Hmmm I think this is fine but later on probably I will abstract this thing to the "common" module

    LOL It just crossed my mind, I think this is better as isDone (shorter and more "grammatically" correct haha)

    hey this should be isComplete haha. A trick to faster change the name of a variable is to use Find and Replace haha

    I think this method can be named like "flipDoneStatus", I think it will be a more intuitive name right?

    yeah store it as an empty string is better

    I think this can be better done by adding a new method to task, like belongTo(code) so that we don't need to touch so deep into task

    Hmm is that SHOW_ALL? or show tasks that take place either today or after today

    Okay this I think is fine!

    Nicely done! Anw should we chain this together?

    I think the index is one-based right?

    I'm just thinking if it's better to put this logic in Model instead? I think Logic should only contain lightweight logic. Put it in Model will also make it more testable too!

    Actually we should sort the internalList and just return the internalUnmodifiableList (because it wraps the internalList)

    Any reason for this modification?

    I think this should be named TaskSorter / TaskSorterByTime

    Hmm yeah make sense! Maybe just keep it to see what the UI team will say 😄

    Ah okay! But the index to display is one-based?

    Ah I see

    Hmm I just realized, aren't we comparing tasks by time?

    this is a stub so it will always be like that

    lol what's this

    Not address book any more, it should be "Add a contact to the app"

    This should be "displayed on the screen"

    Can you look at Minh's new messages and standardise the message content?

    It should be in the form of [DONE] + Name + Date: .... right?

    we don't have the app-wide search anymore right? It will now be a contact tab?

    Heyy you still need to edit it here too!

    "basic operations" should be like "basic components"?

    "The task manager is a crucial feature in TrackIt@NUS" same as above? I think it can be written like "The task manager is an elemental part of TrackIt@NUS" or something like that

    Maybe also note that if a task doesn't belong to any module, it can only be viewed in the Upcoming section

    not only the add but also the edit command as well

    execute -> Execute

    Also, nice use of process diagram here!

    I think the CommandResult's label is missing, it should be "r"

    Hmm do you think the name of objects should be longer? like model & task instead of m & t

    Do you think we should highlight the self-call to createEditedTask?

    "all tasks that belong to the specified module code" I think we can delete the trailing "code"

    I think a better rationale(or at least better sounding haha) is that we implement all commands in a very similar way so that the logic is uniformed and also for better maintainability / less prone to bugs.

    But I don't know should we place this here or put it in a more "general" section of this DG? And put more task-specific design consideration here?

    I think we should put the shorter type before the longer type!

    can you move all of these messages to commons/core/Messages.java?

    Hi, I think the address should be more realistic (throw in some sample zoom links, some venues at the school like COM1-0120....)

    hmm it's quite a big problem. Anyway, can you change the address to some random locations in NUS to make it more realistic? Because this is the sample data we will show the user too!

    I think we can edit this sentence to this: " Phone numbers have to consist of just digits only, and can be of any length!"

    Just a recommendation: I think the sample command should include 2 tags(same for edit contact) so that the user will immediately know! (Also, can you change the sample command in AddContacts & EditContacts as well?)

    I think we can add in that email & phone number are optional!

    Same as above!

    The INDEX provided must be one of the contact' indexes being shown on the window? Does is sound better?

    I think the message should be more specific, like "There cannot be more than 10 modules at the same time" or smt like that

    Right now I think that this predicate section should be put in like a "general design consideration" section, because for lessons they will copy-pasted this exact thing, but on the other hand doing that will make our DG looks "shorter" and "less effort", so I'm not sure 😢What do you think?

    I think this section should have a dedicated section like "Code design consideration", and also we should add in a "Feature design consideration"

    Like this:

    I think "to have everything" sounds "broad" and "big", maybe we should make it more specific or more reader-friendly?

    I suggest we can change this to something like: "want to have their personal todos integrated with the academic calendar"

    Hmm I think no need for this, because I think our app is good on its own and even with Internet there is nothing more we can improve 😄

    My bad😢


    Hmm I have removed this class already?

    Ah okay not yet, my bad

    Can you take a look at my new PR?

    If that PR is good then can merge it first, so that there won't be too many commits in a PR

    Okay I forgot. Actually the original code doesn't explain the returned result too (maybe too obvious?)

    Yeah, since originally there were setContact and setContacts as well

    the original code base doesn't have that throw as well. What do you think? (Honestly I haven't read about when we should state that this method will throw something and when we can just omit it). Anyway, will read it later on after I finish developing these 3 classes

    I think we should best leave it as TrackIter (short,concise name). LOL It took me 1,5 hour to rename address book to TrackIter 😂 (And still there are a lot of leftovers)

    Fixed in the latest commit

    Okay lemme fix it now

    When I thought on how to handle the program's logic, I found out that putting lessons and tasks in Module will make it way harder to find/delete tasks & lessons. Instead, I think that we just keep lessons and tasks in separate lists and everytime we need to find lessons or tasks of a module, we can just do a O(n) search. This will make the program's logic much simpler and less prone to errors

    Yes. Is just a more detailed type of exception, so it doesn't need any implementation

    It will be fixed in the next PR!

    Wow I think this is a bug happend when I'm copying things


    Ah okay okay let's enable it

    @simonteozw Maybe you approve this PR first then I make another PR? I just run the code formatter and it changed like 80 files

    Actually I wrote the message for this exception already, but then deleted it because the exception caught on the very next line. Should I comment on why I leave that message empty or just write a message in it?


    this the auto toString method generated by IntelliJ. It will be used for testing only so I guess it's best to stick to the default format

    for testing only


    There is a warning that the operator (like + for string concatenation) must be on a new line, but I haven't found a way to make IntelliJ auto-format for that, and it's really minor so I will just disable it for now

    Hmm because I haven't been able to get the IntelliJ to conform to this rule, and this is very minor (it's just the position of the operator) so I think it's best to disable it for now (if not forever)

    No it's a good thing to keep, why need to remove right?

    Yes, because as we have discussed this will be a "bonus" feature. I just leave it there so that later on we remember


    Ah yes, it's the formatter of IntelliJ, it auto-align the comments of params



    Hmm then should we rename the method to getAllTasks()?

    Yep I will remove that in an upcoming PR, but for now just edit it 😂

    Actually the current hasModule is doing exactly this 😆 two modules are consider "same" if they have the same code

    Actually I changed this so that it can be used for cases of module not exist in Lessons. The original version is only good for delete module

    It has been moved haha


    because now missing phone is not an error any more, later on I will convert them to positive testcases

    Yeah I think we can!

    Optional.empty here is actually still valid! null will throw exception!

    Actually in the upcoming PR there will be several more TODOs, it's a common & quick way to note that there are things todo haha since IntelliJ can highlight all todos in the project when you want to!

    Fixed! For the commit I just pushed to fix this I have manually tested deleting phones & emails and it all worked well!


    Yeah I copied his name from SoC's website 😄

    because argMultimap.getPreamble() is actually to check if index is present, which is unnecessary in this case (in fact this is leftovers of copying from AB3 commands)


    it is very different because the IllegalArgumentException is an unchecked exception, which doesn't require the caller to try/catch for it. In other words, this function will crash the program (assert-like) if the provided date is invalid!

    Also I will capitalize the "a" now


    done again!

    because I have added a very similar testcase to line 41-45

    because I have added a very similar testcase to line 41-45

    Ah this I copied from TaskTestUtil but realised it's not usable yet

    Yes, I realised it too but I forgot to raise it up during yesterday's meeting! Will send Simon another PR.

    Ah I resolved it already! Forgot to close this issue

    @simonteozw can you review this commit then merge it for me so that the next PR won't be so huge

    Actually "commons" in the name of one of the current module too! (seedu.address.commons)

    Ah that checkstyle, I think it can be disabled for now, later on when I merge the later pull request I can enable it back again! Actually we can do cherry-pick there but I haven't had time to properly learn cherry-pick

    @nguyendqminh can you take a look at my message above and provide me the deadline that you will resolve this? Thank you!

    @simonteozw Hey can you take another look? If it's good then you can approve it so that I can make the final PR for Lessons

    @nguyendqminh Hi, any updates on this?

    @nguyendqminh Can you push your commits to the PR so that the team can know your progress? Thank you!

    @simonteozw Hey. I think this PR is quite simple but I think it's best to have you do a quick review of it! Thank you!

    @simonteozw this can be closed now right?

    Closing #109

    @simonteozw Hi Simon

    So basically in this PR, I did the following things:

    • For Contact: Removed List & Clear commands

    • For Lesson: Removed List & View commands

    • For Module: Removed List & View commands

    • For Task: Removed View command

    • And I refactored all the common messages between commands to Messages.java + Standardised their names

    Thank you for reviewing it!

    Looks Good. I just want to check, if users edit and do T edit 1 m/ is it still a valid command? It should change the module code to null

    Yep it will change it to null

    Is this ready to be merged? @simonteozw

    Hi @simonteozw . In this PR I have made the following changes:

    • made Email & Phone to be optional (this took quite a lot of time but I have done some manual testing and it seems to be working well)

    • replaced the Task.isValidString by a simple call to String.isBlank (because I think your intention is to check if a string is blank or not)

    Please help me review this PR! Thanks a lot (x100)!

    @nguyendqminh please help me clarify this in the UG!

    @simonteozw Can you please check for Modules / Lessons / Contacts as well? Thank you!

    @UncleGrandpa925 Please update the UG to clarify this!

    @nguyendqminh Hi, can you help me clarify in the UG that the entered Index must be one of the indexes that are appearing on the screen? Thanks!

    @simonteozw Please help me clarify this in the top section of the UG! Thank you!

    @simonteozw Can you help me clarify this in the UG? Thanks!

    @simonteozw Please help me clarify it in the UG! Thank you!

    Hi @simonteozw . Actually this PR is kinda simple and there is not much to review, yet I still request your review so that you can know about the newly added test skeleton! Thank you!

    @nottiffchan Can you check discord?

    After this is done, a new issue will be created to edit the UG

    Hi @nottiffchan since you are in charge of the UG now I will transfer this issue to you! Thank you!

    Hi @simonteozw I think this PR is good to merge immediately but I just want you to take a look to see what I have done in this PR (mostly for the refactor of Lesson's messages, I wasn't aware that Lesson's messages structure were quite messy)

    Can you change this to docs/UserGuide.md

    Should we remove this *{More to be added}* line?

    Can I ask what is gradeDist? Is it grade distribution?

    Can I check why we are checking if other is instanceof Name? We should only check if other is also a Location right

    Another instance here. I think should be other instanceof Location right?

    Should we use Address Class for Task as well? I am unclear if there is a difference between Location and Address class class haha

    Just curious, why did you remove the (String) typecasting?

    Need to fill in return value here

    Can I check, what is the difference between setModule and setModules? They are for different use cases?

    Should ass throws ModuleNotFoundException, DuplicateModuleException to the method declaration right? Same for several other methods.

    Just thinking. Shoudl we change this TrackItManager? Or TrackIt? haha. If it's too troublesome to change then nevermind.

    Ok then we just leave it first. If need be we will let the others add in these methods when they implement further

    Maybe we should add throws NullPointerException in the method declaration? Or remove that line in comments.

    Can delete the @return here as well, or add the return value

    Is this method supposed to be empty?

    Can I check why this is removed? Are we leaving it to later to implement?

    Why is @Override removed? The getTaskList method is from ReadOnlyTrackIter so we should keep the @Override right?

    Is this the final PR for concrete classes? If yes we should re-enable checkStyle

    Can remove this comment

    Same. Can remove this comment

    Here too. Remove comment

    Remove comment

    Should MESSAGE_USAGE be L list: sample? Maybe change to another word like CS2100 to make it clearer?

    Remove Comment. Maybe change MESSAGE_USAGE to have a clearer keyword instead of sample

    Should be There is no module matched to the given module code. Missing the to.

    Maybe can add an example, like in AddContactCommand

    Same here. Maybe should add example.

    Same here. Maybe add example

    Same here. Maybe add example

    Same here. Maybe add example

    Just curious. Is there a need for PREFIX_TYPE when there is already a PREFIX_NAME? OR this is just for clarity when reading code?

    Since the function is parseTime, maybe should change Lesson.DATE_MESSAGE_CONSTRAINTS to Lesson.TIME_MESSAGE_CONSTRAINTS? Just a suggestion haha

    Yes this sounds better


    Should the ParseException be thrown with empty string? No message?

    Can remove the 2 lines of whitespace here

    Same here

    Hmm maybe write the new message on this line then in the following line you can write catch (ParseException pe) { throw pe }

    I meant here, lines 17 - 18

    Actually I meant here lines 17-18

    Maybe change the comment here address book to app or TrackIt

    What does this do?

    Why do we need this toString method? Maybe change to Code: and editModuleDescriptor: instead of code= and editModuleDescriptor=

    Why do we need this? And Maybe change to Name: is this for testing purposes?

    maybe can remove the @FXML private Label desc on top too

    Hmm I think we should enable it before merging right?

    Oh I didnt IntelliJ will autogenerate toString methods. Do you plan on removing this? Or keep it just for testing

    Ok, but I think before we submit v1.3 on Friday we should remove this


    Is this supposed to be commented out?

    Should we specify this for Lessons?

    Maybe remove the (must be a positive integer) since you already have the INVALID_INDEX_MESSAGE. To keep it consistent with Task and Module. Same for DeleteLesson Command too

    Should this throw an exception? Or is there another way to handle this?

    This will be changed in a later PR?

    Actually for this I wanted to check why you need this method here. Why not just sort the lessons in UniqueLessonList under the function asUnmodfiableList(). Then everytime UI calls for a list of lessons it will be sorted

    I think should change to Names should be a non-empty string and should not contain '/'

    Is the extra space supposed to be there?

    Actually this method just returns all tasks so lets change the comment to @return the list of all tasks

    I think change to @return the list of all tasks that take place on the specified date

    I think we can do this later. I believe UI team may feedback and we may need to refactor the method signatures abit anw

    Out of curiosity, why change this? I don't see anything wrong the old version

    Actually I thought we were going to remove the ListLessonCommand, or are we leaving that to a later PR?

    This works? hasModule only checks based on code and not name?

    Why is this removed? Is it because not called at all? Minh wanted to keep this in initially so maybe should discuss w him before removing it

    Wouldn't it be better to keep the import so you dont need to type java.time.DayOfWeek

    If you remove this, how will we ensure that Lessons are always sorted?

    If you remove this, how will we ensure that Tasks are always sorted?

    I think for the messages about duplicates, all should end with already exists, no need already exists in the app.

    Can we shorten this to 1 else if { instead of else { if { ?

    Same as phone

    Should this be Optional.empty()? Or maybe we should add another test case for that

    Why are these lines commented out?

    What if the contact originally has a phone number and the user wants to edit to remove it. This will ensure that if the user types C edit 1 p/ the phone number will remain unchanged when it should be changed to null

    I think we should create a github issue abt this so we dont forget about it. And include all the lines we commented out so we know what to replace.

    I think this should be changed to get index of

    Same here. get index of

    Sorry I just realised, should you update the predicate to show all Modules? Or doesn't matter. In task and lesson we will predicate first

    I think we should remove the dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm. Or I can do that in my own PR later

    Why did you remove !argMultimap.getPreamble().isEmpty()?

    Is the CHIA intended to be all caps? Haha

    Hmm Actually how is this different from the normal parseDate? And why not just use the same Messages.DATE_MESSAGE_CONSTRAINTS? In any case, I think the first letter should be capitalised: An invalid date...

    Sorry actually for grammar it should be "An invalid date has been passed into parseValidDate"

    Hmm why did you remove this test case?

    Should be The Class Diagram above

    Can I check how come suddenly need to add this?

    I think we can change this to COMPONENT_NAME Manager class

    Just some grammar. Can change this part to clicks on a module tab not click on a module tab.

    Somehow the Note is not correctly displayed. But since we already have the information source I think we can just remove the Note completely. Also, change last line to due to a limitation in PlantUML, the lifeline continues to the end of the diagram

    I feel that this function should also check if the module alr exists in trackit? Or maybe rename the function to hasEnoughSpace to make it clearer

    Why is this commented out?

    Ok I tried to change to this but err java gives me an error: Illegal escape character in String literal

    What do you mean by view it by Id. Task doesn't have ad id associated with it haha

    Hmm actually I think writing note/ will be very cumbersome, and may confused users because they are used all 1 letter not 1 word

    Hmm ok then can I suggest we stick to r/ for remark, I believe note/ is too cumbersome

    Hmm I am following the standard comment format. I think better to keep it this way for now

    Ok. I suggest for now we leave it as is. Since Lesson and Task have a date component, we can standardise once both have been merged in and refactor it to be one of the 'commons'. Then that will be cleaner. Maybe leave for v1.3

    Ok. I suggest for now we leave it as is. Since Lesson and Task have a date component, we can standardise once both have been merged in and refactor it to be one of the 'commons'. Then that will be cleaner. Maybe leave for v1.3

    I think that will require some refactoring. I suggest I create an issue for it and we settle in v1.3

    Yes but apart from checking not null, we must also check if the fields fit the specific requirements, which differs for each requirement. Maybe we can look into it, but probably for v1.3

    There is no description class. Description is stored as a string thats why I used String

    There is no Weightage class. Weightage is stored as a double thats why I used Double class.

    Yes ok I will change it

    I think we can just leave it for now

    This is to support the feature that when the user types c/ it will reset the code to null, in other words they can remove the module code. If only have the latter check c/ will throw error

    Same as above. I want to distinguish between storing remark as null vs storing it as an empty string. Unless maybe it is better to just store all null as empty string?

    Ok I will leave it first then

    Hmm ok I shall refactor this

    Hmm I did this because I wanted to show overdue tasks if there are any too haha. But ok I can change it

    We get the int based on indexOf, which is zeroBased, so when we return the Index object we should use the fromZeroBased constructor

    All these date changes are just to pass the test cases. Because the task list is automatically sorted by date

    Yup! But displaying it as one-based will be done by UI team

    Hmm yes I suppose. Will change it

    Ok I shall remove it then. There is already a Contact Manager section

    I considered that but I am not q sure how to draw that out in UML

    I think we can put this in th eArchitecture section of the Dg

    Hmm yea I will change it to the general overview section


    Just finished refactoring. I think we can merge this first then I can create another PR where I rename the files to AddContactCommand? and etc

    Also rmb to fix issue brought up by Weihong. criminal lawyer is not alphanumeric.


    Core issue is that All Edit and Add commands were designed to update the predicate to show all Contacts/Tasks/Lessons. This is not good for stuff like when you are adding a Task in the Module or editing a Contact/Lesson in the module. Hence, I removed this Predicate

    Is this ready to be merged? @simonteozw

    No don't merge yet. I will request a review when it is ready

    Could you change this instance of 'AddressBook' to 'Athena'?

    Change this instance of 'AddressBook' to 'Athena' as well

    Adds >i>an>/i> event instead of >i>a>/i> event

    Consider adding Javadocs to this method and the newly implemented methods below

    What exactly is this change?

    Please commit only relevant changes to the branch in the future. This is probably more relevant when adding the editEvent command

    Add class-level javadocs for this class

    Update this javadocs for the context of AddEventCommand

    Use the >code>// some comment>/code> for this instead of >code>/* some comment */>/code> as that is relevant only to the method/attribute right below it which in this case is >code>PREFIX_DESCRIPTION>/code>

    Please include class level Javadocs for this

    Consider placing this into the constructor?

    Update javadocs to specify calendar

    Update Javadocs to specify it is about events not persons

    Add class level javadocs to tell us about the class

    Add class-level javadocs to tell us about the class

    Add class-level javadocs to tell us about the class

    What is the difference between these two methods? Should the >code>setEvent>/code> method check 'equality' between two events and replace the one in the list with the one outside?

    I believe this replies to the wrong part of the review? Please use this only to reply to the specific comment above

    Consider adding this method and the test methods below to a separate class called >code>AddEventCommandTest.java>/code> to separate tests for Bangyi's >code>AddCommand>/code> and tests for your >code>AddEventCommand>/code>.

    Consider adding these messages as constants instead of magic literals

    Is the prefix necessary at all?

    Should be able to obtain the index directly similar to the Delete command for example

    This seems to be outdated compared to what is actually implemented

    Would be nice to have a brief Javadocs description of the class

    This Javadocs is outdated

    Should probably remove this as it is not used at all

    Should remove this from the interface and the implementing classes

    Should probably remove this as it is only used by the unused sortPersons method in AddressBook

    Should probably remove this as it is not used at all

    This method should probably take in a Comparator instead in line with how the updateFilteredPersonList method works. Model Manager shouldn't need to know exactly which Comparators it needs

    The three comparators should probably declared as static constants within the SortCommand class itself?

    This should probably be done in the SortCommand class itself. execute chooses the appropriate Comparator in the execute command to pass to ModelManager.

    Does each class really need to know the COMMAND_TYPE string? It seems like it would be better to just have the AddressBookParser store the main COMMAND_TYPE string variants. Either that, or these classes should be taking the AddressBookParser's COMMAND_TYPE definition. Because right now, to change the COMMAND_TYPE string, every single file has to be edited

    And it seems that the COMMAND_TYPE String is largely not used except to reconstruct the equivalent user input

    I would suggest something like -c and -e instead of /c and /e as I believe we should differentiate field specifiers from object-type specifier. Especially since add /c n/some name looks kind of strange

    My suggestion was actually to not have this at all. But the enum-type would probably be the second best alternative as both AddressBookParser and the relevant commands will depend on the String specified in the enum-type. Because as is right now, the current implementation is the equivalent of the cyclic dependency you mentioned, just not strictly coded in. If you change AddressBookParser's string to detect Contact-type commands, then you'll still have to change those within each Contact-type command class.

    If you're removing references to the Command-type string inside the Command classes themselves, then the reconstruction of user input tests have to be moved to AddressBookParserTest instead. The individual Command-types will handle only their own share of input (everything that is after {command name} {contact/event}

    I think only one enumeration is sufficient (CommandType). Because 'add' is a unique identifier for the AddContactCommand, or at least it was. But I feel like the reason both AddressBookParser and the individual command classes should not hold the contact identifier's specific implementation within them is that it is a property that they all share and depend on. So a separate enumeration would fit this.

    I change my mind regarding holding references within the command classes themselves to their CommandType. It does make recreating the command for testing easier.

    i think there is merit in having the test cases remain in their current classes as they are intended to test certain classes.

    I don't think this is really relevant to the discussion because the individual command classes don't actually use their own command word and command type for testing. Only AddressBookParserTest uses them to recreate it.

    specifically, i believe it should be

    public static final String COMMAND_WORD = CommandWord.SORT.toString();

    public static final String COMMAND_TYPE = CommandType.EVENT.toString();

    would it be possible to add the 3rd line into a separate branch to continue working on? as you have mentioned that it is not quite implemented yet. So we should merge only things that fully work to master

    Related to the above comment, to add this to a separate branch and subsequent PR so it is obvious to us what the changes are in the future PR.

    although i think it would be better to have the detection of invalid inputs handled in SortEventCommandParser.parse.

    the SortEventCommandParser.parse is already implemented. But I do agree with the suggestion regarding the default branch. I think it is in-line with defensive programming to reserve the default block to throw an exception instead in order to protect others who might be using the code.

    This comparator does not seem to match the description specified in the indexMessage(Index) and MESSAGE_USAGE. This seems to compare the number of tags instead of the number of participants.

    This doesn't seem to have any indication of the actual number of participants though? It seems to mostly just compare the tagName string-wise. To get the actual number of participants from each tag, I believe you need to use the model.getPersonsWithTag(Tag) method to get the actual Set&gt;Person>

    but tags are not the same thing as participants?

    Also the comparison itself seems kind of strange. If o1 has 5 tags and o2 has 10 tags, this falls under the last branch which compares only the first name of the first tag found in the set. Also, I believe this is prone to changing as Sets do not have a well-defined order.

    I was under the impression Events would hold a Set&gt;Person> (added without any specific tagging) as well as a Set&gt;Tag> (of groups of participants identified by the tags). The total number of participants would then be a conjunction of all the participants found from the Set&gt;Person> and each Set&gt;Person> belonging to each Tag.

    I believe this is a typo

    It seems to me that this comparator has some issues. In particular, the tags are actually stored in Java's Set which has no guarantee of order preservation. So this could result in different comparator results on different calls of the compare method.

    I believe this might be related to the same Comparator in SortContactCommand

    Additionally, consider creating a PersonsComparator class which stores all these comparators as public static constants so that both sort commands can refer to the same Comparator object.

    consider using case 1: return NAME_COMPATOR;... and throw a CommandException for the default branch. This can potentially safeguard the code from misuse by other developers.

    Will this fail if a sort is performed on an empty Athena? Perhaps, it should instead just not do anything if the list size is 0.

    I believe the name of the method would be more appropriate as something like permSortContacts or permSortPersons as we will eventually need to remove instances of 'addressbook' within the code. Additionally, I believe the argument name would be more appropriate as something like comparator as chooseComparator sounds more like a method name.

    Would be nice to include test cases that check against the permanently saved file to see if using the command changes it.

    Is there a guarantee that the first tag being displayed in the GUI is the same as the first tag found in the set.iterator()?

    On a related note, I wonder if this comparator is necessary because it seems quite arbitrary. I was going to suggest perhaps some sort of way to request sorting in the reverse order, so the name comparison would put Z at the front etc. In this case, I think a comparator that allows sorting by number of tags might fit this better. Though I am unsure how this might be useful as well.

    Do reflect these changes within the origin SortContactCommand as well. Thanks!

    There is an additional '9' here. Also consider leaving a line between the class declaration and the first javadocs

    Consider changing the description to be something more explicit like: "Permanently sorts and edits the underlying save person-list save file" to clearly say that this changes the save file.

    Also consider changing the argument name to just comparator instead of chooseComparator

    This internalList assertion seems slightly problematic. Given an invalid json save, the json save would be wiped out and replaced with an empty json save. This will create an internalList with size 0 which seems common enough to not warrant an assert. Perhaps a simple assert c != null would suffice.

    "A window similar to the one below should..." instead of "The GUI similar to the below should..."

    ContactTagIntegrationManager has a method for deleting a tag and all contacts with the tag. I think it's called deleteTagAndDirectContacts method that does that. I think you should use that instead as it properly preserves the tag relations in the tagTree as well. Can implement it in Model

    If it can't throw, the method should not have a throws keyword. Any other method that uses this are forced to implement catching the exceptions or throwing them again. Which is not the same as "this method cannot throw a CommandException or a ParseException, handling can be ignored".

    you realise that any command that uses execute has to either catch and deal with a CommandException and ParseException or it has to throws it as well?

    Also, it would be really helpful to say why something isn't a good implementation instead of brushing it aside as one.

    I don't think this is quite right. More specifically, the term used here should be Command Line Interface.

    i second this

    I second this.

    contact at the specified INDEX

    is more precise as it denotes that we are referring to the contact instance occupying that INDEX at the moment.

    same as above

    This does not seem to follow the general example format of other commands. The format usually goes as

    "{command} Sorts all currently ... " starting with a capitalized verb

    This does not seem to follow the general example format of other commands. The format usually goes as

    "{command} Sorts all currently ... " starting with a capitalized verb

    In markdown, the difference is significantly more prominent. I do not think this is a necessary change.

    In the context of markdown, the change does not make any difference.

    "There is no need to save manually." is more succinct and less awkward than "There is no need to manually save the data.". The inherent meaning is the same.

    I would argue that where the save files are located should come before what the save files are. Would like to hear your thoughts on this.

    I believe only Tags have the view command. Events might have one in the future but it is not implemented yet.

    perhaps this should return a list of accepted CommandTypes? Otherwise, I think the name is slightly misleading. Maybe something like getAcceptedTypesString() {..}

    Besides the MESSAGE_INVALID_SEARCH_FIELD, the rest seem to overlap with the ViewTagCommand. can consider abstracting these out to a general TagUtil class.

    I believe this method is also shared in ViewTagCommand. Can consider abstracting it out as well

    Pretty daring to change the sample test tree. But I guess maybe the original one might not have been comprehensive enough.

    great catch!

    The 'This' is not necessary here. Adding it here would only confuse the reader as 'This' could refer to multiple things in this context.

    Please leave the original. If you want to change this, it would be more precise to say 'Tag removal is done before tag addition'.

    I think we should default to the one without a space.

    'Indices' instead of 'indexes'

    My point is that adding 'This' is a language error. Adding 'This command' is redundant because the entire statement is about the command.

    'This command' is really not necessary. It is implied at the start of both sentences

    As it turns out, private comment Javadocs are not really standardised throughout the code. I think this is not a big issue

    it is a runtime exception. I do not believe it is necessary. Especially since there should be no reason why this exception occurs at all if Person changes are done through AddressBook.

    Is there a difference in wrapping in an Optional? It would still be

    Optional.ofNullable(tagPersonSetMap.get(tag)).orElse(Set.of()) which I don't think is much better

    Ok, as it turns out it's only one instance from the original. The description of the getFilteredList() from the Model interface. I'll change it

    This was supposed to be 'contains only tag-person mappings from the persons list.' The original message was not written very well. Thanks!

    yes, thank you very much.

    or would be appropriate, thanks for pointing this out

    I think the individual behaviors have to be explicit. In this case, the upcoming editTagCommand will specify tags to add and tags to remove as two separate tag sets. As such, I wanted to be clear here on the behavior of the method for each case.

    The documentation of these methods' purpose is in the TagTree abstract class. I wanted to leave open the implementing class in the event someone could come up with a better underlying system for it. Admittedly though, many classes do depend on associate with TagTree and as such, depend on TagTreeImpl anyway.

    i am genuinely unsure about this. Perhaps you could decide and tell us? I do believe the original JsonAddressBook class uses json instead of JSON.

    yep. the requirement for a tag to exist is that it must have at least one contact with the tag or the tag has at least one child-tag.

    tagtree handles tag to tag relations. addressbook handles tag to person relations. As such, one can be in one without being in the other as the requirement to exist in either is that it has at least one object assigned to it.

    I believe so. This is for when someone performs ctrl+f "parent-tag". I could restate the same thing for "parent-tag" but I think the two are close enough in proximity unlike in the glossary in UG.

    instead of using "and also", i changed it to "..., then ..." which is closer to the actual implementation anyway.

    I changed it to "if available" to say that not every method related to tags and contacts is inside this class. Only those that might affect both at once. Some other methods will still need to be done with AddressBook and TagTree.

    I believe it's "the" set. I thought about this and settled for "the". "a" seems to imply that there exists multiple sets containing different number of Person objects that have the tag.

    Well, I would argue that ModelManager is a Facade class. Having two methods implies that ModelManager is now handling logic that should be implemented elsewhere.

    Also, as mentioned in the PR, deletePerson does in fact affect Tags as well. It could possibly remove a Person that has Tag1. And Tag1 might have only one contact which is this Person. This causes Tag1 to be deleted. If Tag2 is a parent-tag that only has Tag1 as its only child tag and no direct contacts, then Tag2 should also be deleted. Thus, I believe this, and the other edited methods should be implemented in ContactTagIntegrationManager. Given a choice, I would have refactored the entire AddressBook and TagTree into ContactTagIntegrationManager but it seems a little too late to do that.

    This was the cause of a bug that I found that I believe is the cause of the issue attached to this PR.

    Thanks for pointing it out anyway. Appreciate the review!

    good point, thanks

    Issue has been fixed! Thanks for the notification. I ticked the 'Require status checks to pass before merging' option without realizing that I had to specify which CIs I wanted passed before being able to merge. This has been addressed and our CI is now passing.

    Is the sort method supposed to sort the current shown list? Or is it supposed to sort the full list of contacts before showing it? Because the former would be much easier to implement and I believe is what we intended to do originally? There is the model.getFilteredPersonList() method which gives the last shown list.

    Also, I agree with the Hendey's comment about the sortPerson method. I do not think that all the model classes need to have such a method.

    Please settle the merge conflicts by including both methods for the two different conflicts. Then it'll be good to merge. Thanks!

    Looks good to me. I'm just wondering how the TagManager class helps to keep track of the participants (persons) of a particular event without implementing necessary changes in Calendar class or respective events class?

    This was done mostly with the context of supporting Bangyi's delete by tag and add to events by tag. Shouldn't the Event's class have references to the Tags it contains similar to the Persons it contains? Anyway I believe someone else is implementing this. This was just to help support that.

    I don't really agree with this. I believe that we should limit the options the user has in this case. Otherwise, suppose a user creates a tag Cs2103 and starts assigning things to it. This tag will be permanently stuck at Cs2103 and unless we give them a new command to change the specification of the tag name to either CS2103 or cs2103.

    Not to say that forcing upper-case is definitely a better solution than what you suggested, but I do feel that enforcing capitalization is a more agreeable policy as opposed to someone not realizing that they can't change the capitalization of their tags after adding hundreds of contacts under the tag.

    Upon further deliberation, I realize that an edit tag name-type command is inevitable. As such, this should cover whatever I was concerned with initially. Thanks for the suggestion!

    On further further deliberation, I realize there is still a necessity to standardize the capitalization of tags. When two separate Persons are added with tags cs2103 and CS2103, should a lookup of the tag produce both? Otherwise, if yes then why not standardise how the tags themselves look. If no, then I personally feel that it kind of beats the point of implementing search by tags to begin with.

    I don't think this is the way to do it. We should probably refactor and separate it out into separate interfaces like CalendarModel, ContactModel and a final CombinedModel so that we do not need to keep adding to the AddContactCommandIntegrationTest model stub and keep having to change other test cases

    Hi, could you clarify the purpose of FauxPerson and why you chose to use it instead of a direct association with Person?

    The bug description isn't very helpful.

    I'm not saying that there isn't a bug but perhaps doing a list -t to show us if there are any left over tags that were not properly deleted from related interactions. And a view -t t/family would be helpful too.

    This seems trivial. The idea is that if and when we add more terms into the glossary, these definitions will be separated from each other. We can still click on the glossary links to view the related definitions.

    Also, I can't believe this person put severity.Medium for this.

    This also seems trivial. Anyone feels that we should implement unique email address?

    As a team, we intended for tagging to provided extended functionality for experienced users. Perhaps, we could add that to the user guide to specify that tag-level commands are only relevant for experienced users who are dealing with greater number of contacts.

    The point of the list command was to give a brief summary of what tags exist and who is under which tag. An issue already exists that if they were too many contacts under 1 tag, it would fill up the panel. As such, we reduced the information present to only what is immediately relevant and required, with the supertag notation denoting that a tag in fact has child-tags.

    The view -t command already exists to view full details of a tag including all child-tags, all other sub-tags, and all related contacts.

    Additionally, regarding the last point, it was an explicit choice to not do that. The idea being that there exists groups of people of a parent-tag that are not part of any of the child-tag groups. We did not want deleting a tag to suddenly add 20 child-tags to a contact that once had the tag.

    The reconnection of deleted tags was more a way to preserve the top-down hierarchy. As deleting a tag in the middle of the tree should not immediately disconnect all child tags as they are still technically a sub-tag.

    Just a comment regarding single responsibility principle

    My understanding of this is that ModelManager class should definitely not handle the logic of both removing the Person and editing the TagTree.

    Tertiary student instead of Tertiary students

    expenses/incomes instead of expenses/income

    Manage instead of manage

    * Responsibilities: Scheduling and Tracking, User Interface


    * Parses input arguments and creates a new AddExpenseCommand object.


    Add the full stop. The corresponding comment in AddIncomeCommandParser should have a full stop as well.

    assertParseFailure(parser, "1" + INVALID_TITLE_DESC, Title.MESSAGE_CONSTRAINTS); // invalid title

    * @throws ParseException If the user input does not conform to the expected format.







    public void parseCommand_unrecognizedInputWhenOverviewTab_throwsParseException() {

    Also in other similar places.

    Is it possible to not hard-code the value 7? Same as in ListIncomeCommandTest and ListTransactionCommandTest

    assertEquals(model.getFilteredExpenseList().size(), getTypicalExpenses().size());

    This together with an additional import statement:

    import static ay2021s1_cs2103_w16_3.finesse.testutil.TypicalTransactions.getTypicalExpenses;

    // ensures that outOfBoundIndex is still within bounds of finance tracker list of expenses

    // ensures that outOfBoundIndex is still within bounds of finance tracker list of incomes

    Line 73

    // ensures that outOfBoundIndex is still within bounds of finance tracker list of transactions

    - Add a class to store frequent expenses/incomes (such frequent expenses/incomes will be in a separate list)

    - In Analytics, make use of `YearMonth` instead of `LocalDate`

    - Investigate feasibility of UI testing. If not viable, then remove it from the testing suite.

    Expense editedBubbleTea = new TransactionBuilder(BUBBLE_TEA)

    public static final Expense TUITION_FEES_2 = new TransactionBuilder().withTitle("Tuition Fees")

    public static final Income TEACHING_ASSISTANT_2 = new TransactionBuilder().withTitle("Teaching Assistant")

    public static final Expense BUBBLE_TEA_2 = new TransactionBuilder().withTitle(VALID_TITLE_BUBBLE_TEA)

    public static final Income INTERNSHIP_2 = new TransactionBuilder().withTitle(VALID_TITLE_INTERNSHIP)

    assert (transactionToEdit instanceof Income);

    return new Income(updatedTitle, updatedAmount, updatedDate, updatedCategories);

    Since the previous assertion was removed, maybe an assertion here might be necessary? Same for similar occurrences.

    assertTrue(transactionToEdit instanceof Income);

    editedTransaction = editedTransactionBuilder.buildIncome();

    assertTrue(lastTransaction instanceof Income);

    editedTransaction = editedTransactionBuilder.buildIncome();

    assertTrue(transactionInFilteredList instanceof Income);

    editedTransaction = editedTransactionBuilder.buildIncome();

    * On app launch: Initializing the components in the correct sequence, and connecting them to each other.

    public static final String COMMAND_WORD = "convert-frequent-expense";

    public static final String COMMAND_WORD = "delete-frequent-expense";

    * Deletes a frequent expense identified using its displayed index from the finance tracker.

    Remove unnecessary newlines.

    public static final String COMMAND_WORD = "edit-frequent-expense";

    Should FrequentExpense be a subtype of Expense? Consider the fact that they appear in different lists, and are treated very differently. Moreover a method to convert a FrequentExpense to an Expense is implemented .Also note that FrequentExpense should not have a Date field, since its date is undefined. Only the Expense that it converts to should have a date.

    public class FrequentExpenseList implements Iterable<FrequentExpense> {

    This follows from the class TransactionList and the deprecated ExpenseList and IncomeList. This will account for the method iterator in line 82.

    With reference to the comment on line 11 in FrequenceExpense, date should not be present.

    * Constructs a {@code JsonAdaptedFrequentExpense} with the given frequent expense details.

    * @throws IllegalValueException if there were any data constraints violated in the adapted frequent expense.

    These lines are repeated in lines 106-107.

    Remove extra newline.

    This class seems debatable. Note that TransactionBuilder was used to cover both Expense and Income. Should the same be done here? i.e. FrequentTransactionBuilder to cover FrequentExpense and the upcoming FrequentIncome.

    Similar to the issue in FrequentExpenseBuilder, should a class TypicalFrequentTransactions cover for both FrequentExpense and FrequentIncome?

    * Returns an unmodifiable view of the frequent expense list.

    Same with similar Javadocs in this class.

    This method seems to be taken from getFilteredExpenseList and getFilteredIncomeList, which are found to be buggy. Please modify it to be an ordinary getter.

    /** Returns an unmodifiable view of the filtered frequent expense list. */

    "The transaction index provided is invalid.";

    Is it possible to just have equals since these two methods are exactly the same?

    Also, for the sake of consistency, use:


    Similar for other places.

    Unnecessary use of super.

    This method is repeated in AddExpenseCommandParser and AddIncomeCommandParser. Perhaps in a future PR this method could be placed somewhere else, then imported into classes that require it?

    Remove unnecessary newlines.

    These Index objects are repeated from those above. I would suggest reusing those above rather than create multiple repeats of the exact same object. Perhaps maybe rename the three indexes above to something more general, like INDEX_FIRST and so on.

    A more appropriate name should be used.

    * Converts this Jackson-friendly adapted frequent expense object into the model's {@code FrequentExpense} object.

    FrequentExpense validFrequentExpense = new FrequentTransactionBuilder().buildFrequentExpense();

    Undescriptive variable name

    Undescriptive variable name

    Undescriptive variable name

    There is a similar method in TypicalTransactions. Moreover, the FinanceTracker object returned by this method has no transactions while the other one in TypicalTransactions has no frequent expenses. Consider putting these two classes together so that getTypicalFinanceTracker will return a FinanceTracker object that has at least one item in each of its lists.

    .iml files should not be committed. Also, there should not be an .iml file here in the first place, unless you did something you were not supposed to do.

    return internalFrequentIncomeList.iterator();

    FinanceTracker sampleFt = new FinanceTracker();

    @JsonProperty("categories") List<JsonAdaptedCategory> categories) {

    For some reason checkstyle accepts indentation level 8, though according to the textbook in this case it should be indentation level 12.

    @JsonProperty("categories") List<JsonAdaptedCategory> categories) {

    @JsonProperty("incomes") List<JsonAdaptedIncome> incomes,

    @JsonProperty("frequentExpenses") List<JsonAdaptedFrequentExpense>

    Follow this indentation for the lines below as well.

    * Returns an unmodifiable view of the list of {@code FrequentExpense} backed by the internal frequent expense list of

    * Returns an unmodifiable view of the list of {@code FrequentIncome} backed by the internal frequent income list of

    Remove unused field.

    Shouldn't this test mirror FrequentExpenseListTest? There are less tests here than in FrequentExpenseListTest.

    public <T extends Transaction> FrequentTransactionBuilder(FrequentTransaction<T> frequentTransactionToCopy) {

    title = frequentTransactionToCopy.getTitle();

    amount = frequentTransactionToCopy.getAmount();

    categories = new HashSet<>(frequentTransactionToCopy.getCategories());


    Missing Javadocs

    Not all methods from FrequentExpenseList are mirrored here.

    * Edit filtered frequent expense list where index is larger than size of filtered frequent expense list,

    * Edit filtered frequent income list where index is larger than size of filtered frequent income list,

    Use a more descriptive variable name.

    EditFrequentTransactionDescriptor editedFrequentTransactionDescriptor =

    Not all tests in FrequentExpenseListTest are mirrored here.

    return new CommandResult(String.format(MESSAGE_SUCCESS, toAdd), Tab.EXPENSES);

    Same for AddFrequentIncomeCommand as well.

    This will remove the need to have an Index field to specify which Tab to switch to.

    .anyMatch(keyphrase -&gt; StringUtil.containsIgnoreCase(transaction.getTitle().toString(), keyphrase));

    Remove duplicate code. Same for other places within this class.

    Missing Javadocs

    Model expectedModel) {

    This should be the more appropriate indentation level, according to the standard. Ignore the indentation IntelliJ gives you.

    Model expectedModel, boolean isCalculateBudgetInfo) {

    Model expectedModel, boolean isCalculateBudgetInfo, Tab tabToSwitchTo) {

    Redundant field.

    Glossary terms shall remain unformatted. Edits will be made.

    Yes, it will remain unchanged.

    Agree. This will be handled in a future PR.

    Removing this comment fails checkstyle.

    PR has been recorded by the grading script.

    ModelManager::filteredTransactions was ideally supposed to contain both expenses and incomes from FinanceTracker::expenses and FinanceTracker::incomes, through the methods FinanceTracker::getExpenseList and FinanceTracker::getExpenseList while completely omitting FinanceTracker::transactions. Thus, ModelManager would have 3 lists while FinanceTracker would have 2.

    However, the implementation of the class FilteredList is that one of its fields (source) is an ObservableList object, and constructing a FilteredList as such:

    ObservableList<E> observableList = FXCollections.observableArrayList()

    FilteredList<E> filteredList = new FilteredList(observableList);

    would result in source = observableList.

    In essence, a FilteredList object needs to keep track of an ObservableList object.

    Thus, filteredTransactions needs to keep track of its own ObservableList object, and cannot track both expenses and incomes together. Therefore, FinanceTracker::transactions cannot be removed, and neither can the class TransactionList.

    Possible solutions:

    • Add a switch statement that refreshes the tab after every command.

    • Modify CommandResult to indicate any changes.

    • Make use of listener, somehow.

    • Add additional getters for the lists or for the transactions based on index.

    FinanceTracker::resetData does not account for frequent incomes. This stems from FrequentIncomeList class missing some methods. Reference FrequentExpenseList for these missing methods. From there, FinanceTracker and ModelManager should have similar methods as well.

    Can consider renaming function to execute_invalidPersonName... instead of Index since we are editing by name now.

    Just a side note, can consider "editPatient" as command word in case we want to have an "editTask" command in future. Up to you! 😃

    Good use of Optional here!

    Typo @code instead of @cod

    I like how you included this test!

    Your implementation of editpatient supports editing multiple fields in 1 command. Can consider adding an example of this. E.g. editpatient Alex Yeoh c/Add comment d/20200303-20200315

    In the example, should be editpatient not edit haha >>

    Perhaps you want to consider changing the message to "Search for patients who fulfill the given criteria in Covigent." since the output may be a list of patients.

    Personally, I think including an example for search via temperature range may be better since this may be more difficult for users to understand how to use.

    Actually you can remove the isPersonFound attribute totally. if (personName.equals(nameToSearch) can just return new CommandResult(String.format(MESSAGE_SEARCH_PERSON_SUCCESS, personFound)) directly. If the execution of code proceeds beyond this for loop, can just throw new CommandException outside. Just a suggestion to keep your code shorter 😃

    Good test coverage!

    Good to include an attribute string for message usage (similar to the other commands)

    Will be good to include a MESSAGE_SUCCESS attribute or something similar for the string " rooms are added in a hotel" (can refer to the other command classes to see what I mean).

    E.g. in addPatientCommand your have the attribute String MESSAGE_SUCCESS = "New person added: %1$s";

    So what you return is return new CommandResult(String.format(MESSAGE_SUCCESS, numPersonToAdd)) instead of the hardcoded string.

    Just to clarify, this exception is thrown if the user did not call the command addnumberofrooms right?

    This attribute was what I was referring to for MESSAGE_USAGE earlier. Perhaps you may need to shift this attribute to AddNumberOfRoomsCommand class instead to keep it consistent with the formatting of other command classes.

    Ok actually I am kind of confused of the flow and purpose of the addNumberOfRooms command. I thought for first time user we will get them to initialise the number of rooms and that will be fixed through out the usage of the app. So addNumberOfRooms in this case should be for initialisation? It doesn't make sense if halfway throughout the usage of the app I suddenly call addNumberOfRooms command again unless I built more rooms for my facility. 😕

    Actually why do you need to add code for room under AddPatientCommand?

    Just curious, why did you choose to use PriorityQueue instead of something simpler like ArrayList? 😛

    Good test coverage for Room!

    Remember to delete this!

    This will be handled by allocate person command no worries.


    If we have to convert to priority queue, do you guys think if it's better to use array list directly instead of priority queue for room list?

    Right, that's true!

    Should be after search patient command but it's okay for now. We will do a massive UG clean up in future as a group 😃

    Will be starting with an empty "room list" or something instead of AddressBook. Just to clean up traces of address book from the code haha.

    I agree with this too. There may be errors if we forget to update this variable when needed.

    Neat class that adheres to format of the existing codebase!

    I was just wondering why you need to have a date time created attribute for task 😛

    Neat I like this!

    Good test coverage.

    As in I meant the attribute "DateTimeCreated" haha, like why do you need to know when the task was created 😛 . The tracking of tasks due date is by attribute "DateTimeDue".

    Sounds good!

    Thanks for spotting this :X

    Good! We will need to add test codes for patient addition for editRoom command too.

    Very neat!

    Do you think it is better to write "Lists all the rooms in the application." instead? I got confused with the word 'available' thinking it meant like empty rooms without patients.

    Do you want to standardise the MESSAGE_SUCCESS with that of list patient command? Like "Listed all rooms."

    To add on, can even add a "Please initialise the number of rooms using initRooms command".

    Allocates*, edits* and existing*. Can change only when we do our massive UG clean up also.

    Removes*. Comprehensive examples given here!

    Do you think we should put this function under EditRoomCommand class or should it be the responsibility of RoomList class?

    Nice check! Thank you for adding this 😃

    I am not sure if it is a good idea to make this function static and expose it to the outer world, considering how you also need to call the getRoomList() function from the model to get the ObservableList>Room> as your parameter for this method so the roomList will be from your existing RoomList class anyway 😕. Just a thought to consider!

    Very comprehensive test cases in this class. Well done!

    Just curious why we need this toString() method. Is it for testing haha? But can keep it anyway.

    Hmm I was thinking of having the function "isPatientAssignedARoom" in the Model interface instead. Since the Model contains roomList and the patientRecords, Model knowing whether isPatientAssignedARoom kind of makes sense (essentially it will call on another isPatientAssignedARoom method in the roomList class to get the result).

    I think the key here is that the command should only know of Model and should not be accessing roomList directly. (like the Law of Demeter that we learn for this week) That's what I intend to improve for my deletePatientCommand because I also accessed the patient list directly from model, but I think it's not very well designed since there's a deletePatient command directly from model (original code from address book).

    Yep no worries!

    Typo: "tasks with"

    Can consider "Searches all tasks before the given date."

    Searches task(s)* -> I think the output may be more than 1 task right?


    I think you will have to display the output in the "Tasks" tab instead. So you shouldn't be returning the result in the bot's response.


    Can consider adding some success test cases and check if the output tasks are as intended.

    Is it better to use the prefix_room_number from RoomCliSyntax instead since room number is an attribute of room?

    Seems like success cases are covered in equals() method test.

    Comparing patient to null is not very elegant, maybe check if roomObservableList.get(i).isOccupied() instead? (presumably isOccupied = true means patient != null)

    Thanks for removing the duplicated messages!

    Actually now I'm wondering if you do your assertion early on in the constructor, then the app will directly crash and will never reach here :X

    Same issue, if you assert in constructor, will this Message Invalid room number be received by user?

    If the task to delete is null, the app will just crash?

    Will this crash the app?

    Should we change the Message_Duplicate_Room to make it clearer? I believe this message is sent when the patient is already allocated to the room and the user calls the command to allocate the same patient to the room again. Maybe the message should be "The patient is already allocated to this room." instead of "This room already exists..." to make it clearer?

    Do we still need this case since previously it was meant for change room number?

    Same for this, do we still need this case since previously it was meant for change room number?

    Should we use the PREFIX_PATIENT_NAME in PatientCliSyntax instead of RoomCliSyntax?

    I personally don't really like this method because it's kind of weird to call this method in the command classes. But I'm not sure how else to go about it either 😕

    I think this line should be added back cos it's meant for the next function removePatientFromRoom()

    and this line should be removed.

    Mmm just wondering what this function and occupiedRooms() function is for? Do we need to know the list of empty and occupied rooms? Unless it's to find the first unoccupied room which I think your priority queue will have been able to find?

    Can remove this System.out.println()

    I think you may need to change this json file back to the original one since this json file should follow the rooms set in getTypicalRoom() from the TypicalRooms class. The getTypicalRoom() function is being used by other test cases for task and patient commands which heavily depends on the order in the room list so I am not sure if changing this file will propagate errors to those test cases for tasks and patients. 😕

    I think it's fine to have so few rooms in the test cases since we are just testing that the functions work as expected rather than testing if the app works on a large scale. What do you think?

    Remove the System.out.println?

    Good use of logger here.

    I think the command is "initroom" and not "addRooms" anymore?

    Do we still need this for listroom since our implementation for listroom and listpatient ignores the excess words?

    I was thinking if we should reduce the maximum number of rooms further since our target audience is small boutique hotels?

    Not sure if you still need these 2 lines of code since you commented out, but if you don't need it anymore, don't forget to delete it!


    Sounds good. I've changed the names to AddPatient instead of AddPerson for better clarity. However, if we are going to implement Staff, maybe can extend from Human instead of Person because there will be too many changes required to replace Person to Patient.

    There's a possibility that comment may be a null object (since it's an optional field) and .trim() method exists for String class so it wouldn't work if comment is a null object 😛

    That's a very good suggestion, will use this function in future! 👍

    I followed their existing format. 😛 Since checkstyle doesn't give error, I assume it's fine?


    Yep I will change to add patient instead!

    Thanks for pointing out!

    I think the temp should write but the age probably no need haha.

    Yes, good suggestion. We definitely should adhere to this in the next UG update!

    Yep, should take note of the standardisation in UG.

    I agree with Ming De I think we should stick to making sure patient does not have the same name. If we delete by index, in the case of 1000 entries, the user may have to scroll too much to find the patient (using searchpatient command doesn't show the index also 😕).

    If we just ensure patient cannot have the same name, then all we need to change is the isSamePatient(...) function (to guard against duplicate patient being entered). If we need to check for the age and phone number identifiers, then we may need massive changes for deletepatient and editpatient command 😕.

    Well, we can justify that the odds of patients having the same name is really very slim haha (https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-probability-of-two-people-having-the-same-name-and-also-living-in-the-same-city)

    Yep yep the search room command is incomplete as I've mentioned haha. The main thing in this PR is just refactoring.

    I think we will have to shift checkIfRoomPresent() to Model class also. But I will fix that in my next PR for SearchRoomCommand. The key for this PR is just refactoring.

    I will change all the empty line thing. Thanks for pointing out!

    Sure, I will change to "All patients are listed."

    I realised search room for now is just search by room number. So it only returns 1 room haha.

    Oh the whole populatePanel function is deleted haha so the logger is gone.

    Roger that sir.

    I realised I should be making the pull request from my fork instead of editing directly in this repo for UG.

    Incorporated with editRoom command.

    Not sure why Java CI failed even though it passed on my end.

    Can be closed.

    Duplicated issue.

    Bro that was spot on. Error was in the handleMouseClick

    This issue will have been fixed since we added the step-by-step usage with step 1 being "navigate to the ____ tab".

    We didn't mention that phone number must be 8 digits since we allow for international numbers too. Not an issue.

    Updated the UG with 0 (inclusive) to 120 (exclusive). Not an issue now.

    @raymondge I will fix this for my temperature side first then you check if it affects your temperature range. (by right, if I fix temperature already, you shouldn't need to do anything).

    I think he was referring to the line "If the number of rooms is less than the number of patients error is thrown when decreasing the number of existing rooms." ?

    For this, I think we need to state explicitly in the UG that if multiple same parameter inputs are included, we only take the first.

    I will fix the temperature class first.

    Since our target audience is small hotel owners, number of rooms shouldn't be that many. We should state clearly in UG that target audience is small boutique hotel owners.

    Can only link up to max. 10 issues. Once this PR is closed, to close this following issues too : #208 #188 #193 #201 #158

    Already mentioned in UG that duplicate names are not allowed.

    Already mentioned in UG that duplicate names are not allowed.

    Updated UG under Command Format section

    @LeeMingDe I've already made the relevant changes. Let me know if you think the temperature message needs to be changed some more. If you think it's fine, can just close the issue.

    Not a bug in my opinion. Still fulfils the functionality of listpatient and the presence/absence of those additional words will not affect the functionality.

    Section has been updated in UG.

    RoomPanel fixed

    Will make this PR to master branch instead.

    Maybe the patients should be caps (for standardisation)

    I think there is a double spacing between Nuudle and shows

    Would delete an appointment be clearer?

    Would mark an appointment be clearer?

    I think appointments here should be singular?

    Maybe it will be better to use the specified appointment?

    Seeing that appointment is dependent on the patient, should it be clear all appointment entries instead? What do you think?

    I think this should be person or nurse instead

    Should AssignLoaderBuilder be DateTimeLoaderBuilder instead?

    Because there is no AssignLoader object.

    Should there be a closing square bracket?

    The boolean isAll seems to be unused.

    Maybe instead of using a boolean can consider using PREDICATE_SHOW_ALL_APPOINTMENTS in Model.java then there is no change in the implementation

    Lemme know what you think about this! 😄

    I think that he handled this under NuudleParser but I think it would be better to do the argument checking in this file instead?

    Maybe can try doing the isEmpty check before tokenize?

    Maybe can rephrase this to Mark the specified appointment as done or Mark the appointment specified by the date and time as done (more specific version).

    Lemme know what you think! 😄

    I am not really sure if we should create an appointment without a patient for checking purpose. I made a PR to remove the optional field of Patient so an appointment cannot be made without a Patient (see #90)

    Maybe for the filter in line 60, can change it to check if an appointment has the same date and time? (hasDate and hasTime) Do you think this works?

    It seems wrong to use a nested class in AssignCommand for non-assign related command.

    Should we abstract out the DateTimeLoader into a class on its own? Maybe this can be addressed in future PRs.

    editedPatient should be editedAppointment instead.

    For this can just add throw new AssertionError("This method should not be called."); similar to above

    The check should probably be !target.startAtSameTime(editedAppointment) && hasOverlaps(editedAppointment) instead. (If the edited version is different from the target, make sure that there is no overlap with the rest of the appointment.)

    I think that the else { part can also be removed so that the happy path is made more prominent. 😄

    This should still be AddressBook?

    This should still be AddressBook?

    Should it be Exiting Nuudle instead

    Should it be Nuudle instead?

    Should it be Nuudle instead?

    Should it be Nuudle instead?

    I think Updates all appointments with the given {@code Patient target} with the given {@code editedPatient} would be better as it implies that multiple appointments will be updated.

    I think this is correct.

    I believe that the check is if target and editedAppointment does not overlap, check to ensure that the editedAppointment does not overlap with any other appointments.

    If the target and editedAppointment do overlap, you are sure that there will be no problem adding the editedAppointment as it can safely replace the target.

    Actually for simplicity, we can also consider this: call remove on target, then call add on editedAppointment. If it throws OverlappingAppointmentException, then we add back target

    Yes. It will still throw an exception.

    Good effort on updating the user guide! Thanks for correcting the cancel and view documentation too! 👍

    Just a comment: Should we include a constraint on the date and time not being in the past for cancel and done? It's not implemented currently, but I guess we can add it in the next milestone.

    I think that the DATE and TIME should be DATE and TIME instead? Same for the documentation for cancel.

    I agree with Wanlin actually, I think that it should be ParseException instead. Although IllegalValueException is the parent class, we expect parseIndex to only throw ParseException and if it throws anything else we know that this is unexpected behaviour that we should fix.

    I think this can be removed as it's not used in the program?

    I think remark should be added here too for the requireAllNonNull

    For now, the only possible constraint I can think of is the word length, otherwise, a user can add a whole paragraph to a remark. What do you think?

    Ohh I was comparing it with the other command parsers and they were using ParseException. So shd be ok to change it to ParseException

    Yep this looks much better! 👍 But is it abit long? Maybe can shorten the last part to refer to help instead?

    Should be a {@code Remark} here

    Hahaa nice effort! 👍

    Do you think it is better if we include the index directly in the tests instead of here?

    Because currently it seems a bit inconsistent with the rest.

    Not really a big issue tho. Let me know what you think

    I think the link should be updated to our group repo

    I don't think there is a VersionedPatientBook here

    The appointment should not be created when called with lastShownAppointmentList.filter.

    toMark.markAsDone should call the markAsDone method in toMark:Appointment which in turns call the constructor of doneAppointment

    The link here should also be updated?

    The phrasing seems a bit off.

    Would it be better if we phrase it as The 'DURATION' is measured in minutes and will be defaulted to 60 minutes if omitted?

    Do add on if the phrasing can be improved further. 👍

    I think the second line can be omitted. (Addressed in the 5th point)

    Should it be parses instead?

    This shd be adds instead

    Sorry just a bit curious about this function, this is currently not used right?

    Yes I agree with Wanlin, isPresent() would be better. The user can change to a specific date, time or duration without changing the rest.

    I think that !(appointmentToEdit.startAtSameTime(editedAppointment) && model.hasAppointment(editedAppointment)) would be a better form of checking.

    This checks if the 2 appointments are "equal" first before checking if the edited appointment has any complete overlaps with the other existing appointments

    Remember to edit this part 👍

    The logic for setting appointments can be handled in UniqueAppointmentList and this part can be edited to catching OverlappingAppointmentException and throwing the relevant CommandException.

    Might be good to add JavaDocs for the class

    Similar to above, might be good to add JavaDocs to the class

    Might be a bit repetitive since VersionPatientBook also has the same exceptions.

    Hmm because this is edited using drawio, the class UML diagram is not consistent with the other diagrams. (The colouring and the font) Maybe it might be better to use plantUML to ensure consistency?

    Currently, there is a gap number between 3 and 4. Maybe it's better to shift this to 5. (before XZ's implementation)

    Good activity diagram!

    Would Activity diagram be better than Architecture diagram ?

    Not sure if there will be implementation of AddCommand and EditCommand tho, cos its not really implemented by us. 😆

    Would Sequence diagram of remark command be better?

    We can use the UML diagram similar to the current diagrams in our DG architecture.

    You can refer to LogicClassDiagram.puml and ModelClassDiagram.puml for the labels and the multiplicity.

    Because your current diagram looks very similar to what we have in our DG, just that the font size and colors are not standardised. Let me know what you think! 😄

    Should this be updated to Finds patients by name, NRIC or phone numbers?

    Would this sound better?

    The search requirements cannot be left empty, at least one search requirement (by name, Nric, or phone number) has to be provided

    Thanks for updating the UG!

    Would it sound better if and displays them as a list with index numbers is removed?

    What do you think?

    I'm not sure about this but wouldn't the assertion fail if certain prefix is not used?

    E.g. if name prefix is unused, wouldn't there be no namePredicate?

    Would it be better if its abit more straightforward? Alternatively, you can also use the edit command to add or edit remarks if you wish to change multiple ?

    It feels abit long-winded to me. I think can remove the left side part?
    Lemme know what you think about it? 😄

    Would it be better if we refer to the original appointment as the first appointment in the appt list?

    Just some Java trivia.

    You can also take a look at the isBlank() method for String. It returns true if the string is empty or only contain trailing whitespaces. 😄

    Would it be better to give a more direct message rather than a generic one? (Since this msg is only used once)

    Maybe we can use: "Cannot view appointments from the past. Past appointments are archived and can be accessed from the archive folder" ?

    Let me know what you think! 😄

    Maybe it would be better if the check is done in ParserUtil.parseDuration instead? This way the check will apply to ChangeCommandParser too. (Can just compare the duration with CLOSING_TIME - OPENING_TIME)

    Lemme know what you think about it?

    Hmm, true. Then I guess this will work 👍

    Would the following phrasing be better?

    undo command cannot reverse a command execution from the previous Nuudle session.

    Same as above. This can be rephrased to:

    redo command cannot reverse an undo execution from the previous Nuudle session.

    This comment is for line 346.

    For the line:

    • Multiple calls to redo will reverse multiple undoable command execution, starting from the most recent command.

    (should be undo instead of redo)

    Should the JavaDocs be updated too?

    Should also update line 173: 1. User types done d/DATE t/TIME into the app.

    Should also remove line 169 (about DateTimeLoader)

    Ps: Writing here bcos I cant comment on other lines.

    Hmmm, I don't think this should be edited. An invalid command format message shd be shown if the index is missing.

    I took a look at the current code in ChangeCommandParser and I think that the message for line 42 (throw ParseException) should be MESSAGE_INVALID_COMMAND_FORMAT instead of MESSAGE_INVALID_APPOINTMENT_DISPLAYED_INDEX.

    Do you think it would be good to add a comment on top to explain the numbers? or it's quite self-explanatory

    Oh yeah. I missed that out. Thanks 👍

    Oh I forgot to change it to INDEX. Thanks for spotting it 👍

    Hmmm, do you think if something like that will be good? See

    Oh I missed that out! I'll update it to "hour". Thanks 👍

    Ohh yeah. I have updated this on my side. Thanks for spotting it 👍

    Agreed 👍

    I think this is auto-correct on my part! It should have a tab right?

    I have edited this on my side. 👍

    Edited! Thanks for spotting it! 👍

    1. is actually a markdown format for numbering bullet point. They will automatically assign the number to it, this way don't have to manually update the numbering everytime a point is added or removed.

    Can take a look at this for the markdown preview: Dev Guide

    Ok I will add it in and update the helpMessage image

    Ok added

    Thanks for spotting it!

    Thanks for spotting it!

    For this, I follow the documentation style of the writeToFile method above. So I think Writes will be better?

    Good catch! 😄

    Yep, I missed that out! Good catch 👍

    Good catch 👍

    Agreed! 👍

    Good catch 👍

    Added! 👍

    Thanks! 😄

    Thanks for the review!

    Yep, I agree. Already updated it on my end.

    Patient details refers to basic information such as phone number, email, address, etc

    Same as #18

    Will implement together with #31

    Addressed in #95

    Is this similar to #7?

    Implemented as tag during the creation of patient with add

    Will be solved by #21

    Chaining of multiple commands. Unlikely to do for current iteration

    Nuudle app is developed with typing preference in mind

    Similar to #12

    See commit and workflow for sample workflow run

    Shouldn't the text name for this be matriculationNumber?

    Maybe INVALID_MATRIC_NO could be changed to INVALID_MATRIC_NUM instead?

    Shouldn't there be a method call withMatriculationNumber(...) as well?

    Perhaps MATRIC_NO_* could be changed to MATRIC_NUM_*?

    Should there be an awkward line break right after MATRIC_NO_BOB? Same issue with the other test cases.

    Shouldn't there be a method call withMatriculationNumber(...)?

    Shouldn't the message be ATAS has deleted all students! or something like that?


    Perhaps comments could be added to explain what you're testing for each statement (+ expected result)?

    I noticed a similar issue previously. Maybe more comments explaining each test case could be added?

    Do you think it would make more sense to include the use of the abstracted wrapper class Index here?

    Would this make more sense to put in an if-else block (with comments to describe the else block)?

    Should this unncessary extra line break be removed?

    Maybe these could be renamed to PREFIX_SESSION_NAME and PREFIX_SESSION_DATE?

    Shouldn't the form be dd/MM/yyyy?

    Maybe some comments could be added here to more clearly explain the thought process?

    Unnecessary additional line break?

    Maybe these two if blocks could be merged into one?

    Maybe these two if blocks could be merged into one?

    Would it make more sense if all instances of SESSIONNAME got changed to SESSION_NAME? (same for SESSIONDATE and SESSION_DATE?

    Unnecssary whitespaces?

    Unnecssary whitespaces?

    Unnecessary whitespaces?

    Unnecessary whitespaces?

    Unnecessary whitespaces?

    Unnecessary extra line break?

    Unnecessary line break?

    Unnecessary line break?

    Unnecessary line break?

    Unnecessary whitespaces?

    Unnecessary whitespaces?

    Shouldn't this be renamed to Editing a student to fit the rest of the item naming?

    Maybe this class could be made public?

    Shouldn't the command participate be in all small letters?

    Shouldn't this be enterses?

    Shouldn't this be presence?

    Shouldn't the command here be editses?

    Maybe you could add a TODO for next time?

    Should this be something like saveStudentList?

    Maybe change this to JsonSerializableStudentList and correspondingly ReadOnlyStudentList?

    addressBook -> studentList?

    AddressBook -> StudentList?

    addressBook -> studentList?

    Maybe this could be changed to Clearing the student list?

    Maybe this could be changed to Delete Student, seeing as we are deleting one student at a time?

    Perhaps the last comma could be changed to a full stop?

    Maybe this comment could be deleted?

    Maybe this comment could be deleted?

    Maybe this comment could be deleted?

    Maybe this comment could be deleted?

    Maybe this comment could be deleted?

    Maybe this comment can be updated since we're no longer using a hash map?

    Maybe this comment could be deleted?

    Maybe this line could be removed?

    Perhaps some Javadocs could be added here?

    Perhaps the starting word for each Javadoc comment could be "Recalculates"?

    Perhaps the comment could start with "Updates"?

    Maybe this comment can start with "Recalculates"?

    Maybe each comment could start with "Replaces" instead?

    Return -> Returns?

    Obtain -> Obtains?

    Replace -> Replaces?

    Perhaps there could be a space between "below" and the opening paranthesis after it (last few words)?

    Maybe Memo could be de-capitalized? Same issue in line 728.

    Perhaps Features#Students could be renamed to features#students? Same comment for line 322.

    Perhaps this could be renamed to features#current_session?

    Perhaps this could be renamed to command_summary#students?

    Maybe the opening "(" at the end of this line could have a space between the word "student" preceding it?

    Perhaps a comment could be added to provide a brief description as to what tracker is for? The name isn't as clear atm.

    Perhaps a comment could be added here to describe what happens?

    Perhaps you could rename this package?

    Maybe this could be renamed to student list to more accurately reflect the naming convention used?

    Perhaps another extension could be added to highlight what happens if the user tries to enter the same session he is already in?

    Maybe "Should" should be de-capitalized here?

    Maybe pictures could be provided for at least one positive test case and one negative test case each?

    Perhaps these parts could be wrapped in their respective div boxes for better organisation of info?

    Perhaps these parts could be wrapped in their respective div boxes for better organisation of info? Noticed the same issue in other areas as well.

    Perhaps these parts could be wrapped in their respective div boxes for better organisation of info? Noticed the same issue in other areas as well.

    Thanks for pointing this out, as well as in other places!

    This implementation is under the ModelStub and this method is not used at all, so I thought returning null wouldn't make much of a difference either way.

    Do you have any alternative suggestions for this part?

    Same as above:

    This implementation is under the ModelStub and this method is not used at all, so I thought returning null wouldn't make much of a difference either way.

    Do you have any alternative suggestions for this part?

    Did I not add it in? Lines 22-24.

    Ok thanks, will do!

    Thanks for the suggestion, will be refactoring some methods to make this possible!

    Not an issue because Alt+F4 is a thing

    Not sure about this. Will look into it and discuss with teammates

    Will look into this

    Will look into this

    Will look into this

    Will look into this

    Will look into this

    Will look into this

    Will look into this

    Will look into this

    Will look into this

    Will look into this

    This is intended. There are two types of commands: those that commit (save data in the app) and those that don't. Even if you perform a command that does not commit after a command that does, you will still be able to undo the command that committed.

    Will look into this

    Will look into this

    Will look into this

    This is intended

    Will look into this


    Will look into this

    Will look into this

    Will look into this

    Will look into this

    This is intended

    Will look into this

    Will look into this

    Will look into this

    Will look into this

    Will look into this

    Will look into this

    Irrelevant as Alt+F4 is a thing

    Will look into it

    Will look into it


    Will look into it

    Further thoughts:

    I think a better design would be to treat memo as a separate entity from sessions and students.

    undo should only work for commands related to sessions and students; memo already has built-in undo features in Ctrl+Z.

    I will make this distinction clearer in the UG.

    Further thoughts:

    Could not find situations wherein just numbers are not allowed.

    https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2049502/what-characters-are-allowed-in-an-email-address#:~:text=The local-part of the,digits 0 to 9 %3B&text=dot . %2C provided that it is,unless quoted (e.g.%20John..

    Will be disregarding this issue

    Perhaps it'd be better if you could maybe list out the specific bug fixes for easier referral in the future though?

    Should the naming of the images be x.x.x.x-desc instead of xxxx-desc?

    @YuunoKun I've made the relevant changes to the naming!

    Maybe you can use an empty line instead of using &gt;br>

    There is an extra &gt;br> at the end, which will increase the gap between this line and the Acknowledgement. Is it intended?

    Should there be an extra white line here?

    Maybe there shouldn't be a &gt; here?

    I think you broke some of my parts. You can review this markdown file again to find out more.



    I have night mode enabled so it is more obvious.

    There's still something wrong here.

    Did you change the package name to fileAddress?

    Shouldn't it still be tag?

    Maybe can replace person with tag in the message as well.

    Should the person package be renamed to tag?

    This may not work later because of the FileAddress field. Maybe add a //Todo here for reminder.

    JsonAdaptedTag was used to store tags for person. For now shouldn't it be deprecated since we do not have that functionality?

    Is it really person details?

    Is this println for debugging?

    Should this be "Tags list contains duplicate tag(s)."?

    Is this for debugging?

    This may not work. But for now it's okay.

    This may not work. But for now it's okay.

    For now it's okay. This will be looked at again by the Logic team.

    Are these tests no longer working?

    Extra spaces here.

    Are these 3 variables no longer independent Ui parts?

    // Independent Ui parts residing in this Ui container

    Maybe the name of the variables here could be changed?

    Maybe "valid" file path?

    Could this be changed to a more sensible tag name?

    Should there be empty lines here?

    "Person" should be predicate here?

    Method name should be test_keywordMissing_returnsFalse?

    This validation regex is for names. Should this be dropped?

    Should this class be named ObservableFileList?

    The file can be changed to HelloFile.jar?


    managed tag names -> managed tags?

    "Renames a tag's name"?

    Typo in design?

    Absolute path is already ensured in TagCommand, but its still okay to get absolute path again here I think.

    I get it now.

    This part should not be changed. This are the default tags when HelloFile is launched the first time. We might want to keep this list empty?

    Should there be an empty line here?

    This edit is not correct? TagCommand do check if the file is present using java.io.File.exists().


    Is this a wrong JavaDoc?


    Is label command left out?

    Nice after that can merge alr

    Should you do nothing here? Maybe indicate the error by changing the text in ResultDisplay?

    Again as before

    Okay I understand now. Everything looks good then👍

    Wrong comment here?

    Happy path is not prominent here. Maybe you should change this to

    if (!labels.isEmpty()) {



    return new CommandResult(String.format(MESSAGE_SUCCESS, editedTag));

    Add another UnlabelCommand with same label but different TagName for 100% coverage.

    Test for this case:

    this.tagName.equals(((UnlabelCommand) other).tagName))

    Test for non-empty preamble (parse with a string starting with "unlabel") for 100% coverage?

    Test with new UnlabelCommandParser.parser("unlabel ...").

    Testing this condition: !argMultimap.getPreamble().isEmpty()

    I'm not sure if you can change this only. You can refer to the rest of the file. I'm not sure why storage test can pass if you only changed this label but not the rest.

    "tagName" : "myfile 3",

    "fileAddress" : "c:\\a\\b\\myfile3.txt",

    "labels": ["testLabel"]

    }, {

    "tagName" : "myfile 4",

    "fileAddress" : "c:\\a\\b\\myfile4.txt",

    "labels": ["testLabel"]

    }, {

    "tagName" : "myfile 5",

    "fileAddress" : "c:\\a\\b\\myfile5.txt",

    "labels": ["testLabel"]

    Actually it will pass. But do you have a reason for changing this?

    If you do not use withLabels, it will still have a label called "testLabel"

    Perhaps don't change this since it won't be consistent with TypicalTags?


    I think Find Command does not distinguish between tag and label. So this will find any tag with tag name or label that contain "tagname1" or "label1"?

    Redo can actually be undone.

    I don't know if show and exit screenshots are necessary. Perhaps remove them?

    Also maybe extra spacing will be nice.

    Grammatical error here: Command history will be deleted once the app is closed!

    Same as above.

    Should be "is closed"?

    Same as above.

    This screenshot is a bit sensitive?

    Missing :. Should be **:warning?

    Same as the previous one.

    Will this be really valid for CdCommand?

    This does not create a new addressbook, so the same addressbook is used through out all testcases. Is this intended?

    Should the method name be removeTag_tagInAddressBook_success? Since the result of the method being tested is not actually returning false.

    Should the method name be removeTag_nullTag_throwsNullPointerException?

    Should the method name be removeTag_nullTag_throwsNullPointerException?

    Should the method name be setTag_tagInAddressBook_success?


    As in the addressbook will be reused so all the tags that you have added previously will persist across all testcases.

    Maybe can set up an empty addressbook by using @beforeEach.

    Shouldn't this still be showing help for tag?

    Roger that

    We need to change all the entities in testUtil.

    It's not a typo, it's a real word =)




    comply with rules, standards, or laws.

    I find that without "\n" the format is very hard to read, so I added them.

    That's going to be more readable in my opinion.

    Right now the tag command is like this. You cannot distinguish tag name and file address easily.

    Ok will change that

    I don't think we will be doing manual testing anymore. Moreover, this appendix is for us to read and probably not suitable to be included in DG.

    I think writing equals() this way is very clear and easy to understand, like a pipeline.

    It's thrown afterwards, so that all tags that can be opened are opened.



    Resolve #36

    Hi Heinrich, could you make a stub so that we can use it to work on Logic? Thanks.

    Yes! I think that will be good.

    Looks good. Is it possible to have a toggle for this theme?

    You mean something to switch to different themes?


    Cd can change current address.


    cd f/absolute address

    cd p/

    cd c/child_folder_name

    Getter and setters

    FindCommand can have t/, d/ or (t/ and d/).


    cd f/absolute address

    cd ../

    cd ./

    Can't really check the UML..but LGTM!

    You can use "view file" at the top right corner to see the markdown file.

    Command format:

    label t/tag l/label [l/label]

    Append labels (accept multiple)

    Only redo commands Clear, Tag, Untag, Retag, Label, Unlabel.

    Only undo commands Clear, Tag, Untag, Retag, Label, Unlabel.

    like AB4

    Open command only takes 1 label or 1 tag but not both.

    Maybe this is a feature?


    Basic workflow

    Command Format -

    Command Summary


    Accepted as normal

    Add a note for Linux/MacOS users at the front of UG. "/Users/user/Desktop".

    Add some examples for MacOS/Linux

    Add a scenario and a screenshot.

    Change UG to dark theme. Change light theme (default) to light theme.

    Add a warning in UG to say only the last prefixed parameter is accepted.

    As far as possible, use setTag instead of delete + add

    What if we do not undo for 10 years. Will take 10GB.

    Add in UG. Redo and Undo do not work after app has been restarted.

    Update CdCommand

    cd ..

    cd ./

    cd f/

    good suggestion

    Use setTag


    Change argument prefix from / to >.

    Update UG too.

    Looks good to merge!

    LGTM! Have you tested the minimum window size? How does it look?

    I tested a bit, at the minimum size, the window doesn't look good, but I think maybe shouldn't make the minimum size too big.

    Good to go then👍

    Looks good. The words in galaxy theme is a bit hard to read though.

    Another thing, could you update the UG as well?

    Sure, I try to add theme switching to UG

    Ooo, just found it's already added, then I will update the images.

    The changing theme section is not updated to reflect your changes. Could you also update the screenshot if possible?

    Changing themes

    HelloFile comes in light and dark themes. ...

    How do I modify the color to make it consistent?

    Doesn't matter for now. We probably need to change those screenshots later because the words are too small...😢

    Edits an existing tag in StonksBook to the specified tag name. All entries previously associated with this tag will be updated to associated with the updated tag.

    I think we can remove the here

    * All contacts that have been previously associated with this tag will be updated automatically to be associated with the updated tag.

    Should we mention friends here? I think it may be better if you just mention that it updates the name of the first tag (as per tag list)

    Same comment for here (about whether to mention friends)

    Maybe we should consider switching to an ordered list if we're going to make reference to other points

    Think you're missing a Use case ends. here and in some other portions below as well

    Can this be indented to be the same level as 2a? Likewise for the remaining use cases

    2. StonksBook adds the provided tag.

    | `* * *` | efficient salesman | list all sales of a contact | see all sales made to a contact easily |

    I think here we're assuming that contacts are sorted before sales right? Should we add a comment stating this assumption?

    Can we write this section into an if-else block with the above? Then we can also remove some duplicate code

    Hmm, is associations a bit hard to understand here? Would it be better to be more verbose here and say something like Note that all items that have been previously associated with this tag will be updated automatically to be associated with the updated tag. as per the user guide?

    P.S. May also need to update the user guide: it currently says contacts when it's supposed to be generic right?

    Same feedback here as in DeleteCommand

    Is this comment still relevant? If I'm not wrong it refers to the tags stored in the persons/sales right?

    Javadocs here is inaccurate

    Javadocs here is inaccurate

    Would it be better to initialise a new HashSet with the original tags, remove the target, then add the editedTag in order to prevent arrowhead-style code? Same can be done for the removeContactTag

    This should be equivalent tag instead of person right?

    Should be tags here instead of persons

    Is this javadoc accurate?

    p.s. i think these 2 lines are common across the conditionals. maybe we can extract it out of the conditional? same for EditCommand

    Is this part relevant?

    Is this description accurate? I think the javadocs you have in AddressBook.java would be better here!

    Based on the name of the method, I am inclined to think that this method returns a list of contacts. Maybe you want to rename it so it's clearer? Idk. But I think updating the javadocs would be good!

    Same for findBySaleTag

    Should this be be model.findBySaleTag?

    * Lists all sale items associated with {@code target} tag.

    ps still got the parameter here that needs to be updated as well

    Does using ++count instead work? Same for below

    Maybe can replace this with just AddCommand instead of the fully qualified name?

    Maybe can use AddCommand here instead?

    Just checking, but what's the desired behaviour if a user supplies both c/ and s/?

    P.S. I think I extracted this out into a method in ParserUtil. Maybe can import it from there instead of duplicating?

    * Returns true if all the tags of the provided {@code sale} item exist in StonksBook.

    * Returns true if all the tags of the provided {@code sale} item exist in StonksBook.

    Is this part necessary? The part where you throw an exception, then catch it, and throw it again

    I think this javadocs here is inaccurate?

    Maybe can add a note here that the default reminder list is based on reminder find st/pending?

    Maybe can replace 'find' with 'filter' in this section

    st/STATUS is optional right? So should it be reminder list [st/STATUS] instead?

    Think this part is missing the prefix

    P.S. for this section, is it possible to change such that you create a sorted list from the filtered list? So that it's more consistent with how the other models behave since the other models also filter first, then sort.

    Then this can remain as getSortedReminderList

    * Deletes the contact tag or sales tag at the specified `INDEX`. The `INDEX` refers to the index number shown in the list displayed by the `tag list` command.

    * `tag find st/3 cl/` displays all contacts who have purchased items associated with the third sales tag.

    I think this can be deleted?

    Would prefer if you use the PREFIX constants here and in line 32 as well

    I think this part should be PREFIX_CONTACT_TAG + INDEX or PREFIX_SALE_TAG + INDEX?

    3. The **Result Box** will display a message noting that the command was successful, as well as a list of contacts who are tagged with friends.

    I think can remove my name here haha since you wrote most of this section

    5. Type `sale delete s/3` in the command box, and press <kbd>Enter</kbd> to execute it.

    2. Suppose the sale to be edited is at the third index in the sale list. Then, type `sale edit s/3 q/20` in the command box, and press <kbd>Enter</kbd> to execute it.

    3. You should see that the sale has been updated to reflect this new quantity.

    Does this backslash affect anything?

    5. Type `sale delete s/3` in the **Command Box**, and press <kbd>Enter</kbd> to execute it.

    2. Suppose the sale to be edited is at the third index in the sale list. Then, type `sale edit s/3 q/20` in the **Command Box**, and press <kbd>Enter</kbd> to execute it.

    StonksBook will not remove a contact from the archive if it is not in the archive!

    I think this sets the icon to be permanently white even in the dark theme. By right the icon should be green when the reminder is complete, and red when the reminder is overdue.

    In the light theme, the text doesn't reflect the colours as well.

    Past meetings should be "greyed out" but this doesn't seem to be the case in the light theme

    Can we capitalize the first sentence of each step and use <kbd>Enter</kbd> to denote keystrokes? Also, for all UI components that we make reference to, can we capitalize and bold them?

    1. Type `contact find alx yo` in the **Command Box** and press <kbd>Enter</kbd>.

    I took a look at your images, and I'm not sure why your aspect ratio is different from mine. Mine is a rectangle which is longer horizontally than it is vertically. Maybe we can check with the rest how their apps look, and standardise it? Otherwise our screenshots will look very inconsistent. After which, we can decide on a width that we should all follow for images. 400px looks too small for mine. So right now, most of my images are set to 900px

    1. Type `help` in the **Command Box** and press <kbd>Enter</kbd>.

    1. Type `meeting stats 6` and press <kbd>Enter</kbd>.

    1. Type `sale list m/8 y/2020` in the **Command Box** and press <kbd>Enter</kbd>.

    1. Type `contact sort s/ desc` in the **Command Box** and press <kbd>Enter</kbd>.

    2. The contact list now contains contacts whose name is similar to alx yo.

    Just checking, should UniqueMeetingList#removeMeetingsWithContact be updated as well? Likewise for UniqueSaleList and UniqueReminderList

    * An additional `cl/` (stands for 'client') field can be provided when performing searching on sales tags. If provided, instead of displaying sales associated to this tag, StonksBook will display the clients who have purchased items with this tag.

    Should this be updated in the command summary table in the UG as well?

    Based on your screenshots, this should be lowercase right?

    private Path addressBookFilePath = Paths.get("data" , "stonksbook.json");

    I see. Thanks for clarifying! I'll leave Jin Ming to do the approving!

    :bulb: Tip: You can learn more about the `contact find` command in [locating contacts by name](#locating-contacts-by-name-contact-find-aaron-seah).

    Nice! Can help perform this change for reminder edit as well?

    Thanks for pointing that out!

    Oh, my bad. I didn't know the new line would affect the formatting. Thought it was just code styling. Will remove it!

    Not yet! Just adding this in here so that I won't forget. Sorry for the confusion

    This just prevents the loop from flagging meetingToCheckAgainst as conflicting (if it does) if it's in the excluded list. But anyways, I've updated this method to return a list of conflicting meetings so that I can display it in the command feedback!

    Thanks for pointing that out!

    Yep, I think so. I plan to do them over the weekend, don't think I can finish it by tonight lol

    @Asthenosphere ps can help resolve the merge conflicts?



    Think we're all done with this. Nice work all!

    LGTM! Could you merge the updated master and push again though? Renaming CONTACT_INDEX to CONTACT_INDEX_SECOND might affect some of the test cases that have been merged.


    Not really relevant to this PR, but I think the parameter and example for editing a tag is missing the updated tag name. Example should be something like tag edit 1 t/furniture. Feel free to merge this PR if you want to resolve this in another PR.

    Tested locally, LGTM! Good idea to abstract ModelStub out to another class.

    Can I just check: whether a reminder is overdue or not is evaluated at program startup, are there any plans to either have the reminder display update immediately when the reminder time has passed, or to have a command to manually refresh the reminder display (like perhaps on reminder list?

    Good point! I've added a force-refresh at the end of every command. Idk if this would be too inefficient though...

    See #127

    Done in #114

    Yep, sure!

    Also, I was initially thinking that the filtering should be implemented as part of the reminder list command. Similar to sale list.

    LGTM besides the minor things pointed out!

    Just an idea, I think it would be helpful to print the conflicting meeting to the user when the error is thrown!

    Makes sense. Thanks for the suggestion, I've included the above!

    When testing, something interesting happened: I created an upcoming meeting and used meeting list to display all meetings. After the meeting was over, I retyped meeting list, and the meeting was greyed out, but still present. I think there's a need to refresh the contents of the list in this case?

    Other than this issue, the code looks good! Great decision to use ListMeetingDescriptor

    Great catch, fixed! Thank you!

    That's weird.

    Just to confirm, the steps to reproduce are as follows: (assuming current time is 26 Oct 2020, 18:32)

    1. Open up app

    2. Execute meeting add c/1 m/fnakldsnlk d/2020-10-26 18:32 du/1

    3. Execute meeting list

    4. Wait for 18:34

    5. Execute meeting list

      • Newly created meeting should disappear, but appears in the list (although greyed out)?

    I'll review this in more depth after the other PR has been merged, but looking from the screenshots, would it be better if you merged the contact and sales tag list into one, and have some other form of differentiation between the two? I just feel that the way the sale tags' numbering doesn't start from 1 is quite jarring especially when it's presented as being a separate list. Not sure what you think about this but I think we can leave it as it is now first.

    Also, regarding your other PR, I've submitted a PR to your branch on your repo. Not sure if you've had the chance to take a look at it yet?

    UI Terminology:

    • Result Box

    • Command Box

    • Contact List

    • Sale List

    • Sales Tag

    • Contact Tags

    • Meeting List

    • Reminder List

    Any reference to the above should be in bold and capitalized accordingly. Feel free to call them something else, just need to make sure it's consistent throughout

    Cover Page

    • Must have the word "User Guide"

    Table of Contents

    • Should be before the introduction

    • Must be numbered (OK to have bullets)

    • Ensure proper casing (for simplicity, I suggest that we all stick to sentence case - capitalise ONLY first word, with the exception of proper nouns)

    • Check that links are working

    • Parallel structure for each feature

      • I suggest the following format:

        • ___ing ____: command word

        • E.g. Adding a contact: contact add

        • Note that extra parameters to the command are omitted

    Introduction (DONE)

    • Overview of Product - first statement tells you what the app is, next statement tells you target audience, followed by main features + how it is designed using CLI with GUI (explain these technical jargon - CLI and GUI. Should also be written out in full the first time you mention in instead of abbreviating them)

      • See: OASIS example
    • Purpose of Document

    • Section explaining how to read the guide

      • Explain any special notations, markups, symbols, navigation

    Individual Features

    • Note: Anything not marked with a name will be considered a team effort. So do indicate your names to the respective sections that you've written.

    • Ordering of features within each section: let's standardise it to: List, Add, Delete, Edit, followed by other miscellaneous commands that are related to that particular model.

    • Steps must be numbered and start with a verb. For results, should be “The result box will …”

    • For each step, explain what needs to be done first, then display an image. Ensure that the image matches what you say needs to be typed. Image after the step.

    • To explain features which require some form of INDEX, first tell the user to type the list command and explain why this is necessary. Then, "Let's assume that ... has index ..."

    Let's standardise the format for writing each feature:

    ### Reminders

    <include preface statement>

    #### Adding reminders: `reminder add` \[Sebastian Toh Shi Jian\]

    <include preface statement that follows the below form - "Adds ..." >

    Adds a reminder scheduled on a particular date that is associated with the specified contact to StonksBook.

    <any notes if applicable - should be wrapped in a div tag with the appropriate classes so that it gets rendered as a note>

    **Format**: `reminder add c/CONTACT_INDEX m/MESSAGE d/DATETIME`

    * Adds a reminder associated with the contact at the specified `CONTACT_INDEX`.

    * The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed contact list.

    * The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

    * The datetime must be in the format `yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm`


    Suppose you want to .... This is what you need to do:


    1. Type ____ in the **Command Box** and press <kbd>Enter</kbd>.



    <img src="images/meetingListMockup.png" alt="result for 'meeting list'" width="900px">

    <figcaption>Fig. **{TODO}** - Meeting List Mockup.</figcaption>


    2. ....

    <image for step 2>

    3. ...

    4. The **Result Box** will ... and the **Reminder List** will ...

    Command Summary (DONE)

    • Let's split our command summary based on how we split the Features section in our UG. So we'll have multiple command summary tables. Remember to add a preface between the headers for each section!

    • Within each section, the command summary table should be sorted in ascending order alphabetically.

    • SEE: FitBiz's Command Summary

    • I also propose splitting the examples into a third column of it's own:

    Here's the template:

    | Command | Summary | Example (if applicable) |


    | `contact add n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER e/EMAIL a/ADDRESS [t/TAG]…[r/REMARK]…` | Adds a contact to StonksBook | `contact add n/James Ho p/22224444 e/jamesho@example.com a/123, Clementi Rd, 1234665 t/friend t/colleague r/birthday: 20 August` |

    | | | |

    | | | |

    Stuff in General

    • Avoid excessive paragraphing (should not have multiple paragraphs with only 1 sentence each)

    • Should refer to the reader directly.

      • e.g. "You should ..." rather than "Users should ..."
    • MUST always have a preface between headers

      • e.g. in Quick Start, before listing down the steps, add something like: "To get started, following these simple steps:”
    • Informal diagrams, which follows right after the text, need not be labelled.

    • Insert page numbers

    • Be as concise as possible.

    Other Stuff to Standardise

    • Let's use <kbd></kbd> to denote keystrokes. e.g. <kbd>Enter</kbd> to get Enter

    • Labelling of figures: I think we should KIV this first, until we're all done with the UG, otherwise if we were to all add labels, we might have to constantly update the label numbers.

    • Sections should be numbered - let's not worry about this for now too. I think there are tools available to automatically number it for us. I don't think it's necessary for us to manually write the numbering in your headers

    • Let's use red for any image annotations, and rounded rectangles over sharp-cornered rectangles

    • Any screenshots of the UI should omit the top menu (so that the images look consistent regardless of OS)

    Sorry, didn't expect that you would have to refactor all the tag commands. Anyways, I tested and it works well!

    I think you need to update the examples for the tag commands as well. Also, maybe can update tag add to also use ct and st just for standardisation? (p.s. don't have to do it if you don't think it's worth changing / you're busy atm)

    Haven't really looked at the code yet, will do so once the other PRs are merged

    LGTM! Just a few tiny changes. Also, for the screenshots, perhaps can remove the top menu (just keeping the UI) so that they look the same for all OSes?

    Thanks for pointing those changes out! I've amended them, as well as standardised some formatting stuff throughout the document

    Closed in #150

    Can't seem to reproduce this. I suspect that the tester has already created a separate meeting called Talk show on 29 Feb 2020 that is not displayed in the list. That is, the two meetings pointed out in the images are different meetings as evident by the different capitalization of the message: Talk show in the output vs talk show in the displayed list.

    To check with prof regarding the changes to be made to monitor code coverage

    Minor issue, remember to capitalize Supplier and line 276 and 280 as well.

    Same issue, minor typo for Supplier

    Capitalize also

    Similar to comments left on UniqueWarehouseList, should this be removed instead?

    Similar to comments left on UniqueWarehouseList, might want to change to replaceSupplier

    Minor issue, capitalise Suppliers

    Capitalise Suppliers here

    Would this mean that 0 is acceptable? Or is isNonZeroUnsignedInteger meant to be a stricter check?

    Oh I see that it is being used for index and quantity separately in another file.

    Alright got it!

    Message should be "Deleted Warehouse: %1$s" instead

    In the 3rd sentence:

    • Should add a space between "The" and edit

    In the 4th sentence:

    • Could be two different way of expression in "the last type specified will use processed"

    The rest are well described.

    I cant figure out why this paragraph is bold in the file. (Can click the three dots at the top right then click view file)

    Minor issue:

    Can make warehouse plural as well in this sentence - "Furthermore, another alternative considered would be to create separate commands for warehouse and suppliers respectively."

    Will there be a {@code userMacros}? I'm not too sure about how this component of the code.

    Maybe "Problem encountered while reading..." or "Unable to read from..." would be better here

    Same as above

    I think there is missing a word here, should be "original input string when no macro is used"

    Can remove extra line here

    Oh {@code UserMacros} exist here, the one on top can include too!

    Represents 'an' alias

    Oh alright! 👍

    Minor typo, should be "product or remark" instead

    Should it display the biggest warehouse with any PANADOL product or SUSP product instead?

    Not sure if it's helpful but one way to make it more concise is to initialize all nameKeywords, productKeywords and remarkKeywords to Optional.empty() then only keep 3 if statement to update them if necessary

    Same as above

    Can consider renaming the function name to contain Supplier and Warehouse for better readability

    Should be "name, product or remark" instead

    Should be Updates I think

    Have to discuss this later, how to handle it efficiently since not every command takes in email/address/name and like in FindCommand we have to add this to check for "/".

    Minor typo, should be "workflow of a" instead

    Can consider removing "it is" too

    What does this do? Expand the width of md?

    Should be removes

    Should be removes

    "product in a supplier" sounds a bit weird, maybe "a product managed by a supplier or warehouse" is better

    Add warehouse or supplier to a supplier?

    Should be add "warehouse or supplier" instead

    Same as above, "product managed by a supplier or warehouse" would be better

    Here too, we should review it if these are retrieved from our individual commands

    I forgot a full stop after "e.g" previously, should be "e.g."

    Maybe could be like "at least one of the parameters with its corresponding prefix"

    Should have a space between i/2' and :

    Should I include this in AddCommand as well? Since it's the first touch for users

    Minor typo, should be "from"

    Consistency across all log messages, should we be keeping the full stop? It concerns the above files as well.

    Should be EditSupplierDescriptor instead of Warehouse

    Is this meant to be an additional level of check?

    Extra line here

    Wow nice addition for these

    I think it's alright here because it's easier to take just the first word which would be the command word, in the parser we can ignore everything that comes after since there are no params to process.

    Could include the file format in front like TxtCommandHistoryStorage if appropriate

    Can consider directing the user to the function and class that does the saving since it is being mentioned here.

    Will try to help resolve this test case

    Are the blank spaces meant to be?

    I think is typo cos the rest don't have it

    Sentence can be quite long. Can have a line break for "Furthermore" onwards, should be a full stop instead of comma too.

    Minor issue but two blank space between the comma and last part of the sentence.

    Or a suggested phrasing could be:

    The user frequently updates a specific warehouse and decides to create a new macro with the alias "uwm" for the command string "update ct/w n/MainWarehouse" so as to shorten subsequent command inputs.

    If the above were to be adopted,

    If the user no longer needs the macro with the alias "uwm" and decides to remove it, it can be done by executing the removemacro uwm command.

    Should we standardise whether to use correct or valid?

    For data and format

    Same as above, should it be invalid or incorrect?

    Small issue but extra space here, commenting in case I miss it later

    Should be missing a space here

    Omg this is a lot of effort you put in. I'm thinking if we can use regex on this to pick out all the invalid prefixes

    Good work including comments for better readability

    Very good work abstracting all these out, it's still a headache that within each command there are so many different things to check for.

    Well explained

    Undone and redone sounds off, maybe can say Undo/Redo can only be used for commands that modified the CLI-nic data

    Can use 'if you' or 'the user'

    Can include in the example that the user wants to undo an edit command for example.

    Otherwise the second half can consider changing to 'the command executed will be 'undo'.

    Should there be more undoable commands?

    Good one including these comments for better readability

    Are these left empty intentionally?

    Hmmm... Okay I'm including these line breaks,

    Thanks for pointing it out, I do agree with you and have specified in the next commit!

    Oh yes good spot, these were written before we finalized the changes in our commands

    Yea this is outdated now, I have fixed it earlier. No wonder I couldn't find it hahaha

    Okay as per user guide, we only have Tag for products so yes this should be Remarks!

    It shouldn't be remarks either, it would look like this now and should be pretty straightforward without explanation. We can improve on it at a later time because UML is still rather unstable.


    I'll update accordingly depending on how we are integrating Macro feature into all other features!

    I've broke it up to two parts so the warehouse only doesn't cover the front few prefixes.

    I've put it in tildas as it is a param

    This makes sense, I've edited it accordingly thanks!

    Hmmm... I'm not sure what you mean by that, do we have to implement a command class for logger? Aren't we using the in-built logger?

    I wrote it the way as you mentioned initially, then intellij prompted me that it will always return true and thus suggested to change to != null instead. I'm not sure which is better coding practice but I could change it back and ignore the warning if we standarize it across out code

    Yup, because it is now an optional field and to make UI a lot less painful I've decided to set optional fields to "".

    Unless we want to remove missing fields from UI which can be quite a headache.

    Oh yea you're right, I'll look into what I can abstract out without violating SLAP

    Oh yea I tried to use Type.supplier and Type.wareshouse but ran into some difficulty when testing for invalid input. I would have to create false input of Type format to do testing. I'll look into this again to see how we can resolve it, same as for the one below.

    Yea definitely!

    Thanks for the spot!

    I've made the change, thanks!

    I've changed it to use one of the pre-created descriptor!

    Oh yes, thanks for the good spot!

    Took me a good minute of staring hahaha, good spot here too!

    Good idea, will add in more comments

    Undo and redo should be fine and I'll add listmacro after it is merged in

    Oh yes I'll fix this, good catch!

    Hmmm okay I shall standardise them, another improvement is to display the help message when users select the autocomplete message

    Got it thanks!

    Yup, i was in the midst of editing both and got distacted by my UML hahahaa

    I've resolved this as well as standardise it with adding supplier! Good catch!

    Opps it wasn't meant to be changed but I forgot to change it back

    Approve for testing purpose to see the badge shows CI fail

    Test successful, icon changed to failing.

    @zhengweii Revert back to pass CI

    Updated to the following issues:

    Issue #86 - As a standard user, I want to add my suppliers’ information and products

    Issue #88 - As a standard user, I want to add details of warehouses and stocks for each product

    Updated to the following issues:

    Issue #88 - As a standard user, I want to add details of warehouses and stocks for each product

    Issue #94 - As an intermediate user, I want to update the stock of a specific product in warehouses

    Updated to the following issues:

    Issue #91 - As a standard user, I want to delete a supplier/warehouse entry

    Updated to the following issues:

    Issue #93 - As I standard user, I want to view the information of a specific warehouse or supplier

    Updated to the following issues:

    Issue #92 - As a standard user, I can find medical products associated with warehouses or suppliers

    Updated to the following issues:

    Issue #90 - As a standard user, I want to access the command list/user guide

    Updated to the following issues:

    Issue #91 - As a standard user, I want to delete a supplier/warehouse entry

    Associated to the following issues:

    Issue #93 - As a standard user, I want to view the information of a specific warehouse or supplier

    Updated to the following issues:

    Issue #93 - As I standard user, I want to view the information of a specific warehouse or supplier

    Updated to the following issues:

    Issue #96 - Adds product information to a supplier

    Closing issue as it is meant for week 7 tutorial.


    Closing deprecated issue.

    Closing deprecated issue.

    Closing deprecated issue.

    Closing deprecated issue.

    Issue resolved by Yu Ting in PR #108.

    Issue resolved by Zheng Wei in PR #107.

    UML Diagram can be accessed via this link to diagram.net stored on gdrive

    Issue resolved by me in PR #112 .

    Issue resolved by me in PR #113 .

    Good thoughts, I believe handling upper/lower case conversion on our end would improve user experience instead of making it case-sensitive. Especially when they are not able to correct minor typo by retrieving last typed command using the up arrow key like we do in terminals.

    You're right, I just tried for add command and it process everything but only keeps the results from the last occurrence. This is a bug and should be resolved unless a command explicitly takes in 2 of the same prefix. Good catch Zhen Lin.

    I would think that redundant arguments can be safely ignored if they do not interfere with the given command. We can set up a response that notify them of the random string while letting the command run through. This would be even more useful when we implement undo and redo commands.

    Snapshot of what the current UI looks like

    Will be including proper assertions in the next update instead.

    In my PR I have addressed validation for names, addresses and remarks. Do we want to validate emails as well?

    AddCommand, EditCommand and UpdateCommand have checks in place to ensure no duplication of entries (by name).

    This could be similar to saving Macros preference.

    It can be an enhancement to allow user to select themes for their app UI that will be added in #131

    Good spot, I think we could standardise these two methods.

    But it depends on how much flexibility we want to offer to users.

    For now, supplier do allow for the same name but different phone and email while warehouse strictly do not allow for entries with same name.

    Then we don't really need to change because it's more possible that suppliers can have a common name and the code now does an additional check on their phone number to make sure that they are not the same person. Whereas warehouse just dont allow name clash at all

    I would think it complements with this "different suppliers/warehouses can have the same address/email/phone if they are subsidiary companies of an organisation" but I'm thinking more of allowing more than one supplier named "George" with different phone rather than warehouses named "George Ptd Ltd".

    Correct me if I made a mistake in understanding,

    Current implementation:


    Same name, different phone and email - allowed

    Same name, same phone or email - not allowed


    Same name, different phone and address - not allowed

    Same name, same phone or address - not allowed

    I think it does make sense that warehouse names should not be allowed to have same name even though they can share common phone and address(maybe same building?)

    However, if we disallow name clashes for suppliers it might inconvenient users because they have to manually rename the supplier instead of writing the differences under remarks. (E.g. "George Lim, 987654321" vs "George Lim, 91234567" which are two different person)

    It would depend on how we write the user guide actually. but I figured supplier would be a contact person but users are free to interchange between company name and contact person in name and remarks. By my understanding it would be better to keep things as they are, but let's get the opinions of others as well!

    Resolved by Yu Ting in PR #146

    Resolved by Qin Liang in PR #138

    Resolved by Qin Liang in PR #138

    Resolved by Qin Liang in PR #138

    Product quantity not showing bug resolved

    Deprecated after the implementation of REDO and UNDO function by Zhen Lin in PR #210

    Thanks for the catch, we have resolved it in #212.

    Thanks for the report, the documentation for update is present which is found by tester.

    Thank you for the suggestion, this is currently being worked on and will be resolved in PR #222.

    Thanks for the catch, we are now aware of this and will be fixed in PR #211.

    Thank you for the suggestion, we will be updating it to adopt a more consistent format across our commands in PR #214 .

    Thanks for the report, it's not a bug and we are still improving on the UI.

    Thanks for the catch, single character names should be allowed and will be fixed in PR #211.

    Thanks for trying, the definition of INDEX is included in the screenshot.

    Thanks for the catch, duplicated issue of Name as in issue #183.

    Thanks for the catch, duplicated issue of Name as in issue #183.

    Thanks for the report, pairing means that the alias will be associated with the command_string and in this case typing the alias would have the same effect as typing the command_string. You can give it another try to see it at work. Phrasing has been improved in PR #211

    Thanks for the report, the type in this case is indeed incorrect as the command is currently parsed by prefixes of interest. However, the error message is incorrect in the sense that it prompts the user that the type can be ps/pw but it shouldn't.

    But thank you for for this report as we also noted an issue with incomplete commands which we will be fixing.


    This issue is covered by PR #216. Thanks once again.

    Thanks for the report, we will be specifying this in PR #213

    Thanks for the report, our team has discussed and decided that this is not needed now since we only have 1 example.

    Thanks for the report, we will be making it clearer by having a screenshot to accompany each example which will be implemented in PR #213

    Invalid as the screenshot left out the second example.

    Thanks for the catch, duplicated issue of Name as in issue #183.

    Thanks for the catch, duplicated issue of Name as in issue #183.

    Thanks for the catch, but this should not affect usage and do refer to the CS2103 guide for the severity levels. Reassigned to low according to the follow:

    severity.Low : A flaw that is unlikely to affect normal operations of the product. Appears only in very rare situations and causes a minor inconvenience only.

    Thank you, duplicate issue similar to issue #195.

    Thank you for the report, we did not set any validation for address as the variations are plenty and it may very well become a bug if we restrict the address pattern to Singapore-based only but the user wants to save an overseas address.

    Good eye! Will be fixed in PR #213

    Thanks for the report, similar to issue #186

    Thanks for the report, will be updated as in issue #180

    Thanks for the heads up, we will be implementing a way to view existing aliases in PR #222

    Thanks for the catch, will be reviewed and fixed in V1.4

    Thanks for the report, we have taken note and will be changing it to index in PR #214

    The app is optimised for CLI users but it still can have the benefits of GUI.

    We will look into implementing automatic drop down or upon certain keyEvent/commands in the future.


    This report is resolved in PR #225. Thank you once again for the report.

    Deprecated due to requirement to keep the app functional offline. Can be reconsidered for future implementation.

    Deprecated due to requirement to keep the app functional offline. Can be reconsidered for future implementation.

    This functionality comes with AB3, adapted in PR #100.

    Not as advanced as to offer command correction but minimally autocomplete functionality reduce the chances of typing mistakes.

    Thanks for your report, the view command has been reviewed and modified in V1.4 through PR #225. The view command now displays the information in the response box.

    Your suggestion is aligned with our find command.

    This user story is satisfied by both view and find commands.

    Where find is able to filter for suppliers/warehouses of interest and view is able to quickly access the details of a particular supplier/warehouse.

    Deprecated as we are only storing product quantity and not prices for now. Can be reopened for development in the future.

    Maybe change the sections (deliverables, contacts, meetings) to their respective epics, following our meeting docs? E.g. this line of code can be "[EPIC] As a Product Manager, I can track my product’s development so that I can work better towards production deadlines. (Deliverables)"

    Noticed you left out type of Product Managers in here and elsewhere (e.g. "Product Manager who needs to be aware of changes in description of deliverables"). I believe we can leave these out for now. Just a note.

    For consistency, can we change to just "mark deliverables as completed"? (I'll update the changes on the docs)

    Can we change to small caps 'm' for 'Minimise'?

    In here and elsewhere, should we follow the user stories as closely as the gdoc since it's more or less cross-checked among ourselves? i.e. for this line of code, can it be 'contact the right person if needed'? Alternatively, 'locating the right person easily' would work, since this user story is about editing the POC.

    Should we take out "(completed deliverables / total deliverables)" since it may lead to confusion? It may be misunderstood as completed deliverables or total deliverables instead of over. Alternatively to explicitly state "completed deliverables out of total deliverables".

    For consistency, can we have "keep them up-to-date" for the 'so that' portion?

    Can we have back the 'remember and retrieve important information' under 'so that' portion?

    Can we capitalise the 'i' in 'keep any data that i want'?

    Can we have plural 'contacts' instead of 'contact' under 'so that' portion?

    Did you miss the epic "As an inexperienced or forgetful Product Manager, I can refer to a user guide as I’m using the app so that I am able to use it as intended"? The user stories in this epic are not reflected.

    Here and elsewhere, noticed the numbering isn't correct, but I believe markdown solves this automatically. Have to check again? Just a note.

    In here and elsewhere, for consistency, can we ensure all the lines end with periods (.)?

    Can we ensure the use case IDs are in consecutive order, i.e. this should be UC11 and delete contact should be UC12?

    Can we change to singular 'Deliverable'? (side note: we may need to redefine this keyword. Personally it sounds slightly vague though I know this definition was taken from online).

    Should we leave this keyphrase out since I don't think we use it anywhere?

    Can periods be included for all the epics too?

    Have seen that the rest have periods now. How about this line too?

    I believe you added the 'so that' portion wrongly here. It should be for the "view my contacts and their relevant details" user story under EPIC B. Could you help to change that?

    Could we change this to "view a helpful popup"? Just a small grammar error.

    I think your suggestion would work for now.

    Can we fix the typo here? Maybe in the next big commit for UG. Just to note.

    Maybe a more meaningful description?

    Perhaps we can include setDeliverableInView(target) for marking a deliverable done as well.

    Can we have the JavaDoc edited to fit Deliverables? 😸

    Would hyperlinking just once in the first find code in line 156 and deleting the entire line 157 be better for succinctness? Here and elsewhere.

    Can we use more "you" language, i.e. "in your deliverable list"?

    Can we stick to "Shows a list of all meetings in your meeting list" for consistency? (or is this too repetitive?)

    #151 Does the first line imply that other codes are acceptable? I also think that tips should be kept short. Here is an alternative suggestion:

    1. Put "PHONE should only contain numbers, and must be at least 3-digits long" under Format

    2. Tip can be "Leave out the + sign for PHONEs with country codes"

    Example email is incorrect: should be jordanwoods@glutter.com.

    Order is incorrect: should be "edits the email address and phone number ...."

    Tag for description should be "d/"

    May want to include the comment for the sub-test case here? i.e. //same name, same email, different role -&gt; returns true.

    Same for the following case.

    I got a different impression about the reasoning for this overlapping issue.

    I thought that the reason should be "Meeting timings may overlap as you may wish to send a representative for your clashing meetings". Something along these lines.

    May want to consider putting this as a Note (i.e.


    Lower case 'b'

    Reversed information: should be "MODE can be db (dashboard), dv (deliverable), ..."

    Just a mental note that we may need to explain the main components in our GUI (command box, feedback box, navbar, left panel, right panel) at the start of the UG with a screenshot

    May want to consider replacing "used" with "as shown"/"as seen"?

    Missing fullstop?

    Consider using You are already in this mode! or Mode is presently displayed! so it appears more like the user made a mistake.

    Does this mean users will get something like Mode switched to: dv? Are we able to convert into Mode switch to: deliverable (along with the other models) instead? 😨

    Missing exclamation mark? (Just ensure the message punctuations are consistent throughout the models)

    Think we agreed previously that the messages should be from the perspective of the app. Here and else models, Viewing contact should be Displayed contact: %1$s.

    Also, I think list command should be Listed all contacts! if it is not already. Clear should be Cleared all contacts!.

    Suggest to edit to Chrystal's phrasing: You cannot add a contact with the same name and email as another existing contact. Here and elsewhere for the other commands/models.

    May want to leave out the example to keep the Note short. What do you think?

    Did we edit the code to validate this when we parse the datetime?

    May want to consider leaving out examples as mentioned previously.

    May want to change to LogicManagers

    May want to change to PE-D according to 2103T website

    Is there intentionally added for future reference?

    May want to change to Address and Tag

    Missing words?

    Punctuation issue. May consider either:

    -Contacts can have a role—developer or stakeholder—and also a description

    -Contacts can have a role (developer or stakeholder) and also a description

    May consider using Find, Name and Description

    May consider "Person to Contact"

    May consider "Person to Contact"

    Should be "...delete a meeting from displayed meeting list." ("displayed" is optional).

    Same for line 19 under edit command

    Might want to standardise the periods at the end of all your bullet points in this file. Currently some have and some don't. [I personally suggest taking out all periods]

    Capital M

    All first words should be past tense. Here and elsewhere ("included", "stardardized", "updated", etc.)

    Should be lower case 'glossary'

    Should be "(#general)" I think?

    should be "title" instead of "name"

    is this trailing whitespace intentional?

    Based on ur UG edit, should this be "Finalise design and plan"?

    should be British English "Finalise" instead of "Finalize"

    Based on ur UG edit, should description be just "Works at Johnson & Johnson"?

    Here and every example in the UG: Is it safe to assume that there exist seed data in the app that corresponds to the UG so users can immediately work with them?

    Can paraphrase to "...update the UI to only show information related to the new mode."

    May want to paraphrase to "Takes longer to type the user commands."

    May want to reorder to deliverable > meeting > contact files

    Can edit to "only deliverablebook.json is created."

    Do you mean: "The easiest way is to add a dash (-) to a saved deliverable's milestone."?

    Also, not very sure if "easiest way" may imply other ways. May want to skip to just "Add a dash (-) to a saved..."

    I made two fields for Deadline class. One a String, and another a LocalDateTime. We can use the latter for comparison, and leave the former as it is for string rendering (y)

    I just tried and the whitespace doesn't get reflected on markdown. The current implementation should work alright (there's an illusion of whitespace). Thanks for the suggestion 😸 !


    Message will be removed later on, so will not be making extra changes.

    Message will be removed later on, so will not be making extra changes.

    Reworded to "As CONTACTS is not related to your contact list, you can include those not present in it."

    Will create another PR for this commit.

    No need to review/merge.

    Checks failing due to Edit command not available yet.

    Fixes #3 and #5

    Change the "/dead" token to "/by" and "/desc" to "/d"

    Amend to use the correct constructor

    We shall look into the succinctness of all our documentation again in the future. LGTM!

    Fix the code conditions for isSameMeeting & isSameDeliverable (and reflect in UG)

    -Meeting: Title, from, to

    -Deliverable: Title, deadline


    Need to edit the width of the status column abit. By default, the completed tag is truncated.

    Will not be renaming packages based on Prof Damith's announcement

    Moved to issues #201 #204

    Concluded that such a command should remain possible and accepted.

    @chrystalquek, have to allow repeat of switch db command, along with the other modes

    would it be better to remove tutorial slots part cause we don't really have a tutorial?

    | `* * *` | Tutor | Delete student entries | Update my list of students if a student were to drop the module |

    | `*` | Tutor teaching modules that require many written assignments | View my student&#39;s written submissions | Mark/review their homework |

    + PREFIX_TAG + "CS2103 Tutorial "

    + PREFIX_TAG + "Experienced";

    **Edit Student** | `edit INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE_NUMBER] [e/EMAIL] [t/TAG]…​`<br> e.g.,`edit 2 n/James Lee e/jameslee@example.com`

    I think someone forgot to change this previously...

    * `edit-student 1 t/@johndoe e/johndoe@example.com` Edits the telegram handle and email address of the 1st student to be `@johndoe` and `johndoe@example.com` respectively.

    Hmm... I think putting it at the top would be more convenient for users to just take a quick look... But the word 'summary' makes it feel like we concluding something so its weird for it to be at the top... Why not change the heading to like 'Command List' or something equivalent?

    I think keeping the previous would be better also... The previous formatting was based on the original user guide we got for the address book... so i think it is fine that the table and commands not consistent.

    I think clear is used to clear all students though... delete is meant to delete a specific student...

    #### Listing all students : `list`

    #### Clearing all students : `clear-student`

    #### Editing a student : `edit-student`

    #### Clearing all classes : `clear-class`

    Perhaps it might be good to follow the same format as DeleteStudentCommandTest to be consistent?

    * Contains integration tests (interaction with the Model, UndoCommand and RedoCommand) and unit tests for

    * {@code EditStudentCommand}.

    I like how you specify that clear removes all students!

    public void addStudent(Student student) {



    Would this be a better name?

    public void resetData_withDuplicateModuleClasses_throwsDuplicateModuleClassException() {

    // Two moduleClasses with the same identity fields

    ModuleClass editedCS2103T = new ModuleClassBuilder(CS2103T_TUTORIAL).withStudentIds().build();

    List<Student> defaultStudents = TypicalStudent.getTypicalStudents();

    List<ModuleClass> newModuleClasses = Arrays.asList(CS2103T_TUTORIAL, editedCS2103T);

    TutorsPetStub newData = new TutorsPetStub(defaultStudents, newModuleClasses);

    assertThrows(DuplicateModuleClassException.class, () -&gt; tutorsPet.resetData(newData));


    Would this be a better name?

    //// Student related tests



    • Wraps all data at the application level.

    • Duplicates are not allowed (by .isSameStudent and .isSameModuleClass comparison).


    Perhaps a line break here will make it look less cramp?

    Index outOfBoundIndex = INDEX_SECOND_ITEM;

    // ensures that outOfBoundIndex is still in bounds of Tutor's Pet list

    assertTrue(outOfBoundIndex.getZeroBased() < model.getTutorsPet().getModuleClassList().size());

    should this be

    // identity fields

    same for the data fields comment

    Perhaps this comments and the few below should start with lower caps?

    // one keyword

    would it be better to leave a line here?

    // manually link first class to first student

    ModuleClass moduleClass = model.getFilteredModuleClassList().get(0);

    Student student = model.getFilteredStudentList().get(0);

    Set<UUID> studentUuids = new HashSet<>(moduleClass.getStudentUuids());


    ModuleClass modifiedModuleClass = new ModuleClass(moduleClass.getName(), studentUuids);

    perhaps this comment should start with lowercase?

    private TypicalModuleClass() {} // prevents instantiation

    perhaps this should start with lowercase?

    // manually added

    Perhpas this is missing a full-stop?

    // Manually added - Student's details found in {@code CommandTestUtil}.

    perhaps this should start with a lowercase?

    public static final String KEYWORD_MATCHING_MEIER = "Meier"; // a keyword that matches MEIER

    Perhaps this would be a better naming?

    ''' suggestion

    public void execute_indexSpecifiedListIsNotFiltered_showsStudentsInClass() {

    public void execute_invalidIndexSpecifiedClassListIsNotFiltered_throwsCommandException() {

    Would it be good to specify which list?


    * Removes all {@code studentUuids} from each and every {@code ModuleClass} in the class list.


    Perhaps student manager would be a better name?


    * Removes all {@code Student}s from the student manager.

    * Also removes all {@code UUID}s from each {@code ModuleClass}.


    I am not sure about this... But should the full-stop be after the example?


    * Ensures that Tutor's Pet will not be able to boot up given an incomplete {@code UUID}

    * (e.g "0c527a3f-8a6f-4c16-b57d-").


    Perhaps it will be a good idea to keep the formatting consistent with the subsequent tests?


     * Ensures that Tutor's Pet will not be able to boot up if two or more {@code Student}s are found with the same {@code UUID}.

    "something is wrong" feels a little generic.. Perhaphs it is good to specify?

    // Check that the set of student UUIDs within a class is a subset of that of

    // all student UUIDs in uniqueStudentUuids. Otherwise, Tutor's Pet would not

    // boot up due to data corruption.

    would canUndo_noPrevState_returnFalse() be a better name for this test so as to keep it consistent with the other namings?

    would undo_noPrevState_throwsUndoStateException() be a better name for this test so as to keep it consistent with the other namings?

    should this use case resume at step 1 instead? since user will need to request to edit a specific lesson again..

    should this use case resumes at step 1?

    should this use case resumes at step 1?

    should this be attendance record?

    Perhaps to keep it consistent with other constraints message we can use

    public static final String MESSAGE_CONSTRAINTS = "Days should only contain capital letters.\n"

    Perhaps it is a good idea to keep the javadoc comment consistent with JsonAdaptedModuleClass..


     * Converts a given {@code Lesson} into a {@code JsonAdaptedLesson} for Jackson use.

    Perhaps it is a good idea to keep javadocs consistent?


     * Every field must be present and not null.
     * Creates a new lesson with the specified parameters.

    Perhaps it would be good to use another class index here instead of both 1s so that it is clear the last index is accepted?

    Is it possible to static import this?

    as well as the few below...

    70 feels like a magic number... Do u mind changing it to the constant VALID_PARTICPATION_SCORE_80?

    same for the ones below... and the 1000 could be change to INVALID_PARTICIPATION_SCORE_101...

    Not sure if this would sound better...

    A `TutorsPetState` object contains a Tutor's Pet state, along with a message that describes the changes relevant to this state.

    Is there extra spacing here?

    Not sure if this would be better...

    It contains the `Attendance`s of all `Student`s who have attended the particular lesson.

    not sure if this sounds better...

    * After finding the class CS2103T and student Alex, you wish to view all your students and classes.

    Hence, you type in the command `list` and and press <kbd>Enter</kbd>.

    just a suggestion...

    * Now you can see all your students and classes.

    Should we put these few points under a Constraints: section?

    Would this sound better?

    * Alex is a student in your CS2103T class. After your lesson in week 1, you wish to give him a participation score of 45.

    should we specify that the score is for participation?

    * Now you have successfully edited Alex's participation score from 35 to 45 points.

    Not sure if this would sound better...

    * If the {@code studentToRemove} does not exist in the {@code attendanceRecord}, the {@code attendanceRecord}

    * remains unchanged.

    Not sure if this is correct but I referred to ur previous javadoc for inspiration...


    * Returns a {@code Lesson} where the {@code Attendance}s of the {@code studentToRemove} have been removed.




    * Returns a {@code Lesson} where all {@code Student}s have been removed.


    Not sure if invalidStudentToRemove or targetStudentToRemove would sound better...

    Perhaps this would be better?


     * Creates a {@code Lesson} with the given {@code lesson} and {@code displayedIndex}.

    // try saving when the file exists

    Should this be static import?

    Not sure if organise is a good word to use here as technically, all they can do is link...

    Should this be numbered?

    Same for this...

    Perhaps it might be good to specify class here?

    * Overlapping lessons are detected by calling the {@code isOverlapLesson} method in {@code Lesson} class.

    Perhaps it would be good to explain what "copied properly" means here?

    Not sure if this would sound more user-centric(?) and more consistent with your other commands like add-class

    1. You type `delete-class 2` and press <kbd>Enter</kbd>.

    same for the commands below...

    Perhaps it would be better to keep the format same as the previous few?

    1. Other incorrect commands to try:

    * `find-student`

    Expected: The displayed student list does not get updated. Error details shown in the status message.

    1. Editing a lesson while all lessons are displayed.

    I guess the refactor cant detect that... THANKS!

    HAHA cause dexter added that in his i think

    That test was missing so i just added it and made it consistent with what was in EditStudentCommandTest

    Issue #156.

    I am going to do another PR to change the rest but since I was in that document I thought maybe could change that first...

    not sure if thursday 2pm - 4pm: weeks 1 2 3 4 5 would look better?

    Hmm.. maybe we just seperate into two sections since we plan to follow the ordering of UG

    Not sure... Perhaps it can be removed at the end if no one adds anything?

    isnt our target users nus cs tutors tho... wouldn't luminus be something the users are familiar with..

    Manually copy from the result display box

    Change number of occurrence to number of weeks in UI

    UPPER_CASE shoudnt be in markdown

    There is no line breaking here.


    quick start should start with ##

    The contents should be hyperlink

    I will add the hyperlinks

    the list should have the ``

    I think there should not be indentation here

    Should it be "the list of all tasks"?

    should it be "list all tasks"?

    Same as above

    are we going to skip displaying or just display an empty list? If we are just displaying an empty list, is it still considered an extension?

    list all tasks

    the list of all tasks

    same as above. i'll ignore it for the following parts

    Is 'exit' inside the use cases? should we add it?

    This is still not changed

    The class here is still not changed to Task

    Why extra indent here?

    Why extra indent?

    same here



    Should we use trimmedTitle instead of trimmedName?

    Do you wanna change "address book" to "PlaNus" now or do it later?

    Does the name "fullTitle" make sense?

    Why extra indent?

    just to check, the corresponding UI class variable is also changed right?

    What's the rationale of changing it to Amy?

    agree. and better put date as yyyy-mm-dd

    the attribute in the userguide says date: tho

    Should have clearer documentation here


    Clearer documentation pls.

    Why is this private variable in between to public variables?

    I think a better documentation is : construct an empty Description when user didn't provide the description field. Caveat: Only called when the user didn't key in this field.

    Same. private variable in between public variables.

    Same. I think the documentation can be better.

    I would recommend making this documentation clearer as well. Add another line to specify that this is only used to construct an empty Phone when the field is not in the task.


    Nice that you changed the UML as well.

    oops, I think this should have been "description". My bad I forgot to change this. Can you change it?

    Should we really allow type to be any string? Or just one word letters connected by '-'

    Is there a reason to keep a counter? Don't we just need to traverse through all the types?

    iirc there's a "requireNonNull" method there? Can we use it?

    hmmm maybe you can consider using the join method?

    Maybe you can consider using the "join" method?

    I think we are changing all these to PlaNus

    We can. But I don't think its a big issue as long as there is no bug. Stringbuilder looks cleaner tho I would say.

    Maybe add another extension when the task index supplied is invalid?

    I think there's an extra '/'

    Are you throwing any CommandException here?

    What are the B, C and D for?

    Will there be any case where a valid user input will make any of these null?

    Missing period at the end.

    I think you can use the formatter from the DateTime class if possible

    No need day of week?

    should be lesson right

    Should remove this

    Actually, I think we can make the Time, Date and DateTime class inherit or implement a common interface. Maybe I'll refactor this later.

    Why use plural?

    The checks can be abstracted out into a method

    repeated code

    i feel isSameTimeSlotAs is better

    What if their start date and end date does not overlap?


    Should abstract out the method.

    Javadocs for this?


    I think we remove this since we are not implementing this feature anymore.

    Why do you need equal? I thought when equal, this should return false

    Should I just delete it or mark it as coming soon?

    got it

    nice catch


    sry this was a mistake. I changed it. the datetime won't be null

    I have removed DATE_FORMAT. Here the correct pattern for java DateTimeFormatter is actually "dd-MM-uuuu" instead of "dd-MM-yyyy".

    good point.

    cuz u can list out a set of tasks using find as well?

    Same. find can also list a set of lessons

    seems FindTask current cannot find by time


    i think this is correct.


    Just mark it as done when you finish your part

    What are left to be done for the use cases? Maybe can add inside description?


    Can you push the branch to the team's repo so that we can pull and test locally?

    Also codecov seems to have dropped. Maybe can add some relevant test cases to bring it back?

    This has been completed in #73

    The error message doesn't quite match the actual error.

    I think also need to update the DG

    I'll just work off this branch. Can merge first


    Remove the optional bracket on datetime

    also need to refactor the MESSAGE_USAGE

    Use DateFormat class from java

    It is clearly stated or can be intuitively inferred in the UG?

    CI failed. Please check the details and fix them.

    fixed with the overlap feature.

    handled properly in the regex of every attribute.

    Is it necessary to perform test after check? I believe check already includes test.


    Duplicate https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-W16-3/tp/pull/13#discussion_r492195636

    Do glossary terms need to be italicized? May need to standardize.

    Can I confirm that this line will be left unchanged? Otherwise LGTM.

    Ok, we will review this again towards the end of v1.2.

    Can we verify that this workflow runs smoothly on our repo?

    Perhaps you can push an equivalent change directly to a non-master branch first, and see what happens to the gh-pages branch.

    Ok, as seen from https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-W16-3/tp/commit/65e48f7a1f38c68e643cb29f8d29e0951f06bc4c the CI is able to build and deploy GitHub Pages properly.

    Suggest extracting these changes to their own commit/issue/PR as they are technically not related to the issue at hand.

    See above (https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-W16-3/tp/pull/23#discussion_r495016936)

    See above (https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-W16-3/tp/pull/23#discussion_r495016936)

    Minor typo fixes can be left as part of this PR.

    Similar to https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-W16-3/tp/pull/7#pullrequestreview-492595656, Cygwin messes up on CRLF line endings in the scripts. Not a major problem; the hooks will work as long as the scripts are changed to LF line endings.

    After discussion, changes can be left in this PR, but should be separated into different commits so that they will show up in the squashed commit upon merge.

    These don't look like intentional changes 😕

    https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-W16-3/tp/pull/39#discussion_r495585791 same here

    Minor typo:

    The UI consists of a `MainWindow` that is made up of parts e.g.`CommandBox`, `ResultDisplay`, `TransactionListPanel`, `StatusBarFooter` etc. All these, including the `MainWindow`, inherit from the abstract `UiPart` class.

    Indentation still appears to be slightly off here compared to the previous state


    transaction is no longer the parameter name

    * Returns an add expense command string for adding the {@code expense}.

    This should be changed as well, my bad!

    * Returns an add income command string for adding the {@code income}.

    Perhaps the variable name should be ft instead of ab?

    Also I don't see any method signature for withTransaction(String, String). Is this a problem inherited from the original AB3?

    Same as above, consider changing ab to ft.

    public static List<Expense> getTypicalExpenses() {

    return getTypicalTransactions().stream()





    public static List<Income> getTypicalIncomes() {

    return getTypicalTransactions().stream()





    Might be possible to further simplify by extracting out the common parts.

    Missing a blank line here

    + "When on Expenses tab: Searches all expenses.\n"

    Should this be something like a ListOverviewCommand instead, to highlight that it is for the overview tab?

    Ok, makes sense.

    Perhaps getTypicalFinanceTracker().getExpenseList().size()?

    By the way, it doesn't really matter here but the expected value is supposed to be the first argument to assertEquals, and the actual value comes second.

    Does this need to be fixed?

    I think we should try to avoid newlines mid-sentence?

    Would look better italicized IMO

    Perhaps this could be a subheading instead?

    Same as above, combine with the previous line

    #### Workflow changes

    - `ModelManager`: 3 filteredLists for Transactions, Incomes and Expenses respectively, `FinanceTracker`: 1 transactionList **(Yong Ping)**

    This hasn't been resolved yet

    My previous comment https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-W16-3/tp/pull/118#discussion_r506540945 was referring to Line 7, not Line 6

    1. Download the latest `fine$$e.jar` from [here](https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-W16-3/tp/releases).

    public static final Comparator<Transaction> TRANSACTION_COMPARATOR =

    Comparator.comparing((Transaction t) -&gt; t.date).thenComparing(t -&gt; t.title);

    I feel like this could be improved somehow, due to the similar logic. I'll try to think of something

    * Sorts the list based on {@code TRANSACTION_COMPARATOR}.

    Never mind, I think it should be fine to leave it as it is for now

    I think the root cause is that setValue does not perform any validation.

    In addition, the raw input value is being used in the CommandResult.

    This is also due to the fact that when amounts are being written, it is using BigDecimal::toString(), where perhaps better abstractions could be done.

    In addition, the raw BigDecimal value is being used for the UI display, which will cause inconsistencies as the precision (number of decimal places displayed) is not fixed.

    Instead of duplicating code from Amount, perhaps you could write this to encapsulate an Amount instead?

    This should solve the validation and abstraction issues faced in the other classes.

    Uncaught exception when no argument is supplied i.e. set-expense-limit.

    This could be handled either here in the parser or within the command execution (as the amount is being validated).

    Also, avoid dealing directly with BigDecimal as it will break if we decide to change the underlying data type for Amount. If there's anything you need from the underlying value, just add the functionality to Amount.

    This change should be reverted to prevent merge conflicts with #152.

    (unless we are merging this one first?)

    Is it possible to convert these into negative test cases instead? It will help us avoid extra work later on if coverage needs to be brought back up.

    return value.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) >= 0;

    It's slightly odd that the space character is the only character not explicitly represented. However, I don't see a good way to express it on its own unless all three parts are combined i.e.


    0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;>=>?@[]^_'{|}~


    It may be useful to note here that each character is its own equivalence partition, in case someone casts doubt on the efficiency of this testing later on.

    Same as https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-W16-3/tp/pull/257#discussion_r515482192 above

    * `AMOUNT`, `AMOUNT_FROM` and `AMOUNT_TO` should each be a non-negative number with up to 8 digits before the decimal point and with 0 or 2 decimal places after.

    The changes here were reverted during the force push. #247 is now unresolved.

    Inconsistent plurality between amounts and dates.

    * `AMOUNT`, `AMOUNT_FROM` and `AMOUNT_TO` should be a non-negative number with up to 8 digits before the decimal point and with 0 or 2 decimal places.

    An optional `$` may be included in front as well.

    * `DATE`, `DATE_FROM` and `DATE_TO` should be a valid calendar date in `dd/mm/yyyy` format, representing day, month, and year respectively.

    - OR -

    * `AMOUNT`, `AMOUNT_FROM` and `AMOUNT_TO` should be non-negative numbers with up to 8 digits before the decimal point and with 0 or 2 decimal places.

    An optional `$` may be included in front as well.

    * `DATE`, `DATE_FROM` and `DATE_TO` should be valid calendar dates in `dd/mm/yyyy` format, representing day, month, and year respectively.

    However, the latter may suggest that multiple numbers or dates can be assigned to each amount/date.

    Another alternative using each:

    * `AMOUNT`, `AMOUNT_FROM` and `AMOUNT_TO` should each be a non-negative number with up to 8 digits before the decimal point and with 0 or 2 decimal places.

    An optional `$` may be included in front as well.

    * `DATE`, `DATE_FROM` and `DATE_TO` should each be a valid calendar date in `dd/mm/yyyy` format, representing day, month, and year respectively.

    Should Enhancement be lowercase to remain consistent with the rest of the bullet points?

    ### Overview

    ### Summary of Contributions

    * Managed release `v1.2` (1 release) on GitHub.

    * Updated the GUI color scheme. (Pull requests [#75](https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-W16-3/tp/pull/75))

    * Updated the GUI basic layout from AddressBook3. (Pull requests [#75](https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-W16-3/tp/pull/75), [#101](https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-W16-3/tp/pull/101))

    * Updated the layout of the User Guide. (Pull request [#169](https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-W16-3/tp/pull/169))

    * User Guide:

    * Updated User Guide to include Bookmark Expense and Income feature.

    * Updated User Guide with the Introduction of Fine$$e.

    * Developer Guide:

    * Updated Developer Guide to include Bookmark Expense and Income feature.

    * Reported bugs and suggestions for other teams in the class. (examples: Practical Exam Dry Run)

    I believe it's the immediately adjacent line?


    I'm not sure if 'caching' the current date in a static variable is a good idea, as it may give unexpected results on legitimate behavior (e.g. when near midnight).

    It might also make #246 harder to resolve.

    public static BookmarkTransactionBuilder parse(String args, String exceptionMessage) throws ParseException {

    File a bug report and link it in the PR description.

    Should line 178-179 be a single line? Other commands are parsed in a single line too.



    Unsure if the keywords e.g. "transaction", "date", "amount", "expense", "income" should reference the class names.


    Link to be fixed when overview of each tab has been added

    Ok. Should this change be mirrored in the user guide?

    Ok. Should there be a separate point to describe year then? Perhaps:

    • For year values, it must be written in the standard 4-digit format, so 2019 should be written as 2019 and not just 19.
    • setFrom is used to override the previous value so that the excludes take effect. Otherwise, from simply appends the files.

    • I am not sure why **/*.jar has been excluded previously, but I don't want to touch it so it has been left that way.

    Note that placeholders johndoe.md and johndoe.png are being removed as they are no longer needed.

    It was found that the shell scripts do not produce any output unless problems are detected.

    To make the pre-push hook and CI job more useful, the changes in #23 will also modify the scripts to print their status as each check is being run.

    Note that while we intend to rename test methods to match the new model, we will leave the test data alone for now and revisit it in a follow-up issue.


    Update the package names too to ay2021s1-cs2103-w16-3.finesse as discussed.

    Edit: My bad, hyphens are illegal characters. How about ay2021s1_cs2103_w16_3.finesse as recommended here?

    Recommend doing this in a separate PR. Refactoring the package would generate a large diff and make it difficult to review the model renaming.

    Now that #39 has been merged, all that is left is to delete the Address class, which is incidentally one of the CS2103T tP tutorial tasks.

    How should we rectify this? Fix the sample command or fix the validation?

    Closed with #136

    Proposed improvements based on discussion in CS2101:

    • Add general description of what each tab is for and what the user can expect (including screenshot)

    • For commands with aliases/general command words, the title can show just the main command and then list below the alias and/or tabs the general command can be used on

    • Split transaction -> income and expense for edit and delete commands. This is because the user guide should be based on features available to the user, instead of what commands have been implemented behind the scenes.

    • Glossary to tell the user (or potential user/PE tester) what a transaction/income/expense represents in the real world, and what the data fields (title, amount, date category) are for.

    UG bug: alias for list commands (lse, lsi) are not found in the user guide

    My bad, was already fixed in #209

    Bug accepted.

    Root issue is that DateTimeFormatter uses ResolverStyle.SMART instead of STRICT. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32823368/java-8-localdatetime-is-parsing-invalid-date

    Additional information on using uuuu year instead of yyyy as mandated by ResolverStyle.STRICT:

    Inconsistent tense for headings under Section 4. Some verbs are in present continuous tense, while others are in simple present tense.

    Tagging this as a bug because it is undocumented behavior in the user guide, so testers can flag this as a potential bug.

    Tagging this as a bug because it is undocumented behavior in the user guide, so testers can flag this as a potential bug (as noted in the description).

    Issue still persists because the wrong file was changed.

    Hi, I was the tester who reported this. I just learnt (from my own tP) that uuuu is in fact used to represent years, my bad!

    My point regarding the discrepancy between in-app and user guide explanations should still stand though.

    Perhaps javadocs could be added for the class here?

    Perhaps javadoc comments could be added for this enumeration to further explain the role of this enum class?

    We could use a common ParserUtil class to implement parsing methods which can be used across ModuleList, ContactList and TodoList in the future. For now, this is a sound implementation.

    We could perhaps consider shifting out EditTaskDescriptor as a separate class rather than a nested class.

    Perhaps this validation test could be modified to account for empty task name as well?

    Perhaps you could extend a similar concept further and allow users to add tags to a particular task? The tagging feature seems to have some similarities with the Type enumeration here.

    Will users be able to create Tasks without a type, priority or date? Perhaps allowing users to omit the addition of certain Task fields would increase flexibility?

    Should we ensure that another task with the same name, date and type as the edited task does not exist in the todo list? This is in accordance with the hasTask method above which checks if there is a task with the same name, date and type.

    Merge conflict here has not been resolved. Should be resolved as soon as possible.

    Perhaps you can consider adding an error message for this exception so exception handling would be clearer for us and users will be aware of the incorrect or invalid command provided.

    Would users have the flexibility to choose how the todo list will be sorted? Specifically, can they choose to sort from lowest to highest priority and vice versa?

    Yes, I think it is sufficient to check the name for duplicate tasks. However, could you clarify the implementation of the above hasTask method? The javadocs says that it will check if there is an existing task with the same name, date, and type in the todo list. In that case shouldn't checking for same name be enough?

    Yes, that sounds fine.

    That sounds fine, this can be further worked on in future PRs.

    The separation of the commandWord from the respective arguments in this line could be further refined using Pattern and Matcher class.

    Perhaps for the implementation for ParserManager, we could abstract away the lower level details, ie the kinds of Parsers that exist (ModuleListParser, ContactListParser and TodoListParser). These Parsers would only be made known in ParserManager and LogicManager should not have to be aware of them.

    For this method, we should avoid using the contains() method. Consider a scenario where the user inputs "module1" as the first input word by accident. Then "module1" would be accepted as a valid command word. This can give rise to bugs and complications. We could consider using .equals() instead.

    Relating to the comment below, we could have ParserManager instantiate an instance for each of the 3 respective Parsers in the constructor here, rather than leave it to LogicManager since ParserManager is the one responsible for the 3 Parser classes. This is something we could consider.

    We should first merge the PR which abstracts out the parsing of contact list, module list and todo list into individual classes. Following the merge of the above mentioned PR, please handle the parsing of Task related commands in the TodolistParser class.

    Perhaps we can shift this Date class into a commons package in the model package. The rationale is that other implementations such as our schedule feature would require a Date class as well. This can prevent repetition of code.

    Perhaps we can consider abstracting out all Name related classes, such as ModuleName, ContactName and TaskName into a common Name class. This would prevent repetition of code.

    There might be a naming error in the javadocs here. It should be AddTaskCommand if I am not wrong.

    Perhaps we could implement the tag feature of Tasks as a Set>Tag> so that users will be able to add more than 1 tag. Based on this current implementation, users will only be allowed to add one tag. However, it is fine for now and we can make the necessary changes later during the milestone.

    Is there a reason why you modified this String? I thought it is fine to include the message constraint that a task name should not be empty.

    Yes, that makes sense, we could consider that.

    Yes, that sounds reasonable, ultimately ParserManager should be the one handling the instantiation of the related Parser classes.

    Contact should be replaced with Task.

    JsonAdaptedContact should be replaced with JsonAdaptedTask.

    All instances of "contact" in javadocs and variable names should be replaced with "task".

    Will this class be required for the todolist storage implementation?

    Perhaps you could use requireAllNonNull(todoList, filePath) from the commons package?

    Perhaps you could modify this line to: logger.fine("Attempting to read todo data from file: " + filePath);

    Since we are reading data from several Json files, this can improve clarity when using logger.

    The comment from above could be useful here as well, we could refine the logger message to be something more specific and meaningful.

    I think the implementation of this constructor can be improved. For a Task object, the Date, Priority and Tag fields are optional and the below implementation might result in a NullPointerException, for eg, invoking getPriority().get() might return null.

    I think that there might be a NoSuchElement exception thrown for certain cases. This is also applciable when the same check is performed for Date and Priority. This is because these are optional fields and even if the editTaskDescriptor has Tags present, when the argument of the orElse method is executed, i.e. taskToEdit.getTags().get(), the optional might be empty.

    The same bug as the one mentioned earlier might occur within this if block.

    Yes, that looks good to me!

    Perhaps you could add an additional if statement prior to line 31 to check if PREFIX_NAME is present in the argument multimap and if PREFIX_NAME is mapped to any values in the argument multimap. In the event that the user does not provide any argument for the PREFIX_NAME, you will get a NoSuchElement Exception.

    Perhaps instead of storing the targetModule field as a String you could consider storing it as ModuleName object. This could make the comparison between each module in the list and the target module in line 51 easier as you can simply use .equals() from the ModuleName class.

    Since parseModuleName returns a ModuleName object, you could consider using a ModuleName object rather than a String for the argument of DeleteAssignmentCommand. This is a continuation from the comment on the DeleteAssignmentCommand class. Using the moduleName variable as a ModuleName object makes it easier to compare module names.

    Perhaps this field could be removed since we are storing multiple zoom links in the hashmap?

    Same issue as highlighted on line 21.

    Maybe we should perform checks on whether the key exists in the hashmap?

    Perhaps this field could be declared final to ensure immutability.

    Should we create a new instance of the updated Module each time a zoom link is added, or should we update the HashMap accordingly? What could be the advantages of the former implementation?

    Yes, that sounds good.

    I think we can use the current implementation.

    If I am not wrong, the way ModulistList, ContactList and TodoList edit their respective components would be to use a setModule, setContact, setTask method? Maybe to ensure consistency we could use a setAssigment method as well.

    The arePrefixesPrensent() method actually checks if the respective Prefix values are present in the argument multimap already. There is no need to check here again. So you can remove the parts such as argMultimap.getValue(PREFIX_ASSIGNMENT_NAME).isPresent() in the if clause.

    I think there is no need for multiple try catch blocks here. We can combine all into one block since all the try catch blocks below are catching the same ParseException and handling the exception in the same way.

    Same issue on multiple try catch blocks.

    I think the javadoc is not updated? The parameter is a double value.

    Perhaps you could consider adding assertion messages to be displayed. This can be helpful in understanding why the assertion was thrown.

    Maybe we can change this regex because I think some modules have 3 letters in the module code. This isn't a big issue though we can resolve it in a future PR, but we should note it.

    I think we might have to change the sample zoom links in this CommandTestUtil class. We should follow the validation regex used to test the validity of zoom links.

    Since we are testing cases with invalid tags, I think the modular credits argument should be valid?

    Same issue regarding invalid modular credits argument.

    This Junit test is commented out.

    We should change all these zoom links to valid ones.

    Maybe can take note of some minor javadocs issues here.

    Javadocs issue here.

    If there is no need to parse the user inputs, we can return the command in the ModuleListParser itself, I think this class is redundant.

    Can use requireNonNull since it is already provided by the util package.

    String message is wrong, I think should be "Event list contains duplicate event(s)."

    Should separate these methods with a line.

    Comments are wrong. Should reference event

    Wrong example provided. Should be an example of EventList

    Typical indexes are already available as a class in the testutil package. Since test cases for other command classes all use the index fields from TypicalIndex in the testutil package, I think you should use it too instead of creating a standalone TypicalIndex class specially for Event.

    I think catching and throwing the same exception here is redundant, as long as the method caller is handling the correct exception, we can omit this try catch block.

    This is a temporary implementation as the storage for contact list has not been implemented yet.

    CommandResult sounds more understandable as opposed to ResultCommand. The class is supposed to represent the command's result.

    Same issue as above.

    Yes, we do not want to add multiple contacts which are the same into the contact list. Thus, it is necessary to perform such a check for duplicate contacts.

    Even if an object of List type is declared final, we can still add items into the list. We are only unable to overwrite the list with an entirely new list.

    Same issue as above.

    Same issue as above.

    This will be updated during the next PR.

    This will be updated in a future PR.

    Yes will change it.

    Yes this will be done!

    Yes, email and telegram will be set as optional fields in future PR.

    Yes, javadocs will be added.

    This issue is actually being highlighted separately, in issue #376. That issue will modify Telegram to be an optional field and would ensure the above mentioned bugs would not be present. Thanks for the note! 👍

    Yes, that is the reason.

    yes I think this is a neat way to compose multiple predicates 👍

    Yes, I think integer is fine in the context of our target audience.

    Yes, I thought the initial prefix "l/" would look confusing. Depending on the font used, it may look like the number 1 or the alphabet "I" as well.

    Yes, this can be an area for consideration. However, I would assume that most if not all zoom links for NUS modules would use the NUS domain. This is based on my experiences with regards to online learning this semester.

    Yes, I will add this in. Thanks for the note 👍

    Yes, the above mentioned input would not be allowed. Yes, I would add in clearer examples. Thanks for the note 👍

    Yes, I think it should be changed.

    Yes, will remove it.

    Yes, this will be modified in a separate PR.

    Yes, it should be. Thanks for the note.

    Yes, I think we can do it since its good practice of defensive coding.

    Yes, I think we should. Thanks for the note!

    Yes, this will definitely be looked into. Good job noticing it!

    Yes, that is a very good suggestion, thanks!

    No problem!

    Thanks for the suggestion, I will update the user guide accordingly!

    Yes, that makes sense, I will remove this line. Thanks!

    This PR was actually made before the decision for Telegram to be an optional field was made. So line 69 will be removed and we will use only name and email to ascertain if 2 contacts are the same.

    Yes, that can be implemented.

    Thanks for the note, it has been corrected.

    Yes, it has been updated. Thanks for the note!

    Thank you 👍

    Thank you 👍

    Yes i will take note of them.

    Yes, I will take note of these tests and modify them accordingly.

    The test case has been reimplemented, and comments are removed.

    Yes this will be used, I am waiting for Michael to implement his todo builder class before I can implement junit tests for this class.

    Noted, will remove them in a subsequent PR.

    Thanks for the note!

    This is because the CI checks will not pass unless I changed this. This is a static field so the CI checks required it to follow the coding standards of a static field.

    Thanks for the note, this was actually resolved in PR #598

    Thanks for the note, this was resolve in PR #598.

    Individual components of the user guide have been added by member's pull requests linked to separate issues. User guide has been updated with the necessary content for milestone 1.1, this issue will be closed.

    Merge conflicts resolved. Able to merge pull request.

    Should resolve CI checks before merging PR.

    Should resolve CI checks before merging PR.

    Issue is closed with the merging of PR #84

    UML diagram has been uploaded to the repo.

    This PR should still be a draft, it will be closed and a new PR with the updated storage functionalities will be made in the future.

    ParserException and CommandException have been added in subsequent PRs.


    I think that to match prefix, the e.g. would be sth like list l/people, list /stats. Please check on this.

    Might want to refer to this as Virus Tracker instead of AddressBook.

    Might consider changing to 'Clears all entries from Virus Tracker' to match description in line 42.

    It appears that you have added some new functionality here regarding some statistics. Can these be used already?

    Considering the nature of this test, it might be best that the method updateFilteredLocationList is completely removed from the working program since it is not expected to be called.

    Additionally, on this aspect, I realised that updateFilteredLocationList is a method newly added to Model and ModelManager. Considering that, may I check why is the method added if it is not intended to be called as seen from this test?

    I understand now. Thank you for the clarification.

    To keep the code clean, I feel that this line should either be uncommented or removed.

    Ids are abstracted away from the user. Users should not be aware of Ids, and thus should not be given the opportunity to change the id of a person. I feel that thus editpersondescriptor should not have an id field and id is automatically retrieved from the person that is being edited.

    Some additional tests can be conducted in this class. Such as tests for adding unidentifiable locations and tests for setting location lists which dont fulfill the identifiable property. You may refer to #118 UniqueLocationListTest for reference.

    One more test was missed.

    To abide by SLAP principle, consider abstracting out different parts into a separate methoda in the same class.

    For e.g. line 50 to 62 can be abstracted into a separate method

    The "..." seems to imply that the command can accept multiple personids. Is that intended?

    You have made tests that dealt with the edge cases. It would be good to have additional tests that prove the success of the command. In this case, it would be giving an infected person and confirming that the generated results are the expected results.

    Could this perhaps be shifted to info handler class? This can help to keep calculation and information handling methods consolidated in one place.

    This code is quite long. May I suggest extracting part of it into another method? This is a suggestion in accordance to single line of abstraction.

    You have added tests capturing failing conditions. May I suggest tests that confirm success conditions as well?

    Is this possibly a spelling error? Form or From?

    Perhaps some documentation or name changing could be done? Its hard for me to directly understand the significance between 60 percent and the visits chosen.

    This test feels like it might be more appropriate elsewhere. This is a class for tests involving location as itself. Perhaps this test might belong to a info handler or for a class that directly implements this.

    Perhaps these methods could be shifted to info handler class? This can help to consolidate all information handling methods to one class.

    Suggest using a comment block instead of multiple single line comments.

    A comment block looks like this.


    some comment

    more comments


    Suggest putting both comments in 1 line rather than having multiple single line comments.

    This method seems very similar to the above method getTypicalLocations. I feel that since both methods are used in test cases, naming this method getLocationsForTest doesnt differentiate the purpose of the 2 methods. Perhaps naming it as getUnorderedTypicalLocations() would be better?

    This method seems very similar to the above method getTypicalLocationBook. I feel that since both methods are used in test cases, naming this method getTypicalLocationBookForTest doesnt differentiate the purpose of the 2 methods. Perhaps naming it as getUnorderedTypicalLocationBook() would be better?

    identical visits here, resulting in error.

    I think that there is no need to create a separate exception for wrong date. Instead, parseException should be used.

    According to the code in Parser class, any exceptions or mistakes in the input is returned in a ParseException. In this case, we can save on a class whose implementation is identical to ParseException.

    I think this message can be replaced with the MESSAGE_INVALID_DATE_FORMAT constant from Messages.java.

    With the comments above, this can be implemented as a single line instead.

    date = ParserUtil.parseDate(argMultimap.getValue(PREFIX_DATE).get());

    Sure. Understood

    Instead of having this, suggest importing the message from Messages.java

    please revert back to a single line

    Sorry, please ignore this.

    done by direct editing of file.

    Please refer to it as index rather than id. Reminder that ID is a concept that is hidden from users.

    Suggest to replace with the assertThrow from Command utils

    Suggest to replace with AssertThrow from command utils

    This test is repeated and ought to be deleted.

    Repeated tests are detected here.

    Repeated tests are detected here.

    Please change this to index instead of id. Only index number is exposed to the user.

    Suggest replacing with an existing method inside command utils that handles commands. The method name is AssertCommandSuccess()

    Consider providing the examples for Linux as well? Since target users may be using linux too.

    I think this may be a typo error? The use of "addFromCsv" is unexpected.

    Would suggest adding a remark that location and person csv files (if available) be added first before visit csv files. This is because visits depend on locations and persons being in the virustracker first.

    Can I check that these icons (person, location, visit and bg) are free art? Are there any references/acknowledgements that need to be made? If there is, copyright.txt would be the place to do it.

    For the user guide link, it doesn't look user friendly to give the github link. Please use the formal website link instead as follows. The format is similar to the old addressbook user guide link.


    May I ask what is the significance of using >? super Person> rather than > Person > ?

    ok got it. thank you.

    Overriding the equals method from ReadOnlyIndexIdPair will break some tests. This is because some tests make comparisons between IndexIdPair and IndexIdPairStub. Additionally, may I know what would be the significance of an equals method that only compares the prefix? The IndexIdPair also contains two optionals for fields.

    Ah I see. Thanks for the explanation.

    The tests that I am referring to are inside VirusTrackerParserTest.java. e.g. parseCommand_deleteLocation(). Within these tests assertEquals is used to compare between the final parsed command which may contain IndexIdPair and the expected command which contains IndexIdPairStub. Considering that IndexIdPairStub doesnt contain a prefix, I was afraid that the tests might fail.

    I see. Thank you.

    Does this aspect "Only the first line with such an error will be displayed, so it is possible that other lines may not have enough paramters as well" also apply for number 3? If so it may be possible to merge 2 and 3 together since they show the same behaviour.

    Unique Identifier gives a feeling of something more like Id. I would suggest sticking to using INDEX to avoid any possible confusion with the use of terminelogy. With reference to the User Guide, Unique Identifier is used to refer to Id and Index as a group.

    Currently VirusTracker takes in 1 line per command. There is no back and forth between VirusTracker and the user when executing a command. I think steps 1 and 2 can be removed.

    Similarly this applies for the other use cases written.

    This assert seems unnecessary since it is clear within this method code that assert has to be more than or equal to 1.

    Would suggest to update the UserGuide as well regarding the type of special characters allowed. The user guide has a section explaining the valid format of emails.

    The second test does not guarantee testing for two consecutive periods, since the local part ends with a hyphen. I would suggest removing the hyphen from the test for two periods.

    This set of message, seems to imply that high risk locations will always need a number, but I believe that you also allow for no number to be given as well? Perhaps you could wrap HIGH_RISK_LOCATIONS_NUMBER with [ ]

    brackets, since that is used to indicate that a parameter is optional.

    In addition, I would suggest separating the two examples using "Ëxample: ".

    Currently it would look like:

    Example: list l/people

    list 3 l/high-risk-locations.

    It might look better like this.

    Example: list l/people

    Example: list 3 l/high-risk-locations.

    Small grammar mistake. Instead of "number of total locations.", perhaps it should be "the total number of locations."

    There is no spacing between "visits" and "in" in this sentence.

    asserThrows method from commandutils can be used here.

    There are also other code locations that can use assertThrows

    The assertThrows method is overloaded to also take in the expected message of the exception thrown. Using this can help combine your previous assertThrow method and the try catch block into one line.

    The assertThrows method is overloaded to also take in the expected message of the exception thrown. Using this can help combine your previous assertThrow method and the try catch block into one line.

    The name is quite general since visits as a class may have their own definition of validity too. While the docs does give an explanation, method name itself is still not intuitive.

    Intuitively, its hard to think of visits being associated with one another. I would suggest using a better word or add more details to the method name.

    I find that Addable as a method name feels very general. Perhaps addableVisitBy.... with some explanation at the back would be better.

    Spelling error is intentional for the invalid person.

    Have added additional assertions.

    Have changed the method name

    Thanks for the catch! I have updated it.

    This copy of valid visit is hard coded, by using the visit builder class. The hard coded values are retrieved using the getOneBased method. Valid visit has no direct reference to filtered visit at all.

    The gist of this test is that my model's filtered lists for person and location currently store only 1 location with id 3 and 1 person with id 4. This is done using the showLocationAtIndex, showPersonAtIndex methods above. Im giving the model input using index 1 and index 1 for person and location, because the list user sees contains only 1 element. After processing however, I am expecting the visit to point to ids 3 and 4 respectively. This is done by comparing the final visit from the visit list with the expected visit created using valid visit.

    Yeah it is. Have removed it.

    Sure! I have added exception checking.

    Got it! Done!

    indexIdPair constructor might throw a ParseException. Hence, the solution is either to use a try catch block, or have the test method throw the parse exception. I chose to use try catch in this case.

    Ok, i went to look through other tests and it seems addressbook for person tests chooses to have the method throw exception. I will follow accordingly.

    Done! I have added it.

    Thus far, there are no commands which require the use of indexes for visits. Hence, I feel we can leave this out.

    Sure! I have swapped the color to another variation of orange.

    Sure! I have added yellow boxes around the relevant areas.

    I understand. I will take note of this.

    I have updated the notes to highlight this.

    Indeed! I have added links to that section for the user.

    Ids being unique are highlighted within the addPerson and addLocation commands.

    I have chosen to separate the information into separate lists based on their content. One list is for how to use indexes and ids and the other is for warnings to take note about. I believe this will help improve readability.

    isnt this repeated with #19?

    isnt this repeated with #18?

    Pull Request Approval:

    Before approving any pull requests, please ensure the following is done.

    1. Eyeballing the code for any possible logic or other errors. This is also to familiarise yourself with implementation of the system.

    2. Pull the pull request down into a local branch and give the features a test run. This is to check whether it actually works since eyeballing code may not be fool proof in ensuring functionality.

    In addition, you might want to update the details of the pull request if it does indeed include some functionality involving the daily statistics. This is on the assumption that it is included.

    Pull request was merged using Admin powers without going through 2 approvals.

    However, noted that I would have given approval after the recent commits, so no harm done. Please be careful in the future though.

    Thanks for the review. I have improved the Pull Request according to your comments.

    Suggest to merge visit id fix PR first #136 and see if any of the tests crash for this particular PR.

    If none crash, I will automatically give my approval for merging this.

    Shall be closed as participation has already been counted and PR is not relevant for VirusTracker

    Shall be closed as participation has already been counted and PR is not relevant for VirusTracker

    Shall be closed as participation has already been counted and PR is not relevant for VirusTracker

    Shall be closed as participation has already been counted and PR is not relevant for VirusTracker

    Shall be closed as participation has already been counted and PR is not relevant for VirusTracker

    Completed by #126

    Hi everyone, please help run a few test runs with the application.

    Pull from this branch into a local branch and run a few methods that you created for the application. This can help confirm that the application has not bugged out or lost any functionality during refactoring.

    This merge does not implement a WrongDateFormatException.

    Instead it throws a ParseException that represents a wrong date format.

    Resolved by #161

    Resolved by #161

    We noted that this implementation presents the following bug where an update to a person/location name does not correspondingly update the name of the person in the visit. This will be resolved in a future update.

    Due to the wide ranging impact that this change could be bring, this is deemed as a prerequisite issue that should be resolved as soon as possible before other pull requests.

    This pull request is ready for merging.

    While all effort has been made not to regress VirusTracker in this PR, because ID is used widely across all aspects of the VirusTracker, it is recommended that all teammates check through the tests and functionality in detail for any breaking of code or bugs.

    Users will be expected to prepend their own data with prefixes before importing data. This could be something we can look into for further enhancements.

    Rationale for using prefixes: To avoid autoformatting which may lead to effects like removing leading zeros. Adding prefixes ensures that a CSV that was exported can be imported without changes to another program.

    This is a part 1 of code refactor, concerned with the model classes. There will be a part 2 that follows, regarding test cases and command classes.

    The goal of aiming to merge this first, is to allow other teammates to utilize the updated methods during their refactoring or analysis of their own code.

    Good work with improving test coverage.

    Close in #260

    A change to fix this should be implemented.

    1. make the default display size bigger to include the visit list

    2. prevent the user from being able to reduce the display size such that the visit list gets covered.

    There is a need to differentiate between indexes and IDs.

    Since Singapore's IDs have letters and indexes do not, it can be seen in Singapore's use of NRIC/FIN usage that there may not be such a need. However, there are identity numbers in other countries such as Philippine (PhilSys Number), South Korea (Resident Registration Number) which only use numbers in their IDs.

    VirusTracker is intended to be an application for use by governments across the world. Hence, there is a need for prefixes to separately identify whether a number is an ID or an index.

    While the reasoning to support this change makes sense, I would suggest keeping the prefix for the following reasons.

    1. The list command is not the only command to make use of the list prefix. The two CSV commands also make use of the list prefix. It would become much more inconvenient for the user to have to remember that list prefixes do not apply for the list command, but applies for the CSV related commands.

    2. The length of the prefix itself is not long. "l/" is two characters which is easily typed.

    Indeed, this is a feature and not a bug. Nevertheless, the user guide can be improved to make it clearer.

    "Repeating parameters" by itself may not be a sufficient explanation of the intent.

    This classifies as a feature flaw.

    VirusTracker should make an additional check to prevent visits from the future being added.

    Because different countries may have different ID formats, we do not want to set too strong a limit on the format of IDs that users can use. However, setting ID to have a minimum length should be appropriate and will be done.

    Yes, an additional section in the user guide to mention the expectations of the formats for all parameters will be added.

    VirusTracker should prevent the user from being able to reduce the display size such that the visit list gets covered.

    Duplicate with #247

    While allowing $ to be used in addresses is intended, the user guide should be clearer to the users about what addresses are considered as valid.

    An additional section in the user guide to mention the expectations of the formats for all parameters will be added.

    Duplicate #255

    Yes I agree. The address part of Locations should be unique.

    Thank you for the regex suggestion for Singapore addresses. However, this bug will be rejected.

    VirusTracker is intended for use by government health officials and this is not restricted to Singapore only. Since non-Singapore addresses should be accepted, we cannot use a regex that only detects Singapore addresses.

    I agree with this. VirusTracker should permit people to have the same name. However, VirusTracker already allows people to have the same name. This issue will be closed.

    To improve user experience, it would be good to have the background of an empty list be similar to the background of filled lists.

    The text field at the bottom has no meaning towards VirusTracker. It ought to be removed to avoid further confusion to users.

    This appears to be a misunderstanding of the user guide. A person is duplicate if either one of the following happens:

    1. same name and same email

    2. same name and same phone

    Having the same phone and same email does not trigger the condition.

    Wrap text functionality should be applied to each field to help prevent truncation. Using horizontal scroll bars would be avoided since it would make the interface clunkier for the user.

    Wrap text functionality should be applied to each field to help prevent truncation. Using horizontal scroll bars would be avoided since it would make the interface clunkier for the user.

    This issue should be closed. There are other more pressing issues relevant to v1.4

    Please update the refactored usage of high risk locations inside the user guide as well. Currently, the user guide does not explain to users the option about indicating a number for VirusTracker to use.

    closed by #286

    Closes #285

    Might need to change the URL for the badge!

    Oops! I think the benefit for this is wrong!

    Also, I was wondering if we should combine the benefits stated in potential users and use the combined version for this user story?

    Apart from this, everything LGTM!

    Just a minor issue but perhaps this @return should be removed as well!

    Oops minor typo here!

    I think this should be removed as well!

    Perhaps it might be better to change this to a more warehouse-like-name to avoid any potential confusion! Wondering if we need to change the variable name as well?

    Do we also need to change the variable name here as well?

    Here too!

    Oops traces of supplier here!

    This part here as well!

    This should be AddProductCommand!

    I think this message could be clearer! Perhaps something along the lines of "Tag names should contain only 1 word"!

    Perhaps this could be "Adds a product to a supplier in the CLI-nic app"!

    Just wondering if this violates the law of Demeter?

    Not too sure if this is on the same line! But if it is, perhaps the concatenation might not be needed here!

    Can I clarify what is the remark book??

    Oops! Lines 76 and 78 are swapped!

    Not too sure if this is still relevant!

    If the above comment is relevant!

    Perhaps the else clause could be removed here as well!

    Perhaps the clause can be removed here as well to make it more prominent!

    Minor typo here! Should swap "the" and "from"!

    Perhaps we should try to make the explanation consistent for both suppliers and warehouses??

    I think the message should be "not stored / contained in warehouse"!

    Just wondering if this line is extraneous?

    I think it should be {@Index} instead of @code targetIndex! I believe they used the class instead of the argument name!

    If we are using the class name instead of the argument name, then this part needs to be changed as well!

    Perhaps we could just return the function without the else clause here!

    This @code too if we are using class name!

    This too!

    Do we have tests for invalid index when deleting products??

    Ahh oops! I was wondering if it would be possible to make the explanation for the examples in line 159 and 161 consistent? In line 159, it says "of the list of warehouse" and then in line 161 it says "from list of suppliers". Would it be possible to use the same format for both??

    Ahh okok! Thanks for clarifying 😃

    Ahh ok! Thanks for the update!!

    Oops typo here!

    Hmm the example above doesn't really show the t/TAG! Might be a little confusing!

    Missing warehouse!

    Perhaps we might want to change the format to fit the example below!

    Hmm would it be possible to combine these two?

    There seems to be an extra EMAIL_DESC_BOB here!

    Minor typo in the comment here!

    Should this be CLI-nic?

    Minor issue but perhaps these comments should start with "Finds", "Removes" and "Updates" instead!

    Should this be EditSupplierDescriptor type?

    Else clause can be excluded here!

    Perhaps we could combine this into one if-condition!

    Oops prefix should be index instead of name here!

    Hmm just wondering if "details of new macro" is wrong??

    Should be list here!

    We might want to make "Alias" lowercase for consistency!

    Minor typo here "Is to helps"!

    Is there a mistake here? "No warehouse is added. Adds the warehouse to the list"

    Ohh does this test case add the warehouse to the list as well??

    Minor typo here! Should be "Supplier"!

    I think it should be "no supplier is edited"!

    The same as above!!

    Since we are splitting into viewing supplier and warehouse section, perhaps we could specify the type instead of leaving it as TYPE!

    Same as above!!

    Minor typo here! "show only supplier"

    Prefix should be w here!

    Supplier typo here too!

    Should be "help command format" here!

    Oops typo here!

    I think it would be better!!

    Oops minor typo in method name!

    Oops a little confused here as well! Why is this returning an email??

    This too!

    Yes I used the same reasoning as edit! But then again, this was why we decided to go with prefix for the find command as well!

    I suspect last argument might be a little confusing because users might think it is the very last argument at the end of the command!

    Great catch!! Thanks 😃

    Hmm it didn't show up previously in IntelliJ as well! I suspect it will only show when we view it on GH!

    Ahh I might change to to something like the one in DeleteCommand!

    Ahh I just checked! I think this is an issue with the rendering here! There are no extra blank spaces in the file!

    Ohh yes this is a neat suggestion!

    Looks like theres a formatting issue here

    I think we should turn the 4 into a constant, i.e. private static final CALORIC_MULTIPLIER = 4. Same for the rest of the macronutrient classes

    Similar to the toString function, I think we can factor this out to the superclass. If we do that then we can also change all its protected access modifiers to the ideologically superior private.

    Looks like you're using the assertion incorrectly, it should be

    assert amount >= 0 : "amount cannot be negative"; instead.

    Currently it will print the error message regardless of whether the assertion passed or failed.

    Also a side note: we should use the java logger instead of System.out.println apparently.

    Maybe you could add a TODO comment on what kinds of methods to add to this class/how it should be used.

    e.g. // TODO: Food FoodMethodHandler.combineFood(Food firstItem, Food secondItem) or something

    IIRC we need to write javadocs for each class according to the module specifications.

    IMO we should keep this as the string "Carbohydrate" instead. Makes the code more explicit.

    Same for the other macronutrients

    I think we should @override the object.equals method instead. Having 2 methods claiming to do the same thing will invite bugs.

    This method only makes sense if we have unique objects in the list, maybe you could change the target to the Index of the object in the list, or require all objects in the fridge to be unique.

    Same as the setFood method

    I think we should rename this to macronutrientType or something so we don't confuse this type with a java type.

    Assertion here could be more descriptive (e.g. "Macronutrient type cannot be blank"), since we are changing name to type.

    We should be checking for referential equality here i think? i.e. assertTrue(expectedFridge == fridge), not sure if object equality is intended.

    Same as below comment

    typo in caloriMultiplier.

    Also I think you MacronutrientStub or something would be a better class name. The current one sounds like this is an object that creates other macronutrients.

    Should remove this or put a TODO comment if its blank

    I think this should be withFood or something

    Also is using person here intended?

    I think a comment would be good here to say it takes the name from the class name

    Maybe we should change int index to Index index, i.e. the class from AB3.

    I think we should keep this as just assertThrows instead. We should stick to the static asserts for tests

    same for all the other test files that were changed

    hmm we may be able to abstract this part a bit more in the future, just a note, no need to change now

    this is not an email !

    I think we should be using getNutrientValue here instead?

    this method violates DRY, we should really remove this

    this is important

    can't see clearly in the diff but I think we're missing a javadoc here

    We should extend Exception instead because they are checked

    extending RuntimeException will lead to a lot of very painful uncaught errors

    Same as the other DuplicateFoodException, RuntimeException is very spooky

    I guess this is valid but should we leave this or change it to mcspicy or something

    same as invalidFoodMcGymmy, i think we should use actual food names here

    same as the .json files, we should change to food values

    Maybe change the names and tags here as well to food

    As above, I think we should change these names

    could abstract this into a method hasDuplicates in ReadOnlyMcGymmy or its superclass

    this should be if (food == comp) for referential equality (the is operator in python).

    Comparing the hashcodes does not guarantee the food and comp are the same object in memory.

    As with the other files, should change this to food.

    should change all these to resemble the typical values, except with an underscore, space etc.

    i.e. each test should only have 1 reason to fail.

    Should use the module convention, i.e. protein_isValid_correct or something

    Same for the methods in the other test classes

    Need to change these examples too

    We should change all these names/values to food ones.

    Should be Carbs.MESSAGE_CONSTRAINTS instead here, same for fats below

    i think toString might override the java object's default method, so that might cause problems (including confusion in developers)

    maybe we could use the module convention toString_isCorrect or something instead

    maybe something more useful here could be to set a boolean flag hasBeenUndoed or something to true here, and checking it in the execute_canUndo_success part

    I think we can shave off the parsing part bc it would have been mentioned in the above sections.

    Makes the diagram less packed

    there seems to be a typo in the file's name itself (it's FIndSequenceDiagram.png in the folder or sth)

    This part maybe can go higher level (remove specific details on which methods get run and just say what happens, e.g. "it combines the predicates then filters the list"?

    Also for the diagram itself may be able to shave off the parsing part (i.e. only show what happens after the .execute()) because it will be repeated in the previous section

    I think we can change this to a for loop where we delete using the filteredList's predicate, i.e.

    var predicate = filteredFoodItems.getPredicate();

    for (Food food : listOfFoodSomewhere) {

    if (predicate.check(food)) {




    This will work as intended, as long as getPredicate and setPredicate in fxcollections works as intended

    Can also create a public void filter(Predicate p) in Fridge.java then call it somehow in this method.

    Then we can use java streams to filter and override the list (but don't forget to invert the boolean predicate).

    I think with the new implementation we can delete this method and the other related one in Fridge

    Remove this method then should be good to merge

    I think for this long chain we can replace it with a stream/list of all the above predicates + a stream.reduce call.

    Will be much cleaner

    For these changes is it due to the "" OptionalParameter misbehaving?

    Perhaps we could log that as an issue and address it in another PR. Don't think hardcoding these exceptions are a good idea.

    A suggestion I have is to collect all these Predicate classes into 1 file and turn each individual Predicate class into a function that returns an anonymous class, i.e.

    public class Predicates {

    public Predicate<Food> makeDatePredicate(String date) throws ParseException {

    return new Predicate<Food>() {

    // all the code below



    // ... more predicates


    Will reduce a lot of the java boilerplate in the codebase.

    Alternatively if we wanted to cap it at 5000 we can do "[012345]?(\d){1,3}" or sth

    TODO will have to address this next time: each parsing function should catch this and rethrow as ParseError

    Could have placed this in FoodBuilder where you made a new function BuildUnsafe which throws a RuntimeException or IllegalValueException just for testing, to reduce the code changed. but this works too.

    Too much effort to change to the above suggestion, so i guess we can leave this.

    Leaving this in for now, but we should depreciate this constructor in another PR. see #214

    also 0 is valid right? can we change it to can only contain non-negative integers less than 1000

    possibly save the formatted string as a variable? since it is reused quite a bit.

    maybe we can change both to inclusive bounds, (so we change the UB to 999). Seems more intuitive/consistent.

    I think our limit for values is 1000, there's a function in MacroNutrient that says

    private String getMessageConstraint() {

    return this.getMacronutrientType() + " amount can only take in value larger than 0 and less than 1000";


    Also I think we should make all the error messages use this function somehow, so we have DRY. see #215

    I'm quite sure its for all of those though? either way we have to limit all of them to much lower than MAX_INT

    do we need this?

    maybe change title to invalidSomethingImport like the below function

    should change to notRequired to be clear maybe

    i meant i don't think these tests add any value. Maybe we should remove this

    checking getters/setters are quite redundant to me imo

    Hmm looks like I may have accidentally removed this during the safe delete or something, will update and restore it.

    Yes that seems to be better. Good catch.

    I'll add a couple more tests for this, along with some unit/integration tests with the Commands.

    Nope, if you try to declare multiple of the same parameters there will be an assertion error somewhere.

    Technically you can work around this, by declaring a new class that contains the two parameters, e.g.

    the command:

    takeTwoIntegers 1 2

    may have a parameter

    private Parameter<IntPair> param = this.addParameter(..., IntPair::parse)

    and the IntPair class is as follows:

    class IntPair {

    public int a;

    public int b;

    public parse(String str) {

    IntPair result = new IntPair();

    result.a = ...


    Don't think any of our commands will involve these kinds of parameters, but if they do we may have to either redesign the command or the parser. (We'll solve that problem when it happens)

    Yes, for the first one the 1 will be considered as input to the -n parameter, and the unnamed parameter will have no input (so there will be an error).

    I'll add this and the comment below into the PR's docs.

    No point imo since I'm not reusing the string outside this function.

    Also would add more noise which we're gonna change anyway (when we change people to food).

    yup you're probably right. I mustve copy pasted wrongly somewhere

    for tests we usually just throw Exception because if any exception happens JUnit will catch it and display the error message and error type.

    Its more convenient to do this and also we don't need the extra type checking for the specific error thrown (DataConversionException).

    the list is final though, so then we will have to unfinalize it

    also this is consistent/the same as the implementation in JsonSerializableMcGymmy.

    Yeah since Macronutrient's constructor throws IVE we need to catch it somewhere when creating the subclasses

    actually just thought of a better alternative, will implement it soon

    have to ask @Jh123x about this

    EDIT nvm, Java is far too inflexible. This is probably the best solution we have.

    This is just checking if the function works i.e. a default carbohydrate can be created properly. If there are any problems a runtime exception/assertion will be thrown and this test will fail.

    the isValid method is for checking user input (strings).

    Very minor issue. I think we can put this in another PR if needed

    ok just checked, this implementation is correct. The exception is thrown for invalid inputs (empty string, etc).

    These inputs should not even show up because of the way our parser works, but if they do, we want them to not match any of the food items.

    this is the correct format. Just checked on my fork and this gives the correct link

    good job

    Added a skeleton to Duong's PR. Should be able to add on from there while avoiding merge conflicts.

    (related note: can someone approve that PR? don't think I can do it because I also contributed a commit.)

    We should use the same format as the one from AB3 (copied over below).

    Use case: Delete food


    1. User requests to list persons

    2. AddressBook shows a list of persons

    3. User requests to delete a specific person in the list

    4. AddressBook deletes the person

      Use case ends.


    • 2a. The list is empty.

      Use case ends.

    • 3a. The given index is invalid.

      • 3a1. AddressBook shows an error message.

        Use case resumes at step 2.

    The CI test says that you are missing the shadow plugins

    Seems like a github actions issue. This happens from time to time.

    Closing and reopening the PR should restart the CI process (hopefully fixing this).


    I think I can do this easily using the new logic architecture

    Preliminary findings:

    This is actually a symptom of a much bigger problem: the code is violating SRP and Seperation of Concerns.


    Right now the model classes (i.e. Fridge, UniqueFoodList) are throwing these RuntimeExceptions when the food being added is a duplicate etc.

    The reason why this has not been a problem so far is because (for the case of the DuplicateFoodException) the 2 classes that add to the food list/fridge, the AddCommand and EditCommand have guard clauses that throw an error when a duplicate food item is being added.

    if (!(foodToEdit.equals(editedFood)) && model.hasFood(editedFood)) {

    throw new CommandException(MESSAGE_DUPLICATE_FOOD);


    this one

    Frankly this shouldn't be the job of the EditCommand or AddCommand and now we have to include extra tests to ensure these guard clauses work.

    Using the current design, in the future if we add more Commands or other functionality that add food items to the model, we will have to keep in mind to catch these duplicates ourselves else oopsies! the program will explode because Fridge threw a RuntimeException.

    It is my firm belief that since Java so benevolently offers to handle these problems for us (with checked exceptions), we forgetful humans should gracefully accept its help.

    Note: I just remembered we're allowing duplicates now but the above argument still applies to the other FoodNotFoundException.

    Proposed Change

    Recall the current guard clause used:

    if (!(foodToEdit.equals(editedFood)) && model.hasFood(editedFood)) {

    throw new CommandException(MESSAGE_DUPLICATE_FOOD);


    If DuplicateFoodException is thrown as a checked exception, we can easily wrap it in a try-catch:

    try {

    // do the adding here or wtv nonsense

    } catch (DuplicateFoodException e) {

    throw new CommandException(MESSAGE_DUPLICATE_FOOD);


    Copied over the justification from AB3

    PersonNotFoundException is a checked exception. It is thrown by methods

    such as `UniquePersonList#remove(Person)`,

    `UniquePersonList#setPerson(Person, Person)` etc. to signify that

    certain preconditions were not met -- namely that the person provided to

    those methods does not exist in the address book/UniquePersonList.

    Using checked exceptions for such a purpose is slightly useful in that

    it will force callers to handle the case where the above preconditions

    are not met, such as when the methods are called with invalid user


    However, it imposes a HUGE cost on callers where the preconditions are

    already known to be met (e.g. in test code, or when the user input has

    already been validated before hand). In such a case, callers are forced

    to add try-catch blocks around the method call even if they know that

    the exception will never be thrown, bloating up the code. It is also

    impossible to test the catch blocks as well since correct code will

    ensure that the precondition holds and thus the exception will never be

    thrown, leading to reduced code coverage.

    Checked exceptions also don't work very well with the Java Streams API,

    since the API doesn't accept lambdas which could throw checked


    In AB-4, the amount of code which benefits from PersonNotFoundException

    being a checked exception is much smaller than the amount of code which

    is negatively impacted.

    As such, let's make the tradeoff in the other direction, by making

    PersonNotFoundException a RuntimeException. New callers _could_ forget

    to check that the preconditions hold before calling the methods in

    question (although test cases should catch that), but this is balanced

    out by the huge benefit of having more concise and testable code.

    Only argument I agree with is the Java Streams one, but we can work around this.

    We can discuss this in the next team meeting.

    Will make this a not draft after I add some tests or something maybe

    The code is mostly formatting text to be printed so I dont think unit tests will benefit it much

    Once we merge this we need to add a new issue since the executeCommand("help") is hardcoded for the button

    e.g. find -date 2020-11-11 -tag lunch

    e.g. find rice -date 2020-11-11 -tag lunch

    FRONT MATTERS (Team 20%)

    1. Clear and concise statement of the purpose of the document, and the target audience

    2. Clear and concise user-centric statement of product information, e.g. product description and overview of main features

    3. Clear and complete information about how to use the document, e.g. how to navigate the document, meaning of icons/formatting used.

    4. Clear and complete information about how to get started, e.g. installation instructions, parts of the GUI, tutorial on how to use CLI, etc.

    5. Shows reader consideration by going the extra mile to provide other necessary information, or to make this section welcoming and appealing to the reader.

    INSTRUCTIONS for each implementation (Individual 50%)

    1. clear and user-centric description of purpose of feature/function/command

    2. Clear and easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions for at least one example

    3. Clear, relevant, and helpful graphics. Visual and/or textual cues are used to indicate which graphic(s) go with which set of instructions.

    4. Heading, instructions and examples are customized to the application

    5. Highly considerate of user’ needs by providing other relevant and helpful information e.g. warnings, tips, important note.

    6. Highly considerate of users’ needs by using formatting (font style, size and color, mark-ups, callouts, bold, italics, etc) and layout (white space, alignment, etc.) to maximize readability.

    7. Well-chosen, accurate and reader-focused language.

    PRESENTATION (Team 10%)

    1. Consistent terminology throughout the document.

    2. Consistent formatting (symbols/icons, font type and size, colors, image size, use of mark-ups and callouts, bullets, etc.) and layout (alignment of text and graphics, white space, paragraphing, etc.) throughout the document.

    3. Easy to navigate (e.g. provides hyperlinks where necessary or expected, Table of Contents is accurate, etc.)


    1. Consistent phrasing of headings and sub-headings throughout the document

    2. All headings and sub-headings clearly and accurately indicate content of each section

    3. Consistent user-centric style and tone throughout the document, e.g. you-language, active tense, short sentences, etc.

    4. Correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, mechanics throughout the document

    OVERALL (Team 10%)

    1. Document is highly attractive, pleasant to read, and easy to understand.

    2. The document leaves the reader with a highly positive impression of the product and the team.

    edit here https://github.com/Jh123x/tp/blob/User-Guide-v2.0/docs/UserGuide.md

    TODO: will move MacroList into the model in the next PR.

    Do we want an option to find before/after a certain date? i.e. show all foods created before/after a certain date?

    Or we can put this in another PR/not do this at all.

    likely this is the cause #112

    Also we should make it such that each command is undoable and document this in the UG. Easiest solution

    note 1: problem because filtered list for both actual/expected model has size of 1.

    update: list actually not getting filtered properly

    same as #145

    Likely if we export a file, edit some carbohydrate value to 500000 and import it, this will cause the app to explode

    Have to check if the AB3 storage part catches this

    The group I tested for dry run PE had a bug because of this. This is worth looking into

    its this one #145

    Duplicated, see the updated #216

    Don't merge yet... still got some dead code related to the old exception... (checkstyle cannot catch... sigh...)

    EDIT: ok done... see commit belows for details...

    Can do this in the future. Skip for 1.4.

    codecov is misbehaving today, can try re-running the CI another time.

    Possibly daylight saving problems, considering this post is in the future.

    For reference, https://github.com/JoeyChenSmart/tp/blob/joey-ppp/docs/team/joeychensmart.md

    I was thinking more in the line of "the two methods should point to the same string" rather than "the two different strings should have the same content", but that might take a bit of work.

    Also related PR #208 not sure if theres overlaps?

    Ran a special checkstyle script and found a couple of potential problems (mainly missing class javadocs)

    Too long function

    • EditCommand#execute

    • JsonAdaptedFood#toModelType

    Missing class javadocs

    • ImportCommand.java

    • TagCommand.java

    • SummaryDisplay.java

    • UntagCommand.java

    • UndoCommand.java


    • assertion in the constructor of MacroNutrient is redundant/bad

    • valid amount in MacroNutrient is a magic number

    Actually I think if you are using assertions, you should not re-throw them in the method


    void pop() throws AssertionError {

    assert !stack.empty() : "History is empty";



    should be just

    void pop() {

    assert !stack.empty() : "History is empty";




    Assertions are there to allow us as developers to locate potential bugs/violations of pre conditions, so we want them to fail as quickly as possible in the code. Re throwing them like the above example will cause the location of the error to be confused (the caller of pop will throw the error, but we want pop to throw the error).

    Also I think we should keep the previous (non assertion) error, for defensive programming

    Actually would be nice to put a comment in the line you fixed this.

    The code that does the checkargument in date is a bit terse/strange if you are not familiar with this issue.

    I don't think this line need to add UC2?

    Might be better to change it to:

    1. McGymmy shows a list of food in the database.

    List of Food that user has added works too


    Just curious, what does this affect for the main page?

    It kinda looks like a link to the repo like github.com/se-edu/addressbook-level3 and github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-W17-3/tp

    Yes need the space after the ##

    Might want to change this to a constant?

    Like VALID_NAME_AMY, similar to the one u did in edit command test

    Ookie in that case LTGM

    I think we should use this.class.getName() instead and put it in the Macronutrient class and use it for each of the food items?

    Might be able to clear up quite a few of the other assertions and methods mentioned below in Macronutrient


    Might not need this if we can get the nutrient type using the method mentioned in Carbohydrates.

    This link might need to be changed in the future

    Might be better to remove for now?

    Might be better to put it into a method rather than just declaring

    Can use @Before to initialise the fridge to reduce the complexity of layering the different test cases on top of one another (This might help if we decide to change/add more test cases in the future)

    public void beforeEachTestMethod() {
        System.out.println("Invoked before each test method");

    Might wanna remove this whitespace for consistency

    Might be able to use CommandTestUtil here to reduce code duplication.

    Can compare the tags after the CommandTestUtil.assertCommandSuccess

    I think there is alr a similar method in the current version

    I think the standard for 2103 uses 8 spaces instead iirc. Same for Food.toString method

    I think the test convention for other test cases are like getCalories_isCorrect or smth like that x.x

    ^^ Same comment as Joey

    Might be better to abstract this.protein to getProtein(), same for carbs and fats

    Might want to change like the names to something more food-related >>

    Sorry I meant case insensitive >>

    Oo yea true. rip idk what i was thinking when i vetted x.x

    Might be better to use regex to check if it is of the correct format first rather than having an empty catch clause?

    Nice color 😄

    Hmm true.

    But I rmb hearing somewhere in 2103 that empty catch clause is bad thou.

    Hmm ookie

    Might want to add some test for editing the date in the future

    Can add some assertions here regarding calling the function when it is unable to undo

    Is this for it keeping the same filter after the edit of the food?

    I think it should be throw DataConversionException here?

    I think its the same thing here?

    and here?

    I see

    This line will need to change to MacroList

    This line too

    This line will need to change to fit Macro Context

    Maybe remove the initialiazation and just assign macro = source.getAsList().stream().map(JsonAdaptedMacro::new).collect(Collectors.toList())

    Hmm I see

    I think its good to add an assertion if the food to be removed does not exist as checking for existence should occur before actually removing the food.

    Something along this line instead?

    var predicate = filteredFoodItems.getPredicate();

    newList = listOfFoodSomewhere.stream.filter((x) -&gt; !predicate.check(food)).collect(Collectors.toList());

    setMcGymmy(new McGymmy(newList));

    I think you haven saved this file to the .png format yet

    I think it is to confirm that the code is working when we run it with assertions.

    The if statement below is to make sure that there are no errors in case we miss some paths / did not run with assertions

    the filtered list is implemented in Model so I think it will be better to implement in model instead of in Fridge.

    Can be a possible future optimization

    I think it will be better to put the food item as a Parameter instead of optional?

    If all of them are optional the user can just get away with using just find unless there is some form of a check to ensure not all of them are empty

    Oh ok, I see. I think we can mention that in the DG and no changes will have to be made.

    rmmacro might be better (rm used in Linux interface)??

    You will sound damn weird here

    Maybe you can?

    I dont think this one need to change to you should?

    Maybe can add Parameters into here too >>

    Would be better if it is File must exist.

    This is updated in #237 as FILE_CONSTRAINTS is more specific, it replaced the MESSAGE_IMPORT_FOOD_FAILURE instead. But that is for another pr x.x

    Maybe it is better to be Undo the previous action that caused changes to ModelManager?

    Missing Fullstop?

    Same here

    Missing .html at the back for some of them (Edit: Oops its not .md >> Might be .HTML)

    Might want to change the name to a Pair but it is a minor issue >>

    Its less than 1000 rather than not exceeding

    I think we need to change this to EmptyStackException too.

    Why was this removed?

    I think we should add a test case where there are 2 userPrefs with the same values but not the same object.

    It must be smaller than 1000 rather than 2^31. Same for the ones below

    It should be no larger than the size of the list instead of smaller than 2^31

    I don't think its for index. It only applies to MacroNutrients

    As this is only change used for the index, is it better to store this within index instead of ParserUtil?

    hmm, then it should be the minimum of the 2?

    we can also change it to long just in case too

    Might be better to leave it in for defensive programming?

    Edit: Sure that works too

    What do you mean by this?

    Ookie Thanks

    Simplified similar to how Kamil did it

    Currently it is 999 iirc as the regex checks for the presences of between 1 to 3 numbers



    It is to make sure all of them point to the same message so that the messages shown will be consistent everywhere

    It changes from each execution of the command so at most it can only be a local variable.

    Edit: It actually makes a huge diff >>

    Hmm not exactly. It's for testing if the setLogLevel function works correctly.

    Is it better if i rename it to setLogLevelTest?

    Hmm ok


    Tags and Addr not implemented as they will be removed by the end of the iteration

    Will make this a not draft after I add some tests or something maybe

    The code is mostly formatting text to be printed so I don't think unit tests will benefit it much

    Might need to change the logger message in ui/HelpWindow.java and remove the function that shows the help screen

    Error in Merging Master Branch Closing PR


    For pulling it into your local Repo

    Something similar already exists in ModelManager.

    Refer to ModelManager

    Duplicated Feature

    Merged to Update Developer Guide Branch

    Adding extra stack to store predicate for filtering

    bug found

    bug found

    What is the bug

    The one where the TypicalFoods was mutated in between the test on the Mac CI

    Joey Found and mentioned in the Whatsapp Grp earlier today

    Combined with Bug Fixes branch

    Jar file released

    We Might be able to limit the char limit for Tags for this

    This one is for the UG not for the application itself

    Not a Bug

    Despite of this change, it can still overflow if the user adds lots of tag right?

    Nope this bug only occurs when there is 1 super long tag, for multiple tags, they will automatically be placed correctly.

    Tags below are of 50 characters

    Refer to SS below:

    Hmm while that is true, they can rely on Macro and Tag / untag commands to add tags in succession.

    This might tie in together with the default macros issue

    Actually for this issue the tag limit should depend on the size of the window if the window is small, then there might be the same issues as well

    Updated the Docs to have 20 char limit instead. Refer to main post for reason

    Rip Sean

    This is linked to the Wrong documentation in #189

    Closing Issue as it is duplicated.

    Should be --carb and --fat instead of --carb value and --fat value

    We can Update the documentation if it is the expected behaviour

    The index should be positive instead of non-negative, isn't it?

    Nice catch.

    Idk what I was reading x.x

    Probably linked to #145

    listmacro [MacroName] shows the help for the single macro i think

    Screenshot cant really be seen

    Depends on the list mutated anything.

    Update the UG with expected behaviour

    Change error message to show: (Smth along that line)

    Carbs values should only contain non-negative numbers below 1000


    Refer to ^

    Or make the error message more general

    Duplicate with #188

    Close as it is not part of code quality.

    Update to Issue #210

    I was thinking more in the line of "the two methods should point to the same string" rather than "the two different strings should have the same content", but that might take a bit of work.

    Also related PR #208 not sure if theres overlaps?

    Yeap i think it overlaps x.x

    Shifting the incomplete Tasks into separate issues

    Closing as the problem is solved by mentioning in the UG that only 1 tag can be added at any time

    Closing for now as we are not implementing.

    We can reopen if we plan to implement in the future

    Probably will not be working on this due to the lack of time.

    If we are planning to implement pls reopen this issue

    Possible to follow Pattern BASIC_COMMAND_FORMAT check used in AddressBookParser?

    Reason why ModeParser did not use Pattern is because the commands that ModeParser will parse does not follow the regular format of commands with all the Prefixes.

    Might need to take out UserPrefsStorage from Person Package.

    AddressBookStorage seems to specific to the Person Model, what do you think?

    Can remove all isMeetingCommand methods

    Implemented only for LogicMode because need to know whether to switch mode in MainWindow, whereas it is certain that LogicMeeting will be handling a user input if the current mode is Meeting

    Will need to accept Contacts Model eventually also so that index of contact can be referenced

    For cleaner implementation, possible to use Pattern found in AddressBookParser?

    split method used in ModeParser because none of the mode commands use prefixes.

    May be good to just add userPrefs (just reference to same object)

    Eventually will have a FilteredList>Meeting> filteredMeetings ?

    Good to take out UserPrefsStorage from person package

    Will StorageMeeting be extending from AddressBookStorage?

    Generalise this so that deliverables and contacts can also use the 'parseDescription'

    Add a note or TODO that this is to be renamed and Description is to be deprecated


    This may be intended as a String but could be resolved by generalised method as described above

    Same as above

    Could consider adding another static method / overloaded constructor that takes in a String so that we don't need to call Optional.of so many times

    From, To and Deadline will implement this so Message might need to be more general

    I was thinking whether we could just generate the valueString on the go instead of having an additional attribute

    Would optional DateTime be supported?

    is person card currently using this?

    more valid inputs:

    -29th February for leap years

    more invalid inputs:

    -with seconds

    vary the years to see how far back / into the future can be accepted / rejected

    feel free to think of more test cases

    probably an exception? since its invalid user input not problems with our code


    where will IllegalArgumentException be thrown from?

    assuming all caught IllegalArgumentException is related to INCORRECT_FROM_AND_TO_ORDER

    could try directly using isValidFromAndTo instead

    "### [Proposed] Autosort feature"

    Remove "#### Description" to standardize

    "#### Proposed Implementation"

    "#### Design consideration:"

    "##### Aspect: How autosorting executes"

    Alternative 1 (current choice): ...

    email is a compulsory field (phone is an optional field)

    Standardize headings - we are probably only sticking to Implementation and Design Consideration

    Not sure whether we should standardize not to give e.g.s

    standardize leaving empty line

    standardize capitalization

    DateTimes or dateTimes?

    Test case or Testcase

    item = Contact?

    Would it be all three .json files?

    might want to abstract this into a method that MeetingDetailsPanel can also use and increase readability of the code

    might need to rename to something like left and right panel placeholder because Dashboard will also be using these components

    might be good to have some documentation to make it easier to understand

    e.g. explaining why updateDetailsPanel() is only invoked when a non SwitchCommand is invoked and how the UI is updated when

    (can be left for future documentation)

    generally can decrease font size

    also would be good to add a scrollbar to indicate that the right panel is scrollable ( can follow some of the fxml / css used for the result display)

    more importantly, when you change the window size there are some spaces that appear in the UI

    not necessary

    rename to correct test names and variable names

    thanks for updating the javadocs

    Move src/main/java/seedu/address/model/meeting/util/TimeEventComparator.java to src/main/java/seedu/address/model/util/TimeEventComparator.java and use the same class


    update variable name

    update variable names

    can it be EARLIEST_DATE instead of EARLIEST_DATE_STRING? so don't need to parse each time

    also why Date and not LocalDateTime?

    just return !date.before(earliestDate)

    update in docs?

    if you check out https://ay2021s1-cs2103t-f11-2.github.io/tp/UserGuide.html#adding-a-meeting-add

    this part isn't bullet point properly, mb

    I think tip should be right after Note, not Examples



    just in case, maybe better to leave the "if in .. mode"

    more like a note.

    maybe can say that the list view will be truncated for fields with long parameters

    actually this is a bit weird, should it be displays or some other word


    end time

    remove comma

    right, ok just saw the 'sequence'

    personally I feel that there is no harm in updating with each command. same goes for calendar

    maybe can merge master into your branch because some of the parts you edited were changed today

    I think this is for the initial initialisation of the Ui (to contain the Contacts List as of now). Can be changed later on to show dashboard

    Yes, maybe we can discuss the ordering because the one in the User Guide may be outdated

    To be fixed by #182

    Updated in that PR

    Original phrasing of AB3, thinking it would better to just stick to that

    Yes, its currently Mode switched to: Deliverable

    or product development process?

    where sorry

    Concerned that it might be misinterpreted as preferences.json and a bunch of other .json files will be created

    Updated in README.md

    Updated in README.md

    Rescope to just initial implementation of optional fields

    Not for merge.

    LGTM, JavaFX window size problem resolved


    Probably not a requirement of UG

    Resolved by issue #171

    Resolved by issue #164

    UG: you can add deliverables with due dates in the past

    hv to switch between ongoing and completed manually (there is no such automatically ongoing -> completed)

    specify: all new deliverables added is 'on-going'

    take note: no overdue tag - have to take note by yourself

    UG might have too many screenshots and make it messy

    Clear View Panel for all three models on FindCommand

    Resolved in previous issue

    Update UG

    • very clearly state that contact string has no direct relation to contact book, is not updated in any changes to contact list, etc

    Change Contact to String instead of index

    • Remember to use regex for name validation

    Allow editing of role

    specify in the documentation that such behaviour will occur

    Will be resolved in earlier issue

    change bulletpoint example to email

    change isSamePerson check to just name and email

    change ordering (compulsory fields at front, opt fields at back) add r/ROLE n/NAME [p/PHONE] e/EMAIL [d/DESCRIPTION]

    UG: specify country codes not allowed (tip box)

    Change to internalList

    Maybe can just reset filteredLists to predicate: true on any switch

    switch db

    switch dv

    switch m

    switch c

    Separate tables for Command Summary

    Resolved in previous issue

    Resolved in previous issue.

    remove date part of to/ (ie from is datetime, to is time, both from and to are compulsory)

    Resolved in previous issue.

    UG: Add Dashboard component (on same level as General)

    Will be clarified in Command Summary


    Swap order

    Add dashboard component

    Move exit up

    Resolved in issue #164

    Resolved in #171

    change all addressbook to contactbook

    change all user visible '*book' to '*list' e.g. Clear command

    change all user visible 'person' to 'contact' e.g. .json files

    Timeline / Schedule

    Make date more obvious in UI (possibly follow mockup)

    Calendar cards should have labels (reference other View Panels)

    Remove Index from Calendar cards

    Resolved in #171

    Resolved in #171

    Resolved in #171

    Will default to full list on switching modes. To be fixed in #149

    Resolved in #139

    Goal is standardization

    Perspective of app:

    Viewing contact should be Displayed contact: %$s

    List command should be Listed all contacts!

    Clear should be Cleared all contacts!



    Emails -> Email (email regex)

    • You can also switch modes by clicking

    Can be justified

    Should be added to Table of Contents as well if we're adding in a new command list

    The table of contents is actually generated by GitHub with

    * Table of Contents


    With this addition we will have two copies of the TOC on our documentation website.

    While editing this, could you also change the spelling of "Travelling Businessman" in "Glossary" to have a capitalized "M"?

    Minor point, but can this be changed to "E.g." instead of "eg" with the period.

    + "client edit INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [c/COUNTRY] [tz/TIMEZONE]\n"

    Should this be checked with requireNonNull(predicate)?

    String can be put into a constant for clarity

    Similarly, is requireNonNull needed here?

    This check seems to be carried out in ParserUtil already

    /** Client command in the form client view index, where index points to the index of the client at current location

    of the rendered */

    Should fill in the javadoc here

    /** Client command in the form client view index, where index points to the index of the client at current location

    To be more inline with the coding standards

    Could you change the class and file name to ClientViewCommandParser? I will be updating the ones for Find and Delete in a future PR

    Missing javadoc for return here too

    /** Client command in the form client view index, where index points to the index of the client at current location

    Pls have the space there 😦

    This should probably be moved over to Country.java to be more consistent with the other classes.

    In AddressBookParser, the arguments are passed in as return new ClientNoteAddCommandParser(tagNoteMap).parse(arguments);. Shouldn't the preamble consist solely of the integer without the command word of client note add?

    Inside ClientEditCommandParser, the index is parsed as such index = ParserUtil.parseIndex(argMultimap.getPreamble());

    There are helper functions assertParseSuccess and assertParseFailure that are used in testing of the other parsers, would it be applicable in this case as well?

    Wouldn't it be better to use NOTE_CONTENT_1 to show that there will definitely not be a difference in the input to the two notes?

    Is there a reason that this is instantiated differently from the rest?

    Similar to above

    Should this be used instead to check for validity of a date string? Then we could do away with the regex since it doesn't actually filter out 31-Feb.

    Maybe idx1 here since it's clientNote1

    Is there a reason clientNote1 is NOTE_CONTENT_2?

    Not part of your commit, but could you help to fix this typo in the comments

    Set<SuggestionType> suggestionTypes = new LinkedHashSet<>();

    Consistent with below

    Should be updated since this isn't passing in predicateList anymore

    In the actual case, the command word "suggest" shouldn't be passed into the parser. The SuggestCommandParser should have an additional check for non-empty preambles which was not added when I did created the skeleton initially. E.g. suggest 1243 adsfkn by/available is still valid now but it probably shouldn't be.

    // different predicate -&gt; returns false

    // different predicate -&gt; returns false

    Should this be a constant EMPTY_CONTRACT_EXPIRY_DATE?

    Should this class name be changed to CountryNodeAddCommandParser?

    Maybe rephrase to "maximum of 45 characters" instead of "be within 45 characters"?

    Should this be countryListView since the subpanel contains a countryNoteListView?

    Is this 8 spaces after the previous line?

    Javadoc here should be unmodifiable? Also, can you change "arraylist" to "ArrayList"?

    Should be unmodifiable list here in the name

    Since nothing is returned here, the name should probably be changed. Maybe deleteClientNote_validNote_noteIsDeleted?

    The return true here as well

    If the note index is invalid, the message shown is "The client index provided is invalid".

    Slightly inaccurate as AddressBookParser returns a Command type. Maybe talk about CountryNoteAddCommandParser which extracts Country and Note into CountryNote?

    Should we check if the notes are equal?

    Parsing of both targetClientIndex and targetClientNoteIndex is repeated here and in ClientNoteDeleteCommandParser. Could be abstracted into a helper function in ParserUtil if needed. However, Mc is also going to add prefixes so not a priority.

    I think same object refers to comparing with itself which leads to the short circuit clause right? In this case, it's comparing with another object that has the same fields.

    I feel like these do not really help with making it easier to understand since it is pretty much repeated in the test names already. Possibly even makes it harder to understand since the user would have to match the name of the strings to find out what they test.

    not in use

    I think for &gt;strong>&gt;i> we should follow the markdown conventions and use ** and _?

    According to https://se-education.org/guides/conventions/markdown.html

    The comments by Team 2 advices to link Travelling BusinessMan to TBM, maybe we can do that here since it is the first mention of TBM?

    Is this image in yet?

    Good catch

    * COUNTRY_CODE is a 2-letter country code that follows the ISO3166 specification. [List](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_3166_country_codes) of country codes.

    From below, I think this sounds nicer out of the two.

    LOL 👍 nice catch

    What's this update?

    Should this be moved to the appendix as well? Then a link to it with "new help window". It seems out of place now compared to the other commands,

    Link doesn't seem to work on your website.

    The location for this file is `./data/tbmManager.json` (indicated at the bottom left of the application), where the

    Technically you can input commands in incorrect syntax.

    This part should be made clearer with use of actual names in the diagram. The "Client Card" as mentioned above refers to the display on the right but it's mentioned here to be "displaying the note".

    Maybe modify to be the same as FREQUENCY_DESCRIPTION which mentions higher up on the list.

    client suggestion type here

    do we wanna change this to client suggestion type?

    client suggestion type here?

    client suggestion type here?

    client suggestion type here?

    I'll update for delete but leave find as it is for now, I think someone else is working on find?

    I think we can leave that to the refactoring since the hashmap currently uses String as the key

    Initially it was because ClientUtil.java needed to build the command given the client's details, I changed the implementation of getClientDetails to explicitly use getCountryCode() so this function isn't currently in use now. I thought it would make sense to have countryCode since that is the value passed into the object like the other fields.




    ok, i've added it in.

    actually, i just checked, it's supposed to be part of my other issue LOL

    possible, I initially put it as an enum but it seemed too different from the rest of the code base. What do you think @qwoprocks

    yea forgot to change it when i updated to mingchong's changes 😦

    It can only be null if it doesn't exist in storage, but I feel like the corruption of this data field is too insignificant to have to throw away all existing data on this client.

    Nope, refer to PR description, tests currently rely on comparing two clients who are created at different timings, and this is pretty much just metadata for us I guess

    Placed it together with the existing test.

    this goes past character limit



    first 2 are over char limit, last one reformatted




    ok changed



    I only found the one in TbmManager.java but that one doesn't seem to be for class-level variables

    While updating this, could you add in numbering for the use cases as well? Then this statement can refer to other use cases as an example.

    Does #121 branch continue from this PR? If it does this PR can be closed.

    Resolved in #117

    Resolved in #119 #131 #137

    Resolved in #119

    Resolved #134

    Resolved #134

    Not relevant. Note interface is no longer being created.

    Resolved #134

    Updated in collaborative notes.

    Currently have "([A-z ]+) ((\d+)?([ \w/]+)?)" as the regex which tries to separate commandWord from arguments through detecting either a number or a prefix. Requires " " to be padded to the end but this fails for "client find KEYWORD".

    Resolved #215

    Moved to v1.4 as UserGuide is a priority for v1.3

    Moving to v1.4 due to low priority

    Resolved #235

    Resolved #235

    Duplicate of #306

    Duplicate of #293

    Should this be project book?

    Should we replace getTempFilePath("ab") to getTempFilePath("pb")?

    Should the variable be named pb instead of ab?

    Should this be named pb instead of ab?

    Should the indentation here and in the method below be 4 spaces from the parent comment?

    Is there a reason for adding this? These lines were removed in the previous PR as we removed those fields

    Just to confirm, the only time this test will fail is when the description is empty right

    Should there be an empty line before the @param tag?

    Agreed, maybe we can create a new PR for this after merging all the important features for milestone 1.1.

    Should there be an empty line before the @params tag?

    Is the requireAllNotNull() method here supposed to check the description as well?

    I believe the description parameter is not optional as of now, right?

    I think the code here should be rearranged so that it is a little clearer. The modelName variable should be delared after the if (!Name.isValidName(name)) block

    Minor typo here

    Is there a variation of this test that you have written?

    Not sure if this Javadoc adheres to the coding standard

    Javadoc here should be StopCommand instead of StartCommand

    Should these two checks be extracted out into another method to keep the equals() method here clean?

    Should the javadoc here be more descriptive?

    Should have an empty line before the @param tag

    Should the equals() method below check whether both timers are equal?

    By below I mean in the Project.java class, can't really highlight it from here.

    Javadoc comment needs to be updated to include timer

    Why not just use the otherProject variable here?

    There should be an extra line before @params tag and a description for what is returned after the @return tag

    Should include an empty line before the @params tag

    Can I just check what the reason for changing this was?

    I think the commands here can be highlighted once again. For example

    • /home brings the user to home dashboard

    Should we replace these images with @khoodehui 's mockups? At least the ones that are ready

    If I'm not mistaken, all existing tags will be removed and only the tag normal will be left. Should we mention this?

    Should we separate format and examples into two columns?

    Can replace this with @khoodehui 's mockup as well

    Should these sentences end with a fullstop

    Should there be a big space here?

    This is something minor but I feel that it might be simpler to just do

    Objects.hash(model, weeklyTotalTimePerProjectStatistic, Arrays.hashCode(statistics)).

    Small issue but can you just change ProjectBook to addressbook here because the issue comes from there

    I agree with Farrell. I think it might be better to keep it in deadline.

    Do you think this method will be used elsewhere in the future? If it is, it might be a good idea to move it over to StringUtil.java

    I think the javadoc for this method should be updated to reflect the new name

    Should this go under seedu.momentum.commons.core.Messages?

    Should these 3 variables just be declared directly since their values aren't passed into the constructor?

    Should we implement a compareTo method in Date.java?

    Incomplete header here

    I think we should have compareTo methods in the Date and Time classes and use them here instead

    I'm not sure if there's a cleaner way to do this. What do the rest think?

    This part is related to the comment on Project.java

    I think you can extract the common string variables that you have reused in this section and make them private static variables. For example, ascending, descending, alphabetical, deadline, created date

    You might want to make these public static variables instead. It's used quite a fair bit in tests and it'll be better if they all refer to one variable

    Might want to replace the alpha (and other keywords in other classes) with the public static variables I recommended in SortCommandParser.java

    Just checking, what's the expected behaviour when there is a preamble?

    For example, sort hello type/alpha order/dsc

    Is Hello referring to Dana?

    Can you return Boolean.compare(this.completionStatus, other.completionStatus) here? It'll make it clearer

    . after '@throws'

    I think requireAllNonNull(date, createdDate) can be used here and in the constructor below.

    Replace Remove with Removes

    Can you combine these 2 catches

    Is this commented out line needed

    Is this commented out part needed

    Same as above

    Does this method need to be annotated with @Test? It seems like it's only being called by other test methods? Same for redoCommand

    Can this be removed?

    I might be misunderstanding this though. If it is actually a test, maybe the name can be changed? You have it in VersionedProjectBookTest as well

    It'll be ideal if they can be named in this manner featureUnderTest_testScenario_expectedBehavior()

    I think the updateOrder method can follow this convention


    As discussed, description will be implemented as an optional parameter instead. A new PR will be created for this issue.

    As discussed, description will be implemented as an optional parameter instead. A new PR will be created for this issue.

    But one thing to consider is that the entry that you are working on might disappear.

    Let's say your filtered list only has one entry. If you edit that entry and it the project doesn't match the predicate anymore, the list will not be empty. This might be a little weird from a UX perspective.

    I'm not sure whether we should fix this. What do the rest think?

    Screenshot 2020-10-26 at 11 58 24 PM Screenshot 2020-10-26 at 11 58 19 PM

    To replicate, make sure the time spent tab isn't fully filled and run a random command like edit 1 n/lol

    Something broke find yesterday. Find doesn't check tasks anymore, can look into it this weekend

    Perhaps we can follow the same behaviour as the active timers window and do this

    Team decided to not implement this feature.

    Feature will not be implemented.

    Design of application changed. Support for searching for both tasks and projected will no longer be included

    Would item added to inventory be better?

    Should we add the app's ability to handle table reservations and pending deliveries? (like in Mock UI)

    Since this is the final product's aim

    If I rmb correctly, the following word after @return it should be the type, then description for subsequent words

    Is this change to /11.0.1 automated by your intellij system or you changed it manually?

    &gt;StackPane fx:id="deliveryListPanelPlaceholder" minHeight="-Infinity" prefHeight="440.0"

    private StackPane deliveryItemListPlaceholder;

    Just to keep it more consistent with itemListPanelPlaceholder, what do you think? Just some minor stuff

    Is this meant to be DeliveryListCard.fxml or sth along that line? Or you plan to merge the different cards into same style hence they both refer to ItemListCard?

    Is this misleading? chicken and CHICKEN is meant to be the same?

    * Only full words will be matched e.g. `chicken` will not match `chicken`

    Shall we have multiple summary tables for each component (inventory vs delivery), since not all commands necessarily overlap?

    Nothing to change here, just need your suggestion. I can make the amendments in my PR.

    Thanks for abstracting this out for base Model.

    We'll follow this moving onwards 👍

    Oops sorry didnt read properly, thought it was a typo!

    And should be phone, not quantity! Hahah



    Can just check why are the types opposite?

    Ah nvm my mistake, understood whats happening alrd

    I'm not really sure with myself either, but doesnt RAM depends on the user's device?

    Not sure if this is relevant? Feels abit iffy to me

    It doesn't need a network at all? Refer to number 14

    Do you want to include the key arrow up feature to go back to previous command entered in commandBox? Trivial but like cool only

    Was actually thinking to let @wengfaing do this part since he needs some boost to meet his functional code req! (Maybe for the other help start window)

    You mean Models#undo for the second one?

    <div markdown="span" class="alert alert-info">:information_source: **Note:** If the current pointers are pointing to the latest state, then there are no undone InventoryBook/ DeliveryBook states to restore. The `redo` command uses `InventoryModel#canRedo()` and `DeliveryModel#canRedo()` to check if this is the case. If so, it will return an error to the user rather than attempting to perform the redo.

    Frm my understanding NFR needs to be something that is within our control, but in this case its more like dependent on the user and not within our control. Maybe can be rephrased like: Storing 100 states of undo and redo command models should take up less than ... Kb?? What do you think

    Quite curious about this as well. Maybe we should summon @AaronCQL ? Hi what do you think

    Nah its ok! whats done is done dont have to revert back because you alrd spent the time and effort

    Step 5. The user then decides to execute the command `list-i`. Commands that do not modify the inventoryBook/ deliveryBook, such as `list` and `find`, will usually not call `Models#commit()`, `Models#undo()` or `Models#redo()`. Thus, the `inventoryBookStateList` and `deliveryBookStateList` remain unchanged.

    I think 6 and 7 can be combined!

    Wanna specify the commands? Maybe add delete these basic functionalities can be 1s. Then sort/ find can be 2s? Regardless of data size

    I dont really understand this though, is there a better way of rephrasing?

    Sounds iffy and seems like something that is googled and copy pasted hahah, shall we remove? I think quality > quantity

    Would it be relevant? Because we know that this is a software and not hardware

    If I remember correctly, all the conditions need a [ ... ] right?

    And maybe instead of having true or false like this, it can be replaced as: Item exists in InventoryBook vs Item does not exist in InventoryBook

    Apart from adding a new Item, should there be an existing item in the Inventory Book, `Add` will be able to increase the quantity of that particular Item.

    - Are not allowed to be defined if there exists the same item inside InventoryBook.

    - Will be combined together if there exists the same item inside InventoryBook.

    No 2 can sound like number 2. And I don't really understand what is the message you're trying to bring across, perhaps a paraphrasing is needed?

    Would you want to explain or provide a brief explanation of the diagram?

    I think it'll be even better if you split up into 2 sections in this adding part: Adding to an existing item, adding to a non-existing item (instead of explaining them in the expected part)

    U can use the information source for this kind of note to make it consistent

    Expected: Item with `Name` of Chicken, `Quantity` of 123, `Supplier` of NTUC, `MaxQuantity` of 500 and `Metric` of kg added when there is no existing same item.

    *Note how the app contains some sample data but the installed version on your desktop might have a different data set.*

    Not sure if this is better? Is the white spacing too big for every picture?

    The spacing for this seems the best thus far

    Example 2: `add-i n/Tuna q/20 s/NTUC` using [Figure 1](#bruiimagesuiwithannotationpng-br) as the starting point.

    Forgot to put Figure here

    Another missing figure

    If i were u i'll add multiple tags too for full set, then example 2 is minimum add = only name and quantity

    I think can be better rephrased with the action first. By pressing arrow up key ........ you can ........ What do you think?

    Would it be better to specify what is the exact command? So that number 2 can also be more specific what was being undone

    Since this section is meant for testers to test manually, and since for this mod the tester is new for our app (PE), would you think putting a Note: you can restart the application if you have entered commands previously would be helpful for the tester?

    Oh thats true. Ok its fine to leave it as such then if u hvnt made the changes

    Can we follow what's on master's branch for this part? Deliverer's name is not a suitable term

    Maybe [n/NAME] [ s/SUPPLIER] ... would be more consistent? Rather than all KEYWORDS. Same as below in line 512

    can change KEYWORDS to NAME, SUPPLIER, TAG

    Would you like to edit an empty tag? Change metric and max quantity? Since these are the ones that are more special for edit-i

    You can also put when x is not an integer

    The class diagram has commands, shouldnt it be blue in colour?

    Can I trouble you to change line 625 of undoes a command from >u> to >/u>

    If not everything is underlined until the end of the file. Thanks!

    ah its only in my local, ignore this

    @halcon-blanco thanks, amended!

    Sure, I will include a different colour for that as well

    Made the necessary changes including the test case

    @halcon-blanco Thanks for pointing out, I've changed to saveDateTime

    @zeranium97 Thanks! Updated

    Thanks for spotting, remedied.

    seems to be fine on my side

    @zeranium97 updated, thanks!

    @xnoobftw did the changes, thanks for spotting!


    Thanks for spotting.

    On the side note, if you put anchor tag inside ### there will be a bug. If you notice in our UG, you cant click on Features and glossary 🤪 I've changed it to outside to remove the bug

    Good point, added ur suggestion pls check again

    This is for the case where restocking is needed, etc

    Should add be able to handle restocking? Ie whereby if the name and supplier is the same, quantity of that particular stock will be increased by the amount stated.

    LGTM, rmb to accept and merge with previous PRs first (if possible) to prevent excessive conflict next time 🤙

    Thanks for the name refactoring, LGTM

    Thanks for info, will trace and refactor this to make it work and PR again

    LGTM 👍

    You have to rebase/ merge with master first and deconflict before PR or it will get rejected

    Oops sorry I just realized this is for tutorial.. I thought its meant for actual PR to be merged hahah


    @xnoobftw one way is to not put preferences.json inside gitignore, but this default value is meant for first time users. Since all of us are developers, its okay to delete it (because users perspective as first time users they will not have the preferences.json)

    LGTM for this version, we will make further nits along the way in this project for UG DG 👍

    @wengfaing do you want to add the relevant unit/ integration tests first for this command? Including parser for the command, logic, etc. Or do you prefer to do these tests in next iteration?

    Sure, LGTM for this implementation! We can make the remove unit tests' tasks during next iteration

    @halcon-blanco @xnoobftw understand that you guys are working tgt and need to pull from each other, but a suggestion would be to merge a feature-in-progress in another organization branch instead of master next time, just for a good workflow practice but no big issue 😃

    @zeranium97 there's conflicting files, just rebase your commits and we'll review again 👍

    A delivery model requires name, phone, address and order. Is the PR meant to be complete or is it WIP? Just checking because I can't seem to find any of these in the PR

    It's to be implemented by @zeranium97 when he implements storage

    Ok sure, since its in another branch we'll merge it first. Praying hard it'll work well so that we can merge into master 👍

    Errors not caught:

    • remove 1

    • remove 1 q/-123

    • remove 1 q/

    • remove 1 q/ASDF

    Would be great if you can do unit testings for these too. Thank you! @wengfaing

    @halcon-blanco i'm fine with this, since we might need to change again in the future into 3 sections so no issue. For the colouring, is it easy to implement colouring to be conditional (red vs green if stock falls below 20%)? If its a huge task we can create a separate task.

    Further improvement:

    Low priority: I didn't do the GUI for help toolbar on top to open up the 2 different help windows since the app is meant for CLI primarily. But feel free to connect them if you want 😃

    WIP: as discussed in #95

    • GUI help window toolbar

    • Colouring difference (red vs green)

    Please tick once done so that we know when to merge 👍

    @zeranium97 oh yes remember to assign PRs you made to yourself as well as the milestone. This one is just for admin purposes so that cs2103 can track (yes it doesn't matter in v1.2b but just reminding for future milestones)

    @zeranium97 Are you also catching other exceptions as the scenarios mentioned in #105 comments?

    @Wincenttjoi I've made the changes you requested, plus changed the whole structure of the DeliveryList GUI to match that of the ItemList. (Tonnes of headache cuz debugging GUI is super hard).

    I also wrote the basic code in MainWindow.java for initialising the values into the DeliveryList on starting the app, with currently an empty ObservableList being initialised temporarily. The Delivery class I wrote is also currently just a stub with no functionality.

    Thanks for changing and doing more than required! LGTM

    Do you plan to do the other exceptions? If not then I can merge this PR first for now. Thanks @zeranium97 !

    @xnoobftw @halcon-blanco sure, if want to make it flexible its fine too. I'll close this thanks!

    Is there any other exceptions I might have missed out for this command?

    Only those 4 checkboxes i've put in #105. Can't really check if it works for all 4 in my internal application since we're still forced to do in forking workflow. If all's good then can merge 👍 Help me check on your side please

    LGTM thanks!

    its ok @wengfaing i'll help you do the tests

    Just want to check if you're bothered by the naming? Because sometimes I get confused that Item is actually referring to only Inventory. Sometimes I would think of Inventory item vs Delivery item (Item is the umbrella term for the different types)

    Any thoughts for this? If you're okay with I'll see what I can refactor in next PR too

    Just want to check if you're bothered by the naming? Because sometimes I get confused that Item is actually referring to only Inventory. Sometimes I would think of Inventory item vs Delivery item (Item is the umbrella term for the different types)

    Any thoughts for this? If you're okay with I'll see what I can refactor in next PR too

    I think our understanding is that Item refers solely to inventory item

    Ok can! We'll keep it as such then np. LGTM. Test cases we will push it to nxt milestone!

    @AY2021S1-CS2103T-T12-1/developers do you guys prefer to standardize Order to not be able to accept empty string or just space? I can add the VALIDATION REGEX if you want, because the rest of the delivery objects seem to have this as a minimum req.

    things to be added

    • Command & Parser testcase

    Are you planning to add it in this PR or another PR?

    I will be adding it into this later tonight

    @zeranium97 Ok, normally a common practice that people use if the PR is not ready they will use WIP in the header. Changed for you! **Ofc the CI needs to be put first and I just made a PR for that

    We PR once u done the test cases first?

    LGTM thanks!

    @zeranium97 U forgot to add a test for the add parser

    In case you wanna do feel free hahah!

    @xnoobftw If you are okay with implementing, I think it would be good to return a message on the commandbox to make it consistent with other commands

    @xnoobftw If you are okay with implementing, I think it would be good to return a message on the commandbox to make it consistent with other commands

    May i know what you mean by this?

    So an example would be after the command sort ... a line should return on the command box

    A possible reply would be like: You inventory item/delivery is sorted according to .............

    @AY2021S1-CS2103T-T12-1/developers sorry that I couldn't attend the impromptu meeting. Just a short question, I'm curious why exactly sequence diagram for delete command but not others? Is there a specific reason?


    • do you want to add small note on ur diagram to briefly describe what XYZ is?

    • Arrow for >>Interface>> Parser on the Parser section is abit misleading, mind to remedy that to make it more coherent?

    • Perhaps you can also bring the Command and Parser box bigger (filling up >80% of the space) bcs there's too much white space and its too small for people to see. Size of individual blue boxes can also increase in size if you dm 👍

    • Executes labelling on command part not clear on which line it should belong to

    • HelpCommandResult extends from CommandResult missing

    • I think there's no more concrete XYZCommand since they are all extracted to the smaller commands (items, delivery, help)

    • Sequence diagram for logic seems ok

    @AY2021S1-CS2103T-T12-1/developers feel free to discuss bcs i'm not 100% sure either

    1. Will do!
    1. Do you mean having a solid line? Because it's how its represented in AB3
    1. Do you mean increasing the font size?
    1. The PUML auto generates this D:
    1. Added! Thanks
    1. Redo, Undo command still does! exit too


    1. Nope, I only meant the starting point of the line bcs its overlapping with the line on the left

    2. The overall box size as well as individual boxes (inside) size, and font size

    1. Oops its fine then!

    2. Yes just realized that too, my mistake!

    @xnoobftw try to occupy the diagram >80% of the picture! If not too small hahha.

    Edit: I realized that we can't reposition the arrows, just saw the documentation hahah. Not sure if 2 is doable

    @halcon-blanco I think this must be done before tutorial!

    Idt 2 and 3 is doable due to puml automating it

    But does this fulfil ur requirement!


    Can check this out for 3 https://plantuml.com/skinparam

    Reason being is because we need to make our dg comprehensible thats why we shdn't just leave this out even though it seems trivial

    Yup looks good! (Apart from box sizing)

    Increased fontsizes to 30!

    Thanks! Sorry one last thing, you forgot to change the link in your Logic component description, its still referring to addressbook link

    @xnoobftw oh thanks. Its bcs I saw not green yet in the team project progress hahah, thanks!

    LGTM thanks!

    @AY2021S1-CS2103T-T12-1/developers the rest going to review? I might missed out on a few things here and there.. Would be good if everyone take a look before approving DG PRs

    There's a couple of errors in the diagram! Check out the ss i tagged

    Does inventoryModelManager has Item? Not sure about this, or is it referring to the FilteredList&gt;Item> filtered Items?

    Same goes for deliveryModelManager

    And another update! I dont see a uniquetaglist class in the folder unless im mistaken! and i dont think we should show inventory book in the item class diagram

    Actually I think its fine with or without the InventoryBook, because the reader can see how its connected to the component outside Item. Seems like @zeranium97 has changed it to without but im fine with either! (Personally think with is better tho)

    @halcon-blanco you can CTRL F address and see the relevant addresses to be changed hahah, still got more

    LGTM Thanks!

    @halcon-blanco made the changes as requested

    @zeranium97 think you forgot to checkstyle first

    LGTM thanks!

    Feels like its much more restrictive if find command is not universal but needs the n/ p/ s/ parser infront. @AY2021S1-CS2103T-T12-1/developers thoughts on this? But since its implemented im fine with this too.

    @zeranium97 realized that ur structure of items object and delivery object are not explained at all. U want to add the explanation urself or I do it for you? Also its a class diagram, not object diagram

    This part is abit misleading, update an item sounds like editing

    Step by step feature update:

    XY - ADD





    @AY2021S1-CS2103T-T12-1/developers i'll be adding introduction as such

    Fine with you guys?


    She actually annotated this though, shall we change to tuna?

    @xnoobftw you may want to consider orientating the reader on your screenshot. Lets say the screenshot is to explain you want to key in inside the commandbox, questions to consider:

    1. Is it really necessary to screenshot the entire application for filling up the command box?

    2. Would you want to highlight the commandbox since that is the focus?

    3. Should you just screenshot the commandbox part instead?

    Just feel that its a little bit overkill to repetitively screenshot, but just personal opinion.


    @xnoobftw you may want to consider orientating the reader on your screenshot. Lets say the screenshot is to explain you want to key in inside the commandbox, questions to consider:

    1. Is it really necessary to screenshot the entire application for filling up the command box?
    1. Would you want to highlight the commandbox since that is the focus?
    1. Should you just screenshot the commandbox part instead?

    Just feel that its a little bit overkill to repetitively screenshot, but just personal opinion.

    I think that screenshotting the entire applciation helps with navigating the app esp to a user.

    To preserve consistency can i ask for your help in the highlighting the commandbox and result boxes respectively in both png? reason being we'd probably want it to look similar to Figure 1

    Remind me if i forgot to add in my PR. Also cos still need to wait for our last feature to be up

    LGTM 👍

    Boss u forgot to merge 🤪

    @zeranium97 your diagrams are super pixelated and super hard to read. Re screenshot the png files from the puml?

    hows the uml diagram on ur side?

    It looks like this on my side even after ur latest commit

    hows the uml diagram on ur side?

    It looks like this on my side even after ur latest commit

    The class diagram should be blue, looks fine on my side tho

    Forgot to pull hahah my bad, LGTM

    To be done:

    • Add description into UG, 2.2 section pending deliveries

    Add description to UG

    To be changed: Alphabets only.

    Explain in UG about max quantity's behaviour

    Edit UG to make it more consistency


    Limit integer for quantity - edit in regex of quantity

    Add in UG to explain multiple of same parameters, take the last one.

    UG - Add by/TIME


    Change error message for find-i find-d

    Add description in the window itself, ALT F4 to close help window

    Add hours and days

    I think this should be Warehouse's remark 😃

    Since we are including this constraint, should we include this inside our user guide so that users will be aware of this constraint when adding remarks to a warehouse?

    Should this be Remark instead of Address? Noticed this issue in a few places below (email instead of remark, etc) as well for Javadocs of various methods. Do take a look at it 😃

    Do you think replaceWarehouseList would be clearer here since the above method to change one warehouse differ only by a single letter? 😃

    Should this be removed instead? 🤔

    Minor issue, missing '.' for isSameWarehouse

    Should we include warehouse here although for this iteration we are not intending to include tagging for warehouses products?

    With the if condition statement removed here, will there be an issue where the for loop only runs one time since the return statement will force the function to stop executing?

    Same issue here, as pointed out above.

    Is the extra supplierList here as a placeholder for warehouse? I think the statusbarPlaceholder should be removed as well 😃

    Just adding a note here to remember to change supplier to warehouse when updating tests cases later on.

    Just to check, did you perhaps miss out the conflict here?

    Same for these conflicted import statements as well 😃

    Just wish to clarify, is the method empty because this method is allowed to be called but there is no specific function this method can do?

    Alright, noted

    Will it be clearer if the statement is Creates an Addcommand to add the {@code Product} to the specified {@code Supplier}

    Maybe it will be clearer if you clarify that the exception is thrown due to index specified to be larger than list of supplier/warehouse since it is not so clear reading from these lines here 😃

    Just to clarify will this still be relevant for CLI-nic and also, is it still Tag, or would it be Remarks?

    do remember to update the delete command here as well 😃

    Are suppliers and warehouses missing Remark attribute?

    I see! Agreed, I think we can improve on this paragraph after we finalise our UML towards the end. Looks good to merge then! 👍

    Yes, sorry about that!

    Just wish to clarify, is there a need for the if clause here since there is a conditional check above (lines 89-90) where this method would be called if targetType.equals(SUPPLIER). Could there potentially be any cases where targetType is not equals to SUPPLIER and this method could be invoked?

    Just to clarify, what are the other same methods that you are looking at to shift it under Command class? 😃

    Ah okay, that explains! 😃 All is clear now, no issues with this part 👍

    Hmm, I am not sure if shifting to the parent command class would be okay, since AddCommandParser only implements a Parser interface and there is no parent class for the parser classes. Though I can also understand where you are coming from as well, I am thinking would it be out of place if we shift it to under ParserUtil class? Maybe we can discuss with others as well and see how do we want to implement it such that there would not be a case of overlapping.

    Not too sure if it makes a major difference, but I am wondering if it would be better to access the fullName via some form of getter method instead of accessing the attributes directly. 🤔

    I think this empty line can be removed

    Some extra spaces here can be removed as well

    Hmm, I guess in that case let's just use .fullname instead of a getter method then, since it is used in several places as well 😃

    I think this should be a Delete command

    Should the numbering be changed to "1. 2. 3. 4." ?

    Maybe "such as" instead of like would be better in this sentence 😃

    Would "parse the input to generate a valid DeleteCommand" be better rather than "parse the input into a valid DeleteCommand"?

    "form a DeleteCommand" sounds a bit weird, maybe "will create a new DeleteCommand" is better.

    "an execute" for this line here 😃

    "Warehouse deletion" instead of "Warehouse deletions" here

    I am not sure if this should be "Based on"

    I think splitting this long sentence up to shorter sentences would be clearer 😃 Maybe something along like:

    Afterwards, model#deleteWarehouse/model#deleteSupplier will remove the target entry from the list in the model. The model will then update the displayed list.

    Same issue as above, I think maybe using create would be more appropriate

    This line is a bit unclear to me, maybe "It then locates the respective warehouse/supplier entry at the INDEX passed in for deletion".

    Perhaps breaking this long sentence up would be clearer as well! "replace the old entry with the updated target entry from the list in model . The model will then update the displayed list." would be better 😃

    Perhaps we can consider to split up this long sentence as well. Maybe something like:

    "if a user's input specifies ct/w ct/s where both w and s are valid, there will be no error thrown. However, the type s - supplier will be chosen instead.

    Oh okay, I didn't know that, sorry about that!😃

    There is an extra space after macro in this line

    There is an extra edit here that should be removed

    Somehow ℹ️ Note: is still not showing correctly if I try to view this md file here. 🤔

    This sounds a bit confusing. Maybe:

    Recovers a previous version of CLI-nic data if any data has been changed by using undo command. Redo command will restores the data in CLI-nic before an undo command was done.

    Would this contradict with previous commands, where we accepts the last argument?

    This sounds a bit strange. Perhaps "Recovers the previous state of CLI-nic before undo command" would be clearer.

    I think it should be "if undo was successfully executed" here 😃

    okay then! 👍

    I think there is an extra line here.

    Is it clearer if the type of objects for UpdateCommand are specified in this line?

    I think would be clearer if the line is changed to "Name for supplier/warehouse and product as well as a new UpdateProductDescriptor with the provided quantity and tags, if any."

    For the second part of the sentence, maybe we can split it up to:

    or if the type and names of the supplier/warehouse and product are not supplied. Here, an error message will be presented on the GUI.

    Maybe he/she here would be better 🤔

    I think this sentence is a bit long. Maybe we can split it to:

    the method will first check if there is any existing macro in the model that uses the same alias. If that is true, an exception will be thrown. This will be shown on the GUI as an error message

    Same for objects here, do you think it will be clearer if the specific types of objects are stated?

    Would he/she be better here instead of he? 🤔

    Should we split this to 2 test cases, one where product exist, another it does not exist (So that the if statement does not shows up in step 2 of MSS?)

    Accepted, will remove @return and change "Creates" in first line of JavaDocs to "Returns"

    Thanks for pointing that out, will push another commit to fix this!

    Noted, thanks for pointing that out! Will be pushing another commit with the updates.

    Thanks for pointing this out, missed out on the javadocs comment for class!

    Noted, will updated in next commit as well.

    Thanks for the suggestion, let me try to use that instead of arrays.aslist(String[]{})

    Thanks for pointing that out! Will be removing that in the next commit.

    Thanks for pointing this out, will fix it in the next commit along with removal of above clause as well!

    Thanks for pointing this out, will fix it in the next commit!

    Oh no, this should be clinic instead. Thanks for pointing this out!

    Oh the error message will be shown when a user tries to use a supplier prefix, s/ when editing warehouses, I think that the output message is correct though? 🤔

    Thanks for pointing them out! And yes, I think I made a typo on the 4th sentence, will change it to "will be used to process user input"

    I think I figured out why, there was not space between the last line of the paragraph and the line right after it (with -), will fix this in my next commit!

    Will also fix the grammar as well, thanks for pointing that out.

    Just went to take a look at how it is defined in deleteCommandParser and addCommandParser, and yes I think arePrefixsPresent does these checks! I can change it to this function, However, I realised that would also mean I will not be able to throw specific ParseException reminding user which prefixes they are missing (either one, or all). Which do you think would be better (in terms of code quality and user experience?) 😃

    I can remove this if we want to just show a more generic error message instead. For instance, if someone entered p/99999999 z/testing, using the check in class construction will show an error message that the phone number is not valid. However, this is not the case as the number attached to prefix p is valid, except an incorrect prefix was added at the end, resulting in the check for isValidPhone to fail. Same for checks where p/99999999 testing when user enters random string value behind a prefix (or will this case be treated as wrong input?)

    Oh yes, you are right! Thanks for spotting it 😃

    Good idea! Shall we standardise for Add command as well 😃

    Will do the change! Thanks for spotting the error

    Accepted suggestions above, will do the appropriate changes

    Thanks for pointing them out! I agree with Jeffrey on the third point as well, I think it would improve user experience if we let for instance a delete command with random string at the back to pass through rather than forcing the user to re-enter the command without the random string.

    As for the first point, may I clarify if you meant for e.g. add vs Add (or any other variations of add) in the case of command string to be insensitive?

    Also, another bug I noticed was for delete, find and view, the ordering of arguments matter. In our user guide, it was mentioned that parameters can be in any order. However, without any delimiter in place, like t/TYPE, it will be hard for us to ascertain which word is for type and which word is for name of supplier/warehouses (in the case of find and view). I was thinking if we should specify that ordering does not matter for all commands except delete, find and view in our user guide to be clear.


    Just to add on, the current way of handling adding of suppliers and warehouses has a bug since type of determined by doing a substring of trimmed arguments. If users are allowed to reorder the arguments, the parser will detect this as an invalid command.

    In addition for adding of supplier, it seems like email address has to be a compulsory field (invalid command is shown), but in the UG it is an optional field. Should we still keep email address field as an optional field?

    For adding of warehouses, if remarks field (which is optional) is left out, a java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException will be thrown. I think we missed out these cases, but no worries, let's fix them in v1.3 iteration! 😃

    Thanks for the review! I will be pushing up another commit to fix some logical issues and to incorporate Type class into my code 😃

    I was thinking we can fix the method such that we do not allow same name because in reality, two suppliers/warehouses should not have the same name. However, different suppliers/warehouses can have the same address/email/phone if they are subsidiary companies of an organisation.

    Will be adding testcases for isSameSupplierByName method if we intend to keep this method in the end instead of changing isSameSupplier.

    Would that be confusing for the user though, since now suppliers are allowed to have the same name yet this is not the case for warehouses? Otherwise to ensure there will not be any error, I will just leave the isSameNameSupplier method under Supplier class and depending on what conditions we are checking, we can call the appropriate method!

    Yes you are right. Ah okay, I think I understand what you mean now. I was thinking of suppliers as companies (ending with Pte Ltd etc) instead of a single person (like George Lim). That is why I thought it would not be okay for suppliers to have same name as well. However, what you said make sense as well. In that case, would it be better to keep it as the original way of checking if suppliers are "the same"?

    Yes! I think we can standardise the format when reviewing the documentations as well 😃

    Thanks for spotting the typos, will do another commit to fix them!

    I think all the arguments, except INDEX, should be optional here

    Likewise for here

    should be .getMaxQuantity().get().toString()

    because .getMaxQuantity() returns Optional&gt;Quantity>

    would isQuantityPresent be a better name?

    shouldn't this be replaced by if (!(other instanceof RemoveCommand)) instead

    Sorry I think I misunderstood what you asked last time haha. But do you think there should be some indication if stock goes above 100% as well

    I believe you should also try a test case with a non RemoveCommand object. I believe the current equals method doesn't handle this and will throw a ClassCastException

    apart from this small issue, it LGTM for me!

    Could be more SLAP like

    return hasNextCommand() && isWithinLengthLimit();

    Is this abstraction really necessary?

    I'm a little confused as to what the role of hasReturnedCurrentCommandBefore is. Could you add a comment to the code explaining a little what is going on

    Fair enough

    Looks good. LGTM!. Really good job on figuring out the logic

    Should change the name of this variable to better reflect its purpose

    actually it just occured to me after merging that this name is also not appropriate LOL. It should be more like dateTimeFooter or something, because you aren't saving anything

    In the else condition, you should return quantity1 - quantity2

    i.e. when percentage is same, or when there is no percentage, then the item with lesser quantity is higher up

    Do we want a separate (from getFilteredItemList()) method here? Why not let sorting be done within getFilteredItemList()

    why not return this in getFilteredItemList()

    Not an issue, just that this is the first time I have seen o as a variable name 😆

    should it be && or ||

    I don't think the "Sorted" part is accurate here. The old name updateFilteredItemList sounds more appropriate

    Sorry this one very nitpicky, but if you're changing the "o's", can you change this one too

    and this one

    the original is correct (i.e. prefers typing to mouse interactions)

    user executeS. (missing s)

    OneShelf is capable of storing many items and pending deliveries.

    Therefore, it is of utmost importance to have the ability to find items

    and deliveries based on different fields. There could also be many similar items and

    this will definitely aid the user in find them quickly. <br>

    and `TAGS` for items using `find-i`. Similarly, for deliveries, it is also possible

    Good idea to mention that!

    lexicographically (typo)

    "in finding them" or "to find them" either is fine

    this one is my fault I apologise


    For some reason, the bold markdown isn't applying in the preview

    ### 3.2 General Features

    This is awesome!

    this implies that n/ is mandatory.

    Maybe something like find-d [n/NAME | p/PHONE | a/ADDRESS | o/ORDER]

    refer to the one for find-d

    very nice annotations!

    hmm I didn't check it on the website, but on github itself it looked different

    Like this

    "Comprises" is misleading. You could say "is implemented by InventoryModelManager and DeliveryModelManager", but frankly, it's not necessary to add that line here. The first sentence sounds enough since this is just an overview

    Having the d, or some label there, might be usefeul, to show the command being passed back to the front. For instance, right now you do use the "command" label on one of the return arrows, which essentially represents the "d" here

    There isn't a "ModelManager" class from what I remember. It should be "DeliveryModel".

    this is the thing I'm referring to. Over here you use the label "command", but it's not 100% clear where that came from, which is why I think you should replace all the d's you removed with this "command" label

    This shouldn't be removed, it's the constructor for DeleteCommandParser

    * In the format of commands, square brackets are to indicate optional fields. The fields in the square brackets are not mandatory to input.<br>

    This doesn't feel like it should belong in the interface, but in the implementation

    It's a little weird how many times you need to format it. Perhaps have the constructor take in a LocalDateTime instead of a String

    You should make the pattern string a constant since it's being used multiple times

    what's this commented chunk

    perhaps a better name instead of initialise to make it clear what it's initialising. (Maybe initialiseDeliveryCountdown)

    won't you have -1 min -10 secs

    My bad ignore this

    Iirc that was because Aileen had a misunderstanding between the command format and the actual command. Saying square brackets are not necessary is wrong because if you put them in the actual command then it's wrong

    Would it be better to just delete it

    almost LGTM, can you just remove this test case

    // shift the currentCommandHistoryIndex to the end of the list

    this.currentCommandIndex = commandHistory.size() - 1;


    if (isLimitReached()) {


    Then below this in the else

    else {




    This makes the happy path much much clearer

    I believe the UG has changed now to use the | format instead


    Perhaps this should be after the command usage is shown. Actually maybe it shouldn't be shown at all, and leave it to the user guide for them to know what it means. What do you think?

    I have refactored maxQuantity to use Optionals instead of using "0" now

    oh didn't realise that happened, must have been automatic

    thanks for catching that! yes it should be DeliveryListCard

    have fixed it

    Yeah sounds like a good idea!

    "will NOT match" so original should be fine

    Yes actually I copied most of it from the find-i command, and I was also confused as to what was being said here. I believe it's trying to say that if you have an item called chicken and one called CHICKEN, then both will be returned (although this is no longer applicable to us). I'll change it to a more appropriate example

    What do you mean

    I know we're changing this, but to answer this, I didn't think it necessary to check deliveryModel since it wasn't being used

    Good point. Will add it

    ok let me try

    Makes sense, I shall change it

    issue with this is that it becomes hard to make a canRedo() method without adding another pointer, which makes things messy. I think our array limit will never be set beyond a few 1000 so it's not an issue (and if it is ever changed, the code can be refactored then)

    Manual testing shows that it works as expected when the limit is 1 or 2

    oh sheez for some reason my github didn't show all your comments

    ok so for the static variable, I luckily saw the issue too and just fixed it. as for the capacity != size part, yeah my bad haha still rusty from 2040 times will add it in

    ok you can check it out now!

    thanks! shall start work on test cases then


    Yeah it does, but this is NFR so you're stating that the user should have this. Like it's the assumptions you're making about the system the program will run on

    Budget is part of NFR because it is a constraint on the project. (Although from a quick google search, it is a bit debated, but the top answer here says it is

    Right yea that definitely needs to be removed. thanks for pointing out!

    I believe it already has been added by Xing Yu in the next paragraph

    OH, because one of my tasks for the weeks was to show help in the result display on start up that's why I edited that. Should I revert it back?

    Or maybe can ask @wengfaing to make a separate message to display for help on start up and then later change it to show that instead

    Yes, good catch

    Ah I feel like we'll never run out of these mistakes haha

    I've made the relevant changes!

    Ah I understand your concern, and yes the rephrasing is good. Will add it in

    Can but they are different things so I don't see the harm in separating them

    ok sure

    Physical inventory referring to the actual restaurant's inventory. meaning it won't actually clear all the items out or anything. Just to emphasize that this is a productivity tool, and not an actual product that physically manages your inventory

    well you're not wrong about the googling 😆 . Yeap I'll just remove it

    I'll just remove it as well since it's quite nonsense


    I get what you mean, but at the same time I think the MSS should be general. I guess I can put the example in brackets?

    @Wincenttjoi I thought just need make pull request only for the tutorial. Everyone else's pull requests I see also have conflicts

    Haha no worries

    Currently tests are failing, because @xnoobftw will be working on them, so merge this first (if all else looks good) even though the CI build is failing

    @xnoobftw done! CI is passing now.

    By the way, the conflicts came because of my PR which just got merged, so just keep that in mind haha don't throw everything out

    @Wincenttjoi ah yes that does make more sense, thanks!

    @wengfaing how do you want to divide this task

    @AY2021S1-CS2103T-T12-1/developers do you want the Delivery section and Items section to be of equal width, or the current width they have right now

    Currently it looks like this

    For the colouring, is it easy to implement colouring to be conditional (red vs green if stock falls below 20%)? If its a huge task we can create a separate task.

    Yes that is very doable

    Further improvement:

    Low priority: I didn't do the GUI for help toolbar on top to open up the 2 different help windows since the app is meant for CLI primarily. But feel free to connect them if you want 😃

    I'll check it out

    @Wincenttjoi I've made the changes you requested, plus changed the whole structure of the DeliveryList GUI to match that of the ItemList. (Tonnes of headache cuz debugging GUI is super hard).

    I also wrote the basic code in MainWindow.java for initialising the values into the DeliveryList on starting the app, with currently an empty ObservableList>Delivery> being initialised temporarily. The Delivery class I wrote is also currently just a stub with no functionality.

    Disagree. Different restaurants may use different kinds of metrics and having metrics follow enums we may not cover all cases. In such cases edit command would suffice to correct the error


    @AY2021S1-CS2103T-T12-1/developers do remember to pull branch-delivery to your local repo before working on it if you're working on this branch

    Could someone jog my memory on what is required for this again, apart from just renaming the command syntax and repackaging the files

    Yeah. It becomes a bigger issue when searching by phone number or address in the deliveries

    Yes that's possible. Is there anything else you think we should do as well. I'm thinking delivery order as well.

    Fixes #116

    Just want to check if you're bothered by the naming? Because sometimes I get confused that Item is actually referring to only Inventory. Sometimes I would think of Inventory item vs Delivery item (Item is the umbrella term for the different types)

    Any thoughts for this? If you're okay with I'll see what I can refactor in next PR too

    I think our understanding is that Item refers solely to inventory item

    Lol I already added an issue for this. I'll just delete my issue

    • Metric should not be allowed to change in an add command on an existing item

    • Appropriate error message for when a user tries to do so

    @xnoobftw yea sure!

    Refer 8daa9e6

    @Wincenttjoi I'm having some issues with the test cases (they work individually but don't work when the whole test suite is run. I've been googling but still am not sure where the issue is), don't think they'll be done any time soon.

    Maybe PR first so that the rest of development can work on top of it (for instance the new delivery commands will need to take this into consideration now)

    Edit: don't merge this yet

    Can accidentally do my DG also

    Sure, will check it out

    Oh I only purged for "addressbook" earlier but didn't think about "address" in general. Thanks for pointing that out

    also, locally, pull this remote master branch to your local master, then merge it to allow-find-command-to-take-more-field branch and resolve conflicts

    I agree. I don't think it's too hard to just check whether a word in the query is contained within any of the fields either

    edit: at the same time, I think this approach may be too unrestrictive.

    I don't think you have updated the sequence diagram image (only the puml has been updated from what I see)

    @Wincenttjoi you already did this right

    I'll merge if you dw any changes above! Those are just suggestions but not critical

    Sorry just saw this. I'll quickly make the changes and you can merge it

    Edit: you can check it out now!

    Could I also request two more things

    1. Remove this highlighted part from DeliveryAddCommand (it's not from your PR but it shouldn't be there haha)

    1. Add colours for the different delivery time left

    Try again, let us know if it works!

    Yes it works now!

    To do:

    • Add | symbols to find documentation (@halcon-blanco)

    • Shift the | note to the top (@wengfaing)

    McScheduler is a a one-stop solution

    Typo here

    * **`assign`**`s/3 w/2 r/Cashier` : Assign the 2nd worker on the list to the 3rd shift on the list as a Cashier.

    Inconsistent spacing around : compared to the rest of the bullet points

    <img src="images/sigmund-c.png" width="200px">

    Requirement to use .png

    &gt;space> can be removed to be consistent with the rest of the commands

    There are a few other similar instances below as well

    if (test.trim().isEmpty()) {

    Perhaps remove &gt;space> here as well. Same issue in ShiftEditCommand.java and RoleRequirement.java

    Perhaps add this note after the sequence diagram to explain its inaccuracy.

    <div markdown="span" class="alert alert-info">:information_source: **Note:** The lifeline for `AddCommandParser` should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.


    Maybe this can be removed if it's not needed.

    Would it be possible to allow the editing of the worker as well?

    if (!editedWorker.isFitForRole(assignment.getRole())) {

    Perhaps these two lines can be moved out of and before the for loop.

    Seems like this only works for the case where a role requirement that was present in a shift is completely removed from it. I don't think the case where the quantityRequired of a role is changed but the role remains unchanged has been accounted for.

    + ": Calculates the weekly pay earned by a worker identified by the index number used in the displayed worker list.\n"

    Prints seems to be a more programming-specific term which the target user (ie. a McDonald's manager) may not understand.

    I think implementing the logic of calculateWorkerPay() in this class itself may be more consistent with the rest of our commands. Maybe the rest can chip in on this

    Minor issue but 8 hours may be more realistic since McDonald's usually open for more than 12 hours a day

    Assignment | **Reassign** | `reassign so/OLD_SHIFT_INDEX wo/OLD_WORKER_INDEX sn/NEW_SHIFT_INDEX wn/NEW_WORKER_INDEX`<br>e.g. `reassign so/4 wo/1 sn/1 wn/1 r/Chef`

    "Unavailability must contain one of the days: MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT, SUN and "

    * `reassign so/4 wo/1 sn/4 wn/2 r/Chef` Reassigns the 2nd worker on the worker list to the 4th shift on the shift list as a chef.

    * `reassign so/1 wo/2 sn/3 wn/2 r/Cashier` Reassigns the 2nd worker on the worker list to the 3rd shift on the shift list as a cashier.

    For consistency with the rest of the features


    * The old assignment involving the worker at the specified `OLD_WORKER_INDEX` and the shift at `OLD_SHIFT_INDEX` must exist.

    Not sure if this will be clearer


    Would this be clearer since all the params will be visible directly instead of having to refer to the details below? It is also more consistent with the format of specifying a role requirement and mass assigning.

    Assuming the suggestion above is taken, this can be split into 2 points for UNAVAILABLE_DAY and UNAVAILABLE_TIME which may be easier to read.

    accepted). The worker will be unavailable during the specified `UNAVAILABILITY`(s).

    Perhaps the removed lines are more appropriate in the assign feature itself.

    May I know the rationale behind this change since this example is used above for UNAVAILABILITY as well?

    I believe that's a capital 'O'

    operations are supported to reduce the required number of command calls.

    `*CommandParser` class, mass operations uses the `ArgumentMultimap#getAllValues(Prefix)` method, which parses the user input

    These operations consist of their own `*Command` class and `*CommandParser` class. In each of the supported

    Perhaps keep this line with (must be a positive integer) instead of the suggested edit to keep the message consistent across all commands.

    + "{" + PREFIX_WORKER_ROLE + "WORKER_INDEX (must be a positive integer) ROLE}...\n"

    ... would show that the params can be repeated multiple times. I believe there is currently no convention to group a set of command prefixes and params with whitespaces between them together but perhaps we could use { }.

    Would be good to still see all the assignments added.

    I don't think there is a need to update after adding each assignment.

    Similar to AssignCommand, it would be good if all assignments removed can be shown.

    for (WorkerRole workerRole : workerRoles) {

    for (WorkerRole workerRole : workerRoles) {

    for (Index workerIndex : workerIndexes) {

    for (Index workerIndex : workerIndexes) {

    Similar to AssignCommand, I don't think we need to update in the loop.

    Similar to AssignCommand, it would be good to list all the assignments removed.

    Personally, WorkerRole as a class name doesn't seem very intuitive. Maybe use WorkerRoleAssignment or WorkerRolePair. The others can chip in on this as well.

    Is this a typo?

    + "{" + PREFIX_WORKER + "WORKER_INDEX (must be a positive integer)}...\n"

    + "{" + PREFIX_WORKER + "WORKER_INDEX (must be a positive integer)}...\n"

    Not sure if this is necessary. Would it work if instead of this, we just put the original check

    if (!shiftToAssign.isRoleRequired(role)) {

    throw new CommandException(Messages.MESSAGE_INVALID_ASSIGNMENT_NOT_REQUIRED);


    within the for loop before each model.addAssignment(assignment) call (ie. between lines 128 and 129)?

    Same comment as above, I think we can just place this check in the for loop before adding each assignment as well.

    Since assignStringBuilder keeps track of the assignments already added, perhaps we can concat the list of successful assignments to the CommandException thrown.

    That's a valid point

    e.g. `n/NAME [r/ROLE]` can be used as `n/John Doe r/Cashier` or as `n/John Doe`. `[u/UNAVAILABLE_DAY [UNAVAILABLE_TIME]]`

    can be used as ` ` (i.e. not provided), as `u/Mon` or as `u/Mon am`.

    Perhaps this will illustrate the use of nested square brackets better.

    ### Locating shifts by day or time: `shift-find`

    Purely cosmetic

    * `worker-find alex david` returns `Alex Yeoh` and `David Li`

    * Only the day and time are searched.

    * `shift-find Fri PM` returns all shifts on Friday and all PM shifts. i.e. `FRI PM`, `THU PM` and `FRI AM` shift will all be returned

    * `shift-find Mon` returns a `MON AM` shift and a `MON PM` shift

    * `shift-find AM PM` returns all shifts

    Perhaps we can add an example which searches both the day and time

    Worker | **Find** | `worker-find KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]`<br>e.g. `worker-find alex david`

    Since the rest of the commands use examples from the Features section, perhaps it could be kept consistent here.

    if ((!newRoles.contains(assignmentRole) && !Leave.isLeave(assignmentRole))

    if (Leave.isLeave(role)) {

    if (Leave.isLeave(toAdd)) {

    assert !Leave.isLeave(roleToDelete);

    Great idea, thank you!

    Good catch, edited.

    It seems that it is a practice to make RuntimeExceptions checked exceptions if the client is able to recover from them (https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/exceptions/runtime.html). But I do agree it is inconsistent with the other methods so I have changed the implementation of UnassignCommand#execute() itself.

    Good catch, thank you!

    Makes sense, edited

    Good point

    This will definitely be clearer for the user

    Different interpretations of the word "require" used in the UG resulted in the user misunderstanding that the ROLE field is compulsory. The phrasing should be made clearer in the UG.

    Unable to recreate. Maybe the rest can try.

    Not a bug. No shift was assigned to the worker in the example resulting in no pay.

    worker-list is useful as we have a find command which would filter the list of workers so worker-list is required to show the full list of workers.

    • Refactor FindCommand to WorkerFindCommand

    • Depending on time, we can add a ShiftFindCommand or remove ShiftListCommand


    Should this be Hall-y instead of AddressBook? Also, should it be hall admin (according to the use cases) instead of hall leader? Similarly for the rest of the terms below.

    Should it be 'enters' instead?

    Hmm seems like there was an issue with Git. Could you keep the original line under 'Saving the Data'?

    Also, could you update the command summary at the bottom of the UG as well?

    Should it be just 'in Hall-y', instead of 'in the Hall-y'?

    Should it be resident instead of person?

    Should this be a resident instead of a person?

    Nice! @schoolex can refer to this for #37 when implementing the CLISyntax.

    Should this be a series of instructions instead of a tip?

    i.e. something like the edit command in the UG:

    • GENDER: must be either M or F

    • ROOM_NUMBER: must be &gt;Block>_&gt;Room Number>

    Should there be a space after the commas?

    Should it be 'listing all residents' instead?

    A very minor nit, but is there an additional linespace between the previous method and this method?

    Should GenderType type be a private variable as stated by the coding standards?

    Minor nit again 😟 . Is there an additional linespace between this if block and the previous one?

    Should the getEditPersonDescriptorDetails() in the file be updated also?

    Should this be GENDER_DESC_BOB instead?

    Should the "M" be GENDER_DESC_BOB instead?

    Would you consider adding a similar test for invalid gender as well?

    Would you consider updating the MESSAGE_USAGE in this class as well?

    Should the constructor of this class be updated as well?

    Minor typo here in the comments.

    I think we need this for the Jekyll project site.

    Should we standardise and use application instead of app since it is a formal document?

    Should be it designers instead of designer?

    Should it be document instead of documented?

    Should there be an additional fullstop?

    It doesn't really matter, but you can consider using event.getDescription().description as well.

    Okay for this is fine for now, but maybe you can check if the editedEvent and target events are unique before setting them into the list? Else you might get duplicates within the UniqueEventList.


    Is there a typo in the javadocs? editedEvent instead of editedPerson

    Hmm... this is okay, but do test with very weird user inputs - like if they insert spaces anywhere.

    E.g. assign 6 1, assign 6 1, etc.

    Can consider doing a nullcheck on model too, similar to DeleteCommand.

    Neat! Can consider checking that residentIndex > 0 and eventIndex > 0 as well (either here or somewhere else).

    Hmm could you explain the TODO?

    Based on my understanding, ModelManager updates the filteredPersonList during a add command because the user may have keyed in find X, followed by add Y - so the UI needs to reset back to the full view by updating the predicate.

    Can you do it in both? So its similar to UniquePersonList.java#setPerson

    Okay, try to keep this in mind while testing 😄

    Is this method named wrongly?

    Neat! You can consider going further with this type of test case: e.g. "1 1" (2 spaces between each 1).

    Sorry this should be target.isSameEvent(editedEvent) - they're slightly different.

    Should it be execute_assignResident_success() instead?

    Oh ya! I'm so sorry, I was wrong.

    Hmm... These 2 steps are not very clear.

    My guess is that ListGroupCommand#execute gets the filteredpersonlist, then iterates through it and gets a set of student groups?

    Hmm... should we still keep the alternatives since there is only one design here?

    Should it be ......is called...and returns...?

    Sorry could you change this to make it clearer?

    4. The `ListGroupCommand` calls `ListGroupCommand#execute()` *which* retrieves the list of all residents by calling `Model#getFilteredPersonList()`.

    5. The `ListGroupCommand#execute()` iterates *through* the list...

    Will this work as intended if the user does:

    1. find n/XX thereby shortening the list

    2. list-group

    Hmm this is quite interesting, so if I key help 3/list-group 3, the command still works - is this a feature or a bug?

    We can consider checking for this in another issue.

    TLDR: no need to change this part, it's fine!

    Good use of SLAP!

    Hmm this might be a problem because the person is stored in 2 places - an ArrayList and UniquePersonList - complicating the logic.

    E.g, suppose the resident 1 has current student groups basketball.

    1. User adds choir using: edit 1 s/basketball s/choir

    2. Then searches for all student groups via list-group

    Will choir still show?

    Perhaps you can consider removing this additional field, and then return addressbook.getPersonList()? (Check AddressBook.java for this method).

    About this, if the location itself contains at "@", will the resulting display look weird? e.g. it might come up as 01/01/2020 15:00 @ Dining Hall @ Eusoff.

    But then if the user keys in weird inputs that can make the whole label look weird, e.g. 01/01/2020 at Dining Hall at Eusoff

    Hmm sure. It might turn out to be "01/01/2020 15:00, Dining Hall, Eusoff", but that is fine.

    Would you consider making this getter more defensive? e.g. return a copy/unmodifiable list.

    Is there a typo in the method name?

    Sorry this isn't exactly your issue, but actually should it be "[" + PREFIX_STUDENT_GROUP + "STUDENT_GROUP " + "]..." instead? Reason being the user can actually do find s/dance s/basketball.


    Is there a typo in the method name - should it be test_matriculationNumber_returnsTrue()?

    Are these 2 the same?

    Okay never mind, my bad.

    Hmm the old link generates a badge though. Using /actions/ doesn't generate a badge, but a link instead...

    Ohh I see. Sorry I misunderstood that.

    Okay! I updated it. Currently it's just dummy data. We should probably have a source of truth somewhere in the code to validate if the block numbers and room numbers are all valid (I'm thinking somewhere in preferences.json might be good).

    Okay done. Thanks!

    Okay, I have added a field to manage the list of attendees tot the Event class.

    I didn't add the way to add students to the list yet - this is still a dummy implementation and there might be some design considerations you can make for associating persons to events (e.g. unmodifiable lists, etc).

    Might need change this implementation to also compare the attendees list

    Similarly, not sure if this hash will take into account 2 events with same name, description, but different attendeesList (or that it doesn't matter).

    We should. Doesn't really make sense to have just the alternatives with no explanation.

    Okay! Fixed it after our standardisation - to keep all return arrows.

    Good catch! Fixed 😄

    Sorry! Fixed.

    Seems that requireAllNonNull() checks all items as well. Refer to UniquePersonList.


    Good catch! Fixed

    Alright, done!


    This was modelled after the UniquePersonList. @yanchenglee98, fyi.

    This section is repeated.

    Thanks, fixed.

    Thanks, done

    Good catch, fixed.

    Good point. Fixed.

    Good point - fixed.

    Closing this, since it is part of the tutorial. Will not be merging unless we decide to drop address.

    Closing this, since it is part of the tutorial. Will not be merging unless we decide to add Remark.

    Need to verify if the tP tracker will still pick this up if the PR is closed. Do reopen if the tP tracker requires the PR to be open for grading.

    Closing since AB3 already implements this feature. Do make sure if that the feature works with the updates to #10.

    Remove from milestone v1.2. Will consider adding this into milestone v1.3.

    Oops I missed this out: could you also update the command summary section for the edit command too?

    PR closed as I messed up Git. 😢

    Closing this, since it is part of the tutorial. Will not be merging unless we decide to add Remark.

    Not sure why the badge doesn't load when it's first loaded, but after refreshing, it loads? 😕

    Closing. Has been completed.

    Closing for now since the tP tracker says there are no references left.

    DG might still have some (since the explanation of the code still needs to use AddressBook*.java), but that's fine.

    Nice, thanks! 😄

    EDIT: was part of #91.

    EDIT: was part of #91.

    EDIT: was part of #91 as well.

    Was resolved by issue #98 and PR #106 - viewing of all events handled by the UI.

    Pushing back this issue for v1.4 instead.

    The matriculation number is used in storing event's attendees - it's quite a critical bug.

    Closed via #160.

    Closing this issue for now - we feel like our application still benefits the hall admins to manage hall events even without being to filter the event list.

    This is a feature, not a bug. Events are only considered duplicates if they have the same name, location and date.

    Will improve UG on this.

    Not addressing this issue. Highlighted this in the UG (#223) as a feature, not a bug 😛

    Closed using #230.

    Maybe we can add ParseKeyword() method to the ParserUtil class?

    I think we should access ModuleName class instead of Name class?

    Same issue as above.

    Should it be index.getZeroBased()? Since the constructor for ViewCommand specifies that the index should be zero based ("@param moduleIndex Zero based index of the module in the list of modules.")

    I think we can create sections for the accessor methods for each type of list? Since there are going to be todolist and possibly schedule list also. Just to make things more organized 😃

    Maybe can change "person" to "contact"?

    I think we should add a JavaDoc for this constructor? Just to maintain consistency 😃

    I like how this is separated into 2 lines (not combined into 1 line like the original code) which can enhance readability 😄

    I think the solution that we can consider for the 2 problems above is to have static field for the 3 types of the parser. This way we can have better abstraction and don't need to instantiate the parser every time a command is called by the user.

    @jonasngs I think it should be fine since this is just the first layer for checking the commands. It will be checked again in each of the FeatureParser e.g. even though "addmodule1" may pass the ParserManager, the method parseCommand() in ModuleListParser will throw an exception anyway.

    In addition, I think we can consider using static HashSet for checking the type of the command. It will be accurate (less prone to bug) and also fast at the same time (no need to check for every existing command), but of course it will consume more memory (which one is our priority though?) 😃

    I think we should check if all of the prefixes are present i.e. not just name and email but also telegram and tags? Since the Contact class requires all of the fields to be non-null?

    In addition, I think inputting the command addcontact n/mike e/example@web.com without prefix telegram will cause below statement,

    Telegram telegram = ParserUtil.parseTelegram(argMultimap.getValue(PREFIX_TELEGRAM).get());

    to throw a NoSuchElementException since argMultimap.getValue(PREFIX_TELEGRAM) will return an Optional.empty()?

    Oh sorry, I didn't notice the issue earlier hahaha 😆 . Okay then!

    I think we should use isEmpty() method for the if statement i.e. source.getPriority().get().isEmpty(). This is because get() method from an empty Optional will not return a null but instead throw a NoSuchElementException.

    Perhaps a getter method for gradePoint can be added? To preserve consistency since all the other fields are accessed with getters.

    Just for additional information, I read that it is not recommended to use Optional as the type of the property of an Object. There are several explanations about this which I found from :

    https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56457245/why-isnt-optional-used-for-instance-variables#:~:text=Optional is a valuable specification.&text=One reason not to use,reference itself to be null .


    In addition, the official Oracle Java Documentation also states the following :

    "Optional is primarily intended for use as a method return type where there is a clear need to represent "no result," and where using null is likely to cause errors. A variable whose type is Optional should never itself be null; it should always point to an Optional instance."

    Link : https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/11/docs/api/java.base/java/util/Optional.html#map(java.util.function.Function

    Yup, this part should fix the index checking problem.

    Why is gradeTracker excluded from this equals() method?

    I think we can have better names for temp and temp2 e.g. module and otherModule?

    Do you think listing the module's details in a vertical way would be better? Since I think scrolling down is easier 😆

    May I know what is the usage of this toString() method?

    I just noticed that the ParseException is never thrown byfindAllPrefixPositions() method. I think we can remove the throw keyword from the method signature. By doing so, we also need to remove the throw keyword from the tokenize() method since the tokenize is just passing the exception from the findAllPrefixPositions (which is never thrown). Btw, this is based on the current master, so please correct me if the current PR actually uses the ParseException 😅

    In addition, if we decide to remove the throw ParseException, then we should also remove the throw ParseException from the junit tests in ArgumentTokenizerTest class.

    As mentioned above, I think throw ParseException should be removed if ParseException in ArgumentTokenizer#findAllPrefixPositions() is never thrown.

    I really like this part, didn't know we can combine predicate this way 😃

    If I remember correctly (please correct me if I'm wrong hahaha), I think Dr. Wee mentioned about using a more friendly-term instead of using "integer"? Maybe we can consider using a more general term like "positive round number" (not sure if this defines the integer correctly though 😅 )? But I also think that integer should be fine since the target users are computing students that most likely know the term "integer".

    Just wondering, are we going to allow the user to add a zoomlink without NUS Domain in the future?

    May I know if this means the user cannot input findtask p/high highest? Maybe we can add examples of incorrect commands to make things clearer?

    Maybe we can add an additional tip to the user where listcontact is useful to reset to the original list after a findcontact or sortcontact commands?

    This is also one of the requirements for CS2101 to add tips for the user 😄 i.e. :

    "[Taken from UG Info Pack] 5. Highly considerate of user needs by providing other relevant and helpful information (e.g. warnings, tips, important note)"

    Yup, I think it's a good idea to change the prefix to z because it represents more that it is the prefix for zoomlink 😄

    As discussed beofore, are we going to remove Contact#getName() and use Contact#toString() instead?

    I think Lesson should be ModuleLesson?

    Just want to clarify, should we do checkArgument() for every constructor? Because if so, I will update some of my code to include this check to maintain consistency 😅

    I think we should also explain that this class only represents the name of a lesson of a module? Since it can be misinterpreted to store the whole information of the lesson ?

    Perhaps we can add a tips or example here? For instance,

    Tips : If you have 2 or more types of lecture e.g. lecture on Monday and Wednesday and they have different zoomlinks, you can add 2 zoomlinks with different lesson name e.g. Mon-Lecture and Wed-Lecture.

    I realized that since the user cannot edit the zoomlink with the "editzoomlink", then the only way that the user can change the ModuleLesson is by deleting the zoomlink first then adding a new zoomlink with the edited ModuleLesson. This might require the user to manually compare the zoomlink which might not be so user-friendly. Therefore, I think we should tell the user which ModuleLesson already has the zoomlink?

    So, the message could be updated to :

    "This zoom link already exist under LECTURE_NAME lesson. You must delete this lesson first if you wish to add this zoomlink under a new lesson in the module"

    I was wondering if maybe we should abstract this arePrefixesPresent() method out to a common class since a lot of the commands classes that use prefixes have this method? But I think we can discuss this when we are done with the coding part and focuses more on code quality 😅

    Update : I just saw the PR for editzoomlink command, so this comment might be irrelevant 😅

    Perhaps we can explain how the user can change the lesson name? For example :

    1. Delete zoomlink with the lesson name that you want to delete.

    2. Add the same zoomlink again but with different lesson name.

    Thanks for the typo fix! 😄

    May I know why do we need to update the filtered module list?

    In addition, we will have a findmodule command for the modulelist (see PR #557) which means the listmodule command will be used to reset the list. So, updating the filtered module list here might cause inconsistency? Because I think the only command that should reset the list is the listmodule command?

    I think the correct implementation is to use OR? Because both email and telegram ID are unique. So, comparing just one of them should be sufficient?

    For example, Person A and Person B have the same name and email but different telegram ID. If we impose that every field must be the same, then we will consider Person A and Person B to be different. This means Person A and Person B are physically 2 different person with the same name that share one email account. I think we won't see this kind of case in real life?

    By the way, the above is the case if we treat Contact as real person. I would like to clarify if we define Contact as real person though? Or maybe it is okay to have 2 same person but different email because they have different roles? e.g.

    Person A

    Name : Halo

    Email : Personal email

    Telegram : @halo

    Person B

    Name : Halo

    Email : Work email

    Telegram : -

    Though, in this case, I think the name of the contact should have been the one that are differentiated instead, to avoid confusion 😆

    @murtubak Yes, if it's the equals() method than we probably should check all the field, but the method that we were discussing is not the equals() method, it is the isSameContact() method (can check the file for the method name).

    Typo in "eventd"

    I think "Contacts" should be "Events"?

    Same issue as previous comments.

    Same issue as previous comments.

    I think "taskTags" should be "eventTags"?

    Is System.out.println(dates); still being used for debugging? If not maybe we can remove it 😅

    Same issue as previous comments.

    Perhaps we can also add JavaDocs for private methods (if time allows)? So that we can easily understand what the code does when we read it in coming years hahaha 😆

    Maybe we can use the guard-clauses technique here? i.e.

    private int numOfDays() {

    if (this.headerMonth.getValue() != 2) {

    return this.headerMonth.length(false);


    if (Year.isLeap(this.headerYear)) {

    return this.headerMonth.length(true);

    } else {

    return this.headerMonth.length(false);



    So, that the happy path is more prominent and the code is not deep nested anymore 😄

    Maybe we can use verb for this method name e.g. getNumOfDays()? (just to maintain consistency)

    Same issue as above. Maybe we can name it handleNextMonthButton()? It is much longer though, but in return it is much more intuitive and also enhance the readability.

    If possible, perhaps we can consider using enum to avoid the use of magic number?

    I think this catch and try block is unnecessary? Since it only catches the exception and throw the exact same exception?

    In addition, we already added the the exception to the method signature, so I think removing the catch and try block should be fine 😅

    Yup this is a nice change. Perhaps I should have used INCOMPLETE from the beginning hahaha 😆 I chose to use NOT_COMPLETED to make the command name for intuitive i.e. notcomplete, but I decided to name the command resettask instead. So, using INCOMPLETE shouldn't have been a problem 😅

    I think we can change Person to Contact if time allows.

    Yes, for now it is just used to make the testing easier (no need to write the whole thing every time).

    Yes, I will migrate all the methods to the ParserUtil class.

    Yes, I will add all the missing JavaDocs (I only added the javadocs that the CI requires for this PR)

    Yes, I think that's a good idea

    Okay, sure.

    Yes, sure. If the test doesn't work, we can always comment out first then make the changes later.

    Yes, I think we should do that. Will try to change in the next PR.

    Oh yes, I just realized that Tag can probably replace Type.

    Yup, totally forgot about that 😆

    Yup, noted.

    Okay, I can move the first append method call to match the other append calls.

    Okay, noted.

    I think it should work since this is taken directly from our current UniqueModuleList class. In addition, field internalList is private means that it can only be accessed by the UniqueTodoList class and the code "((UniqueTodoList) other).internalList))" is inside the UniqueTodoList class. Hence, it is not a problem.

    I am using the same implementation as our current ModuleList class (from AB-3). The reason is because module list is very similar to todo list. I think it is a good idea to maintain consistency and similarity for the implementation throughout the code?

    Or perhaps we should instead try to implement our own version of todo list that does not replicate the implementation of module list? i.e. todo list in cap5buddy package uses a different implementation by using arrayList instead.

    Same issue as above.

    Same issue as above.

    Okay, it is now resolved.

    TaskNotFoundException is an unchecked exception since it inherits from RunTimeException. I think the purpose of this exception is mainly for bug checking. In addition, the error message that will be shown to the user should be handled in the each of the Command class instead?

    For instance, below code is taken from EditCommand class from the original AB-3 (this is absent from our current EditModuleCommand class though):

    "if (index.getZeroBased() >= lastShownList.size()) {

    throw new CommandException(Messages.MESSAGE_INVALID_PERSON_DISPLAYED_INDEX);


    However, I think we can still add error message just to make it easier for the programmer to understand the error when debugging 😃

    Yup. For the moment, I think we can implement 2 version of comparator classes e.g.

    • DateComparatorAscend and DateComparatorDescend which inherits from DateComparator

    and then we can either do the same for TaskComparatorByDate by creating 2 new classes or we can instead modify TaskComparatorByDate to take an argument which can be either DateComparatorAscend or DateComparatorDescend based on the user input,

    e.g. TaskComparatorByDate(DateComparator comparatorDescend );

    Yes, I think we should handle that in each of the Command class?

    In addition, I just changed the isSameTask() method. Now 2 tasks are considered to be the same if only their name are the same since the other fields can be optional. I think it is sufficient to just check the name?

    Oh yes, it should only need to have the same name. I forgot to edit the JavaDoc for that one 😆. Thanks for pointing this out!

    Okay, I have updated the JavaDocs.

    Okay, noted. I will change the PR to draft in the meantime until the abstracting of the Parser class is done.

    Agreed, I also think the same.

    Yes, we could use inheritance here to have better abstraction (no repetition code).

    Agreed, I will update this in the future.

    No, the correct one is the red one. I just realized that I might have deleted the wrong line when resolving the conflicts 😆

    Yes, thank you for pointing this typo 😃

    Okay, I have fixed the typo.

    Okay, I have fixed it.

    But if the tags are present in editTaskDescriptor, then orElse() will not execute though? Therefore, I think it does not matter whether the argument of orElse() is empty or not?

    Update : I realized the problem now i.e. the argument of orElse() will still get executed, hence the get() method is called from an empty Optional. I will fix it ASAP 😆

    I will change from using the orElse() method to orElseGet() method. This way it will not cause a NoSuchElementException since we are using a supplier that will call the get() method only if the tags in taskToEdit is present (unlike orElse() that will call get() regardless if the tags is present or not).

    Okay, I have pushed the changes commit. I will do some further testing after the storage component is fixed 😃

    Okay, noted.

    Yes, I will update it as final. Just want to make sure first that the HashMap methods are correct before editing the rest of the constructors 😅

    Yup, I will remove it. Just want to make sure the HashMap implementation is correct before deleting.

    Okay, noted.

    Yes I was also thinking about this. Does updating the content violates immutability though?

    If it does then the current implementation's main advantage would only be that it is consistent with the other method 😅

    HashMap#get() already returns a null if the key does not exist, so it should be okay to not check the key existence?

    In addition, I just realized that this method will only be used for editing zoomlinks? Since we will not be implementing a command to query a specific zoomlink. Because of this, I will add a getter method for the entire zoomLink i.e. getAllZoomLinks().

    Yes I was also thinking the same, I'll remove it then.

    This class is added because the chart is not listening to the TodoList but to the pieChartData which only get updated everytime this method is called. I'm not sure if there is a way to make pieChartData listens directly from TodoList without using method to update it manually? Or perhaps there is a way to do it? 😅

    Btw, please check the previous comment to see the proposed fix. Thanks.

    Yes I know, but currently the chart is not listening from the TodoList since it must listen from a list that contains the statistics about the TodoList (Unless know how to update it directly? Because I think we still need to process the data from the TodoList into another list that will be represented in the chart)

    In this case what do you think if I add another list in ModelManager class that specifically stores the statistics about the TodoList. So updating the statistics will be done in each of the command class i.e. same as updating the TodoList?

    Note : I did it this way to avoid updating the ModelManager (I thought this might cause problem for the current tests, etc), but after looking again I think it should be fine to place the statistics list inside the ModelManager since each methods inside ModelManager are mostly independent from each other. I will make the change ASAP (trying to get this done for Friday's demo hahaha 😆 ).


    Yes, I will implement the storage part for TodoList later.

    small issue maybe it should be example instead of examples?

    same issue here

    there seem to be some inconsistency here. do you mean JOB_TITLES instead?

    do you mean job_title

    I think what Shawn said makes sense. It might be better to stick to terms that are already established eg InternshipStatus. If I am not wrong does the status class exist only for Internship? If that is the case, maybe you can consider shifting date to the Internship object instead and as such, there won't be any ambiguity in the naming.

    small typo

    might want to maintain consistency with other files where you leave a line at line 9 for this class.

    there shouldn't be a return

    I realized that some javadocs there's full stop while some there aren't.

    If most to all parser requires these static final int variables, we could shift it to avoid duplicates. However, I am not sure if it is apt to shift it to an interface. Can consider having a Util class for it.

    the parameter should have a space

    I am wondering if since the Internship has been categorized into InternshipCliSyntax, perhaps this could be also categorized into ItemCliSyntax, or were u planning to convert this class into that in the future?

    hmm i am not sure which "style" we want to stick to but shawn has another way of writing this InternHunter detects an error in the input format . We might want to stick to one way in order for our DG to look cohesive.

    should use >br />

    should use >br/ >

    should use >br/ >

    Would it be weird if it is "viewing" the profile page? To be cohesive to our DG, You must be on the **profile** page ... sounds more cohesive to our precondition

    an exception should be only thrown when it is like not within the programmer's control? like missing files or user input. Since it is a controlled environment, using assertion is more apt. It's from oracle java assert.

    Small issue, can put /todo for future.

    not totally sure how regex works but from the description are you rejecting # and +?

    do remember to add in javadocs in the future

    do include the @throws.

    do remember to add in javadocs in the future

    just a suggestion, @line 38-39

    from GitHub this line looks quite long, you can consider having

    boolean b1 = ...

    boolean b2 = ...

    if (b1 || b2)

    oh, but I think keane/shawn side is allowing the use of those though! it might be confusing for the user ? can either @keanecjy @shawn-nyk confirm this?

    @throws missing

    @throws missing

    InternshipTitle instead

    might want to change the variable name for clarity

    Internship titles should only ...

    might want to change it to INTERNSHIP_TITLE_DISPLAY_NAME

    just a minor question but is there a need for this if block? I think we could just shift it into the if-else block. However, if this is a better coding standard, then I think we can stick to this.

    oh if this the case, I believe the current code is a better option

    I realized for constructors, in our main code, we use Creates, so maybe we could stick to the same javadocs for cohesiveness

    Maybe can just remove the InternshipItemUtil class which and just be Provides the string used in ... ? or perhaps A utility class that provides ...

    Sorry may I know what's the difference between COMPANY_OUTPUT_NAME and PERIOD_OUTPUT_NAME

    could they just be summarized intoCOMPANY_NAME = "Company Name: "

    sry whats the difference between space and blank

    Dont forget to remove the Sout

    We were discussing this previously and we decided that this allows an easier skill matching.

    Because the user can key in any type of requirements which can be very long will definitely render the skill matching useless.

    Should we stick to how other messages are done, I realised we are missing the Parameters: ...

    Might break some test cases message.

    I think now we can do model.getFilteredProfileListSize(). Do you mind helping me and shawn change that portion

    Same here can help to change to getFilteredApplicationListSize()

    the numbering is wrong, but I have updated this in my current PR for its ToC

    not sure if this is a repetition of line 333 to 336. If it isn't you might want to encase experience skills achievements with the experience individually

    it should be .png, I think images are case-sensitive.

    oh i think intellij doesnt care about case-sensitive but github does haha

    @ZoroarkDarkrai I am not sure if this class is being used? If i recall correctly it is only used in line 94, which is being removed

    Maybe we leave it here first.

    should you include an extension that nothing is shown?

    line 496, it should be then instead of the.

    you could abstract srp into glossary.

    If i recall correctly there is more than one usage of OOP also, perhaps you could help add them into the glossary!

    i think you have changed currentSkillList to skillList in your implementation?

    leave a line break before and after the div. Sometimes the HTML file doesnt render properly because of that eg

    <div markdown="span" class="alert alert-primary">

    :bulb: **Tip:** If you want to store multiple experiences or achievements of the same name, for example taking part ........


    Yup, It might be more consistent to change the type to category.

    Thanks, @keanecjy will add the missing information. Maybe it might be more apt for us to put it as "what our app manages" under introduction

    Yup we could keep it simple currently and once we merge them in the future, we could include those extensions.

    perhaps once we merge the similar use cases together, we can include more extensions to it!

    hmmm, I am not very sure if it should be an exception instead. I was following the assert from oracle java.

    The absence of a default case typically indicates that a programmer believes that one of the cases

    will always be executed. The assumption that a particular variable will have one of a small number

    of values is an invariant that should be checked with an assertion.

    Have fixed the java docs issues, thanks.

    I will resolve this conversation since we have concluded it.

    True I am not sure about which is a more appropriate wording.

    Thanks for the spot, will update it.

    Thanks for the clarification Shawn, what I meant as this naming is, Company & Application to have the same Information Width. I will do the relevant changes to make it clearer.

    Not very sure how to resolve this portion. Maybe I should a raw type parameterized instead?

    yup I think I should change this to setRequirements

    yup I think I should change this to setIndustries

    yup, I have fixed this

    yes, you're right. I will do a work around.

    Thanks for the advice, did not know there is such a thing.

    resolved in the latest push.

    resolved in the latest push.

    resolved in the latest push.

    Yes, i agree as well. I will help to reformat the rest of the parser

    While trying to reformat, I realized that We would need to know the Type of command in order to get its MESSAGE_USAGE. If we were to shift it to GeneralParserUtil, we would need to determine the Type of command and pass it as a a parameter into the static method in GeneralParserUtil. However, this determining of the type of command is already present in the parse command, as such we might be writing two switch cases. However, if we would want to write only one switch cases, we might have to change how the code would like like.

    Also from the way we coded previously, the switch case in the parse method would never go to the default case, we can do an assert false there? (Since the checking is already done in the checkCommandDetailsIsNotBlank)

    However, a method that is possible is that we will have to shift that checkCommandDetailsIsNotBlank into each of the cases in the switch method as well as introducing an extra parameter.


    public FindCommand parse(String args) throws ParseException {
        String itemType = getItemType(args, FindCommand.MESSAGE_USAGE);
        String commandDetails = getCommandDetails(args);
        switch (itemType) {
        case COMPANY_ALIAS:
            checkCommandDetailsIsNotBlank(commandDetails, itemType, FindCompanyCommand.MESSAGE_USAGE);
            //return new FindCompanyCommand(commandDetails);
            return null;
            checkCommandDetailsIsNotBlank(commandDetails, itemType, FindApplicationCommand.MESSAGE_USAGE);
            //return new FindApplicationCommand(commandDetails);
            return null;
        case PROFILE_ALIAS:
            checkCommandDetailsIsNotBlank(commandDetails, itemType, FindProfileCommand.MESSAGE_USAGE);
            //return new FindProfileCommand(commandDetails);
            return null;
            // Invalid item type
            throw new ParseException(MESSAGE_INVALID_ITEM_TYPE);

    Sorry, I don't quite get what do you mean as throw the exception with the correct message.

    Sorry, I don't quite understand what do you mean about profile item having a general error message 😮


    I reaslied this as well. For commands that are without the letter specifier, like

    view me 1

    delete me 1

    It seems to have this special other error message generator.

    And as a result, since find is somewhat the same, I try to extract this duplicated method from view and delete as well.

    In comparison to other classes

    I realised for the earlier commands like Add, the message is encapsulated inside each of the individual type of add commands instead, because they made used of tokenizer as its checker

    While for the later commands like view and delete me, since we dont need to use the tokenizer, it seems like we generated another method for checking instead

    Is there anyway we can consolidate this issue. This is linked to the problem Keane and I was discussing in the post above. @AY2021S1-CS2103T-T15-4/developers

    So I take that we should format it such that delete, view, find should follow how add, edit does it?

    Ah, yes that is true, will make the relevant changes once we get our affirmation regarding the above dicussions

    oh this sounds great, will abstract it into messages.java then

    yeah i did thought about it, but it feels weird if we have to add in a condition for it LOL for whether to display the extra s. Hmm i think since we are dealing with a 1 vs Infinite amount, it feels like having the s should make sense right O:

    hmm, I think since this is a more towards only switch kind of command, I believe I should make a separate message then. Are there any other commands that have the same issue? I believe list and find as well right?

    Thanks for the spot

    I think I will temporarily put this as %1$d %2$s items found!









    good catch resolved

    good catch resolved





    If we are planning to create other classes in replacement of person and address book, I don't think we need to change the Javadoc yet?



    Hmm. The dilemma now is that this is just a proof of concept and we may be abstracting common logic down the line and scrapping all these, so overwriting Javadocs now may redundant. The danger is that if the code is kept and the comments are missed in the future. What is the team's opinion on this? @ZoroarkDarkrai @keanecjy @seanjyjy @shawn-nyk

    I agree that overwriting Javadocs now may be redundant, especially because our code can change over time up until the final version. At the same time, I also agree that we may miss them in the future, and doing a one-time run-through of all our code at the end may be very tedious and error-prone. As such, how about we do something like: every time we create new bits of code that require Javadocs, or we modify code that already has Javadocs attached to them, we place a standardized comment, such as TODO: Javadocs above the code we need to write/edit Javadocs for? That way we get the syntax highlighting that IntelliJ provides for the TODO keyword, and we can also search for this standardised comment throughout the code base to hone in on where we'll eventually need to write/edit Javadocs when the time comes. Any thoughts on this?

    I think this is a great idea what do the rest think?



    LGTM good job.

    Hi, Fidella I think since you approved these changes I will just merge it in? Need this code currently

    LGTM good job.

    Can add the todo or javadocs and it is good to merge.

    Which file/line are you referring to?

    DeleteProfleCommand class and maybe its constructor? incase forget in the future

    Will merge this first




    Besides the point that @keanecjy has raised, I believe it is good to merge after it is resolved.


    the link seems to be still broken. From the html file side

    the link seems to be still broken. From the html file side

    Sorry my mistake












    Overall LGTM to merge, just need to fix the image link. Think there is a typo in the png file itself

    Just some comments for you to consider, not very sure if it is right or wrong.

    For sd execute edit me command, you might want to include what is return in the getProfileList() perhaps.

    And for void methods like setItem and setProfileItem i believe the return arrows could be omitted as it doesn't bring any value and it does help to reduce cluttering.

    However, if you think that it is fine, then do let me know as it is good to merge already.

    LGTM. Good job



    UC 07 seems to be broken in terms of formatting

    I just realised, but just for plausible consideration, should we add-in extension for deleting companies that indicate internships being deleted as well as its application.




    There are issues with the formatting in your new code for each of the note and tip

    I am thinking that since quite a number of us quoted terms like DRY and stuff, would be it better if we shift all those to the glossary instead of putting DRY(Don't Repeat Yourself)?

    We might need to change our product scope and value proposition, it is not more tech?

    I am thinking that since quite a number of us quoted terms like DRY and stuff, would be it better if we shift all those to the glossary instead of putting DRY(Don't Repeat Yourself)?

    Sounds good, we have to update Keane.

    I think it applies to shawn, fidella also!

    I am thinking that since quite a number of us quoted terms like DRY and stuff, would be it better if we shift all those to the glossary instead of putting DRY(Don't Repeat Yourself)?

    Sounds good, we have to update Keane.

    I think it applies to shawn, fidella also!

    I was referring updating to the glossary

    yeah, i meant like can help them to also factor some of their terminologies into glossary as well, or maybe they could do it themselves

    Also, do you mind refactoring your images than you used in this dg in this pr. Thanks!





    For the model diagram, I believe that the arrow from the ApplicationItem, etc should be in solid line to the Item as ours is an Inheritance relationship.

    I am not sure but maybe it is ViewManager and TabManager rather than View and Tab

    I am not sure if ApplicationItem has a composition with InternshipItem? But rather there should a relationship between CompanyItem and ApplicationItem

    Hmm, looking at ModelManager, it stores a Tab and View as its fields though, therefore it should be as per the current diagram?

    Ah yes you're right i have missed out that.

    1. Sorry that i missed out again but I think the ProfileItemCategory is an enum class.

    2. Not sure if the association labels are pointing in the wrong direction(is this a plantuml limitation? if it is then nvm)

    3. not sure if package is the right word to use, perhaps they are classes?

    Just a thought

    1. I think the user stories are arranged in Company -(internship)- application - profile - general. Then maybe the 1st and 2nd user stories should be put in the general section instead, for consistency in the arrangement.

    Otherwise just some nits to fix and it is good to merge!

    LGTM good job

    Have space between Profile and Item remove the delimiter c/

    @FH-30 . Hi after you did find, did you use the list to get back all the data? I believe this is an AB3 thing as well. However thanks for the report. We will improve on the documentation to be clearer.

    Thank you for the feedback but the response message corresponds with application behavior.

    UG states that date is in the future

    This is a specific error message for this exception.

    Screenshot 2020-10-31 at 9 56 07 PM


    You can put in a different period?











    Just a small grammar error. I think it should be students' and not student's?

    Maybe it will be nice to change tutees to students? Since we are using students at all other places.

    Perhaps it will be better to remove contact since users can edit tags as well. And tags may not be contact information.

    Perhaps it will be great to include the format here as well?

    **List Students in Class** | `list students /by [n/CLASS_NAME] [m/MODULE_CODE]`<br> e.g., `list students /by n/Tutorial T10 m/CS2013T`

    I think you forgot to change the example?

    **List Students in a Class** | `list-students c/INDEX`<br> e.g., `list-students c/3`

    Nice! 👍

    I like this. But i think we need to update the examples in user guide since users don't have to type @ now

    Should there be a space before comma?

    I don't think there should be address?

    // Keywords match telegram and email, but does not match name

    predicate = new NameContainsKeywordsPredicate(Arrays.asList("12345", "alice@email.com"));

    * Returns an {@code TutorsPet} with all the typical students.

    Good catch!

    I think this should change to AddModuleClassCommand?

    * Parses the given {@code String} of arguments in the context of the AddModuleClassCommand

    * and returns an AddModuleClassCommand object for execution.

    Is it possible to change Node to Label?

    * Creates a {@code Label} with the given {@code Tag} details.


    public Label createTag(Tag tag) {

    Or alternatively change the Label in JavaDoc to Node?

    I think there is a missing space.

    -fx-background-color: derive(#7392b7, 10%);

    Is it An UI or a UI ?

    Not sure if we should use An UI.

    Is there an extra semicolon?

    Great job for finding so many missing full stops in comments! 👍

    There is an extra space.

    <!-- Checks that every class declaration is followed by an empty line. -->

    I just realized that we forgot to write javadoc for getModuleClassList().

    Perhaps this should change to different objects ?

    // different objects -&gt; returns false

    Perhaps can add in a test for multiple student indexes/class indexes?

    Perhaps this should start with capital letter?

    // Calls #setStyleToDefault() whenever there is a change to the text of the command box.

    Perhaps it will be better to rename key to student?

    Perhaps it will be better to add a so that it is more consistent? (Add a class, add a student etc)

    | UC17 | Add a lesson |

    | UC18 | Edit a lesson |

    | UC19 | Delete a lesson |

    Perhaps it will be better to add underscore in between?

    | **Add Lesson** | `add-lesson c/CLASS_INDEX d/DAY st/START_TIME et/END_TIME v/VENUE r/NO_OF_TIMES` <br> e.g., `add-lesson c/1 d/MONDAY st/8.00AM et/10.00AM v/COM1 #01-01 r/13` |

    * Returns a deep copied {@code AttendanceRecord}.

    Perhaps it will be better to use class since we are using class in user guide?

    + ": Deletes the lesson in a specific class identified by the "

    + "index number used in the displayed class list and lesson list respectively.\n"

    Perhaps it will be better to use student manager since the app is about managing students?

    * Adds a lesson to the student manager.

    Might be better to use student manager here as well

    public static final String MESSAGE_USAGE = COMMAND_WORD + ": Adds a lesson to the student manager. "

    // add lesson to moduleClass

    * Returns an add lesson command string for adding the {@code lesson}.

    Should we replace it with tutorspet?

    1. Run the `tutorspet.Main` and try a few commands.

    I think you missed out this line

    e.g. `tutorspet.commons.StringUtilTest`

    Perhaps we should keep the storage?

    e.g. `tutorspet.storage.StorageManagerTest`

    Perhaps keep tutorspet.model here? Similarly for the CollectionUtil below

    import tutorspet.model.Model;

    I think this should be click only?

    Perhaps it will be good if we can also explain the functions of the other 2 tabs here (File and Help)?

    If you would like to change Tutor's Pet theme, click on the **Theme** tab at the top of the screen. There are

    Would it be better to add view?

    | **View Statistics** | `stats c\CLASS_INDEX s\STUDENT_INDEX`<br> e.g., `stats c\1 s\1`

    Might be good to mention the week here as well

    * Your `CS2103T Tutorial` lesson in week 10 has just ended and you would like to give participation scores to the students. You

    I think affects sounds a bit weird to me. Would this be better?

    3. The command execution calls static methods from the `ModuleClassUtil` and `LessonUtil` classes.

    Should we put the two terms into glossary? Since they appear in quite a number of places

    I think it should be display-venue?

    #### Display venue : `display-venue`

    Perhaps it will be better to change to Display Statistics so that it is consistent with the summary table on top?

    #### Display Statistics : `stats`

    Perhaps can change to targetWeek

    deleteAttendanceFromModuleClass(moduleClass, lessonIndex, targetWeek, student);

    * One of your students, `Bernice`, has swapped `CS2103T Tutorial` slots and you no longer teach her.

    Perhaps it will be good to also mention that Bernice is the second student on the list?

    * You made an error while entering the `CS2103T Tutorial` lesson. It should be `Tuesday` and not `Thursday`. You type the command `edit-lesson c\1 l\1 d\Tuesday` and press <kbd>Enter</kbd>.

    The meaning of CLASS_INDEX and LESSON_INDEX are explained in the glossary. Perhaps we don't need to explain here again?

    Agree that it might be better to link to implementation section

    Would it be better to change this to numbered list instead of bullet points?

    Can consider overloading the hasStudent method in TutorsPet and I think the guard clause below can be removed.

    Perhaps it will be nice to annotate this diagram to show where the added lesson is?

    I'm not very sure but I think should be goals

    without the hassle of having to compute it themselves. It satisfies one of Tutor's Pet goals which

    agree with this

    No particular reason. I am thinking of changing to 52 since there are 52 weeks in a year. Any suggestions for the number?

    The end time of the original lesson was 10am, so the start time cannot be set to 2pm. If not I will get a lesson starting at 10 and ending at 2

    yep sure I think overload is better

    Yep works on mine too

    Should we use Index to select the book instead of the name of the book? Since the delete command already makes use of Index and using bookname is quite prone to typos

    The user guide link is wrong, the correct link should be https://ay2021s1-cs2103t-f13-2.github.io/tp/UserGuide.html

    Same for the dev guide as well, correct link should be https://ay2021s1-cs2103t-f13-2.github.io/tp/DeveloperGuide.html

    I think you may have missed out on this part. The View command is meant to view detailed info regarding a single book.

    I think this extension 2a isn't supposed to be here anymore, its included in UC05 already.

    Just saw that the extension numbering here is incorrect, should be 2a, 2a1, 2b etc. Can you help change them too 🙏 thanks!

    According to the user guide, the prefix should be "tp/" for total pages and "b/" for bookmark for consistency purposes right? Maybe we can discuss this further!

    Thanks for doing the renaming! There's some parts which haven't been renamed such as the Javadoc here, comments in the equals() test as well as here: https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-F13-2/tp/blob/c568a3c5177c68a33c3e6279923fa8f3c0356df0/src/test/java/seedu/bookmark/logic/commands/AddCommandTest.java#L153

    Would be great if you could change those too, thanks!

    Could you edit the javadoc and comments as well please, thanks!

    I think this line can be removed since the tests have been updated.

    Could you update the tests names as well

    I think there's a typo here, should be viewFirstCommand and viewSecondCommand right?

    Perhaps you could include a super simple javadoc for this class?

    The jdoc here should be "Add a note to a book" or something along those lines right?

    There doesnt seem to be any usage of editBookDescriptor in this method

    Is this bookmark validity check necessary? since this command doesn't touch the bookmark field at all

    Left-over jdoc from the EditCommandParser. Same issue for the parse method as well

    Left-over jdoc from JsonAdaptedTag. Same issue in the toModelType method

    Not sure if this jdoc is accurate?

    Should we allow more than alphanumeric characters? I think users would want to use punctuation when writing down their thoughts on the book.

    Also I think it would be good to put in some length limit for the title and text as well. I don't think the application would be able to handle displaying text that is for example, 10,000 words long well. Perhaps something like 120 characters for the title and 1000 characters for the text?

    Thanks for writing such comprehensive tests and increasing our code cov hehe 😄

    Would have to take a look at your implementation to confirm, but I don't think that "algorithms" constitute a component on its own. Could they just be part of the Logic component given that the algorithms are used to perform business logic?

    Did you mean "will be called" rather than "will be implemented"?

    Need a space between #### and Implementation

    This could potentially cause a NPE if the .get() returns null. Maybe you can follow the same style as the other fields: have a static parseGoal() method in ParserUtil that does the validation checks, also making use of the isValidGoal() method in Goal.

    Maybe put a requireNonNull check here just to be defensive?

    Typo here? should be AddNoteCommand right

    This could be slightly misleading since its not always 3 words anymore. Perhaps just "Find words" would suffice

    Instead of having all these methods being abstract, they can actually just be implemented inside WordStore itself and inherited by each of your different types of WordStores (TagWordStore, NameWordStore, etc). Currently, there is a lot of repetition since each of the individual types of WordStores implement their own addWords(), deleteWords(), etc but their logic is exactly the same.

    Maybe use a HashMap or HashSet for O(1) look ups?

    Should we be doing these checks here? An approach worth thinking about could be to get SortCommandParser to create each SortCommands that know what prefix it's sorting by. Then in SortCommand#execute() we can just call setSortingPreference(PREFIX_XXX)

    Noticed that this exact method is repeated inside SortCommandParser also. Can think about abstracting it out as a static utility method, maybe smth like BookComparatorGenerator#comparatorGenerator(Prefix inputPrefix)

    I don't think this method belongs here, maybe define it as a utility method in CliSyntax ?

    Could you add this code to the end of the method

    historyManager = historyManager.addNewState(State.createState(library, userPrefs, filteredBooks.getPredicate()));

    to make the sort command undoable?

    is this redundant since there's a requireNonNull right after already? 😆

    Maybe one more test for if the book has no goals then you try to delete the goal?

    Is there supposed to be two [t/TAG] here to show that users can add multiple tags? If would it be better to explain it in the ADD_NOTES instead?

    I think the {0, 120} has already been added in line 23. Adding it like that was done to avoid using magic numbers

    I think we can avoid hardcoding the name since if we decide to change the length limit then it's additional work. Instead maybe you can do something like this:

    String INVALID_NAME_DESC = " " + PREFIX_NAME + "a".repeat(Name.MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1)

    The "a".repeat... part will create a String that is one character too long regardless of what we set the max name length to be

    Same comments as those in CommandTestUtil.java

    Same comments as those in CommandTestUtil.java

    I think you forgot to delete line 24 here

    There is still no instructions on how to leave the detailed view, see #158 Could you add something like. "To go back to seeing all your books, use the list command"

    Maybe don't use terms detailed view or list view? Just something like "The INDEX of a book changes based on the number of books currently shown on the screen. For example, the first book will have INDEX 1, second book INDEX 2..."

    Also maybe the part about "any commands using INDEX can only refer to index 1 (the currently viewed book)" should be included in the view command itself instead? Can put it one of those styled divs: "After using the view command, the viewed book will have an INDEX of 1 since it is the only book shown on the screen. To interact with the book, use the INDEX of 1 to refer to the book"

    Maybe you can extract this part out into another method?

    I think this same method is in DetailedBookCard as well right? Can remove it from DetailedBookCard since it has no use there already

    Also I think you need to remove the setting of the goal style and text from DetailedBookCard, otherwise the detailed view will still be using the old goal style

    Typo here? the "which is be distracting" part

    Instead of returned to the user, maybe use "passed to the Ui component to be displayed to the user"?

    I think we should mention the execute method here, maybe something like "XYZCommand will perform the functionality of the command in the Command#execute() method, interacting with and modifying the ModelManager appropriately."

    Good suggestion! I've made the necessary changes

    Thanks for spotting the mistake! I've made the necessary changes

    Yea it looked quite iffy to me too but didn't know how to phrase it nicely. Thanks for the suggestion will improve it!

    Nice catch, thanks!

    variables in interfaces are already public static final by default! 😃

    Oh right nice catch!


    @mgiang2015 you uploaded your photo in the wrong folder, it should be uploaded in docs/images. Please open another PR to close this issue! 🙏




    Closed by #63

    Reopening as @mgiang2015 's part on user stories for the View command is not done yet

    Closed by PR #88

    Closed by #90

    closed by PR #133

    This occurs because I used JavaFX Label to display the text 🤦‍♂️ definitely need to change to something more suitable for displaying long texts

    Can anyone reproduce this? I followed the steps exactly to reproduce but it works perfectly fine on my machine:

    1. List Command to show all books

    2. View Command to view one book

    3. Edit that book

    4. Undo twice

    5. End up back in the List view of all books

    Problem is not that Ui doesn't update, is that goal currently doesn't have any Ui elements without using view to see a particular book. Could see how it would be very confusing to do an action then nothing happens. Probably need to add a small ui element to show that a book has a goal

    Not sure if this is a bug or not because it does show that the goal is completed

    What do yall think? Should we allow users to update a goal retroactively? Personally I think its okay because sometimes you may forget to add your goal so you end up overshooting the goal unknowingly. It would still be nice for you to then update it and show that you've actually completed your intended target

    I think we have a few of such similar comments. I think we can make it clearer that index will change according to how many books are shown on the screen. It's not a specific ID for that particular book

    I think this is a good suggestion!

    Duplicated. See #159

    Duplicated. See #158

    Duplicated. See #159

    Duplicated. See #159

    Same issue, (UG) see #159

    Duplicated see #156

    Closed by #165

    Closed by #168

    Closed by #168

    Closed by #168

    Unable to reproduce despite testing, closing for now unless issue can be reproduced in the future.

    This was following the discussion yesterday, there is no view command for profile.

    Maybe it will be more consistent to change type to category?

    Also, I think this was left out in the issues, but the switch command can be added too

    Do you think it is good to be overly specific about the type of error? If so then there are many more extensions to include such as inputting an index that is not a number for example.

    I am unsure about this myself but what if there are no items in the list? what kind of interactions can the user and system have? I know your preconditions addresses that but do we have to consider the case where you call edit and there are no items in the list?

    Really minor a UI not an UI

    Should be an exception instead?

    Should be an exception instead since you are not testing an assumption?

    Should be an exception instead, since exceptional case

    The other JD comments are in the other PR, you can ignore them for now if you want unless you it is finalized

    Sure we can have a common package for the fields within model package but for unique fields with own regex, keep them in the feature's package.

    Minor nit, should be Sets in the Javadoc

    Same thing here. Minor nit, Should be "Sets"

    Same thing here -> Sets

    Change -> Changes

    Same minor nit Set -> Sets


    There are 2 more that require changing below:

    • Initialized

    • set

    Javadoc comments below as well for set.

    Perhaps its more appropriate a throw an exception here since assertions are mainly to check for precondition and post condition of function execution and testing assumptions. This usage fits neither and is more of an exceptional case?

    Same issue here ? You are not testing assumption here, exception better?

    I think you may be missing a line break here?

    The profile command is updated with [t/TITLE] and [d/DESCRIPTORS]...

    I think you have have missed out deleting this UC05

    Is this supposed to switch the tabs? It doesn't do that at the moment.

    okay! I tested on my add and delete commands but it doesn't do anything yet. Is there more to the switching besides setting the model state which I have missed from your implementation? I think you may have to return the multiarg CommandResult as there is a boolean arg to indicate whether to switch ?

    You may want to reduce depth of nesting here? I get that you need three loops here maybe if you using streams can help with that? Or 2 other functions that handles each loop and use boolean flags to terminate the final loop?

    What happens with the internships don't match? Maybe I am mistaken here but it seems like you just let it pass and create the model out of the unmatching internships instead of an starting an empty list for company and application?

    Do you think it would be better to shift this logic (LOC:91>) to this own file,? Main app is starting to become too big?

    Maybe it would be more appropriate to include an assertion or throw an exception here if this is not expected to be called since its harder to debug with null?

    I have updated the Descriptor class with its own regex, does this affect the storage in anyway?

    Is there a reason why this does not return a jsonadapted profile item?


    Javadoc could perhaps start with Switches.... depending on

    Perhaps you could change it to Represents a class...

    Start with sets..

    I was wondering if there is a need for a switch statement here? Correct me if I am mistaken, but this just checks if the user provides an string query for to search for? Is the intent of this function for a more tailored error message based on the item type queried? If so why does profile Item have a general error message?

    I dont know if you need a fullstop here?

    Do you think this should be part of the design component?

    @keanecjy maybe you could parse the skill title to [str1, str2, str3] then check if any of the substr matches your requirements? something to that effect

    Maybe add an image to supplement that too!

    I think there is an error in the markdown for clear ?

    There are some formatting issues here, maybe leave a space or use a line break?

    Not sure why its not rendering on github? does your image render properly locally?

    Also I don't think StorageManager is in :Model?

    Maybe you could change it to switch tabs to the application tab

    Perhaps you can update it to *have been changed

    *the user guide? since your implies the user owns the guide?

    I noticed for some fields you use the predefined fields like LAZADA_DS but some you used random strings, maybe stick to using one?

    Missing full stop

    Same for the other getXXXList

    You can ignore this first. The content page can be changed after all the headers are in.

    nvm, its good to merge, I have updated the contents page to link to my headers.

    Okay, will update!

    yes. These did not have preconditions, I'll remove them.

    True, I should remove this, I think the only precondition then is that the system is running which is not very meaningful in this case.

    Okay will make the change!

    sounds good!

    Yes, there will be multiple descriptors which can be added similarly to tags.

    I think this is the work of IntelliJ auto injecting imports. I will move it.

    I was going for a primitive implementation for now, but since the types are fixed, I think enum is good solution too.

    I stopped changing this because I was unsure if we need 2 levels of inequality for profile items.

    I have not created exceptions yet so this is a placeholder

    I didn't change this yet since this was the original file but I suppose like it can be changed now too.

    Sounds good! I was thinking of doing so after the other parsers are done since for example the EditParser for the InternshipCommand may want to abstract 3 items (comindex, index ,prefixes)? So it depends on implementation of the parsers first then after which we deal with abstraction for common vars.

    Yep, some of initial JD do not have full stops too.

    I'll update this! thanks for the catch

    @seanjyjy yeah I was thinking you could always type c sharp or cpp for those cases .

    @keanecjy Good point, I am ambivalent about this. But could the same be said for Names as well, maybe we can consider a char limit for that?

    Okay but my find header is different, I had a different header from shawn but he hasnt gotten back to me about changing yet

    Line 333 is a brief description of profile items and 336 is a more formal definition. I think its mainly for the overview in 2101.

    The images turn out well in my markdown on intellij. Also the images in company all have this casing too

    yes as I mentioned in PR desc, I will update them after the feedback on for the the other items

    yes this is deliberate, I stopped updating the index because I want to know the current refactoring is appropriate

    I have just updated the application portion!

    There was a discussion where we decided against guarantee for UC26 because the user has the option to exit. I think the precondition for tabs would be has tabs but that is unnecessary to include?

    There were changes in the branch, need to resolve some conflicts! @seanjyjy

    I noticed that many of the javadocs used "person" and "address book", should we change it now? or leave it for later?

    Hmm. The dilemma now is that this is just a proof of concept and we may be abstracting common logic down the line and scrapping all these, so overwriting Javadocs now may redundant. The danger is that if the code is kept and the comments are missed in the future. What is the team's opinion on this? @ZoroarkDarkrai @keanecjy @seanjyjy @shawn-nyk

    Yup I think that there isn't a need to concern about javadocs / comments as of now as they can be easily fixed at any point in time. @orzymandias I stopped editing the List portions as I noticed that there were too much code duplication with your pr. Do we plan to either extend an Item class or use generics for our list?

    I agree. I think there is unnecessary duplication for collections, generics is a good idea for collections but one issue is with throwing custom exceptions for different types of items within the generic list. Should we just have DuplicateItemException then something like throw new DuplicateItemException(T.getDuplicateExceptionMsg())?

    ecessary duplication for collections, generics is a good idea for collections but one issue is with throwing custom exceptions for different types of items within the generic list. Should we just have DuplicateItemException then something like throw new DuplicateItemException(T.getDuplicateExceptionMsg())?

    I don't think this works because we are not able to access methods in java generics. I figured since we all are classifying our classes as Item, we can have an Item interface to contain all the methods similar methods like isSameItem and likewise do throw new DuplicateItemException(item.getItemName())?

    Sounds good.

    Overall looks great, just some nits to fix.

    Just a side question as to would it be confusing as AddCommandParserWrapper is essentially Similiar to DeleteCommandParser, however, they have different naming syntax.

    Is this implementation temporary in order to allow ab3 to function properly?

    For AddCommandParserWrapper each item has its own set of parsing rules which may require their own individual parsers so the AddCommandParserWrapper is only responsible for funneling the appropriate item prefix to its add parser. The thing about delete command parser is that there is lesser parsing involved except for extracting out the index to be deleted. With the exception of internship which has an additional index required, all the other commands just need the index extracted to be passed to their delete commands. So I am not sure there is a need a wrapper in that case.

    As for consistency I think once AddCommandParser can be safely removed, we can rename AddCommandParserWrapper to AddCommandParser.

    Just some conflicts to resolve and it will be good to merge.

    Can add the todo or javadocs and it is good to merge.

    Which file/line are you referring to?

    Overall LGTM to merge, just need to fix the image link. Think there is a typo in the png file itself

    Thank you, Good catch!

    Just some comments for you to consider, not very sure if it is right or wrong.

    For sd execute edit me command, you might want to include what is return in the getProfileList() perhaps.

    And for void methods like setItem and setProfileItem i believe the return arrows could be omitted as it doesn't bring any value and it does help to reduce cluttering.

    However, if you think that it is fine, then do let me know as it is good to merge already.

    Thanks for the feedback! I have updated the getProfileList() depiction but I think I will keep the return arrows for the time being since I think the clutter is still ok and I see that Shawn has also used them to indicate that the methods has completed its execution.

    LGTM, need to resolve some conflicts

    I just realised, but just for plausible consideration, should we add-in extension for deleting companies that indicate internships being deleted as well as its application.

    Good point! Not sure how to appropriately frame it and if it should even be an extension of company or part of internship/application. @shawn-nyk @keanecjy What do you guys think?

    Are we able to collapse some of the use cases like Find, List and View? Since they are exactly the same for the three data types. We could type something like:

    Find, List, View item (item refers to company, profile or application)

    I feel that the drawback for this is the the sequencing of items will be inconsistent as you are referring to all the items in this UC but later on you group the other UCs by item type? Also It will appear odd to a first time reader how we choose to merge certain UCs VFL but not ADEV?

    I just realised, but just for plausible consideration, should we add-in extension for deleting companies that indicate internships being deleted as well as its application.

    Good point! Not sure how to appropriately frame it and if it should even be an extension of company or part of internship/application. @shawn-nyk @keanecjy What do you guys think?

    I think we can just put it in the MSS, something like deletes the company and associating internships and applications along with it. This way means we will have more unique cases so it doesn't feel so repetitive too

    But doing this you cannot use the reuse the UC for the other item types?

    I am thinking that since quite a number of us quoted terms like DRY and stuff, would be it better if we shift all those to the glossary instead of putting DRY(Don't Repeat Yourself)?

    Sounds good, we have to update Keane.

    We might need to change our product scope and value proposition, it is not more tech?

    I think this is for the UG right?

    I am thinking that since quite a number of us quoted terms like DRY and stuff, would be it better if we shift all those to the glossary instead of putting DRY(Don't Repeat Yourself)?

    Sounds good, we have to update Keane.

    I think it applies to shawn, fidella also!

    I was referring updating to the glossary

    This is a misunderstanding of the feature. @patricktan6 Thanks for the feedback though!

    The user guide states that requirements at least one requirements must be match the internship

    Collection<String> categorySet = categories.size() == 1 && categories.contains("")

    return Optional.of(ParserUtil.parseCategories(categorySet));

    * Represents a Transaction's date in the address book.

    The argument name here should be changed from email to date. The JavaDoc should also be changed accordingly.

    * Returns if a given string is a valid date.

    In line 53, "personListPanelPlaceholder" should be changed to "transactionListPanelPlaceholder".

    This testcase can be deleted.

    // Keywords match amount and date, but does not match name

    Not sure if this testcase will still be used in the future, but we can change the description first.

    * @return The result of the command execution.

    * @return The currently selected tab.

    * @param currentTab The currently selected tab.

    Currently, inputting tab 5 will return the same error message as other invalid formats instead of MESSAGE_TAB_DOES_NOT_EXIST.

    + "based on the current tab.\n"

    public static final String MESSAGE_USAGE = COMMAND_WORD + ": Adds a transaction to the finance tracker "

    For lines 43 and 44, more suitable values should be used, e.g. 5 and 13/10/2020

    Should we add a comment to the other test json files for consistency?

    Should the transactions here be consistent with the transactions returned from calling getTypicalFinanceTracker()? Currently, typicalTransactionsFinanceTracker.json contains more transactions.

    Thanks for the clarification!

    On second thoughts, there isn't really a need for them to be the same, so this comment can be ignored.

    "The bookmark expense index provided is invalid";

    "The bookmark income index provided is invalid";

    * @param targetIndex Index of the bookmark income in the filtered bookmark income list to convert.

    public static final String MESSAGE_DELETE_BOOKMARK_INCOME_SUCCESS = "Deleted Bookmark Income: %1$s";

    * @param targetIndex Index of the bookmark income in the filtered bookmark income list to edit.

    * @param editBookmarkIncomeDescriptor Details to edit the bookmark income with.

    The javadoc for this method should be changed from frequent incomes to bookmark incomes (line 27 and 28).

    super("Operation would result in duplicate bookmark " + message);

    * Signals that the following operation will result in a duplicate bookmark transaction.

    * @param bookmarkExpenseList The list of bookmark expenses to be displayed.

    * @param bookmarkIncomeList The list of bookmark incomes to be displayed.

    Line 139 should be changed from frequent expense list to bookmark expense list.

    // ensures that outOfBoundIndex is still in bounds of frequent bookmark list

    ConvertBookmarkExpenseCommand convertFirstBookmarkExpenseCommand =

    The corresponding references to this name should be changed as well.

    ConvertBookmarkExpenseCommand convertSecondBookmarkExpenseCommand =

    Similarly for this one

    The edits for this file mirror that of ConvertBookmarkExpenseCommandTest.java.

    // ensures that outOfBoundIndex is still in bounds of bookmark expense list

    // ensures that outOfBoundIndex is still in bounds of bookmark income list

    Line 89 should be changed from frequent expense list to bookmark expense list.

    // ensures that outOfBoundIndex is still in bounds of bookmark expense list

    The edits in this file mirror that of EditBookmarkExpenseCommandTest.java.

    Line 31 should be changed from frequent expense to bookmark expense.

    Similar change to BookmarkExpenseTest.java.

    // Bookmark Expenses

    // Bookmark Incomes

    The keywords for the find command is not limited to t/TITLE_KEYWORD, so this change may mislead the reader.

    If any `CATEGORY` is specified, it will replace all of the expense's existing categories.

    If any `CATEGORY` is specified, it will replace all of the income's existing categories.

    A **bookmark expense** is a template that allows you to create expenses that the you make frequently, such as paying phone bills monthly or buying bubble tea weekly.

    Change style of writing to mirror the descriptions for Expense and Income. Do mirror this change in the Bookmark Income section as well.

    You can convert a bookmark expense repeatedly to create as many expenses as you want, and the created expenses will automatically be added to Fine<span>$</span><span>$</span>e's expenses list.

    Similarly, make this change to the Bookmark Income section.

    1. **Title**: A descriptive title, to remind you what the bookmark expense is about.

    I suggest changing the descriptions in this list to present tense since, unlike normal expenses, bookmark expenses are recurring hence can occur in the present.

    Do mirror this change for bookmark incomes as well.

    1. **Amount**: How much money you will spend each time you convert the bookmark expense to an expense.

    Same for bookmark income.

    The example usage in the original AB3 was already erroneous, so I will be removing this example usage.

    I decided it might be best to remove it as the above definition is inconsistent with the definition earlier in the user guide where the full list of accepted ASCII characters was shown.

    Will be covering this in TitleContainsKeyphrasesPredicateTest.

    The spaces are necessary in order for the parsing to work.

    Will add a comment highlighting that these strings are similar to those defined in CommandTestUtil, but as they are only used in FindCommandParserTest they are defined here.

    With the merging of #106, the feature has been implemented.

    With #66, the feature has been implemented.

    With #93, the feature has been implemented.

    With #106, the feature has been implemented.

    With #93, the feature has been implemented.

    With #94, the feature has been implemented.

    Resolved via #85.

    Resolved via #101.

    With #100, the feature has been implemented.

    With #100, the feature has been implemented.

    With #107, the feature has been implemented.

    With #107, the feature has been implemented.

    Closed by #147 and #148.

    Closed by #148.

    Closed by #150.

    Resolved by #166.

    Resolved by #166.

    Future work:

    • Add the same restrictions to the edit income/expense commands.

    • Add input restrictions for bookmark income/expense commands.

    This is a duplicate of #242.

    Fine$$e is an expense tracker and not an item tracker, so the intended usage is not to show the user how many items they have purchased, but rather how much they have spent. Therefore, we will not be implementing this feature.

    Commenting for future reference:

    we will probably need to change these kind of files with traces of address book in it. No need to change for now.

    Need to change JsonSerializableAddressBook class name to JsonSerializableEvaStorage

    Minor comment, but maybe it could be private instead of protected? Since we would just use getter methods to access these fields.

    Perhaps we can make use of the regex method used by the other classes in model? In this case the validation format would be "^(3[01]|[12][0-9]|0[1-9])/(1[0-2]|0[1-9])/[0-9]{4}$" for dd/mm/yyyy. I believe it would make our code seem more in line with the existing code from AB-3.

    Maybe interviewDate shouldnt be in an optional wrapper in the constructor in case it errors? We could include a try catch then or we could simply make a getter method for interviewDate that returns an optional>InterviewDate> and set up the error handling there.

    Agree with Royce. Maybe we can use an enum or separate class for this as well.

    Good use of existing functions.

    Same goes for these. Don't think it should be protected.

    Not sure if it's ok to delete the person database. If we can do so without the application collapsing we should remove it if it is redundant! (of course this means updating all the tests) KIV

    @code applicant, address book -> eva storage

    the word "address book" appears multiple times in javadocs at multiple places

    not sure if we wanna change it to editedApplicant, editedStaff. Can choose to change or not up to u

    May wanna change the way interview dates are represented. (I think this is for Nikhila?)

    isn't this method in parserutil?

    maybe instead of coming up with a myriad of prefixes when we make a new command like ls, le, id, we can standardize a date input to always just use PREFIX_DATE which is d: or d/ or something along these lines?

    maybe we can use an enum for this

    The extra tag added here should be Applicant instead of staff

    Applicant instead of staff

    We can remove the leaves flowpane as applicants do not have leaves


    edit the logging as well. I think staff list panel should have the same problem.

    I think most of the javadocs in the new classes have yet to be updated

    I guess we need to implement window/tab switching

    Perhaps a better way to process statuses from strings would be to use the 'valueOf' function of enums. i.e

    'PossibleApplicationStatus.valueOf(status.toUpperCase()); //throws Illegal argument exception if its not a valid enum


    not really sure if it can be applied here as you would have to try catch either here or whatever is calling the constructor.

    with relation to my previous comment, this can be removed i think but im not sure how the constructors and the enums tagged to strings work.

    maybe you can make use of the method arePrefixesPresent in parserutil

    i think we need to find a better way to handle this. I will come up with a app wide state to monitor what we are currently looking at so the commands dont mess up.

    same as DeleteCommandParser

    take this out if not the app wont start lol

    perhaps we can abstract this out to dateutil? If the current method doesnt suit what you need you can create another method and another datetimeformatter to suit what you need

    What if the individual items exceed one line? Does the code handle that

    can use requireAllNonNull method from some common util

    Same as education

    I think for the sake of standardization, we can use the dateToString method in dateUtil to represent dates.

    same as above

    Maybe you can abstract this out into another function declared in this file. Something like

    public void updateComments(Set>Comment> currentComments, Set>Comment> editedComments)

    these need to be updated

    Since they're able to add an application from a profile perhaps you should include that in the message as well? Maybelike "Please switch to applicant list panel (list a-) or view applicant profile panel to add application to applicant."

    We should have a standardized error message when having a wrong panel related error (refer to viewCommand).

    The error message can be formatted as such:


    For this if an invalid index is entered is the error is caught in mainWindow? If it is then i'll change view command to take out the try catch cause it'll make the code look neater

    not sure if you want the expected behavior to be to bring the user to the list view if the user adds the application to the applicant on its profile panel.

    Should change the name to panelState or currentPanel or something along those lines

    maybe using a switch would be more presentable

    same as add application

    same issue as add application

    same issue

    same issue

    same issue


    same issue

    same issue

    I believe a better comparison would be between Leave and Address or Tag! Leave should handled the same way as how an attribute of the person is handled instead of being handled the same way as the Person itself. But you are right, I can have the parsing method imported from dateUtil to achieve better abstraction.

    I don't think it's needed cause the attribute in command result would explain it!

    right lol

    i got a bit more commits to push anyways wait ah




    Done for week 6 tutorial, not needed to merge

    Not needed to merge

    Not needed to merge

    Looks good maybe you can do x.










    Closed. refer to PR #62 for updated version

    LGTM. However due to dependence on filteredStaffList, we will need to change the find function in the future.

    As a HR manager, I want to be able to add comments on staff so that I don't have to do it physically and can have the data stored in one location.

    basic functionality implemented in v1.2. Functionalities stated in this story will be added in v1.3


    LGTM. Thanks for correcting this small error!

    I think we can close this PR for now. Can open again if needed.




















    I think this issue is on the LocalDate class lol @Hou-Rui thoughts?






    thanks royce lgtm












    maybe we should include the brand of the milk tea shop here also? as some function are only for TGER SUGER brand

    I think we should still use this prefix, to distinguish the input is either a name or a tag or something else.

    Same applies to below, line 57

    there is a white space before "ingredient", I think it should be a typo and need to be removed?

    1. Maybe can consider to shift this point up, can put after the first point? It flows more naturally.

    2. Maybe the second sentence can change to something like this? -> "This application is tailor-made for bubble tea shop managers, to help them on store management."

    Maybe can write down the full name for CLI (Command Line Interface)? In case some users don't know what CLI stands for.

    Maybe can consider to shift this row up to line 265? so that we can group all priority 1 & 2 together

    I think we should still use this prefix ("n/", "p/", etc), to distinguish the input is either a name or a tag or something else.

    Yup, should keep both. "e/" for emergency contact, "p/" for employee's contact number.

    I'm not sure if "set" is a prefix and need to add into here. Based on my understanding, we only need to add new prefix when we need to create a new field in a person model. Like if we create a field to record remarks, then we need to add "r/" as a prefix. But "set" does not function in this way. When user key in "set ...", then program will execute the "set", not to add the values behind to a field.

    Please correct me if I'm wrong, thanks 😃

    Maybe you could consider using case structure here? It looks clearer, but if is working perfectly. 👍

    You may want to change this part to if (AAA && BBB) to avoid the deep nesting? Thanks


    Search should change to Find

    this "..." should be there, as multiple tags may assign to the person.

    there should be a "..." behind [t/TAG], as multiple tags can be edited through this command.

    "..." should not be removed, as user can key in multiple keywords for this command.

    There should be "[p/PHONE_NUMBER]" after "[n/NAME]". Thanks

    Instead of using "Employees' contact list", I'm using "Employee directory", as we now use some tags to help on manpower management, so it also stores other info (eg. available working days, etc) on top of contact information. So you may want to change to "Employee directory" instead? Thanks 😃

    Maybe there are some missing words behind "by the"?

    Maybe can use "t/friday t/monday" instead of "t/friends t/owesMoney"? It will be more relevant to our context.

    I think here should change back to what it was. And I spot some of the similar problems in the PR. I will mark them all here, so you can easily refer to that line and change those back. Thanks 😄

    A similar problem here, you may want to change back to what it was. Thanks

    A similar problem here, you may want to change back to what it was. Thanks

    A similar problem here, you may want to change back to what it was. Thanks

    For both line 142 & 143. A similar problem here, you may want to change back to what it was. Thanks

    A similar problem here, you may want to change back to what it was. Thanks

    A similar problem here, you may want to change back to what it was. Thanks

    For line 195 & 196. A similar problem here, you may want to change back to what it was. Thanks

    A similar problem here, you may want to change back to what it was. Thanks

    A similar problem here, you may want to change back to what it was. Thanks

    for line 340 ~ 341, A similar problem here, you may want to change back to what it was. Thanks

    A similar problem here, you may want to change back to what it was. Thanks

    A similar problem here, you may want to change back to what it was. Thanks

    A similar problem here, you may want to change back to what it was. Thanks

    A similar problem here, you may want to change back to what it was. Thanks

    A similar problem here, you may want to change back to what it was. Thanks

    A similar problem here, you may want to change back to what it was. Thanks

    A similar problem here, you may want to change back to what it was. Thanks

    A similar problem here, you may want to change back to what it was. Thanks

    A similar problem here, you may want to change back to what it was. Thanks

    A similar problem here, you may want to change back to what it was. Thanks

    A similar problem here, you may want to change back to what it was. Thanks

    A similar problem here, you may want to change back to what it was. Thanks

    A similar problem here, you may want to change back to what it was. Thanks

    for line 537~538, A similar problem here, you may want to change back to what it was. Thanks

    A similar problem here, you may want to change back to what it was. Thanks

    for line 548 ~550, A similar problem here, you may want to change back to what it was. Thanks

    For line 215 ~216, A similar problem here, you may want to change back to what it was. Thanks

    Maybe line 494 ~ 496 shouldn't be removed.

    I think this line shouldn't be removed as well? Thanks.

    Good point! Resolved, thanks (:

    Removed. Thanks (:

    Sure, just added. thanks

    Good point, just added in. thanks

    Okay, I've added that in. Thanks!

    Thanks for pointing out! Will edit it and change it in the next iteration.

    Thanks! I've changed that.

    Sure, I've added that. Thanks!

    Sure, I've added that. Thanks!

    Sure, I've added that. Thanks!

    But I think normally for variable names, we should use a noun. And only for method, we use something starting with a verb, like isArchived. So I think here, archiveStatus should be used (: Thanks!

    Thanks for pointing out, will change it.

    yup, will delete this line away, thanks!

    Will change this part, thank you!

    Yes! that will be better, thanks!

    Thank you!

    Thank you! Have corrected this part.

    When "c-archive-list" command is given, it will only show all archived persons. When "c-list" command is given, it will show all active(unarchived) persons in the list. Thanks

    Yes, I've deleted this part. Thanks for pointing out 👍

    Good point! I've changed these 2 in the latest commit. Thank you!

    Yes indeed, thank you for pointing out. I've changed it in the latest commit.

    Thank you! I've changed it in the latest commit.

    Indeed, I forgot to change the javadoc after editing from the original "c-find" code. Thanks! I've edited this part.

    Thank you for the suggestion. Yes, I think that sounds clearer. I've changed it to FindByTagCommand. Thanks!

    I've changed it in the latest commit, thanks!

    c-tag-find was implemented on top of c-today feature, so c-tag-find branch contains the c-today feature.

    I've added the javadoc. Thanks!

    Removed, thanks!

    Added a new line. Thanks!

    Added in the latest commit. thanks!

    Added new lines in between in the latest commit. Thank you!

    Thanks for the suggestion. will edit it in the latest commit.

    Thanks! Will change to 11.


    okay can, then I will adjust my code to use your TypicalSalesRecordEntries.java file

    Yes, I've changed to that format, you may refer to line 339 for the updated one. Thanks!

    I've shifted the updated one to line 392, thanks!

    I've adjusted accordingly based on our discussion.

    yes, thanks!

    Good point! Will edit accordingly. Thanks!

    Good point! Will edit accordingly. Thanks!


    Thank you!


    Thanks for pointing out! Will edit the div lines. Thanks

    Thanks for pointing out! Will edit the div lines. Thanks

    Thanks for pointing out! Will edit accordingly. Thanks

    ok, thanks



    Don't think it's needed, as UG should be just telling users what they should/shouldn't do. I feel adding this sentence will make it more confusing. Thanks

    It has been changed in the latest commit. Thanks!

    It has been changed in the latest commit. Thanks!

    It has been changed in the latest commit. Thanks!

    It has been changed in the latest commit. Thanks!

    It has been changed in the latest commit. Thanks!

    It has been changed in the latest commit. Thanks!

    It has been changed in the latest commit. Thanks!

    It has been changed in the latest commit. Thanks!

    It has been changed in the latest commit. Thanks!

    It has been changed in the latest commit. Thanks!

    It has been changed in the latest commit. Thanks!

    Good point! Thank you!

    Sure, I will use "e.g." for those examples in the brackets, and use "for example, " for those are not. Thank you!

    I will add back the "[Completed]" into the headers. Thanks!

    Thanks for pointing out! I will revert it back to the previous version. Thanks!

    Thanks for pointing out! Since tCheck will always show the list, I will delete this step in MSS. Thanks!

    Yes, that's whay I mean. Will rephrase this part. Thanks!

    Thanks! will edit accordingly.

    Thanks! that sounds much better! will edit it!

    Thank you for pointing out! Will change.

    Thanks! will change to that.

    Should be "employees", will edit. thanks!


    Alright, then I will remove it first. Thanks!











    Exit feature has already been implemented in tCheck.

    Auto-saving feature has already been implemented in tCheck.

    Delete command has already been implemented in tCheck.

    Add feature has already been implemented in tCheck.

    Find feature has already been implemented in tCheck.

    Task has been done, and code has been merged to master branch.

    The actual GUI looks good to me. There's some problems in the coding standards that I have commented.

    Thank you! I've edited in the latest commit. Thank you!

    c-tag-find feature was implemented on top of c-today feature. So this feature is included in the c-tag-find feature's PR.

    c-tag-find feature was implemented on top of c-tomorrow feature. So this feature is included in the c-tag-find feature's PR.

    Other comments: Perhaps naming the commands as TodayCommand and TomorrowCommand isn't the best? It felt vague to me. The missing javadoc descriptions did not help too.

    I've changed these two to FindByTagTodayCommand.java and FindByTagTomorrowCommand.java. And two Javadoc were also added for these two classes to better explain the meaning. Thanks!

    Thank you for pointing out this. Our team will improve the UG in v1.4.

    Thank you for point out this issue. Our team will improve the UG in v1.4.

    Thank you for pointing out this issue. Our team will improve the UG in v1.4.

    Thank you for pointing out this issue. Our team will improve the UG in v1.4.

    Thank you for pointing out this issue. We have improved tCheck to wrap the long text in GUI.

    Thank you for pointing out this issue. Our team will edit this part in v1.4.

    Based on the UG, "c-unarchive INDEX" command will unarchive the employee identified by the index number used in the displayed employee directory. In the screenshot above, you can see there's only one employee displayed in the GUI, thus "c-unarchive 2" will result in the invalid index error.

    But we will make some changes to make the error message more informative, by adding the detailed of the reason that causes this error and the total number in the latest displayed person list.

    Thank you for pointing out this issue, we will improve the UG in V1.4.

    Thank you for pointing out this issue. We will provide a more detailed explanation in the UG regarding to these 2 features in v1.4.

    Thank you for raising up this issue. But actually "c-list" feature is used when the archived employee list is shown in the employee directory pane, and the user may use the command "c-list" to let employee directory show the active(unarchived) employees.

    We will rename the command to as "c-active-list" to be clearer on its purpose. Thanks.

    Thank you for pointing out this issue, we will change across our app to maintain the consistency.

    Thank you for pointing out. The calendar were implemented to let the user easily find out what day is it today/tomorrow. We have removed these two buttons, so that the calendar will only show the current month's days.

    Thank you for the issue. But we decide to keep the use of the name "addressbook", as the purpose for this file is to record the employees' contacts and addresses. So it's still address book. Therefore, we will still use "addressbook" as the file name. Thank you!

    Should the ... be inside the [] ?

    Is it possible to have both predicates in the constructor? Maybe we need 2 overloaded constructors, or we can test on cases where both predicates are added?

    Similar to the idea above, the presence of null here may no be so desirable.

    Perhaps we can consider reduce the use of null here in future iterations?

    Is there any way to reduce code duplication in this case? Like defining the abstract predicate class?

    Perhaps you can try putting in multiple products within a particular supplier?

    Maybe we can consider more parsing failure tests later?

    Thanks for the correction, didn't realize this 😃

    The delete command is now delete ct/s i/12

    I feel the prefix part looks a bit similar to the edit command's reasoning (and maybe can be used in other commands as well), will it be too repetitive?

    maybe we can further specify it is by the "name" of the products sold/stored

    I feel like this second sentence is a bit of repeat with the and/or in the first sentence, maybe we can just remove the and/or in the first sentence?

    should it be "the last argument value" instead of "the last prefix"?

    Do you mean the Set&gt;Product> is identical to the existing product set here?

    Maybe it's better to handle the exception within the stringUtil.containsWordIgnoreCase?

    Same as above.

    I think the original way is to define a new function called arePrefixsPresent (maybe you can check the deleteCommandParser and addCommandParser). Not sure if this is the new form intended

    May I know the intention of this method? I though the checking of invalid argument is done during the class construction itself, for example:

    public Address(String address) {


    checkArgument(isValidAddress(address), MESSAGE_CONSTRAINTS);

    value = address;


    Are we going to add logging specific command class? A little bit questionable.

    Maybe you also need to check this.warehouseToAdd isinstanceof Warehouse? (since yo mentioned "should be of Warehouse type" below)

    A full look at the method, it seems a bit too long. Is it possible to break it down to smaller fractions and handle each logic separately?

    So are we allowing empty email like "e/ " here?

    Here we can actually use the enum class Type.supplier and Type.wareshouse.

    Similar idea above, but I guess either way will do.

    May be we can also remind the user that the form is 1 prefix multiple keywords such as pd/panadol face mask and not the format like t/friend t/family

    Maybe instead of "additional" prefix, we can use "irrelevant" instead, since "additional" may refer to multiple same prefix sometimes.

    Maybe "descriptions"?

    Would it be clearer if we split them out further like

    • Although EMAIL and ADDRESS are marked as optional parameters, EMAIL is only for supplier and ADDRESS is only for warehouse.

    • When adding a warehouse, ADDRESS should be present but EMAIL should not be


    • When adding a supplier, EMAIL should be present but ADDRESS should not be


    I guess it should be "in-between"?

    Maybe also state that we need the @ sign for the email input?

    Would the original "Clears" be better than "deletes"? A "delete" here may confuse the user a bit. Otherwise we may also use "removes".

    Maybe we also need to specify it in the add command?

    Maybe the "one started with" can be replaced by "the original one" for easier understanding?

    Would 'at least one of the parameter' be more correct than 'at least one of the prefix'?

    I try to have 2 warehouses having product 'Panadol' and remark 'biggest', it seems to work well. So I guess the warehouse here should be "warehouses" and maybe we can also use 'product with name' in place of 'products matching'?

    should it be supplier and warehouse instead of having 's' behind?

    Should it be and/or ?

    for that supplier?

    Can we make it clearer by stating or anyone already used?

    For this line, I notice that the rest are passing in ReadOnly[...] types of argument in and the CommandHistory is not ReadOnly here. Would it be better if we consider using ReadOnlyCommandHistory here as well? Will be a little bit of more work to do.

    May some short descriptions about this class and some public methods will make the javaDoc nicer to read in this section?

    Nice function here!

    Just some notes: I guess the commandHistoryIndex can be of type Index in the future, but looking at the Index class it does not have increment/decrement, so currently it looks fine to just use the int type here.

    Probably good to include some comment to describe the logic of this part since both TreeSet and LinkedList are used here.

    Should we also include undo/redo/listmacro command here?

    Nice work with the CommandBox Logic!

    Oops the ct for SUPPLIER_PRODUCT and WAREHOUSE_PRODUCT should be ps and pw.

    Maybe need to consider change the addCommand's COMPLETE to COMPULSORY also? (since r/is not compulsory).

    Should the orElseThrow() have some exceptions as argument here?

    I'm just thinking is "Listing" the correct word to use since we are not truly "Listing" out the commands...

    The actual feature is to trace back the commands one at a time, so maybe something like "access historical command" might be less misleading.

    Thanks for the suggestion, will modify it!

    Thanks for spotting the error!

    ld try to make the explana

    May I know what do you mean by making the explanation consistent?

    Thanks for the suggestion, your are right!

    Actually I'm not sure if it is desirable format, maybe we can discuss after everything is done with their version of Message so we unify .

    This is just a styling for the parameter name targetIndex so I suppose it's okay

    I think in AB3 they mean argument name. So this part is probably okay

    Thanks for the suggestion, will take that into account!

    I think this is covered in the delete supplier/warehouse part, I can add this test again later if needed, thanks for the comment!

    I see, that's actually a typo also haha, thanks for pointing it out!

    Oh thanks!

    Thanks for the typo fix!

    Oh yah I mean Product here, thanks a lot!

    Actually both the product and the set are kinda "Retrieved" haha. I think I will change it to "the retrieved product will be removed from the current product set" then!

    Thanks for raising this issue up, I also notice that I should use warehouse/supplier here. so I change it to "The selected warehouse/supplier entry in the model is then replaced by the updated warehouse/supplier with the target product deleted."

    I guess I was referring to the particular success message with the delete command. Anyway I think your suggestion looks clearer to readers, thanks!

    Currently it's just the arePrefixesPresent method, I found quite a few overlap among the command parser classes. Guessing it is a common utility method.

    Actually for the execute method, we first classify into supplierRelated and warehouseRelated. Afterwards in the supplierRelated executions, we need to split into supplier deletion and product for supplier deletion. That's the purpose of this if statement here.

    Yah let's do it in our discussions then.

    Nope, this is the markdown standard actually.

    This is already fixed, thank!

    That's right! Thanks for the suggestion!

    Thanks for the suggestion! I guess my original intention is to establish the link between warehouse/supplier and the product to delete



    I'm not sure if the comment here needs to stick to this format but I guess I will just go with your suggestion, thanks!

    I guess it's fine. I didn't exclude the Else because it looks more clear visually .

    I think if combining the two will result in NullPointerException since if products == null, it won't have isEmpty method.

    Nice spot! Thanks!

    Yes, because of the concern about NullPointerException


    Nice spot!

    Fixed from earlier comment, thanks!

    Thanks for the spotting of typo!

    Thanks, I'm thinking "Undo command recovers a previous version of CLI-nic data if any data has been changed. Redo command will restores the data in CLI-nic before an undo command was done."


    Not really since the previous command accepts the last argument while this one accepts the first command word.

    Great suggestion, will fix it!

    Nope I will remove them, thanks!

    Oh I've updated the messages, thanks anyway!

    Thanks for the suggestion!

    I think I will go with your second suggestion, thanks Jeffrey!

    Noted, will fix the issues mentioned in next pull request! Thanks!

    Good thoughts, I believe handling upper/lower case conversion on our end would improve user experience instead of making it case-sensitive. Especially when they are not able to correct minor typo by retrieving last typed command using the up arrow key like we do in terminals.

    You're right, I just tried for add command and it process everything but only keeps the results from the last occurrence. This is a bug and should be resolved unless a command explicitly takes in 2 of the same prefix. Good catch Zhen Lin.

    I would think that redundant arguments can be safely ignored if they do not interfere with the given command. We can set up a response that notify them of the random string while letting the command run through. This would be even more useful when we implement undo and redo commands.

    Thanks Jeffery for the response!

    • For the first point, I guess if we all agree on this, we can discuss in chat about the implementation detail (like whether to handle it in general parserUtil or somewhere else)

    • For the second point, thanks and I'm guessing we also need to mention this in our user guide & Usage message if we treat this issue as a bug.

    • For the third point, I think your suggestion is wonderful! We can also discuss later about the message format, etc.

    Might want to remove this line since everyone else also did so

    You may want to add a (written by: AUTHOR) statement before the part that you wrote because I think they want to see who wrote what.

    Whoops, I had changed Year to only allow digits, so this might fling an exception since it's expecting only "4"

    Just a minor nitpick for neatness, but I think these 2 lines could be on the same level of indentation as line 64.

    Since year is just a String now, toString() could just return year itself. But this is also really minor.

    Perhaps you could change "person" to "student".

    I think you can remove these 2 lines aha

    Should this be ClassVenue.MESSAGE_CONSTRAINTS?

    Should this be ClassTime.MESSAGE_CONSTRAINTS?

    Should this be Fee.MESSAGE_CONSTRAINTS?

    Should this be PaymentDate.MESSAGE_CONSTRAINTS?

    Why is there a need for this? I believe it was the same way in the Tag implementation in AB3, since when these are put together there is another module with its method to put a space between tags.

    Will you be adding them withClassVenue/ClassTime/Fee/PaymentDate for Bob?

    Whoops, I actually meant the space at the back of the closing square bracket.

    Perhaps you could test for multiple predicates too.

    One suggestion would be to create your school/year predicate too and then create a FindStudentDescriptor from it, then have a method in testutils.StudentUtils that converts it into "n/... s/... y/..." form, similar to how it is done in parseCommand_edit(). The outcome would be:

    FindCommand.COMMAND_WORD + " " + StudentUtils.getFindCommandDetails()

    Additionally, if you are using prefixes, you might want to refer to them by how they are defined in CliSyntax instead of magic literals.

    Year is actually a String now that accepts alphanumeric characters. Hence I think we should relax the requirements to be one where it returns true if student.getYear().year contains the keyword (e.g. year could be a String and it is matched using StringUtils::containsWordIgnoreCase).

    That way, if you search "4" you could get those who put "Sec 4", "sec 4" or "Secondary 4" if the user is inconsistent.

    It also means you will be less likely to land an IllegalArgumentException if the user parses an invalid string since right now FindCommandParser currently has to call Year#new to construct this.

    What is the equals method used for?

    Making the Lists public final still means you can add keywords to the list at will, you just can't reassign keywords to a new List object. Is that what you mean to do?

    does this mean that if you search "sec 3" you get all that either match "sec" or match "3"? (e.g. you get sec 1-4 and p3, s3)

    Yeah I think your current implementation is fine then

    Would it be more helpful if we made it look only for words that contain all the keywords (even incomplete ones)? (i.e. AND search)

    For example it would be like:

    String year = student.getYear().year.toLowerCase();

    return keywords.stream().map(String::toLowerCase).allMatch(year::contains);

    Looks good! Perhaps one suggestion would be to call editAdminDescriptor::isAnyFieldEdited so we can just create the new student using student.toEdit().getAdmin().

    Really damn minor note but you could probably just use Optional.ofNullable(details).map(Collections::unmodifiableSet)

    Do you think it would be a good idea to sort by NameComparator by default?

    i.e. sortedStudents = new SortedList&gt;>(this.filteredStudents, new NameComparator())

    What do you say to using U2713 (✓) and U+2718 (✘) for attendance? something like Question where it will just be (tick/cross) DATE to show attendance in a single line

    That or perhaps rename "Status" to "Attendance" instead, it might be more intuitive than the former.

    Sorry to bother you with this, but do you think you could just do the same for Questions to have them numbered in the GUI?

    When I did a run on the schedule command, it appears that schedule mode/MODE date/DATE is accepted but not schedule view mode/MODE date/DATE. Perhaps you could update the UG to reflect this, and remove PREFIX_VIEW from the parser package.

    Maybe "note" might be a better command word, since all these commands only change one note

    A lot of commands parsers use this method and it's causing a lot of code duplication. Could you perhaps make this a static ParserUtil method so that every command that use prefixes can refer to that?

    Namely it would be great to have:

    ParserUtil.arePrefixesPresent() and ParserUtil.isAnyPrefixPresent()

    I think this risks making it more confusing.

    The other commands are something like "detail add" or "question add" to tell people you are adding one detail/question. "notebook add" gives the message that you are adding a notebook, and "notes add" tells people you are adding multiple. I think "note" is still a better alternative.

    Not to mention that it is also longer to type

    Parser&gt;T> is an interface and we normally try to keep our methods abstract. Perhaps you could change this to an abstract class. That or you could still put it in ParserUtil, just change the docs header to say it has methods for anything parsing related.

    The second option might be the less painful one since it does not involve changing every Parser class

    If it is too much, you can just revert this to your original implementation within NoteCommandParser, and I'll handle this in my own PR

    Academic is actually more of an aggregation than a composition, Questions, Exams and Attendance are all created before the Academic class is created, and they can exist without it. I think you could just stick to using a normal association.

    Same for Admin

    Admin and Academic are actually packages within Student, could you perhaps nest them within the Student package?

    Is there a way to show that Question is an abstract class with UnsolvedQuestion and SolvedQuestion inheriting from it?

    I think this should be deleteAttendanceCommand (or command really), and there are more like this in this test class

    This method is kinda long now (~35 LOC), you might want to split it up into some helpers methods.

    Since you've split the boolean declaration up, you could put those into a private boolean isSameStudent() and private boolean hasClashingClassTime() or something.

    A better way to phrase this would be "list of all students [...] sorted by name".

    Could you just remove the whitespace at the end of this line?

    You might have to rewrite this whole segment, considering that this is no longer that accurate:

    1. full word match only applies to name search

    2. year search has not been explained

    Perhaps for reference, 204-206 could be:

    "For name search, only students whose names contain at least one of the given keywords will be matched. Only full words will be matched, e.g han will not match hans."

    "For school search, only students whose school contains the entire given keyword will be matched, e.g Yishun will match Yishun Sec but not Yishun Secondary."

    Hmmm... perhaps it could be

    "e.g Yishun will find all instances of Yishun Sec but Yishun Secondary will not."

    and "whose school contain the entire set of given school keywords"

    Perhaps it'd be clearer if you phrased it as "For xxx search"

    e.g "For name search", "For school search" and "For year search"

    "with a name that" and "with a school that" could be further shortened to "whose name/school"

    I think by "notes" you mean "examples"?

    You will still have to update this line because it is specific to name-search

    This could be better placed in an info-box like you see for add command. Additionally, since the format is the same as the the year format in add and edit command, you could just say

    "The format of YEAR follows that as specified in [add command](link to add command)"

    There is also no mention on how name search matches students via OR search

    oh whoops I must be dyslexic. In that case perhaps you could put "any" in bold and do something for school search?

    Ah nvm then

    Ye that's what I mean, thanks!

    Oh ya horh

    Good catch, I'll change it and also include a checkArgument() call in the constructor.

    It really is just a helper method for the constructor to maintain the abstraction level between Integer::parseInt and the SchoolType parsing, and no other class will use it.

    Furthermore the assertion can only definitely hold true for how it is used within Year so I'd rather not move this elsewhere.

    I wouldn't worry about this as this assertion only happens after the input string matches Year.VALIDATION_REGEX. Hence if it passes the earlier assertion in the constructor, it will definitely pass this one. This is just another safety net.

    Good idea, I forgot about it 😛

    I'll handle it in another PR

    Good catch!


    Why not I guess

    Alright, that should do it

    add - Alex/Hogan

    edit - Vaishak

    find - Ying Gao/Choon Siong

    After we merge this we should merge v1.2 branch into master already

    Nabei I test all the methods this bot still say less coverage

    My concern is that IP, IB, MOE mainstream tracks have different naming in their levels. Furthermore, there could be other level naming, for eg a tutor teaching music or arts may have different levels naming for their students.

    I think this is not too bad a problem since our primary target was pri/sec/jc tutors so if we frame our target audience that way we still can meet their requirements

    Looks like I will have to wait for #72 to be merged before I can pass these test cases

    See #53

    Functionality already exists

    Basically what we've been doing all along

    Possible improvements for future

    • JsonAdaptedQuestion is a map&gt;question, boolean> instead of a string

    • House for each question in a JavaFX VBox

    Perhaps you could also look into making ClassTime and Student implement Comparable so we can sort students in the filteredList in order of who goes first.

    Implementation: Give a reminder of students who need rescheduling

    See #101

    Are you not gonna include sorting anymore? I think it's alright to have the sortFilteredStudentList method, I was just asking to rename the other methods back to [...]Person[...]

    My man... Did you forget to stage and commit your activity diagram pngs

    Will open another one

    Do NOT merge until testing is over, or this will change the UG prematurely.

    See #151

    See #151

    See #160

    See #151

    See #176

    See #151

    Resolved with #138

    Resolved with #138

    See #167

    Literally pointless


    We cannot make "y/" compulsory with any "s/" as some people transfer without promoting to a new grade

    And we also cannot make a comprehensive map of all schools in Singapore either

    They are different because they are different issues fundamentally, one doesn't even meet the requirement to be parsed (positive), the other is but is an invalid position (non-existent index)

    This is basically schedule command

    Looks great

    Codecov Report

    Merging #220 into master will increase coverage by 0.77%.

    The diff coverage is n/a.

    how tf

    No time

    day is handled with time so the error message should be the same

    The activity diagrams might be too complex, perhaps we should split some up using the rake symbol. It seems that this guy here made a rake symbol that you can define in style.puml

    Do you mean the sequence diagrams or the activity diagrams?

    Oh now that I look at it it's not your activity diagrams but @VaishakAnand and mine 😠


    Merging my last PR also added new tests cases for EditCommandTest to check for clashing ClassTime, so i think you can remove the ones you have added. ps

    Could you number your figures before I merge?

    Should we follow the traditional style instead? (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.)

    Hmmm I guess aight

    For all the sequence diagrams, does the newly created Student really get destroyed, since this Student object replaces the older student in the Model, when setStudent(student, copy) is called.

    I can't comment on the exact lines since they're from a previous pr. Outside of this, everything looks ok to me.

    The command takes an existing student (the student in the diagram) and creates a copy from it, then replaces it in the model. Then the old student should get deleted since nothing points to it anymore.

    For all the sequence diagrams, does the newly created Student really get destroyed, since this Student object replaces the older student in the Model, when setStudent(student, copy) is called.

    I can't comment on the exact lines since they're from a previous pr. Outside of this, everything looks ok to me.

    The command takes an existing student (the student in the diagram) and creates a copy from it, then replaces it in the model. Then the old student should get deleted since nothing points to it anymore.

    AH ok gotcha. Then in that case, should we show the new student object (copy) creation? Or would that be considered a low level detail that we don't have to show.

    I feel like I can elaborate on it in the description bah

    I think all NUS mods follow that format right? Unless we branch out to cover other Unis

    Did we refactor the EditCommandDescriptor class to EditModuleDescriptor class?

    Same comment as above regarding the EditCommandDescriptor.

    I think there are some trailing white spaces at line 26 and 30, causing the first check to fail.

    I think same issue as the one I had, should we explicitly state the call of the DeleteCommandParser.parse() method?

    I think our current delete system still works with indexes, but possibly can KIV for future updates?

    yup agree!

    Is this part supposed to return true now? now that we changed the find command to .contains()

    Do we currently have the 1.5 secs time delay implemented?

    Maybe we can specify what Similar to previous means exactly?

    Same comment as above

    Same comment as above!

    Same comment as above!

    think we can remove this line haha

    Ya HAHAH i think that would be a lot clearer

    Okay dope

    NIT: Maybe we can standardise to put fullstops or not

    Maybe we can catch the possible IllegalArgumentException error thrown by the StringUtil.ignoreCase() method here so that we can display an error message to the user that something has gone wrong.

    Currently if the user types in "search MA 1521", the IllegalArgumentException error is thrown in IntelliJ but not in the GUI. Maybe we can try something like that, but I'm not too sure what error message you would wanna show them hehe

    try {

    String moduleCode = StringUtil.ignoreCase(trimmedArgs);

    return new SearchCommand(moduleCode);


    catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

    throw new ParseException(String.format(MESSAGE_INVALID_COMMAND_FORMAT, SearchCommand.MESSAGE_USAGE));


    Currently, the check for the new module and the module to be edited both throws the same error message "Failed to find module", if it is an invalid module. Hence, if a user does "edit CS1111 c/CS2222" (two wrong modules), they wouldnt be able to tell which module is invalid.

    Maybe we can consider having personalised error messages for the two different module checks, so that the user will know which module is invalid.

    Minor nit: EditModuleDescriptorTest does not currently cover this portion of the code under test coverage, can consider testing this portion out, but not that important HAHAHA.

    Maybe we can add the Scenario of when we might want to use the command?

    Grammar nit: NUS course catalogues

    Sentence structure nit: These data are retrieved on the go in realtime, directly from NUSMods.

    Think we can replace GUI with Main Page?

    I think if we bold module info we can bold NUS course catalogues as well

    I think this line might have a formatting error

    This line might have a formatting error as well

    Will have to include SCIENCE_COMMAND and GEM_COMMAND as well

    Perhaps we can leave this out? Not really relevant to the delete command

    I think we can leave the “as shown below” inside, as it helps improve navigability.

    Same comment as above

    Same comment as above

    Same comment as above

    I think we can remove this? since its not being used hehe

    Minor nit to make the code look cleaner, the assertions can be simplified:

    // same object -&gt; returns true

    assertEquals(forceDeleteFirstCommand, forceDeleteFirstCommand);

    // same values -&gt; returns true

    ForceDeleteCommand forceDeleteFirstCommandCopy = new ForceDeleteCommand(CODE_FIRST_MODULE);

    assertEquals(forceDeleteFirstCommand, forceDeleteFirstCommandCopy);

    // different types -&gt; returns false

    assertNotEquals(1, forceDeleteFirstCommand);

    // null -&gt; returns false

    assertNotEquals(null, forceDeleteFirstCommand);

    // different module -&gt; returns false

    assertNotEquals(forceDeleteFirstCommand, forceDeleteSecondCommand);

    I think you can just use the data in found in main/resources/data/GEM, since all the modules are the same

    Since GER and GEQ are the same both Sem 1 and 2, I think we can reuse the paths? HAHAH

    I think we can reuse the testModules method and attribute so we can reduce the clutter and make the code cleaner? HAHA since the setUp methods all have roughly the same function

    Same comment as above!

    Actually, now that this method has to interact with model and deal with some filtering logic, should it be in the GemCommand class instead?

    Same for this method!

    for this portion, I think the error message shown is "Invalid module code" instead of "invalid common format"

    grammar nit: a search command

    nit: the phrasing for 4 and 6 seems a bit confusing cause both 4 and 6 mention the creation of the SearchCommand.

    think you have to update the "d" to "s" cause its reflecting on some of the blocks HAHAH

    nit: I think for this portion, might be good to put : "SearchCommand("CS2103T"). so when the reader reads the whole diagram, the module code doesnt suddenly gets lost in transition

    same for this part, can put searchModule("CS2103T")

    maybe we can change the "r" here to "module info" or something?

    Okay, updated the description! Thanks for feedback.


    Updated to include entire method name!

    Changed to deleteModule(1)!


    Wah this one rly good find...




    Good suggestion! Added in

    Changed the structuring! For the edit {index}, I decided to keep it as {index} for now to match the expected outcome images! I can change it accordingly once we have updated our code

    Not too sure as well, was kinda going for the notion that saving would be done automatically throughout usage of the app, cause I realise we didnt mention anything about saving throughout, and I thought people might think of saving when they think of exiting HAHAHA

    Alright, made a new class RequiredCommandMessages in the storage component!

    True! I combined the 3 methods into one (those that compare foundation, ITprof and mathandsci mods) into one method. I decided to keep the compareInternship() and compareScience() methods as they have slightly different implementations than the other 3 module categories

    Good call, changed it!

    Okay did not know about this HAHAHAH changed accordingly!

    aHHHHH so this is the way....HAHAH I totally forgot I could do this. thanks man, changed accordingly 😄

    I changed it such that I used the static import of the SCIENCE_PATH.

    Okay, changed accordingly, similar to what I did for RequiredCommand


    Changed the whole class design so, no more Optional>> attributes HAHAHA

    okay roger doger! changed accordingly

    oh right HAHAH okay abstracted further

    accidentally flipped the booleans HAHAH changed the conditions and booleans accordingly

    sorry for the misleading boolean names AHAHHA changed the whole code, so no more booleans, just an If-else block to settle if the module is present or not

    Oh ya good point, added in!

    Woops forgot about that part hahaha, thanks for the find, replaced!

    Good point, I've made it private and changed the method and param names HAHAHA. I think I got the method mixed up.

    Roger, changed as per above!

    HAHAHA I initially took it straight from the intellij java docs, but I've listed the constaints explicitly now.

    Roger, changed as per above!

    Great point, I've shifted it to the RequiredCommandStorageTest class and the other test classes now import from there instead of the RequiredCommandMessages class.

    Oh right, good point HAHAH. Removed the numbering and placed in the note.

    Good call, removed from both storage classes and put it in JsonUtil

    HAHAH renamed to GemCommandPaths

    Ok roger, put it back

    Same as above

    oh ya HAHAHA TRUE TRUE, ok changed accordingly!

    woops, fixed the typo!

    Yup, to make it cleaner, I made a new method called setCompiledModules() in the GemCommandStorage class!

    resolved typo!

    true! HAHAH i scraped all of them and made them into just a single setUpTestModules(Path path) that will just take in different paths when needed.

    ok HAHAHA standardised across

    Woops, must have missed this out....added in!

    rip HAHAH changed accordingly

    okay I think i seriously mixed up the definion of prefix HAHAHA


    Good point, I'm unsure if I should store it as a class variable because idk if the RequiredCommand object should deal with the preclusionMap storage. But it does make the code a bit cleaner if I store it as well HAHAHA

    Good point....I totally forgot Im already storing it in storage HAHAH changed accordingly!

    Oh right, it actually does HAHA changed accordingly

    got it,moved the String modToCheckAgainst outside of the loop

    HAHAHA thanks, changed accordingly

    okay roger! I think i'll open up another PR to fix all the java docs separately to avoid over crowding this one

    Updated accordingly!

    Oh ya good point, ok added in the module specific part, and the writing part

    tyty xDDDD

    o dang, didnt know about this HAHAH changed accordingly!

    Roger, changed accordingly

    oh right my bad....HAHAH forgot to update accordingly. Updated!

    ya my bad HAHAH, I was trying to say it will eventually have those 2 storages. phrasing is bad on my part. I changed it to uninitialised storage attributes w/o the names, to make it clearer.

    Great find guys, I've edited accordingly to your comments. Thanks 😃



    LGTM! (apart from very minor comment)

    As per Sam's reviews, I have made some changes to the PR.

    The major changes are as such:


    Added this class to deal with all the pulling of modules from the respective JSON files.


    Added this class to store all the standard messages and paths that the RequiredCommand will use.


    • Changed the class such that it no longer has to deal with storage of the required modules! It now simply uses Getter methods from the RequiredCommandStorage to get the respective modules from the various fields.

    • The class now mainly deals with all the comparison of GradPad modules against all the required modules.


    • Changed the class slightly to improve the overall performance and design


    Changed the tests to suit the new methods


    Added the test class to test the new RequiredCommandStorage class.


    Updated code as per team review.

    Notable changes:

    • Added more preclusion modules.

    • Now, only the isModuleAPreclusion() method will deal with the preclusion map.

    • To deal with modules that have multiple preclusions, the map now stores a String of all the precluded modules

    and in order to check if the module is a preclusion, a contains() check will be done to see if that module is within the

    String of all precluded modules.

    • Updated javadocs for RequiredCommand, RequiredCommandStorage, GemCommand, GemCommandStorage and ScienceCommand classes. (Added the line in between param and description)

    sure, makes sense

    will fix

    i wasn't smart enough to think of this at the time

    doesn't compile, looks like we both need to retake 2030

    yes, it is designed to modify its input arguments. this wouldn't be necessary if java had some semblance of decent features after 14 versions, like pattern matching;

    this is how i use bisect in a proper language:

    std::string_view x;

    std::string_view xs;

    std::tie(x, xs) = util::bisect(input, ' ');

    if(x.empty()) return { };

    if(x[0] == '@')


    parse_tags(msg, x);

    std::tie(x, xs) = util::bisect(xs, ' ');


    if(x[0] == ':')


    parse_prefix(msg, x);

    std::tie(x, xs) = util::bisect(xs, ' ');


    unfortunately this can't be done in java (there's no std::tie equivalent, nor can there ever be). rather than introduce loads of syntactic noise by needing to (a) declare a pair to store the bisectionr result; (b) declare or assign a variable for the first part; (c) declare or assign a variable for the second part, it is more convenient this way.

    besides, bisect() clearly documents its mutating behaviour.

    for this kind of boolean parameter, i suggest doing something like this:

    return new CommandResult(SHOWING_HELP_MESSAGE, /* showHelp: */ true, /* exit: */ false);

    so that it's easier to see what the true and false mean without going into the definition of the class/function.

    sm0l style issue but there should probably be a newline here

    another small thing but probably it'll be easier to define the commandResult only when you need it (ie. on line 43 instead of 41)

    this isn't c89 can you please define the int in the correct place

    is this better named currentIndex

    is it possible to make this a List&gt;IngredientRef> (or a List&gt;JsonAdaptedIngredientRef>) or something? feels a bit fragile to be storing it as name (qty) as a string in the json file

    return Quantity.parse(words[1])

    .map(qty -&gt; new IngredientReference(words[0], qty);

    surely you meant words[0] here since you want the name? (line 39)

    can use Mass.grams(10) so you don't need to unwrap the Result

    not done yet ah

    wait a minute, isn't this file a duplicate of the CommandDispatcher


    can we just use String.format for this instead of this stringbuilder nonsense

    isn't this just this.isSame((Entry) other)

    what's with this monkaMEGA indentation

    doesn't this regex mean tag names can't contain spaces?

    eh i dun understand why y'all love to copy-paste this equals method with these same useless comments

    did you forget that you had Tag::getTagName()

    maybe you should make a smol nested helper class for this


    shouldn't this also check if the item was a number? wouldn't you want to let the user do view #3 for example

    I changed all of these to assertions a while ago, this should probably be changed too

    this should be kind.equals("Expiry date")

    feels a bit dubious but maybe you should make static methods instead to handle these cases?

    forgot to change

    same thing with the constructor

    forgot to change

    obv you copied this from somewhere else now

    update the comment leh, since you clearly expect named arguments

    isn't this format inconsistent with the rest? ie. yyyy-MM-dd

    same date thing here

    wait why are there two types here? isn't &gt;T extends Usage> enough...?

    shouldn't this check that it's instanceof StatsRecipeMostCookedCommand also? though idk who tf is out there calling .equals() on instances of Command...

    ya since the class don't have any attributes i suppose any StatsRecipeMostCookedCommand is equal to any other StatsRecipeMostCookedCommand

    tbh i pikachu also

    what are you doing the picture is alr there 4 lines below

    you did NOT just check in a merge conflict

    this should be a 3-# header.

    pls change thanks

    excellent use of xml


    very model view controller

    cmon rename this to ied


    less typing. as you know typing places strain on your wrist, which is bad for health <- cwf="C:\repos\nus-cs2103\dashboards-base\contents\cs2103\tp-comments-panels.mbdf"> var is good for health

    ok but most of the time, var is used either (a) when the type is obvious, like this:

    var foo = new SomeOverlyLongClassName();

    // versus:

    SomeOverlyLongClassName foo = new SomeOverlyLongClassName();

    and (b) when the type is not important, like in this case. explicitly writing Map.Entry<Optional<ExpiryDate>, Quantity> is tedious and doesn't contribute anything to the clarity of the code. </->

    It's just to act as a base class for the 3 sub-edit-descriptors, which was necessary cos of the way i wrote parseEditCommand



    Looks good to me 👍. Thank you for your contribution!

    Looks good to me 👍. Thank you for your contribution!

    Looks good to me 👍. Thank you for your contribution!

    Look good to me 👍. Thank you for your contribution!

    Looks good to me 👍. Thank you for your contribution!

    Looks good to me 👍. Thank you for your contribution!

    Looks good to me 👍

    Closed by #43

    Closed by #38 and #40

    ready for merge

    ready to merge

    Closed by #40

    Closed by #38

    looks good to me, blah blah etc. etc thumbs up

    Closed by #52

    Closed by #52


    Looks good to me 👍

    hmm, yea that makes sense. but idk if we’re gonna put some sample data by default like AB3?

    but ya either way i think should have some getting started text on that page, but maybe only the first launch bah

    i don't actually know why there's a need for regex validation, especially now that the regex is just all ascii.

    also why can't i name my recipe お握り


    sorry i mean

    LoOkS GoOd tO Me! 👍 ThAnK YoU FoR YoUr cOnTrIbUtIoN!

    ready to merge

    Duplicate of #76


    branch is even with master, plz merge



    ah, this is a good solution.

    btw doing closes A, B, C, and D only marks A as being closed by this pr






    👍 regarding the first keypress, is it possible to just set the command box to be focused by default when the app starts?


    also, the RHS of the addition (here, '5') should probably be the combined quantities of the entire set of ingredients, cos right now it only prints for the first (or last -- or something) set. (i had 29 blueberries)


    @hjl99 i think it should be fine to follow from the other commands? something like

    filter [/tag &gt;TAG_KEYWORD>]... [/ingredient &gt;INGREDIENT_KEYWORD>]...? then below just say you need at least one of them













    Closed by #191

    This has been (partially?) mitigated by #198

    yes boss

    @seowalex can you make the "see the User Guide for a list of commands" part link to the command summary instead? teh href is CommandSummary.

    like we said jn feel free to work on this, but i think we'll put feature freeze on (next) friday night.

    Closed by #202

    Will change ItemReference.parse to fallback to referring by name if the input doesn't strictly follow #[0-9]+. This lets you have recipe names like #1a, #10 asdf, etc. It will still error when trying to do #-1, so that is fine.

    Closed by #202

    Duplicate of #215, since we can't edit ingredients

    Intended behaviour

    Favourites have been yeeted

    Duplicate of #217

    Tracked by #147

    This includes adding/deleting tags to/from ingredients

    wtf is this

    Tracked by #243

    Tracked by #243

    Duplicate of #213

    Tracked by #243

    Duplicate of #227

    Probably related to the logger being 3Head. Will mitigate by wrapping log methods, and wrapping the actual logger call in a try catch.

    We'll change it to make recipe and view recipe

    Tracked by #243

    We'll keep it the way it is, I think each UI component has enough text to warrant its own subsection.

    Related to #205

    EDIT: was not related to the logger being 3head.



    duplicate of #251

    also, recipe view doesn't "start to scroll" if items are added offscreen. repro:

    1. start with some N recipes that fit entirely in the view without scrolling

    2. start adding a few recipes. since we switch to the recipe detail view, the recipe list view is hidden

    3. go back to the list view (in any way); the recipes now exceed the window height, but the view can't be scrolled

    4. it starts scrolling only when the window is resized

    Incomplete; autocompletion will not escape the name, causing issues


    All tests that use assertCommandSuccess also test for undo now, as well as some other tests that I wrote, so i'm closing this for now.

    First and second problems are WONTFIX. Third issue tracked by #263

    Duplicate of #233

    Ref #207

    you can talk about implementing the command part of the editing recipes too

    I changed some of the stats stuff so please deconflict carefully

    my bad

    should be a 3-liner at MainWindow.java:164

    Will update the UG accordingly in #286

    Mostly fixed by #286, missing the GUI annotations in the beginning.

    Closed by #293

    Postponed to 1.5

    Change e to to another more descriptive name?

    Similarly for this, change e to a more descriptive name.

    change address to description

    change address to description

    Should we remove all the tutorials?

    change to package seedu.momentum.logic.commands;

    Do we really need to store the entire project object in a timer?

    Maybe we generate and use an unique project id?

    calculate looks quite long, maybe you can abstract out some of the logic here?

    I think the @param should end with a full stop.

    The method is > 30 lines. I see you tried to reduce the length of the method with combinePredicates but I think you can abstract more of the logic.

    Similarly, full stop for @param

    Here also the full stop for @param


    Maybe you can store "Kurz Elle Kunz" as a String variable since you used it more than once in this class?

    Similarly for the starbucks elephant cats here

    And friends owesMoney here

    Similarly for "\\s+"

    Similarly for "Alice Bob"

    Store the array as a private static variable also?

    Also for the "Alice Bob" in this class

    Maybe change the getFormatted method in deadline to return no deadline set when there is no deadline instead so that a project does not have to know whether it has a deadline.

    New line needed before @throws

    Make name implement a comparable instead?

    The method is quite long, maybe extract this into another method?

    similarly for this

    and this?

    . for @params

    Also for this

    Empty @return

    line before @param

    line before @param

    Add some javadocs for this class?

    Similarly for this class?

    Implement the conversion from enum Timeframe to ChronoUnit in the enum class instead then call the method here?

    Override toString method in TimeFrame to something like name().charAt(0) + name().substring(1).toLowerCase() ?

    @throws should end with a .







    new line

    missing @return




    I think 8 spaces not 4. Changed to 8 spaces.

    Hmm I don't think is matters

    Name is not optional right?

    maybe just include as coming soon


    Hmm not sure

    Changed to edit

    Yeahh we should


    Not sure, but if we add a bunch examples, then a table would be like 1 line | a lot of lines




    This is to show deletion of a deadline so the deadline "created" is an empty one.

    It's just the work of reformat code to align with the next @param

    I'm not sure, both will have the same behaviour but its more of a parse error than unable to execute command error since it is related to validity, but this will make the overall design better?

    I think the main reason to include check for created date is to ensure that we will never run into a utc offset problem, rather than making sure the deadline is actually after the created date and we are also not currently storing the created time. So I think its fine since only the created date is stored as long as the date of the deadline is later than created date we can just take it as valid.

    Anyways I decided to change it

    There is no reference to the Project class in CompletionStatus thou

    Time is compulsory for LocalDateTime in java.time so unless a dummy time is added in, LocalDateTime cannot be used.

    I think it would be cumbersome to try to differentiate between the dummy time and the actual time if any. I think this mainly has to do with the backend part.

    Then since the time and date is separated, it would easier to parse them separately.

    I think I will create a general date superclass then make datetime, date and time inherit from it.

    After checking the hierarchy of java.time, I realised the only common class ancestor of Date, Time and DateTime is java.lang.Object but they do implement similar interfaces. So I decided to make Date, Time and DateTime to implement a common Instance interface instead of a common class. And also if Date and Time inherit from the same class, it would imply that Date and Time is comparable.

    I thought that this was the desired behaviour?

    For 2 projects to be considered as duplicate, it needs to be created on the same date.

    So no prefix will mean match any be default?

    By default the tasks are grouped by incomplete then complete, then sorted by created date. Thus, this is the correct behaviour. To disable this, c/ should be added after sort type/created

    By default the projects are grouped by incomplete then complete, then sorted by created deadline, this is the correct behaviour. To disable this, c/ should be added after sort type/deadline

    By default the projects are grouped by incomplete then complete, then sorted by deadline, this is the correct behaviour. To disable this, c/ should be added after sort type/deadline

    The reminder panel cannot be shown directly using the show command. It will only be shown automatically at the date and time of the reminder. The only supported functionality for the show command is the hide the reminder panel after it is shown.



    I don't think that this is a typo, the intended effect would be for prefix dd/ there could be a DEADLINE_DATE an optional DEADLINE_TIME with prefix dt/. In other words, dt/DEADLINE_TIME is part of dd/DEADLINE_DATE.


    I think we didn't update the docs after changing it.


    I think we didn't update the user guide after changing it.

    Seems like a typo in the user guide. Fixed


    I think this might be similar to the issue with Clock.now() not working for java CI.

    By default the tasks are grouped by incomplete then complete, then sorted by deadline. Thus, this is the correct behaviour. To disable this, c/ should be added after sort type/deadline

    I think we didn't update the user guide after changing it.

    The reminder panel cannot be shown directly using the show command. It will only be shown automatically at the date and time of the reminder. The only supported functionality for the show command is the hide the reminder panel after it is shown.

    Add extra tests according for codecov (mainly equals methods not covered)

    The is a real problem. Not only the tags pane resize unexpectedly, the other panes in the sidebar resizes

    I think the show component command also cannot be undone

    I think there are still some full stops missing that I didn't comment mainly for the @returns

    Do we need to have 2 add here? coz it looks a bit weird from the preview

    Will it be better if we separate the command word add with the example into 2 lines?

    Or can just delete the 2nd add to just have a command word + command body format

    would help page of Nuudle be better? or just another way to avoid not using 's

    would the method name be better if it sounds like a question?

    like isAppointmentOverlapping

    it might be better if this public method could have a javadoc

    That is possible.

    Although the initial purpose of the DateTimeLoader class is just improve the OOP for the AssignCommandParser to pass the date and time, we can make it into an inheritance or other implementation to broaden the usage when necessary

    If you want to get rid of the AssignCommand., I guess it would better to import the DateTimeLoader class so the code looks more precise.

    Will the white space be too much?

    do we still follow the user guide? coz from there the done should be with the use of the AppointmentId, so maybe it would be better to use AppointmentId class instead of dateTimeLoader?

    I think this should be NuudleParser?

    The package name should be nuudle?

    Since here is for the entire project

    I think the VersionedPatientBook also? Since the undo/redo includes the appointment

    PatientBook should be Nuudle?

    I have another idea tho.

    Do we actually need to check the overlapping of target and editedAppointment? I feel not checking makes more sense to the reality where the patient just want to shift the appointment a bit forward or backward.

    Let me know what you think about this 👍

    Should the name be WithIn be one word? like Within

    [REMARK] should be without square bracket?

    I'm not sure about this, but usually there is no space between prefix (r/) and content (Likes to swim) right?

    I think we need a short description before the @param?

    I think this should catch ParseException since the parseIndex throws it and no mention about IllegalValueException

    I went to check and found out that actually we have not tested this try and catch block for other commands.

    I guess we can add in V1.4.

    Good effect for all remarks! 🤣

    Oh that makes sense 👍

    I would think that we should disable cancel if the date of the respective appointment to be cancelled is alright passed since there is no point to cancel an appointment which is already in the past.

    However, I think it would be different for done since there may be cases that the admin forgets to mark done and just lets it expire. done allows for the correction.

    How about the rest?

    should be checks?

    is period needed here?

    Thanks for the correction 👍

    The space between addressBook and the ... is too much?

    Should be Creates?

    I think can remove at?

    Just like the one in DateParserUtil.java

    have should be singular?

    I would think this helps abstract information.

    The only problem is that we need to arrange it well.

    Maybe we can clean it up in some time.

    Sorry that I'm a bit confused why all the numbering is 1?

    Is it supposed to be that?

    Would a short description of the method be better?

    I have to say it too!

    It solves the warning from get() of Optional!

    Thanks for the enlightenment.


    How about we take out our code of the EditAppointmentDescriptor and DurationSupporter to have a common class!

    Should we check in the other way?

    Coz in this case, the command can be successful with even just one of the prefix content present. Hence isPresent() should be used instead of isEmpty()

    I think you can refer to the EditCommandParser class

    What do you think? 👍

    would present tense be better?

    Should Get be Gets?

    Should Archive and remove be Archives and removes?

    Woh, @see is a new thing to me.

    Cool! 👍

    Shoud it be Gets here?

    Should we paste the description here instead of give a reference?

    Should here be Creates?

    Is a Javadoc missing here? or it is too obvious?

    This is definitely a great test! 👍

    Good deal with the punctuation 👍

    I agree with Jinhao about this point 😄


    Yes, thanks for pointing out

    Yup, I did use PREDICATE_SHOW_ALL_APPOINTMENT, but just due to bugs of ystd, I doubted it was related to it so I changed. After solving the bug, forgot to add back.

    Thanks for the suggestion!

    Hence, it actually indicates an invalid command format if PREFIX_DATE is empty as it would mean that something else is written

    @Avalionnet yup, I covered empty arg in the switch cases in NuudleParser, which is just list other one word command

    but now I have changed to cover it in the ViewCommandParser

    I think both ways are good, what yall think?

    Thanks guys!

    Yes that is good indeed, I have changed it.

    Good spot and thank for pointing them out!


    And I just realized that use in minutes to express it 🤣

    I think that is simpler and clearer?

    Haha, you too!

    Good job reviewing all my codes 👍

    Oh, this UI part has been done by Yang Yue, so I guess this one can just ignore.

    Good spot!

    Oh this part is supposed to be Ming Lim's, I accidentally touched it.

    my pleasure 👍

    This is definitely better!

    Thanks for bring this up!

    thanks for the advice!

    I don't think we need to give an example here since we are reminding the user to enter a date, it is not that they don't know how to enter the date.

    How do the rest think?

    if using the CLOSING_TIME - OPENING_TIME, there will not be a ParserException if the user enters something smaller than the limit but still out of operation hour, since this will only give an error for ending time is before start time in the appointment that cannot be viewed in jar.

    so I just keep it and change the ChangCommand also?

    Hmm if I remember correctly, we are required to use lowercase for naming our profile image file. Do check it up before merging!

    Noticed. Changes have been made 👍

    should this be mid-v1.2?

    okay agree

    I got the same warning and also mentioned here: https://github.com/nus-cs2103-AY2021S1/forum/issues/232

    (it's an error log output). So this should be fine

    Should the parameter name be client instead of Client?

    Should the parameter name be clients?

    should Clients be clients?

    ohh, if the checkstyle version/file in both GitHub and IntelliJ are already configured properly but the outputs are different, I'm not sure which one to follow. Perhaps @benclmnt have a suggestion regarding this code quality?

    I think this is what wei jie means. Perhaps you can change these jsons from "Clients" to "clients"

    Or should we ignore the GitHub's checkstyle warning for now and merge, and fix it along the way?

    Should this be FitEgo?

    Should this be Clients or clients? (for consistency)

    should the name be something like "hasFunctionToRun"?

    Should this be non-public?

    should this be session builder? noticed the same cases in this file as well

    should the variable name index be changed? since there are 2 "index"

    just curious, any reason why this takes in LocalDateTime instead of String (since the other with__ takes in string)?

    in terms of consistency with the other with__ methods, should we pass the String? What do you all think?

    should FitEgo shows list of client and session?

    should this be inside [] to show this is optional?

    are these 2 fields used? In editClientDescriptor, the index of the entity that we want to edit is not included. Only the fields that might be changed due to the edit command are included

    will this throw NoSuchElementException if the input does not include su/...? This issue arises when implementing payment/adding schedule remark features. I think would be better not to declare it here, since if the schedule remains unedited, it's already handled in line 71

    Should these 2 lines be wrapped in a try-catch block, like the EditSessionCommandParser and EditClientCommandParser to check whether the clientIndex or sessionIndex is missing?

    should the edited field, i.e. updateSessionIndex be encapsulated in editScheduleDescriptor?

    should this takes in updateSessionIndex only? since the field that would be edited is only session index (for now)

    should updatedSessionIndex be encapsulated in editSchedDescriptor?

    for consistency, do we need to add what is contained in the client?

    command change to commands?

    should we write "commands" instead of command?

    should we include "weight measured"?

    this might change if we want to use ses and sch

    should we say duration is in minutes?

    should this be session list?

    Would this mean we need to have this extension in every command? (extension if we have a missing argument)

    now pd/paid or pd/unpaid

    to keep this consistent, should there be no space before ":"?

    I don't know which one is better, "value" (used in most classes), or "weight"

    shd this call isValidWeight?

    this is still understandable to me, but would it be confusing to call 2 methods with the same name? For other objects, usually we call .getName().value (but value shdn't be public).

    so another possible naming is getValue().

    yes. but actly doesnt really matter

    should this check with all sessions in fitego, instead of just those that are shown?

    in case they think Schedule List is the "today's schedule" in home page and to be more consistent, would it be better to be

    "The Schedule already exists in FitEgo"?

    for duplicate client: "This Client already exists in the address book."

    based on another kelvin's comment, then this one might be "on the right"

    should the second session start with capital s?

    not sure about this, but should we wrap the folder name (images and data) in a code format or some quote?

    probably I mistyped here, could you change this into "the first session in"...

    Is it better if I change it into:

    Use case: UC03 - Edit a Client
        1. User requests a list of Clients using `clist` (UC02) or `cfind` (UC04) 
        ..the rest


    sessionIndex is the previous index (index of session to change)

    the reason I delete the updatedSessionIndex is because it is already contained in the descriptor (since this is an optional field). also, I'm afraid that if we have updatedSessionIndex in both command and descriptor, we must ensure both of them are the same

    @benclmnt any comment?

    thanks for spotting them, that was auto-filled by IntelliJ (because ModelStub implements Model).

    I'll change it

    yep, it represents phone in add client cmd. Do you have any suggestion for this?

    im thinking of paid/ or pay/, but afraid that those are too long

    i think maguire is editing this part

    yes, it works even without the true. not sure why @benclmnt also have the true in the cmd usage message

    oh @kelvinvin 's suggestion is to have the else to make it clearer

    so make it like the prev commit?

    is this too technical/revealing the implementation?

    should the find feature be implemented later? Also, the current AB3 only supports search by name

    Is this like adding a new command? If yes, should this be for v1.2 or mid-v1.2?

    The division of 3 sections is in the other PR. Should we bold the nextSession line?

    sorry just read this. both bolded/not bolded looks good for now

    Some things to take note:

    1. Command has been changed from "[c/CLIENT] [s/SESSION]" to "[INDEX] [s/SESSION]" which makes more sense.
    2. 1 issue which is that when the input session is higher than the total number of session, there's an exception on the terminal but nothing is being printed on FitEgo. The issue is with RescheduleCommand only having the [INDEX] which takes care of the problem when [INDEX] > total schedules, but in Parser, I'm not able to retrieve the filteredSessionList as it requires Model to retrieve it, so FitEgo can't detect the issue when input session is higher than total sessions.
    3. Testing for this Reschedule is not fully up yet because there isn't a ScheduleCommandTestUtil class, not sure if this is required because now it's a bit tricky in a sense that Schedule contains Client and Session while RescheduleDescriptor contains clientIndex and sessionIndex of Index class. If RescheduleDescriptor were to contain Client and Session, it should be easier but in RescheduleCommandParser, similar to issue 2 above, I'm not able to retrieve the filteredSessionList as it requires Model to retrieve it.

    try to detect the issue in command.execute() instead of parser?

    A good feature to have. will the implementation be like inside DeleteSessionCommand, iterate through the model's ScheduleList?

    looks good


    Should PR from branch

    i've implemented some of my suggestions from here to my payment PR

    feel free to try that feature and see if there is any unecessary changes made

    Can anyone check if this is correct? The new diagram is a bit different



    Looks good generally


    added just now

    Scroll down, and I think the example will be shown

    @maguireong maybe can do the edit schedule (reschedule)

    i'll do the schadd

    i think shd fix the isIdentical to check if same email or phone

    will change to invalid format

    this means need change in almost all fields (remark, tags, etc)

    fixes #189 #184

    fixes #183

    I think either "all clients should be All Clients"

    or "Listing is not the correct word"

    fixes #234

    fixes #198

    This is also used for Travel Plan name!

    Name is also used by TravelPlan, not just TravelPlan object. Maybe we can add that in?

    Maybe here can also implement Predicate>TravelPlan>, then we can overload the test method with test(TravelPlan tp) as well?

    I meant implements Predicate&gt;TravelPlanObject>, Predicate&gt;TravelPlan> since a class can implement more than one interfaces.

    As for this, 2 separate (overloaded) test methods:

    public boolean test(TravelPlan travelPlan) and public boolean test(TravelPlanObject tpObject)

    I think this should be return the Travelplanner?

    What is the reason for this change? Previously I changed it to Graph so that it allows for names with some punctuations, such as "Alice's Home", i also tested it so it was working.

    I see, then can change to "(\\p{Alnum}\\p{Graph}*\\p{Space}?)+" ? Because I have multiple test cases with names that includes punctuation.

    Maybe can change to "The wishlist only stores activities, not accommodations or friends!". If not it sounds like the accommodations and friends of wishlist is empty.

    Is this additional newline intentional? (There's two empty lines in a row)

    Maybe can add a Javadoc comment here. "Takes the value -1 if no tab changes are required. Otherwise, represents the index of the tab to set the travelPlanObjectListPanel to."

    Don't have to change now, but maybe we should store these constants under the respective classes (i.e. Activity, Accommodation and Friend class) as TPO_WORD, since we are referring to these strings in multiple other classes. Similar to COMMAND_WORD.

    Class is missing JavaDoc. I'm not sure if this is allowed since it passes CI?

    Class is missing JavaDoc here as well.

    should we use {@code ParseException} here instead of seedu.address.logic.parser.exceptions.ParseException?

    Missing JavaDoc for this method.

    I think I added a space after Activities on purpose previously, so that the tabs are more spaced out.

    Is this additional new line intentional? Sorry I'm abit OCD, can ignore if you are okay with it!

    I think this part it's okay, since travelPlanObjectType for ShowCommand should not be -1. Maybe it would be clearer to throw this exception in the constructor instead of here. Same for the exception above.

    The space supposed to be after though.. HAHA

    Can use the {@code ParseException} syntax instead of just the string?

    travelPLanObjectType spelt with capital L by accident I think. Same throughout this file.

    Is the additional line here intentional?

    Just clarifying here, what's there TODO here?

    Yea yixian is right.... HAHA it's the name of the travelplans in the travelplanner panel

    can use constants to name numbers?

    Returns instead of Return? And not sure if there should be a full stop here.

    Not sure if there should be a full stop here.

    Should it be:

    • loops through the keywords (of type List&gt;String>) and return true if there is any match with Nameable.getName().name

    Can this be implemented in model instead? Then call the model method instead of accessing travelPlan methods here directly. Treat model as a facade.

    Same comment as above! 😃

    Not this line, but for line 97, can change "person" in the javadoc comment to accommodation?

    I think userguidess is misspelt

    include move and copy under wishlist, and exit and help under both.

    Is this a clearer phrasing?

    "Please go to your desired travelplan to edit friend, activity or accommodation, using the goto command.";

    I think you accidentally added a big space here haha

    Can use switch case but not a big problem.

    Can add example to this?

    Should you check this outside of the switch case and just throw SortCommand.MESSAGE_USAGE instead?

    Yea i get why you did it, i just implemented the other way for delete to reduce code duplication haha.

    can rename tags to parameters? to be consistent with UG

    can replace this with:

    assert model.hasTravelPlanObject(activityToMove, travelPlanIndex.getZeroBased()) : "Activity was not moved";

    This is a new method I recently added to model. Will merge my PR soon. Can pull from upstream to retrieve.

    can replace this with:

    assert !model.hasActivity(activityToMove) : "Activity was not deleted after moving";

    This is an already existing method in model.

    can replace this with:

    assert model.hasTravelPlanObject(activityToCopy, travelPlanIndex.getZeroBased()) : "Activity was not copied";

    This is a new method I recently added to model. Will merge my PR soon. Can pull from upstream to retrieve.

    yeap! It's meant to be Jan, Feb, etc.

    I did that at first, but it failed checkstyle because apparently abbreviations must be capitalised for the first letter only.

    Just tested, the ListView implemented in TravelPlannerPanel implements scrolling already!

    Same as above too!

    Thanks! Updated accordingly.

    Updated. Thanks!

    We can typecast back to Travelplan to access AccommationList, if we are sure the directory is a travelplan.

    I think this is still considered polymorphism though?

    It's for testing purposes and to also remind programmers under what conditions this call should be made only. I wrote this with the intention that the programmer should only call setToAccommodationList() if the directory is a Travelplan. I was thinking about try catch, but it's not a scenario the user will face, since this should be configured by programmers (and should not happen because of user input/calls). It's also okay to write try catch, but there should not be any exception in the first place unless there is a bug in the program.

    if want to check can use instanceof!

    Thanks, updated!

    Updated, thanks!


    yeap! so commands must check the directory before setting accommodationlist etc, since commands will have to know the directory to execute local commands anyway.

    This is to ensure the internalList does not hold the exact same copy of the TravelPlan.

    Not too sure if this is okay, removing it resolves execute_validIndexFilteredList_success in DeleteFriendCommandTest

    This is resolved in the most updated version of this PR.

    updated to duplicate travel plans! 😃 thanks!


    Todo: Update to link to directory.

    I think for this, it could just be "User enters the required details" since implementation details are not needed for use cases

    Same as the above. Instead of this, perhaps you could try "User requests to cancel the command"?

    I think for this, it could just be "User enters the required details" since implementation/UI details are not needed for use cases.

    Same as above. Perhaps you could try "User requests to cancel the command" instead?

    I believe bullet points are required for indentation here as well.

    Perhaps a new indentation would be good here?

    is there a typo here?

    Might be better to mention that this command deletes everything before and up to the given date. It may be misunderstood to just delete visits on that date itself.

    What might this suppress warning be for?

    There shouldn't be a space after the method name. Also, since this method deletes multiple visits, maybe calling it deleteVisits would be more suitable.

    This functionality could perhaps be moved into the for loop above? Then there would not be a need for an additional ArrayList to keep track of the visits to be deleted.

    argMultimap.getPreamble().isEmpty() should be !argMultimap.getPreamble().isEmpty(), otherwise the code fails.

    Only this part causes errors; the other comments are queries/small formatting errors.

    The JavaDocs for this Predicate could be clearer as this Predicate is not as straightforward as the others.

    Might be better to name the conditions separately with informative names as this line of code can get confusing.

    Now that there are three parameters for the constructors, perhaps it could be better if each parameter is tested for NullPointerException in a separate method.

    Typo here. Shouldn't be nullLocation but instead the parameter that is null in this method.

    Shouldn't date be required to be non null as well?

    Could this be moved to the ModelPredicate class as the predicates are being stored in that class at the moment?

    Is there a typo in the method name?

    Typo in the word 'where'

    Perhaps Generating could be used instead of Listing

    I think for this, referencing the index rather than id is required. I believe the current master branch has an example of this.

    There might be a typo here (extra semi-colon)

    As this is a public constructor, perhaps you could consider making this code more defensive by ensuring that Prefix could only be PREFIX_PERSON_ID or PREFIX_LOCATION_ID? Since a wrong argument is likely to originate from a command inputting the wrong prefix, an assert statement here should be good enough.

    Alternatively, checking and throwing an exception may make this constructor easier to test.

    Might need to add the corresponding tests for constructor related to the comment in the IndexIdPair class.

    Are the try-catch statements required here as the test is not supposed to fail anyway, and the parse exception isn't part of an assertion.

    A section describing the different icons (bulb, info, etc) is missing. Perhaps it could be slotted in between the preface and glossary?

    Since visits don't have a unique ID, we might want the user to note that they can only use indexes for visits.

    The green used for Command Result seems to blend in with the background. Perhaps you could consider using a color that stands out more?

    You could consider marking out the index and id in the diagram to improve readability. Something like a highlight or circling them will be sufficient in this case.

    As with the previous feedback on the UG, we probably should insert section headings explaining what the bullet points mean. E.g. Notice, Warning, etc. This could be done in a future PR.

    I think it is important to let the user know that they cannot use both indexes and IDs.

    Could also mention exporting to CSV and reading that CSV file in another computer here.

    This section is a bit information packed, perhaps you could consider adding small diagrams illustrating your points? For example, for the part about index changing, you could show an example of the same person but with a different index after say, an add operation.

    Could also mention that Ids used must be unique and can be of any format.

    To add on, a more meaningful assert would be one at the start of the method which asserts a value for a parameter taken in, rather than a variable created within the method itself.

    I personally feel that the explanation here could be a bit clearer as I do not understand what it means for a visit to be affected by a given visit.

    Similarly, what does a visit being affected mean? I don't quite understand this method

    This part is quite technical, so you could perhaps consider adding some diagrams? A simple diagram would suffice. Alternatively, you may provide an example with concrete numbers to bring the idea across more clearly.

    Small grammatical error. ... is in used -> is in use.

    Small grammatical error. In the case when the user...

    Is this supposed to be deleteVisit instead? It is in the DeleteVisitActivityDiagram.puml file.

    Yes, these methods should already be functional barring unforeseen bugs.

    The method was added for the following reasons:

    1. The Person and Visit classes both have these two methods in Model - getFiltered[x]List() and updateFiltered[x]List() where x is either of those classes. As the InfoHandler class requires the getFilteredLocationList(), I felt it was apt that updateFilteredLocationList() was added as well.

    2. Also, the addLocation method in the ModelManager requires the updateFilteredLocationList() as well.

    As for the test above, the function is required to be overwritten for the ModelStub to be created.






    This equals method first tests equality using the equality method of ReadOnlyIndexIdPair (the first statement).

    By comparing the prefix in IndexIdPair, we ensure that IdOpt, IndexOpt and the prefix are all equal in this case.

    Currently, all tests execute successfully, so maybe you could perhaps direct me to the tests you think may be problematic as a result of the change and I'll look into it.

    I see. Currently, I believe the commands all use ReadOnlyIndexIdPair, so in this case, the tests should still work since the comparisons are between ReadOnlyIndexIdPairs.

    Anyway, for classes that use IndexIdPair, it would be more suitable for them to compare prefixes of the IndexIdPairs as well since having a different prefix can mean that the IndexIdPair are different.

    I separated them because their error messages are different





    When creating an issue, try to specify the part of the project the issue is meant to be working on by using square brackets in the title. If the issue does not specify anything, it is assumed to be implementation-based, i.e., related to modifying AB3/VirusTracker code.

    Example: [DG] Add UC01 and UC02 indicates that this issue works on adding user cases 01 and 02 to the developer guide.


    Mandatory label:

    • priority.* Indicates the priority level of the task. Has three levels, low, medium and high.

    Apart from the mandatory priority label, you may include other labels to make it easier to search and locate issues. Feel free to add any labels, but please ensure no similar label already exists.

    Pull Requests

    General note: PRs can only be merged only when two or more other people have reviewed and approved of the merge.

    Format for PR

    When creating the PR, please state which issues the PR closes on the last line of the description.

    Commit message: keyword #xx, keyword #yy, keyword #zz for multiple issues

    • keyword refers to any one of the following three words, close, fix, resolve.

      • Using these keywords will cause the issue to be automatically closed once the PR is merged successfully.

      • _Note: Other tenses for the above words could be used as well, such as closes or closed, but let us standardise using the

        imperative form of the words above._

    • #xx references the issue number, where xx is the number. For example, xx = 10 will reference issue number 10.

    Example: xx = 30

    ...PR description here

    Close #xx

    The above will close issue 30 upon the successful merging of the PR.

    The actual form of #xx is not used in this comment as it would reference actual issues. Please refer to the PRs page for more examples.

    The user cases have been added, and this issue will be closed

    This user story has been added, and this issue will be closed.

    This user story has been added, and this issue will be closed.

    Location classes have been completed, statistics classes will be moved to v1.2.

    A new LocationHandler class should be created to be in charge of handling the statistics.

    I've updated the title accordingly to avoid confusion

    Rather than LocationHandler, we can instead create an InfoHandler class which additionally handles people and visits

    Issue can be closed, InfoHandler class has been implemented with relevant methods.

    As of this commit, coverage for commands have been increased.

    Made a draft PR instead

    As of this commit, coverage of the logic package has been increased.

    As of this commit, coverage of the model package has been increased

    This issue was fixed in the latest version of VirusTracker.jar before the PE-D. This issue will be closed.

    This feature is currently intended.

    From the UG, In the case of repeating parameters, VirusTracker takes the last parameter.

    We should consider setting a format for ID patterns, as users currently have too much freedom in the format of IDs they use.

    We should mention the allowed formats for parameters in the User Guide so as to avoid misconceptions like this issue.

    We can consider making Address unique like LOCATION_ID as no two locations should have the same address.

    I believe prefixes are still needed since we are using both indexes and IDs.

    This change could be considered.

    Duplicate of #257

    Duplicate of #235

    Duplicate of #251

    The user guide and command specify that the path provided when exporting should be absolute paths. However, no such checks are actually implemented.

    Instead of implementing such checks, we can specify in the user guide where the file will be created by default, to provide users with a choice to use absolute paths or just create the files in the default path.

    Renamed the branch to PR from. This PR will be closed.

    As of this commit, DG has been updated. Future commits would be for UG unless stated otherwise.

    UG has been updated

    Should this document need to be refactored?

    Should we edit the tutorial document?

    Perhaps this document does not have to be edited as well?

    Is this part of a tutorial as well? Should it be changed?

    Perhaps we should keep this in view?

    Should we change "ab" to "mb"?

    Same as for UndoRedoState0.puml, maybe we should change in all the diagram files?

    Should this be changed since there is a link to AB4?

    Good renaming here!

    Does this document need to be changed? I'm not very sure 😕

    Should the tutorial be refactored?

    Should this be changed?

    Should this be "MediBook" instead? Since it looks like the product name

    Is this refactoring the correct word?

    Similar to a previous comment, is this the correct thing to change?

    Again, should this be changed?

    Should this be left alone?

    Should this be changed?

    Here as well

    Should this comment be changed?

    Should this comment be changed?

    Should the comments in this class be changed?

    Should this be refactored?

    Should this be changed?

    Should these comments be changed?

    Should this be changed?

    Should this comment be revised?

    Perhaps change this to "MediBook" as well? Not that important as it's just for logging

    Was this supposed to be changed?

    Here as well

    Perhaps change this variable name?

    Perhaps the comments in this class can use "MediBook" instead?

    Should "ab" be changed?

    Sounds grammatically incorrect to say "the user then access" even though it is clear in the markup that this is a command. Is there a way to rephrase this sentence?

    May look better to properly punctuate this comment?

    Maybe capitalise this comment?

    If this class is solely to create static Index objects, does there need to be separate objects to use for patient and medical note tests? Since they are pointing to similar objects anyways. Additionally, "index first" sounds a little strange. Maybe "index one" or "first index"? Not sure what makes sense.

    Should this be "'*' not allowed in name" instead of having quotations around the whole comment?

    Maybe add a JavaDoc comment (single line "/** comment here */) to describe innerList?

    Is it possible to abstract out some parts of this constructor?

    May want to add JavaDoc comments to this class?

    Should this be a user story in the UG? May not be relevant to some readers of the UG. Is there a better way to phrase this/refer to doctors themselves? i.e. If you are a doctor...

    Can this sound more user centric? i.e. If you are viewing the profile of a patient with the IC...

    Good eye 👍

    Maybe we can refactor this if needed after looking at the implementation? Since this is based on conventions in the other Patient detail classes i.e. Name, Tag, etc.

    Will that make the code harder to read and be a bit unnecessary? I also made it similar to other classes so maybe we would want to be consistent?

    Will create a PR on branch instead of master

    Resolved by #80

    Resolved by #80 using UI parts instead

    Perhaps can add a description saying that this is the constructor?

    Should be project book instead of address book.

    Same here too as above comment.

    Perhaps there should be a whitespace after the slashes?

    Yup think it will better to describe that it will construct a new project, just like the javadocs in other classes.

    Will it be better to give an example of how the ISO8601 time format looks like in the error message? A user might not know what this format is.

    Should have a new line before the param.

    Think the persons here should be timers instead.

    Should have a new line after the description. Same for the 2 methods above.

    Newline after description.

    Extra line here should be removed.

    Extra asterisk here should be removed.

    Newline after description.

    Newline before method.

    Should we remove all the navigation commands first? Since they are not yet implemented.

    Description has been changed to an optional field.

    Should both name and description be optional fields here?

    I think we can indicate [coming soon] for this.

    I'm not sure if this section should be done by @boundtotheearth, since he implemented this and according to the tP instructions, it is recommended that features in the user guide should be written by the person who implemented it.

    Similarly, should we remove this first or indicate it as [coming soon]?

    Same as above, for Create and Update, some of the fields are/are now optional.

    Not sure if it would be better to rename this as 'Editing a project'? It might be more clear that the name of the feature is the same as the command.

    I think it should be. Because it doesn't make sense for the user to have to enter something for the name when they are not intending to change it. I think we might have made a mistake when writing this section of the user guide.

    So the edit command will be like the addressbook's, where all fields except index are optional, but at least one of the optional fields must be provided.

    Same case for **Note:** here as above.

    Seems like markdown isn't converting **Note:** over here to bold. I think it's because it's embedded inside HTML. Try using &gt;strong>Note:&gt;/strong> instead.

    I think the asterisks here are causing Markdown to not format the table correctly.

    Newline before param

    Newline after description

    Code might be easier to understand if parseSortOrder() only returns the argument which the user entered in the command. Then under the variable declaration for isAscending(), do an equal() check to see whether the argument the user provided is equal to ASCENDING_ORDER.

    This is so that the nature of the parseSortOrder() method is also consistent with that of the parseSortType() method.

    I think we should.

    Noticed that you have declared various form of SortCommands as private static final variables in SortCommandTest.java, and they are repeated here. Will it be better to just abstract all of the various SortCommands into a utility class, then have the test classes get the different commands from there.

    Accidental capitalisation here

    Line before param

    Line before param

    Line before throws

    Line before throws

    Line before throws

    Line before throws

    Line before throws

    Line before param

    Should the javadoc for this method and the one above be on just one single line?

    Should projects here be changed to trackedItems?

    Incomplete javadocs

    Ok yup I agree with this. Will make the changes.

    I feel that it is ok to have this method as well as the hasDescription() method in the Project class, as a Project should be aware of the contents of its own fields and I can directly ask a Project whether it possesses these fields.

    However, what you said sounds fine to me too. What do the others think?

    Yes, but in tests only, particularly these:

    All of these tests invoke setTrackedItem() from Model, which will call resetUi(), which then calls updateApplicationSettings() in SettingsUpdateManager. However, SettingsUpdateManager is not initialised in the test and so Ui and Statistics will be null, leading to NullPointerException when running the tests.

    Oh forgot to change it back. Changed it to make an earlier implementation work.

    Maybe we could add a javadoc comment as follows:

    Represents the string consisting of a dash followed by an alphabet such as "-m" included in the user's command.

    Thanks for the refactor

    Method looks great

    Looks great, maybe we need to extract some cases out later, to reduce the code to beneath 30loc.

    Awesome find, thank you for fixing the bug!

    Great addition, consultation features should work well now!

    Great mention!



    It is great that the history is stored and used in this manner.

    Great way of ensuring that the pointer is pointing to the correct command

    Great defensive coding technique with the use of inputPointer > 0

    Good use of defensive coding

    The amount of logging is great, especially now when we are trying to reduce bugs

    This is a great use of Observer patterns

    Great use of Abstractions

    Another great use of abstractions, this makes the code neater. thank you!

    Great protective measure!

    Perhaps this test method signature could be setGreeting_validString_success()?

    This type of checking is indeed really important, thank you for writing these tests cases!

    This is a great way of using guard clauses

    Thanks for writing the code to be congruent with the abstractions used

    Useful exception!

    Since MasteryCheck is using a separate tab from Consultations, Making Mastery check no longer extend Consultation makes sense now.

    Thanks for marking out the code to make it more readable.

    Great addition of test cases! Perhaps this could be generateTaskId_success()

    Perhaps a name like: generateTaskId_nextId_notEqualPrevious()

    Thank you for adapting to the coding standards!

    Do remember to remove the comment once we are certain that we dont need this method 😃

    Great, a more verbose error message will help with the practical exam!

    Thank you for implementing this method, we will be able to save and retrieve MCs now!

    Thank you for adding this image

    This makes the UG more beautiful. Thank you

    This is a nice use of constants!

    Great set of tests, thank you!

    Nice find!

    great use of guard clauses!

    Perhaps this has to write "Please edit your username and password“?

    Great naming the class. now when any code calls MasteryCheckNameContainsKeywordsPredicate.test(mc) it makes a lot of sense!

    Nice use of a stub!

    Nice way of using typicalQuest objects.

    Thank you for writing this, i will use it to write integration tests for MainWindow, LogicManager and the other classes involved from methods called in MainWindow.java

    Yeah this was the problem, i wrote consultations and you wrote consultation haha

    Thank you!

    Week 6 tutorial, no need to merge.



    branch was wrongly named

    LGTM, thank you!

    LGTM! thank you

    Awesome update, LGTM!

    LGTM thanks!

    Looks awesome, looks good to merge.

    Thank you Jun Jie!

    Thank you!

    Apart from the failure of CI, looks good to merge.


    LGTM, nice diagrams, thank you!

    LGTM! the bugs can be fixed before tuesday night.

    Awesome additions, thank you. LGTM

    No longer necessary

    LGTM, thank you for editing the UserGuide


    Currently the added consultations and mastery checks are not added into addressbook.json. Hence it is the storing and retrieving that may need to be solved

    Small issue, but should this line not begin with a whitespace? (Even though the syntax highlighting does not appear here on GitHub, I believe it still works to markdown the text in this case so shouldn't be an issue!)

    Should we markdown these lines with backticks as well, to put them in code format, as per the other examples?

    I assume we're using Person's Name and Phone classes for now since they help guarantee certain text properties. We'll probably have to change this in the future (at least the naming, for example wage being a Phone object seems odd)? Perhaps using String for now may keep things even simpler, but I suppose this works for now!

    Perhaps we could name this InternshipStatus or something along those lines instead? Do let me know if I'm mistaken, but it seems that we have a Job class that has the variables - jobTitle, companyName and industry. So this status object should be reflective of an Internship status rather than a Job status? Shall we ensure that "Job" and "Internship" are not interchangeable terms throughout our code base? Another issue that might still arise even after changing the name to InternshipStatus is that we will then have a Status and InternshipStatus class, and it may not be obvious what the difference is between the 2 in terms of their names? Would it be possible/better to make this a private enum within the Status class?

    I suppose having this field means in the UI, we'll have some text like "As of: date"?

    As we'll also need to add Jobs in a company object, this Job object seems to differ implementation-wise from the Job object that we may use for company objects, though they should probably be the same? For example, in a Company object, during its creation via a user command, the user can input multiple industries and jobs that a company has. This creates the Company object, along with its multiple jobs and industries. So in those Job objects in the Company object, will each of them have multiple industries tagged to them instead of just one industry as in this Job object? Also, since a Company stores Job objects, would this create a cyclical dependency if we change the Name companyName part to Company company in the future (I assume we will)? At this juncture, it seems that if Job is going to store Company and Industry, perhaps we may not even need Job objects? Perhaps we could simply use String (or Name) for jobs? This may also help to synchronize with how jobs will have to be represented in a Company object.

    Sounds good to me! Shall check with the rest if they're okay too! (Sounds like in the future we could perhaps repurpose the "Person" package to become like a text-format-enforcer package of sorts?)

    Ah I see, thanks for the clarification! I think the Status and ApplicationStatus names suggested work, but perhaps sticking to InternshipStatus might still be better so we don't introduce more terms for the same object (for e.g. application and internship both refer to internship applications)? So maybe swapping the current Status and InternshipStatus names will do? May have to consult the rest haha, just some suggestions!

    Ah okay! My bad for missing this out, thanks for highlighting!

    Should this return companyName instead?

    To stick to a standardization, shall we also rename the InternshipApplication class to InternshipApplicationItem?

    I believe these attributes for Company and Internship are the outdated ones?

    I see we've changed the tab name from plural to singular. I was wondering if it would be odd since the user would be looking at a tab labelled "Company" but in it can be multiple companies? Likewise for "Application" as well, which to me sounds like I'll view a single application if I click on it. Small matter but perhaps we could discuss this further and see what the team thinks too!

    Alright, no worries! Will merge this first and we can settle this next time.

    Just to confirm, does company application refer to internship application i.e. our application class in this case?

    Ah I see! Thanks for the clarification Sean!

    Just tried using the same line of code for the add company command I'm working on and yep, even upon successful addition of a company, this line of code does not switch tabs. Will follow Isaac's observation and see if I can make it work for add company in the time being!

    Just tried successfully on my end for add company command, regarding the switching of tabs, changing this to return new CommandResult(String.format(MESSAGE_SUCCESS, applicationItem), false, false, true); will do the trick!

    This works if all our commands require a switch? At the moment that seems to be the case apart from the help and exit commands if I'm not mistaken. Also, I suppose it depends on how we want our app to behave exactly - do we want it to switch every time a command is executed even if the user is already on the right page, or do we want to switch only if the user is on the wrong page? I suppose this may not be detectable visually unless the switching of tabs introduces its own behavior (for example if switching causes the list of cards to jump to the top of the list, and not switching allows the user to stay at wherever they've scrolled to in the list, then executing a command that always switches vs. one that only switches when necessary will provide different user experiences).

    Should the second argument be AddProfileCommand.MESSAGE_USAGE instead?

    Should this be outside of the exceptions package?

    Minor nit, but perhaps we could change this to setRequirements in the future? Just to keep all the namings consistent.

    Same thing regarding the tags naming here. Unless I'm misunderstanding the use of the word "tag" in the context of this UI portion of code. Apologies if that's the case!

    Perhaps this newline is an extra addition?

    Now that the return statements have been shifted into the if-else block, I think there may not be a need to declare a String resultMessage variable anymore on line 40? Perhaps we could just use return new CommandResult(sameScreenText, false, false, false, false); on line 44 and return new CommandResult(switchedScreenText, false, false, true, false); on line 49. This would help us keep in line with the coding standard rule - "Variables should be initialized where they are declared".

    Does reintroducing this line reintroduce the issue we faced where the user is currently on a tab and wants to view something on another tab, the app will switch to that tab but always show item number 1? (for e.g. user is viewing company tab and executes view me 3 and the app switches to profile tab but views the first item instead of the third)

    As all our list commands are going to have similar success messages, perhaps we could do what we did with the rest of the commands which would be to add something like this after line 25: String listSuccessMessage = String.format(MESSAGE_LISTED_ITEMS, APPLICATION_NAME); where MESSAGE_LISTED_ITEMS resides in Messages.java and goes something like: "Listed all %1$s items";? Just a suggestion!

    Is this redundant given that ListApplicationCommand can use ListCommand's COMMAND_WORD? This is with regards to how all the other commands exhibit the same pattern in that they use the parent's COMMAND_WORD.

    Super minor point, but with regards to the phrasing, I suppose this might read a little awkwardly for more than 1 item found, such as "3 company listed!"? But it's just the phrasing so it's not a big deal and we can probably handle this in the future if we want!

    Will this throw an inappropriate error message? Correct me if I'm mistaken, but does this throw the error message "Item type has to be either 'com', 'int', 'app' or 'me'"? If so, I believe that since we can't run switch int, should we revert back to the old error message / something along the lines of "Item type has to be either 'com', 'app' or 'me'"?

    Should we be using model.updateFilteredApplicationList() instead to avoid LoD violations?

    oh yea great idea!

    Yup true! Sounds good!

    Should it be are listed rather than is listed?

    Perhaps User searches for a company by name may be more appropriate?

    Similar to another comment, should this be are instead of is?

    Should we add a guarantee for this use case as well, to standardize with all our other use cases? Same question goes for UC10, 23 and 26.

    I think this is a very neat way of reducing duplication in our use cases section! Whenever we reference other use cases like this, should we perhaps be a little more specific by providing the use case number and exact title? For example, writing Similar to UC02 - Delete a company, except that the user is deleting an internship instead?

    should this and the method below have the name deleteCommand... rather than addCommand...?

    Should this be using getUnfilteredApplicaitonList() instead?

    Should this be using companyCardWithIndustries?

    True, this class is indeed very similar to the Name class. However, in order to do the following:

    pass in the messageConstraints to signify a different error message if need to

    perhaps we can modify the Name class to, say, take in an extra argument in its constructor for the messageConstraints variable, and then the passing in of this variable could be done by the Industry class that extends the Name class and simply passes its own messageConstraints through the parent (i.e. Name's) constructor via super(). As such, we'll reduce code duplication but still maintain the existence of the Industry class. I feel that it may be necessary to have such unique classes because variables such as private final Set&gt;Industry> industries = new HashSet&gt;>(); would look rather odd as private final Set&gt;Name> industries = new HashSet&gt;>();. And ultimately, in order to "pass in the messageConstraints to signify a different error message if need to", I believe we'll still need to have some sort of Name as parent class for subclasses such as Industry, Descriptor, Requirement, etc. arrangement, since Industry is not the only class affected by this / has this characteristic.

    All that said, modifying Name and abstracting all the common fields to subclass from it at this juncture would be inappropriate in the context of this PR. Would it be okay if we let this portion through first and do the necessary abstraction / refactoring after all 4 items (inclusive of this Company item) are present in our codebase, as discussed in our Tele group?

    My bad, thanks for catching this!

    Oh yep great idea! I've made the changes!

    I can't shift it straight into the current if-else block due to the nature of the condition checking. If we want to make it all part of one block, here's an option:

    if (model.getTabName() != TabName.APPLICATION) {


    shouldSwitchTab = true;


    } else if (model.getViewIndex().equals(targetIndex)) {

    resultMessage = messageAlreadyViewing;

    shouldSwitchDisplay = false;

    } else {



    But this means model.setViewIndex(targetIndex) appears twice.

    Another option is to simply remove the if condition and do:

    if (model.getTabName() != TabName.APPLICATION) {


    shouldSwitchTab = true;


    } else if (model.getViewIndex().equals(targetIndex)) {

    resultMessage = messageAlreadyViewing;

    shouldSwitchDisplay = false;



    But this means that even when the model's view index is already the index that the user inputs, we still set it anyway (unnecessary call to setViewIndex). It won't affect the program though.

    Between the current code and these 2 options, which do yall think is better? Or are there other alternatives yall may have?

    Hi Keane! Unfortunately that would not be possible. Variables can't be declared in an if-else block and then used outside of it due to variable scope. Even doing something as simple as:

    if (true) {

    boolean shouldSwitchTab = false;

    } else {

    boolean shouldSwitchTab = false;


    shouldSwitchTab = true; // line X

    Will lead to an error on line X whereby it doesn't detect that shouldSwitchTab has been initialized.

    (More on it here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17444020/why-cant-variables-be-declared-in-an-if-statement)

    As such, this already is the smallest possible scope!

    To justify having these boolean vars initialized and declared where they are, we can take it that by default, we assume the user in on the appropriate tab (shouldSwitchTab = false) and not viewing the current item (shouldSwitchDisplay = true) which is why they would want to execute the view command in the first place. However, they may happen to be on the wrong tab (first if statement checks for that), or they may happen to be on the right tab and already viewing the item (the following else-if statement checks for that). That is how I would intend the code to be read!

    Ah good question! I raised this in our Tele group last night, but basically how the view index works is that it takes the index from the tab that is currently in view. So for example, if a user is on say the Application tab and he is viewing the 3rd Application, if he executes view com 3, if we do not check for the tab first, then the program will simply think we're already viewing the 3rd item so it doesn't need to do anything, which is wrong of course. That said, now that you've raised this point, I believe I may be able to abstract away the first if statement, but I'll definitely need that condition check in the else-if statement that checks for if the user is on the same tab and currently viewing the indexed item. So I can minimize the tab checking but we need that one minimally.

    Ah my bad! But then will we be violating this coding standard rule?

    No problem, thanks for highlighting! Have made the changes!

    Oh if that's the case, sure I don't mind changing it! But then again I'm not sure if our evaluators have the same understanding though? For example when we eventually evaluate our peers' work, I would probably follow the coding standard to cross-check my evaluation and if I spotted this violation in their work, I would probably just mark it as a violation since it is stated in black and white and not have to think too much. If you have the source, could you point me to where Prof Damith mentioned that we could do otherwise? Would be much appreciated!

    My bad, I was not certain if we were adding picture for delete and list at first. I've added them in!

    As per today's discussion, will do away with these captions instead. Thanks for pointing this out though!

    Overall looks great. Good job. Just a few nits and it will be good to merge.

    Thanks for pointing them out Sean! Have gone ahead to fix those inconsistencies across the whole doc.

    Overall looks great! Just wondering if grouping the 2 stars and 3 stars together would be better? Perhaps edit an object should be considered a high priority as well? Otherwise LGTM

    Ok! Made the edit commands high priority, which solved the 2/3 star grouping issue as well!

    Hmm. The dilemma now is that this is just a proof of concept and we may be abstracting common logic down the line and scrapping all these, so overwriting Javadocs now may redundant. The danger is that if the code is kept and the comments are missed in the future. What is the team's opinion on this? @ZoroarkDarkrai @keanecjy @seanjyjy @shawn-nyk

    I agree that overwriting Javadocs now may be redundant, especially because our code can change over time up until the final version. At the same time, I also agree that we may miss them in the future, and doing a one-time run-through of all our code at the end may be very tedious and error-prone. As such, how about we do something like: every time we create new bits of code that require Javadocs, or we modify code that already has Javadocs attached to them, we place a standardized comment, such as TODO: Javadocs above the code we need to write/edit Javadocs for? That way we get the syntax highlighting that IntelliJ provides for the TODO keyword, and we can also search for this standardised comment throughout the code base to hone in on where we'll eventually need to write/edit Javadocs when the time comes. Any thoughts on this?

    Great work! I noticed you helped to check all our commands to ensure consistency in the messages too. Just need to fix some checkstyle issue before merging can be done.

    Thanks Keane! And oops my bad, made some last minute changes and pushed after I first made the PR (introduced some checkstyle errors in the process). I've made a few other further changes to remove some hard-coded messages and make our add commands' success messages similar in execution to that of delete commands (calling upon the Messages class). For your vetting!

    Besides the point that @keanecjy has raised, I believe it is good to merge after it is resolved.

    Thanks Sean! Have made the changes!

    To explain this code:

    Line 43 executes a function that creates delete int commands and executes them, causing the model's internal tab name to be set to company. Thus, before that line is executed, we need to save the current actual tab the user is on, which is done in line 40. Since we are checking against this saved tab instead of the model's current tab (would become company because of line 43), we cannot use the CommandUtil.getCommandResult() method.

    For the model diagram, I believe that the arrow from the ApplicationItem, etc should be in solid line to the Item as ours is an Inheritance relationship.

    Thanks for catching this! Will make the change.

    I am not sure but maybe it is ViewManager and TabManager rather than View and Tab

    Hmm, looking at ModelManager, it stores a Tab and View as its fields though, therefore it should be as per the current diagram?

    I am not sure if ApplicationItem has a composition with InternshipItem? But rather there should a relationship between CompanyItem and ApplicationItem

    Ah yep I believe you're right, ApplicationItem should not have a composition with InternshipItem, and InternshipItem should also not have a composition with CompanyName. But CompanyItem and ApplicationItem have no relationship I believe, because checking the code for CompanyItem, it is not aware that ApplicationItem exists.

    Thanks again for highlighting all the above, do let me know if this is ok!

    1. Sorry that i missed out again but I think the ProfileItemCategory is an enum class.

    Ah my bad, good catch! Will fix that too.

    1. Not sure if the association labels are pointing in the wrong direction(is this a plantuml limitation? if it is then nvm)

    Yup it's a plantuml thing haha, but I think it should still be quite obvious to the reader as to which direction to read the label, I hope!

    1. not sure if package is the right word to use, perhaps they are classes?

    Good point, I thought about this one quite a bit yesterday and settled on "package" eventually cos I realised that if I were to say that the diagrams are a breakdown of the Company, Application, Internship and Profile "classes", it may not be accurate because there are no classes actually called Company, Application, Internship and Profile - those are the names of our packages and within them are the numerous classes as shown in the diagram. Do let me know if there is a better term we could use though!

    1. I think the user stories are arranged in Company -(internship)- application - profile - general. Then maybe the 1st and 2nd user stories should be put in the general section instead, for consistency in the arrangement.

    Sounds good, will shift the stories!

    Updated and now:

    Resolves #382

    Resolves #387

    Resolves #390

    I think "module" here should be "modules" instead.

    "Lists all modules provided by the university"

    Unless 'n/' command is taken, I think we should use "n/" instead of "un/", it seems more intuitive for the user to add his/her own name as "name" rather than "username"

    Should we allow the user the flexibility of determining start and end date? Isn't it better to only allow the user to specify the academic year, and we will provide the start and end date for the user. I think this would make it more convenient for the user.

    Similar concern to my above comment, whether we should use "n" instead, as well as whether we should allow the user to have control over the start and end date semester.

    'DAY' has* instead of have. Also, I think it'll be good to capitalize first letter of the days Monday and Sunday:)

    Similarly, "WEEK" has*.

    Additionally, "Total number of weekS".

    If we do decide that user shouldn't be able to select start and end dates, then the total number of weeks will be pre-determined already.

    Same grammatical error as above comment

    There's an additional 'e' here in "edituseretask"

    task ID example given here is not really consistent with the sample command (line 248) which uses "id/usrta001". Additionally, the example command here uses "dy/3", I think it should be "da/3".

    I feel that the command could be better named, for example using "edittemplatename" instead. Although its a slightly longer command, however it gives more clarity than "edittemplate" as to what the user is editing. "edittemplate" gives off the impression that I can edit preset user tasks in the task template?

    Why is this named "listtasktemplate" instead of "listtemplate" for consistency with the above commands "edittemplate" and "createtemplate"?

    Grammatical error:

    "total tasks for that day exceeds"

    Similar grammatical error for "exceed"

    I don't you need "pti/1" in a cleartemplate command.

    Grammar: I think it should be "List all the task templates that were created" instead

    Is MODULEINDEX here a list index like "3"/"5", or would it be a module code like "CS2103T"?

    I think deletetemplate here should have a "tti/TASKTEMPLATEINDEX"

    In the e.g given, cleartemplate shouldn't have "pti/1"

    I think we are going to omit MyModules from the architecture, we will be using ModuleSchedule instead, so this use case should be View ModuleSchedule instead

    Should we follow the three part format for naming of test methods?

    Likewise for the naming of the test method

    Similarly for the naming of test method

    Same here for the naming of test method

    With this implementation of the parsing of user input, what happens if the user inputs something like:

    addexp ... f/for now no OR addexp ... f/think no.

    Although in an actual use scenario this is very unlikely to, or will never happen, but would the parser still allow the creation of the expense object in this scenario?

    GrAB3 should be SuperSalon

    I think you can add system and actor here and for all other use cases

    I think we can change the method to saveClientManager

    The comments here should be for the BreakdownExpenseCommand class instead of the constructor?

    I think this implementation still allows for intYear to be negative? For example range.isValidIntValue(-999) will still return true. Since the java.time.Year class has a MAX_VALUE of +999,999,999 and MIN_VALUE of -999,999,999.

    Should we fix the VALID_YEAR to be 2020? Would this still work when I'm using this after the year 2020?

    I think your method naming here should be breakdownRevenue instead of breakdownExpenses

    Same here for method naming

    Should use logging instead of the SOUT?

    Similarly for this SOUT

    The additional && appointmentDate.equals(other.appointmentDate) check is not required right since isClashing is only called if appointmentDate.equals(otherAppointment.appointmentDate) in line 123

    Maybe using "exists in Homerce" is sufficient instead of "homerce book"?

    Yes I think it happened during the refactoring from Addressbook to Homerce

    Moving forward, I think it'll be good to have an empty state screen for the user

    If these aren't required, just remove them instead of leaving them as comments?

    I added this in my PR already

    I think Ms Amy meant for us to include these details as notes / tips for users in like a callout instead of it being in the table. Let's see what the rest thinks!

    Okay thanks! I'll change it

    Okay, thanks for this, I've updated the response messages accordingly!

    Got it. Will extract the check into a separate checkValidity method. Thanks!

    Thanks for pointing that out! I have changed the implementation to fix this.

    Thanks for the comments @khoongwk @yanlynnnnn , I have made the changes as requested!

    Thanks for the comments @khoongwk @yanlynnnnn, I have made the changes as requested!

    Would you mind adding documentation to this? So that others will understand what this method is doing.

    Do you think overriding the equals() is better?

    Would it be better to change the method name to getTagName? This is for consistency purposes.

    Could you change the documentation? This is so that others can understand what this class is about.

    Should we start renaming the other classes soon?

    Why is this deletable though? I thought this was the initial data to be used to populate a brand new instance of QuickCache

    Should we should rename these methods as getQuestionAsList and getQuestionAsString? Might be less confusing in the future.

    Is there a better way to represent this instead of question.size() == 1? Maybe abstract it into a separate method for this check?

    I initially named it as content because I thought it would reduce confusion from having too many "choice" names.

    But choice works fine too.

    alright cools

    okay great



    The StatsCommandParser will take in a single argument for Index.

    I think it's not very accurate to say this. Maybe you could specify the exact method or if it's a constructor, then specify it as a object field instead of argument

    replace the Flashcard at the specified Index with a new Flashcard

    I think can specify that a copy of the original flashcard is made but with the statistics reset to default numbers.

    Also, what does default numbers mean? Perhaps you could be more specific about it

    thanks for correcting my mistake 👍

    Could you change it from

    Adds an open ended question Plants give out ___ when they photosynthesise? with answer Oxygen and tagged to Biology.

    to "Adds a flashcard with an open ended question Plants give out ___ when they photosynthesise?. The flashcard will have an answer Oxygen and has a tag Biology."

    Could you change it from

    Adds a multiple choice question Plants give out ___ when they photosynthesise? with 3 options Oxygen, Carbon, Carbon dioxide and with answer Oxygen.

    to "Adds a flashcard with a multiple choice question Plants give out ___ when they photosynthesise? with 3 options Oxygen, Carbon, Carbon dioxide. The flashcard will have an answer Oxygen.

    is there a missing q/ before the keyword CS2103T?

    The preface of the feature should not in the header. Refer to my implementation of the delete section

    The format should be moved to the header

    Could you have a newline between the picture and this sentence?

    Same as above, could you have a newline between the picture and this sentence?

    Could you add a :exclamation:❗ emoji?

    Same as my comment above

    I think this information block should use the :information_source: ℹ️ emoji instead of a bulb.

    I think this would better as an :information_source: ℹ️ emoji instead of a bulb

    Voila siol

    same as my comments above

    if you want to find flashcards with the tag TCPforLife in the displayed list

    I believe the mention of the words "in the displayed list" is confusing as it makes the user think that he can only filter against whatever is displayed currently. I think you can just remove "in the displayed list" to make it less confusing.

    the keyword What

    I think you can add the phrase "in the question" to the end of the statement to make it less ambiguous to the reader

    I can't really view this over GitHub but I think we might need to check this against what others have done for their sections cause I don't think anyone has used the alert-dark class yet.

    This is a great addition!

    Thanks for helping us change it to html markup

    Nice. I think can consider adding a link to the words "summary" that will link to the command summary section

    I think can add an :exclamation:❗ emoji for this alert class. Same for the rest of the alert-danger classes


    maybe its better to word it as "or the newly edited flashcard is the same as another flashcard" instead of

    or the flashcard already exists.

    Is there supposed to be a whitespace for " 1"?

    is there supposed to be a whitespace at " 1"?

    is there supposed to be a whitespace at " 1"?

    good suggestion. will change it

    fixed in the latest commit!

    fixed in the latest commit!

    truly a CS2030 TA, thanks for the suggestion!

    Let me update the UG for the find command first before merging the PR

    UserGuide updated. Ready for review and merge

    Updated my user guide in my commit 596b8cdc37112c815fbe794de967e5521dc4edad

    We will leave this issue towards the end

    According to the feedback from Jane, we need to add in a preface describing the "format" of the features section, how the user should read through the features section and other misc. items such as each emoji (eg. ℹ️) mean

    Do it once everything has been finalised

    We need to make a few changes according to the feedback from Jane:

    • Add a space between image and sentence

    • Move the alert classes after giving the context/preface

    • Add ending messages after each feature section (eg. You have successfully tested yourself)

    • Spacing between features/section needs to be consistent

    We should sort this summary by the action column in alphabetical order

    Are we going to pass Logic object (only) in the UiManager for later iterations?

    So that UI is only directly associated with Logic object, and Logic object will decide which Logics (LogicMode, LogicPerson, LogicMeeting, or LogicDeliverable) to call.

    (If yes, can we add a TODO comment? e.g. /**TODO: Pass only Logic object**/

    Maybe we can add a TODO keyword in the comment so it's easier for us to locate in the future

    i.e. // TODO take this out of Person

    As mentioned above, we can discuss this soon 😄 But, I think we don't need to make any changes for this iteration 👍

    For a reminder, maybe we can add a TODO comment too here?

    Subject to the discussion above 😄

    I think we can move this to the common directory? What do u think? 😄

    As mentioned above, we should discuss this 👍

    I will update the fields today so that we can use and uncomment these soon 👍

    I think it would be great if we can use a more descriptive constant name to indicate an invalid index e.g. MESSAGE_MEETING_INDEX_INVALID

    I'm not sure but does the condition handle negative values or characters too?

    Maybe update this to Meeting and Title?

    Likewise for this

    I think this should be From not To

    Very minor, but maybe can use 'specifically' or 'different modes: dashboard, deliverable,...'


    Maybe can be assertive and say "Aligns with / Follows the Single Responsibility Principle better"

    Not sure, but LogicManagers ?

    Maybe can use a more descriptive name than 's'?

    Not sure, but is mode the same as result?

    Not sure, but may be clearer to useDeliverable, Meeting, Contact?

    How view executes

    I think we may not need to sort here

    I think the comment here is outdated

    I think this as well?

    Is this supposed to be constructor_invalidLocation?

    I think we can change the method names to meeting here?

    Should we delete this comment or add a TODO comment?


    Maybe add a TODO comment

    V minor, but I dont think the titles reflect meetings'

    Do we have to change this to 'fields and parameters' then?

    Do we still want the space i.e. "- "?


    I think it is deliverable, meeting or contact mode i.e. without the `` format

    Since we are talking about a component (not code), I think the backquotes should be removed as well i.e. The UI component.

    I think 'The Done feature' instead of 'This Done feature' would be more appropriate

    the UI component

    Should we use an ordered list here? Since they are described as 'steps' too

    This applies to other instances below

    I think should be XYZ = Deliverable, Meeting or Contact

    Here too

    Is this supposed to be getXYZInView()?

    Yes, it was. Meeting B's From value is 'earlier' than A's. Since we are comparing the result of deleting a meeting from a model that is auto sorted with getTypicalMeeting().get(INDEX_FIRST_PERSON.getZeroBased()), the ArrayList retrieved from getTypicalMeeting() should be sorted too.

    Ahh, I see. Good point

    Ohh, but on second thought, isValidFromAndTo() is executed inside new Meeting() already. I think it would be redundant to execute twice, at least for our current implementation? What do you think? @chrystalquek

    createEditedMeeting() throws IllegalArgumentException when it creates an invalid Meeting object through Meeting's constructor. @chrystalquek


    Are you referring to the assertion? i.e. requireNonNull(meetingToEdit)

    probably an exception? since its invalid user input not problems with our code

    try {

    editedMeeting = createEditedMeeting(meetingToEdit, editMeetingDescriptor);

    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

    throw new CommandException(e.getMessage());


    assert Meeting.isValidFromAndTo(editedMeeting.getFrom(), editedMeeting.getTo())

    : "From should be earlier than To";

    If you are referring to the assertion, it is to make sure that after the try-and-catch block, editedMeeting is a valid Meeting. If it's invalid, the catch block throw an Exception.

    Closes: #77

    Change OCP too @gabztcr 😄

    @seanjyjy is going to redo this part(?) so should I ignore this?

    Could be confusing saying job name because the format actually uses the position of internship in the company?

    I don't think these are the right precondition and guarantees?

    just a nitpick but I noticed that other use cases use list user profile items instead user profile item?

    shouldn't precondition be the state of the system and not the user?

    Another nitpick, maybe it's better to use InternHunter rather than the app? As the next points use InternHunter rather than the app?

    I think you missed this comment?

    I think you missed this comment?

    I think you missed this comment an others below too?

    should be instanceof UserProfile?

    is it the user profile?

    type is category right? because it can only be either education, skill, or achievement should it be an enum instead?

    I assume this is a planned extension for the profile items to have tags?

    should be two profile items? and several comments below

    should be profileItem? and for other comments below too

    wrong exceptions in this file or are they placeholders?

    Is it switching to the applications tab?

    I noticed you changed of a company to in a company for others

    for consistency maybe use tab because we usually describe them as tabs and not pages(?) for this and others below

    this is a really small nitpick but i feel the flow of the second sentence can be improved? just feel a bit weird having the if any in the middle.

    maybe something like any applications with the deleted internship, will also be deleted?

    is this safe when string length is >= 1? or is it guaranteed that the length > 1?


    any reason why an assert instead of an exception?


    • 2 application items are equal if their internshipItem, status, and statusDate are all the same.

    • deepDelete uses the above equality to delete things.

    • ApplicationItem(internshipItem) will create a new application item with the default status and statusDate

    • The application with the internship we are deleting may not have the default status and statusDate?

    shouldn't this be the javadoc for the method below?

    isn't util just a general purpose utility class?

    Why does it have higher cohesion?

    Isn't low dependency --> low coupling?

    "Coupling is a measure of the degree of dependence between components, classes, methods, etc. Low coupling indicates that a component is less dependent on other components." ?

    "Only dependent on the one Item type" --> low dependency --> low coupling?


    what is this for?

    i mean if it's abstract it can't be initialized anyway right?


    I think i missed why is it limited to 2 words in particular?

    honestly I don't think this is a good idea?

    suppose the requirement is "c" a common programming language, it will literally match with any word with a letter c (like cooking) or java with javascript, etc.

    the links should point to our repo instead of ab3's?

    Matching done is a bit weird(?)

    Matching is case-insensitive?

    Matching is done case insensitively?

    phrase rather than sentence?

    application job title?


    why not MatchCommand#getMatchingInternships(...)?

    oh yeah, thanks for noticing 😅


    Yes, would it be better to start from empty ones? Will change it then.

    Nope, the storage just need the isValidMethod

    Ahh forgot to change it back, was testing. Same with the application item one. Thanks

    Hmm, it's copy and pasted from AB3's. Hahaha.


    image of the application?

    Idk either? I was just removing person from AB3.

    nice catch! and it does

    better remove it? or would it be useful in the future?

    I noticed that many of the javadocs used "person" and "address book", should we change it now? or leave it for later?

    LGTM, good work! Some merge conflicts to resolve first.


    lol i just pushed the change

    I think it's okay just I find many hard coded strings can be converted to const. If urgent can merge now and fix later?

    Is it not normal to use hard-coded strings for test cases? Could you point on where exactly is the issue? Thanks

    I mean the toString, equality, hashcode tests. Could use VALID_WAGE, VALID_PERIOD, etc? If it's a better practice to use "Sunday", "React Native", etc. it's fine then.

    I think it's okay just I find many hard coded strings can be converted to const. If urgent can merge now and fix later?

    Is it not normal to use hard-coded strings for test cases? Could you point on where exactly is the issue? Thanks

    I mean the toString, equality, hashcode tests. Could use VALID_WAGE, VALID_PERIOD, etc? If it's a better practice to use "Sunday", "React Native", etc. it's fine then.

    Not too sure what's the correct which is the correct way, but I just thought that doing it this way by writing 2 strings that are different objects would be better since we will be comparing periods with different strings in the actual implementation too

    Sure then! I just thought maybe using constants could make it easier to see, that creating an object with the same input will result to an equal one. Like 2 objects created with VALID_PERSON_ALICE are equals but not with one created with VALID_PERSON_BOB.


    I don't think you should be writing tests for ApplicationItem, Status, and StatusDate? Since we should be writing tests for our own classes and not helping others write their tests

    Oh, I think I misunderstood then. When I said I couldn't do the storage ones then because lack of sample data, I think someone said I should do the application ones. So, do you want me to remove them?

    I don't think you should be writing tests for ApplicationItem, Status, and StatusDate? Since we should be writing tests for our own classes and not helping others write their tests

    Oh, I think I misunderstood then. When I said I couldn't do the storage ones then because lack of sample data, I think someone said I should do the application ones. So, do you want me to remove them?

    Oh what I meant was create sample data for the storage tests and not to test the application classes themselves. So the rest of the files can stay except for ApplicationItemTest, StatusTest and StatusDateTest. Hope this clarifies!

    Ok, removed them!


    Nvm I'll just merge this first

    LGTM, need to resolve some conflicts


    I notice that some of the titles use verb only and some verb+ing?

    It's "Listing all companies" but "List all user profile items"?

    there seems to be no new LogicClassDiagram.png or DeleteSequenceSequenceDiagram.png?



    Would it be better to remove this statement? As I feel our product is not a series of the addressbook.

    Is it better to remove these Level 3?

    Just curious is this the Url part?

    Is this the sequence diagram explanation?

    Isn't we decide to use 1. 2. 3. and put the step under the sequence diagram?

    Same as above

    Can place this after the sequence Diagram? and also number it as 1. 2. 3. instead of Step1 Step 2 Step 3

    Might want to consider changing this to the explanation like delete consumption and delete ingredients

    Can consider moving this after the toc.

    Can include the explanation of consumption also.

    Thank you for helping me to change this.

    Can try to rephase it? cause I don't think the user know what is a drawer. Maybe "Close the recipe full view" ?

    Can add on explanation that deleteR will not affect the consumption list.

    I think we can remove the 'also' in this sentence since is a bullet point.

    Typo error. Haha

    Typo Error.

    Typo Error.

    Forgot to change the Consumption list to Consumption List

    Might want to consider changing this to Header 1 instead of Header 2 cause if Header 2 in toc this might appear under Feature section.

    I feel the.jpg/jpeg/png a bit confusing people might not take the '/' as 'or'.

    Should we caps and bold the 'Optional Field'? I not sure haha

    same as above

    same as above

    Is it forgot to remove this comment part?

    Same as above

    Same as above

    Put this file in the unused instead

    Same as above

    I feel the eg is a bit extra cause we only have another one get edit command


    I think can remove the colon for the note.

    Same as above

    same as above

    same as above

    same as above


    Maybe can rephrase this line?

    Instruction should not be empty?

    I feel is more readable to use this instead of putting CommandTestUtil in front

    I feel use this is more readable

    Jia qi changes the way of adding instruction and I not sure how does it look like as that part is not merged to the master yet. The addRecipeCommand UG documentation is base on what I know so far.

    Ok changed. Will push later.

    Same as the previous reply.

    ya is delete cause eatR use INDEX. I might change the add Recipe and add Ingredient to delete cause now I feel It actually work more like a delete but instead of removing, it adds.


    Has already Opened by Caitlin

    Extensions is spelt inaccurately. Subsequently also. 😅

    I think use case should end here.

    I think use case should end here.

    I think indexing of 2a1 would be good.

    I think this line should not have indexing.

    I think there should be a Use case ends. line after this.

    I think there should be a Use case ends. line after this.

    Would it be better to include this.showPlanner = false; too?

    Same as the overloaded constructor at the top too. e.g. this.showCountdown = false;

    Remember to change to Countdown tab! 😄

    Is this supposed to be CountdownCommandParser()?

    I think there should not be a space after ModuleCommand?

    eg. public ModuleCommand(Module toAdd)?

    Same goes for the constructor for deletion below.

    Maybe can consider adding a space for x -&gt; true for better readability?

    Missing JavaDocs for public method.

    oh can already!

    Maybe can add a new line here for readability.

    Here too! 😂

    ModelManager.java too.

    Missing Javadocs for public methods.


    Maybe can specify "Event names should only..."?

    Missing Javadocs.

    And also the parameter in method signature should just be UniqueEventList and then import seedu.tr4cker.model...!

    Maybe can add a new line for better readability.

    Maybe the tag can change into something more task-related?

    Think you forgot to remove this.

    think you meant countdown! haha

    and TR4CKER helps you to...?

    what if the user exceeds 100 characters?

    i think you meant "can enter" haha

    Remember to add Javadocs!

    Javadocs for public methods.


    the subsections will now be just #### (4 hashtags) instead of 5 haha

    maybe can add section numbers! like 3.3.2

    additional line hehe

    maybe can rename this method to testIsValidName() so that it sounds more like a test method?

    extra line

    think u forgot to remove &gt;br>

    extra line

    maybe can be Display the number of days left to an event and the date of an event?

    i think it should be Users will be able to spot their mistakes in adding any event more easily.?

    Merged #14

    Merged #13

    There is already a command that does this and it is stated in the User Guide.

    Perhaps change the name of the class to Session

    Will we support delete+?

    Perhaps can change this variable name to tab?

    Perhaps you can make use of your Enum here?

    private static final int CLASS_TAB = Tab.CLASSES.getValue();

    Perhaps you can add in your public static final int value here.

    public enum Tab {



    private final int value;

    Tab(int value) {

    this.value = value;


    public int getValue() {




    Would it be a better design?

    Perhaps missing a fullstop?

    Perhaps "Constructs a {@code SessionDate}" ?

    Perhaps "Standardizes" instead of "Standardize"?

    Is there a missing space between RunTimeException and "{}"?


    Sure thing!

    Perhaps we might want to remove "(coming soon)"?

    Perhaps may want to add in a Javadoc here to make it clearer?

    Just a query, would returning null be a good idea?

    Just a query, would returning null be a good idea?

    Sorry, I meant for getNextIndex method!

    Sorry, I meant for getNextIndex method!

    Perhaps missing a JavaDoc here?

    Perhaps @return Display name of the tab ?

    Perhaps "If no arguments are found" ?

    Perhaps "if the argument passed in is an"?

    Perhaps throw an AssertionError here instead?

    Agreed with Eris.

    Perhaps could start with "Replaces" instead as mentioned by Eris.

    Perhaps start with "Recalculates" ?

    Perhaps missing Javadocs for this class?

    Perhaps missing the Format and Expected result structure?

    Perhaps can follow the Format and Expected result structure as mentioned.

    Perhaps can follow the Format and Expected result structure as mentioned.

    Perhaps can follow the Format and Expected result structure as mentioned.

    Perhaps use :instruction_source: instead of 💡?

    Perhaps the comments can be removed?

    Perhaps a typo "It" instead of "I" ?

    Perhaps could add "addstu" and "deletestu" modifications here?

    Perhaps add a comment to explain what does this code do?

    Perhaps this could be private-access?

    Perhaps "remove students who are no longer taking the module"?

    Perhaps "user who has limited class time"?

    Ahhh I see, thanks!

    Yes there should be. Missed it out.

    This was left with the intention of easy deleting if there comes an error.

    Ahh I see. Thanks!

    Thank you for the comment, I have resolved it!

    Thank you for the comment, I have resolved it!

    Thank you for the comment, I have resolved it!

    Thank you, I've missed it out!

    Thank you for pointing it out!

    Thank you for pointing it out! I've made the necessary changes.

    Thank you for the suggestion!

    I think it should be "Figure 1.3-1".

    Should I? I'm afraid it wouldn't be clear enough which previous I am referring to.

    Changed according to comments

    28/9/2020 - still lacking test cases.

    Minor error in checkstyle after resolving merge conflict, resolved in PR #90

    Went ahead with Sheng Yang's version in PR #64 .

    Complete under PR #117

    I believe pre-loaded data follows AB3 which provides the user with an example for how it looks like. We hope you understand the point of these default data.

    We don't see anything wrong with this because there may be a chance of a user using this application only halfway through the semester and he or she wants to import session data from the past!

    Thank you for the suggestion!

    Linked to #201

    Thank you for the suggestion!

    Perhaps it'd be better if you could maybe list out the specific bug fixes for easier referral in the future though?

    I have linked this PR to the specific issues.

    Maybe we could add an output method for whoever is doing the "View Module" portion.

    Is this just for short form?

    We should discuss what predicates to use for this class

    This test is not updated for additional info added to Module like Grade Tracker which I recently added. I will update this in the future.

    Also not updated for new info in the Module class, will update in the future commits

    Also needs updating for additional info put into module.

    I think we should find what other ways we can implement non-static init blocks.

    Can addcontact take in only the name without taking in the email and telegram? If it is a valid operation, I think these two lines of code might return null? Not so sure about this

    We should do boundary value testing for this in the future

    Could either elaborate on these parameters or remove them.

    Maybe we should re implement PrefixPosition in the future.

    Maybe there should be a description for the Javadocs of this constructor

    Should this be @code comparator instead of @code predicate?

    This was shifted into argument tokenizer from being in a separate class? Is it because only argument tokenizer is utilising this class?

    Should expand to single line imports to pass CI checks

    The other methods in this interface do not mention the access modifier, should we standardise?

    This probably fails the CI check.

    Can date be edited? if so perhaps should update the usage message

    If im not wrong, index out of bounds error message is stored under commons messages, can refer to the other features to see how it has been checked.

    Should this be in ParserUtil?

    Minor error. Maybe Event should be event instead of capitalised? and should be an event instead of a event.

    module is repeated multiple times throughout the javadocs.

    Module is referenced here instead of event.

    maybe logger doesn't need to be implemented if its not going to be used?

    Actually I don't think this needs to be under grade tracker? Since it would already be caught under module list parser and clearing module list would clear all attached grades as well, but there isn't any issue with leaving it here either.

    I think we should standardise this, either use INDEX or MODULE_POSITION across the board.

    I think Michael makes sense, but it should not be applied under the equals method. It sounds like a new method should be created for isSamePerson(). Matthias makes sense since the two objects should be exactly the same under the equals method.

    I think this should be changed from otherPerson to otherContact? likewise for the JavaDocs of this method.

    Since tags has been implemented for contacts, maybe we should look back at this and update it to also check for tags.

    minor typo here

    small type error

    another error here

    maybe can remove this.

    is this still necessary?

    is this supposed to show module for calculate cap success?

    not sure if necessary?

    Maybe we should reference all Persons as contacts just for clarity

    Perhaps should change from person to contact for clarity.

    Thank you for the comment. Agree with you, and have submitted new changes.

    Thank you for the comment. Have submitted changes for this.

    Agree with you, have made changes accordingly.

    Ok, sounds good.

    Ok thanks for the feedback, will update to make my code more defensive

    Ok, got it, thanks for the feedback.

    Thanks for the comments, I'll update accordingly.

    Thanks for the comments, updated the code to fix the issues raised.

    Poor Pull Request with too many conflicts to merge easily. Will resolve conflicts and make a separate pull request

    Theres a conflict to resolve with the MainApp file before merging, otherwise LGTM.

    I think version 1 is most suitable.

    closed as issue was repeated in #406

    Updated the code to resolve the issues raised during feedback

    fixes #568

    I think maybe its better to switch the role.toString and role.getArgument() here as people may think role.toString is what they shld key in. Just a nitpick.

    I think this should be deliverable index.

    I think its better to import them first

    Perhaps it is better to make it into a datetime object

    Same as above

    Same as a above

    Maybe its better to display NIL like the rest

    Not sure if we should resolve overflow in this way. Perhaps we can check for it during parsing and regard this as an invalid date.

    I think there are some challenges with this cos we would then need to check if localDateTime is meant to be only a date or there is a time component also.

    I think you have some typos in the this class. Should be "meeting" instead of "person".

    I think can just remove this function

    When editing I thot all fields should be optional so we use a square bracket.

    I think I created a TitleDescriptionContainsKeywordsPredicate class in my latest pr so this may not be required.

    Can consider using "Finding meetings" so that phrasing is consistent with contacts

    I think should be title instead of name

    Same as above and I think you mean Mcdonalds.

    Minor grammar, "Displays more details of the specified ..."

    I think this can be clearer, maybe something like A stage in the software development process associated with a particular group of deliverables.

    Can consider "An item which need ..."

    I think its better to make it strictly less than.

    Perhaps its clearer to state that single digit hour and minute must start with a leading zero

    Could you include hour here as well

    Is this the same as TIME_REGEX?

    I think VALID_TO_B should still work since its updated to 12:00

    If we change the part in front this will now return false.

    Might need to change the comments here

    Perhaps we should shift this message to the deadline and from class and state explicitly that deadline/from should be in the format ...

    Same as above I think its better to shift this message into to class and say To should be in the format ...

    The error message for this prob needs to change also cos "to" is no longer a date.

    "without noticeable sluggishness"

    Is this point and the next point considered NFR? It seems to be requirements the user should meet instead of what our app should meet.

    An item to be completed as part of the project development process

    Capitalise first word of glossary below

    Sounds weird but idk what to change to

    yea sure

    like for each of the term below the explanation part

    Maybe change the first sentence to "The state of the application that affects how each command will be executed."

    Dont need a condition right since the rightPanelPlaceholder is cleared.

    wait i dont think so right

    But doesnt meeting have different attributes

    Marking deliverable as done is implemented through setDeliverable which already includes setDeliverableInView

    Didn't amend this cos I feel the hyperlink and find formatting doesn't really look well together.

    yup done

    its in my other pr

    yes I did in the other PR

    Its cos i decided to wrap contacts also but with the space there the entire thing will go to next line. Do you think its ok?

    I think this is following the original AB3 DG

    I think here it refers to the big UI class so shld have ``

    I think we need to standardise cos chrystal also used prose

    maybe leaving commented code could get confusing in the future?


    hi @Wincenttjoi

    Perhaps initializing maxQuantity to a value other than "0" is a better idea? Similarly to tags maybe leaving it empty is fine

    Perhaps not checking is fine too? Since we do not require max quantity to be a mandatory field. Having this check will go against our design

    Similarly if maxQuantity can now be empty i think having a method to check if maxQuantity is null prior to this block of code would prevent a parsing error

    Similarly to tag i think initiazing to a 0 is not a good idea because we'll eventually be using it to calculate percentages

    Agree. MaxQuantity is an Optional>Quantity>

    should quantity come before item name?

    Should be address, not supplier

    HAHA i think we should just commit on his behalf. it's a minor issue

    @halcon-blanco as discussed in telegram, we should probably create a wrapper class so we can make use of polymorphism instead of using instanceof

    But for now let's implement the rest on top of this first

    Should it check for deliveryModel to be nonNull too?

    Should it check for deliveryModel to be nonNull too?

    @halcon-blanco i have a suggestion. We should make use of DeliveryCommand and ItemCommand abstract class to have a abstract method execute that takes in its respective model. This will adhere to OpenClosed principle better

    I feel that similarly to the command Hisotry there should be a limit of how many times u can redo incase of memory overflow

    Like limit the number of state stateList holds

    In my experience with CommandHistory's previousCommand(), be wary of the corner case if suppose:

    you have 2 states, state#1, state#2

    undo() should return you to state#2 and not state#1.

    Could you give that a shot? Maybe either via junit tests or manual testing

    This is a complication from having the pointer pointing at the last element of the list

    Nvm ignore me i've read through your implementation and realised its different

    Perhaps instantiate arraylist with a initial capacity to optimize performance (remember from 2040s they taught us that arraylist copies over and doubles in size everytime its limit is hit)

    Eg private static List>DeliveryBook> deliveryBookStateList = new ArrayList>>(MODEL_STATE_LIMIT);

    and i feel that it shouldn't be a static variable simply because we may use different instantiation of deliverybooks in testing as well

    i think a better condition would be canRedo() instead

    having it as canRedo optimizes performance as we only really need to do a copy if there exist downstream "commits"

    ArrayList.size() != Capacity btw @halcon-blanco


    shall merge into master first so others can work with new design prior to implementing undo/redo tests


    undoThenUndoThenRedo test


    undoThenUndoThenRedoThenRedo test

    maybe state what for!

    same here

    is there an extra r?

    is this supposed to wrap around 4.7?

    misspell mee

    Ah got it! Thank you!!


    Yeap that sounds better! Made changes

    just pushed! take a look

    Fixed! thanks for pointing it out!

    Same! Fixed

    Take a look now! added comments

    Fixed! take a look!

    to adhere to similar level of abstraction in the code

    Done! Take a look

    o it's auto generated by intellj HAHA but i'll change it to match!

    The method name would be misleading in my opinion

    Attempting to do it now

    Done! @halcon-blanco please check

    @halcon-blanco did that! it turns out this helped iron out bugs so much thanks!

    I changed it to updateItemListFilter!

    Opps my bad! Thanks for pointing it out



    Thanks! Sorry for the oversight

    Done! That's a good idea thank you!



    Remedied! Good catch!

    Added! Thanks!

    The white spacing is indeed abit too big with 2 >br>

    added your change! Thanks!

    Figure is hyperlinked instead of placed there

    Got it!

    Paraphrased! Take a look!

    wednesday 16th September 2020 8pm start coding

    @Wincenttjoi yeap that's the plan. it's in this week's tutorial submission

    buggy PR

    Highly likely it's because of preference.json as AB3 tries to read userpref before inputting default values for GUI

    Would it be possible for it to bypass preferences.json by ignoring the presence of it instead of manually deleting the file?

    @xnoobftw one way is to not put preferences.json inside gitignore, but this default value is meant for first time users. Since all of us are developers, its okay to delete it (because users perspective as first time users they will not have the preferences.json)

    sounds good! LGTM


    Hi @halcon-blanco could u comment out the failed test cases so i know which ones to work on + CI wont fail? Thanks!

    @wengfaing btw have you fixed this in your add metric PR?

    A delivery model requires name, phone, address and order. Is the PR meant to be complete or is it WIP? Just checking because I can't seem to find any of these in the PR

    It's to be implemented by @zeranium97 when he implements storage

    IMO having more space for delivery makes sense as it composes more information

    Disagree. Different restaurants may use different kinds of metrics and having metrics follow enums we may not cover all cases. In such cases edit command would suffice to correct the error

    You mean whether the search word is a substring of item?

    could we implement that just for phone number and address?

    Delivery order sounds good! We could potentially reuse Quantity from Items package

    @halcon-blanco isit okay if u took this? Since you implemented find for delivery!!

    Refer https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-T12-1/tp/commit/0f5717d4ac91e4074c182c77b4ffb670eb78f0fe

    as discussed with @halcon-blanco , we feel that having a wrapper class that holds instantiation of both DeliveryModel and InventoryModel is better than having to use instanceof to check and having to overload the Command#execute method due to huge amount of repetition of code

    Following the wrapper class idea adheres to SLAP principle more than the latter solution

    @AY2021S1-CS2103T-T12-1/developers FYI

    @xnoobftw If you are okay with implementing, I think it would be good to return a message on the commandbox to make it consistent with other commands

    May i know what you mean by this?

    @xnoobftw If you are okay with implementing, I think it would be good to return a message on the commandbox to make it consistent with other commands

    May i know what you mean by this?

    So an example would be after the command sort ... a line should return on the command box

    A possible reply would be like: You inventory item/delivery is sorted according to .............

    If i'm not wrong our agreement was that sorting will be done implicitly and does not require a sort command

    Refer https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-T12-1/tp/commit/977699417b62170546c6bb6c477710e13d9b377b

    Because there's alrdy one from AB3 and it's easier to refactor then to do from scratch

    And I accidentally did it actually in my PR

    HAHAHAHAH @halcon-blanco


    • do you want to add small note on ur diagram to briefly describe what XYZ is?
    • Arrow for >> Parser on the Parser section is abit misleading, mind to remedy that to make it more coherent?
    • Perhaps you can also bring the Command and Parser box bigger (filling up >80% of the space) bcs there's too much white space and its too small for people to see. Size of individual blue boxes can also increase in size if you dm 👍
    • Executes labelling on command part not clear on which line it should belong to
    • HelpCommandResult extends from CommandResult missing
    • I think there's no more concrete XYZCommand since they are all extracted to the smaller commands (items, delivery, help)

    • Sequence diagram for logic seems ok
    1. Will do!

    2. Do you mean having a solid line? Because it's how its represented in AB3

    3. Do you mean increasing the font size?

    4. The PUML auto generates this D:

    5. Added! Thanks

    6. Redo, Undo command still does! exit too

    @xnoobftw try to occupy the diagram >80% of the picture! If not too small hahha.

    Edit: I realized that we can't reposition the arrows, just saw the documentation hahah. Not sure if 2 is doable

    Idt 2 and 3 is doable due to puml automating it

    But does this fulfil ur requirement!

    It's enabled

    refer https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-T12-1/tp/commit/977699417b62170546c6bb6c477710e13d9b377b

    Idt 2 and 3 is doable due to puml automating it

    But does this fulfil ur requirement!


    Can check this out for 3 https://plantuml.com/skinparam

    Reason being is because we need to make our dg comprehensible thats why we shdn't just leave this out even though it seems trivial

    Yup looks good! (Apart from box sizing)

    Increased fontsizes to 30!

    There's a couple of errors in the diagram! Check out the ss i tagged

    And another update! I dont see a uniquetaglist class in the folder unless im mistaken! and i dont think we should show inventory book in the item class diagram

    Remember multiplicity and deliverybookstorage is an interface!

    Is there anyway to adjust so that the multiplicity is not blocked? Try increasing the lenght of the arrow

    This part is abit misleading, update an item sounds like editing

    Updated to Adds instead of Updates

    @AY2021S1-CS2103T-T12-1/developers i'll be adding introduction as such

    Fine with you guys?

    Looks good!


    She actually annotated this though, shall we change to tuna?

    as discussed Tuna would be abetter choice as CHICKE outright looks like a typo

    @xnoobftw you may want to consider orientating the reader on your screenshot. Lets say the screenshot is to explain you want to key in inside the commandbox, questions to consider:

    1. Is it really necessary to screenshot the entire application for filling up the command box?
    1. Would you want to highlight the commandbox since that is the focus?
    1. Should you just screenshot the commandbox part instead?

    Just feel that its a little bit overkill to repetitively screenshot, but just personal opinion.

    I think that screenshotting the entire applciation helps with navigating the app esp to a user.

    To preserve consistency can i ask for your help in the highlighting the commandbox and result boxes respectively in both png? reason being we'd probably want it to look similar to Figure 1

    Shouldn't example usage (below) be updated to include the IC field as well?

    Shouldn't a javadoc comment be included similar to the other models?

    Shouldn't there be a multiple ICs test?

    Shouldn't there be a missing IC prefix test?

    Shouldn't there be an invalid IC test?

    Shouldn't there be an invalid IC test?

    Shouldn't parse_oneFieldSpecified_success and parse_multipleRepeatedFields_acceptsLast also have tests for IC?

    Shouldn't there be tests for null and invalid IC?

    Shouldn't it be BloodType instead of weight?

    If you refer to the javadoc for the other methods, shouldn't it be @code String BloodType and @code bloodType?

    Shouldn't it be bloodtype instead of weight?

    Shouldn't there be a description of the parameter?

    Should it be Constructor instead of constructor?

    Javadoc comment does not follow the coding standards

    Shouldn't it be there be a space before Blood type: ?

    Shouldn't it be BloodType.MESSAGE_CONSTRAINTS instead of Weight.MESSAGE_CONSTRAINTS?

    Shouldn't it be blood type instead of weight?

    Shouldn't all the missing field prefix test also include VALID_BLOOD_TYPE_BOB so that the tests would be consistent with each other?

    Shouldn't it be blood type instead of weight?

    Shouldn't method header comments start with a verb?

    The class header comment is not consistent with the class header comment like Phone or Email

    Shouldn't all these "N/A" be abstracted out?

    Why not use the stringEmail, stringAddress... methods?

    OPTIONAL_FIELD_EMPTY_MESSAGE and "N/A" has been used over multiple classes. Maybe they can all use the same constant in one of the classes?

    Same as before, why not use the stringEmail, stringAddress... methods?

    Is it necessary to use nested Optional?

    You can use the or method so that the get*Field* method does not have to return a nested optional

    You could maybe use the ifPresent method

    Why not use the stringEmail, stringAddress... methods?

    why not use the stringEmail, stringAddress... methods?

    I think you forgot to update this part

    Shouldn't it be getStringIc instead of getStringIC?

    TableView is missing its generic type

    Shouldn't it be TableColumn&gt;Patient, String> instead?

    Shouldn't the imports be written explicitly?

    Shouldn't both "admin" and the error message be abstracted out?

    Same as above


    Part of #148

    think there's a typo here, eva.jar -> MyFitnessBuddy.jar

    should be the original persons, this MIT license file no need to edit.

    need to change the logger message also

    is this still supposed to be getAddressBook() or getPerson()? Only the Javadocs header is changed but not the actual code.

    Refactor this method

    hmm now calorie command no need dates?

    need a Javadocs header here to explain what this class is for.

    javadocs header for the class and the methods, just copy, paste and edit from other existing ones.

    refactor the ReadOnlyAddressBook interface

    refactor this whole interface class

    javadocs header here

    javadocs header

    javadocs header

    refactor this method

    Need to edit this javadoc

    This one should be Stopping My Fitness Buddy haha

    this whole class refactor to MyFitnessBuddyParser

    refactor this class to MyFitnessBuddy

    refactor this class to ReadOnlyMyFitnessBuddy

    Javadocs header

    Javadocs header

    Javadocs header

    Javadocs header

    Edit: Creates a {@code DayCard} with the given {@code Day}, index to display, and the given {@code MainWindow}.

    Edit: Creates a {@code DayListPanel} ...

    Maybe change this to describe that this method updates the calorie list panels when there is an update to the calorie lists, because the calorie placeholders are already filled in fillInnerParts method.

    Javadocs for class

    actually can just remove these statements, since we don't compare weight and tags

    Javadocs for both class and constructor



    javadocs header


    javadocs header



    actually there is an overloaded constructor for other commands, but i will create one for the stats command for the 3 boolean values.

    ok added in the upcoming commit

    i will wait for @wayne987 PR then i will merge to prevent conflicts.

    can sync your fork with the team repo again? so the CI can pass

    left @wayne987 part

    yeap is correct

    closed without merging

    closed without merging

    closed without merging


    I will leave this issue open if there's anything more to add. Link a new PR to it if have.

    Still rewriting all the test cases code, CI will fail

    Weight is added using the 'add' command with a prefix 'w/', additional fields will be removed in another PR.

    Current UI modifications for MVP

    @wayne987 please review thanks

    Closed without merging, code not required

    CI is expected to fail

    Before Fix:

    After Fix:

    Looks good to me.

    Calorie Stats:

    Weight Stats:

    Will change the miscellaneous stuff (background colour etc) later

    will it be better if theres another separate Statistic class that calculates all the required data for calorie and weight instead?

    no calculation involved here, all the required data is pulled from Observable List

    Dark Theme for Charts:

    Already done, just need to merge my previous stats PR #89

    I would recommend that this will be merged first

    Merge this PR only after PR #89 because this branch is merged with commits from PR #89

    Merge only after PR #103; need to verify sorting for charts

    Changed to Bar Chart for calorie stats for better visualization:

    Duplicate of #190, #175

    when you don't read user guide...

    1. No bug for generation of graph, 'stats' command is used to display the graphs

    2. maybe remove the mouse click functionality and instead implement a command to view the calorie details for a particular day.

    will fix this, did not ensure input checking when refactoring from phone class

    gonna add command summary to the window then

    Small nit but will it be better to use the word patient here instead?

    Hmm was wondering if IC here will now refer to INDEX instead as we adopted the new command syntax?

    Perhaps we can consider including another section detailing our acceptance of natural date syntax above to provide users with a clearer understanding of our date syntax.

    Yup! It looks great 😃

    Hmm maybe you can consider updating this too as they will probably ask us to do it in the weeks ahead. But it's not essential for this iteration so no worries!

    Yup I think he missed that out too, good spot @JinHao-L . Perhaps it'll be better to include a breakline after the "]" as well to separate the example from the format?

    Oh and I think DATE can be an optional input here as well according to our user guide. Adding the link here for quick access 😃


    Hmm, as @YangYue128-helen mentioned, perhaps it'll be ok to leave out this check as we are able to support view commands without a DATE predicate as well?

    Based on line 53 of ViewCommand.java, the current system seems to support the display of all future appointments if the predicate input is null (in the case that a date is not entered by the user) so I think you've got it covered @ZhangWanlin98 👍🏻

    Oh wait after reviewing NuudleParser as mentioned by @JinHao-L , I think the check done here is actually valid as the ViewCommandParser is only instantiated if extra input by the user following the view command is detected. Hence, it actually indicates an invalid command format if PREFIX_DATE is empty as it would mean that something else is written.

    Yeah I agree with @ZhangWanlin98 that it may be better to import the DateTimeLoader class directly to improve code readability and keep the variables used on the same level of abstraction.

    Perhaps it will be better to phrase it in the following way Creates a DoneCommand to mark the specified appointment as done? Let me know what you think of this 😃

    There seems to be some grammatical error here. It should be returns a DoneCommand object instead.

    Think you missed out a "to" and full stop here. Perhaps it will be better to phrase it as if the user input does not conform to the expected format.

    Hmm perhaps you're referring to {@code editedAppointment} here instead of editedPatient?

    Perhaps the appointment should exist in the AppointmentBook instead of the PatientBook(formerly AddressBook)?

    Hmm perhaps the ! on line 66 should be omitted as it looks like it’s throwing an exception for duplicated appointments when it detects non overlapping appts instead. Let me know what you think about this 👍

    Nice catch 😉

    Thanks for changing them to more applicable tags for our context!

    Good catch!! And thanks for updating the user stories too 😄

    Should PersonListPanel be PatientListPanel instead?

    Hmm perhaps the phrase "mark appointments" and "feature" should be in lower case?

    Perhaps you may consider the following phrase instead "Please refer to the following for an example usage scenario on how the mark as done mechanism works in each step:".

    Let me know what you think! 😄

    Maybe it'll improve the flow by replacing the phrase "As a last step" with "Lastly,".

    Also, it seems to me that you missed out a "a" in "CommandResult with a SuccessMessage ".

    Great job on the diagrams!! 😄

    Hmm, perhaps all instances of "Person" should be changed to "Patient" for the diagrams.

    Jin Hao's phrasing looks good to me too 👍🏻

    Hmm, perhaps you can consider the following phrase instead, "books an appointment at 2am for the 1st patient in the list on the coming Sunday for a duration of 40 minutes.

    Additionally, I think it'll be better if we use 2pm as an example instead cause 2am is in the middle of the night and outside the usual operating hours 😅

    Same here for the am!

    Would it be better if we phrase it as "(unit in minutes)" instead?

    Excellent work on this 👍🏻

    Good job considering all the cases 👍🏻

    Perhaps the prefix [r/REMARK] can be added to the command syntax for both the add and edit commands.

    I've just made this change in our user guide as well in my latest PR 👍🏻

    Perhaps a line showcasing the remark command can be included as well? Let me know what you think 😄

    Yea I agree with Jin Hao, but perhaps adding a the in Writes the given string would be better?

    Thanks for fixing this! Was gonna change it later cause I was consulting our TA abt it too. Apparently, Prof accepts Draw.io diagrams too haha but nonetheless using plantUML is a much safer choice

    Looks great! Just wondering if it'll make it look even better to add a >br> before and after the pics for the text to look better? Lemme know whatcha think 😃

    Thanks for pointing this out! I thought of this too but figured that it'll be better to change the package name in a separate PR as the current one only focusses on refactoring the AddressBook class. It will be easier for version control as well.

    Hmm I think it's more suitable to keep it as versionedPatientBook as the original extended AddressBook as well which does not handle appointments.

    Oh yes great spot! I'll make the necessary changes, though I believe that applying trim on our argument input will have also removed the trailing whitespace.

    Hmm I added the square brackets following the tutorial given in our textbook. I believe they added it in as entering an empty remark serves to remove an existing remark assigned to the same patient. Currently, nurses can use the remark command to both create new and modify existing remarks.

    Will it be better to delegate this task to the edit command instead?

    Oh I've done some tracing and found that IllegalValueException is normally used when your method is passed a wrong input.

    In the case of parseIndex, a ParseException is thrown to represent the errors encountered when the input index isn't a valid number (i.e >0) or is a letter.

    However, since ParseException extends IllegalValueException, using IllegalValueException in this catch block will allow us to catch various kinds of ParseException should we decide to extend the functionality of our code in the future since it's the parent class.

    Hmm makes sense, alright I'll change it over to ParseException! Figured otherwise at first as the tutorial employed the use of IllegalValueException as well.

    Personally, I think it'll be a good addition to have this enhancement for our future iterations as it may seem like a bug if we are able to cancel an appointment that happened in the past. However, I realized that it shouldn't be the case for done since we will only mark an appointment as completed after it has occurred. Thanks for pointing it out Jin Hao 😃

    Would love to hear from the rest too!

    Yup I left it there as a placeholder as I'm still wondering if there are any forms an Invalid Remark can take. Any thoughts on this Jin Hao?

    Nice catch! Thanks for spotting this 😄

    Yup I agree with you too Wanlin.

    Changed it! 👍🏻

    Yea good point! I'm able to limit the number of characters a user can add for a remark. However, I think the challenge with doing this may be the need to display the number of characters remaining(while the user is typing?) as it'll be hard for the user to manually count the number of characters added.

    Thanks for spotting this 😉

    HAHA thanks bro 😃

    Yeah I agree with Wanlin on the abstraction part but I can also see the point about consistency. Hmm, I'll change it to match the style used in the rest of the files instead 👍🏻

    Thanks for spotting this! Missed this out when I was editing it 😄


    oh yea nice spot 👍🏻

    oh, thanks for spotting this bro 👍🏻 missed it out when I was editing the code haha.

    HAHA thanks 😃

    Oh yea!! Nice catch thanks 😄

    Added! Realize it was absent in EditCommand so I added it there as well.

    Excellent spot!

    Hmm I've looked into using plantUML for the class diagram. However, the way plantUML generates its class diagram may not be accepted by our module due to its unconventional layout. Not really sure if I remembered correctly from one of our tutorial sessh but the following layout by plantUML looked familiar to the rejected version.

    Thanks! 😄

    Good idea!

    Oh i think xin zhe added the implementation for EditCommand. But yea we don't have the implementation details for AddCommand 😕

    As a nurse, I can easily check the patient’s drug allergy history so that I can double-check if the medicines prescribed are not in the list.

    Hey Jin Hao, thank you so much for pointing out the error!

    I've been meaning to consult the team prior to seeing your comment. The links you provided were really helpful to the resolution of the test errors I encountered. Alternatively, I have updated the settings in my IntelliJ to resolve the issue. You can check out the following link for the alternative strategy I employed.


    LGTM 👍🏻

    Duplicated issue. (#72)

    Thanks @JinHao-L , currently working on the changes!

    Fixed checkstyle, added and modified existing tests to support the addition of Nric.

    Thanks for checking it out Jin Hao and Wanlin 👍🏻

    Thanks Yang Yue and Jin Hao!! Originally planned to add the test files in a separate PR haha. Am working on them now 👍🏻

    Should there be a new line between 1a and 1a1? This is also applicable to line 334 and 335.

    Should there be an indication of the next step for the use case?

    Should the block and room number be separated? e.g. b/BLOCK r/ROOM_NUMBER

    It would be easier for the user to type without the formatting error.

    This part perhaps can declare it as MESSAGE_USAGE in the ExportCommand?

    So, it follows the current exception handling approach.

    Can refer to AddCommand and AddCommandParser.

    Perhaps can replace 1 and 2 with named constant to improve the readability?

    Omit this blank line?

    handleEmail and handlePhone both need to create the file and get the person list first.

    Can consider declaring a method to do this part, then pass the person list to handleEmail and handlePhone.

    The difference is minor, mainly to reduce the repeated codes.

    Perhaps can include the capitalized email and phone to show it is case insensitive?

    Does it need to include the COMMAND_WORD 'export' for the second argument of assertParseSuccess? As assertParseSuccess from XYZCommandParserTest does not include the COMMAND_WORD.

    Should export email phone and export phone email be parsed successfully?

    Good test cases to check the feedback message.

    Can consider checking whether the output file contains the correct exported information (email, phone).

    I just realised MESSAGE_USAGE of ExportCommand contains 'Invalid command format!\n' message, it should just contain the usage message similar to the MESSAGE_USAGE from other XYZCommand, so it will follow the current AB3 convention.

    Can refer to the AddCommand.

    Should parse method handle exception related to the invalid command format? As ExportCommandParser parses the command.

    Good job in comparing the output file with the correct output file.

    Are the println and lineNum for debugging? Can return areEqual.

    I added the comment for handling invalid command format in ExportCommandParser.

    Perhaps can consider adding test case for it.

    Oh I mean the PR review comment for ExportCommandParser.

    "Should parse method handle exception related to the invalid command format? As ExportCommandParser parses the command."

    If you throw ParseException in ExportCommandParser, then perhaps can add parse_invalidArgs test case?

    Perhaps can declare MIN, MAX_FLOOR_NUMBER and MIN, MAX_ROOM_NUMBER as a static variable and use it to validate room and floor? It may be clearer and more readable.

    Perhaps can declare MIN, MAX_FLOOR_NUMBER and MIN, MAX_ROOM_NUMBER as a static variable and include it in the MESSAGE_CONSTRAINTS?

    Should setBlockPref and setRoomPref be handled in ModelManager to follow the separation of concerns principle? As ModelManager handles Model related functions.

    Move this method to UserPrefs as it is more related to it? E.g. setGuiSettings in UserPrefs

    Okay, I see what you are coming from. As storage.readAddressBook() reads addressbook.json and converts JsonAdapterPerson to Person, it will do the validation check for every Person field.

    Do remember to update JsonAdapterPerson#toModelType() to do a null and validation check for Block and Room before declaring it.

    Perhaps String[] will be more suitable for blockSettings instead of String?

    And roomSettings with 420 is quite confusing, can consider breakdown to min, max floor and room number.

    Should blockPref be derived from UserPrefs#getBlockSettings()?

    Can consider adding set MIN_FLOOR_NUMBER and MIN_ROOM_NUMBER, e.g. level 1 is the common lounge.

    Okay, noted.

    Change to camelCase for not constant variables?

    Oh, I refer to JsonAdaptedPerson#toModelType method. The current convention will do a null and validation check for every field before converting the JsonAdapterPerson to Person.

    There is missing of null and validation check for block and room String.


    For the invalid message, maybe can abstract "The first character represents the block, the next 3 {characters} represents the room number" as MESSAGE_INVALID_BLOCK_ROOM_FORMAT. And display the error message when the format is wrong.

    E.g. edit 1 br/3232

    Error message: Block should be 1 of the following alphabets A, B, C, D

    As mentioned in #211, it might be clearer to mention the valid format for br.

    Is this part also needed for EditCommandParser?

    Should it be &gt;= instead of &gt; and >= instead of >?

    Same for setMaxFloorSettings().

    Need to handle the case when minFloorSettings > maxFloorSettings, but maxFloorSettings is invalid.

    E.g. minFloorSettings = 99, maxFloorSettings = 100

    After validationCheck(), minFloorSettings = 99, maxFloorSettings = 4

    Same for roomSettings.

    "Locations" is Event's name here?

    One thing to consider, when comparing name and location, should it use equalsIgnoreCase?

    Should there be some positive test cases as well?

    Similar for EventNameTest.

    Fixed, thanks.

    Yes, I forget about it, thanks 👍

    Good catch, will update it.

    Yes, will remove it, thanks for discovering it 👍

    Yes, I should add that step. Thanks.

    I was thinking about not writing it too. I will remove this then.

    Noted, thanks.

    Yes, accidentally typed "studyGroup".

    Good point, will update it.

    Good catch, I have updated the logic.

    Right, it complicates the logic, I have updated it to return addressbook.getPersonList(). Thanks.

    Not really, updated the pr to follow the convention. Thanks.

    Good point! Updated the implementation.

    Good point, fixed.

    Update command summary and change 'person' to 'resident' in the User Guide.

    Need to confirm about the CLI syntax for block and room number (combine together or separate).

    Update the CLI syntax for room number. r/ROOM_NUMBER

    E.g. r/B402

    Close this issue as it is implemented in #117

    Close this issue as it is implemented in #114

    Close as it is open in #180

    Agreed. The user might not know the exact start and end dates of his semester, and we also do not need to take into account the user entering invalid start and end dates if we provide them for the user instead.

    AY20/21 Sem missing a '1'

    *Duration is measured in hours and must not exceed 24 hours

    Same rephrasing as above comment


    Can omit the second line if we are providing them with the start and end dates?

    Will listpresettasks be more intuitive since it will be a list of preset tasks?

    Remove a Module and all its Module Tasks from the Module Schedule

    *load all its Module Tasks

    If its "CS2103T", maybe we can change it to MODULECODE

    Do we have a method to list all the task templates or will the GUI take care of that?

    Use either remove or delete



    List all the modules that the user has selected.


    Maybe can change to List all tasks instead of Listing a Task Schedule? As schedule itself refers to a list of tasks

    Think you might have added an extra '.' at the end!

    Should it be 'parameters' instead of 'parameter'?

    Should SERVICE_CODE be added here?

    maybe can replace 'additional' with another word, or just write 'displays a success message'?






    *shows a, *match




    *At least one service exists in the service list

    Does it guarantee an empty service list as well?

    maybe can change description to details?


    *GrAB3 shows the list of expenses sorted in ascending order

    Should be 'expense' instead of 'revenue' here

    I'm currently using the Tag Class provided by AB3 which does not handle white space, will handle it subsequently if it is consistent with the other features using the same Tag Class.

    Noted, I have changed it from a character to a String. Thanks for pointing out!

    Screenshot 2020-10-28 at 1 15 58 PM Screenshot 2020-10-28 at 1 16 16 PM Screenshot 2020-10-28 at 1 15 48 PM

    Addressbook can be changed to CLI-nic


    name changed

    name changed

    Seems like this can be final also.

    Perhaps the updatedQuantity should be renamed to productQuantity, because it seems like this should be a general constructor that future functions other than updateQuantityForWarehouse can use.

    Since it is mentioned in your javadoc that this is meant specifically for suppliers, perhaps u can follow the naming convention that u did for toStringWarehouse. That being said, toStringForWarehouse may be better.

    Perhaps this can be renamed to ALLOWED_ARGUMENTS or ALLOWED_ARGUMENT_LIST

    I think there should be a \n here

    same as above

    perhaps its better code quality to explicitly specify the else with a separate if statement.

    To do javadocs

    comment should be updated as well

    i think the naming for this is a bit confusing, at least at first glance, perhaps can change everything to all

    I think you can just use list.of() instead of arrays.aslist(String[]{})

    ab used to stand for addressbook, now it has no meaning so i think it should be changed

    I think you might have forgotton to remove this.

    "ui" should be capitalised. "i.e." should have 2 dots.

    "set of products" or "set of Product" or "product set" may sound more grammatically correct.

    "The retrieved product set will remove this product from the set" sounds a bit inaccurate. Perhaps it can be replaced by just "the retrieved product will be removed from the set"

    "The model will also update the warehouse with the new warehouse with the target product deleted." also can be replaced with "the model will also be updated with a new warehouse with the product deleted. "

    I think it should be " with a success message".

    It might be better to call the feature add product feature. 'addp' is the command word which should be used with the double tildas in my opinion

    I guess to make it clearer instead of "at any one time", u can say "in a single add command". will help also when macros can execute multiple at once (if implemented)

    perhaps the "(for warehouse only)" shouldnt be within the tildas, same issue repeated below. Also is there a reason for the "+".

    not sure if NAME should be in tildas

    Perhaps can add "the" like you did in warehouse


    Also "an identifiable full name of the product" sounds a bit off, perhaps can change to "the"

    perhaps can put "an".

    actually I think the word "additional" is unecessary here also

    Based on the language for the other commands, i think this should be "lists". Also maybe there should be an apostophe for "warehouses' entries"

    Minor issue but the space at the start of this comment and the next is missing

    I think you can use one of the valid quantities found in the util instead of putting a number here

    I think theres a type descriptor in the util also, so perhaps thats better to using the strings "w " "s "

    Yes, It is the case. the latter is the stricter check.

    Yup, its just a dummy function for the stub

    Yes, thats what I meant.

    Thats true, Ill update the example accordingly. Thanks!

    Hmm not sure either...full name is originally a public attribute with no getters, and this .fullname is used is several places in the original code as well. Same for the other supplier/warehouse properties.

    Yes, thanks for spotting the error

    Thanks! will fix it.

    Actually both clinic and user macros are part of the {@code storage} thats why they are not in the brackets.

    True, will change it!

    Good spot! Thanks.

    True i'll amend it.

    Oh yes. Good spot.

    oh yes thanks!

    Yes I'll fix that!

    Perhaps. will update.

    I think can just leave as default, because the expected commandexception will already be caught in the above in the optional check

    I'll change all to valid .

    Thanks! will fix

    Yes thats true. thanks!

    Yes thanks!

    Fair point. Thanks!



    For the part about commands only keeping the results from the last occurrence of a specified descriptor, I think it was originally not so much a bug but rather an intended outcome, as there are explicit test cases in the original AB3 to show that multiple descriptors of the same prefix will be accepted without error but only the last will be used. We can do an alternative approach though I would not think its absolutely necessary.

    As for the case sensitivity, I guess we can discuss both the case sensitivity of the command syntax (command word/prefixes) and the user-supplied command arguments. For the command word at least, the case should not matter and we can make it case-insensitive to improve user experience, though I would think it's not a pressing issue as we can do without too.

    For the redundant strings at the back of commands and the explicit ordering of arguments, it currently applies for those commands that dont actually use prefixes. For those with prefixes, changing it to allow redundant arguments may be a bit cumbersome, since currently all the arguments at the back will just be allocated to the last prefix, and we would require additional command-specific parsing to split the last prefix from the redundant strings if they would otherwise be parsed as invalid format for the last prefix. For those that don't, we can either make it explicit that redundant strings are allowed in the user guide for these commands or just don't accept them. Similarly for the ordering, we can either make these commands accept prefixes as well since they are multi-argument like the rest of the commands so that they disregard order, or we can explicitly state their difference in the user guide.



    If the user meets a new business client then it would be someone that he doesn't know previously? This statement might be redundant if that is the case.


    Should setWidgetContent be in Model? Seems like this is mixing UI-related stuff with model-related stuff.

    Since Client has a hasClientNote and addClientNote method, then you can bypass Model and just call clientToAddNoteTo.adClientNote(clientNote)?

    Might be a next TODO which is to abstract away this parsing logic.

    I think you can remove this TODO.

    remove this TODO also

    Can delete this line if not needed haha

    Do you mean "Similar to suggestion by/contract" ?

    Possible typo. Should Collection&gt;String> tags be Collection&gt;String> suggestionTypes instead? Similar for the Set&gt;Tag>.

    Just a suggestion, should SuggestionType be an Enum instead? Since it is only taking frequency, available and contract as valid inputs.

    Might want to consider extracting "untagged" into a constant variable.

    Ideally, yes. Might need to update some of the tests

    Extra newline here

    I'm not sure what you mean. Can you give an example of this?

    This call still needed?

    I think the formatting seems a little weird here

    Might make the code more readable if it is something like getTextThree(), getDiv4() etc

    Might want to extract out magic numbers as constants so smth like TEXT_THREE_POS = 5, DIV_THREE_POS = 6

    Agree that scrollbar should be shown, depending on how complex the implementation is I think it can be created as a separate issue.

    Can this be abstracted to a different method say generateSuggestionTypeComparatorList that takes in the suggestionTypeOrderedSet?

    should this be updateSortedFilteredClientList?

    Seems like this javadoc is not updated

    Found the bug. Should be "notes"

    Will create an issue for this. Currently it is working and it is quite close to end of v1.3, changing this might introduce unintentional bugs.

    I think this logger is not being used.

    Good catch!

    Unrelated to your changes, but how is the order determined if two country notes have the same country code? Because from this compareTo seems like the order is arbitrary.

    Might want to compare tags for the edge case where country code and note content are equal.

    This is important!! don't delete this

    Renaming note to countryNote might be clearer

    Made me chuckle

    Why is this hashcode method deleted?

    is this check needed since textClock would be reinitialised anyway and subsequently call textClock.play()?

    Okay I have made the changes, can you guys check again?

    actually all those variables aren't constants in the sense that for each instance of Country the countryName, etc can be different. Not sure if they are still considered constants?

    Edit: checkstyle throwing an error when I made a change.

    Agree with using HashSet to avoid duplicate Note.

    Yup good catch

    I'm not quite sure what you mean. If the user enters a valid country code, then just create a new Country object on demand?

    Yea that was the intention to just init countryNotes from the start so there wouldn't be any bugs if someone using Country forgot to check if countryNotes exists. If there is a noticeable lag then probably can optimise in v1.3.

    Save file can just store countries which actually have countryNotes in them, so no need to store all countries.

    Ok changed

    Must be my formatter oops

    Will be done in a separate issue.

    Ok added

    Added for both

    Ok I have removed the check


    Hmm strange that checkstyle didn't throw a warning. Added.


    Added this as follow-up issue.


    I think this should be done by @rtshkmr since he is going to implement Note fully.

    I checked and its still 4 spaces lol


    For this, I leave it up to how @rtshkmr wants to implement this. I just needed a basic Note object for testing only.


    My idea is that whenever you are interacting with the existing Country instances (other than just getting country notes), you should only do it via CountryManager. I think this layer of abstraction is good especially for logging/debugging in the future since Model only needs to operate on CountryManager and I would be able to log all Country method calls.

    For classes like the CountryNoteParser or CountryFilterParser they should not be holding references to the existing Country as they do not have a reference to CountryManager. Only Model has a reference to CountryManager. So when a Command executes on a Model, then they are able to check for duplicate notes, etc.

    Also, Country has a hasCountryNote method, but I purposely made it protected so that only CountryManager can call that method. Other classes should only be able to call the constructor and getCountryNote method of Country only.




    Ok sure



    Ok done


    I think this cannot because the expectedFilteredClientList is going to be different based on country code



    Ok done

    If I pass in a regular Timezone I can't guarentee what getCurrHourInTimezone returns as the time is always changing. That's why I created TimezoneStub so that I can hardcode return value for getCurrHourInTimezone for testing my predicate

    good idea!






    yes, removed

    ok I removed it to standardise with other methods



    yea seems neater. Done

    Created new class CountryCodeVerifier that is responsible for verifying country code

    Yea country shouldnt be invalid



    Yup, good idea!

    Yea, I change to NULL_COUNTRY but forgot to update null checks.

    I will create a separate issue for this



    I didn't know there was such methods. I will create a separate issue for this because I have been using this style of checking ParseExceptions for all my tests.


    Yes, good find!

    Can't use it since assertParseSuccess takes in a Parser and AddressBookParser does not implement Parser.


    Thanks for the find!

    Yea thanks for catching that mistake, will mention about CountryNoteAddCommandParser and also say that it will be excluded from the sequence diagram for brevity.

    Added the intermediate call to Addressbook#addCountryNote(countryNote)

    Not sure about this since I followed the implementation of client note add command parser. @rtshkmr any comments?

    Yup, think so.

    I see, can you help to check the latest commit in CountryNoteAddCommand#execute whether I am doing it correctly?

    Ok removed calls to updateTagNoteMapWithNote in ClientNoteAddCommand and CountryNoteAddCommand. Now the method will be called inside ModelManager#addCountryNote / ModelManager#addClientNote.

    I must be blind

    Deleted this as I think there isn't any method to "sync" tags with the TagNoteMap as TBManager does not have a TagNoteMap. @rtshkmr any thoughts?

    If I'm not wrong the behavior of client note edit is that doing t/ adds on the tag. I think if we want to change this behavior should change it for both client note edit and country note edit for consistency. @rtshkmr

    Yup ok




    Created new constructor with content, country and tags and added comments for this part



    Yup agree, made the changes

    Not relevant now, cannot delete/edit country notes when not viewing country notes panel

    Same as above

    oh yea, I thought it was mistakenly left in since intellij is being annoying

    I think it is auto centered in gh-pages

    Can ref to the current DG in our website i think the diagram is quite stretched and the model component doesn't really capture any complex logic as its just nested calls.

    Yea its just the assert, is it better to remove the dependency?

    I changed to using if/else instead of if/else if as it seems like plantuml does not support the feature you described.

    Similar to comment above

    It will exceed the 120 char limit if its on the same line

    hmm true. i actually wanted to change all to EP style but its gonna take a lot of time

    Okay, I have updated the issue description.

    have to merge this before merging #121

    Fixed by #121

    Current plan of action after discussion with @rtshkmr. This is a sample of how notes are going to be stored in JSON.

    notes: [{

    contents: "some contents",

    tags: ["tag1", tag2"],

    client: "katya", // means this is client note

    country: null

    }, {

    contents: "some contents2",

    tags: ["tag1", tag2"],

    client: null,

    country: "SG" // means this is country note


    Benefits of this implementation would be:

    1. That there would only be 1 class that deals with json notes (irrespective of whether it is a client or a country note).

    2. Existing JSON client class does not need to be changed.

    Possible issues:

    1. Cannot uniquely identify clients by their name at the moment.

    Putting it here in case I forget in the future:

    Some major changes to be made:

    1. Create new class CountryNote that inherits from Note. It stores the Country.

    2. Add isClientNote method in Note to differentiate client and country notes. This probably need to be refactored. Possible idea would be to have abstract Note class, and have ClientNote and CountryNote inherit from it. There can be an enum NoteType that indicates which type the Note object is.

    Having CountryNote extends from Note allows use of polymorphic List&gt;? extends Note> when converting to json objects.

    Will be a potential feature add-on after v1.4.

    @rtshkmr I think isn't considered a bug. We can write in the UG that things like t/ nt/ are reserved keywords.

    @rtshkmr will client note edit be updated so all params are optional but must have at least 1 param? Similar to how country note edit works. If not this can be an extension after v1.4.

    Alright created an issue #315

    Created issue #316 for this.

    Adding on to this issue:

    • should have sample data for client notes

    Future extension after v1.4

    There already exists a command summary and a parameter constraints summary and it can be viewed easily from the table of contents.

    There also exists this block of text directly under Features:

    Certain commands require parameters and the summary of these parameters as well as their prefixes and constraints can be found in our parameters summary table

    A summary of all commands can be found in our command summary table

    Add Glossary from DG

    Since country note index is not static, we should not make it possible to delete/edit country note if the country note panel is not being displayed.

    From grpchat:

    i think probably need some global variable in model to check whether the left panel is showing country note view for this

    then when country note delete/edit we check that global var and if its not country note view then throw exception

    Will removing the "find Grab" example make the table look neater?

    Are we missing the details for adding an expenditure?

    Perhaps "Temasek Hall" is too specific to NUS? Users who are not from NUS may not understand what it means. "Daily Expenses" might be a better example. I noticed the same issue in several other places.

    Will it be more concise to use "budget" instead of "budget book"? I noticed the same issue in several other places.

    Will it be better if "must be a positive integer" is bolded to draw users' attention to this restriction?

    Same issue as above regarding the bolding of "must be a positive integer or double with a maximum of 2 decimal places". There seems to be two spaces between "of" and "2".

    Same issue as above.

    Perhaps it might be more cohesive to capitalise "school fees"? I noticed the same issue in several other places.

    Yup, let's use "budget" instead of "budget book" as discussed. Good catch 👍

    There is a missing space between the and LogicManager.java.

    Perhaps DevOps should be separated with a white space to follow the title?

    Should this be ExpenditureCard instead?

    Perhaps it will be more OOP if there is an additional private method to get the the budget of a certain index.

    Same issue here.

    Perhaps it is more appropriate if the method "isValidBudgetName" is changed to "isValid"?

    Perhaps it is more appropriate if the argument "budgetName" is changed to "name"?

    Perhaps the naming should be "isExpenditure"?

    Is this condition redundant?

    Perhaps the sentence should start with "Executes"?

    Same issue here

    Perhaps the class diagram should have a caption "Figure 3.4.1..."?

    Should the class objects be wrapped using ``?

    Same issue here.

    Don't think you should use bold here as the symbol is sufficient. It is also more consistent with the other commands.

    Same issue here

    This can be taken out as it will be indicated in the preface.

    Should it be "When you create a new budget, it will be displayed as a budget card in the list view."?

    Should it be "list view" instead?

    Should it be "When you delete a budget, the list view should reflect the changes by removing its card."?

    Is there an additional space here?

    Same issue regarding user centric language.

    Should "Prefix" be "prefix" instead?

    Should this be "no visible changes" instead?

    Should this use the useful symbol instead?

    Yes sir


    If you want, you can re-upload your photo so that it scales correctly. @sogggy

    The examples for adding an expenditure is not in the correct format.

    Do for budget threshold as well.

    Same issue

    Add to UG

    Must throw the correct error if there are invalid prefixes

    The column title already has "so that I can", the "I can" in some of the rows are repetitive?

    "I have" can change wording to match the "so that I can..." form?

    Same with previous, should change the "the app is open source..." to fit the "so that I can..." form?

    I think it should be fridge!

    I think you missed the return on this?

    This test can't work?

    Same question with previous test

    Same as previous tests

    Same as previous tests

    Same as previous tests

    should we write the whole proper command?

    dont forget to change recipe to recipes

    same as previous, full command?

    should remove the comments?

    same as above

    same as above

    same as above

    same as above

    same as above

    same as above

    is it wishful shrinking is your...

    should it be ingredient list?

    okok can!

    if notes really cant handle the markups, should remove the ' ? (but not sure if it will appear on the website)

    in the first quantity, there a space "-(space)100.5g", but in the 2nd one there isnt "-3/4 cups", maybe can standardize?

    does this check for different ordering of ingredients?

    supposed to remove this line?

    agree with tianyongs comment

    delete? not add?

    dont forget to remove this

    dont forget to remove also

    dont forget to update the javadocs

    i think in this example put the ' around each command? instead of around the whole example

    i think can add extension when index is not correct?

    yes brief explanation, but will change if need

    ok good idea

    what do you mean by this?

    I think this eg is ok since it specifies that the user has to press enter also? below it doesnt specify the enter

    Maybe can add the person to be deleted is not found?

    Same for accommodation and activity use cases also

    So its not the command format but the error is missing person/accommodation/activity

    Should we handle duplicate person/accommodation/activity when adding?

    Need add use cases of edit function? Or too long already

    Think the command is called 'show' instead?

    I think can change address to location class? Since our user guide its location class. Can just import from activity.

    Should be setAccommodation instead

    Exception class shld be accommodation, same for the next one

    unable to find specified accommodation

    duplicate accommodation.

    Should passport and mobile number be a data field since its a tag? Not compulsory for users to input.

    If phone and passport is not identity fields, it shldnt be here alr

    we shld restrict phone number to 8 digits for SG

    Have to change regex already to maybe this d{8}?

    can just initialise to private final Phone phone. Same for all classes. Just import the package at the start can alr

    Same problem no need full package name

    editedPerson change to editedFriend

    Should change person to activity




    Need add TravelPlanPanel, TravelPlanObjectListPanel?

    DeleteCommandParser is Called WanderlustDeleteCommandParser for all


    I think the accomodation class requires start date and end date to be the same too for two accommodation object to be the same.

    i think for all the find command in the table, we should change to COMMAND -OBJECT KEYWORD, then the parameters add in KEYWORD find object that contains this keyword

    I did this for my delete command, think we shld do it for all commands on the table. Add the additional parameter for the commands that require it. Like delete -object index

    Prefix of SG passport is E, not S

    Yup, just put the example date to any date on 2021 to be safe, cause now you can only create a travelplan that is after today's date.

    Date issue

    Hey this is my assertion pr hahahah

    I go find other assertions to add then..

    Ya but i dont know what badges we should add, there's quite a few different one

    Ok added



    Okay changed!

    This test will fail so i changed it back.

    Ok resolved. Thanks!











    Jeanne say for the UI one make it more spread out

    Ok i can delete that one whitespace

    hmm it works fine leh, maybe after yall merge can try it out first, got any problem we can fix too


    ok thxtx

    cannot do this if not compilation will fail for checkstyleMain. AB3 doing like this too.


    ??? i got change wts


    i think we should show index in ui

    no theres a space.. thats why we use keyword[1] instead or [0] to access "-travelplan'"

    I thought name card is the name of the travelplan, which is the travelplan panel? the one that shows the name and date

    Oya ok i changed ps

    ok changed



    ok solved

    No choice...

    you change it pls... xdxd

    ya its used in the success message i think


    no it doesnt update itself in real time leh. I need to close and open then the change will appear.

    I thought you helping me do the API...


    LAW OF DEMETER!!!!!!!!!

    Error msg thrown


    Hang on let me change it

    Ok changed

    Ok solved, thanks!


    No, different error message

    Different error message

    What you mean?




    Try out integration testing? haha

    LGTM. But I don't know if this overlaps with what Jiawei has done

    I think we can use Tim's method instead. Better abstraction. Tim, you can resolve the conflicts and merge

    LGTM. But you haven't do the test case?

    LGTM. But you haven't do the test case?

    We did it on v1.2!

    Slightly confused why the need to update the prevous code base person model. Is it failing checkstyle?

    Change to Tests to follow the rest of the jdoc comments.

    Could add constructor tests eg: Referencing from person/AddressTest, as constructor has requireAllNonNull similar to person.Address

    This could be applied to a lot of previously seen files.

    Something like this is possible:


    public void constructor_null_throwsNullPointerException() {

    assertThrows(NullPointerException.class, () -&gt; new Location(null));



    public void constructor_invalidAddress_throwsIllegalArgumentException() {

    String invalidLocation = "";

    assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -&gt; new Location(invalidLocation));



    Add null location test, referencing: UniquePersonListTest.contains_nullPerson_throwsNullPointerException()

    Similar as first comment about Tests that -issue-

    Same as abv

    Slight complaint but could add line comments on what exact part of equality is being tested in each assert as it was done in some other class equality testcases

    On further review, this addition would be a big increase in requirements for testcasing and is not suitable for a small modification to a completed pull request.

    We should open a new issue about this on refactoring and improving testcase coverage on Constructors and Null Checks.

    Perhaps some jdocs here would be good to ensure readability of code


    Maybe should have a MESSAGE_USAGE string like if someone does sth like

    listi jkdnkjvsdsn

    or something ( unsure if will return error here)

    Constructs ...

    May not be in line with good OOP practices. Consider alternative representation or if it is not the proper namespace usage, amend

    Bit more spacing would be good to have and perhaps line commets

    Same as abv

    We are replacing this with parser level specific methods?

    how about item name etc

    Or issit gonna use RegEx instead?

    could probably rename -> inventoryinator.png

    or something like that, to remove any reference to ab3

    Im not so certain that getFilteredItemList is the only list we need for a ModelStub

    How about the recipe list or location list?

    bit of white space please 😃




    Minor observation but item stores as a list, so why are we using hashset in itemBuilder?

    Perhaps could add a class header for completeness sake, it is a public class

    Slight nitpick but

    Could probably use a Static constant predefined in the util files rather than a "magic string"

    Command Word is removed at this step, the input that is recieved by parser is -n banana -q 50

    Command Result is Returned and parsed to the UI i think So its not destroyed

    Screenshot 2020-10-19 at 9 00 17 AM

    EditItem Command should also probably be destroyed after CommandResult is returned.

    AddQuantityToItemCommand should also similarly be destroyed.

    Very Slight Nitpick but generally better to use interface in the argument rather than an ArrayList>T>

    Nitpick again, but use of Magic Strings is not recommended

    Also can reuse the same strings for the integration test as the string is the exact same one.

    Needs a test case for this

    be careful what you wish for 😃

    adding these lines back cause checkstyle to fail somehow?

    Will not touch. should be handled by #20

    Inventory is meant to refer to entire state of the inventoryinator. will add term to glossary

    Oops :p lmao

    Not known how implementation will be done, hence maintaining similar format as prior implementation for now.


    this is intentional to show user that comma spacing is irrelevent.

    this is only if the entire set of tags is the same.

    what? nah i havent figured out a systematic regex that can do:


    The current pattern used is " , |, |,"

    If you know how to do dat, i can probably also make the

    findt and find command use the same syntax rather than spaces which atm is q unintuitive in the find cmd

    User Guide is done for now.

    From commit 9b2ccce:

    In process of Unittesting, dificulty was encountered from utilising

    testing utilities of original code base.

    Specifically the assertCommandSuccess testutil method, relies on the .equals

    of model manager, and model manager equality has null values initialised for AB3

    and Inventoryinator versions, which if implemented to check, cause testcase

    failures in stubs.

    Recommended to perform refactor to code base and remove ab3 artifacts, for more effective


    Will open new issue based on this finding.

    Related to


    To modify parser



    Might want to take in the user input and array of prefix, and store it as a instance variable.

    No parameters needed, use the instance variable values, SLAP.

    change to private

    change to private

    change to prefix

    change to private, and change the name of the method, very similar to the one below

    change to private, change the name.

    Pull it out as a separate class.

    SLAP, Abstract out the new ContactList creation.

    Wrong object used, should be ResultCommand

    Wrong object used, should be ResultCommand

    Why need isSameContact method and the overwritten equals method?

    Is it cos in the event of 2 differnet person with the exact same name?

    Should it be final? Might be hard to keep updating right?

    Will it work? Since this.contacts is final.

    Same thing, contacts is final, im not sure if you can just set it.

    Follow SLAP, bring out the remove function call.

    Might want to pull this out into a new class for common usage. As I foresee we will be using this for some of the other classes as well.

    If it is an empty constructor, should we just not write the constructor?

    What is this block for? Don't think i rmb seeing this kind of code declaration hahha.

    What is this function call? Why is it needed? Since this() calls the empty constructor that does nothing.

    Might want to match the aligning of the dots, looks neater.

    Don't use magic numbers, declare 30 as a constant in the field, and name it the word limit or something. This makes it more readable.

    Why does this work? Since the field internalList is private, how can u just compare using .internalList

    I think the prefix should just be called g/, as Im assuming that we add the "addgrade" command in front, so no need to specify the "a" in the prefix.

    I thought we decided on using an association class instead? Im not too sure also. KIV

    Why is it OR? So this means that as long as either the email or telegram plus the name is the same. Then the contact is considered to be the same? Shouldn't it be all 3 the same, then its the same?

    I think we should split this into 2 test, one for passing and one for failing. I think i read this in the textbook before. Quite recently. Can check again thanks.

    If this is not needed, then we can just delete. I think there is a working ExitCommand outside in the main package already.

    Is this going to be used later on? If not we can remove.

    no you dont add it here, if im not wrong there are listeners in the lists. When there is any changes made to the todo list, the GUI will update, so there is no need to call it in the execution. Pls check again.

    Not sure if this is needed since there are listeners added to the list.

    if it works, then delete the commented lines.

    Why u change EventTime when ur PR is about finding task?

    I will fix in the latest update!

    Ok noted.

    OK roger, will do boss!

    If we leave the instantiating of the 3 parsers in the constructor, then each time a command called by the user, we are re-creating a parser each time. And not reusing them, which i think is wrong.

    See above point.

    but if we use .equals(), we need to check every single existing command, which is alot.

    This is used by other methods, like when a module is added, it is printed in the GUI

    this is not by me.

    It can be thrown. I will look into this.

    Done! Thanks!

    I will update this later on!

    Yup fixed this! Thanks!

    Will implement later on!

    ok thanks!

    Im referring the to Event object so it should be

    Will implement later on!

    Will implement later on!

    Module also have this. We can check again later

    Yup fixed

    Yup fixed

    Yup fixed

    Yup fixed

    Yup fixed

    Yup fixed

    Yup fixed

    I think its ok to use both, and assert might be better since the tutorial asked us to use asserts.

    Will change it in the next push.



    Looks good to merge, just file renaming.

    Unused PR, delete if possible. Did not merge!










    That cause I made it invisible...

    Thanks for your input! The UG is still WIP.

    The GUI is still a WIP!

    Viewmodule shows the information on the left side window. Other testers were able to do this, not sure why it didn't work for you. But yes, we will be refining on the GUI! Thank you!

    whats this print statement for?

    should this be addTotalCalorieOutput? just like the addTotalCalorieInput() haha

    How come this is date? should be calorieManager right?


    the javadoc comment should be calorieManager object right? instead of day object

    the p want to make it capital P? HAHHAAH

    comments should be Name instead of Food

    test name should be name instead of food

    I dont think license need to change haha

    how come this one got 2 optionals

    here also

    this one also shd be myfitnessbuddy

    here also

    here also haha

    here is myfitnessbuddy also right?

    shd this file be deleted? already got the MyFitnessBuddyPerser liao


    here also haha



    here also haha








    delete this?

    add javadocs

    for the addPrefixesPresent

    add javadocs

    is check same id only right?

    oh ya


    Should we keep this?

    maybe, coming in mid-v1.2? 😄

    Don't remove this part. It is used by Jekyll

    Perhaps, if you add this then we will have double title on the page (?)

    Is this more of a "List a Client" use case?

    2. FitEgo adds the Client

    I'm not too sure if there is a timestamp in the status bar 😅 , but it is also in the AB3 DG ...

    Expected: First contact is added to the list. Details of the added contact shown in the status message. Timestamp in the status bar is updated.

    2. FitEgo displays the client's whose name matches the keyword or text.

    I see similar issues in other place as well

    Perhaps its better to move this to ViewClientCommand::execute?

    as to maintain separation between Ui and Logic components?

    I agree with Dhafin.

    i think in a javascript world, it is called a callback.

    Perhaps hasCallback and getCallback is a better name?

    Sounds good!

    [open for discussion] Is it better to do the new way or the previous way?

    This change is related to changes in SessionBuilder::withInterval

    cc @maguireong @dhafinrazaq

    hmm, what happens if we remove !important here? 🤔

    Sorting session by its natural order is from the oldest (?)

    Iirc, we are not using idCounter anymore for sessions

    Perhaps its better to just delete this and add a reminder in the issue, I think

    Seems like there's no change to AddSessionCommand?

    Is it possible to just merge this together with the getTypicalAddressBook and getTypicalSessions?

    Forget to change 😄

    Repetition of line 151

    Is it better to just have one function String getFormattedStartDateTime (DateTimeFormatter formatter) ?

    ook 👍


    Yup for consistency, we just put anything optional inside the descriptor

    typo - add commands

    it's changed from editschedule -> schedit

    I think it is better to not have else after a return statement. It is following Make the happy path prominent

    agreed. based on our discussion in telegram, the docs should document this.

    What about 10 Feb - 9 Mar? Will it show the date?

    Maybe add some test cases for this

    Yea I guess for > 1 days, just display the full date or (can apply this to >= 1 day too, but this might clutter the screen tho)

    Perhaps it is better to just say "Each client should have a unique email"

    Perhaps it is better to say "saved locally in your computer."?

    On a side note, i think we have this somewhere on top, near quick start section.

    Oh okay, i think I'll change it to only allow for the case where

    1. cannot start or end with -

    2. allow multiple - usecases

    Oh right, I'll make it private

    should we?


    I'll go with entities then

    oops, I might have messed up when resolving conflict. Thanks for spotting this out. Reverting..

    I think it is better to keep the structure of AB3 UG for future reference


    Proposed changes: show the number of clients inside the UI


    • Repurpose the tag to history of injury / allergies

    • Change test data to medical names

    Done for v1.1. Closing..

    @dhafinrazaq @maguireong can help to look at it?

    @tanweijie123 will this change be compatible with the change you proposed for #68 ?

    Btw, perhaps it is better to test for checkstyle locally before pushing?

    To run checkstyle and test cases, run ./gradlew check from Intellij terminal

    To edit your last commit (so as to clutter the commit history), do git commit --amend --no-edit (also in terminal)

    Yes, I propose this implementation:

    • sdel INDEX : will delete only if there is no schedule tied to that session

    • sdel INDEX f/ true: will force delete all schedule tied to that session and the session itself.


    • Will look for all schedules tied to the corresponding session before deleting the session

    If i read it correctly, changes to existing classes is to enable comparing sorting clients (compared by name) and sessions (compared by interval start time) right?

    Have we checked with Prof Damith on using controlsfx as external libraries?

    Should we close this issue then?

    Closing to wrap up 1.2.. Will create issues for point 1 (#115 , #90 )

    We can implement this as a remark inside Schedule.

    The remark is for the fitness instructor to add in comments and/or types of exercises done by this client.

    We can then display it as part of the client's information

    it should just delete the associated schedule I think ...

    Please help me check if this class diagram is correct 😃

    current implementation only check for invalid duration ( > 0 ), but don't have upper limit yet

    @dhafinrazaq , you have added right?

    should be fixed now ..

    Changes together with #159

    Nah, its not a bug, its a feature. It is to help you from accidentally scheduling 2 different schedules in a different gym.

    @kelvinvin I think we should revert it to the original 😭 . Lucky we test in PED

    It's only because you are trying to break the system LOL. Users will appreciate the autocorrection.

    I want to keep the search results.

    @dhafinrazaq this one is cause we change the client sameness to only email right.


    Its a feature



    Whose address book now dont have identifier at the back?


    Kelvin [cs2103T tp] - Wei Jie 2020


    cannot reproduce the "few thousand minutes" thing

    yea.. the app is highly unusable because all users will schedule a session only in leap year dates. 😏

    On a side note, I will set the resolver to strict (seems to be the cause of many other sadd date time issues as well)

    i ❤️ this guy

    TaskTemplate instead of Task Template/Preset Task Template

    Should Preset Task just be Task only?

    For now maybe we should use remove the spacing between Task Template, Task Schedule, Module Schedule etc.

    Probably should try to use module code instead of index


    has to be an integer from 1-7*

    has to be a valid positive integer. The Total number of weeks are calculated using the start and end date of the semester*


    has been completed*

    Displays all tasks in the week that is specified by the user

    has to be a valid positive integer. The total number of weeks are calculated using the start and end date of the semester.

    Total weeks in the semester

    Creates a template of tasks for the user to reuse weekly to quickly add into his/her schedule

    List all task templates that were created

    Creates and adds a preset task in the selected task template

    has to be an integer from 1-7, 1 being Monday and 7 being Sunday

    has to be an integer from 1-7, 1 being Monday and 7 being Sunday

    Clear all preset tasks in the selected task template

    Rmb to change the capitalisation for UG

    Maybe listtemplatetasks would be a beteter name

    List all preset tasks in the task template

    Maybe listallmodules will be a better name

    Ternary ? should hour instead of hours

    Should name the class name as Day.java

    Refactor Days to Day

    Some have full stops and some don't

    Can consider using the Amount class so Price will store an Amount instead of a big decimal


    Can check out Hans implementation for the clear command that that passes a new service manager (expensetracker for your case)

    Message takes a bit of time to understand for me, maybe undo success or undo complete is sufficient 😸

    Same here, maybe "Already at oldest change" (copied from vscode vim)

    maybe can extract out some stuff here since there are two return statements and many checks for the conditional


    Yup its quite referenced from the original AB3 tests

    Thx for the catch! Removed them 😄

    Thanks for the catch 😃

    Better to merge this after everyone updates their profile in the aboutus page

    Amend commit to update DG use cases with suggestions from @khoongwk

    Not sure if add remark changes were accidental for this branch but would be useful to have it to serve as the description for tasks 😸


    Added some tests

    Consider checking out Galvin's implementation for parse method of find command

    Current implementation is just to take total revenue for the month subract with total expense for the month. Tests not added yet

    Issue related to client and appointment as well

    I don't think we can change the copyright license?

    Abit hard to look through all without stepping through 😕

    Was thinking of letting it merge and we test; but see the rest

    NonExistenceFile.json is assertFalse for every src/test/data/* folder.

    I guess it is a bug output file since the test doesn't want it to exist.

    to fix this issue (change Clients to client), refer to the new comment

    From what I found out:

    • The program uses the "Clients" variable as keyword to save a json file.

    • The program then uses @JsonProperty("clients") to pick this keyword for assignment from the json file

    change @JsonProperty("Clients") to @JsonProperty("clients")

    Yes. I expect it to have more errors.

    Because, the actual data file is saved as caps Client instead of client.

    I can only help u find these (those files in /JsonAddressBookStorageTest & /JsonSeralizedAddressBookTest) files, that you might be likely to change them from caps C to small C. Maybe there are others that are not flagged out

    I think we should merge with the 2 test failure and create a new issue tracker to debug. Then can find out the root cause and more people can debug it instead of predicting the problem.

    It seems to happen during the execution of saving a new temp file + reading failure.

    This will allow the user to start and end with '-'

    Not sure if that was intended.

    If it was correct, try to add 1 test case to test it 😄

    My DateTime formatter also different from yours

    DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd/MM/yyyy HHmm")

    Maybe can do if (sessionId == null || !ParserUtil.tryParseInt(sessionId)) , then throw IllegalValueExcep

    Best to undo this. Dont put your name in git blame

    Why suppress checkstyle warning though

    Help to remove empty else

    Do remember to add this into AddressBookParserTest also.

    Return a list of ??


    @return A list of clients

    @return A list of session


    Remove dead codes

    Remove //placeholder as it is live date/time

    " sview p/all" will not update the label

    commandResult.equals(ViewSessionCommand.MESSAGE_SHOW_SESSIONS_SUCCESS will always return false because commandResult is a type of CommandResult and ViewSessionCommand.MESSAGE_SHOW_SESSIONS_SUCCESS is a type of String

    Try to remove debug statement before merging


    (e.g. If today is Friday, display from today till the Friday that falls 2 weeks later).

    In other words, it will display today + 2 weeks (14 days) in the future

    in the result of the **c**find command


    to force delete a client ...

    need to add hyperlink to #sview before deleting

    Want to update to this?

    clist exist in 201-208

    No need to remove logger

    empty block without ending &gt;/div>

    The >title> will set it as tab name, while the # About Us is the in the webpage.

    Yes. I agree with you, but UI cannot run test cases.

    Putting it in ViewClientCommand cannot test execute.

    Usually, it should be placed in MainWindow::executeCommand, but I will see how

    Edit: ViewClientCommand will create a lambda runnable for MainWindow to run.


    It is a quick fix for AutoComplete. So without it, we must find the cause of why the first row was different colouring

    fixes #18

    similar to #41

    @tanweijie123 will this change be compatible with the change you proposed for #68 ?

    Yes. All the test case refactoring can be used. (because I have not started with that)

    Gym, Interval, ExerciseType can be imported because currently, I am using it as String type

    We can merge the Session to accommodate with ^.

    Can refer to #70






    fixes #78

    Right sidebar previously had a scrollbar that doesn't show now, but I think it's fine not to have it. Lgtm!

    Vbox have auto hide scrollbar if not necessary. So maybe your screen size bigger?

    Have we checked with Prof Damith on using controlsfx as external libraries?

    Yup. Approved.


    Updates: The UI is already available on the homepage. We just need to change the listview to display only today's schedule instead of the whole schedule list

    To add this highlighted line to fix the bug

    Will push it with some other PR next time

    Today's schedule's list not correct lehh




    Today's schedule already catered for periods for that.

    User should be able to create sessions whenever they required.

    Use case

    • When user first started and needs to import older data

    • When user forgets and enter back-dated data.

    Similar to using an actual calendar app, you can create events at year 1900 and 2100.

    @dhafinrazaq it is inherited from AB3

    Agree with @benclmnt.

    Perhaps we can include it in UG that search result is maintained.

    A suggestion:

    To only include end date if it stretches for more than 1 day.

    Maybe we should solve this major problem that occurs once every 4 years, to display an invalid message instead?

    severity.High : A flaw that affects most users and causes major problems for users. i.e., makes the product almost unusable for most users.

    Different screen resolution will have different label length. Furthermore, if the name is too long, the user can use cview to view the name.

    Restricting name length also poses another issue. What is a suitable length?

    Hence, this will not be fixed.

    I propose to only make email unique identifier.

    Name: Can have same name

    Phone: Can use office phone number, or your spouse's. Maybe a parent's phone number since the child doesn't have?

    Address: same as phone

    Is it possible to fix this tho?

    nitpick: format should be HHmm (lowercase m for minutes since M is for months)


    zookeep book

    Sorry not 100% sure but is this documentation correct? I dont see any references to medical condition here

    nitpick: should capitalise the first letter of the return javadoc sentence. same for the method below

    nitpick: think the .anyMatch() methods from line 58 to 64 should have indented 8 more spaces since it is part of the stream on the line before it

    i think can delete the (NEW) comment

    Should be zookeep book (or can just say "An animal with this ID already exists")

    I think this belongs in SortCommand since it isn't a common message. Also perhaps can mention the available sort parameters in this error message

    Think a better description could be Sorts all animals in the zookeep book based on user specified parameter?

    Think this line can be standardised with the rest of the commands? I suggest something like

    Parameters: KEYWORD (name, id, feedtime)? ok not sure how to phrase the stuff in the brackets but something like this would be nicer i think

    This just my opinion (feel free to ignore) but i feel like this belongs more in the SortCommandParser since this is parsing the user's input. Perhaps you can make SortCommand take in an AnimalComparator instead?

    I think feedtime should be spelt as "feed time" wherever possible (other than when the user actually types the command?) since the class is called FeedTime. Like in the AnimalComparator and FEEDTIME_KEYWORD as well

    Additionally, minor improvement can be making the keywords case insensitive, so if user types sort NAME it should still work

    see my comments on SortCommandParser

    couldn't the default case (i.e. unrecognised keyword) be to throw a ParseException here (same as lines 26-27)? seems a bit weird to create an invalid object

    see comments on SortCommandParser. i believe category is only used in your SortCommand to check if it is an invalid case? in that case category attribute can be deleted, then this class won't have to depend on SortCommandParser.

    I think it was because I did not want to input a null as the animal comparator

    Hmm, in that case i believe you can do this instead:


    return new SortCommand(AnimalComparator.createAnimalNameComparator());

    for each of the categories, then you can omit the line return new SortCommand(animalComparator);. But regardless i think the way it is now you will never pass a null either so up to you

    ah okay fair enough!

    i think you can delete the &gt;br> at the end of this line cos it makes the spacing off

    add &gt;br> to the end of this line

    add &gt;br> to the end of this line

    maybe can include that it is case insensitive?

    sorry i think the reason why the spacing is weird is bc it is a block. could you change it to try changing it to markdown="span"?

    Maybe can add on that it appends the details? Same for the ReplaceCommand javadocs

    nitpick: an Animal instead of a Animal

    nitpick: an Animal

    think need to update this part EditCommand to AppendCommand

    same as above, the EditCommand



    i think UndoCommand and RedoCommand aren't being used here?

    Sorry why does this pr modify the DG?

    I think the ? should be removed

    i.e. ([01][0-9]|2[0-3])[0-5][0-9]

    Yep sorry I'll wait for the code to be fixed first then I'll run all the commands again and paste the updated outcomes

    Closed by #65

    Relevant PRs: #60, #62, #66, #68

    @m0nggh yep i think we should! Maybe you could file a new issue for that

    Could you fix the typo medicalConditionged in tp/src/test/data/JsonSerializableAddressBookTest/duplicateAnimalAddressBook.json

    Please wait for #87 to be closed before working on this issue

    ~@m0nggh Sorry could you hold until my PR (#90) is merged so work doesn't get repeated? I have renamed some files but I didn't touch the sample animals (stuff like Bob Alice etc)~

    Nevermind, apparently it's related to the proposed "undo/redo" feature in the DG

    @koonweee could we have edit take in the id instead of the index instead? i.e. edit &gt;id number> ... instead of edit &gt;index> ...


    • Align animal descriptors

    • Change animal descriptors to yellow

    • Add spacing between the medical condition labels and feed times labels

    • Feed times display "hrs"

    • Allow resizing of command result display box

    • Set custom style for fields which are not specified

    Closed by #114

    Similarly, "an address book" was changed to "an zookeep book" in ReadOnlyZooKeepBook.java

    Suggestion if you have time: able to sort by any field, e.g. sort name/sort id/sort feed etc.

    can you try see if can use HTML to center the figure labels?


    <p align="center" font-style="italic>Figure 1: The Architecture Diagram of ZooKeep</p>

    while we're at it, can also see if we can use that to centralise the images as well?

    <p align="center"><img src="images/ArchitectureDiagram.png" width="450" /></p>

    @koonweee not sure why when i merged #223 it closed this issue lol

    Duplicate of #254

    Duplicate of #248

    Related to #235

    Duplicate of #249

    Duplicate of #248

    Duplicate of #248

    replace is used to replace the entire field. If a user would like to add additional items to the medical/feed time fields, they may use the append command

    Don't think this is a bug since Clownfish is a single word so finding fish wont return Clownfish. Boa Constrictor is 2 words so find boa would return the species Boa Constrictor. But maybe we could look into describing this functionality better in the user guide

    Related to #239

    Related to #239

    Related to #220

    Duplicate of #233

    Related to #239

    Related to #243

    Closed by #233

    Probably won't fix this since it's reasonable to think that a user might have their own naming conventions/standards for their animals which may include non-alphabetical characters

    Not too sure what this is referring to

    I think it's because it's sorted by ASCII values

    Agree with both, maybe can just specify if finding by ID or feed times we need an exact match, the rest of the fields is partial. But then there can be weird case where if i named my animal by a number e.g. name: 12345 and did find 123 it would display this animal.

    Personally i would prefer having exact match for every field for consistency. I thought all the issues raised was just documentation related, i.e. it was unclear what find does exactly.

    An alternative solution would be to have find take in another parameter which is the field to search. e.g. find n/Hashbrown and find i/123? It is more intuitive but at this stage idk if anyone would want to implement this because prone to bugs + update tests + update documentation

    the updated regex seems to accept 3 digit numbers, e.g. append 24211 259 or append 24211 159?

    It's missing a new line between line 13 and 14

    Closed by #274

    Closed by #274

    Closed by #274


    don't know if it's super hard for you to do but would be nicer if the intro was centralised. if not then still looks good to me

    I think the link for UserGuide should be this one? (https://ay2021s1-cs2103t-f13-4.github.io/tp/UserGuide.html)

    The current one brings me to https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-F13-4/tp/blob/docs/UserGuide.html#quick-start instead.

    Similar to UserGuide, I think the DG link is this one? (https://ay2021s1-cs2103t-f13-4.github.io/tp/DeveloperGuide.html)

    Sorry, I think this 'food' is not changed yet.

    Should we change address book to food inventory here also? Same for line 158, 162, 166.

    Very minor and we are going to delete address anyway, but do you think this should be address instead of simplykitchen?

    Should the "Persons" here be "Food Items" instead?

    Should "persons" here be "food items" instead?

    Very minor, but should we change "addressBook" parameter to "foodInventory" instead?

    I think the "bar" in statusbarPlaceHolder should be "Bar" instead? Since it was changed to "Bar" in MainWindow.java.

    Very minor, but should this be expectedFoodInventory instead? Line 112 and 117 as well?

    Very minor, but should this be Food Inventory instead?

    Should SimplyKitchen Inventory be Food Inventory instead? Line 137 as well.

    Extremely minor, but should "an" be "a"? Also should "persons" be "foods" instead?

    Very minor, but do you think we should switch back to Label for consistency?

    Very minor, but should the comment for invalidity be different?

    I feel that since priority is no longer optional, should we set the priority directly without the Optional here?

    Should we have a priority missing test here as well?

    Very minor, but what do you think of "At least one of the optional fields must be provided."? Since INDEX is not optional.

    Since a single tag can have multiple words, so containsWordIgnoreCase will throw an error if its argument has multiple words?

    Should this be LogsCenter.getLogger(ExpiryDateSearchPredicate.Class) instead?

    Very minor, but for consistency, do you think this should be execute_zeroDescriptionKeywords_noFoodFound()?

    Should we include tags with spaces as well?

    Should we have brackets after the method names, for consistency? e.g. model#setSortingComparators(Comparator&gt;Food>[] sortingComparators)

    Should the link be #adding-a-food-item--add instead?

    Do you think if we make **command summary** a hyperlink it would be convenient? Same for FAQ, features and quick start above as well.

    Very minor, but perhaps this can be "your food inventory"? For consistency.

    The PED bug #157 stated that the tester was unsure which fields were optional and which were not. Do you think we should explain that here as well? Perhaps in the next line, "Fields in square brackets are optional"? Similarly for EditCommand and FindCommand.

    Should we include an error message for invalid date? For example 29-2-2021 is the correct format and is between 2020 and 2120, but is not valid.

    Oh I see. Thanks!

    OK agreed.

    Perhaps this could be "Responsible for ensuring"?

    There's a typo for "specific".

    Okay changed

    Changed all comments with name to description.

    I agree, changed them. Thanks!

    Yeap I agree. Changed them.

    I agree with you, thank you!

    Okay changed. Thanks.

    Changed. Thanks!

    Okay changed. Thanks!

    Okay. Thanks!

    Thanks! Updated.

    Changed. Thanks!

    Updated, thanks.

    Updated, thanks.

    Changed, thanks!

    Thanks! Changed.

    Can add a regex checker to ensure the note is not an empty value. Reference Question / Answer class.

    This will be changed to a null check instead if we use null instead of ""

    change person to flashcard


    change tag to tagged

    Check other headers to match them.

    too many columns. Remove at least 2 to make it more readable.

    statscommand shldnt have any flags

    would be good to use ↓ instead of down arrow key

    maybe should make it more clear that y/n is feedback not giving the answer

    "app" instead of "software"

    I think we can use "app" instead of "software"

    can help fix the "belonging n" typo

    Is it possible to structure this as one paragraph? Diagram ..... instead of 3 separate chunks.

    maybe use eg of d/images d/diagram.png instead for unsupported.

    for the file types, no need write "unintended behavior". Remember to add jpg, gif also.

    Minor grammar error "user quits the quiz" instead of "user quit the quiz"

    Maybe add a caveat that no pie chart will be shown if it has not been reviewed.

    For the stats feature, add a similar disclaimer to the view feature that the viewpane will be returned to a blank state on new command executed.

    Standardize the naming as these hyperlinks don't work. "viewing-the-statistics-of-flashcard-stats" is used in the contents page.

    Standardise naming. Either filter relevant or filtering out flashcards.

    Note we are not reviewing all flashcards. Change to review flashcards.

    Remove all

    Remove code highlight.

    Remove fullstop at the end

    Remove code highlight.

    We are brought into quiz mode.

    Missing space notes(if applicable)

    Standardise present continuous or present tense.

    "pressing" not "clicking"

    "pressing" not "clicking"

    Maybe can specify that all flashcards will be listed.

    Will you be adding to this part?


    i think they are only used once so there is no need for that.


    Make view clear on new command. Add to UG also.

    state clearly in UG expected behavior

    same as #126

    flashcard toString()

    state behavior in UG.

    will state in UG c/ cannot be left blank.

    optional in AddCommand only because we will auto assign it to general.

    make scrollable vertically only.

    same as #127

    same as #121

    Improve UG for diagram.

    same as #127

    Add to UG.

    add hyperlinks.

    Remove statistics.

    Add expected outcome to UG.

    Change UG.

    add eg.

    same as #127

    Add disclaimer to ug

    Won't fix as if we allow scrolling by arrow keys, it will affect the reviewing and quiz movement flows. In addition, it is hard to implement determining whether you want to scroll the question or answer based on the arrow keys.

    cannot reproduce but will keep in mind.

    Since ParserUtil.java is still there, is it better to keep this test file instead of deleting it?

    What's wrong with this test

    Does the position of the unnamed parameter matter?

    How does the program behave towards these commands:

    edit -n JohnDoe 1

    edit1 -n JohnDoe

    Just to justify my curiosity, can a command have multiple unnamed parameters?

    I think this should be AddCommand.COMMAND_WORD instead of "add", the same for other commands

    Although these test classes will be changed in McGymmy, is it better to keep them just for this PR to make sure that the new parser is working properly with the old AddressBook test first?

    Same comment as AddCommandTest.java

    Same comment as AddCommandTest.java

    Same comment as AddCommandTest.java

    Same comment as AddCommandTest.java

    Maybe add some more tests for the old address book's logic, to make sure that it works exactly as expected as the old parser?

    I think naming it toString is enough

    I think naming it getCalories is enough

    I think the first letter of the string should be capitalized to be the same format as other files

    Inconsistent verb tense: In some files, the string is present simple tense whereas, in other files, it is infinitive.

    Maybe adding an example here too?

    Can you add addCurrentStateToHistory(); in this line so that undo command can refer to this state later

    Is it better if you implement this test case in this PR too?

    Since you have already had an if statement below, I don't think this line is needed

    I think changing it to this will make the code shorter:


    this.date = null;

    try {

    date = ParserUtil.parseDate(date);


    [rest of the code]


    Is there any case where this test can really get an exception?

    Instead of using null, how about declaring a subclass of FoodContainPredicate that always returns true, then use

    FoodContainsKeywordsPredicate foodPredicate = foodPredicateParameter.getValue().orElseGet(THAT_CLASS_NAME::new]);.

    The FoodContainsKeywordsPredicate has already included NameContainsKeywordsPrecdicate and TagContainsKeywordPredicate.

    yea this works too

    Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1 doesn't create 2^31, since the program still treats this as an integer, should be (long) Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1 instead

    I think we should move "amount can only ..." outside to be a string called MESSAGE_CONSTRAINT_SUFFIX. The old implementation works just as fine as the new one. The old one even has fewer repeated code. So why do we need to change?

    I've fixed this in my PR

    The old one also makes sure all of them point to the same message, isn't it

    Should be imports instead

    Should be removes instead

    I think it should be undoes instead of undo.

    I think that changed the ModelManager instead of McGymmy is better

    object equality is intended, as I was checking if fridge and expected fridge contains the same elements. I have overridden the equals method for fridge class

    Ok I will change it that way

    Oops, I forgot to implement it. I will implement it in the next commits

    Ok I will change it

    I think we should keep it that way to prevent potential typos. Instead of that, we can add a comment at the end of the line to explicitly state what Carbohydrate.class.getName() is

    I was just changing the name of the class. I haven't changed any of its implementations.

    Ok I will change it



    Actually, we cannot call this.class before the object is initiated. Therefore, this.class.getName() cannot be put in either Macronutrient's constructor or a static method.

    I think one alternate option is that we can use this.class.getName() as a replacement for the macronutrientType attribute

    Got it!



    The tag search is already case sensitive.

    Ok I will change the name

    Isn't making the tag search case sensitive better for categorizing food items? The user can search for exactly one tag that they want.

    Haha so i mark this as resolved now

    Thanks =))

    Even if the string is in the correct format, it is still not guaranteed that it can be parsed. For example, 31-31-2020. We still need the empty catch clause either way

    I remembered them said empty catch clause should be avoided, but if there is no other way to avoid it, we should comment why. I think putting a comment there is good enough


    I move those lines in EditCommand, TagCommand, and UnTagCommand ModelManager#setFood instead since they all call this method

    I've added one assertion in the latest commit


    Ok I put it back

    Ok I've changed it already



    that code and this one have the same functionality:

    So I just remove 1 of them


    I think this is for the index, not the macronutrient value?

    ok, I will limit protein, carb, and fat value to 1000. But do we really need to also limit index value to 1000 too?

    For this, assume that the user inputs some number that is larger MAX_INT. What message should we return in that case: the index is larger than 2^31, or the index is larger than the size of the list?

    ok, I will move it into parseIndex


    The CI test says that you are missing the shadow plugins

    I think your use case have the same id as sean's.



    Might also add an extension like this:

    find -all [keyword 1] [keyword 2] ... to find foods that match all of the keywords

    find -some [keyword 1] [keyword 2]... to find foods that match some of the keywords

    I think this would create potential bugs. For example, assume there are food items with the same name, fat, carbs, protein, date but different tags in the fridge. Then you filter a tag name and delete the filter result. It might delete the wrong food item because List#remove(E e) only removes the first occurrence of e.

    To prevent this, I think you might need to update the Food#equals method

    Change according

    I think you can do smth like what Kamil and I did and abstract out the Parsing part? This will remove the McGymmyParser part completely and make the diagram less complicated


    Do we want an option to find before/after a certain date? i.e. show all foods created before/after a certain date?

    Or we can put this in another PR/not do this at all.

    I think we should create another pr.

    If the user calls list multiple times, what should be the expected behavior of the program? Should it allow undoing the same number as the number of list command, or just 1 time?

    bug found

    What is the bug

    If History::save takes in a Model, the ModelManager::getPredicate must be public. However, that method is not supposed to be accessed by classes outside of the package. If we really want to alleviate this problem, we might want to create an association class

    This is more of a feature flaw than a bug, this is the expected behavior of the current implementation. I am thinking of saving modelManager to history after every command, no matter if the command makes any changes to the old version of modelManager

    Another way is to improve documentation, but I think it is hard to explain it clearly to them.

    (Copy from stackOverflow)

    You can call parseInt and catch NumberFormatException, which will be thrown if the number is too large (though it will also be thrown if the String has non-numeric characters).

    If you want to avoid the exception, you can run the following checks:

    If the String has more than 10 characters (or 11 if the first character is '-' or '+'), it must be larger than Integer.MAX_VALUE or smaller than Integer.MIN_VALUE.

    Otherwise, call Long.parseLong() and compare the result to Integer.MAX_VALUE.

    I think we can make the left column scrollable on the horizontal axis.

    Limiting the length of the tag doesn't work here, since it doesn't fix the text overflow error if there are lots of tags

    I think we should add a &gt;br>

    to be explicit in case there are some other changes which lead to the loss of the newline


    We have already stated that TAG is case-sensitive in the find command's section.

    Same as #169

    This is because the above command will be equivalent to add -n Cake -t creamy fatty due to our library's behavior. We should mention this behavior in the UG



    same as #179

    I think he means this

    Your implementation is q clean too without many repeats but it involves the creation of a Macronutrient when the value is needed.

    It might be better to have a static reference to a default macronutrient to be accessed instead of creating a new one to be accessed everytime

    You got a point here. I've changed it back to the original one

    Close since overlaps with #235

    Close since tests have already been added

    Close since tests have already been added

    I think it's okay to init it for now. We could probably KIV this for further optimisations if it's ever a problem down the road?

    I agree with the case when there will be many countries and this poses a real problem though.

    Initialising probably makes for easy testing for now as well.

    So we were reviewing this PR together and found line 29 and 43 to be quite funny 😃

    @qwoprocks mentioned that having a one-way transfer of information from Clients to AddressBook is more complicated to implement and so to Synchronise the two set of tags, this method was chosen.

    also may I suggest having a helper function called synchronizeTagSets()

    Might need to modify the name for this test method?

    might need to modify the name for this test method?

    might need to modify the name of this test method? It seems like it was aldy there from AB3, but should we still modify this method name?

    this is causing the checkstyle to complain.

    Rayson and I talked about this. Two dudes actually had a convo about how many spaces to have 😆

    ____first line with 4 space indent

    ________thisis 8 space indent because 4+prev indent.

    CS2030 saves the day

    Thank you Rayson 👍

    This is an unused method for now, can't see where else it's used..

    Footer should probably be lowered to the bottom border right.

    But fixing this isn't that impt for now since it's functional!

    alright will follow up on this once this PR is merged. my next task is delete command (at the least) before touching storage 👍

    I think this could be an unnecessary new line (line 146) or is it that there's supposed to be a blank line before return statements? 🤔

    is 159 an extra newline?

    this is really nit-picky of me, but I suggest naming it countryToCountryNotesMap to reflect the plurality of the country notes in the set and be similar to the init method name.

    private final Map<Country, Set<CountryNote>> countryToCountryNotesMap;

    I choked upon seeing this 😏

    ref line 60

    the command#execute is the one doing it

    Agree to changing it, but think this should be slightly lower in the priority list for this release at least.

    should this be following the same commenting standard?

    "Constructs an EditClientDescriptor. It is an empty constructor that takes in no arguments." or something like that?

    Would saying something like "Returns true if CommandResult will cause the application to exit" be better?

    tbh the name isExit should probably be a little more informative, like resultIsExit or shouldExit() (to be more in-line with you current comment and standardise with the other shouldXXX method names)

    * Suggests a list of clients based on the specified suggestion type.

    * @throws ParseException If the user input does not conform to the expected format.


    Alright agreed 👍


    A command history greatly optimises the user's productivity by removing the need to repetitively type out similar commands.

    Furthermore, it allows backwards viewing of previous commands given, which is similar to the CLI experience. However, the difference between the traditional CLI history and TBM CLI history is that TBM's history only accepts valid commands. Invalid commands entered will not be included will not appear in the command history.

    This sentence is a little confusing man 😟

    "The modification of previous commands ..."


    also typo on the "was" --> "as" probably

    can this be used instead? https://greenwichmeantime.com/time-gadgets/time-zone-converter/

    can this be used instead? https://greenwichmeantime.com/time-gadgets/time-zone-converter/

    The extension is specific to step 2 of the MSS ("TBM shows a list of clients that match user's query"), hence the extension should be named 2a instead of 1a isn't it?

    edit: yeap, the suggestion by ming chong is correct, I'll change it to what he suggested, ref to this for similar example, the "error" check happens after the actor (user) submits:

    alright, originally copied from our hackmd document, which seems to be out of date based on what you pointed out

    list is an AB3 command, I didn't add that in actually. Instead, I copied over from our HackMD file what I had to add in.

    that's why person persisted and wasn't changed to clients

    I'll just remove it and update this PR


    done, put it as "User Guide" and "Developer Guide" for now

    this was unintended, but i'll just leave it there for now

    took it out

    this was left as is because in the future, we probably should improve the regex pattern matching (as per the screenshot I sent about kang liang's suggestion)

    have added a todo to this to keep note of it

    agreed! admire your meticulous eye a lot @qwoprocks

    Added todo, changed to LinkedHashSet

    I have the same understanding as @qwoprocks that everything has to go thru the model, that's why I left this



    yeap, done


    updated with an autogenerated hashCode()

    I've asked Rayson before modifying the CountryManager 🦺

    I think this is useful. Then can filter by untagged notes and do other actions based off that.

    e.g. edit an untagged note at a later time after filtering notes based on the "untagged" tag

    was sitting on it because this depended on Rayson's Country class. Will add this part in since he's done.

    To be honest, I didn't know the benefits/use cases of using unmodifiable objects until your comments on this PR. I've done a cursory read up on it, thanks!

    getCountryNote was put to retrieve note associated to a country, to be used when the TagNoteMap shall be initialised from countries. This is related to the commented out initialisation method inside TagNoteMap, will be used in a later commit 👍

    Followed your suggestion. Will test using the GUI instead of just using automated tests so that I don't overlook such things henceforth.

    As usual, I'm amazed by your sharp eye in catching these things 😃

    👍 changed it

    currently we have a 1-way dependency between notes and tags. This method existed for the case in the future when this dependency would have been removed. Since we're accepting this 1-way dependency for now, this should method should be removed but might be required in the future, hence I'll put the method here for reference:


    * Links a new set of notes to a tag. This method exists in the case where we remove

    * the one-way dependency b/w tags and notes, then we'd need to use this.


    * @param newNotes The notes to associate with a particular tag.

    * @param tag The tag to associate the notes with.


    public void updateNotesForTag(Set<Note> newNotes, Tag tag) {

    requireAllNonNull(newNotes, tag);


    // update the tags set for each of the notes:

    for (Note newNote : newNotes) {

    if (noteToTagsMap.containsKey(newNote)) {


    } else { // new note:

    Set<Tag> tags = new HashSet<>();


    noteToTagsMap.put(newNote, tags);



    //update the notes set for the tag:

    Set<Note> currentNotes = tagToNotesMap.getOrDefault(tag, new HashSet<>());



    Pls let me leave this here 😢 . IMO it improves readability in the user input variables later in the tests.

    added reason for the public access but I've also added a todo because I expect changes to this after storage is done.

    I've updated it to follow the naming standards.

    this is a moot point for now, it's relevant when deleting/updating a note and the TagNoteMap has to be updated

    Quite a few TODOs and stray comments. I think a follow-up issue can be created to cleanup the todos and stray comments.

    Just wondering, what is the main purpose of having TagNoteMap class? Is it so that it would be easier to query for notes based on a given set of Tags? Because it seems like additional work to "sync" tags with notes and it might be quite error-prone if the syncing is not done right. Any thoughts @qwoprocks ?

    @raysonkoh actually the implementation @rtshkmr did was a bit off from what I had in mind, the tagnotemap is actually supposed to be the one being passed down from logic manager to the parser to create the tags, so there would no need to do the syncing stuff. @rtshkmr isit alright if i just push to this PR and implement that?

    let me clean it up based on both your comments first

    resolved, added mention of uniqueTagMap

    @raysonkoh I'm sticking to this until it comes off as a problem.

    (for my own reference, relevant alernative: this commit for a deleted PR )

    ❤️ thanks m8

    okay, understood 👍

    Yeap autoformatter 😂 Changed it.

    psps, autoformatter messed up my formatting, I havenow correctly changed it

    btw the JsonAdaptedClientTest.java doesn't have tests for the JsonCreater right...

    does this look better? tried the autoformatting and it makes things into a pretty tree-like format






    changing this ps

    trying to refactor this test rn. The logic behind the test should be correct in that it's trying to ensure that editing a note preserves the note's tagging history.


    KIV v1.4





    Followed another part of the code, have removed it now.

    added to issue #263

    added to issue #263

    added to issue #263

    added to issue #263

    I reverted to this because as a fix to #272. pe is useless here (just needed to keep the Message usage portion, removed it now.

    TIL 😟



    removed, was unnecessary init. The setClient method covers this syncing of the tagNoteMap now

    I'm adding this as a separate issue for an upcoming PR (#273 )so merging these bug fixes can be expedited.

    No idea how you're so attentive 🐐

    missed this out. Should point to the correct one now

    It was intentional and I think this is pretty nitty-gritty but I've changed it 👍

    Had no idea md syntax worked within HTML tags 👍

    Will add the labels of Country Note Card and Client Note Card to the ss and make that reference

    changed to Render and changed annotation

    took a while to find this 😞

    changed to getClientNotesAsUnmodifiableList()

    also deprecated the getClientNotesAsList

    Removed the comment because the test name is descriptive enough

    woops missed out a "standard" there

    removed all of the wikipedia links to the common This finding tool to find both country codes and iso codes.

    changed it!

    okay i'll take it out. Misread your comment 😄

    took it out in commit made under PR #346

    I learnt that just adding into .gitignore won't automatically untrack previously tracked files!

    Made a mistake by creating my branch-README-... from an existing branch: DG update... that's why there are two commits for this PR when there should be 1. I'm putting this comment here as a reminder to myself for the future.


    ignore this issue creation

    LGTM! TagFactory looks good too 👍

    Agree with the code quality aspects pointed out by @qwoprocks if we go by what the textbook outlines for static final variables.

    Premature optimisation might be unnecessary for now, but it's a minor aspect imo, @raysonkoh should make the design decision on this.

    Quite a few TODOs and stray comments. I think a follow-up issue can be created to cleanup the todos and stray comments.

    Just wondering, what is the main purpose of having TagNoteMap class? Is it so that it would be easier to query for notes based on a given set of Tags? Because it seems like additional work to "sync" tags with notes and it might be quite error-prone if the syncing is not done right. Any thoughts @qwoprocks ?

    for the comments & TODOs: I'll add an issue for this and resolve it as I'm doing the delete, update and storage aspects

    for the purpose behind this class:

    • I'll let @qwoprocks reply to that (this will help verify if the original motivation behind it is being met by this PR also). Regardless, I've written the purpose in the attached issue and this PR's description.

    ignore this PR. The draft PR #203 was mysteriously merged to master (suspect it was a github bug because of the machine's time at that period being incorrect) but @qwoprocks got to see it still. so I'll just be adding a new PR for test updates and leaving the merged situation as is.

    This looks amazing!!!

    Note to Self: refer to #198 and #185 when doing this

    Ignore this PR, made a mistake and couldn't revert properly.

    This slipped my eye, my bad my bad 😞

    Duplicate of #270

    NB: currently, the last edited client note will pushed to the bottom of the list

    this is a non-issue right.

    if katya from RU is currently in US for the nextweek, her country should be RU and her GMT should be based on where she actually is so find by availability is based on where she is

    to consider just clarifying this in the UG because it's not really a bug, it's a feature IMO.

    Agreed 👍

    I think should reduce the priority for this issue. Will try to add this in since I should be able to follow the country note edit anyway. But the other bugs first...

    @qwoprocks Merged after doing this: 🏃‍♂️

    LGTM, but is it possible to also add in a more informative message for client note edit? Using String.format to show the user > which client, the original note content, and the new note content. Can do in a separate PR if you want but imo its a simple enough change to do in this one.

    Issue will be closed because this is a feature and not a bug.

    This works well without errors and such optimization is not needed. Hence it shall be closed.

    Unnecessary optimization. Issue shall be closed.

    Encountered something weird.

    Command history:

    client note add 1 nt/abc

    client note edit 1 1 nt/abc

    @raysonkoh yeap I'll look into it. luckily this is a pretty minor edge case.


    changed it to reply this whenever an edit really isn't an edit:

    Perhaps "contacts" can be changed to "students"?

    Perhaps "contact" can be changed to "student"?

    Perhaps "contacts" can be changed to "students"?

    Perhaps "person" can be changed to "student"? I noticed the same issue in several other places too.

    Perhaps the email can end with "@u.nus.edu" instead?

    Should this be "{@ MatriculationNumber}" instead of "Email"?

    Perhaps the space between "Dangerous" and "Command" can be removed?

    Should "studentn" be "student instead?

    Should people be "student' instead?

    Should the constant messages be renamed as well? I've noticed this issue in other places as well.

    Should "AddressBook" be refactored to "StudentList"?

    Should the parameter be change to studentList instead?

    Should this be change to ATAS instead?

    Should "AddressBookStorage" be change to "atasStorage" instead?

    Would "Adding a session to a class requires user input from the CLI. The parser will then parse the user input to obtain the name and the date of the session." flow better?

    • Should this be "An"? I've noticed this in other places as well.

    • Perhaps you can use markdown AddSessionCommand#parse() to replace "parse method'? I've noticed this in line 272 and 277 for other methods as well.

    Perhaps "String" can String? I've noticed this in other places as well.

    Perhaps breaking this paragraph into two sentences will make it flow better? For example: "... . It then uses ModelManager#addSession() .."

    Use of "you" here?

    Perhaps breaking this line of code can improve readability?


    List>Attributes> sublist = this.attributeStateList.subList(currentStatePointer + 1, attributeStateList.size());


    Should presenceStats and participationStats align to the right of the footer?

    Perhaps can specify SESSION_DATE can be given in the format of dd/MM/yyyy or d/M/yyyy ?

    Perhaps "Pull request" instead of "Pull requests"? Also maybe an additional whitespace before the bracket may make it look nicer? I see this issue elsewhere too.

    Should this be "Enabled"?

    Perhaps the sample examples can be removed?

    Perhaps you can change "them" to "him/her" or change "user's to users'"?

    Perhaps "Data will be bounded outside of one machine/bounded to other machines or servers" may flow better?

    Again, should it be either "user" and "his/her" or "users" and "their"?

    Perhaps this can be "Similar to previous."?

    Should this be "1.3.1"?

    I see. I think this should be fine as well 👍

    Good suggestion. But I felt that since the other attributes like showHelp and exit are action words, perhaps "switchTab" might be a better name to accurately represent what CommandResult does? Is there a reason why you think "tab" might be a better name?

    Great suggestion! I will incorporate a getValue() method as u suggested above as well.

    Yes, that is a good suggestion! I have incorporated into my new commit.

    Right. Thanks for pointing it out!

    Good spot!

    I believe this is to describe the action that users want to perform. I have updated them to "Add Student, Delete Student and so on". Thank you for pointing it out!

    Good find! Will merge after resolving!

    Thanks for spotting the mistakes!

    Thanks for the suggestion but if the argument is invalid, it throws a CommandException but if argument is empty it throws a ParseException. Hence, this is why I separated them.

    Good suggestion! Will make the necessary changes 👍

    Good spot! Forgot to uncomment after editing. Will make the necessary changes!

    Good spot! Thank you.

    Nice suggestion! Will do!

    LGTM. However, would changing current to current session maybe make the command too long for the user to have to type? Maybe the rest of the team could chime in on this as well. @CodingCookieRookie @YuunoKun @MarcusTw

    I was thinking about that as well. I am okay with current if everyone else is okay with it.



    Debug code left behind

    Merged from another branch? They should'nt ber here for this PR. This means that the other PR has to be approved first before this. Else might as well have this PR only.

    Mind the star import command causing checkstyle to fail.

    Confusing command names. Should change into a "add -r" and "show/list -r" style like how contacts and events are handled to keep consistency.

    AddContactCommand references should not be here. Please double check if copy pasting has left anything that is not relevant and needs to be changed.

    What I meant from a previous comment was to split it into command word and command type. Not to modify the command word.

    So right now, contact commands have the command type "-c", event commands "-e", and tag commands "-t".

    Reminder should have its own type, allowing for a reminder oriented set of commands. Reminder commands can have the command type "-r".

    This means that things like the command word "add" can be reused (instead of "remind", and "list" instead of "listr"), combining it with the "-r" command type and it becomes "add -r" to signal an adding of a reminder command. This keeps the overall experiece relatively consistent with the rest of the commands as well.

    Theses cases are ambigously named (REMIND vs REMINDER) when they clearly mean different things. They are also separated from the show reminder command when they should be grouped under another command type for reminder. Should not belong to events.

    This is separated from the 2 other reminder commands when they should be grouped under a single command type for reminder. Should not belong to the default branch.

    Please use the UserPrefs class to get paths as standard. Helps when trying to create test classes as well, making it possible to mirror off other test classes that needs sample files (ie need to change directory/make a fake directory for testing).

    Not quite sure what this is. A constructor?

    This class should be part of StorageManager as per addressbook, calendar, userPrefs, tagtree. Initial read should be part of MainApp init() method as show below.

    It would be preferable to implement it in a .json file as well for saving and reading so that its standard. However, this is not a big deal as compared to just being a part of StorageManager. A .txt save file is fine as well.

    If it can't throw, the method should not have a throws keyword. Any other method that uses this are forced to implement catching the exceptions or throwing them again. Which is not the same as "this method cannot throw a CommandException or a ParseException, handling can be ignored".

    In the case where command word for show reminder is changed in the enum but not changed here, this method will throw a exception.

    Do not follow executeIntroCommand() method above, its not a good implementation. Import enum CommandWord to avoid such incident. Implement catching and processing in case of an error, perhaps displaying an error message saying something like "reminders failed to show" in the resultPanel. Think defensive programming.

    This is a user guide, and the original line is in a coders language. I think this change makes it easier to understand for a non coder and is a useful change.

    This is continued in person.

    Merged because draft. But don't forget about this wrong project name.

    This implementation would mean that editing a event and then deleting it would result in the same bug as the events are now not equal. Edited events are not updated on the reminder side. Rest looks ok for its intended purpose tho.

    Might want to consider swapping them around, calendar.removeEvent can throw a event not found exception. By swapping, this would implicitly confirm that event has been found and deleted before deleting reminder of said event.

    This has been presumably resolved under changes to ModelManager.setEvent

    Space character needed between words: ContactBy.

    Not sure I agree with deletetag, sounds misleading and conflicting with the delete inside the tag structure. May want to consider changing to deletetagged, or something that is different.

    Heavily consider using ParserUtil.parseTag, instead of a custom implementation, so that the proper parse exception can be thrown.

    Consider using ModelManagerBuilder class instead of invoking the constructor directly.

    Method name does not correspond with method description and implementation. Valid =/= Contains.

    Consider using ModelManagerBuilder class instead of invoking the constructor directly.

    This is not used as far as I can see? Maybe this is not necessary anymore?

    Ive resolved merge conflicts and added the space.

    This was not changed along with the command word.

    Removing white spaces at the ends, ie the shaded red parts was a space. It was done in response to a warning in the CI tests. Turns out warnings are ok

    I dont think this kinda small thing needs to be packaged separatedly like code. Updating earlier is better before it gets forgotten.

    Right now the event window and contact window are just a basic GUI implementation for testing stuff and getting it to show. I think for 1.2 its enough. UI should be finished up later in the project I think.

    This is not yet fully implemeted. No duplicate checking exists at the moment.



    Grammar edit done


    I just deleted the comment because it falls under all definitions. Its labelled as "/* Prefix definitions */" above.

    Done-by Sol

    We mirrored AddressBook class, I've copied over the explanation this time. Explanation:

     * The 'unusual' code block below is a non-static initialization block, sometimes used to avoid duplication
     * between constructors. See https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/initial.html
     * Note that non-static init blocks are not recommended to use. There are other ways to avoid duplication
     *   among constructors.



    I just made a mirror version of it. Should function as expected.

    Done-by Sol

    Done-by Sol

    Done-by Sol

    Fine Ill make another PR just for this

    Reverted this

    This method is for a the AddCommandTest's Model stub, Model interface now has a getCalendarFilePath() method that needs to be implemented for the stub to work for AddCommandTest class. Not implementing this will cause compilation error.

    My mistake, missed this one, fixed.

    Fixed, same with the one 2 lines above.


    Let me split this method up so that it makes more sense. If there is a DataConversionException, the one that resulted in the error should start empty, not all of them. Right now it means that if there is one DataConversionException, everything starts out empty.

    Its next line followed by skip 1 line. Example:


    At: 12-12-1234 12:34(one \n here)

    (one \n here)

    People attending:


    this has been fixed

    oh.... ok


    I'll update with a modulo thing here

    Edit: I cant because of 11th -13th, I'm extending the cases now.

    No particular reason, it just looked nice in GUI I guess. I'll leave a TODO message to maybe shift this out to be included under UserPrefs.

    This is a formatting error. Most other headings uses a space before hand. AB3's UG contained a mix of space and no space, mostly space. Im converting them to all with space.

    {@link} refers to a class and it means u can hover over it and see what it is in Intellij. {@code} can refer to any parameter or field.

    like so:

    Changed it to This command

    Did not think that the [field] should be treated as a noun. But it seems like the other parts of the UG do. I've reverted it back to follow other parts if the UG.

    thanks, fixed.

    Changed as recommended.


    Grammatically both works, Im gonna standardise it to indices.

    Making it into a proper sentence. No need to risk making a debatable grammar error for no reason.

    Model should not handle the sortPerson of the addressbook. Should consider moving the function into the excute part of SortCommand and the class in general. Model class has getAddressBook and setAddressBook to help with that.

    Typo in the latest commit:

    Edit class descriptor of DeletEventCommand

    Should be:

    Edit class descriptor of DeleteEventCommand

    To be done after hiding of details of events is done.

    Mind the event person association class that needs to be written.

    Hi, could you clarify the purpose of FauxPerson and why you chose to use it instead of a direct association with Person?

    This is to simplify the Person class into something simple but still uniquely identifiable as details of the Person object being referenced is not important. Hence the displayName and personhashCode.

    Storing of this class is simplified compared to storing entire copies of persons in calendar.json which would be needless.

    Eventually (logic yet to be implemented), when editing the details of a contact, the logic will just have to compare and update the 2 fields, displayName and personHashCode. Cutting out unnecessary logic and processing time.

    On the filp side, getting the person details (logic yet to be implmented) means comparing the personhashCode to retrieve the actual Person to pull details from.

    Previous update was minor, "the event" was changed to "event 1" under edit event examples.

    Currently having the same name means having a duplicate. Could easily modify this to check for same name and time.

    this is a repost of my comment on the original issue posted by the user

    Can you share with me the command you used that resulted in this bug? Given the result message shown, I used "add -e d/lol/ at/12-12-1234 12:34" and it seems to work fine.

    This was intentional, as part of a calendar design.

    Eventually get the time displayed on the panel to say if a certain event has already happened and how many days in the past/future (or if its today) it is.

    This is now reopened in response to #202

    Work in progress

    Do not review, this PR currently still has the old and outdated files.

    Ignore this. Branching error, commits are not in the correct order for this. New PR created with new branch.

    Codecov appears to be bugged atm

    Bug appears to have gone, PR is closed.

    Reopened as current implementation does not solve this problem completedly. Bug can still be recreated as stated by original comment.

    same as above

    maybe don't put 'healthy'? it restricts the types of recipes unnecessarily

    actually the IngredientParser takes parses all the ingredients at once into an Ingredient arraylist. Maybe need to change the phrasing to something like parses the user input ingredients into Ingredient objects. For example if the command is addR n/salad c/20 instr/blah blah i/apple -200g, banana -2.5 cups then the parameter into IngredientParser will be "apple -200g, banana -2.5 cups" which will be parsed into ArrayList>Ingredient>{new Ingredient("apple", "200g"}, new Ingredient("banana", "2.5 cups")}

    maybe another con could be other than spelling diff we could say diff ingredient names but similar ingredients in real life eg mozarella and cheese. also another con is if user dont have the basic ingredients in fridge eg salt, pepper, soya sauce, it may not be recommended to user

    changes or is changed depending on whether we choose present/ past tense

    another option is adding drawer to glossary

    Items with …​ after them can be used more than 1 times.

    e.g. [t/TAG]…​ can be used as t/healthy, t/healthy t/low calories etc.

    Not sure why this is not shown here but can change the ',' after t/healthy to 'or' so its clearer? and remove the etc to make it consistent

    should we specify our jar file name as wishfulShrinking.jar?

    can remove the eg help since the examples are all already below?

    The image above is a labeled diagram of each of Wishful Shrinking's components. Below is a brief explanation on each of the components.

    Should separate the image title from the second part. (Image title/descr should be in own line)

    QUANTITY only accepts alphanumeric characters, forward slashes and full stops.

    Each INSTRUCTION could be confusing bc there is only 1 instr tag

    INSTRUCTION will take in a series of instruction text and Wishful Shrinking will automatically separate each step of the instruction based on the end of a sentence, indicated by a .. e.g. instr/Cook pasta. Serve immediately.

    not sure if necessary to write this "command result box on the right." since the messages in the command result box is true for all commands.

    place image title/descr before image

    what do you think abt putting as misc/common commands at the bottom of all the other commands since least impt?

    Note: The index must be a positive integer e.g. 1, 2, 3......

    Move to command format at the top and maybe only have 3 trailing dots

    1. add

    2. list

    3. delete

    4. edit

    5. select

    6. close

    7. search

    8. recommend

    9. clear

    Note: All fields are optional, there can be any number of fields to edit. If no field to edit is specified then it will simply become a get edit command elaborated below. -> can combine with the tip below: Tip: Typing editR INDEX and then hitting Enter will insert the information of the recipe at the specified INDEX in ...

    this is so well phrased thank you i was having a lot of trouble.

    Note: Specified fields will permanently override existing values with the new values. To directly modify existing recipe ... link to the tip below: Tip: Typing editR INDEX and then hitting Enter will insert the information of the recipe at the specified INDEX in...

    • recommend returns the recipe salad with ingredients lettuce, onion and tomato since the example user has all the ingredients: lettuce, onion and tomato in their fridge.

    Note: Ingredient quantity is not taken into account when determining if an ingredient is present or absent in your fridge.

    QUANTITY only accepts alphanumeric characters, forward slashes and full stops.

    same as above edit

    can keep the message consistent between addRecipeCommand and editRecipe command? Either 1) "This recipe must contain instruction."; or 2) "This instructions for recipe cannot be empty.";. I suggest 1) since it follows the format of other message constraints

    isnt this exact if statement already checked in instructionparser? is it redundant? maybe an assert would be better?

    same inst it checked in instructionparser

    shouldnt the message of the parseException be like AddRecipeCommand.MESSAGE_EMPTY_INSTRUCTIONS instead of hard coded

    er this phrasing makes it sound like we did not build the app for office workers instead we simply choose a group of people (eg office workers who target healthy eating) who will need our app. I think the previous phrasing is better to justify our target audience instead of modifying the target audience to suit the benefits of our app

    Thanks for pointing it out, made the changes

    ok! thanks

    ok give me awhile

    yeah not very sure why. I'll fix the relevant commented out tests in the next iteration.

    I commented it out because not sure if its relevant. It looks like its testing the model and this command does not modify model instead it modifies CommandResult which has been tested.

    this is used by the test commented out in the same file so since that is commented out this is also commented out

    Same I commented it out because not sure if its relevant. It looks like its testing the model and this command does not modify model instead it modifies CommandResult which has been tested.

    Will do these and more in next iteration.

    oh yes will change that

    Good idea ok

    Wishful Shrinkng- your desktop diet manager. Is this clearer?


    oh ya i'll change

    wait no i changed back because i think notes can handle the markups bc command format also has markups inside the div

    you're right ok


    yes just realised

    no should I check for diff ordering?

    this test im waiting for jq's stuff which will fix it


    o ya ok


    Wrong file path in UG: change png to jpg

    Remove busy

    Check if number in quantity is positive float (fraction or decimal) or integer that is greater than 0 before storing the ingredient

    Update UG

    Leave out get editF in this part and recipe

    ingredients names should not be case sensitive,

    will not allow accumulate, user has to edit the existing ingredient (UG)

    addressed in another issue

    specify in ug that search will search for words or names that contain the input keyword (if partial keywords are inputted)

    If no tags dont put the prefix in the edit command (olivia)

    fix instr/. . . . . -> if trim then length is 0 for all instructions return error, if only a few instructions is [space]. then just remove those few (jiaqi)

    when addR instr/. . . -> editR instr/ . . (3 full stops to 2 full stops) (jiaqi)

    When checking for same recipe, instr, recipeimage and tag does not matter

    recipeName and ingredient name (ingredient name already in another issue) should not be case sensitive

    In recipe, diff order of ingredient should still return the same recipe (backup is ty)

    Specify in UG that image, tag, instr does not play a role in isSameRecipe

    cannot download to the data file (0 bytes). the file will be sometimes corrupted so reliable data fetching should be implemented

    Specify in UG that value of max 214748......... int cannot be exceeded for calories.

    Now no feedback at all. Need Clearer error message when space before hyphen is not inputted

    double check if there are trailing stuff behind the 1 word commands eg help, exit, recipes, fridge, calories, clearF, clearR, clearC, recommend,

    Defensive programming in addRecipe and addFridge (check ingredientString from parseIngredient is not length 0) (cait)

    Update ingredientParser (olivia) check if ingredient is just a bunch of commas

    No error returned. Addressed in another issue

    Will not be addressed

    We will limit command box to 1000 words

    change / to 'or'

    and change image format to table

    Will specify in UG, to edit the ingredient quantity cannot add another ingredient with same name but have to edit existing ingredient

    Whatever command you run, the UI will automatically display.

    Fallback option: force them to go back to the relevant page eg. recipes to do recipe commands.

    addressed in another issue

    addressed in another issue. duplicate ingredient name in fridge will not be permitted

    recipes with variations only in tag/ instr/ img will be considered the same recipes

    update ingredient string only for fridge (olivia backup)

    addressed in another issue

    As for the image being in instr, img prefix was not preceded by a space

    the application should still fail gracefully if a user corrupts the file accidentally: dont save numbering in the data file only add the numbering right before it is displayed on UI

    I interpreted step 2 as confirmation message (success message); is this what you intended? To redirect to 2 if there is incorrect input?

    (Because the google docs says resume at step 1)

    Applies to all the other use cases too

    Javadocs to be updated {@code Person}

    Same for this, perhaps this is MESSAGE_DUPLICATE_GROUP?

    Is this to check whether PREFIX_PATH is present?

    Should this be removed?

    Modify javadocs

    Are you calling Serenity() ? (empty constructor)

    Empty constructor

    This feels very similar to equals()

    This cannot be deleted (their requirements)

    This too

    Consider using student.containsStudent(toMakrAtt) instead of running studentsInfo.get(i) again

    Consider using immutable design?

    Are these comments still needed?

    Too much spacing here?

    Is there a reason why this is team.serenity.model.group.lesson.LessonName and not LessonName ?

    Applies to getLessonName() below too

    The javadoc here is inaccurate

    Since equality is already checked in if (questionToEdit.equals(editedQuestion)) , is there a need to check for !questionToEdit.equals(editedQuestion) ?

    Likewise for the other 2 if blocks below => Since the questions are already not equal, do we need to check the groupName and lessonName equality?






    Markup (studentInfo) => StudentInfo

    Markup => StudentInfo, HashMap, GroupLessonKey , UniqueLessonList



    Since LESSSON_1_1 is defined, perhaps define a GROUP_G01 as well instead of new GroupName('G01') ?

    Will change accordingly from my side

    Don't need to modify for now but we'll need to standardize on a specific date pattern for both deliverable and meeting. (Deliverable uses DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM format instead)

    Likewise, date format to be discussed further

    Perhaps the code can be reduced by using Optional.orElse("NIL") instead of using the conditional operators

    Not important now, but it would be good for all of modes to standardize using Optional.ofEmpty.

    Consider removing 'get' and keeping it as 'isComplete()'

    Minor detail, perhaps could consider re-arranging the parameters according to the user-input sequence

    Person(Role role, Name name....). Not important for now,

    Add an INVALID_DESCRIPTION_DESC to test against whitespaces

    Add invalid description test here

    Was this switched because of the dates?

    Also note down what happens when user switches mode (e.g list of items are displayed)

    Consider adding whitespace between words (e.g switch deliverable...)

    Consider using lower caps 'm' to differentiate between minutes and months (e.g DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm)

    Sample consideration as in deliverables

    Consider removing this section if there's no intention of updating Table of Contents for now.

    The commas in e.g., seem to be a typo. I could be missing some markdown formatting.

    Same* consideration

    Meant to be view or delete?

    change variable persons to contacts

    ordering of fields is different from add command

    Include optional plural for contacts in line 272

    Remove additional white space at the end

    missing period for constriants

    Missing period

    I understand its wrong but, would it be better for the method to be called getInternalPersonList() instead? since the other methods are setPerson and file is called UniquePersonList.

    Rename method to execute_emptyDeliverableBook_faill(), since it is a negative test case

    Method should coordinate with method in UniquePersonList.java

    Same comment on naming convention for negative test cases

    I did attempt to place the EPIC within each section, but github markdown does not allow you to create merged cells. So the sentence is wrapped within the a small single cell. I would suggest, if we want to include the epics, to create a separate table and reference the [EPICS] accordingly.

    Yes, it seems I was careless and glossed over that section. Will include, thank you for pointing out!

    Noted, will remove accordingly

    @shadowezz is correct. It would be easier to generate the valueString when instantiating. Anyways the value is final so the valueString doesn't change

    Maybe add a TODO comment

    nope it will throw false, MEETING_A has a time of 14:00.

    yeah it is abit weird but im not sure what else to leave it as. Its not wrong tho

    I feel like its alright, actually if i wanted to really include I should be including that condition for "add t/deliverable..." instead

    will ammend

    Ignore duplicate issue.

    Tutorial Completed

    Tutorial Completed, not for merging.

    Tutorial Completed, not for merging.

    Tutorial Completed, not for merging.

    Tutorial Completed, not for merging.

    This behavior is expected.

    As specified in the command, the parameters must be a positive integer. An Invalid index will only be thrown when the positive integer does not fall within the list of contacts.

    Resolved in #183

    Resolved in #186

    Should there be 2 br ?

    I think between other points it's 1 br, but not a big problem

    2 small errors due to refactor

    An error due to refactor

    Should this file change? I'm not sure

    I think UserGuide should not be changed

    A small error due to refactor

    A small error due to refactor

    yeah I agree

    Seems that this test also need to be changed in the future. But I think maybe this does not matter now.

    Is the ModelManager here a stub? If it's not, I'm not sure if it is ok.

    Maybe the AddressBook should be renamed to HelloFile? But I think it can be done later.

    I'm not sure, but there were some errors when I tried to specify a type.

    I will try to fix that

    Is it necessary to mention FindCommand here? Since there are many other commands that also use tag.

    I think " Label allows 'Tag' to keep a 'Label' " might sounds a bit weird. But it's only personal opinion.

    Is it better to say "All of these labels can't be found"?

    Why is empty labels executed successfully? I thought empty labels will not be accepted by the parser.

    Ooo, ok, I think it's fine to keep it

    I think this should probably be "allows"

    Maybe should be the "keys".


    some classes



    Maybe should add s to the verbs?

    I think "HelloFile shows nothing" is probably more suitable here?

    maybe change input to enters?

    I think I put them in a wrong place while modifying, did not notice that

    I updated the PR to move them under the "independent Ui part" comment. Thank you for pointing that out.

    Oh, yeah, thank you for pointing that out

    Ok, I will change that, thank you for reviewing the code!

    Oh, yeah, forgot to delete that

    I think the error here is just for UI to react to, like for AB3, when a command is wrong, it makes the text red. But currently I think there is no need to do that, so I think it's fine to do nothing here

    屏幕截图 2020-10-27 223153

    This is the try and catch for the old AB3 command box, I commented it out, since we are not changing the color for command failure, so, currently it's also doing nothing

    emmm, ya, I agree it's not very good to use “ ” directly, but I think it's quite simple to use that here.

    The help2 image I added is cd, so I changed it to cd

    emmm, just found did not change the help tag to help cd

    thank you for pointing that out

    I think the new ui is working fine, if there are bugs, can still switch back to the old one

    I am thinking about making the Ui show the details of a tag when a tag box is clicked, then there is no need to scale. Is that ok?

    Besides that I think I will also try to make the list scalable horizontally, I think that's a good suggestion.

    I think that's because UI can only handlle CommandException and ParseException, so the command need to throw one of them instead of the InvocationTargetException

    cs2103 is accepted as a tagName, but there is one tag named cs2103 already

    Looks good. Is it possible to have a toggle for this theme?

    You mean something to switch to different themes?

    Fixed by #92

    The PR update modifies the Version variable in MainApp in fit the current milestone, and display that version number in UI.

    Ok, working on it now

    Update PR to support UI theme switching.

    Update PR to add a new Theme, also replace AB3 icon with new icon.


    Great job on CSS. Looks real good.

    Also delete UI old classes that are no longer used.

    Good documentation. LGTM.

    Thanks, let me merge it now

    Add descriptions to CdCommand and Internal File Explorer.

    Also delete Galaxy Theme which is currently buggy.

    LGTM! Have you tested the minimum window size? How does it look?

    I tested a bit, at the minimum size, the window doesn't look good, but I think maybe shouldn't make the minimum size too big.

    Looks good. The words in galaxy theme is a bit hard to read though.

    Another thing, could you update the UG as well?

    Sure, I try to add theme switching to UG

    Looks good. The words in galaxy theme is a bit hard to read though.

    Another thing, could you update the UG as well?

    Sure, I try to add theme switching to UG

    Ooo, just found it's already added, then I will update the images.

    Looks good. The words in galaxy theme is a bit hard to read though.

    Another thing, could you update the UG as well?

    Sure, I try to add theme switching to UG

    Ooo, just found it's already added, then I will update the images.

    The changing theme section is not updated to reflect your changes. Could you also update the screenshot if possible?

    Changing themes

    HelloFile comes in light and dark themes. ...

    Sure, I'm doing that now

    The color of the edge of the window for me is white,


    But others are blue,

    How do I modify the color to make it consistent?

    Galaxy Theme is updated to make fonts clearer,

    Update command summary

    Separate examples from format

    Should be INDEX_FIRST_PERSON instead: it's testing the original AB3 edit command

    Already present in exercise package

    Already present in exercise package


    Should be INDEX_X_PERSON instead of INDEX_X_EXERCISE, because context is AB3

    Should be INDEX_X_PERSON instead of INDEX_X_EXERCISE, because context is AB3

    Present in exercise

    Present in exercise

    Present in exercise

    Present in exercise

    Present in exercise

    Present in exercise

    should be exercise book

    Should be exerciseCard

    Should be ExerciseListPanel instead of PersonListPanel

    should be exerciseListPanelPlaceholder

    I think we can work on these now - see issue #37

    should be model.exercise.Name

    Better to use variables instead of hardcoding

    Eg. from AB3:

    assertParseFailure(parser, "1 some random string", MESSAGE_INVALID_FORMAT);

    Maybe another name?

    Eg. ExerciseStorageClassDiagram

    maybe better command word? Since temp can mean temporary

    Naming with CreateTemplateCommand is similar

    commented out

    createtemplate vs addtemplate: same idea, different naming? Better to use one

    TheMostRecentDatePredicateForExercise but checking for exact match

    throw exception? If return false hard to debug

    assert may not run in production

    does not remove previous total calories for the day (if entry already exists)

    Hi Prof Damith, it has been updated. Please let us know if there are any further issues.

    Tested locally, all test cases pass

    Tested locally, all test cases pass

    Merge conflicts to resolve

    Merge conflicts

    All test cases passed (on local)

    Great job

    Great job


    exception thrown when storageManager.readExerciseBook() is called


    Tested locally, template needs to account for muscle, tag and optional date

    Added default calories of 0 when missing

    Please resolve merge conflicts

    Thanks for pointing it out, it's just an example.

    If I'm not wrong the textbook didn't have these white spaces.

    Same problem as above.

    Can delete white space, seems unnecessary.

    Delete this line, I think its from a merge conflict.

    Delete this single white space.

    Good that you have a separate class for Description, instead of a String.

    Good that you have a Predicate class

    Maybe, abstract away details, for better readability.

    Can you just combine the two methods, seems like not much of a difference.

    Abstract away to reduce complicated expressions

    Do you want to have this as a separate constructor instead. So you would have Room(int roomNumber, Patient patient) and Room(int roomNumber, Patient patient, TaskList taskList).

    Good for changing the toString method accordingly.

    Good for changing the equals method.

    We rearrange later in alphabetical order

    Can rename it into parseCommand_deletePatient_success() instead?

    Same here?

    Use the model.displayAllRoom() for the time being. This part is in code quality and to be done in v1.3.

    This will result in some problem of some Room UI, leave it as logic.getDisplayRoomList().

    Instead use, model.displayFindRoom(room); where room is the room you wish to display. This is to prevent other workings of UI to not work.

    Not necessary would affect UI for Room command and test cases.

    "There are no rooms in the app yet, please define the # of rooms using initRooms (int) command."

    Maybe can change to the above?

    May be it is better to create a Name field?

    To be done later.

    Maybe can include the predicate in a different method like:

    private Predicate>Room> getPredicateForSearchRoom(int roomNumberExpected) {

           Predicate&gt;Room> predicateForSearchRoom = room1 -&gt; room1.getRoomNumber() == roomNumberExpected;
           return predicateForSearchRoom;


    That is wat I meant.

    Now that it has been finalised, maybe you want to implement it?

    Maybe want to change to TaskParserUtil instead of ParseUtil.

    Maybe can include space between method and javaDoc to see better

    Good to leave empty space for readability.

    Okay I will change accordingly!

    Hi, yes that's why I thought a PriorityQueue would lead to an easier implementation as we can determine its priority in the Room class and we don't have to individually compare details. If you really want an arraylist I can change it though.

    It is to add the number of rooms into the hotel

    It is to check for the empty room with the least ID number. So the first room, is the least number that is not occupied.

    Or if it is occupied then every room is occupied.

    I thought of that, but why would anyone want to input a negative number?

    Yes, it is for future person assigned to this task to complete it.

    but it passed checkstyle

    I just followed the name of files given above.


    I dont get your problem here.

    It wont because 1 and 3 are stored in the hard disk

    I think you are confused because they are methods in different classes, just like the original code.

    yeap, im not responsible for tasks and adding person

    okay sure ill add it

    I thought AddRoom would be better suited for adding person to room.

    Same reason stated above.

    I'll change it if you want.

    I removed that field.


    Can you clarify?

    Actually I no longer have this.

    I see a lot of you have a lot of questions on PQ. I just thought that the comparison would be simpler as the priority is maintained by the PQ, and all we have to do is to poll and we dont have to compare a lot of variables so fewer bugs.


    Okay, will add!



    I need it for the Json.

    Okay will do!


    That was wat I was wondering too, but didn't want to delete before discussing.


    Okay I will change it.



    Okay will add, thanks for pointing out.


    Okay, thanks for noticing.

    Accidentally deleted.





    Same function?


    A little weird to be RoomRecords since it is a list of rooms

    yes, good point.


    Okay thanks

    Okay thanks.


    Typo, sorry.

    Please don't merge even if there are 2 approvals. Thank you!

    Even if u delete room, it would change the room number or it would lead to rooms to disappear in abruptly. Adding of rooms can be done using initrooms as well. Adding too many commands confuses the user. Therefore, I am closing this issue.

    And @seanjyjy I think you are missing this statement header.

    InternHunter allows the management of three data types:

    I don't think there should be a guarantee here that the system stops running since extension at 2a implies that use case ends when user decides to cancel the confirmation

    I think ProfileItem here would suffice instead of the import

    I don't see the need for this class as it is the same as the Name class, we could just pass in the messageConstraints to signify a different error message if need to.

    Perhaps an accidental double lines here?

    Yes, we would need to pass in the messageConstraints variable to the parent Name class. Yes I think the code is good enough to merge!

    I was thinking for descriptors - equivalent of the skills in internship should just be a non-empty string! Because I don't think there are any wrong formats that we should disallow them from inputting?

    I think it would be better to put in C# instead of C sharp? Since its easier to put in. Not sure about the char limit though, since some companies may have very long names?

    Perhaps we can include a check for when the user is already currently viewing this current item and display a MESSAGE_ALREADY_VIEWING message?

    I think that it might be better if we initialize the variables in the if-else block, so that it is clearer which block will have what booleans. And also this will stick to the notion of defining the variables in the least possible scope!

    I think the current code is better. Also, why is there checks for tabName in this command? Since all the other commands automatically switches to the correct tab, even if it is already on the right tab

    Oh what I meant was initializing the value in the if-else block and not declaring it there. So an example of this is:

    Oh okay thanks for the clarification!

    Don't think so, since he did mention that this is just a guide and I remembered there was an example which he said would be ok?

    I think requireAllNonNull would be better here

    Same here, I think requireAllNonNull would be better

    I think this command should be shifted to the GeneralParserUtil class, since it is being used in many of the command parsers

    If you are putting the message into the checkCommandDetails already, we can just throw the exception with the correct message? There's no need to do the switch case inside that method anymore.

    In reference to my earlier post, what is the point of the switch statement if all of them are fallthroughs?

    Since many of our commands require the parseIndex to throw a specific message, we could pass in the specific error message in the parseIndex function. And to fix this issue you pointed out, perhaps we could create individual parsers for each of the commands, so that they can throw their own specific error message.

    I think it could be better to specify a note saying that the details of the application made for this internship will also be updated accordingly.

    The name of the card should be the job title instead of the company name?

    So the line 1 should be company name instead of job title

    Why aren't the application use cases refactored? Aren't they the same as company for delete, edit and view?

    Numbering issue, there are 2 UC17

    Remaining numbers seem to not be updated?

    I think we are still missing the pictures for delete and list right? Probably should put them in first before numbering the figures?

    I think the figure number and description should be italicized since it is a side information?

    The job list in the company has the name of the job, so I don't think this will be an issue.

    Good catch, updated it already. Thanks

    Yes, I did thought of this while I was writing the code for this Job class. Yes, I think that we may need need a Job object and it can be represented as a String instead. Will edit the code accordingly. Great catch on this!

    Yes haha, I had a good laugh earlier when I represented wage as a Phone object. Reason I did so was to use AB3's current implementation of the Name object (which is basically a class with a string containing only AlphaNumeric characters) and Phone object (which is essentially a class with a string containing only Numeric characters). I think that we can rename it in the near future and make use of them in all our classes. What do you think?

    Yup, I think its best if we could ensure that the "Job" and "Internship" names are not used loosely throughout the code base. I don't particularly like the idea of a nested class, since I do intend to use the enum outside of this Status class (for parsing and input). Also, would it better to rename the Status class as ApplicationStatus and the enum to be called Status instead?

    Kind of, the date will be used on the main display as well as on the right pane:

    @ZoroarkDarkrai @orzymandias @seanjyjy What is the team's opinion on this?

    @seanjyjy @ZoroarkDarkrai @orzymandias Does anyone have any good suggestions? I'm leaning onto Status composing ApplicationStatus and Date atm.

    Thanks for the input. I created a Status class to abstract out the application status and date details from the internship. But perhaps now that I think about it simply renaming the fields to InternshipStatus and StatusDate would do. Let me know if this arrangement is fine.

    Yes, thanks for pointing out this error

    Yup made the change

    Yes, thanks for noticing.

    Okay, updated for consistency

    Yes, I agree that tabs actually make more sense in this context. Will update for all use cases

    Right now we are only allowing one application for an internship. So perhaps your suggestion may be quite misleading too.

    I have updated to:

    The application (if any) made with this internship will also be deleted.

    Hopefully its clearer this way!

    Right now it is safe, since i think only @seanjyjy and I are using it. Thanks for the catch though, I will add an assertion there in case someone else happens to use it on a string with length >=1

    Yes will update

    Yes, I agree with @seanjyjy on this. Since this is something within the programmer's control.

    deepDelete uses the isSameItem method defined in the abstract Item class, which compares 2 items based on the weaker notion of equality, which I defined it to be comparing only the internship item. Hence why I created the deepDelete method! I will change the method name to deleteSameItem, hopefully its clearer that way.

    Edited the names of the classes and methods and javadocs for increased clarity, do help to check before merging!

    Not sure what is the group's consensus on this, so I took the easier path first which is to switch tabs after successful command. Could it be because the command is executed unsuccessfully? Because this should be correct since I took this from @seanjyjy switch tab command.

    I think we could just set the default value for isSwitchTab in the constructor to be true then?

    Good catch, missed this completely

    I think it really depends on what context is it being used in. There seems to be an almost equal amount of Creates and Constructs used in our code atm.

    Yup, fixed in my latest merge.


    Fixed in my latest commit.

    Did you misread?

    Quoting the textbook:

    Cohesion is a measure of how strongly-related and focused the various responsibilities of a component are.

    There's no coupling word used here?

    It can be, if there is a subclass of this class with a public constructor. But anyway I'm changing the code structure so will remove this file.

    Yes. Will update.

    Right, think i forgot to remove the whitespaces

    Good idea. Will update.

    Thanks, fixed

    yup changed

    Okay, will update

    Thanks, been finding a way to make this clearer

    Okay will update


    Yup I think that there isn't a need to concern about javadocs / comments as of now as they can be easily fixed at any point in time. @orzymandias I stopped editing the List portions as I noticed that there were too much code duplication with your pr. Do we plan to either extend an Item class or use generics for our list?

    ecessary duplication for collections, generics is a good idea for collections but one issue is with throwing custom exceptions for different types of items within the generic list. Should we just have DuplicateItemException then something like throw new DuplicateItemException(T.getDuplicateExceptionMsg())?

    I don't think this works because we are not able to access methods in java generics. I figured since we all are classifying our classes as Item, we can have an Item interface to contain all the methods similar methods like isSameItem and likewise do throw new DuplicateItemException(item.getItemName())?

    Sure, I think this is a solid idea.

    I think it's okay just I find many hard coded strings can be converted to const. If urgent can merge now and fix later?

    Is it not normal to use hard-coded strings for test cases? Could you point on where exactly is the issue? Thanks

    I think it's okay just I find many hard coded strings can be converted to const. If urgent can merge now and fix later?

    Is it not normal to use hard-coded strings for test cases? Could you point on where exactly is the issue? Thanks

    I mean the toString, equality, hashcode tests. Could use VALID_WAGE, VALID_PERIOD, etc? If it's a better practice to use "Sunday", "React Native", etc. it's fine then.

    Not too sure what's the correct which is the correct way, but I just thought that doing it this way by writing 2 strings that are different objects would be better since we will be comparing periods with different strings in the actual implementation too

    I don't think you should be writing tests for ApplicationItem, Status, and StatusDate? Since we should be writing tests for our own classes and not helping others write their tests

    I don't think you should be writing tests for ApplicationItem, Status, and StatusDate? Since we should be writing tests for our own classes and not helping others write their tests

    Oh, I think I misunderstood then. When I said I couldn't do the storage ones then because lack of sample data, I think someone said I should do the application ones. So, do you want me to remove them?

    Oh what I meant was create sample data for the storage tests and not to test the application classes themselves. So the rest of the files can stay except for ApplicationItemTest, StatusTest and StatusDateTest. Hope this clarifies!


    Generalize commands to use XCommand and YCommand instead

    LGTM!, just a question why the difference between application and internship tests?

    Oh, this is because the internship are shown on the right panel, so it requires a double indexing to delete them.

    I just realised, but just for plausible consideration, should we add-in extension for deleting companies that indicate internships being deleted as well as its application.

    Good point! Not sure how to appropriately frame it and if it should even be an extension of company or part of internship/application. @shawn-nyk @keanecjy What do you guys think?

    I think we can just put it in the MSS, something like deletes the company and associating internships and applications along with it. This way means we will have more unique cases so it doesn't feel so repetitive too

    I just realised, but just for plausible consideration, should we add-in extension for deleting companies that indicate internships being deleted as well as its application.

    Good point! Not sure how to appropriately frame it and if it should even be an extension of company or part of internship/application. @shawn-nyk @keanecjy What do you guys think?

    I think we can just put it in the MSS, something like deletes the company and associating internships and applications along with it. This way means we will have more unique cases so it doesn't feel so repetitive too

    But doing this you cannot use the reuse the UC for the other item types?

    Yup i think we can just reuse the extension portion will do.


    We no longer have the prompting for user to switch tabs anymore since it is automatic

    There are issues with the formatting in your new code for each of the note and tip

    These show up okay for the html file because they are not markdown format!

    there seems to be no new LogicClassDiagram.png or DeleteSequenceSequenceDiagram.png?

    Yes, I am in the midst of updating them.

    Maybe Priority Queue for room search should leave it for further version? We could use a arraylist to found the first empty room probably? B'coz priority may need constant update to R/W whenever a room state is changed

    I think "next" could be a little vague, coz the user may not know which room they are in, maybe "finds the first free room" could be better?

    just minor gramma, "rooms"

    good code quality improvement!

    I am not so sure why there's a "-", so is it that the user will specifically put an "-" or is it an invalid input

    I think this method should be changed with a name getValidpatient and should return a patient as the name suggests. isValidPatient is like a boolean method and should only return a boolean

    Mabybe using a switch could be better for readability?

    Nice to have an observablelist for getroom

    maybe can change to: "there are no room in the app yet, please define no of rooms"

    really nice to change to 4.0 --> 3.10

    I think it's a bit unclear about the change of room number, is it that room 3 doesn't exist before change or room 3 already exist and we move all patient from room 1 to room 3 and now room 3 has all patient from room 1(previously) and 3?

    I think it's better to break the sentence After the fullstop

    Just small gramma "AssignedToRoom"

    This sounds a bit weird to me. Maybe change it to "All patients are listed" or " list all patients"

    I think later when you complete the searchroom rmb to remove the "%1$s" as it's a list of string

    Good change to modifiableRoomList as a diff to unmodifaibalbeRoomList

    good assertion! If the targetroom is null, it will be prehandled by the commandexception

    I think instead of letting the model to handle deleteTask, the deletetaskcommand class should handle it instead for abstraction

    Maybe add a success case for test?

    oh then that's ok I guess

    hmm I think the same patient object should still have the same temperature

    Nice job to separate to more cases!

    remember to remove the system.out.print after doing the "actual" testing

    Maybe consider "returns" instead of "gets" for javadoc consistency?

    Nice use of logger!

    maximum number...is 5000, just small gramma

    maybe you want to change the word "inserted"?

    yup! SearchPatientDescriptor is a better name

    will focus on the style!

    yup, can isolate it to be another method

    yup, can change to "search a patient or a list of patient ..."



    This is really a good idea! Thanks for bringing it up


    Hmm.. I feel both method name is ok

    Definitely true

    I will change it to "Search a patient or a list of patients with specific criteria"


    good sugguestion!

    The main reason I put this is just because I feel that it is not necessary to output a list when there is only one item

    Yup! Thanks for the advice!

    the substring(2) is to substract away the header ("n/")

    I think getPreamble will work just fine!

    actually I think getPreamble cannot work since the command is searchpatient n/alex, so there isn't a preamble for the command for now


    Yup, will take note of the gramma

    I think as of now, we will save the UI for v1.3 for task, so v1.2 we will juz display the result in the bot's response

    I will add more success test case in v1.3


    I am not sure whether we need to leave a line also, but thanks for the "s" reminder!


    thx for noticing! I forgot to remove

    The new feature is too rush to implement.

    It was a mistake in the UG actually, so it should take a subname instead of a substring.

    It's now taking the last parameter

    It was a mistake in the UG actually, so it should take a subname instead of a substring.

    It was due to one of the task not having a duedate, now is fixed

    It was due to one of the task not having a duedate, now is fixed

    It was due to one of the task not having a duedate, now is fixed

    It was due to one of the task not having a duedate, now is fixed

    I think Motivation is good as it is relatable to our readers.

    However, I'm not too sure if Aim is easy to understand with the two given equations. Perhaps use sentences instead?

    I think instead of writing in a point form, it could be written in full sentences. The language used here also feels informal and incomplete.

    Some examples could be:

    • More convenient than typical apps as lessons and assignments are managed in just one app so there is no need to switch between different ones.

    • Easier to manage schedule than typical scheduling apps as assignments are automatically scheduled.

    I think we should not say that ProductiveNUS is a simulation of an ongoing project. That description suits AB3 more. I think just calling it a project is good! 😃

    I like the aim. Clear and concise

    Hahaha good job finding this while debugging

    I think this is a good improvement from Minh's initial version. It is clearer and more straightforward.

    I think the order of the commands looks good.

    I think just keep it as an abstract class will do.

    Good assertion.

    Good test cases. They cover every case I can think of, so good job.

    You forgot to change the description for this.

    Should these variables be final instead?

    I think the phrasing here is a little confusing. Could either mean assignments due at 1200 on the two dates, 24 Oct and 25 Oct, or it could mean all assignments due on 24 Oct and 25 Oct, and all assignments due at 1200 regardless of date. But maybe it's just me 😛 Just nitpicking

    What if the user types in 90-90-9090?

    Likewise for this, the user can input 2500 for example

    Slight nitpick, why not change from "or" to "and/or" to specify you can use multiple keywords!

    Does this mean using this specific command will show for example: 1. Assignment 1 d/24-10-2020 2359 and 2. Assignment 2 d/30-12-2020 1200? Just clarifying!

    I think good to include both examples, one to show can just delete one, the other to show can delete multiple

    I think should follow the naming convention and call this indexComparator, but just minor nitpicking

    Do you think it's better to remove the "Before moving on to the ..." and go straight to "You can familiarise yourself ..."? The first part seems a little redundant to me. Unless you want to prevent users from "skipping ahead" of the user guide 😃

    Also, remember to change to "familiarise"

    I think we can omit the multiplied by 24 hours information as the users do not need to know. Just telling them the input number refers to the number of days should suffice 😃

    Okay, this might be redundant but perhaps adding "lists all your assignments" and "lists all your upcoming assignments in the coming week" or something similar might be a nice touch!

    Is this supposed to be 📋 - pointers to note instead? Or if this is intended then we should add this to the icon table as well 😃

    Not sure if changing this to protected would violate anything. Is it possible to implement the priority in addCommand without changing this access modifier?

    I think there is a black outline for this photo. Minor nitpick but could perhaps crop it out 😃

    I noticed the other images are like this as well. Minor issue though, we can fix it in the future!

    Have edited accordingly. Thanks.

    Edited accordingly. Thank you.

    I removed these tests because Assignment already tests Name. 😃 Thanks!

    Amended. Changed to Task instead. 😃



    I was thinking more of like how to "combine" assignments.hasCode() and lessons.hashCode() together

    I have changed it so that it does this: prime number 31 * sum of the two hash codes.


    SLAP-ed. Thank you!

    Changed to "None"!


    Amended. Thanks!

    Amended for both.

    Hahahaha... my bad. Amended 😃


    Amended 😃




    Added in some new messages


    Verified fixed

    Verified fixed

    Standardise the period at the end of phrases

    Should this System section be removed since we have specified the system at line 265?

    Would appointment be better in line 321?

    If the default duration is 1 hour, should "hour" instead of "hours" be used?

    I agree with Jinhao! 🥇

    I think Jinhao is making a good point here. Personally i feel a Patient might be necessary for an appointment instance. Would it be better if we include a patient here besides the dateTimeLoader?

    I have included this part in my recent PR

    Would it be clearer to change the variable name td to something more concrete, maybe todayDate?

    Would it be better to change the done appointments to appointments done? appointment done might sound smoother in terms of grammar? Let me know what do you think. 👍

    Might consider changing a into an.

    Same as the comment mentioned above.

    It is not a big issue but personally I feel the naming of the attributes can be clearer? Let me know what do you think. 👍

    Would singular form book be better?

    Would it be better if the variable name adj is changed into something clearer?

    Would it be better to rename the variable b to make it clearer?

    Should the link here be changed?

    Should the links on these 2 lines be changed accordingly?

    Should the Person on these two lines be refactored into Patients? Person is not wrong in this case. What do you think?

    Should it be UniqueAppointmentList instead of UniqueAppointmentBook?

    Would it be better if you add `` to AssignCommand?

    Perhaps it should be Gets here?

    Perhaps it should be Gets here?

    Perhaps it should be Initializes.

    Perhaps it should be Initializes here as well. 👍

    Would it be better if the name of the appointmentBook is consistent with the patient's name of the appointment? I was a little bit confused when I saw appointmentBookWithAmy has appointment ALICE_APPOINTMENT added. Perhaps I misunderstood this part. Let me know what you think 👍

    Should we give a sample input here? I think either way would be fine. Let me know what do you think. 👍

    A really minor comment: would it be better to make the comment singular/plural form consistent?

    Makes sense, I will make the change. Thanks! 👍

    Ok, will make the change! Thanks! 👍

    Oh right i missed that part. Thanks for pointing out! 👍

    Thank you for pointing this out! 👍

    Thanks for point this out! 👍

    Thanks for pointing this out! 👍

    I agree with Jinhao. I think !targer.isOverlapping allows the appointment to be replaced without throwing OverlappingAppoinmentException, and the second condition is to check no other overlapping appointments exist in the appointment book.

    Actually for simplicity, we can also consider this: call remove on target, then call add on editedAppointment. If it throws OverlappingAppointmentException, then we add back target

    We should still throw a new exception when we add back the target right?

    Thanks for pointing this out! 👍

    Thanks for pointing this out! 👍

    Yes it was not used at this stage but I have implemented it in the next commit.

    Oh right thanks for pointing that out! 👍

    Typo on module

    Change to "A contact can have multiple tags."

    Can the usage of dots be consistent? Also, add articles (e.g. an assignment) and change 'the' to 'a'

    Change to 'a user', 'the user', and 'opens'

    No need to use 'the'

    Erase 'the'

    Should there be a space here?

    Not a department

    Not a department

    Shouldn't this be different department?

    Not a department

    Change to Information Systems

    Change to Information Systems

    Not a department

    Change to Information Systems

    Lowercase D

    Should this be duplicate modules?

    Perhaps change to personsCs1101s to adhere to the coding standard?

    Change naming to adhere to coding standard

    Change naming to adhere to coding standard

    I agree, might be mistaken for Name in Person

    I think it is a good idea, it is more descriptive (and has the same format with ModuleName)

    Sounds like a good idea

    Shouldn't this be moduleCode?

    Can change this to modules?

    Does "This instructor is not assigned to this module" sound better? Also no need to use a dot.

    The codeSet won't be changed (also followed the code from parseTags in the same file)

    I was following the pattern from the other methods (contains, add, remove, etc), let me change the naming for those as well.

    The rationale we discussed was for it to be quicker to type for fast typers!

    Perhaps using bookmark.isEmpty() could replace bookmark.equals(Optional.empty())

    Perhaps using the format provided in the User Guide e.g. add n/BOOK_TITLE tp/TOTAL_PAGES b/PAGE_NUMBER would be more consistent?

    Did you mean storage instead of Algo?

    UI, Logic, Model and Storage components,

    Referring to the next 2 lines, only the UI, Logic, Model, and Storage have a {Component Name}Manager class

    * does not depend on any of the other four components.

    Perhaps you could explain what is distance referring to? As someone new to the project might not understand this term.

    Referring to line 112 to the &gt;div markdown... could you update the Person to Book?

    For some reason GitHub prevents me from choosing the line to comment.

    Referring to the [Proposed] Undo/redo feature on line 310, perhaps you can update the classes used in the entire feature. Thanks!

    An additional benefit to Le Yang's suggested implementation is that currently it seems that users can create a Goal with wrongly formatted deadline or page which would lead to problems when calling parseDeadline() or getPage(), as a validity check is not done before creation.

    Perhaps a test for the constructor with null and invalid values would make for more comprehensive testing

    Perhaps the word filter could be removed as it might be misleading?

    Sort books according to the condition inputted.

    Is writing theBOOK_TITLE required? Referring, to the examples, it seems like it is not.

    Format: `sort [n/] [g/] [b/]`

    I'm not sure if you can write multiple conditions such as sort n/ g/, if this is not intended, perhaps we can discuss how we can represent it in a certain format as the one I suggested implies you can write multiple conditions.

    Not sure if + "NAME etc should be present here

    Is this to prevent extra arguments after the prefix e.g. sort n/Harry Potter? Might not be necessary if we are just interested in the prefix only as inputPrefix would already be set.

    Maybe this could be modified to be percentage of book read? As different books may have varying pages, e.g. a 500 page book vs a 100 page book and might be more useful to sort based on completion rate. Just an idea.

    Perhaps the test cases could follow the format whatIsBeingTested_descriptionOfTestInputs_expectedOutcome for consistency with the recommended convention

    For e.g. execute_sortByName_success() for this method.

    Not sure if you want to delete this

    The reason for design choice was not clear to me at first. Perhaps you could provide an example with reference to step 7 explaining how redoing State 4 would result in the book deleted in State 5 to come back again. Providing a bigger picture, if 10 new states were created, it would not make sense to lose all the 10 new states to bring back the old state and hence the reason for this design choice.

    Apt choice of data structure!

    Perhaps usage of requireNonNull for more defensive code.

    This should be


    You might want to consider using Prefix instead of String. From what I see, you are converting from Prefix to String to set in UserPrefs. In order to get back the Prefix to create a Comparator, you have to convert the String back to a Prefix which seems unnecessary if Prefix was used instead. By using Prefix, you can remove the need for sortingPrefixGenerator and reduce the possibilities of bugs by the back and forth conversions.

    Is there any additional benefit to using a String that I have missed out?

    Relating to my comment on using a Prefix instead of String in UserPrefs below, a Prefix would remove the need for sortingPrefixGenerator(). This line seems to have too much chaining.

    I think you used the wrong image for the first column?

    In addition, perhaps it would be clearer to use Before delete 2 and After delete 2 to make it clearer to the users what is happening.

    Perhaps instead of "Before 2nd book is edited" you could specify the command used, so that the users know what is happening in the example. For example, "Before edit 2 b/200" etc

    Same thing here, perhaps you can use the example command.

    Okay have made the relevant changes to edit

    That is a good point! I did not notice the Bookmark constructor

    Thank you for pointing that out!

    Thank you for pointing it out!

    Yes I have updated the new PR to reflect this change, thank you!

    I have added a line at the start of the method to let the user know that DESC_1984 AND JANE_EYRE are two different books with different properties!

    I will add that in thank you!

    Indeed there should not be a need to check. I have removed it in the updated commit!

    I was thinking of that too! I have implemented a regex to handle these constraints. Symbols are now supported, and title has to be within 1 to 120 characters, text has to be within 1 to 1000 characters.

    This was for the assertions requirement for the week haha! Should I remove it?

    This is the attempt at creating an icon beside bookmark if it doesn't work I can revert this header.html file

    Closed by PR #85

    A Note now can support alphanumeric characters and symbols in the title and text. Title is confined to 1 to 120 characters while the text is confined to 1 to 1000 characters.

    UI still does not reflect the notes yet.

    Java Docs have been fixed to show the correct explanations.

    Test cases have been updated to effect these constraint changes.

    Main changes:

    Add the delete note functionality.

    Removed bug in edit command which causes loss of notes after editing.

    Made the result from adding a new note to a book more concise for users to easily read.

    Reformatted UG to keep a consistent format among features.

    Built a prefix table for users to better understand each prefix and their meanings before delving into the feature list.

    Closed by PR #97

    Closed by PR #108

    This is the expected result.

    For delete 10 the command format is valid as the INDEX is positive, however the INDEX is more than the number of books shown in the list and hence the error message: The book index provided is invalid.

    For delete -3 it is an invalid command format, as stated in the format the INDEX must be positive to be considered valid. Therefore, the resulting error message describes the correct format that should be followed.

    Will need to change the name and content of class eventually

    Can change thr Strings here, like "PHONE " to "DESCRIPTION " and same for amount

    Try not to get the lists itself out as there are delete methods available in the ActiveAccount class, for example deleteExpense and deleteRevenue

    Can extract out the error catching and the execute logic. For example, if (targetIndex.getZeroBased() >= revenueList.size()) { throw ...}

    I think the error catching condition should not be on this line

    I think the error catching condition should not be on this line

    Does this change the json file name under data?

    the "C" in "C/CATEGORY" should be lowercase

    This is still Work In Progress right? Since by wednesday there will be new commands

    oh ok roger

    btw this should change to requireAllNonNull(model, activeAccount)!

    This should include the activeAccount but I can change it once everyone finishes the command

    This is in String already though

    Maybe here can call the toString method like "return toString()" , or u can call getName() in toString() too to avoid duplication of code

    This can be called EditCommand, if not need to add Entry to AddCommand and DeleteCommand as well

    try to avoid chaining methods like this due to Demeter's law. Can create a isEntryExpense() method in the EditEntryDescriptor so that it would look like "editEntryDescriptor.isEntryExpense()". Similarly, can do the same for revenue

    For this, I can edit the ArgMultiMap after checking all the other commands!

    Can add Javadocs comment

    If possible can change instances of Person to Entry!

    What if you set the predicate of an empty revenue list, then you set a predicate to the expense list. Would this result in a not found message due to the condition being OR?

    I think this is more of a note instead of a warning

    This is solved already. Clear command clears only entries filtered.

    ohh okok can, warnings are for like irreversible effects, like delete account

    This should be a note uh

    delete shouldn't have an irreversible effect since there is an undo command

    Is this commented out? If so can just remove!



    so that nich and jordan can refer to it when implementing the commands

    for tags we reusing it

    okay i think that changed accidentally while i was deleting stuff

    Btw for commits and PR header, the verb no need to be in past tense (so like changed can just leave it as change, updated can just leave as update)!

    Example of input would be:

    "add c/expense d/buying seeds a/20.50"

    "add c/revenue d/selling flowers a/50.35"

    Example of user input would be:

    "delete 1 c/expense"

    "delete 2 c/revenue"

    find flowers c/revenue

    edit 1 c/revenue d/description a/amount t/tag

    edit 2 c/expense d/description

    edit 3 c/revenue a/amount

    clear c/expense

    clear c/revenue


    switchacc 1

    Handle the exception with isValidAmount in Amount class

    Add new attribute to Entry. So when new entry is added, the date can be retrieved from LocalDate and included in the constructing of the entry. For example, new Revenue(Description d, Amount a, Date date, Set>Tag> tags). So things to do (in order):

    1. Create Date class under Entry package.

    2. Add Date attribute to Entry (Need to refactor everything that involves Entry)

    3. Implement creating of Date in AddCommand

    Instead of c/revenue c/expense, change to c/r or c/revenue and c/e or c/expense.

    Happy birthday!

    Add a note saying that the editcommand still executes even if the same description, same amount or same tags are the parameters

    Add error message if name is same as before

    There is not much we can do about this as there is a revenue amount, but thank you for the suggestion 😃

    Update format for clear command in UG

    Update toString method in Entry

    Update Indentation in FAQ

    Change all instances of ENTRY_INDEX to INDEX

    Copy tip from delete section

    Add note in UndoCommand (similar to switch command)

    Thanks for refactoring names!

    Awesome way to calculate how many weeks it has been since the start of the semester 👍

    nice abstraction

    Thumbs up for creating tests!

    Thanks for adding this feature!

    Great detail for you PPP!

    Great abstraction taken to separate out the Add commands 👍

    Great work to abstract away the Delete commands 🥇 It is definitely not an easy task.

    Thanks for adapting the tests to fit the new Command structure.

    Great idea to make usage messages more specific!

    Thanks for implementing the Delete methods! 👍

    Great creation of the EditMasteryCheckCommand

    maybe we label this boolean variable as hasPassed instead?

    Good abstraction barrier in place here

    Great abstraction for checking name against predicate!

    Great coverage!

    I like the naming of the test functions as well

    Fantastic amount of tests and helper classes added 👍

    Great detail in explaining the UI MAN

    Thanks for reordering the commands

    Thanks for making the LogicManagerTest work!

    great use of abstraction for this testcase 👍

    Real comprehensive test cases for AddressBookParser

    Great start to ModelManager

    Nice Tests!

    Great coding practice of using final variables

    how u leave a review on ur phone

    or u back in ur room alr

    yes, good too cos if ppl change user, the greeting should change as well.

    nope it is not, let me insert it. Good catch 👍

    Right now, it will show either edit password or edit username but ideally both should be shown to the user.


    Fixes #3

    Yea, the only difference between the current typical....json file and mine is that for mine, all the "phone" change to "telegram" 😃

    Np! Much thanks to @wilinetan too for helping me

    Amazing job storing name into storage and improving the user-centricity of Jarvis.

    Thanks for fixing the bus and changing all the addressbook references to jarvis! 👍


    Might have missed out on bolding lines 383, 385, 393

    Maybe can change to t/ to keep the same format as the add command

    Can delete this import?

    Good point actually I did the same thing for my implementation of the ListCommand. Maybe we can extract it and put it in the UiManager component?

    Change to QAndA for consistency with line 22?

    Change to QAndA for consistency



    "... duplicate QAndAs"

    Extra print statement?

    Can consider adding test cases for parse failures other than an empty argument, either in this PR or subsequently

    Extra print statement?

    Consider changing to specific imports instead of * ?

    Change to specific imports?

    Change imports to be more specific

    Change imports

    Change imports

    Change imports

    Perhaps can change imports to be more specific

    Maybe can make imports more specific

    Not sure if these should be under QAndA? Also considering that the QuizCommand already has the isQuiz boolean, are we repeating the info here @joshruien?

    @ChengJiyuqing sorry but I'm not sure what's this change to all the commands, could you help me to understand what's this for?

    I was thinking about this and maybe instead modifying the QAndA itself can pass a copy of this QAndA to the component that's responsible for displaying the QAndA currently being quizzed?

    Extra line?

    Not sure if you missed changing this one?

    "filter out" sounds like they're being omitted from the search? Maybe can change to "will return questions"

    Changed to #38

    Throw error message when same prefix appears >1 time

    Move tag to top left, add answer in a box

    "Question " but no biggie

    "QUESTION " instead of "Name"



    Medmoriser* methods









    medmoriser list? question set list?

    different question *


    invalid question*

    different question

    Thanks for this, totally missed out the requirement for tp

    may want to change the parameter to userAnswer for consistency

    I'm not sure if the isQuiz state should be placed in the command. Do you think it would be possible to put it under a new class that controls the system's state? @jonfoocy what do you think about this?

    Can have 1 or two showing the phrase version instead of 1 word, but no biggie

    Maybe better to refer to this as QAndA?

    This too, just to make it less confusing for readers


    aight changed

    wrong place

    Error was due to a misinterpretation of the user guide provided.

    Can remove the timestamp sentence

    Can remove the timestamp sentences in this section too

    It doesn't actually check for true right? Both this and delete sessions command will execute the command with just the force prefix

    confusing to User

    Is this the same as MSS step 3?

    To clarify, do you mean changing the variable name to value?

    I made WeightUnit check this on its own to avoid cyclic dependency

    i'll let @tanweijie123 decide this one

    I think we should keep the word "figure" 😃 one of the reviewers picked on this previously (#209) which is why I added figure

    I'm not sure whether to call them items or entities, cos I think it might be a little weird to call clients items. Your call!

    Schedule: A client's booking of a session

    Client: A client that is either interested or has engaged your services

    ..add him to..

    Simple? That's the point of FitEgo.

    People who are interested or have engaged your fitness training services.

    Not sure, but I think it's "located on the left"

    Perhaps rephrase the line "Each session can have more than 1 client" in case it implies container? "Each session can be attended by multiple clients"?

    day/month/year hour minutes in 24hr format

    Hmm I know you didn't change this one, but I'm thinking we can change it to "FitEgo will not allow you.." so its more reader-centric and avoids short form like "doesn't"

    I think we should avoid using the keyword "schedule" here too haha since there's no logical link to clients here. Perhaps "This is to prevent concurrent sessions at different gyms from being accidentally created"?

    "Your records of your clients' details, training progress, payment status and your own timetable are spread across 3 or 4 different applications."

    *"A client is"

    *"overlap with"

    *"located in"

    Sorry for checking the edits this late!

    I think what Dhafin meant was:

    "..in a new folder named images within the data folder.."

    Is this Figure 11 or 7? Numbering seems messed up


    oops i just wrote v1.2. shud be fine?

    Yeapp sort by ascending startDate order. Will update the descriptions

    oh yes you're right, removing it


    Oh think it was an accident

    Not sure if it'll make test cases harder to create in future?

    ModelStub needs these methods because it implements Model

    Oh yes, thanks

    Think this duplication happened from merging from both @dhafinrazaq and your branch? Will keep hasAnyScheduleAssociatedWithSession()

    Is there a point in keeping it? Since it's not being used I think


    Yup it'll show the date correctly! Bcos truncated returns a new LocalDateTime, not a int, so isBefore will work correctly.

    Just realised a issue though. What if I set start as 10 Feb 2017 and duration as a year. It'll display the start time and end time as the same.

    Do I need another isPastNewYear? ... Or should I just change it to DDMMYYYY

    Nevermind, I think I'll add YYYY to any interval in the session time. Sat 13 Feb -> Sat 13 Feb 2020

    For the time field: Within a day, stay as 3.00pm - 4.00pm. Over 2 days, add year (e.g. 3.00pm to 01 Sep 2020 4.00pm)

    For the header of each session card, I'm adding year regardless of duration le, because right now 18 Feb 2020 and 18 Feb 2021 both show as 18 Feb. Though its sorted, let's play safe hahah

    Right sidebar previously had a scrollbar that doesn't show now, but I think it's fine not to have it. Lgtm!

    Vbox have auto hide scrollbar if not necessary. So maybe your screen size bigger?

    Oh I think its just my screen then. Can merge

    The division of 3 sections is in the other PR. Should we bold the nextSession line?

    If i read it correctly, changes to existing classes is to enable comparing sorting clients (compared by name) and sessions (compared by interval start time) right?

    Yep. For schedules, I'm comparing its session's interval start time as well.

    Looks good for the most part, but is it possible to combine ViewAllCommand and ViewWeekCommand into say session.ViewCommand with command sview.

    It will default to viewing all sessions in the upcoming week, but if you pass a flag such as sview p/ all then it will show all sessions ever created. The default is sview p/+1 week

    Okay with moving it to session and changing the keyword to sview. Not sure if there's a need to use p/ tags since there's only 2 variations in mind now. But if so, sview p/week and sview p/all? Think we can discuss it later

    Weight -> optional argument in Edit Schedule

    Just wondering why the comparator is null? 🤔

    Ahh null will use the natural comparator for Session.. but yeah its not clear haha. Updated!

    Still updates the title regardless of the command

    e.g. cadd n/Johnny p/12112 e/awpind@gmail.com a/tekong.

    I think we can check whether commandResult == CommandResult(MESSAGE_SHOW_SESSIONS_SUCCESS) before updating the title

    This happens with overlapping_session and when dependencies are not found



    Should we also change the command summary to be like this

    I'm in favor of this change. Less space wasted by the Common Commands column

    i dont think this is where you save the property book

    cause it only gets saved on exit but rmb for things like ip how they want to make sure if your application gets suddenly closed it will save till the last previous excuted command. I think me and Ms save it in one of the parser or managers

    oh yeah its here lol

    Seems ok but curious what scenario would you need to add in a Person instead of a bidder in the unfiltered bidder list predicate?

    What does client person do? I tot only got bidder and seller and person or is this diannes thing for property

    We shud prob rename some of the variables to remove person and have a more general name like TabPanePlaceHolder

    Prob need to rename variables to remove person

    Question: Does this affect all the list or a specified list?

    maybe have a more descriptive Success message like "Edited bidder: From [%1$s] to [%2$s]"

    Since it now a propertyId should this be string or propertyId. shud we make a file for all default stuff

    whats the point of getting the .toString if you are just gonna put it pack into the modelPropertyId. Why not just check if the propertyId of type PropertyId instead of String contains null then it throw exception

    like still can but idk if considered redundant or not

    wait why is their a commented out bit so if the entity type is Meeting it does nth?

    For now no need but we should all consolidate the prefix cause got overlaps


    wait why is this needed to be removed. isnt this just to make sure an app parameter object is the same as another app parameter with the same stuff?

    I think it shud be BidderAddressBook file not found. or MeetingBook cause it the bidderbook thats not found not the data on the bidders

    huh weird test not sure what i doing for that lol

    Why Need call it a different name?

    I dont understand what the test is for. Does navigation ever edit things in the models in the first place?

    actually right gramatically speaking all the variations will be wrong cause if got one bidder in the list it will be Listed all bidder which makes no sense. Maybe we should all change to Displaying full bidder list

    this refer to dianne property got a line that says smth like at least one optional parameter must be given


    INDEX_NUMBER not INDEX and add ther e/ENDTIME like the other tables

    ok will edit accordingly

    i put b/ for now since there is the prefix PREFIX_PHONE using it but it shouldnt be a problem

    oh reason why i left out the white space is that the parser is looking for one word but adding the space counts it as 2 word and cannot detect it as a add bid command

    it was showing a runtime warning that it running 11.0.1 when we only using 11

    oki will do

    oh this was standardizing for all edit and delete command wanted to separate the bullets form command and format

    Please check thoroughly i have only added the basic functionality and it involves editing the UI so might have clashes. Also my branch was super outdated like before mingsoon revoed email and address so might have clashes there

    Minor edit listmodules

    Delete this ">>>>>>> HEAD"?

    Delete this too

    Should we add in a case for invalid week specified by the user as an extension to [1]? Like week 123 or week -1. Same thing for UC03 - editing a task.

    Perhaps we should add an extension for the case when a user inputs a module code that's not in the list? Like what you did for UC07.

    See #62 from Hans, he included a numbering scheme for the features like 4.1.1, 4.1.2, etc. I think you can edit this section after his PR is merged into master.

    I think you're missing a quotation mark at the end here.

    I think we need a additional section below every "Format" to tell the user to reference the command parameters. For example:

    ℹ️ | Refer to Section 4.1.1, “Service Management Command Parameters” for more detail about each parameter.

    -- | --

    And replicate this 'success' for the other parts till 4.1.7 😄

    Can refer to @galvinleow 's PR for this ^.

    4.1.1 should be on the same level as 4.1.2. Should we reduce the heading level for the commands below from #### to ### to match this?

    I'm not sure if we can follow the original client find command, because for that command, we don't have to parse the different prefixes. Whereas for findsvc, we need to parse for both title and service code and ensure that only one of them is chosen. Can see @yanlynnnnn 's findexp command to see how she did hers.

    Should this be renamed to clientManagerOptional?

    "address book data" should be changed to "client manager data"

    require appointmentManager to be non-null too

    This method is for expenses - should "versionedClientManager" be here?

    "address book" should be renamed to client manager

    rename address book to client manager

    Rename address book

    Rename address book

    Do we need 2 lines of the same assertion?

    Lines 57, 63 and 111 as well


    When we call update, the UI will change if the user is on the appointments tab. Not sure if this is an acceptable outcome.


    Resolved 😃

    Yup he did, but I needed to extend it with more methods. I need a contains method with parameter ServiceCode to check if the service code belongs to an existing service. I can't just insert that as a generic method to Unique List, so I created UniqueServiceList to extend UniqueList>Service>.

    Fixed, thanks!

    Thanks for the catch!

    I think I will just remove it. If I log here, there will be a tremendous number of log statements.

    Okay, will rename. Apparently there are many instances of "Homerce book" throughout the project. I think a "find-and-replace" went wrong in the past.

    Looks good to merge 😃

    Resolved Merge Conflict in User Guide. Needs further edits to UG, but let's merge first @yanlynnnnn got issues.

    Closing this PR as the Remark command feature will not be added for now. If so, this PR may be reopened in the future.

    Closing this PR as the Remark command feature will not be added for now. If so, this PR may be reopened in the future.

    Closing this PR as the Remark command feature will not be added for now. If so, this PR may be reopened in the future.

    Closing this PR as the Remark command feature will not be added for now. If so, this PR may be reopened in the future.

    Closing this PR as the Remark command feature will not be added for now. If so, this PR may be reopened in the future.

    Numbering scheme will be relegated to v1.4

    Also need to standardize the heading level, like ###, ##, etc.

    Resolved, removed the additional Date class.

    @galvinleow I think the AddRevenueCommand might not need, can be combined with the DoneAppointmentCommand.

    To do this, add model.updateFiltered(your category)List(Model.PREDICATE_SHOW_ALL_(your category)) to refresh the edited list.

    @yanlynnnnn @galvinleow Can refer to my implementation so that yall can apply to revenue and expenses too.

    Closing this PR, reopening as new PR

    Since we are pivoting towards combining expense, revenue and profits, we should either close this PR or continue working on combining all together in this branch @galvinleow

    Closing as this enhancement is made redundant by the schedule view.

    UG updated as well.

    This is expected, the check for client is done before the check for service. Adding to UGDG.

    Already in UG under section 3.2.3 Command syntax and usage.

    I suggest changing this to .png according to the specifications. Similarly, change to file itself to .png too.

    Perhaps "Expiry dates should be of the format d-MM-yyyy, dd-MM-yyyy, d/MM/yyyy or dd/MM/yyyy." might be more accurate?

    Very minor, should be "an" instead of "a".

    Nice touch to order alphabetically.

    This should be "Returns true if a given string is a valid priority level"

    A little odd to change to lower case before validation checks. Maybe only do so in line 30 (i.e. switch(priority.toLowerCase())?

    Just to standardize with the other fields: "Priorities should be either high, medium or low.";

    Perhaps you can consider using a switch statement? Just a suggestion.

    I understand, you are converting the input to lower case then performing validation checks on them. Then there is no need to change.

    Perhaps to standardize with line 91, considering using 'MEDIUM' priority?

    We should probably decide to standard formatting for grammar here. Would "4 valid predicates" be better than "4 valid predicate"? Or predicate objects?

    I think it should be "all of which implement"

    Let's standardize '1' to 'one'.

    Similarly for Alternative section

    Perhaps "domestic individuals who manage their kitchens at home"

    Perhaps "We have taken into consideration the common problems our target audience may face while managing their kitchen, and have created specialized features in our application in order to address them."?

    Perhaps "on your computer" might be more intuitive for readers?

    Small typo for 'expiry', same for other lines in the UG

    This looks good. I suggest we standardise the result display message for all errors caught in this code. Will open a new issue on this.

    To standardise, we need to remember to implement this for Changeqty command too.

    Good catch

    I think it should be "requires"

    Perhaps use expired to standardise with line 54

    Small error here: Remove 'of'

    Yes this step is redundant

    I believe the definition here is required, since use cases have System and Actor(s), here we say we are using SimplyKitchen to represent our System.

    Good catch!

    Sure thing, I'll make the changes.

    Sure thing, I'll make the changes.

    Sure thing, I'll make the changes.

    I see. I will leave these sections to be updated as the diagrams require changing in the future too.

    Good catch









    Noted, thanks!

    Will do, thanks!

    I have amended my code, thanks for the suggestions!

    I have amended my code, thanks for the suggestions!

    The tie breaker sorting description is actually mentioned in subsequent lines. I think I will move your suggested line below.

    Alphabetical order is actually different from lexicographical order, so here it is more accurate to use "lexicographically". Instead of changing the meaning, maybe including a glossary to explain this is better.



    Sure thing

    Items of different description content still consider the case of the first characters though. Perhaps we can discuss a better way to represent the meaning accurately and clearly during our next meeting





    Maybe we can have an enum for TAB_ID instead to make it more clear.

    Will it be confusing to have TAB_ID in Command.java and tabId in CommandResult.java? Maybe more descriptive name like tabIdToSwitchTo can help.

    Should the command word be 'add' or 'add patient'? Since we've changed the AddCommand to AddPatientCommand, and we need to consider adding appointments too.

    Should rename 'Person' to 'Patient' (but I think this is model people's job)

    Since AddCommand was changed to AddPatientCommand, maybe ClearCommand should be changed to be more descriptive also? i.e. change to ClearAllPatientsCommand.

    Formatting issues, can put on the same line.

    I can't add a comment at the required line, but maybe we can rename this command to EditPatientCommand instead to align with AddPatientCommand? Also because we are probably adding capabilities or editing appointments right, so will need to clarify what we're editing.

    Will also need to remember to edit the MESSAGE_USAGE to reflect patient parameters.

    Likewise, should we rename to FindPatientCommand?

    Likewise, should we change this to ListPatientsCommand? I'm not very sure because then now we'll have the 'Patient' in every command which is a lot more verbose, but it also makes the command clearer.

    Why is PREFIX_REMARK removed?

    Maybe we should have RemarkCommand for both patient and appointment? so we split into RemarkPatientCommand and RemarkAppointmentCommand

    Remove testing print lines

    Changed implementation of UniqueAppointmentList to UniqueList (generic interface)

    AppointmentBuilder fields need to change to match new implementation of Appointment

    should standardise lsappt and listapptof

    can use requireAllNotNull

    I think shortening it to addpat could actually be more confusing

    shotening to "pat" from "patient" could be confusing for the user as "pat" is not a conventional short form for patient (unlike appt)

    shotening to "pat" from "patient" could be confusing for the user as "pat" is not a conventional short form for patient (unlike appt)

    shotening to "pat" from "patient" could be confusing for the user as "pat" is not a conventional short form for patient (unlike appt)

    shotening to "pat" from "patient" could be confusing for the user as "pat" is not a conventional short form for patient (unlike appt). Also, standardise list or ls.

    shotening to "pat" from "patient" could be confusing for the user as "pat" is not a conventional short form for patient (unlike appt)

    I think we shouldn't put colour here, as colour is a UI atttribute. Instead we can create an AppointmentStatusColour that maps AppointmentStatus to the colour, so that we separate the UI from the model.

    Allow for alternative shorter commands lp and la

    New implementation:

    • status of an appointment will be calculated in the getStatus function of each appointment. If appointment is marked as missed, return missed, otherwise check if appointment date is before current date. If so, mark as done, otherwise mark as upcoming. The "missed" status is kind of like an overriding status.

    • this ensures instantaneous update of the status everytime it is needed in the app (e.g. when displaying)

    @teekoksiang I think we settled on combining both to minimize the number of fields required when creating a resident. So B05 will be internally parsed as "B" and "05"

    need to change https://github.com/se-edu/addressbook-level3/actions to this https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-T11-2/tp/actions

    Are these for debugging? Remember to remove debugging statements

    The validity check should be checking trimmedMatriculationNumber instead of matriculationNumber similar to the other parsing commands

    Another debug statement to be removed.

    This statement should reference the picture above. Currently the picture LogicClassDiagram.png is not referenced in the DG

    Each event will still need to have a list of students i.e. List>Person> to keep track which students are attending which event.

    Will need an accessor to the list and a way to add students to the list also.

    Command#execute() and AddressBookParser#parseCommand have different styles. One has a bracket while the other does not. Let's standardize and have the brackets.

    Sequence diagram is missing a return arrow after calling addEvent() method of Model. Remember that void methods have a return arrow in sequence diagrams. Unless you are omitting return arrows then it should be standardized since the diagram has return arrows for the previous method calls

    The table seems to be broken when viewed on markdown for me.

    Are we adding additional explanation after listing the pros and cons of each alternative?

    It seems the image cannot be viewed on markdown.

    Should have a spacing after a comma.

    Should have a spacing after commas

    Missing colon at the end of sentence

    Missing full stop at end of sentence

    The sequence diagram has some errors, notably the second activation bar of of AddCommand has no method call arrow from LogicManager.

    Also make sure that the return arrow is aligned with the end of the activation bar.

    We need to standardize whether or not to capitalize hall. I feel there's no need to capitalize it. We can KIV this for future discussions if needed.

    Is there a reason you did not follow the previous standard of

    'if (argMultimap.getValue(PREFIX_STUDENT_GROUP).isPresent()) {



    Missing a JavaDoc comment that explains when a ParseException is thrown

    Should catch for DateTimeParseException instead of just Exception

    This looks out of place

    You forgot to update the command summary

    I think instead of throwing a generic ParseException(MESSAGE_UNKNOWN_COMMAND), should throw ParseException(HelpCommand.MESSAGE_USAGE). The error can be more specific and help the user recover. Same applies for all the other commands

    I think no need since a new line is already shown between 1a and 1a1 when viewed in markdown.

    tp progress script requires filename to be github username

    Yep will do thanks

    Ok thanks

    Ok sure but is there a difference between passing the list to the method or getting the person list in the method?

    Will do thanks

    Will do thanks

    Good catch. Will do it thanks

    I have changed the logic such that the arguments will be stripped which will result to "emailphone" and a parse exception will be thrown in ExportCommand#execute()

    Yep. Will do thanks

    I can't seem to find the comment. What test case would you suggest to add?

    Ok will do. Thanks.

    Oh nope, ExportCommandParse now does not throw any exceptions. It leaves the validation to ExportCommand

    Ok done

    Good catch. Thanks

    OK done

    Ok done

    Good catch, fixed. Thanks.

    Changes made here.

    Changes made here.

    Changes made here.

    Changes made here.

    Changes made here.

    Changes made here. This is so that when a student is added to an event's attendee list, the change can be picked up when setting the event in UniqueEventList#setEvent()

    Changes made here.

    Yeah forgot to change it. Thanks

    Makes sense. Will do.

    So do an equality check? i.e target.equals(editedEvent)

    I was thinking of doing it in the AssignCommand#execute()


    Good catch! Thankfully additional spaces seem to have no impact upon testing thanks to ParserUtil#parseIndex() as they will trim the input.

    But if there any more bugs do report them.

    This is an outdated TODO. I have removed it in the latest commit.

    Oh yeah 😆 Thanks

    Good suggestion!

    Ok will follow UniquePeronList

    Yeah good catch

    Makes sense. Will do

    Wait we need to use equals because they need to check the contents of attendeeList also. Else when setEvent is called in AssignCommand#execute, a duplicate is always detected. Check the latest commit from my branch to see the errors from the failed Java CI PR Run

    I could replace '@' with 'at' instead. I feel that putting the date and location in separate lines leads to wasted space.

    How about a comma instead e.g. 01/01/2020, Dining Hall at Eusoff

    Ok for now we settle with this.

    Ok will move to seedu.address.model.event

    Completed, closing issue

    Export feature has been implemented.

    Should we delete and replace 3.1 with the exporting information?

    Redo/undo section has been removed from DG

    Change to list-event-attendees

    use this instead

    Parameters: EVENT_INDEX (must be positive integer)

    good use of hashmap

    Good idea to include threads for GUI!

    good use of enum

    Thanks for adding feature for navigating back to the corresponding tabs

    thanks for implementing switching of tabs to consultation for add consultation command

    thanks for adding in Mastery Check tab in GUI

    Thanks for so conscientiously updating the UG to make sure that it is up to date.

    good defensive coding!

    methods are well laid out neatly and logically

    boolean result variable can be named in a 2 sided way.

    you can probably updateTasksSummaryDetail() at higher level so that better abstraction is followed, no need to write so many of the same functions that may appear confusing.

    good abstraction of methods used here!

    good use of multiple assertions at essential points.

    same for the others in this class

    I feel that getting values from various lists does not need to be concerned with whether user is logged in or not.

    Thanks for changing the error message to fit both task and consultations

    The logic for delete commands looks good.

    good use of assertion

    maybe can state the general function this method does

    boolean variable can be named better. eg isPassed

    Thanks for removing the find command

    I believe the TaskCommandParser needs MESSAGE_MISSING_DATE instead of MESSAGE_MISSING_INFO because Task dont have NAME variable.

    I think this error message is incorrect, I might still need the previous version error message.

    THank you! 👍

    yes I understand where you are coming from but the first if condition is used to solve bug #256

    same comment as the above

    okay noted

    noted! Thanks


    LGTM thank you!



    LGTM thanks for updating the readme!




    LGTM! Thank you for editing the checkstyles too!








    LGTM, great effort for pulling quest data from source academy and updating the GUI, thank you!

    Currently, only a temporary view list for all tasks is in place

    To be implemented:

    View -t, -tt, -te, -td

    LGTM, thanks for adding consultation view command related tests!

    LGTM, good job for adopting a more defensive coding style.

    LGTM, diagrams look fantastic

    Will resolve weird github checkstyle issues afterwards

    LGTM, thank you

    LGTM, thanks for cleaning up those codes that are unused for Students! Great effort.

    Edit: Thanks @wilinetan too


    We have discussed and concluded that this feature can be omitted since this user story and feature is considered a subset of / taken care of by the delete function implemented.

    looks good!

    Thanks for editing the UG, looks good.

    Looks good, Thanks!

    Thank you for modifying the GUI to be better, I like the modification 👍

    Thanks for adding UG photos

    Thank you so much for spotting this bug.

    Thank you for pointing this error!

    Thank you so much for pointing out this error.

    Hmm yes, I agree that it the suggestions you provided is more natural, but our intended purpose is to just give tasks an unique id each. Perhaps I will state and caution the user in the user guide. Thanks for flagging this out! 😃

    looks great!

    Thanks for fixing the bugs!

    Thanks @wilinetan

    THANK you all!

    Looks good!

    I think should be fine since all the CS modules we are covering follows that format. Or should we limit to 7 characters?

    * Returns the user prefs' GradPad file path.

    can try using replace tool to search for remaining address book

    I guess the Tag can be the Core and Non-core for now

    // ensures that outOfBoundIndex is still in bounds of GradPad list

    // edit module in filtered list into a duplicate in GradPad

    * but smaller than size of GradPad

    // ensures that outOfBoundIndex is still in bounds of GradPad list

    public void execute_multipleKeywords_multipleModulesFound() {

    public void execute_zeroKeywords_noModuleFound() {

    * A utility class to help with building EditModuleDescriptor objects.

    * Parses the {@code tags} into a {@code Set<Tag>} and set it to the {@code EditModuleDescriptor}

    * Returns an add command string for adding the {@code module}.

    Perhaps can specify that modules are added into the Current Modules section/column instead of just GradPad

    Example of usage: `add c/ CS2103T cr/ 4`


    I'm guessing we have to add the other non-CS modules that are in the syllabus as well to the moduleInfoMap

    I think Sam meant that the logic behind the implementation can be abstracted out so there's not as much repeated code because now there are still repeated code in the 3 methods which is the double for loops.

    I'm guessing maybe the addition of the helper function would be good.

    Yeah we not calling it current GradPad modules anymore

    + PREFIX_TAG + "Foundation";

    Hehe maybe change to actual tag examples

    What's the difference between model.getFilteredModuleList() and model.getGradPad().getModuleList() ?

    Is this because there is no need for filtered module List anymore so edit command will just work on the entire module list?

    new ModularCredits("4"), getTagSet("Foundation")),

    Yes I agree with you. I guess because the previous implementation uses the index which is affected by whether it is a filtered list, so now that we are not using index anymore, there should not be a need for filteredModuleList. 👍

    Just curious why did you put preclusionMap as a parameter? Can it be stored as a field and accessed through the class instead since there is only 1 preclusionMap. I'm not too sure I'm just asking

    Not sure if that will affect the storage part but okay I'll change it first

    I have changed it to CS2103T instead and passed the test case.

    Oh okay yeah sounds good.

    Yeap okay that one passed the test. But yeah was slightly confused with this test case.

    Yup for now it still works with indexes but I think we are planning to change it to ModuleCode in the near future so I just change the documentation first.

    I think it has got to do with the JavaFX status bar but I don't see it in the GUI

    Okay I'll remove it since its not needed.

    Ah grammar mistakes

    Oh yeah forgot about this. Thanks for catching it! 👍

    Oh wow good catch! Added the relevant code!

    This is with regards to Yan's comment because the command search MA 1521 will not throw error when it is supposed to but after the IllegalArgumentException was added it was able to catch the error

    StringUtil.ignoreCase calls AppUtil.checkArgument which throws IllegalArgumentException

    How should I go about catching this IllegalArgumentException?

    Thanks for the note! 😄

    Good question HAHA I'll put it back

    Edited! Thanks for the catch

    Yup I've added them in. Should I include hyper links to NUSMods and website of faculty of computing?

    Oops! Nice catch hehe

    I think its better to include though, because it is more clear for the reader else they would not know it is optional and the curly braces and square brackets were only used for the command summary so there shouldn't be inconsistency issues with regards to this note.

    Or are you suggesting that we remove the curly braces and square brackets entirely and replace with something else to indicate the optional fields?

    Do yall think that this is clear enough for the reader? It already made sense to me when I only add the word new.

    Wow back at it with the streams again 💯

    Oh good find!

    Thanks hahahaha

    Yep got it

    yep changed



    Yep sounds good!

    Ohhh okay make sense! I'll remove it

    LOL okay thanks

    Yeah I was thinking of this. I'll go change it

    Yeap sounds good!

    Tag to be able to take in multiple words

    KIV: Multiple tags in one t/ and separated by commas

    Not a feature we will be implementing.

    This will instead provide more flexibility for the user to add external modules not in curriculum.

    Change to School of Computing

    link #156 #165

    Perhaps "DOB must not be a date in the future" will be better and more succinct?

    Perhaps it is better to name it VALID_DATE_OF_BIRTH_AMY and VALID_DATE_OF_BIRTH_BOB to keep it consistent with the current style, where the full class name is used instead of abbreviations?

    Perhaps it is better to name it DATE_OF_BIRTH_DESC_AMY and DATE_OF_BIRTH_DESC_BOB?

    Maybe it is better to use the full class name for clarity?

    A good case of invalid check since '/' is quite a common way of inputting dates.

    Might have added 12 spaces instead of 8 by mistake?

    Maybe you can re-arrange the order of the fields to make it more consistent with the rest of the code




    Perhaps it is better to have the first sentence of a javadoc on a single line.

    Perhaps it is better to have these fields as private and provide getters for encapsulation purposes.

    Perhaps it is better to define these variables as named constants (private static final) at the class level.

    ok we can kiv

    Perhaps it is good to have a javadoc for this method since it is public

    Perhaps we should have a javadoc for AccessCommand

    Perhaps we can also test the case when outOfBoundIndex is also out of bounds of MediBook list

    Can we use a try {new MedicalNote()} and catch block to handle this? MedicalNote constructor has a similar block of code for this and will throw exceptions that can be caught here.

    Maybe it is better to change getUsername() and getPassword() to just username, password for simplicity.

    Maybe it is better to handle the exception of empty string "" as username/password?

    Would it be better if we handled !isValidName and !isValidMcr separately (and use their respective MESSAGE_CONSTRAINTS) so that it is clearer for users what is the expected format? Also, would be better if we have some restrictions on the username/password.

    Can these test methods be replaced using other fields? Like change name field to either date/content, so that these tests are still carried out, just on other fields that are still available.

    Would you consider renaming this to check_validInput_successWithCorrectAccount()?

    Is this supposed to be changed too?

    I have tried appending the commend to the end of the line, but the line will exceed 120 chars. Hence, I moved it to the top.

    Thank you for pointing that out. I have added it into the check.

    Will do integration testing after other modules are merged within this branch


    Ok thanks I have fixed this

    Ok thanks I have fixed this

    public static final Index INDEX_FIRST_PATIENT = Index.fromOneBased(1);

    public static final Index INDEX_SECOND_PATIENT = Index.fromOneBased(2);

    public static final Index INDEX_THIRD_PATIENT = Index.fromOneBased(3);

    are from AB-3.

    Should I just rename all to INDEX_FIRST, INDEX_SECOND, INDEX_THIRD?

    INDEX_ONE may be misleading since there are one-based and zero-based indices.

    The variables should be named with the same first term "INDEX" as per naming convention.

    Thanks for pointing it out. I have fixed it.


    Ok I have updated this.

    Ok updated

    Completed fields necessary for v1.1

    Addressed in merging v1.2b into master

    Addressed in merging v1.2b into master

    Addressed in merging v1.2b into master

    Addressed in merging v1.2b into master

    Ah that one is LICENSE, should stay as person

    @throws ParseException if the given {@code academicYear} is invalid.

    @yejiadong @kerkpy

    just need newline at EOF

    just need newline at EOF

    HHmm instead? Capital M is for month i think

    An UI component that displays information of a ...

    {@code Training} ?

    {@code TrainingSession} ?

    {@code TrainingSchedule} ?

    Panel containing the list of training/training sessions/training schedules.

    Just putting a note here for myself

    I personally think removeAllTraining() or clearTraining() would be more coherent with the removeTraining method above, in terms of naming. It's more of an opinion only so you still make the final decision

    Id included?

    We putting training data in student json file too?

    use static string for this? INVALID_DATETIME_MESSAGE

    What if the idList contains repeated Id values?

    Will this class name be confusing since it sounds like adding student to the student list also (i.e. AddCommand)? Just wondering only

    This is redundant null check because the constructor already has requireNonNull(studentsToAdd), instead it should check for studentsToAdd.isEmpty()

    Should be id = id.trim()

    trim() returns a new String, does not modify the old String.

    minor suggestion: args.trim().isEmpty()

    this nicer?

    "Available" Student?

    Can delete this method? Cause it has been abstracted to ParserUtil::isUniqueList

    AddStudentCommandParserTest instead since our actual parser class name is AddStudentCommand

    parser: AddStudentCommandParser

    command: AddStudentToTrainingCommand


    Added that to prevent over-coupling with the parser (wanted to make PredicateList more stand-alone)

    I try to make Id test very standalone because it's mutable (keeps track of used Id values and auto increment for new students). So the TypicalStudents used in other tests will not be affected by Id's mutability and can safely just use a placeholder value (i.e. 1). But alright I can vary the values

    it's public like the other student field classes

    It's assumed here that there will always be the Id existing in the list, is there a scenario that this wont happen?

    yep thanks, shall do that. We see how this find by id goes, best is we abstract it to a util method

    nope, it's left here since AddStudentToTrainingCommandTest has not been updated to factor in this check


    My bad, didn't open to reviews

    Gonna merge




    this is legacy AB3 issue


    Might want to fetch the updated UserGuide.md to paste here, as it was edited and merged yesterday to resolve some docu bugs (e.g. address here is removed)

    Think can change the email here to one of our email addresses

    minor spelling of "the"

    @sudogene actually yes, each student will also store the dates of trainings assigned to them, so should be in their json too, we can look at this again after the add student to training command is added

    might be better to use getters to get the dismissalTime instead of accessing the variable directly

    shouldnt this be true, since if the training is scheduled on saturdays and sundays, student will always be able to make it?

    think might be clearer for AddStudentToTrainingCommand since AddStudentCommand can be confused with adding a student

    DeleteStudentFromTraining might be feasible here

    Might need to remove/add the LocalDateTime from/to the student's training schedule treeSet container as well, feel free to use the methods alr implemented in student class for this, so that student training schedule panel will update too

    might want to remove the prints here

    if studentsList empty, is it safe that .get() will not throw a null pointer error?

    makes sense, but might be good to include an assertion here in case of code changes in future

    is this part removed?

    small typo here - part of its schedule

    At least one student to be added -> at least one student to be "unmarked"



    Do we want to standadise unmarkedAttendance as the word to use instead of unattend?


    spelling - "if"




    Changed to removeAllTraining()

    With exception of documentation/logs, all person class instances have been changed to student.

    Pending checkstyle/intelli-j checks/edits as PR merge conflicts were resolved on Git

    Duplicate of #17

    Duplicate of #17

    Duplicate of #24

    Duplicate of #24

    Once the final methods necessary are confirmed, tests will be incorporated at the end.

    ok to review?

    1500 is the default dismissal time inputted for all students, hence IMO, make UG clearer for testers to catch this.

    Minor Formatting Fix - UG

    Good to revamp our error checks for all invalid inputs - also test them rigorously and error displayed should correspond - use the Message class to streamline, ab3 is inaccurate in error checks for invalid input

    Think we can address this in 2 ways -

    • Update UG to reflect that students can be the same EXCEPT Unique ID (and test rigorously to make sure this doesnt brick other functions)

    • Do not allow a student with exactly the same details by running checks whenever student is added or edited

    im not sure what is wrong with this..??

    Clarify this in UG - remove the word Ongoing to prevent confusion

    • Mention clearly in User Guide that students in trainings on training panel are sorted by alphabetical order, hence not by the order of their IDs

    images + videos maybe?

    ok, make this clearer perhaps in training sectino or under FAQ

    ok i think this can be solved if we prevent the marking of attendance of future trainings, coaches should only be able to mark past + ongoing trainings (perhaps lets change the heading there to past + ongoing)

    duplicate of error issues

    UI, expand box

    erm, throw error or display this? or fix UG wording?

    Okay, this seems to be a problem for everyone, we should deal with the 001 / 1 / 01 and standardise across all displays and input

    hmm, doesnt this mean multiple tags allowed?

    no, it is not possible to remove dismissal time

    duplicate of ID issues

    duplicate of attendance marking future training issue

    error message streamlining

    ok, yes we need to add bad-students to sample data

    duplicate of ID issues

    consider command overlap

    good catch, edge case that should be tested too

    • remove the unfilter

    yes, make it clear in UG dismissal time means dismissal time from SCHOOL


    ab3 functionality, no need to change

    ok, lets fix this error message

    hmm, lets remove the 3 hour concept

    explain in UG why dismissal time should be searched before

    perhaps under faq

    Not an issue - ab3

    user preference- sorting

    modify parser

    resolved with refactor to .withResolverStyle(..STRICT)


    address should be module code i think!

    String Address can be changed to Module code

    Perhaps change Address class to module code class after merging for module code field is done

    Maybe example of name can be suited to assignment names more but its a minor problem so LGTM! 😃

    Perhaps comment can be changed to just 'module code'? Since it is applicable to both lessons and assignments

    is there an extra line at the top?

    Agreed. How about academic schedule?

    isRemindTypo would be better from my perspective! (Code consistency)

    Perhaps comment here can be removed!

    Likewise for here, but if we need it in the future we can leave it first

    Perhaps comment here can be removed!

    Is there a url/ prefix as a command?

    Another suggestion is that instead of "LOW", it can be replaced with priority.LOW_PRIORITY

    Perhaps priority can be named as updatedPriority for consistency? But current one is still fine!

    prioritize spelt wrongly! priority too

    or perhaps marks the 3rd assignment as not done?

    Perhaps replace "scheduler" with "suggested scheduled time slot"?

    Likewise for this!

    Perhaps this too!

    for mac its jus called terminal LOL

    Security and Privacy Settings can be italicised instead of using a mark up 😃 Would be good to include "modify your...... to accept anonymous files...."

    How about 'Mac uses the Terminal application to access its command prompt while ubutu.....'. It can be made more user centric by adding 'If your computer runs with Ubuntu or MacOS, the following instructions is applicable but do note that....'

    It is a personal portfolio to indicate our contributions. I used the sample content for the time being. (Part of AboutUs)

    Above examples are under 'add' command.


    Next two weeks might sound like this week is excluded

    next two weeks is already excluding this week




    Amended! Tried to use as much passive language as possible


    I don't remember putting a null here but im going to fix it now!














    Amended! Likewise for the other classes





    Amended to make it sound a tad better LOL

    WOW AMENDED thanks for eyeballing

    Amended here as well




    multiple keywords are only allowed for the same type of field though! I will amend later to see how i can btr phrase it 😃




    Thought "you need to complete soon" sounds a bit more impactful 😂


    its correct! Message displayed is "Deleted Assignment(s): Name of assignment ......."

    I havent done the test cases proper 😂 had to change the initial test cases because the range is different now



    Added more changes to the UG


    Just a minor grammatical error: code is written

    Good contribution

    Can consider linking this to your commit?

    Link this to your commit too? 😃

    Good implementation of the Association class, we'll see how this plays out when we build the subsequent features.

    good one, makes it more specific 👍

    small grammatical error here: that have assignee named...

    same grammatical error here: that have assignee named...

    good spot! 💯

    You haven't implemented it yet?

    Maybe return a PersonName here instead of a string?

    Might be better to compare PersonName objects instead of strings

    Good spot! 💯

    Good that you made it clearer

    WOW this has been bugging me for the longest time, thanks for finding and changing it

    Why set it to null here? Why not declare the variable below.

    Good adhering to Law of Demeter

    Thank you for doing god's work in removing Meeting associated classes 👍🏾

    Good test cases, and good coverage. 💯

    What is the purpose of this test if I may ask?

    But what's the point, I mean

    If it is equal or not, does it do anything useful?

    Yes indeed, I will also change the project names to more appropriate "project-like" names too. But for now I just want to get the Name refactored and to fix all the errors. On the third PR when I refactor the Address and tags, I will change all the testcases and such.

    If I change it now, it will be a lot more time-consuming.

    My bad kind sir, I shall rectify this right away

    For the Leader Object, you want to make it an instance of a Person? Such that it can contain email, address etc. I have included that in my implementation of Teammate. Lemme change that to Person then maybe your Leader can be an instance of Person too. This way you dun have to create email classes etc for the Leader

    I approved the PR which @TCQian pushed to fix it, this issue is now defunct

    Got it, thanks

    Yes this is possible, because it is possible and indeed likely that two people in a team may have the same name. They are differentiated by their Git UserName

    Duplicate issue, same as #236 , will close this.

    Fixed in #304

    this should be email address

    should the repository link in line 11 be changed as well?

    might be more intuitive if the variable name is the same as the task name?

    this function works in Tr4cker too. maybe we should keep the corresponding version of this line?

    this might be an extra line

    might want to surround the "prepare for tp tasks" with quotation marks

    may want to keep the t in task as lowercase

    should this keep the private access, and methods that use this call fromZeroBased(int) or fromOneBased(int) ?

    would it be better to wrap the date time inside deadline with another class. so that we can just .dateTime instead of calling toString()

    could name it MESSAGE_FUTURE_CONSTRAINS to be clearer

    could these 2 if blocks be abstracted out? perhaps a method to check if the dayOfDeadline is contained inside the hashmap

    if ur checking separately for TODAY, perhaps TODAY does not need to be inside the hashmap?

    should be named getTr4cker_success() or something that implies test

    should these be changed to VersionedTr4cker too?

    should this section keep the original to reflect tr4cker instead of addressbook?

    consider more direct language (you can view an overview...)?

    It might be helpful to show a before and after of executing the command, since the adding of the todo can be seen in a different tab.

    "![result for 'find CS1231S Mission']" would need to be changes to the CS2103 version too.

    might be fine to keep it as : : around the information_source

    this makes an emoji ℹ️

    💡 this too!

    perhaps list be above mark as done

    would the use of a unique "today" parameter be better?

    Merged #19

    Merged #12


    please comment


    Perhaps we can specify at this point: all ingredients have a default unit ? eg: Liquids: Litre; Solids (including toppings): KG

    Perhaps the naming of this field could be changed to isArchived to show that ArchiveStatus can only be true or false ?

    okay, sure

    I don't think the -1 should be removed

    Please change to Employee Directory section of Main View as we have discussed. Thanks

    Same issue here.

    Same issue here.

    Same issue here.

    same issue this part.

    Same issue here.

    Same issue here.

    Same issue here.

    Same issue here.

    Same issue here

    Same issue here

    For previous eg, you used a different sentence starter "Assume that". I think maybe it is better to follow through?

    i.e. "Assume that you want to..."

    However this is very optional

    Typo , should be matched not marched ?

    Same issue here ? May just change the "Assume that", less work

    Please change to Main View. Thanks

    Same issue here.

    Same issue here.

    Noted, will edit accordingly.

    Indeed, it should not be a prefix !

    Right, thanks for the suggestion !

    Yes, the original version did not work out, should be able to complete this by tomorrow !

    I followed from the EditCommand, so I guess this is fine ?

    True, will change !

    Noted, will add in.

    ya, I will check it as well !

    yep, will add the access modifier.

    yep, will detele.

    noted, editing now

    I tried and indeed it is not able to parse, will change now, thanks !

    Okay, I will take note of this.

    true, will remove.

    Noted, I must have modified it by accident, will change back!

    Noted for all, will change back to the original version!

    I think this one the updated version is correct because the original version does not really work.

    I agree, will change.

    I don't think so. This is because I used the header "situation" in the table for explanation so I believe "the situation is" here will make more sense to users because it is extra clear that I am referring back to the table. Hence, I will not change the sentence to avoid "the situation is" . Thanks.

    Noted, I think changing the structure like this is okay, will change!

    Noted, will delete , thanks.

    Indeed, will change.

    I didn't notice an issue with this, but sure, will change to make it flow.

    yea, will change

    I double checked and not sure why this is happening as well. To be safe, I will just delete the current one and reupload, thanks

    Noted with thanks

    Noted, thanks

    Noted, thanks

    Noted, thanks

    Noted, thanks

    #6 AboutUs with Diwu-Yi's info

    #7 Update UG with Diwu-Yi's section: add, delete and set instructions

    #10 Update DG with Diwu-Yi 's section: use cases, did not touch the rest.

    Complete the feature








    Follow AB3 storage implementations, the behaviour is expected.

    Thank you for your feedback.

    However, this application tCheck, is designed for an imaginary bubble tea chain, T-Sugar, which only uses these six ingredients for all their drinks. The design is in this way to reduce the amount of work of setting up that need to be performed by a stall manager as all available ingredients are pre-defined for them so they can start using it easily.

    We will explain this design and the purpose in the user guide.

    Thanks for the feedback.

    This behaviour is expected because the invalid prefix is in fact processed as the value entered for the previous valid prefix. For example, in the first screen shot, T/20 is processed as the amount entered for "/S" and thus the error message for invalid amount is thrown. We have also verified with the prof that this behaviour is inherited from AB3.

    Thanks for the feedback.

    This behaviour is expected because the invalid prefix is in fact processed as the value entered for the previous valid prefix. For example, in the screen shot, n/1000 is processed as the amount entered for "i/" and thus the error message for invalid amount is thrown. We have also verified with the prof that this behaviour is inherited from AB3.

    Thanks for the feedback.

    This behaviour is expected because when duplicate valid prefixes are found, only the last prefix and its value are accepted and processed. For example, in the screen shot, BSPM/-1 is ignored. We have also verified with the prof that this behaviour is inherited from AB3.

    Thanks for the feedback.

    This behaviour is expected because the invalid prefix is in fact processed as the value entered for the previous valid prefix. For example, in the screen shot, ABCD/ is processed as the amount entered for "BSPM/" and thus the error message for invalid number is thrown. We have also verified with the prof that this behaviour is inherited from AB3.

    Thanks for the feedback.

    However, we have double checked and found out that we did tell users that the ingredient names are case sensitive to ensure consistency with the display content in GUI. We will make this note more obvious in the UG.

    Thanks for the feedback.

    This behaviour is expected because this is feature of the parser. An error for a prefix can be fixed with another, because when duplicate prefixes are detected, only the last one and its content is accepted and processed. We have also verified with the prof that this behaviour is inherited from AB3.

    Thanks for the feedback.

    However, the trade-off here is between asking the user to remember the sequence of all ingredients which can be quite challenging and using a longer command line. After careful evaluation we decide that it is better to stick to a longer command line to ensure easy usage. The prefixes are chosen as such : whenever it is possible to use the first alphabet, use it. When duplication occurs, use the First letter of the 2nd word. If that is not unique, use the second letter in the first word. So the logic is clear for users to get use to. Thanks.

    Thanks for the feedback.

    However, the trade-off here is between being very accurate and having a command that is too long. For instance, m/10.000002. Hence, when designing this feature, we consulted some industry experts and found out that for one stall as a whole, keeping an inventory to the nearest KG/L is more than sufficient and a very high accuracy is not the stall manager's concern. Thus, we decide to only accept integer. We will make this point extra clear in the user guide.




    Resolve conflicts

    I think the check is failing as there is no new line at the end?

    I think that clears the GUI might not be clear enough as the the contact list is also a GUI. You could consider chatbot GUI or something that it is clearer?

    or clear the chat messages in the chatbot GUI

    I think https://github.com/se-edu/StonksBook-level3/tree/master/src/main/java/seedu/address/MainApp.java

    should be changed to


    the lack of new line before the image is intentional. Will it mess with the width attribute?

    the lack of new line before the image is intentional. Will it mess with the width attribute?

    no problem! just checking 👍

    I think setting sample sales and remark for more than half the contacts would be good, especially for sales list

    I think this will get very costly. Is there an alternative way to do this? like a static counter?

    I think the naming is quite confusing for the command archive remove.Would naming personToArchive to archivedPerson and archivedPerson be named to newUnarchivedPerson or something be clearer?

    Could you remove the unused import?

    unused import here too

    this is a feature, to have the contact list sorted by default. is there a reason it is removed?

    I think naming contact archive to archive add or archive would be better than separating an archive functionality into two different naming conventions

    how about creating a static method doing this, then do private static final counter = methodcall()? then you call once every time you boot up instead of every insertion?

    I think min yih's PR of list all sales has done this part

    the example usage is not updated?

    You could consider renaming to latestContactId? I think the name can be clearer about the intention of this variable.

    you might want to consider only adding the text if its not blank?

    will unit tests be added in future PR?

    oh thanks for the catch!

    Thanks for the suggestion, I will add them now!

    I will be creating PRs to update this file before every end of milestone!

    We can actually add a meeting for year 0001, we can sync up in v1.4 instead?

    @hakujitsu file renamed to AllListCommand for both show all and for specified contact.

    changes are that it extends from abstract class ListCommand which stores some static variables and a common method (formatting sale list) that was abstracted from your previous class so that both our classes can use it.

    On top of that, message strings are set as static variables to be consistent with other command design. Do you let me know what you think!

    @hakujitsu parser logic has changed abit to adapt to my sale list subclass as well

    thanks for the check! I will try to fix my image settings to look like yours asap




    will merge this last after all pull from master

    if possible, we merge first then fix all the code style after all the merges in a separate PR

    Could you rename it to be more specific to meetings/ reminders? cause title seems general

    Added @hakujitsu as reviewer as some of her code has been modified as discussed

    I will work on this tomorrow

    adding @jmleong666 as reviewer as dialogbox.fxml is your code

    thanks @Asthenosphere , I will crop those out, but there are some images with a new window though I think it will be hard to crop the header of the second window

    @Asthenosphere I will merge this myself!

    descending and ascending does not have the same meaning

    No problem on the change on my part, thanks!

    Did you see TCQian.md?

    May need to align capitalization?

    Would it be better to put INDEX1 and INDEX2 as code (i.e. in ``)

    May quote INDEX as code

    May quote 'list' as code?

    deadline number may be changed? e.g. deadline datetime

    Similar as above

    This may need to be changed?

    I can see that all your code works. But would it be easier if we use java LocalDate and LocalDateTime to deal with it? And it may be easier for us in the future work if we want to filter projects by deadline.

    All the examples may need to updated according to the validation regex.

    This file may need to be changed (for deadline regex)

    I think we'd better keep the format aligned, say use DEADLINE_DESC_AMY as the name. And we can change AMY to project names together for future refactoring work.

    Same as the above comments about naming

    Same as above comments about naming.

    This is an email address rather than a repo address right?

    Will this work well with the task filter command?

    May you revert this line first? Because some of other code that I wrote is dependent on the filtered project list, and deleting this line may cause some bugs at this stage. I will probably deal with the problem later and delete this line together.

    The work of Tian Fang this week.

    I think one leave command would be enough. But we can keep this for now.

    Haha may delete this dummy debugging code.

    There are several system output elsewhere. You may consider delete them all changing them to logging?

    Other bugs fixed:

    1. Output box

    2. Losing focus

    Just wondering if it would be better if MCQ was named MultipleChoiceQuestion to standardize with our OpenEndedQuestion class. Would be more descriptive for whoever is looking at the code base as well.

    Would be good if you can include the toString() methods for the Answer and Question class, that way when it is implemented in the GUI it would be easier to render it seperately (since the current way to access the string form of the question and answer is through the Flashcard class).

    The current toString() method in FlashCard is still useful when interacting with the application through CLI 👍

    Looks good! Just wondering whether it would be better if we made userAnswer an Answer type also, that way we can potentially do more things with it in the future.

    If userAnswer was an Answer type, we can just override .equals() as a way of comparison to check if userAnswer is indeed Answer.

    I think this should be number 6

    Empty point

    updates* save file

    Agree with @joshtyf! We would eventually have to update the documentation anyways, so would be good if we can do it incrementally instead of waiting all the way to the end to update 😄

    Do you think we should make this more specific? Perhaps call this AddOpenEndedQuestionCommand because we would eventually need to have a command to add a multiple-choice question.

    Nice abstraction!

    Nice EP!

    Can we name this differently to avoid misrepresentation and confusion? Think we used value for Question and Answer

    Don't think we need VALIDATION_REGEX if we are already checking it against Difficulties.values()

    Perhaps you can make use of .reduce() to make this method even more concise.

    return tagsToMatch.stream().reduce(("with tags ", (curr, next) -&gt; curr + next.toString() + " ").trim()

    QuickCache is missing a : infront of it. Believe it should be :QuickCache

    Same as the comment above.

    Lets standardize to "add q/question ans1 c/first c/second" (with the inverted commas)

    Think requireNonNull(difficulty) should come before difficult.isEmpty() since you can't call isEmpty() on null


    if (difficulty.isEmpty()) {

    return new Difficulty(Difficulties.UNSPECIFIED.name());


    Small typo here, I think you meant 'The INDEX refers to the index number'

    Think we don't need this question because we have an example of an OEQ in the next question.

    It should be OpenEndedQuestion and MultipleChoiceQuestion containing Answer.

    I see! I think I can change it to value in that case, I changed it to choice to standardize with the other classes but it seems content or value (which was used by the initial AB) would be clearer.

    Updated in the next commit, can you help me to take a look @joshtyf?

    Fixed in 1d082d2

    Fixed in 1d082d2

    Fixed in 1d082d2

    Fixed in 1d082d2

    @ChenXJ98 can you help with merging this into master 🙇‍♂️

    closes #42

    @ChenXJ98 we will also need to integrate this into the saving of flashcard so that we can retain the times tested information across instances of QuickCache

    resolves #46

    clear command has already been implemented.

    Thanks @joshtyf for updating the UML diagrams!

    Moved to v1.3

    Hi @BILLXYR, thank you for pointing this bug out. We have resolved this in #206.

    Hi @Asuraxsoul, thank you for pointing this bug out and the suggestion. We have resolved this in #206.

    Hi @Asuraxsoul, thank you for pointing this bug out and the suggestion. We have resolved this in #206.

    This contains some commits from #218, so should look at that first before merging this.

    Perhaps can refactor out a string format method in the superclass (i.e. Macronutrient) that formats the toString() method found in the Protein, Carb, Fat subclasses so as to reduce code duplication.

    Yes, this PR has some minor errors within some of the doc files etc. Will be fixed, but wanted more to show the refactoring as a whole and gather input on that. Still, thanks for pointing out, will look to fix the nits soon.

    Should this be -> instead of --> ?

    Similar to previous comment, shouldn't this be -> instead of -->?

    I think can just remove these changes for macro, Joey made changes for this in a separate PR.

    Is this try-catch necessary?

    By changing boolean value upon catching from true to false, does this change the behaviour as specified in UG?

    This method may be wrongly named. Perhaps getSampleFoods() ?

    Not sure if this matters for coding standard, but collect is most usually denoted as a verb, maybe change name of HashSet to collectedSet or collectionSet or tagCollection?

    Should this be written slightly differently? Maybe Assertions.assertTrue(Carbohydrate.isValid(Carbohydrate.newDefault())); instead?

    Similar instances for other Macronutrient tests

    These 2 are wrongly labelled. foodWDifferentCarbs should use carbohydrate1 and not fat1 when initialising and vice versa with foodWDifferentFat.

    In this test class, TypicalFoods is imported and subsequently TypicalFoods.getNasiLemak() etc. are called to invoke the example foods. However in previous test classes (for example FindCommandTest.java), each individual command is imported i.e. import static jimmy.mcgymmy.testutil.TypicalFoods.getNasiLemak;.

    Though not really a big issue, maybe standardise to the latter method, as is common with most of our code base. This occurrence is repeated at JsonMcGymmyStorageTest.java.

    Sure, no problem.

    Okay sure


    I think there's a typo here and in the test method names below; should be find_empty.... instead of fnd_.... Just a minor nit.

    Maybe Amount can only take in values between 0 and 1000. I believe 0 is still acceptable as it is also the default value. I'm not too sure atm whether our upper bound is 1000 or 999.

    I think this is for the index, not the macronutrient value?

    As Joey mentioned correctly, we are limiting macronutrient values to 1000g each. Firstly because exceeding 1kg of any type of nutrient for a single dish does not make much sense so limiting it to 1000g does not limit its utility. Second and more importantly, exceeding 1000g of macronutrient will increase total calorie count by a lot, which in turn will cause the total calorie count to reach integer overflow easily.

    Basically, yeah we should limit protein, carb, fat value to 1000g.

    These comments do not exactly tally with the subsequent assertEquals arguments. Similar instances found below. Just a minor nit.

    Variable name does not match string content and MM cannot be 20, just minor naming nit here

    I think we should keep this as just assertThrows instead. We should stick to the static asserts for tests

    Our Assert class only has the assertThrows method. I think it is fine for this case since we are not really unnecessarily importing. Also this was automatically optimised by intelliJ.

    Sure, makes sense.

    Alright, will change naming. Regarding your second point, I guess that makes sense. Thanks for input!

    Code didn't work without this line lol, but I am still refactoring, this is just to make it work for now.

    Thanks, this was auto generated code I think, will look to refactor other bits as well soon.

    Yes, but it is for different parameters. This way find food1 is still allowed but you can also do find food1 -t lunch to get food1 from lunch only.

    Yep, was thinking of doing this. I used null just to make the code functional, will refactor tomorrow probably.

    Instead of a dummy class, do you think doing foodPredicateParameter.getValue().orElse(food -&gt; true);would be better?

    Yeah, this is intended, so that we don't restrict the user from having to input something as name/tag search. For example, if we implemented it as you said, the user could not do find -d 21-10-2020 to find food items on the 21st of October. Instead, user would have to type in some sort of food name/tag as a mandatory parameter such as find some food -d 21-10-2020 which would filter out only the food items with name/tag that includes either "some" or "food" + being on that date, making it less intuitive and harder to use the find command meaningfully.

    At the moment there is a check for empty parameters but for your particular concern, find on its own will still work, functioning similar to list, although I could just as easily change to it returning empty list.

    I think I only briefly made mention of this under design considerations in DG, do I need to elaborate more on this or can it just be elaborated over in the UG since it concerns the user more?

    Yeah exactly right, McGymmy assumes parameters flagged "" are mandatory.

    Yeah this was initial code just to make it work, as mentioned earlier.

    Good idea, might do this.

    Though not great, I'll probably leave it since we would need to change quite a bit more if we want to maintain the mandatory check for flag-less i.e. "" parameters while letting find still search in a flag-less manner i.e. find food. I might just create an issue for this.

    Alright sure!

    The CI test says that you are missing the shadow plugins

    Seems like a github actions issue. This happens from time to time.

    Closing and reopening the PR should restart the CI process (hopefully fixing this).

    Noted with thanks.

    Might also add an extension like this:

    find -all [keyword 1] [keyword 2] ... to find foods that match all of the keywords

    find -some [keyword 1] [keyword 2]... to find foods that match some of the keywords

    The find -some is inherently adopted, as in it works like that currently. The find -all looks good, we can probably do so in future if needed.

    Might want to introduce the Flag term in the introduction of UG

    I think i already did this.

    Unable to replicate said bug. Both relative and absolute paths seem to be working for Mac console.

    @JoeyChenSmart I think just need to specify in the UG under the edit , tag commands etc. that index must be at the front.

    TODO: Minor change in tag/untag command execute method.

    Priority v.low at the moment, as leaving it unchanged is fine as well.

    index.getOneBased() - 1 is just index.getZeroBased()?

    what is this haha

    toAdd is can get confusing here, consider another name (deletedRecipe/updatedRecipe/etc)?

    Do we need PersonListCard.fxml?

    What about recipes?

    Might be good to add an example like you did with Item

    your optimal size / an optimal size / the optimum size might be better

    Should a TODO be placed here?

    Might be good to have TODO here as well

    my zheng in the filename is missing a g lmao

    might want to update the png as well

    same here

    might want to update the commands

    same here

    Will there be an item named alice bob charlie?

    too chim, need 200 iq to understand

    tuturu mayushii desu

    remove this lmao

    Is PrintableRecipe used only once in it's lifetime? I was wondering whether overloading the constructor to create a version with offset = true might be better.

    Otherwise, if it's used multiple times in different situations, there might be a need to reset the offset to false.

    if displayedIndex is used only for this one situation, why not just do new RecipeCard(printableRecipe, X - 1) when calling it?

    Huh might be because I deleted everything and git cloned the whole tp again

    Idk what difference this makes lmao


    How come block doesn't need to be non null?

    are block B and block b 2 different blocks?

    Perhaps reducing the space by 4 would help conform to coding standards better.

    Perhaps having VALID_BLOCK and VALID_ROOM will be better for conforming with standards

    perhaps you can split this up to VALID_BLOCK and VALID_ROOM, so that you can reuse them? (especially in TypicalPersons.java)

    You can make VALID_BLOCKROOM with the 2 as well.

    I think got small typo here. Matriculation number and gender?




    Should the indentation be 8 spaces here? https://se-education.org/guides/conventions/java/intermediate.html#layout




    Should the indentation be 8 spaces here? https://se-education.org/guides/conventions/java/intermediate.html#layout

    I think it's better to remove this space?

    Same here, additional line can be removed.


    sorry StudyGroups and studentGroups are a bit different I feel?

    maybe can change these to example student groups like basketball, soccer, choir etc?

    can change studentGroup here to something else like basketball/ soccer

    Same here

    Same here

    Same here

    I think it might be more suitable to change this to studentGroups from StudyGroups?

    I think you can replace this with the actual image right?

    Why is this private static? Would it be better to separate it as another class?

    Good catch. Thanks

    Thanks, will change.

    Sure, thanks.

    No, so far all the model properties (Address, Email, Name, etc) all has public final variables to store their values.


    Thanks, Fixed

    Sure, done



    Thanks, resolved.

    Thanks, resolved.



    Closed by #25

    To add table of contents that is standardised with title case.

    Closed, as minor issue

    Is it better to use NAME_DESC_A instead of NAME_DESC_AMY?

    I assume the name of meeting is to be edited too?

    Wrong constructor Email is invoked?

    This lines does not match the function. Especially the @code taskTags. Is there any missing refactor for this comment?

    Is it projectName instead of taskName?

    Is it projectName?

    Is it trimmedMeeting?

    Why do you remove this line?


    "a new task object would be created and passed"?

    Is this supposed to be in taskcommandtest?

    make the "Task-related features" bold.

    make the "Teammate-related features" bold

    complete word or words?

    names or name? word or words?

    Could you please clarify which point should contains full stop and which should not? Why "List all persons....catalogue." has full stop but then "Leaves the current page......scope" has no?

    Why line is split into 2. It seems like it doesn't exceed the limit of a line of code.


    Make sense.


    What task filter command?


    Hey, i think this revert is not needed anymore since we're reverting an earlier version of the repo in PR#16

    Phone -> Deadline

    Email -> RepoURL

    Opened a new branch for this, will close this PR and migrate to another PR.

    This PR is successor for https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-W10-3/tp/pull/68


    Those leaves command might be removed later. Can we implement a stack for handling the statuses? Only a leave command will be used to remove the newest status? Maybe better implementation on reseting the itemsToBeDisplayed during scope switching.

    The method to get assignees name from the task was changed and it caused the assignees' names can't be retrieved and shown on the taskDashboard. Other project attributes such as person class involve the participation class might get affected by this changes. Could you please edit the TeammateDashboard, TaskDashboard to fix the errors of some methods not found?

    Amendment will be done by Geniaaz.

    Latest version is merged. This will be abandoned.

    Use listprojects command to display the full list of projects after using find command

    Just startperson for better visualisation

    It is working fine now.

    I don't understand this.

    The scoping is done.

    Whoever in charge of this please state the way to show full list after filter list in UG

    Chia Qian Tan, [1 Nov 2020 at 2:49:22 AM]:

    for the bug of non synchronic update on teammate and task and project after edit command called is because the itemOnView in project class is not renew and the itemToBeDisplay in model are not updated

    To synchronise the update on taskDashboard:

    1. In execute of editTaskCommand, check if the task edited is the taskOnView in Project

    2. If so, add line of project.updateTaskOnView(editedTask) to update the taskOnView, AND model.enterTask(editedTask) to stimulate the update on taskToBeDisplayed in model

    3. Must follow the steps: check if the taskOnView is edited> if so, update taskOnView> enter the task to model, assuming the enterTask in model will handle the taskEdited and display it on dashboard (I am sure it will)

    To synchronise the update on teammateDashboard:

    1. In execute of editTeammateCommand, check if the teammate edited is the teammateOnView in project

    2. If so, add line of project.updateTeammateOnView(editedTeammate) to update the teammateOnView, AND model.enterTeammate(editedTeammate) to stimulate the update on teammateToBeDisplated in model

    3. Be aware of the Object type of the teammate/person parsed to the method(updateTeammateOnView,enterTeammate)

    4. Must follow the steps: check if the teammateOnView is edited> if so, update teammateOnView> enter the teammate to model, assuming the enterTeammate in model will handle the teammateEdited and display it on dashboard (yes it will)

    To synchronise the update on project, as well as person

    1. If there is a edit project command, I am sure we need to add additional lines to synchronise the project displayed on the dashboard

    2. Same as previous two, check then this time only call model.enter(project) to update the projectToBeDisplayed in model

    Im sorry i dare not to edit the command classes because im not familiar with the person and teammate thing

    Tag should be a word without space. Edit UG

    This is the correct behaviour because the repo url should end with .git.

    Tell the user to find a word not an alphabet in the project name in UG.

    For filter command as well

    Use github username instead of index.

    Update the UG.

    Same as #209

    Add a label for GitHub username

    Please remove it.


    Task-related features

    Teammate-related features


    This application serves the offline users so we can not check the existence of the repo. We will add a note in UG.

    Same as #234


    Disallow showing persons list during viewteammate.


    @junlong4321 Token can only be read with a space in front. For example, 'add n/PROJECT NAMEdl/DEADLINEru/REPOURLd/PROJECT DESCRIPTIONtg/TAGtk/TASK' with no space in front of every tokens except name token is a invalid command input for add since an add command must includes n, dl, ru, d, tg, tk tokens. I even tested even if i use the special token in the repour such as https://github.com/dl/b.git, it will not cause the b.git after dl/ to be recognised as a deadline input.

    Screenshot 2020-11-07 at 10 32 30 AM

    I suggest you can add a similar javadoc comment for this method by following the getMedicalConditions() method above (since it is provided already).

    Unsure if this method should be public (to standardise with the medical conditions methods)

    Very minor documentation error: 'a' instead of 'an' RedoCommand.

    I think the variable e is taken from the previous edit command, should use a or something clearer. Same thing for the ReplaceCommand state check portion.

    Minor nitpick: The variable found sounds a bit vague, just a suggestion to put as foundAnimal or something more specific.

    Not sure whether undoCommand and RedoCommand are being used here as well.

    Small nitpick: perhaps you can add the word "below" after figure 2 to standardise with the figure 1 description above.

    Small nitpick: Maybe can add shown in the label description i.e. GUI "shown" upon...

    Think this one is for the delete index?

    May have to modify this since delete should work without finding anymore.

    I think first time should not be hyphenated?

    Perhaps you can say 'stored in your ZooKeep book' instead to standardise with what you wrote below.

    Just a suggestion: find animals with same feed times or similar medical conditions

    Think the feeding times need to be changed to feed time after we edit it in the code as well.

    Same as comment above (2 more occurrences below I think)

    Is this a typo? The image does not seem to load in the preview page.

    Minor nitpick: "is for anyone" instead of "is anyone".

    Not sure if I am seeing correctly but the preview does not display the 2 figures to be side by side.

    Feels like for FAQ maybe we can say its done by everyone? To show teamwork in some sense, just a suggestion.

    Okay in that case, it should be fine then.

    I was contemplating on where to put this code under too, I think I will try to put it under the parser class instead. Thanks.

    I think I needed the category for the printing of the success message for the sort command based on the parameter entered.

    I think it was because I did not want to input a null as the animal comparator

    I think i placed it as a tip under the find feature, thanks anyways!

    Re-create another branch as there are too many merge conflicts to resolve

    Should we change the json files (e.g. the typicalAnimalsAddressBook) in the test folder as well?

    Will look at other files to see if there are necessary changes, thanks!

    I think they are in different files, I can check all together at once actually.

    I think the white bullet point is because of the further indentation. Not really sure how to solve this.

    Added a simple preface, please feel free to edit and improve on it before closing this issue. Thanks.

    Agreed that feed time should probably be matched entirely for a hit. However, I'm not sure if it is strange that id can be matched by substring since finding '1' can find like many animals.

    I feel like it is okay to just leave them separately since it is difficult to scroll up to refer to such a note/reminder.

    I guess the parser is under development?

    can add a javadoc here?

    similarly javadoc can be added..?

    similar as above

    Archive (all emp;oees): here should be employees?

    I think whoes is a typo?

    Maybe tag could be be "tags" here?

    For the example here, maybe can use the format as Example: (Steps + Expected Outcome)? To be consistent with the other parts you have written

    Same here

    I am not sure about this, since we may need to explain such tags at front if we are using them?

    Maybe Monday Friday in "For example, Monday Friday will find employees whose tags.." can be changed to c-tag-find Monday Friday?

    Maybe can be more consistent on whether to use e.g. or for example. Is "for example" more formal?

    Are we using tCheckParser for the diagrams? If we are using tCheckParser, then maybe can change AddressBookParser to it.

    Is UniqueSalesRecordList#asUnmodifiableObservableList() indeed exposed as Model#updateFilteredSalesRecordList(Predicate&gt;SalesRecordEntry>)? I think that Model#updateFilteredSalesRecordList(Predicate&gt;SalesRecordEntry>) is about filtering the list by predicate, while UniqueSalesRecordList#asUnmodifiableObservableList() means shows the list?

    Should we include the word "Steps:" above these points?

    So here would be italics I guess? for result display and tracker

    I am not sure if we should include the UI part (as in where it will be shown on the GUI) in the first line for the command description? If we include, should we say Sales Tracker inside the Main View?

    Like in s-update, you did not talk about GUI there, so I am wondering if it should be consistent.

    Maybe change the passive voice? e.g. You can now see that tCheck has updated... in ....

    To change the passive voice, maybe say "drink is on top" without "listed"?

    thanks, resolved!

    thanks, resolved

    thanks, resolved


    updated, thanks!

    updated, thanks!

    it automatically become the next line when I save.. so can I leave it as that?

    I would like to highlight that it is not "reset" before this execution, so I thought it is clearer than isReset..?

    Noted with thanks

    Noted with thanks

    Noted with thanks

    0k thanks

    Noted with thanks

    Noted with thanks

    Noted with thanks

    Noted with thanks

    Noted with thanks

    noted with thanks

    noted with thanks

    noted with thanks

    I think you referred to the wrong method, thanks for reviewing!

    Noted, thanks!

    Noted, thanks!

    Noted, thanks!

    They are the same, thanks for noting. I will delete the function above.

    Okay, thanks!

    Okay thanks!

    Noted, thanks!










    Thanks for the feedback, I would change the window size to prevent overflow.

    Thank you, I will list how much more the user needs to reach the minimum restock level.

    Thank you. I would modify the feature to make it more useful

    Thanks. The command be more useful later when i-view-single is modified.

    Thank you. I would consider about this point raised.

    Thanks. I will address the problem.

    Thank you for the advice. I would improve it.

    Thank you for the advice.

    Thank you for the feedback. I will improve on it.

    Since it is a wrong PR that trys to merge from a wrong branch, so it is closed without merging.

    The execution example seems to be for list rooms, is that intentional?

    These changes appear to be more relevant for #46 . Perhaps they should not be included in this PR?

    Will resolve via rebase strategy.

    Thanks for extracting this out 😄

    That's nice!

    Oh nice, was planning to do that in 1.3.

    We now have clauses that cannot exist together, e.g. you can't specify rooms --vacant --allocated, but we can update that in 1.3.

    An example of the above mentioned flag. Also I think we should document parameters and flags differently, but it's fine for 1.2.

    might want to add an assertion here, that unallocatedCount > 0

    What's the reason for this interface?

    Can consider logging here

    Good point!

    Also a nit on my part, should this be isRoomCreationAllowed following CS2103's conventions?

    Similar to what Mayank said, perhaps a minor change can be made to obey CS2103's Law of Demeter?


    Bro it's "change(s)" requested not changed requested.


    Perhaps these notes can be wrapped in an info modal to stand out, similar to the ones used in certain sections of the UG.

    Thanks for updating this section! Also, let's have an F for this feature 😞

    I'll remove the redundant line. The rest shouldn't be removed IMO - they are stories we've come up with.

    #27 is already in. I'll include the rest.

    As discussed in our team meeting this week, @mkeoliya and I will be updating the Developer Guide. We will include a note about the git hooks when we do that.

    @AY2021S1-CS2103-T16-3/developers , @mkeoliya and I had a long discussion on how this value adds to our users. We weren't really able to find a concrete use case for this feature. Can anyone think of why this would be useful for our target users? We're leaning towards lowering the priority of (or even scrapping altogether) this User Story.

    OTOH, we further refined our concept of the export feature, which we're documenting in #52 .

    Closing to see if I can safely close this without affecting their grading scripts, since these are polluting our repo.

    Closing, we won't be needing this feature. Their autograder scripts should have picked this up by now.

    Closing, we won't be needing this feature. Their autograder scripts should have picked this up by now.



    Duplicate of #16

    Closing as AddressBook already supported this.

    Requesting 2 reviewers for this 😠

    While working on viewing vacant rooms, I realized this feature would be straightforward for me to implement as well. I've discussed with @Lysire and I will work on this instead.

    I noticed the coverage dropped a lot from my previous PRs. Sorry! I've written some parser tests. Not sure how much I can get in for the rest of v1.2, but i'll see what I can do.

    While working on this PR, I noticed traces of leftover AddressBook in our app. I've purged most of it in 651a1c2 , although the documentation requires updating.

    The issue happens because you don't have a display server on WSL, which is the first line of the error message. You can try running Xming or VscXrv if you want to use WSL.

    @mkeoliya perhaps we can make it explicit in our UG/DG that WSL is not supported.

    Closing, will not be implemented.

    Closing, not in scope of any milestone.

    Closing, not within any milestone.

    Closing, not within any milestone.

    Closing, not within any milestone.

    Closing, not within any milestone. I would have loved to implement this though!

    Closing, not within any milestone.

    Closing, not within any milestone.

    Closing, not within any milestone.

    Closing, not within any milestone.

    Closing, not within any milestone.

    Closing, not within any milestone.

    This was actually implemented in #136 ! I missed this issue.

    I'm not sure if this is necessary. @mkeoliya what are your current thoughts on this?

    Some clarification required on this. I believe the entirety of our GUI is accessible via CLI, even the AddressBook menu bar.

    This issue has been fixed in 8f1cc94.

    Can I close this, @Lysire ?

    Unfortunately, I don't have much time this week 😞 I'll have to end this PR here. Requesting review.

    I get what you're doing in this line but the test constant VALID_TOTAL_PAGES_JANE_EYRE is abit misleading. Maybe you might want to consider having a new test constant?

    the constructor Bookmark() creates a default bookmark with value 0. Perhaps we can discuss which approach we want to take for setting up a Default Bookmark of Pg 0?

    This method looks quite long (60 LOC) but the recommended SLAP length is ~30

    Maybe it will be better to separate the checking of Valid Find command and the parsing of the FindCommand?

    Also, is there a reason for Line 65 to reset the Prefix count?

    Maybe it will be better to immediately cast the float type upon instantiation instead of typecasting at Ln36?

    Else, LGTM!

    Can you change the link of the MainWindow.fxml please?

    Just wondering if this indent style is deliberate?

    Please change the Jdoc here to fit Notes, thank you!

    Maybe it is clearer to state the commands will be managed like in UG instead of those that wont be?

    Maybe it would be good to add Javadoc for these public methods.

    Perhaps you could change AddressBook to Library for this part.

    Perhaps you can change Address so Genre for this part!

    Maybe the toString() return value can be more meaningful?

    Perhap you could change this to JsonLibraryBook... ?

    Perhaps you can change this to libraryStorage?

    Maybe it will be better if we throw an exception instead of defaulting to a dummy sorting choice?

    Did you miss out 2 AddressBook at the end of the sentence?

    Will it be good to add javadoc here?

    Lets not use "Lets say"

    There is a typo with Test genre

    Looks like there are some discrepancies between our UG and DG. Let's go over this again in the next meeting. In the meantime, I'll make the relevant changes! Thanks!

    Must have missed this part out. Thanks!

    Good recommendation! Thank you for spotting this. I've made the relevant changes.

    Thanks for pointing this out! I have made the changes.

    Thanks for spotting this!

    That's a good point, I have changed it. Thanks!

    Thanks for the recommendation! I have included HashMap as an attribute. Thanks!

    Good Idea! i've made the changes. Thank you 😃

    I'm not sure if we want to use the term budget book compared to budgets. I used budgets in the User Guide, whichever case it should be consistent in both guides. @wenhaogoh please advise

    Just a small change needed, I think the wording is slightly off here. Maybe you meant to say when the command is called or used. Either that or perhaps you meant "When a command that requires ..."

    I think the phrasing could just be "Once a budget is open,..."

    Perhaps this could be phrased as "Index of the budget to be opened"

    I'm not sure if it might be a good idea to mention that the application switches from displaying expenditures to displaying budgets instead.

    This is fine but inconsistent with what I used, I used find NAME for my format instead. Let's settle on one to keep things consistent! 👍

    I think you missed out tags as well

    Just a nit to pick, I think it should be "jump straight into the action"

    There seems to be a grammatical error here.

    Would be good to remove the view

    "to the budget that is currently open"

    TYPE here should be TYPE

    a is redundant here

    "This will sort the expenditures (that are currently displayed) by their name in alphabetical order as seen in Figure below:"

    view is redundant here

    Add budget method is not called.

    I think these test cases can just be removed for the time bring.

    Constructor should test for a ReadonlyNusave instead.

    The phrasing of documentation sounds wrong.

    Good spot! I'll change it ASAP. 😄


    duplicate issue #59

    This is due to the secondRowText being bound in MainWindow, thus setText throws an error when updating in MainPageInfoBox

    I think this portion shouldn't be changed!

    change the variable name to 'name'

    change variable name to name

    i think we should leave these empty lines out, i.e. shouldn't have these empty lines!

    here as well

    remove the empty lines!

    can add assertion here so that we can know where's the error!

    Will need to do error handling for indices that are greater than the number of expenditures in the future

    Redoes should be 'redos'.

    Should be VersionedNusave instead of VerisonedNusave

    Link for this image is broken!

    change 'by name' to 'by search term'

    add clear budget user story, add find budget/expenditure user story, list budget/expenditure user stories 👍

    Add user story for indication if expenditure exceeds threshold

    Add user story to see how many expenditures inside a budget

    Add user story to include tags to my expenditures

    Add user story for exiting the program,for seeing latest entries at top of budgets, for seeing latest entries at top of expenditures, when an expenditure is created

    Add user story for new user to look through sample data

    I think for the class diagram we should include state, and also for delete 1 need to mention whether we are talking about delete 1 under context or expenditure or budget!

    got it!

    My changes have been added. We can close the issue once the PR is merged 👍

    LGTM! Thanks!

    Bad pull request! Will close this

    fetch from upstream first before submitting pull request

    Close #80

    close #142

    Fixed the clock

    I agree with leyang we can make use of the existing edit command in AB3 😄

    Some "person" variables can still be changed to "book"

    As Le Yang has mentioned, the javadocs and test names can be updated as well

    Maybe it would be better if you named it PREFIX_NOTE instead, even though they both refer to "/n", for clarity

    Am not too sure if it is necessary to check for duplicate notes, but I think it's fine to include

    I'm not too sure if we should include a conditional to check valid index in the activity diagram, because this diagram doesn't show that an error would be thrown.

    Not sure if it should be just execute() or n.execute(), let's discuss it tomorrow!

    I think saying 'Technically Allows' is a bit weird because it implies that it is a bug. Maybe we can add a statement to explain why the bug wouldn't occur?

    Nice comprehensive testing Wai Kye!

    I notice that max book capacity was repeated in Model.java as well, perhaps this value could be imported as a static variable from another file?

    Or maybe this can be removed since I don't think its being used anywhere

    Love the comprehensive tests, Le Yang!

    Maybe this variable should be public static final?

    Oooh okay didn't know that 😄

    I'm not sure if this needs to be here as you mentioned in the PR that you were using the regex solution instead

    Not too sure if we should mention this as we mention "There is no need to save manually", but then we tell users that they need to exit properly

    I feel like this line is a bit awkward, perhaps we could add it in the line above instead? Something like, "Look at the detailed information of your recorded book by using our View Command". Let's say you have two books in your list.

    Example command..... '

    Maybe this should be "Lower than or equal to the total pages of the book"

    That's a good suggestion Penn Han, will work on it now!

    I have made the changes you suggested Penn Han, do let me know if it looks good to you. Thanks!

    Yes, I added that because I wanted for there to be stricter input validation when using the sort command.

    Will update the test case names. Thanks for the comprehensive review, Wai Kye 😃

    I was deciding between pages read and percentage of book read, and I felt that pages read was more meaningful, but we can discuss this in our next meeting!

    Thanks for the suggestions Le Yang, I agree with you and I have made the necessary changes 😄

    I use this toString() value to return "Sorted by: xxxx.toString()", so I think leaving it like this is fine

    Exception would be thrown in SortCommandParser if prefix was invalid. But I'll change this to return null in the default case to make it less confusing.

    Yup that's a typo, nice catch!


    Looks good to me, Wai Kye!

    One small issue I see in the UI screenshot is in entry 4 (the Gordon Ramsay entry), the text isn't centralized with the border. Other than that, LGMT!


    This is because our equals method for book considers Name, Genre and Total pages, but I think you do make a good point here, thanks for raising this issue!

    Thanks for pointing this out, we made a mistake in the error message for add book, b/BOOKMARK should be optional and be in square brackets.

    We get a lot of reports on this. Maybe in the user guide, we need to explicitly tell users to enter the 'list' command if they want to go back to list view.

    I guess this is a user guide bug as we stated that Genre should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces.

    I can't reproduce it too. Works well for me.

    I think this issue was created when the user entered

    find n/ something, which returned no matching books,

    followed by "sort n/". Maybe we can consider switching to view all the books when a sort command is entered?

    I think this user has a point, if I do input a goal that is before my bookmark, it's probably due to a typo. If I forgot to add my goal and I do input a goal before my bookmark, having an error message that says something like:

    "You have already fulfilled your goal!" would elicit the same effect as you have mentioned in my opinion.


    Do we have to do com.eva.storage.StorageManagerTest

    Should this be com.eva.Model#getAddressBook instead

    I think same issue as above, no need "CliSyntax" since it is imported already

    Same issue here as above

    Same issue here as above

    Do you want to change the name of Comments to something like CommentList so that it is more clear that this is a list of comments

    I think you need to change the javadocs here

    Was thinking if this can be given a more informative name like startDate

    same for 'to' maybe endDate

    Was thinking if this can be improved to maintain the same level of abstraction as before, by constructing the Leave object with public Leave(LocalDate from, LocalDate to) because in other cases for example,

    Add Person, the text input goes from Logic --> AddressBookParser --> AddCommandParser and this is where the Name, Email, Address Objects are made, then these objects are passed into AddCommand and is then passed into Model to add the person.

    I think this change does not make a difference logic wise, but helps make the level of abstraction more standard. But up to you to take it up.

    Alright sure, I agree with your reasoning, Thank you! Great job 😃

    Would it be better to change this to use like the standard requireNonNull(personToEdit) as used in all other places?

    And perhaps, you could import the whole CommentCommand?

    Perhaps you could use the same requireNonNull function like in other places

    And is there a way to just import the CommentPersonDescriptor instead of calling it by CommentCommand.CommentPersonDescriptor

    Minor, but the javadoc is a little misleads readers to think the specific leave object that is conflicting will be returned.

    Minor, Good to specify if the list returned is inclusive or exclusive of the start and end date

    Possible to standardise the prefixes for the title when adding or deleting the comment?

    Does this allow the case where I am viewing Applicant A but I can add application for Applicant B?

    The error is caught in lines 61 to 63, in this method itself. If thats the error youre looking for.

    Yes, I just added it like this as of now, will adapt once new ui is pushed.

    Hmm yea, noted about this from previous PR, will try to figure out some time to do this, thanks for reminding!

    Sure!, we can discuss in upcoming meeting to standardise this.




    LGTM! Just one small comment. I think we can just stick to dates first? Or do you guys want to include timings as well.

    Yeah, I think we can stick to dates first and build upon timings at a later stage.



    LGTM! One small comment, but otherwise is great 😃

    LGTM! The changes Ben advised on interviewdate, naming from person to staff and addressbook to eva, I will implement them in my next pr.

    Looked through the files changed, I think all looks good and like you mentioned, since leave also heavily uses dates we can change the prefixes to a generalised date prefix.

    LGTM! Nice job on adding the numbers in the DG, makes it clearer for readers.

    LGTM! Just some minor comments on the javadocs part. Nice observation on this bug 😃





    Removed in PR Set Application Status Command.

    duplicate issue

    Need to ensure interview date is > current date

    duplicate issue

    duplicate issue

    Standardise the example commands for all commands

    We have discussed this and standardised all commands as shown in here



    Just tested with the current master branch code, 0 does not remove the role from the shift yet, but instead shift-edit removes all roles, then add the ones keyed in. Do we want to have the 0 = remove functionality, or just not allow 0 to be keyed in?

    Thanks for helping to update the user guide.

    I think will be good to check if " " (a bunch of whitespaces) is also rejected by the regex since they won't be covered by the test.trim() == "". In any case should have added it earlier into RoleRequirementTest 😛

    I think role is an optional argument so perhaps no need to check if it is present.

    Actually since we are on this topic, I think pay isn't either? But if these are necessary then perhaps updating the User Guide will do.

    Thanks for abstracting this out properly xD

    I'm not sure if the FULL value should be implemented into the code itself, or should it just be an argument that we accept that from user input that is essentially a wrapper for creating both an AM and a PM unavailability. Not sure if this might result in duplicates when creating shifts of AM and of FULL of the same day?

    I think no role should be unable to assign to anything, kind of like when someone new join and havent do the training I guess. Makes sense for pay to be compulsory, so agreed there.

    Maybe if these are created as proper JavaFX nodes with assignment set to its inner value, then JavaFX will update them properly. Implementation could be similar to WorkerListPanel except it is as children to WorkerCard and ShiftCard.

    I think ALICE is unavailable during the day/time of SHIFT_A, perhaps not a good idea to put that as a typical assignment?

    I think this is ok, for a possible future implementation could allow shifts of differing number of hours - hence calculating worker pay will need to be at a model level. Besides Worker has no knowledge of its assignments

    Is this file the alternative color scheme? Maybe can make use of UserPrefs to allow users to switch to this. Also would be good if the duplicates in the two themes are condensed into one place so that we don't need to edit both when including new GUI elements. Otherwise there will be two representations of some parts of our GUI styling.

    This needs to be updated with current master branch code.

    Not sure if its because of my system but the jingle seems to get cut off halfway through when playing on startup.

    Maybe this can be similar to reassign in that the message outputs both what the role was and what the role has been edited to?

    Please prevent leaves from being edited by this function or it will have the ability to remove all workers from leave (which I don't think is intended). Although since it's index based that should never happen, but some assertions always help just in case someone decides to be funny and edit the save file.

    Perhaps splitting by "\\s+" instead of " " will be better in that users who accidentally put extra spaces won't brick and edit an existing role to a blank role. E.g. role-edit 1 blablabla will still work

    Don't think this is necessary as getAssignment was added to this stub class in a recent PR. But perhaps that can be updated to either fetch or always provide toGet using orElse() to fulfil this functionality.

    Adjusted the suggest to reflect functionality as Fri PM returns all Fri and all PM shifts (don't think need a FRI PM specific search as Fri will at most return 2)

    Same as issue #12

    Looks good! The use cases provided are comprehensive. Maybe later we can also add high-level cases, like "accepting a new hire for a position", which will include use cases 1, 4, and 7.

    Included one such use case (but just UC-001 --> UC-007) so that we can see how that might look like.


    Thought I would just add which tests I'm working on adding now so that we don't duplicate:

    • AddressBookTest

    • ModelManagerTest

    I can continue and handle all of seedu.address.model tests first.

    AssignCommandTest has been removed as issue was resolved. Furthermore, the implementation of assign was revamped, hence the test case is grossly invalid.

    Resolved by #88

    Updating functionality to allow assigning leave to assigned positions, but outputs a warning regarding unassigned assignments

    Useful - perhaps, but not very essential functionality. Manager can view leave of each worker in the worker pane. We will not be implementing this.

    Found the root cause - has to do with the order of invocation between ShiftEditCommand#editShiftInAssignments() and Model#setShift() as the former also calls Model#setShift() before the edited shift has been set. Also ModelManager#setAssignment() does not update the role and shift of the old assignment, which causes problems with reassign.

    @wakululuu Thanks for suggestions! They have been committed. All references to cleaner have been swapped to janitor too.

    Thanks for suggestions, added as requested.

    Thanks, suggestion added.

    Don't think need to compare caloriesPerRep, since it is not an identifier field

    This property should be called value

    getName().name sounds a bit unsemantic as the property name has the same name as class name (haha so many names)

    This test could be removed, see previous review

    Could rename to calories for clarity

    What do u mean by hardcoded here?

    should be setLogs?

    need to fix the naming of the overloaded method below too

    should be find w/o s

    can split this into 2 tests


    Can split into multiple tests with format method_state_expected

    Can split into multiple tests

    with format


    Remember to change addressBookStorage to logBookStorage (same for the lines below)

    Should update to use LogBook

    Person -> Log

    Should be logBook

    LogBook for the return type

    Could we have just exercises as static instead?

    Could split input and use the first string

    input.split(' ')[0]

    -> checking the first 3 char substring may be brittle (e.g. may cause unforeseen bugs if we change the commands e.g. if got addelephant command, addex will show addex and addelephant)

    could rename to listWithSingleExercise (current naming feels like it's a superset of the next test case)

    Closes #17

    Not needed anymore



    Test added for editexercises

    Test was done for addexercises

    • delete exercises




    Left -> Logs

    Right -> Exercises

    to investigate, might be linked to #126



    find &gt;search string in log>

    logically -> log name

    but current behaviour -> search everything


    • Comment should not empty (easier)

    • Make comment optional




    Missing clear

    done add delete edit

    Maybe update UG to indicate the range of 1 to 1000 for reps/calories?

    Will update in another pr

    Closes #126

    Closes #148

    Closes #144

    Closes #131

    css fix

    Update: Instructions for manual testing

    [ ] must remove more test cases comment

    [ ] basic cleanup

    • add 3 more -> 5

    [ ] remove add more test cases

    fix md error


    • Follow command summary format in UI and docs

    • Update e/>exercise> -> exercise name

    • verify that all change to correct format (in UI and docs)


    • Fix UI format

    • Add one more e.g. with no comments


    Missing help command (in cmd summary)

    Message should be the second one

    standardise -> the second one add \n

    possible can check if can hover the text


    Update format in UI

    should be consistent with the about.md docs

    left with clear

    Store the hashcode of the exercise

    Exercise needs another field called id

    OR search and replace old ex name with new ex name in logs

    dup #181

    Closes #187 , fix remove ex bug, ui improvements

    Would getBidderList() be a better name? So that when you call this method, you know that you are getting a bidder list and likewise for seller list. What do you think?

    Should this be "add -bid" with a space in between so that it's more standardised? Likewise for "list -bid".

    Should property prefix be "p" instead? Then bidder id be prefixed "b".

    I think it may be easier to check at the BidBook / UniqueBidList level (or even AddBidCommand, I'm not sure where is the best place yet), so that Bid does not know about PropertyBook. Maybe can think about this further in the future, but for now it's okay since other stuff is not done yet.


    Good idea. I think we should all do this.


    merge this with setTabBar()

    Can remove this line

    Should organise by the comment headers

    Nice catch

    Can use static variables here, eg PREFIX_PAPERWORK = "p"

    Very small issue but MESSAGE_DUPLICATE_BIDDER?

    Naming could be better perhaps

    Maybe should change to checkIsValidBid because this name suggests that the method will return a boolean. Alternatively, you can also make this return true if no exception is thrown.

    I think instead of this, maybe can make Id and Price comparable. So just need to sort by id first then sort by price. Perhaps can keep this first, I don't mind making Id and Price Comparable.

    Hmm why change to 11.0.1?

    Thanks Marcus. Yes this part is redundant, will delete it.

    Good suggestion. I have incorporated this in the newest commit.

    I am not sure exactly how these json creators work but I think they need to be stored as a String because of the json format. And it is the same format as the original AB3's implementation. I am not very sure though.

    For the issue with the test, I suggest making isValidBid private and calling isValidBid inside ModelManager inside the call to addBid. Would this work?

    • have valid meetings in sample data

    delete relevant meetings as well

    you edited the qAndAInList back to questionSetInList


    change questionSet back to qAndA

    change questionSet back to qAndA

    change questionSet back to qAndA

    change questionSet back to qAndA

    change questionSet back to qAndA

    change questionSet back to qAndA

    change questionSet back to qAndA

    change questionSet back to qAndA

    change questionSet back to qAndA

    change questionSet back to qAndA






    Ok I bolded the 3 lines

    Isn't this supposed to be 1 to 6?

    You need to update to student for this file.

    I think can remove all the portfolio section. Since it's all johndoe.md

    Isn't this already handled by the FindCommandParser class?

    Yeah Andy is right. Hour is HH and minute is mm. Source

    shouldn't this be private not public?

    I think we can vary the values that VALID_ID has so that the test can be more comprehensive? If not all have the same value of 1, then the test only cover id of 1.

    I think should change the name of the variable to match the usage. To me it doesn't look nice ah.

    This one as well same as above. If im reading this correctly, the index is the index of the trainings shown. Should rename is accordingly. The exception in addstudentcommand also has this.

    Maybe "Trainings cannot be scheduled for dates that are past"? Or something like that?

    just a slight grammatical mistake: "a" not "an"

    Should it be called FindStudentTrainingCommand? Idk. This name sounds like you want all trainings instead of a particular student's training schedules.

    the variable name needs to be in caps.

    this one as well

    this one also

    Solid shortcuts. HAHAHAH

    okay! fixed it.

    • Mention clearly in User Guide that students in trainings on training panel are sorted by alphabetical order, hence not by the order of their IDs

    "p" comes before "s" eh JD

    hmm, doesnt this mean multiple tags allowed?

    Yes. AB3 UG also does this.


    Maybe some real time numbers can be added instead of giving an empty value.

    There can also be some check about the valid time number string.

    Maybe there can also be an upper bound for the number of times that a book can be borrowed.




    Maybe some real number string can be used for times instead of the empty string.

    Maybe there can be more books with different categories can be added to the sample to help the user understand what categories of books there are.

    Thanks for changing the number to a different one from the stocking number of the other library.

    Thanks for adding the command

    It seems that the documentation of this command is from the original project. Maybe it can be changed according to the current implementation.

    Thanks for changing the command format and adding an example.
















    These issues are missing.

    Also missing are #27, #25, #24, #23.

    Should be removed.

    Yep my bad! Was referring to the create compound commands user story only. Could you remove it?

    Perhaps you forgot to include #58 and #59?

    AddCommand should be replace by ReallocateCommand

    Can we change this to commandWordAlias.alias.toString() to follow the Law of Demeter?

    Bro put the image in our docs/images folder and use the markdown format to insert it.

    Good catch here!

    I think we can shorten residence regulation here to ResiReg

    This should be refactored to a method inside CommandHistory, probably called getResultAsString. Maintains SLAP and prevents redundant getter methods.

    What's the rationale behind changing the order of execution?

    The historyWithAC object probably be defined as VALID_COMMAND_HISTORY in CommandTestUtils, so that it can be reused by other tests, and to maintain consistency with other testing.

    Good to refactor this to getResultAsString() as well.

    As above, these labels should be placed in a constants file. TypicalCommandHistories works as well, especially if we're looking to add a CommandHistoryBuilder or add integration tests in the future.

    Lacks test coverage. (Probably add a test where there's two CommandHistory objects with the same history but different counter). Useful if for some reason the list of command histories gets modified unsafely.

    Duplicate of https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103-T16-3/tp/issues/15


    Closed via #47, #48, and #46

    Closed via #64

    Closed via #57 and #61



    Note to all: To be updated after we finish v1.2.

    Closing since the tP dashboard now reflects all changes.

    To be closed after #78

    Closed by #78

    Closed by #71

    Closed via #110

    Closing since it is a redundant feature. Semesters are automatically named based on the current date and year (ref: #102)

    Closing, since we will not be implementing this feature (and instead working on documentation, testing).

    Closed via #117

    Closed via #102

    Closed, as this PR rendered redundant by #125

    No action to be taken, since WSL was not mentioned as a mainstream OS in our Developer Guide.

    After conferring with the tester via Telegram, this issue is marked as invalid. Thanks for testing though!

    Yeah I agree - better to make it clear exactly when an error message is shown. Closing now.

    ^Addressed in #175

    Parameter of withAnimal is an Animal object. Suggest to change "Harambe" to "harambe" to fit naming conventions.

    I assume this was for debugging? Suggest to remove or if need be, change to a logging statement.

    .equals() for string comparision.

    This shouldn't be initialized to a new ZKB I think, just declare the variable.

    What is this isEmpty for? Looks a little out of place.

    Can we just give the redo stack a getSize() or isEmpty()? Otherwise this boolean is like dangling out of nowhere.

    I think don't need to reference names.

    I think no need to re-explain the Undo portion, just refer the reader to the above section. Just skim it over here and focus on Redo.

    For consistency, name methods in form Class#method(parameter). e.g. ParserUtil#parseFeedTimes()

    Typo in "chronological".

    Missing a period at the end.

    Parameters should be class names.

    Minor nitpick in language. "listed" instead of "categorised".

    Maybe "ascending" in place of "increasing" to be consistent with line 78.

    "an animal"

    I think this and the UG one below goes under Documentation.

    Are we allowed to? I seem to have a vague memory of Jane saying it has to be one member one section.

    Unit tests should also be double-checked to conform to specifications for ID.

    Unit tests for emails should also be removed.

    Unit tests should be double-checked to conform to species field specifications.

    Fails code coverage since new lines added are not covered by tests.

    It's only Malcolm's picture I think. So he has to crop and reupload. Follow the dimensions given in the week's project tab.

    Shall we just rename it to ZooKeep since it's our app name?

    Is this the same issue as #79 ?

    Just curious if it is necessary to have an UpdateStack when implementing redo. Would it be cleaner to have the current HistoryStack hold a redo stack?

    This inherently guarantees redo only works after undo, since only an undo operation pops the HS and pushes state into RS.

    Just a thought, is listing the features alphabetically the best bet? Currently it references the less "basic" features first like "append". Furthermore these features reference features that are later down the list, meaning the user would not have read them yet. Shall we consider listing from basic to advanced?

    All members have included implementations.

    I think this was a deliberate action by AB3 since it sounds more direct. You directly list out the (then) person by name, before listing his fields out. But I agree it looks inconsistent and could be seen that way.

    From a use case perspective, I think feed times should not be matched by substring. Suggest updating UG to specify substring matching for strings and full match for integers?

    Needs to be updated with new command word.

    Should be added already since functionality exists?

    Might be better to name as "deck mode" for consistency with the summary?

    Might be a good idea to get rid of the AB3 reference?

    it is a broken link - should be model/Model.java not ui/Model.java?

    should be Observable?

    Similarly, might be a good idea to remove AB3 reference?

    Update the add, delete and edit card to match the new syntax?

    should be would not, guide should be less verbal and more formal? (in language not tone)

    Missing pros and cons format?

    similarly, missing pros and cons format?

    "jaon" should be changed to "json" here?

    would be good to remove AB3 references?

    should be changed to card mode?

    similarly, should be changed to card mode?

    Might be a good idea to add descriptive messages for the screen shots? e.g.

    1. Enter the deleteDeck command into the command bar as per the example

    2. You should see the newly rendered list of decks will have deleted the deck away if the deck numbering given was valid.

    Done, thanks for the catch!

    Delete Address Class from production and test code.

    Update in UG that a new unique tag will create a new deck

    Change Tag to Deck and enforce valid deck name checking

    Detailed Explanation - UG + Explanation on what happens when you review whole list

    Update the UG with expected behavior for empty list

    Tweak to 1 dp and explain in the UG what happens with the rounding behaviour

    Update in UG that it is the correct intended behaviour

    returns full word match excluding punctuation

    Update the UG

    Intended function, update UG to reflect

    change student to users, add flashnotes behind

    UG explanation

    Please kindly help update my email, and for the others @cupofjoee, @petrickjerico, @ducbinh2611

    Eddy Chu: e0418218@u.nus.edu


    Want to check which test requires the usage of this. See if there is better solution.

    Does the empty string not match the VALIDATION_REGEX?

    Is it possible to solve it by modifying the VALIDATION_REGEX>

    Good jobs! Thanks a lot.

    Please delete these flags here, haha.

    I think hasTime() ? getDateTime().get() : "" is better as it is better to show String rather than Optional[something].

    Would you think another class called EmptyFormat implements TimeFormat is better?


    public LocalDateTime check(String time) {

    if (time.equals("")){

    return null;


    throw new TimeFormatException();


    Thanks a lot.

    Sorry for the error.


    May I check the reason for the system output here? If it is used for debug, maybe can just delete them.

    Can you slightly explain this part? Does the Quiz stop by running one more CorrectCommand and causes NullPointerException or IndexOutOfBoundsException? What is the scenario that the exceptions are thrown?

    Thanks a lot~~

    Maybe you can leave the name of the command in the Command itself like the one in the ab3. I think that can avoid "magic string".

    Really like this decision of building RefreshCommand. Good job!!!!!!

    This is what I was worried about, when I was refactoring, I found out that the QuizModel cannot really be separated due to the strong coherence with the Flashcard.

    Would you think adding one more layer of the Model (QuizFlashcardModel) would be a better structure??

    Maybe can trim the userInput before parting it, so that " quiz score flset" would still work.

    Another thing to notice is that currently it is using rigorous check, for example quiz(space*2)flset: would not pass. This also happens in the Schedule.

    Maybe we can develop a StudyBanana customised tokeniser ourselves to solve these problem.

    OHH, just too clarify, so the flow of usage is like,

    quiz flset:1

    =====> show the question

    ans: my answer

    =====> show the answer


    ======> show next question or end the quiz if all flashcards have been iterated.

    Am I correct?


    LGTM, @petrickjerico, please help double check the file changed and merge it, thanks.

    No pull request required for this tutorial.

    Duplicate changes with #61. Close this PR as it used your master branch.

    Functionality built.

    Functionality built

    Functionality built.

    Functionality built

    Functionality built!

    Functionality built.

    Functionality built.

    Functionality built.


    The description is very clear, thanks a lot. Sounds really great.

    Where does this bug happen??

    Does it still exist now?















    Not sure if it matters, but since the code does not use ProjectBook class it might be better to put @link seedu.address.model.ProjectBook in the comment instead of importing it

    (Which is what they did for AddressBook) → to discuss with team

    Other than this (+ a few things that Praveen has mentioned), LGTM to me!!:>

    I think should have empty line here??

    Not sure if I understood your TypicalWorkDuration class fully, but is it comparing different projects here?

    I think we should standardise to FIND_ALL_MATCH and FIND_ANY_MATCH for uniformity since filter might be confusing/misleading

    Yup, I think there is no need to put this method under Project. We can just keep it in Deadline!

    I think this is a good suggestion, you can remove the hasDeadline() method by doing this!

    I agree with Praveen, i think we can move it over to StringUtil

    Do the others think it would be a problem that the time for deadline is not checked against created time? I know we are not saving the created time and this would mean we would need to make changes to the created date to include time but I feel like if we are checking the date, we should be checking the time as well. What do the others think?

    I feel like ParseException should not be thrown here, perhaps a CommandException can be thrown so that we do not need to introduce ParseException to the execute method? What do the others think?

    Alright, sure! I'm okay with not checking the time

    Alright, noted! Thanks

    Can put {@code Project} here?

    Should have empty line here

    Is there a need to toggle toAdd boolean in this method?

    Is there any followup to this??

    oops i think they were added by mistake


    Yup, will add

    Not sure what the others think about this, I think that would also work.

    Nope, there are no other compulsory fields for Project other than name since description and tags are optional



    I changed the code for the parse method of AddCommandParser class instead so the existing getValue() method can be used, thanks for the comment

    Good suggestion, but could we push this to our next iteration if it is not too urgent? I am still not very familiar with how Json works, will need some time to work on it!


    Will leave it as such as discussed, will discuss more in detail after implementation of project ID

    Yes I'll go fix it!


    It should disregard the preamble.

    I have added a test for this!

    Somehow the checkstyle doesn't pass it if i leave a newline, I think we can disregard these for now?

    Same as my previous comment

    I think we can leave it here since other classes are doing the same. We can move them to Messages in one go in the next iteration!


    The reason why I need to use HashMap is because not all projects have Deadlines, and I'm using Comparator.nullsLast to place all projects without deadlines at the end of the list after projects with deadlines, so I need to compare Deadlines (and not Projects). But after extracting the deadlines (or nulls), I will still need to compare the names alphabetically in case of same deadline or null deadline, which is why I need to return the name as well. Anyone can lmk if there is a cleaner way to do this!




    I have changed the SortCommandParser to fail when there is a non-empty preamble for consistency as AddCommandParser and FindCommandParser does the same. I have added a test accordingly!


    Abstracted into a SortCommandUtil class!






    Done as well!


    I need to clarify with the others on whether we need this line, because this line conflicts with tests when it shouldn't for certain tests. I commented it out first

    Uhh it's a draft for UndoCommand, can we try to leave it first?

    Same as above:>

    Yup they are tests, they check whether the fields of modelmanager have been updated correctly after undo/redo

    This is related to the first comment, it is supposed to be there but it is conflicting with the other tests. Will clarify and resolve later when we call to fix code quality etc.

    It is because these methods are only called under 1 scenario (which is that it will work) which is why i didn't put test scenario. I added expected behaviour to the names so they sound more like tests!

    Just wondering if it would be better to keep to one deadline command to indicate both date and time (so we don't need dt/ and dd/) so if you want to indicate time, you can do something like dl/VALID_DATE, VALID_TIME and if you don't, you can just put dl/VALID_DATE. Perhaps we could discuss with the group. Other than that, LGTM:)

    I just realised that you already addressed this issue, and I'm ok with what you have suggested! Thanks:)

    Yup, I think we can try to fix this issue

    I think we should exclude the created date attribute when we are comparing two projects because it should not be an important attribute of the project? For example if I created this project yesterday and I forgot about it, and I make another entry today that has the exact same content, it should still be considered as a duplicate. What do the others think?

    Yup I think that will be good

    A correction of my previous comment, it is not just edit command, alternating commands cause the line to appear and disappear

    the line appears and disappears with alternating commands!!

    i think it should be tag edit ... instead of edit tag...?

    i think this should be edit tag/tag edit?

    should we include a case for when the given tag name is also invalid? (e.g. t/ is missing)

    I think we should change this to reflect Projact's aim instead?

    conflicts with master branch

    so just to clarify, this would be done by kk right?

    i think should be MESSAGE_DUPLICATE_TAG?

    i think this part is a bit confusing especially the command and features part?

    (also what is the definition of feature vs command? because I've always interpreted feature as the whole aspect (e.g. contacts, tags, tasks...), and commands to be like what you can do with those features but maybe I'm wrong?)

    also, i think the command name is normally named after the command word? so this could be kind of confusing

    should it be able to go back to chronological order? else, it feels like this should be our default setting since there's no other option

    previously raised, but maybe it should be SortCommand? or we change everything to fit e.g. AddContact...

    haha wait why did we need to remove this in the first place? i remember it was related to some hack thing?

    haha sorry let me rephrase, why was that comment there in the first place?

    ah i think it is possible for there to be no contacts with a tag to delete since tag add creates a tag with no person attached to it? so maybe we shouldn't assert it haha but I'm not really sure!

    Potential errors/fixes:

    • after adding a task...

    • maybe it would be more succinct to say "so how to mark the task as done once you've completed the task"

    see the task "..." have a tick beside it?

    should we standardise all user input constraints to either information source or exclamation?

    oh ya, thanks!

    TaskClear currently mutates List&gt;TagTask>. Discuss if this is acceptable or there should be another way to ensure that Tag's fields remain immutable is needed.

    I think can remove this line:

    String viewCommandOption = nameKeywords[0];

    Nice use of this method!

    Agreed! Really helps to speed up the loading! 😃

    the numbering seems to off from 6.6.12 to 6.6.14

    Is this inserted in the content page as well?

    Does this mean that the greeting will always be reset upon start up?

    Will it be better to have a more helpful exception message thrown?

    to shorten the code for this part, perhaps you can consider just checking for the second condition

    same comment as above on shortening code

    Good catch of the bug!

    Perhaps the message can be clearer? e.g. "Please enter an index number after the command. e.g. delete -mc 1"

    I think theres a typo here should be "Parses a String score with integer values into a boolean"

    is the type suppose to be Mastery Check and params suppose to be editedMasteryCheck?

    Nice exceptions to have!

    i think password is missing a /p

    Actually do we want the headers to be in markdown as well? Cos currently the headers are not in markdown


    LGTM thanks!






    Thanks for updating the URL!

    Thanks for implementing this feature!

    Thanks for your all contributions to the project!


    Would it be better if there was no need to generate default serial number here? As I feel it is an extra step before we get the actual serial number for the stock. I may have an idea of how to do it, and can help to work on it!

    Perhaps could remove this line as it seems it is not relevant!

    Perhaps it is not needed to show the path to the serial number sets book?

    This line is pretty long. Perhaps could break it down to improve code readability?

    Perhaps could break down into more readable statements. Seen a few times!

    As mentioned, perhaps it is possible to remove this method!

    Perhaps could make a new exception class for the duplicate source?

    Perhaps "stock" should be "serial number set"?

    Should "inputted" be "input" instead?

    Should this line follow the format of the others such as what is shown in "status message"?

    Should we standardise past tense / present tense? ("Update" vs "Added")

    Based on our last meeting, I think prefix for quantity to increment/decrement should be changed to "iq/"?

    I agree!

    One of the note can be removed.

    Probably could remove this line? As we defined same stock as having same name, serial number and source.

    This part should be the reason why the stock is not updated. Should put the bookmark here as well. The bookmark above is for stock with notes.

    Thanks! Have done so in newest commit.

    This should be the correct link to our repo instead: (https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-T10-2/tp/tree/master/src/main/java/seedu/tr4cker/MainApp.java)

    As in the previous comment, some of the links in this file should change.

    "stores tr4cker data" instead? Same for the rest of this file haha

    As in the previous comment, it should be "tr4cker" instead of "taskDescription book"

    Misspelled "Examples"

    add a line spacing after each field perhaps?

    Maybe can use the existing n/ prefix for event name?

    Is there a more intuitive parameter name? Perhaps queryDays?

    Perhaps you can consider using a more intuitive variable name?

    Perhaps you can wrap -1 as a variable instead of using it as a magic number in the other methods as well?

    Perhaps you can use else-ifs to make this method more readable since only one of the clauses will be executed?

    Good use of abstraction here!

    Not sure if you should accept 0 as a valid argument because Users might be confused whether to use 0 or 1 to look at the events that are in >24 hours.

    This is related to the first comment; not sure if you should accept 0 as a valid argument.

    Maybe you can wrap this String as a variable in the Messages class since there're repetitive uses?

    Yes you're right.

    Yes, you're right.

    I think using toString() is apt because what we want is a String representation of a Deadline.

    Merged #15

    Merged #16

    Looks good to me, ready to merge.

    Looks good! I think we can stick with this for now 😃

    Target user profile looks good

    Value proposition looks. Slight grammar issue (feature instead of features).

    Grammar: 'flashcard' instead of 'flashcards'

    Looks good

    Looks good

    Thanks for helping to edit

    Export implementation looks great! Thanks!

    Great implementation!

    can remove propose here as well

    same over here and the few below

    Very welcoming! Thanks!!

    Looks good! I think its pretty clear!

    thanks for adding this was adding this myself hahaha

    Good usage!

    Noted, I have made the changes and standardised the format of our use cases

    getQuestion now returns String, I think the one you are looking at is outdated

    This code is outdated as well

    I think this method is to initialise sample question. But will not be implemented last after v1.2a

    We can discuss the naming during this week's meeting, cause quite a lot will change and I am afraid it might get confusing.

    okay I will change it! thanks

    I have done the changes, thanks!

    I've made the changes, thanks!

    Ah yes thanks for pointing this out!

    Okay noted. Thanks!

    yup! Thanks I have updated the diagram!

    Okay thank you!

    Since all issues relating to 1.1 is resolved, I'll close this issue.

    lgtm! thank you!

    Looks good! I will review it after lunch!

    Hi thanks for pointing this out! We have made changes and the image should be showing up now. 😃

    Hi thanks for raising this issue! We think you might have misinterpreted this. Since this is a sample question for the user to test out, we have included the correct answer along with the question so the user can test it out personally. We have made changes so that this idea can be more clearly presented! Thank you! 😃

    Hi thanks for raising this issue! We think you might have misinterpreted this. Since this is a sample question for the user to test out, we have included the correct answer along with the question so the user can test it out personally. We have made changes so that this idea can be more clearly presented! Thank you! 😃

    Should this be flashcard list instead?

    Maybe can rename this to execute_lowercaseKeyword_success?

    I think it should be in alphabetical order, so after find command

    Same as previous comment, should be after find command

    do you think it will be better to just remove the “followed by” here also? coz I will be fixing that in #145

    I think this should be "...of a flashcard" instead?

    I think can change to the input format is invalid so that it will be consistent?

    I think can remove "in an order"

    I think it would be better to standardise fullstop

    I think can omit link to User Guide

    I think the use case should resumes from 2/4?

    I think the use case should resume from step 2?

    I think u forgot to add *a

    Btw, i think theres a typo in criteria

    I think u forgot to add here also [else]

    oh wait ya i will remove it

    Based on what I see, it looks fine when the page is published, and the spacing is the same as the other pictures.

    Based on what I see, it looks fine when the page is published, and the spacing is the same as the other pictures.

    Minor thing, but it would be good to standardise referring to the appointment as {@code appointment} in the JavaDocs as per hasAppointment and addAppointment!

    Should there be a full stop at the end of the javadoc? Very minor thing though! Is also in some other files

    Should there be a full stop at the end of the javadoc?

    Is this something that was implemented in this PR? I didn't experience any filtering out of past meetings when executing commands to refresh the display.

    Great, thanks for clarifying! Will approve and merge.

    I think you're missing a space after the date?

    Would be good to put the example in a separate line, currently it's cut off in the GUI!

    Should there be a line explaining the function of the constructor?

    Should there be a full stop after the JavaDoc?

    I'm not sure what this does, could it be omitted?

    There's a small typo in the word "conflicts".

    Should there be a message specified behind m/?

    In AddCommand, CONTACT_INDEX is used instead of simply saying index, which is done here. Could we standardise towards using CONTACT_INDEX?

    Added more sample sales data and remarks as requested!

    Fixed in latest commit!

    Good point, I overlooked that. I think I'll keep that implementation and change the JavaDocs, since comparing the lexicographical order of the buyer's name is difficult to implement without having model as one of the parameters.

    Renamed as suggested!

    Good catch, should be fixed in the new commit.

    I've deleted the typo!

    Hmm, I feel like it technically isn't needed compared to the updateModelWithContact methods, since removeModelsWithContact should provide the exact contact that matches the one in the model.

    I think that should be fine, we could relook it if the refreshes cause any issues later!

    Hmm, I pulled again to test but the meeting still remains greyed out for me and doesn't disappear, could you check again?

    My bad, I tried again and it seems to be fixed. Will merge!

    Duplicate of #184

    Related to #211

    Related to #211

    Related to #211

    Related to #207

    Related to #207

    Looked into this issue. Contact equality is based on persons of the same name having at least one other identity field that is the same. Therefore, there isn't an issue here.

    Will clarify in User Docs.

    i think this is ok but we should have a command to edit start and end date within travel plan directory also if not it might be a bit confusing

    can change person to activity

    can change person to activity

    rename p to activity?

    person to activity

    AddressBook change to ActivityList?

    addressbook change to activity list?

    address book change to friend list?

    Returns true?

    AddressBook change to WishList?

    change person to activity

    person change to activity, addressbook change to wishlist

    addressbook change to wishlist

    think you accidentally added 'a'?

    Also added delete command to user guide. Not sure why it wasn't there? Maybe got removed accidentally.

    Maybe can remove this line as the repeat step will be doing the check?

    Perhaps can remove "System is the SimplyKitchen" as "System" is not used below?

    Should "String expiry date" be "String expiryDate" to match the argument?

    Perhaps can consider "Searches for food items in the inventory with descriptions matching any of the given keywords." instead?

    Model#redoAddressBook() should change to FoodInventory

    Perhaps can change these to FoodInventory?

    JavaDoc contains address book

    Perhaps can throw an "IllegalArgumentException" instead of returning null?

    Same here. Maybe can throw "IllegalArgumentException" instead?

    Perhaps it should be "If an entry is incorrect, ..."?

    Maybe can change "food" to "food item" to make it consistent with the rest of the UG? Same for "foods" as well.

    Same as above, maybe can consider using "food items" instead?

    Same for "foods" here.

    Perhaps can say "A tag cannot contain..." instead to be clearer because the restriction is for 1 tag?

    Yes overlooked that. Will make change back.

    Yup will change back.

    Yup sounds good to remove priority.

    Good catch! Will change.

    Ok noted. Will change.


    This is to ensure that both upper and lower cases are accepted as a valid command. For example, "add d/tuna p/HIGH" or "add d/tuna p/high" or "add d/tuna p/High" are all valid commands.

    Alright will change.

    Yup switch statement will be better. Will change.

    Yup good catch! Fixed

    Alright changed.

    Changed. Thanks

    Alright. Added new tests

    Alright. Changed

    Ok. I think I will change to four valid predicates.

    Noted. Will change.

    Ok. Will change these as well as the '4' to 'four' for the predicates.

    Alright updated. Thanks

    Alright updated. Thanks.

    Yup sure.



    Hmm I'm not sure about this but I guess it's fine because it's stated in the user guide and this would make the error message very long?

    Alright thanks will change.

    Ok will change.

    Need to test feature

    This line should be above import seedu.address.*

    That may be the reason why u failed the checks

    But I think you don't have to change alr, cause we won't be using this

    updatefilteredPersonList is not changed.

    are you missing a add-itinerary?

    I just realised this too, and this title should have 4 hashtag instead of 3

    I feel that we shouldn't hard code the numberings, so it's easier to add on items next time without renumbering

    And I think this would be auto generated without us typing it manually?

    As in this part can be skipped, cause it would be auto generated if you update your headings.

    With &&, you only return true if this attraction start/end time is between the start/end time of itineraryAttraction? Should it be ||


    return super; // if you want the Attraction

    return this; // if you want ItineraryAttraction

    did return super work?

    wait.. why you change back to return this? you shld use super if you need only Attraction

    walaooo just add a enter here lah

    I think this is deleted

    This isn't deleted for some reason...

    to check if I am still within my budget

    ...to track if I am going to exceed my budget

    This thing fail my second commit because of a missing /next line

    Wah this looks good to me alr

    this looks good

    The code couldn't pass test cases after I merged yuxuan's PR into master. So I tried to resolve the test cases on GitHub. Turns out it isn't so simple.

    Merge this after Add itinerary #98 has merged

    it's a feature

    change command layout to add-itinerary-attraction so the parser does not need to accept 3 words command

    Add Itinerary Attraction Command Integration Test as well

    To get this error:

    1. select-itinerary 1

    2. add-itinerary-attraction 1 day/1 st/1000 et/1400

    3. delete-itinerary 1

    4. add-itinerary-attraction 1 day/1 st/1000 et/1400

    5. Throws error that the attraction is duplicate.


    1. currentItinerary is still set to the old itinerary, even after deleting the itinerary

    2. so when the user delete itinerary and call step 4, it would just check the ItineraryAttraction in the currentItinerary

    3. Also, if the user calls add-itinerary-attraction with a new itineraryAttraction while the itinerary was just deleted, it would add back the deleted-itinerary into the list.

    surprised not many ppl found delete-itinerary, add-itinerary-attraction bug

    no idea why this is error. Maybe isStartTimeEarlier() error?

    typo lah

    10 reasons why we need markVisited

    Add in user guide

    only command exception and parser exception will cause the font to turn red

    why can he put 1200-1200

    your command prompt doens't support that char

    suggestions: use a diff terminal

    app starts fresh if json file is corrupted

    error message to shows upper limit the integer takes in

    throw visited attraction command error message



    I feel that add-itinerary-attraction is fast enough

    it's more natural compared to add-i-a

    explain why we didn't use short form in the introduction instead of using the long commands

    For user guide

    Remove EditItineraryAttraction table

    I think you uploaded some images back into the image folder. I not sure which files are impt to your part. So can you remove those unused by you from the images folder and move those impt ones into the relevant sub folders tks.

    I think it's ok since it should be the product name

    I agree, but i think not super important. Can do when we have time

    Would it be better for descriptions to be optional?

    What is the purpose of this method? Is it not possible to use/change the existing getValue() method?

    Should description be considered an identity field for a project? I.e. should we allow projects with same name but different description?

    I think it would be useful to implement the Json serialization such that if description does not exist, then it is taken to be empty (""), so we don't have to add a description to all the sample data

    Should this throw an exception instead?

    Should this method belong to ReadOnlyProjectBook instead? Logic should not have to know about the internal components of Model (i.e. tags). Can probably get the projectbook from logic, then get the tags from the projectbook

    Should this method be in Description instead? It doesn't require anything form project and is only calling a method from description, so I think we should put it together with all the other description code.

    Similar to above, should this be in deadline instead?

    Maybe can consider using something like LocalDateTime.MIN?

    Why is this being changed?

    Can UI or Statistic ever be null? I think it might be better to make sure that they're never null using requirenonnull rather try to handle null values. If either are ever null, there would be bug in other parts of the program anyways.

    I think its a small issue, so can just merge as it is

    The Timer class is only used to keep track of the active timers. Once the timer is stopped, the data is stored under a WorkDuration class (which has not reference to project), and put in a list inside the corresponding project.

    I implemented it this way because I didn't want to store incomplete timers in a project, since it might cause problems if the timer wasn't stopped properly. Its also easier to check for active timers this way (see activeTimer in ModelManager)

    And i think it would be easier to extend to having multiple concurrent timers if we decide to do that (then each timer needs to know which project its keeping track of)

    Just storing the index won't work because the filtered list might change while the timer is running.

    Actually I think the Optional.equals() method also checks if both are empty, so I can just remove the 1st line

    Haha the javadocs is from the original addressbook. I'll change it

    This is mostly what i was referring to when i said more/better tests are needed.

    Basically, since I'm using LocalDateTime.now() to get the current time, 2 times will never be exactly the same (they will be some nanoseconds apart). For example in tests, even if I start 2 timers immediately after one another, they will have different values, so equals() will still say that they're different. Since the existing tests involve checking if 2 models are equal, this will break a bunch of existing tests.

    I'm think of either (a) Overloading the timer functions so that I can start them at a fixed time (just for testing) or (b) Introduce a custom global clock for the application to run on. The global clock will be the same as system clock in production, but in testing it will have functions that allow us to manually control the time.

    A user will never see this message (as of now) since we don't require users to manually input times. If we add commands that involve time inputs, then it might be better to not use ISO8601 format in the first place (its hard to read) and instead use some variation of the "yyyy MM dd hh:mm:ss" style.

    This error only come up in logs when theres an error in loading saved data (e.g. the saved data is not in ISO format). For now I'll add an example of what the format looks like to the error message

    TypicalWorkDuraiton is just a class to provide dummy data for testing. I defined some simple durations like 1 day, week, month, etc for testing

    It was related to the immutability thing I told you about last time. Its not relevant anymore but they're both equivalent

    Ok fixed

    This was auto generated by intelliJ and I'm gonna assume that it knows better than I do

    Sorry but I don't see the difference. Can you draw a big red circle around this line? (no troll i legit don't see it)

    Fixed in #106

    Yea I don't think created date should be a considered

    I don't have this issue. Could it be due to your changes to the reminder UI?

    Active Timers display has been changed.

    Why is there another &gt;br />? Is it intended?

    I think you forget to add role

    I think HelloFile does not need to read or write in help command, it shouldn't be in extension.

    This is the same as Luo yi's comment at the top.

    Is the "\n" before parameters intended? All the other command does not use "\n" before parameters. I think it is better to make it consistent.

    Okay then. Should we do that to all other commands?

    After seeing the screenshot, I also think it is better to use \n since we have so much space for the text box. Noted!

    Perhaps you mean to append the themeName here?

    Are we deleting appendix for manual testing altogether or will we add it later?

    What is this FileListStub for? I can't find any class that use this. If this class is not being used, can it be deleted? We can add it again later if we really need it, to make the code cleaner.

    Is it better to declare a static string and use string.format in here? I feel like it is better to use it rather than a magic string even though it is only " ".


    Is it better to combine the if check to one using "or" operator since both of them return false?


    Didn't realize that. Thanks!

    I tried using empty line, but the gap between Q and A is too large. I think it is better to use &gt;br>.

    Didn't catch that before. Thanks! I have changed it.


    I dont think this is related to TagCommand, since the value in here is from what being read from the preferences.json file. The absolutePath in here is to ensure it is a absolute path if the user try to manipulate the data inside the json file to use relative path.

    It is the behavior of the UnlabelCommand. It is not possible normally because the parser will throw an error, but if you can provide UnlabelCommand with an empty set, it will run successfully, with nothing changes. I saw a similar test case in the LabelCommand, so that's why I put it in the UnlabelCommand test too. I can delete it if you think it is unnecessary.

    At first, I am writing it to be similar like that, but I thought it is better if we can show which tag we are talking about in the CommandResult.

    Didn't see that. Thanks!


    Okay. I have added the new test.


    Currently, in UnlabelCommandTest, I am using VALID_PATH that is in the CommandTestUtil. However, I need the VALID_PATH to be different with the default label in the TagBuilder, so that's why I am changing it. If I changed the default label in TagBuilder, more test case will fail, so I change the one in the CommandTestUtil.

    Actually, i'll try to change how the UnlabelCommand is tested. I'll revert back everything. For some reason, I thought it will be harder to change the UnlabelCommandTest. Sorry!

    This conversation is discussed above.

    This conversation is discussed above.

    Yeah, I miss that. Thank you for pointing it out!

    I'm just using it as cd user input, but yeah I think the name is kinda inaccurate. I'll change it to something that the project has!


    Okay then. I'll close this PR.

    How about "displays all your lessons and assignments for 2 weeks (including the current week)"?

    maybe can change to often 'late for appointments and struggling to meet deadlines'. but this is quite minor so can edit in the future

    I think module code might not have to end with an alphabet or number all the time right haha. maybe can phrase it '... have 4 numbers and may end with an alphabet.'

    just wondering, do we need an editPersonDescriptor at this stage or later?

    is this supposed to be 'in the context of RemindCommand' instead of DeleteCommand?

    does it have to be abstract since this class doesn't contain any abstract methods.. I think a normal class would suffice


    second* assignment

    oh okay, I didn't know that Command was abstract. ya we can leave it as abstract then

    maybe can rename to expectedHours since it's referring to hours

    what's this ResolverStyle just curious haha

    of your deleted assignment(s) ?

    Looks good! But I think it'll be good to mention some of the user benefits / problem that schedule solves

    Likewise for undo, I think can mention some of the user benefits

    okay we can discuss this in our meeting later!

    wait what do you mean? is it we allow them to have any number of tags as well?

    Okay updated!

    ah ok! line 57 right


    thanks for pointing it out!


    edited! thanks for pointing this out

    edited accordingly! thanks!

    whoops thanks for pointing this out

    changed to academic schedule!

    okay changed to Andrea's suggestion cause I don't think unmark is a proper English word as well according to Google haha

    Implemented using regex and changed the access modifier back to private!

    Yup remind has the same problem as well. I think it has something to do with how we implement .equals for the Commands in general. We kinda just check whether they're the same type I think

    The argMultimap will just parse those that are present into the HashMap. Like it won't crash or anything

    okay edited!

    Are you referring to the different components like the commandbox, remindersbox etc ? What are their names ah cause the labelled diagram is not up yet

    okay thanks!

    uhh I've no idea how to do that for Linux and Mac 🤣 @minhhhnguyen2000 @andreatanky anyone knows?

    ok !

    ahh okay thanks for pointing that out

    sounds good!

    Do we usually start with if though haha

    thanks !


    cause isSameAssignment doesn't check for the module code haha, as long as name and deadline same it'll return they are same

    changed accordingly!

    ok thanks!!

    I changed it based on the prefixes he mentioned during our call that day. @minhhhnguyen2000 pls take note 👍

    okay thank you!!

    I think the TIME_DATE_AND_TIME_FORMAT doesn't have the ':' though. @minhhhnguyen2000 are you okay with changing?

    Looks good! Just a small suggestion, maybe we can standardise the use of capital letters under 'I can' and 'so that I can'. we can either capitalise the first word or not capitalise the first word for both scenarios 😃

    Sounds good! Which do you suggest is better? I'm fine with either way 😃

    I think for now we can not capitalise for both scenarios !

    Let me fix the checkstyle

    Have to update based on the final UG (Eg, delete multiple, edit assignments etc) Existing descriptions are great!

    yeap I'll edit again on Thursday once our UG is updated!

    Wait idk why got UserGuide stuffs inside

    so is the command tagFind or tagfind?

    I think so too!

    Can I check why are there two TagDeleteCommand.java?


    I think this is delete?

    Ive added an exception here in my TaskDoneCommand to check if taskIndex is out of range, maybe you will want to add them here as well

    TaskDone to TaskDelete

    I think is TaskDeleteCommandParser.parse(arguments)



    Ok yep I realised this too and made the adjustment in taskdone as well

    I think since there is a method documentation so it is fine?

    thanks ahah

    I was thinking the information source to be used for other purposes? Like additional information. But exclamation is like something that it is important to take note of at that point in time.

    Ok! I can change to what was suggested. For the showing of 2 ways, I think a general one will be fine? Since like the use case is to show interaction between system and user.

    oh wait haha i think i should change to contact list.

    ok about the present tense, will take note

    ok done!

    done as well!

    Because in UniqueTagList, there is this test that checks whether the contains(Tag) method returns true even when the tag is edited. So to edit the tag, we will have to edit the person list (by adding one person in) that is attached to this tag.


    public void contains_tagWithSameIdentityFieldsInList_returnsTrue() {
        Tag editedCS2103T = new TagBuilder(CS2103T).withPersons(VALID_PERSON_AMY)

    No apparently I tried to think of ways to do it but we could not because of the fact that UI get the Filtered List instead of the Sorted List, unless we implement the undo feature?

    I remove the comment only

    hmmm if like this, then we might have to change all to command only

    Ohh erm I was really confused w the implementation initially, because I think this is not a good long-term solution but I guess for now, we should just proceed

    ohh yep thanks

    sequence was changed to try out the sort method

    Thanks! Made the necessary edits. Let me check what I can do about CommandResult.java

    Does anyone know how to generate the Code Coverage result again?

    Reformat the DG slightly.

    Not going to put PersonName field under Tag

    Not needed anymore

    you forgot to change the prefix, i think it should be type:

    I dont think addressbook should be changed to typebook

    This one also, should not change addressbook to typebook

    this one also, should not change

    this should be dateTime

    Should be "constructs an empty DateTime when user does not provide the dateTime field

    comment should be dateTime

    Comment should be invalid dateTime

    this comment also


    should be dateTime instead of Phone

    Not sure if it is just me but i usually write thursday as 'thurs' in short from but it must be 'thu' for the input. Maybe can make it clearer?

    change the name of the task to editedEvent1 or something

    this one also

    For use cases for list, add, delete, it should be task not person.

    Also currently the message says that the lesson is added when the end date can be set before the start date, but it does not show up on the list. Should change the output message

    Have you fixed the ###&gt;Title> problem as mentioned in the issue?

    I could not find the problem.

    Would be better to name it as "exactlyMultipleWordsIgnoreCase"? "contains" is a little misleading.

    Can you not just import the View.InventoryType ?

    same as before

    maybe use a more descriptive name

    missed this

    I think you can import only DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION separately?

    just use requireNonNull?

    Don't need the "this"

    Is this used anywhere? It was deleted for the Item class, and UniqueRecipeList no longer uses it

    "redoes undone change" might be more clear?

    Change these to reflect comma-separated

    " " (space) after command_word needed

    Wouldn't it be better to set the filter to search for the item, then use the filteredList? Right now it seems like it uses the "currently filtered list" which might not be intended if you use this command after doing maybe a "find", as the item searched for might not exist in the subset filtered.

    Don't need the empty check above anymore, stream would handle it

    This was specified in user guide, can be changed easily regardless

    Good note, modified

    changed to "apple banana carrot"

    Done, my bad

    huh, yeah that was dumb

    I think I did this in my PR. Need to check after merging if any files remain

    Also need to add following commands:

    • clear item/recipe

    • craft

    • edit

    • undo/redo

    Dunno what this means

    UG update needed

    UG update needed

    Options not implemented currently

    UG update needed

    Modify Parser/Quantity constructor. It does the check, but doesn't convert to an integer

    Documentation update needed/ handle optionals

    The open square bracket should not have a space before it. Either:

    1. UG update needed, or

    2. Modify parser to be able to accommodate a space

    Space " " is not regarded as alphanumeric. It seems the Exception is not successfully raised/ lost somewhere

    CraftCommand uses AddQuantityToItemCommand for each update. Each of these commits. Either change where commit takes place (eg. to LogicManager.execute) or smth else

    Message update needed

    Just a bunch of UG updates

    Specify in UG more explicitly

    Same as with tags, verification checks raise error but it gets lost

    Same as #134

    Case sensitivity, dunno if we should edit

    UG update needed

    UG update

    Same as #133

    UG update/ modify parser to handle optional

    Seems like "platter" isn't there. Should make it more clear in UG that item must exist for a recipe to be added to it

    I dunno what this is, asked for more info

    Yeah I just tested this and found it weird

    UG update

    Quantity verification check update

    Maybe something to consider adding in the view command

    Proper bamboozle, no sanitisation before compiling the Pattern. Same for find command

    Same core issue as #113

    Different Exception raised, dunno what to do about this

    Recipe similarity check uses only id

    Same core issue as #115

    Same as #135

    Superseded in #107

    Superseded in #129

    Intended. But maybe have this as an alias for a default list command, like listi

    I think it's supposed to be Module

    Should we use FaculType instead of address book or just keep it as it is?

    Perhaps it would be better to use MODULE_CODE and MODULE_NAME instead? I think it avoids confusion and keeps it consistent.

    I think it'd be better to phrase it as "The list has at least one module."

    Can also search by remark and tags 😄

    I think it's supposed to be Unassignall 😄

    Have you tried special blank characters like "\n", "\t", etc. ?

    I think this should be ListCommand 😃

    Can also try to test on special characters like "\n", "\t", etc. 😄

    I think this is supposed to be {@code moduleCode}

    Same typo heheh.

    I don't think this uses "the" (?)

    I think there's a typo here

    Oh yes. It seems I forgot to change it haha 😅

    Hm... I was just following the class name. Wouldn't it be weird if "professors" suddenly appeared out of nowhere since it has never been mentioned before?

    Okay! 👍🏻

    Ok! 👍🏻

    Oops. I forgot. Thanks for reminding! 😄 Will implement it ASAP.

    I've added it! 😃 Thanks for the input!

    Should change to StonksBook here as well.

    Maybe it would be better if we add comments along the way as we write code? Just a suggestion haha.

    Can remove the tag add command since we will not be supporting it.

    Just a small thing, would it make more sense if we set the condition to yearValue > 1970 or something?


    Same as above

    Should this Enter be in >kbd>>/kbd> as well?



    Just wondering if all the examples should all be step-by-step.

    "Quantity should be a positive integer less than 10 million, and should not be blank.";

    assertFalse(UnitPrice.isValidUnitPriceString("-1.00")); // negative unit price

    Just nitpicking here, is there missing a space for the MONTH and YEAR rows?

    Yep, this will be relevant once my next PR is in.

    Right sorry haha


    Good catch lol

    Hmmmm I've tried this approach, but seems edit and delete command only work if the filtering is done on the sorted list.

    Hmmmm the original was addressBook.json here so I kept it in camel case. I will try changing to lower case and see if anything goes wrong.

    Already implemented in AddressBook, will open a new issue for the tag operations etc.

    Good catch! I think it would make more sense to treat this action as a tag delete if there's only one contact with this tag.

    Seems there's some very strange issues with this branch. Will close this PR and open a new one.

    Closed in PR #96

    Maybe we wait for everyone to add docs for their parts and merge together? @sebastiantoh

    Make sense, will refactor.

    Not really sure what the issue here lol

    Unable to reproduce. Closing.

    Are you missing a new line here?

    should it be persons?

    Room follows this format

    >Level>>Room No>

    Shouldnt the range from room include other levels other than 1?

    eg. 100 - 420 (The block has 4 levels, 20 rooms per level)

    Seems like there is a typo here

    should it be .txt files instead?

    Better to use a table form

    Is the format consistent with the numbering style in the logic API?

    There's a typo here, follwed -> followed

    Is there a formatting issue with the escape character

    The argument in the method does not match step 1. Can consider shortening it to find

    i think set functions violates the 'ReadOnly' function of this class. Can consider using the 'UserPrefs' class instead

    Can consider using UserPrefs instead

    typo here, 'not longer'

    can consider changing the "erase the existing data" to "reset it to default settings"

    Will update this

    Will add a toUpper() to enforce caps

    It needs to be set before the addressBook is loaded else there will be a validation error when loading the saved addressBook

    UserPrefs is just a class to store the info of the preferences. It does not actually modify another class attributes

    This is the default value which be overridden by setBlockPref , its needed for testing since all the test cases do not read from the preference file

    userPref will never be null, because the check is done in UserPref . Block and Room in this case is referring to the class, so it cant be null either

    Good catch

    its handled in the respective set methods, eg setMinFloorSettings

    i cant parse the input if the length is correct. Updated my implementation to show constraints for both block and room

    Tracked by tp dashboard

    Will fix this bug

    Duplicated issue #206

    Should we remove this and use run in debug mode when its finalised

    I like your usage of stubs!

    Pattern.matches throw some exceptions when dealing with some corner cases like. Perhaps String.matches() do as well?

    Perhaps studentAttributesList would be better here?

    Should this be AddStu instead of Add? Because there is a AddSes later

    Perhaps can remove this now ? 😃

    Perhaps can combine "If the argument is valid" with no argument ==> If argument is invalid, a ParseException...?

    Thanks for the suggestion but if the argument is invalid, it throws a CommandException but if argument is empty it throws a ParseException. Hence, this is why I separated them.

    Noted thanks for clarification

    Perhaps don't have to leave a blank line here?

    Perhaps could be better phrased to ":tip: After receiving the confirmation prompt, enter yes to confirm the removal of student at the specified INDEX or reject the command by entering no"?

    Perhaps could have more consistent usage of active vs passive voice?

    Perhaps ATAS should be bold for consistency?

    Should this be Examples?

    oops LOL yeah thanks!

    yup thanks for spotting the mistake!

    Noted with thanks!

    Noted and edited with thanks 😄

    Noted and edited with thanks 😄

    Noted and edited with thanks 😄

    what do you think I should replace it with though?

    Edited with thanks 😄

    Edited with thanks


    LGTM. However, would changing current to current session maybe make the command too long for the user to have to type? Maybe the rest of the team could chime in on this as well. @CodingCookieRookie @YuunoKun @MarcusTw

    I would prefer current personally 😃


    I think it would be good to standardise. LGTM other than this.

    Are we going to allow the new quantity to be less than 0?

    Where do you suggest then? The other location I can think of is stock class.

    Is there an extra tab here?

    I think you shouldn't use the short form of accumulated here for the class name?

    I think this is fine.

    Should we include an example which shows the usage of deleting multiple stock?

    Maybe can include the word "multiple" to make the use case more explicit? Some people with poor English like me might miss this out.

    just a small typo here I chanced upon

    i think this is for you to debug and you forgot to remove?

    minor inconsistency in the naming

    here too

    Is there supposed to be a 1 behind the fairprice here?

    Nope. I think the refactoring screwed up all the links within the docs. Good catch!

    We would be storing stocks rather than person in our warenager so I thought the renaming of the class would be appropriate here.

    Alright will remove it!




    update sn/fairprice1 iq/1000 sn/fairprice2 seems to be incrementing both stock by 1000. Is this the expected behavior?


    Included changes for print command here as i dont want to make another pr before this branch is merged.

    Noted with thanks.

    Have made the necessary changes. Thanks for the suggestion!

    Very good catch! Have fixed the issue. Thanks!

    Minor issue, could you change users to students, because its a list of students not users. Otherwise, LGTM!

    Should be && instead of || for school and year.

    The student is the same only if all the field values are the same.

    Should be detailList, instead of tagList

    I understand you want to separate the syntaxes, but I feel these should be in CliSyntax with the other prefixes instead, so that all the prefixes can be found / accessed easily in a centralised location, rather than all over the place. It could just be separated from the other Prefixes in a different block of code

    Minor suggestion, could replace prefix with field instead, so that a non-technical user reading the user guide can better understand.

    Eg: The s/ field marks an unanswered...

    Need to change TIME_FORMATTER to OUTPUT for both startTime and endTime

    add Coming soon here

    add here

    add here

    Why are these changed uh, cos i think the extra --- in the link breaks the links.

    Duplicate line

    Minor change, could you update the javadoc as well

    typo hahaha

    okay, removed

    Oops! Thank you, i've fixed it!

    Fixed, thanks!

    Okay, resolved

    Good catch! I'll remove it in my next PR.

    Good suggestion! I've implemented it in my latest commit.

    Thanks again, I've just implemented this in my latest commit.

    Correct, we can't edit for now. I can do a separate PR to allow for such an edit


    okay, ill do it like this: 1) 30 October 2020 (✓) FEEDBACK

    Changed it to this:


    Good point, I'll do so in my next PR, thanks!

    Fixed before PE dry run started.

    Duplicate issue (#190 )

    Fixed before PE dry run.

    Duplicate issue (#190 )

    Duplicate issue (#190 )

    Editing details through edit command would make it more difficult, as it would be complicated to find out which detail within the student the user wants to edit, and to get the desired new detail text for the detail. Bringing it out to separate command makes it clearer for the user, and easier for all parties.

    Therefore, we won't be implementing this suggestion.

    Duplicate issue (#152 )

    Handled by #194

    For all the sequence diagrams, does the newly created Student really get destroyed, since this Student object replaces the older student in the Model, when setStudent(student, copy) is called.

    I can't comment on the exact lines since they're from a previous pr. Outside of this, everything looks ok to me.

    The command takes an existing student (the student in the diagram) and creates a copy from it, then replaces it in the model. Then the old student should get deleted since nothing points to it anymore.

    AH ok gotcha. Then in that case, should we show the new student object (copy) creation? Or would that be considered a low level detail that we don't have to show.

    For all the sequence diagrams, does the newly created Student really get destroyed, since this Student object replaces the older student in the Model, when setStudent(student, copy) is called.

    I can't comment on the exact lines since they're from a previous pr. Outside of this, everything looks ok to me.

    The command takes an existing student (the student in the diagram) and creates a copy from it, then replaces it in the model. Then the old student should get deleted since nothing points to it anymore.

    AH ok gotcha. Then in that case, should we show the new student object (copy) creation? Or would that be considered a low level detail that we don't have to show.

    I feel like I can elaborate on it in the description bah

    hmm okay, i think I'll show the creation in my diagrams tho, if thats fine. LGTM

    Perhaps it is better to rename the set to "professors"?

    Perhaps it is better to change this to "ModuleName" to avoid confusion?

    Perhaps it is better to change this into ModuleCode instead?

    I think it is better if the error message is "Operation would result in duplicate modules".

    You are right, I think just leave it as "persons" for now.

    LGTM for me 👍

    Perhaps you can change this to UniqueModuleList for the sake of consistency? (since it is UniquePersonList for Person) 😄

    Minor problem, but should this be MESSAGE_MODULES_LISTED instead?

    Should this be ".. to show only the module at the given.." ?

    May I ask what is the "final" modifier for? 😅

    Do you think it's better if the variable name is changed into "moduleToSet"? 😄

    Cool, thanks for the clarification!

    You are right, I forgot to change it! 😅

    I'll change it to FaculType instead.


    Make sense. I'll change that.

    I have made some changes. Can you check it again? thanks.

    Got it. Will change it.

    Hihi I think our find command syntax has changed. So we need the 1 optional parameter after find to use the find command

    Hihi the find command syntax needs to be changed here also later.

    Should we remove the traces of address book?

    here also but i think rmb to change later

    Hi sflr but can I just clarify that having this line means that during execution of this, if the list is filtered then it would choose the index for student based on the filtered list but after adding it would go back to the non filtered list. Is this like the intended behaviour?

    I think there is a change in the command format for this part to put the solution if im not wrong. So might want to update the use format message because right now I think it's still the old message

    For this line take note because matcher.matches() changes the state of matcher, when assertions are not used there might be bugs.

    Hmm would this method be better off in SchoolType.java instead since it's about SchoolType? Also, I think because it's a static method just take note that the assert statement can potentially cause bugs if the method is used for other things since the string might not always be validated?

    And also I think note that isValidSchoolType is actually less stringent than the validation regex in Year.java due to casing (so 'sEC 3' would be valid under isValidSchoolType but not under Year.java's validation regex). I don't think it affects anything here but if more changes are made this might potentially be relevant?

    I think can consider adapting these tests and moving over to the YearTest.java instead of deleting if the parsing of SchoolType is moved to Year.java? Because right now YearTest does not have much tests as the constructor assigns only the given schoolType and level to attributes but if the parsing is moved over there I think can potentially add more tests there.

    Hmm just a comment though: I found the name PrefixDependentParser a bit hard to decipher at first. Do you think something like WithPrefixCommandParser would be better if we were to make changes in the future?

    Hi! I would be making changes to my section of the user guide separately so there's no need to update this part for now. Also, for line 281 the "(case sensitive)" portion, I think it can be confusing so I am thinking it would be better on another line

    Right thanks! I've just updated it!

    Thanks for the feedback, I've changed the testing method in ReeveParserTest! I've also refactored the way find command is implemented.

    Thanks for mentioning this, the branch was created before the updates were pushed but I've now merged the changes from master! I've also updated the user guide to clarify the behaviour of this.

    I think I added it in during testing but okay i think i'll remove it, thanks!

    I changed to public because I created a method getFindStudentDescriptorDetails in a testingutil StudentUtil that required access to the keywords to create the command. Would it be better to use getters instead?

    Yep something similar currently "sec 3" would match "sec 1-4", "p 3" and "s 3" but not "p3" or "s3" as it matches by whole words so "p3" is not "sec" or "3" hence it won't match. Same for "s3"!

    Reminder to self: Change line 69 reference to filtered list also

    I think notes being the command word was meant to refer to the notes feature so notes add meant like going to the notes feature and adding a note. I've changed notes to notebook if that better clarifies the command?

    Thanks for pointing out the code duplication! I've checked the ParserUtil docs and it says "Contains utility methods used for parsing strings in the various Parser classes." so I was just thinking that this would expand the scope of a class already with a lot of methods. If it is better, I've moved it to Parser as a default implementation instead!

    Okay thanks for pointing it out! I've just changed the note keyword to note!

    (To be addressed later pending creation of new utility classes)

    Okay thanks for pointing the potential misreading in line 204! For line 206 I don't get what you mean by "e.g Yishun will match Yishun Sec but not Yishun Secondary." as Yishun currently will match Yishun Secondary.

    Also, would "the entire given keyword" brings up the possibility of confusion as this can be interpreted to mean that the entire keyword string must be found in one chunk.

    Right! Nice catch!

    Oops I left it out by accident. I meant more elaboration for how the year is parsed and interpreted by Reeve. Hmm I feel saying "for name search", "for school search" etc feels like there is only one criteria they can use instead of multiple as in our app. If it's better, I've just changed it to "for the name criteria" etc!

    Hi! I might be wrong but actually I don't see any info-box (edited: *for the year section) in the add command and I copied this format from the add command

    Screenshot 2020-11-07 at 6 46 50 PM

    Also, I copied the year format section because I thought that was what we discussed in the group?

    Maybe you can clarify what you mean by OR search? Because my understanding is that "matches any full keyword specified" makes the logic quite clear already (and also that is an OR search in that it can match any keyword) without going too deeply into the technicalities

    Hi, okay I have bolded any full keyword if it makes it less confusing. I don't get what you mean by do something for school search but I have bolded all keywords in the same spirit!

    Changing structure of student class so not being implemented anymore.

    I think need update the CommandTestUtil file to this: https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-W15-2/tp/blob/master/src/test/java/seedu/address/logic/commands/CommandTestUtil.java

    Yes I forgot to thank you for pointing that out! I've just uploaded them!

    Should just be ParserUtil

    Add aliases here

    And here

    the with/ prefix is still case sensitive

    Maybe we should use command deletealias and deletea?

    Added the feature to delete journal entries from the application.

    I think this change is not needed

    I think adding these tips for editc would be nice as well.

    Typo: Model#updateAlias(Map&gt;String, ValidCommand> map) updates the model with a Map

    Maybe we should add a tip here that default aliases cannot be removed?

    I think you can omit the first part of the sentence here.

    Assuming you want to add st as an alias for switch, tType alias switch st into the command box and press enter.

    Same thing here, there should be no ifs here, since this example will definitely be successful.

    So maybe change it to:

    This adds st as a valid shortcut for the command switch

    This part checks for if you are trying to add a new person with the same name and phone or same name and email, so the UID can be different here.

    The command in question: view in/c index/ANY_VALID_INDEX

    Change list command in UG

    Remove bold and add space in UG

    Remove date in UG

    Duplicate issue

    Duplicate issue

    Update UG (tags should not have spaces)

    Update UG for edit command (Name should not be compulsory field)

    List JFoenix in website

    Duplicate issue

    Check unique person should check name

    Change quickstart screenshots

    Duplicate issue

    Update UG

    Duplicate issue

    Duplicate issue

    Add ... in UG for with/ tag

    Duplicate issue

    Duplicate issue

    Update UG with expected behaviour if multiple of the same tag is used

    unhandled localdatetime parse exception?

    Duplicate issue

    Use YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM instead

    Viewing 1st entry & contact on launch

    Duplicate issue

    Duplicate issue

    update find command in UG

    Duplicate issue

    Should be fixed

    Duplicate issue

    Maybe need a better checker

    Update UG that it starts with sample contacts and entries


    Update UG as well that phone numbers we take in is Singaporean numbers

    Should you add a space between #### and Use so that the format would be consistent with the other files?

    Is all the location a placeholder for now?

    Why is all person changed to stock?

    Based on the CS2103T website, the UI mockup should be put on docs/images/Ui.png instead of docs/images/Warenager.png.

    I agree with Ashley here.

    Yes, I think it would be good to include deleting multiple stock at once.

    I think the indentation is too large, should only be 8 spaces.

    Maybe consider removing this first so the code will be cleaner. Can always refer to this later by viewing GitHub commit history

    Should be UpdateStockDescriptor

    I think sn/&gt;serial number>... is already correct.

    I think the CSV on userInput.CSV should be lowercased as in this context it is a file extension. Same issue with other CSV below.

    I think the JSON on stockbook.json should be lowercased as in this context it is a file extension. Same issue with other JSON below.

    You're right Ashley, it does not make sense for a quantity to be negative. Thanks for spotting this problem, I will fix this immediately.

    Yes. Thanks for mentioning!

    update sn/fairprice1 iq/1000 sn/fairprice2 seems to be incrementing both stock by 1000. Is this the expected behavior?

    Yes, since now we allow to update multiple stocks at once.

    Some merge conflicts still need to be resolved. @LimZeWeiDennis

    Some merge conflict arises due to merging other PRs. @amylzting

    Done implementing both ascending and descending order

    Not accepted as a bug. The sorting list indeed shows the correct ascending order of name field. Notice that 100 is lexicographically smaller than 2 and hence 100 is correctly listed before 2.

    This is a very good catch! Thanks for reporting, bug has been fixed.

    Not accepted as a bug. In the screenshot, the stock with serial number 102 does not exist. Hence, the error message is correct and meaningful.

    This is a very good catch! Thanks for reporting the bug. The bug has been fixed in the tagged PR.

    This is a good catch! Thanks for reporting. The bug has been fixed in the tagged PR.

    A good point about the handling consistency of invalid commands. Accepted as a bug. The fix is in the linked PR. Thanks for reporting!

    A good suggestion. Indeed it is better for the suggestion to suggest a valid command format instead of repeating the invalid one. Accepted as a bug. The fix is in the linked PR. Thanks for reporting!

    A great catch! Indeed this is a bug. The fix is in the linked PR. Thanks for reporting!

    We think this is not a bug as updating nothing is regarded as a valid behavior.

    Could you help check whether the Index class would be useful in this case instead of int? The flashcard class is implemented using Index. TLDR: the Index class adds flexibility of zeroBasedIndex and oneBasedIndex. I'm just not sure whether it's actually useful, need second eye. Thanks!! 👍

    The equality here should include both indexes and not only 1

    Question slipped here. Just need to replace it accordingly.

    Do the temporary details disrupt the Command tests? If not, I suggest to keep it until Petrick done with the Flashcard UI.

    What is the purpose of the assertEquals here? They do not use the command in the parameter. When would the 2 assertEquals return False in this case?

    I didn't know this 😂

    Is there supposed to be withFlashcardSetName("Physics") here?

    Minor stuff, we should avoid Magic String as much as possible. There is VALID_FLSET_NAME_ECONOMICS in the FlashcardBankCommandTestUtil

    What issue?

    Our sample flashcards so high quality! 👍👍

    Ah I see, yup I think just a short 1-line comment is enough

    Clarification of the current mechanics:

    Once quiz started, user can still go through the quiz switching between quiz and flashcard tabs, but the commands allowed will only be quiz commands?

    Changed regex from alnum to Graph.

    Changed the error message feedbacks in most schedule and flashcards commands.

    Removed the icon

    Add an exception handling.

    Fixed UG for the flashcards, but have not removed the Exit and Help commands. If I remember correctly, @ducbinh2611 has 1 issue about the exit and help commands in the UG. Could you help close this issue when you have settled the Exit and Help commands? Thanks!

    Changed the regex from alnum to graph


    i think depends on the type if we refer duplicate as having the same name. Activity and accommodation may have duplicated names? But for person maybe not.

    Or duplicate meaning all other fields (cost, tag) the same, then I think we should check for duplicates!

    okies, i can add on!

    Is it supposed to be MM instead of 3 'M's?

    ohh its abbreviated form!

    I think it is throwing an exception because the edit command ensures that at least one field is edited but the command and builder is building the exact same fields so there wasn't any editing done

    Is it because maybe more than 1 travel plans can have the same first name?

    find friend instead of person?

    I think can change to Friends instead of Persons

    duplicate friends?

    I think passport should end with a character

    Should we change this portion to list of friends instead?

    yeap, I will change it to show

    I was thinking that since we can view the travel plans at the top directory, we can also modify the start and end date there too. Or is it better to restrict the editing to within travel plan directory?

    yes it is supposed to be numbers, i will change it

    I tried to follow the order given in the UI

    I am intending to specify it to "displayed activity list"!

    yes, I will change it. thankss

    okay, fixed!

    yup, travelplan too. I updated them



    Should change back to "person". Same for Line 9.

    Will "ReadOnlyFoodInventory" be better?

    Will "FoodInventory" be better?

    Will "JsonSerializableFoodInventory" be better?

    AddressBook references have not been removed.

    A very small nitpick but "g" will be a better unit. Also, perhaps consider removing the "20g" tag in line 33?

    Using "updatedQuantity" will make it consistent with the naming of the other variables.

    Is using the singular verb "donut" be better? What if the same user add another food item of 1 donut?

    Same as previous with regards to using "g" as a unit.

    Should there be a "Use case ends." at the end of MSS? Same for line 767.

    Need to switch to the context of Food.

    Fixed. Thanks.

    Fixed. Thanks.

    Noted. Thanks.



    Added hyperlinks. Thanks.

    Edited. Thanks.

    I edited the message to include the valid date part.

    The two date formatters used check for different types of formatting errors and also invalid date as well. Hence, the formatters can't differentiate between an invalid date or a date with incorrect formatting.

    Fixed. Thanks.

    I am not sure if this is considered wildcard import?

    Still reads ExerciseAddCommand from the previous commit

    I think this should be BMI? so uppercase rather than lowercase

    This should be e/Pull Ups if im not wrong

    Is there a need for such a class? Seems to comprise of simple getters and setter.

    Similar to my comments above, seems to be unnecessary class to build a Weight object this way.

    Any other possible test cases? Seems like you are only considering null as an input. Maybe think about the equivalence partitions

    Similar comments as above. Consider more test cases. A good idea would be to run the tests with coverage in intellij to see possible lines that you missed out in AddWeightCommand and AddHeightCommand. Week 8 topics has a video on how to run with coverage if you are unsure.

    Rather than put something that will never be input by the user, maybe consider a value that is slightly more possible? Like a negative number or 0 which is invalid, but more likely than Nan.

    Same as comments above. Improve testing by considering more values that BMI could take.

    Are you sure this is how Bmi works in fitNUS? I suggest relooking at our codebase and familiarising yourself with how we create and calculate BMI. Feel free to reply the group if you're still facing issues understand our code.


    Sorry, let me approve Licheng's PR and handle the merge conflicts first.

    Sorry, let me fix this and I will reupload the PR.

    Can you help us to put our names at which part we did for 2101 class later then recommit? then ill merge it in

    Remove BmiCommand as well because it is outdated

    I will assign myself this issue, refer to PR #199

    I have done up the tests for these commands in PR #199 , and we have phased out BmiCommand as well. Let me know if there are any issues with my code there! I will be closing this PR.

    Is CliSyntax necessary?

    Can just import EditPersonDescriptor instead?

    er not sure use what name...com.eva?

    com.eva.logic would be better?

    I had some runtime error while trying to typecast, not sure if this'll work.

    But yeah probably waiting for the staff list i guess.

    Should we include pre-interview? I think processing means after the interview but no update yet right?

    Hi, should this be removed?

    Perhaps you can give a boolean name to the false & true for better readability?

    is this addl instead?


    yup ok

    ok thanks

    Oh right thanks...i will update it to handle job description + catch errors later on.

    tutorial only, pls don't merge



    filename needs to be github username?


    wait idk why isaactin.md is under delete


    LGTM with some small namings.


    LGTM. Any unforeseen bugs will have to be resolved after commands are added.


    Okay I merge first! Thank Ben for comments.








    Fixed by Isaac

    fixed UG

    fixed UG

    fixed UG






    Cannot handle white space?

    I think Hans made a generic list?


    Can just make this 2 into 1 line?

    Although optional to cast ArrayList type, might be good to leave it in?

    Not sure if protected will be better

    I feel that double should remain as a primitive type? If Double means it can accept NULL

    Should use Integer.parseInt(trimmedIndex)), because if someone creates a parseInt(trimmedIndex) method, then this line might break the code.

    I think do not use Math.round since your display in 1 or 2 Dp

    month and year

    Your copy and paste high level

    I changed to listmodule

    I think this one just leave it, easier to understand for the user in my view

    I will do this in the last milestone, issue created

    What you mean? If clear than should be empty?


    Will change this but likely this will not be in used because appointment use case not done


    Total Revamp of the UG due to change of scope

    Total revamp of UG, will create an issue when the time is right.

    The wrong branch hence closing this PR without Merge

    This PR is closed without merging as the feature has been completed and integrated into another PR

    Error message wrong, UG fixed

    Cap at x value and add this info in UG

    Closed NA


    Add to UG

    Might be side effect from clearsvc

    Done for Revenue

    Done for Expense

    4.2.7 and 4.2.4

    What is this assertion for? Is it you forgotten to remove it after doing the tutorial last week?

    Not sure if HashMap&gt;Group, Lesson> would be an unmodifiable view of the lesson map. Maybe you could look into FXCollection ObservableMap? I'm not very familiar with it, but it seems to be similar to ObservableList.

    Similar comment for Student and StudentInfo Managers.

    I realised my test case naming convention is wrong for this file!! I will create a PR regarding this. It is suppose to have the underscores to differentiate (following the textbook naming convention)

    Instead of "contact details" from AB3, perhaps it would be better to be "tutorial groups and lessons"?

    Missed out changing "AddressBook" to "Serenity" for the developer guide sentence

    Instead of hardcoding the white space, perhaps you can reference PREAMBLE_WHITESPACE in CommandTestUtil class?

    Similar comment for the other test cases in this file 😃

    Instead of manually creating the student, perhaps you can useStudentBuilder to build the default student to show that a default student passes the test successful?

    Same idea for the rest of the test files 😃

    Similar to my previous comment on manually creating students, perhaps you could use StudentBuilder to build a default student, and use .withName() method to create the "wrong" student name.

    Rationale: the default student gives a positive test case, so the reason for negative test case is due to the "wrong" student name. Clearer and better to understand!

    Same idea for the rest of the test files 😃

    If I'm not wrong, the range that score can take in is 0-5?

    Maybe you could include other invalid scores such as negative integers, non-integers and integers larger than 5 to cover all the partitions?


    Realised you defined validSubScore multiple times.

    Perhaps you want to create a VALID_SUB_SCORE constant in the TypicalStudentInfo class for use in this and other files? Easier to reference and change if we change the range of valid scores 😃

    Similar tip for your other test files variables!!

    I think MESSAGE_INVALID_PERSON_DISPLAYED_INDEX is AB3 reference? Maybe change the name of the constant to match our case of invalid student index?

    Keeping them so that we will not forget to implement them in future.

    Realised it is already accounted for in the previous clause, will remove it!!

    For the 2 if blocks below, the other attributes of questionToEdit and editedQuestion could be different and not be caught by the if (questionToEdit.equals(editedQuestion)) block. The 2 checks are mainly to ensure that the editedQuestion group and lesson names are valid, assuming that they were edited.

    Will edit it, thanks for pointing out 😃

    Good suggestion! Ill add a new field for GroupName as well to be consistent 😃

    Good point, we'll do that in the next PR!



    Appointment class already has a String description, is that good enough?

    Sorry, can you explain what is the TAB_ID used for in the Command class actually? Is it only relevant in the CommandResult class?

    TAB_ID needs to be declared as a public static final constant above right?

    Agreed! I think it will be addpatient based on our user guide.

    I think so, because we will have various ListAppointmentsCommands, like listing all appointment of a specific patient!

    Actually, I think it might be good to use the shorter versions? More user-friendly! We can update the UG to reflect this if everyone agrees

    I think we can remove this line since Address field has been removed!

    Should we remove the PREFIX_ADDRESS since we are no longer using Address?

    Fixed in PR 'Add DeleteAppointmentCommand'

    Merged this command with FindAppointmentByKeyword

    Changed to finding all appointments containing the keyword in the description OR tags

    This bug happens whenever the appointment stretches past the current day (i.e. 2359) into the next day. Needs UI fix

    Cannot reproduce error -- did someone fix it already?

    Can't be reproduced 😦

    Can't reproduce 😦

    Same as issue #229

    Same as issue #230

    Same as #229

    Cannot reproduce error 😦

    Same as #257

    Decided not to do it

    It says here that you are only allowing the user to add 2 decimal places. But when I typed in an amount with more than 2 decimal places, the input was still allowed. The picture shows the image where the user input of more than 2 decimal places was allowed.

    Screenshot 2020-10-23 at 10 56 55 AM

    Since the user was allowed to input an amount of more than 2 decimal places. When I restarted the application the application opened up with no data on the previously stored transactions. An exception was thrown and then an empty FinanceTracker was started. The image below shows the exception being thrown when I opened the application again:

    Screenshot 2020-10-23 at 11 00 36 AM

    Just a small minor thing. I do not think there should be a new line between the comments and its java doc.


    * JSON-friendly version of {@link MonthlyBudget}.



    * Constructs a {@code JsonMonthlyBudget} with the given expense limit details.



    * Converts a given {@code MonthlyBudget} into this class for Jackson use.



    * Converts this Jackson-friendly adapted monthly budget object into the model's {@code MonthlyBudget} object.


    * @throws IllegalValueException if there were any data constraints violated in the adapted transaction.

    assertParseSuccess(parser, PREAMBLE_WHITESPACE + AMOUNT_DESC_INTERNSHIP + " ",

    You can use PREAMBLE_WHITESPACE instead of " ".


    You can use PREAMBLE_NON_EMPTY which can be found in CommandTestUtil

    assertParseSuccess(parser, PREAMBLE_WHITESPACE + AMOUNT_DESC_INTERNSHIP + " ",

    You can use PREAMBLE_WHITESPACE in CommandTestUtil.


    You can use PREAMBLE_NON_EMPTY instead of "hello".

    The reason for this is because I have only added the AddFrequentIncomeCommand hence I did not write the other methods within FrequentIncomeList yet. Therefore I did not write the tests for the other methods.

    PR has been picked up by the grading script.

    Resolves #145.

    Resolves #146.

    This issue will not be worked on as it is not an essential feature for our product.

    Wrote tests for FinanceTrackerParser for commands related to BookmarkTransactions such as:

    • AddBookmarkIncome

    • AddBookmarkExpense

    • DeleteBookmark

    • EditBookmark

    • ConvertBookmark

    Should this be invalid description field?

    Not a big issue but do you think we should change names to descriptions in the comment?

    Maybe the occurrences of name in comments should be replaced with description?

    Maybe we can replace Name in method name with Description, here and in other occurrences?

    Maybe here we can give a more brief idea? "Sorts the list of food items by description. In case of ties, it uses the expiry data and priority to break the ties.

    Maybe we should avoid using "lexicographically"? Many users might not be familiar with this word. Would "in alphabetical order" better?

    Typo, need to remove one "by"

    Typo. "have the same description"

    I feel this point is a bit confusing. Will this be better "If two items have the same description content but difference in the case, the one with upper case will be lower than the one with the lower case"?

    Something similar for sortpriority and sortexpiry can also be consider.

    Should we use this link instead - https://ay2021s1-cs2103t-f13-4.github.io/tp/DeveloperGuide.html?




    Created this PR by mistake.

    Thank you for your comments. I have made the relevant changes to the code.


    Maybe you would like to use "toUpper" here? Less bugs

    Perhaps you can consider not using "active" here? Probably can use some gibberish like "asdjnewfpqwifnqiweyfbqwekfbrw"?

    Would be good to OOP this.


    addressBook --> PIVOT

    Same as above

    "Addressbook spotted"

    "addressBook Spotted"

    maybe need check for null here

    personIndex not null also?

    Just added

    To be updated for README: (Put under Issues as well)

    1. UI mockup

    2. Links for respective pages

    3. Update the link of the GitHub Actions build status badge (Build Status) so that it reflects the build status of your team repo.

    Do not merge

    Do not merge

    Do not merge

    Do not merge

    Do not merge

    Updated @ https://ay2021s1-cs2103-f09-2.github.io/tp/


    Sorry I pressed Merge Commit by accident >>

    Repeated Issue

    PR-ed by master. Changed to other PR

    Updated GUI to reflect the different sections and pages.

    Updated UG to reflect the different sections and pages as well

    requirement: minimum 3 digits.

    No restrictions to remainder because different country numbers result in different lengths.

    Don't think need to compare comments and reps, since it is not an identifier field.

    Don't think the log should have tags hence we don't need to test getTags().

    Don't think Phone and email should be in the log unit test still.

    Same as the previous few comments.

    Remember to change the method name to match Logs.

    Remember to change the method name to match Logs.

    Remember to change the method name to match Logs. This is repeated for the other tests in this file

    Refactor to VALID_EXERCISE_JUMPING... for clarity?

    There's a typo here.

    Larger than the list size or smaller than 0?

    Noted. Updated my code.

    Noted. Updated the code.

    Updated in code.

    Updated the method name.





    LGTM (with the exceptions of checks).

    Passed checkstyleMain, checkstyleTest.


    Current changes LGTM.

    Decided to add more tests.

    100% test coverage for models.

    CheckstyleMain and checkstyleTest passed.

    Two todos added to solve the issue of the same DateTime checks for logs in Sampleutil.java.

    Currently, the autocomplete checks if the first three letters are similar and suggest the commands' format.

    How I implemented autocomplete:

    • Add getSuggestionList() in LogicManager so that I can retrieve the list of command suggestions from the commands. (UI will only have access to logic)

    • Add CommandBox's commandTextField setListenerForAutoComplete() method set listener to detect changes in text field and sends input to showAutoCompleteResult().

    • Add showAutoCompleteResult() in ResultDisplay so that we show results to the user.

    Wrong week.

    Potential reference for UG

    Discussed comments to be compulsory

    Close #164

    The message "at least one of the optional fields must be provided" must be changed if we decided to change to rep compulsory. (In user guide & in application)

    Changed it to "Invalid Log index. Please enter an index found in the logs below."

    Hi ZY, maybe you could use "Filters for specific flashcards" instead of Filters the specified flashcard". I think this would be clearer to the readers.

    Maybe you can consider using "Reviews" instead of "Review" so that our UG has a standardised format.

    The review and success frequencies of a flashcard are only affected by quiz mode.

    You may consider creating an Icon class to store the commonly used Unicode characters

    Perhaps, you should abstract these calculations to methods

    these features or this feature

    same as above

    This allows the user.

    first add needs to be placed in

    Not sure if NOTE, RATING ,TAG etc needs to be in

    @sgn00 will implement this in the UI

    Will standardise to present tense. Thank you for pointing it out.

    Thanks for pointing it out. Will do 👍

    Removed accordingly.

    My bad. Removed.


    Same as the issue before. Rectified

    Corrected the language

    Added a space

    Standardised all to present tense less saving the data.



    Update UI to split into 2 panels - 1 for list, 1 for view feature


    Add this constraint in the UG for users to take note

    Inherited from AB3. Intended functionality.

    Need to update UG accordingly


    Should Year allow more than just digits due to distinctions such as "Primary 2" and "Secondary 2" ?

    Maybe there could be a more intuitive command word such as olpd (overdue last paid date) or maybe just lpd or od or overduepayment. I was thinking maybe something along the lines of payment date since the user is more familiar with the term as they input it as payment date (d/) so maybe something with date would make it easier for the user?

    I think you might have to change this to overdue as well!

    Address book could be changed to Reeve here

    If we are finding class time with respect to dayofweek, then would that mean that the user input of a specific date is redundant? If we just convert the specific user input date in dayofweek, we could just ask user to input 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (Integer day of week).

    Oh that is true also. It is easier for a user to remembers the current date rather than the specific day! If we assume this, then I think the current implementation is fine.

    Could this be studentToDeleteDetail instead?

    This should be DeleteAdditionalDetailCommand for the second person!

    I think altDetail is not needed here!

    Should we add questions into academics as well? Because the GUI currently displays questions as an academic type.

    Right! Thanks for pointing it out! I have made the necessary changes.

    Right! Thanks for pointing it out! I have made the necessary changes.

    Right! Thanks for pointing it out! I have made the necessary changes.

    Right! Thanks for pointing it out! I have made the necessary changes.

    I kind of just followed what was already in place. I also felt that the brackets just makes additional details easier to organize visually for now as multiple additional details could look very messy and hard to separate (for easy viewing) without the brackets.

    Oops. My bad. Thanks for pointing that out!

    Yea I will be adding the admin fields when doing up the updated test cases.

    Oh I see, I will look into what this other module is. As of now, the space was added just to space out the different additional details when it is being displayed in the console (when a student has been successfully added).

    Oh yea my bad. Not sure what led me to add those extra ---. Thanks for pointing it out! I have reverted accordingly.

    Unable to replicate issue on my end.

    A unique student is identified by NAME, PHONE, SCHOOL and YEAR. Since the above two students have the same fields except for school (one is" Commonwealth Secondary School" while the other is "12/12/2020"),they are identified as different students.

    Added the relevant tests for exam and score. My bad for missing them out. Thanks for the reminder!

    The activity diagrams might be too complex, perhaps we should split some up using the rake symbol. It seems that this guy here made a rake symbol that you can define in style.puml

    Do you mean the sequence diagrams or the activity diagrams?

    Could you number your figures before I merge?

    Do you think the numbering convention of following the table contents could get quite messy? (e.g. Figure )

    Should we follow the traditional style instead? (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.)

    Remember to change to new CommonCents() later 😊 doesnt rlly matter now HAHAH

    I think should include an empty line here (the Addressook they have)

    Uh is there a new line here ah?

    why don't u delete the old commands ah

    I think can remove all the seedu. stuff in this class

    I think can remove this empty line

    A lot of empty lines leh

    Is this supposed to be "tracker"

    I think can remove the empty lines here

    You mean "Justification"?


    Yup removed in a newer commit!

    Only need 1 person to do this, but please finish asap after Zi Yang is done with the LogicManager

    was this the problem? I'm still confused as to why I had the error in the first place XD

    Nice tagging feature! Love it!

    Thank you for cleaning up dead code!

    Nice, thank you! This was what caused the error, huh.

    Nice Builder for testing purposes!

    Nice addition to the UG; makes things a lot clearer!

    Good quality code! Nice 😃

    Nice catch!

    Thank you for all the fixes to markdown!

    Interesting decision -- may I ask why?

    Good idea!

    Ah, it still extends Consultation! I just moved it to a separate package since it was getting a bit crowded in there. 😃

    Done! Thanks for the input, I appreciate it!

    Good catch! Updated.

    Hmm, I already have another method for that. Seems like I actually don't need this method at all! Took a bit of time but I deleted all of its uses. Thanks for reminding me!

    Okay, just a sec!

    Just pushed a new commit, hopefully it should work now!


    LGTM! Yes, this is amazing! A core feature that we really needed. 😃





    LGTM! Thanks 😃




    LGTM! Yeah nice diagrams!

    The checkstyle errors are nonsensical, so I will go ahead and merge this. If there are any problems with the code (especially checkstyle), please let me know ASAP.

    Also, continuation of nonsensical checkstyle errors. Can someone check if their local machines also have this problem?

    LGTM! Thanks for fixing the import error.

    LGTM! Thanks for the extra test cases!

    Nice test cases! LGTM

    LGTM! THANK YOU FOR THE GUI FIX was bugging me for a while haha

    Nice work! And sorry for the consultation tab -- I'll try to make it work asap :0

    LGTM! Again, thank you so much for sorting out the GUI bug. 😃

    Thank you so much for this! LGTM 😃


    Just curious, for the withoutNote, couldnt we just not build it without this function>

    I think just java 11 will work, we shouldnt set it higher since this is supposed to work on Java 11 only

    What do you mean by tags?

    Is the hash affected by the order? Since isArchive should be the last one.

    I think if it means clientsource, then clientsource should be non null.

    Also, priority should be non null but i should be the one writing that XD

    tag is here too

    Not sure is this ... what is written on the AB3? If so then we will leave it >> Otherwise we should mention that we can double click it.

    small change, instead of saying help page, say UG

    Same thing. The double clicking thing. If AB3 told us to launch using -jar then yeah sure

    Ok fixed those, have a look

    Interesting, changing this does not affect checkstyle

    Also not detected.

    Changing this will lead to a checkstyle error tho.

    This is why I went to change the indentation

    uhm this string matters? But ok changed.

    Hmm but it works now why change it >>

    Ah my bad, initially this had some use as it was a parser but after changing it, it now doesnt.

    Yes, there is, white border is slightly darker

    wa shag forgot my bad.

    Oh my bad

    But this is not a command, thats why i didnt update it.

    i think ill also include client list AND archive list

    oh true my bad

    yes ok then I think we should wait on the one javier has done before I include this, in the meantime, ill delete this

    oh true

    ah yes

    Ah, my bad just saw this >>, I guess it make sense that it does not ping me

    I literally entered in different sessions, Im not sure is it cuz I did not scroll the sidebar and find the different sessions. (Now to think of it maybe I didnt). Overall I think it is fine, just check if its scrollable on your end:)

    Wrong branch name. Closing.

    Wrong branch name. Closing

    LGTM, do note that we would have to include those deleted commands inside here when we are done.

    I can probably make more tests, but I really would want the note to be an optional field first.

    Updated to change command to o/

    Update based on WeiJie suggestions.

    Further changed Addressbook Name.


    Accidental merge

    I would feel theres a certain level of danger to this because there isnt tests written for these yet, but I assume its just the first iteration of it so yeah LGTM.

    Done in #120 closing.

    done in #120. closing




    Model Class Diagram

    Storage Class Diagram

    There are also some small changes with regards to the use cases etc, you can review them i guess.

    nice spacing

    is something supposed to be inside the table cells here?

    @munharsha @Christopher-LM the @code person here just becareful about documentation part

    thanks for fixing the name

    Would recommend adding the for parameters, for better visuals

    Bidder and seller can be on top actually

    I think should push the table summary to the top so its easier for reference at any point in time. (not as instinctive to scroll all the way down, since the users might not know its there at all)

    We can have a pictorial representation of the UI, such as how people take screen shot and demarcate which part of the UI is for what purpose

    Looks slightly off with the > followed by a bullet, maybe can remove the bullet/dash.

    Wah high praise from Dianne

    Resolved conflicts in a separate branch. See other PR for finalised version.


    Need to rename the image from joeytoh.JPG to joeytoh.png

    **Use case: Edit tag**


    Would be nice to configure your IDE imports


    This issue is meant to remove the bad code commandText.equals("list").

    Suggestion is to implement commandResult.isPersonList() or its equivalent alternatives.

    This is not required. The issue of tag list not auto-refreshing will resolve itself after the change in Model

    public static final String VALIDATION_REGEX = "^[A-Za-z0-9][\\w]{3,}[A-Za-z0-9]$";

    For aesthetic. No real impact.

    The intention was for Tag to be immutable. (modifying fields is not allowed)

    I'm not sure how EditTagDescriptor works though, so i'll leave it to your discretion.


    * Remove the target task and returns an edited {@code List<TagTask>}.


    private static List<TagTask> createEditedTaskList(Tag tagToEdit, Index taskIndex) throws CommandException {

    I think you meant to remove the task from list. Also, createEditedTaskList isn't very intuitive

    Not sure how this code is used, but maybe you can omit this method since it only has a few lines?

    It is supposed to be tagfind. Pushed a commit to change all commands to follow lowercase

    If im not wrong, the loop isn't needed

    Bug: run out of characters after 26 tasks

    Closes #6

    Everyone's changes are here. Should be good to go.

    Closes #7 , Closes #9

    Better to postpone this to next iteration.

    Changing the model will require changes in Logic, Storage, and massive changes in JUnit Tests

    Not an epic, but requires massive code change




    Minor nitpicks:

    • Perhaps lowercase might be better than camelcase for command name (i.e. taglist instead of tagList)

    • Test coverage can be improved for

      • java/seedu/address/logic/parser/ProjactParser.java

      • java/seedu/address/logic/commands/CommandResult.java

    the codecov report automatically updates itself. It is showing the codecov for the latest commit already

    This is a prerequisite for issue #49

    typo 'an' --> 'a'

    idk but are we supposed to avoid using asterisk?

    Maybe can link straight to just tp/releases for the latest release instead of specifically /tag/v1.3

    Did u mean to leave it as is?

    Missing Javadoc here

    I think its supposed to be DailyCommand object?

    Idk, might need to requireAllNonNull()?

    duplicate modulesToModelType(), now there are double calls?

    Keep the one at the top.

    Not sure if u got EOF here. In TodoCard and your fxml files as well.

    Idk why it doesn't show its been updated

    Might want to remove the email part as our student model doesnt have email.

    Might want to remove the "e/amongus@isgood.com" part and also the "email address"



    might want to add a period here to standardize

    should this be "...not allowed in paymentDate"?

    Just to clarify for now we cant edit the additional details?

    okay thanks

    Does "....data as shown in the class diagram below' sound better?

    okay I have resolved this. The original AB3 uses this method as a weaker notion of equality between students. Because if we check all field && then it will become the equals method. But since we defined student to have this 4 compulsory fields, we can update it to check these fields. But I think we should not include the checks for admin fields when it comes in.

    okay done thanks

    Agreed. I have made the changes

    Okay thanks!

    Hmmm what I thought was that input a date is more flexible and convenient. For instance user might want to look up a his/her schedule on a particular date, our app would translate that date internally to the day of week so that the user wouldnt need to check up the calendar. I was thinking of an extension along this lines too, where user could input a string indicating the day or week. What do you think?

    Okay thanks!

    THANKS! I removed it already.

    Yea thanks alot!

    oh yea thanks

    hmmm.. then should Student and its field's relationship also be association?

    updated it

    Good point. This would make searching and filtering the year data easier. Based on this, I guess we may have to exhaust all possible levels of student that a tutor may have? My concern is that IP, IB, MOE mainstream tracks have different naming in their levels. Furthermore, there could be other level naming, for eg a tutor teaching music or arts may have different levels naming for their students.

    Oh ya our target was pri/sec/jc nice.

    resolved schedule part

    Different formats:

    1. Schedule commands use full words as their prefixes
    1. Some Note commands do not need prefixes


    It's been dropping consistently with every PR, it's fallen from 79% to 75% and the next few PRs will continue to decrease it by 1-2%

    We need to freeze all new code soon and get our code coverage up to par, especially since these are all features untested in the previous run. We will also need to start going full time into the DG as well.

    Spelling error here

    I like the proper naming of boolean value here

    Good handling of possible parse errors here

    Perhaps the "Name" mentioned in the message constraints could be changed to Contact Name again. This might help increase readability by further differentiating from Module Name present in the Module List component.

    I like the defensive programming error checks here.

    I like the improvement to readability made by using Module names instead of Names to differentiate from other types of names.

    Perhaps this test could be removed if not in use

    Perhaps this test could be removed since its contents are commented out

    Perhaps these comments could be removed since the code here is obselete

    Thanks for the feedback Joshua, but this was actually the original implementation for AB3.

    It was unnecessary. Thanks for pointing that out!

    Alright noted thanks.

    Alright thanks for the reminder.

    Noted, thanks Michael!

    Yes I was coming around to doing that but forgot. Thanks for the reminder.

    Thanks, noted!

    It is to make sure that it calculates based on data for all modules even if only a filtered list is being displayed

    Closed due to some mistakes.


    Agreed. Roger this.


    I'm just confused. What's the advantage of using var in general? Like in this case, wouldn't specifying the type make it clearer?

    Beautiful! p.s. just 'reviewing'

    Oo Thanks. This is more helpful than my doctor who only told me not to use it if it hurts but never say how.


    Looks good!

    Should be fine

    Nice format!

    Uwu I just realised this after adding the tests.

    Agreed, working on it!

    Oh yes should be words[0]

    Deleting this old and deproved version.

    I commented it out cuz LogicManager and UiManager both ain't in chopchop yet. So the red line kind of annoying.

    Ah YES thankss you solved the mystery. I was like I need a getter for name then I made one then after I made it I asked myself why did I make this. Now I know why

    Ermm cuz deleting is an extra step but ok I'll cut.

    I had the same question. It was more OMG MEGA. I already shift-tabbed it. I go check my editor settings again.

    Excellent catch

    I think I will just make 'on' take precedence over 'before' and 'after'. So if allNonNull then only on is considered.

    I will think about other better ways.


    Wait I don't understand if it's just an instance of StatsRecipeMostCookedCommand and it got no attributes to compare. Then it means comparing this with any other StatsRecipeMostCookedCommand will result in true? This is prob a stupid question but yea Im just pikachu

    Hmmm, I think it's alright now.

    Im sorry our recipes very cui. Quick view of the command breakdown sounds great.

    Looks good!

    UI to be implemented. Command executions currently pass output to both boxes (will fix this). Testings to be done.

    Should be ready to merge.

    Looks good!

    Yeap. Thanks for the clean up.

    Consider replacing address with NusnetId

    rename field

    rename field

    Please update testcases

    Please consider changing name to NusnetIdTest

    Consider renaming field

    Consider renaming class to NusnetId (coding standard)

    Please consider removing this line

    Breakdown of work:


    As a TA, I can store the details of my students, so I can have quick access to them.

    As a TA, I can view the details of a student, so I can have quick access to him/her.


    As a TA, I can view the details of students, so I can have quick access to them.

    As a TA, I can delete the details of students in my class, so I can still have quick access to them.

    KIV for later when more additions are made to website.

    Missing: user guide

    Resolved by #58.

    Tests will be added later.

    No longer required

    Having sessions with the same name is intended behaviour, however having two sessions with the same SessionName may result in the wrong Session being modified if a command that modifies StudentRecords is called when the currentSession is this shared SessionName (see #157)

    Closing this issue as it is replaced by #157

    Resolved by #158

    Resolved by #158

    Not sure how to replicate this bug.

    Proposed solution to #155 has been changed to preventing user from creating two sessions with the same name, instead of the above solution. Hence this issue will be closed

    Should this be deleting a specific item in the current order instead?

    Can consider adding an extension where the quantity of item is negative

    should this be add commands instead?

    Should the second sentence be phrased as "There are at least two items in the order" for better readability?

    Perhaps this OrderItem can be renamed to orderItem for better readibility?

    Should the menu be valid, since there should be only one invalid input.

    should this be renamed to getMenus()?

    Should this be renamed to readMenuManager_invalidMenuManager_throwsException?

    Not sure whether anything is affected by this, but maybe change to numbers for the Pay?

    Can change 'list' command to 'worker-list'

    Can change 'delete 5' to 'worker-delete 5'

    Can change 'add n/David' to 'worker-add n/David'

    Small comment but I think we don't have to throw this, since AssignmentNotFoundException is a runtime exception? Also a bit inconsistent with other methods like deleteWorker/deleteShift which do not throw WorkerNotFoundException/ShiftNotFoundException respectively

    Same small issue!

    Possible duplication?

    Would it be more meaningful to put this assertion in the constructor instead? Just a suggestion, not sure if it's good practice

    Mm I just thought that it made sense for all workers to have a role so I included it as a compulsory field, but we can take it out also I guess? So if a worker doesn't have any roles specified, then we can assign them to any role in a shift

    If we're going to be implementing the Pay calculation feature then we should make Pay compulsory

    Ah ok agreed for role! Will make the change

    Made the change to convert FULL to AM and PM unavailabilities

    Thanks, will make the change!

    Good catch, will delete!

    Good point, will make the change!

    Yes, thanks for reminding me! Will add the checks for this

    I've made this into a method called getRoles() inside the Shift class!

    Looks better, will change!

    Good catch!

    Yes, agreed! Will make the change

    I was supposed to delete it for UNAVAILABILITY as well but I missed it out; will fix it! Because our days are now enum values so we can't have numbers like 0 inside

    All right, made the format change for some of the other commands as well!

    Covered by #109

    Leaving this as it is in case some people's names do contain numbers/users want to label workers with similar names as "Alex 1" and "Alex 2" etc

    Closed, in the event 2 workers have the same home number etc.

    Make so/ wo/ optional

    Duplicate of #169

    To be implemented beyond 1.4 ...

    Change error message to reflect the user's wrong input (e.g. "You keyed in "1 j/0 as a pay, which is not a number with a maximum of 2 dp")

    Fix the grammar mistake in the description ("for McDonald’s Shift Managers to managing shift scheduling")

    Great abstraction!

    Yeah, I think can return answer instead of String.

    Great assertion!

    Great abstraction!

    Great use of logging!

    Nice defensiveness of code!

    Great Absraction!

    I thought there is only one difficult to accept?

    Thankyou, I have edited the PR!

    Yup, changed alr!



    I'll do it in another branch, cause I try to solve the conflict locally but cannot push to my repo.

    Great job following the coding standards!

    Great that you have extensively tested the added functionalities!

    Might need to rename person to flashcard

    Same here.

    Same here.

    Same here.

    Great job reducing the number of lines!

    There are still instances of person and addressbook here and there, might need to rename them.

    Fixed it!

    Fixed it!

    No problem!

    Code quality closely follows the coding standard, good job! Testing is well done, tested many cases for each of the functionalities added. LGTM!

    Thanks for helping with this, much appreciated!

    Everything looks good except that I think the arguments for the parse method in the sequence diagrams should have "".

    i.e. it should be parseCommand("add q/question ans/ Answer") instead of just parseCommand(add q/question ans/ Answer)

    From the diagrams in addressbook's documentation and the test command documentation, they don't seem to be using the "". I'm not so sure whether it would be best to follow their practices though.

    The diagram looks good, however I think that the AddOpenEndedQuestionCommand should have a cross indicating that it is no longer referenced after the execute() method is called on it.

    Already gave the bug reporter a clarification in seantaysl/ped#5.

    Already gave the bug reporter a clarification in seantaysl/ped#6.

    No website inserted yet

    Is there any reason for the space infront?

    I think this needs to be changed. oweMoney doesnt sound like a client source description

    Should the error message be changed as it is phrased strangely?

    Is there a difference between ColorPicker.WHITE_BORDER and Color.WHITE?

    Doesnt look like Command is used here. Why import it?

    I think its a little strange to put a predicate in the person folder. Perhaps we can package it in model with where it is used at or put the whole class into the Model class.

    Ok sure changed to I4I

    I think we should change this along the way for v1.2. Since we are not sure as of yet if we want to remove the fields or add some fields

    Sounds good will edit

    Ok sounds good too. Can change it.

    Right. Thanks for pointing it out

    Yes. Will change this.

    Changed this. thanks for pointing it out


    hmm... you're right sounds better

    Yea sure. We'll keep to the same consistency as the earlier comment

    Thanks for pointing out!

    Sure. Then we need to make this consistent throughout the DG too!

    Opps a mistake on my part. It's been rectified

    because if it returns true, then the other method wont be called.

    a is the command while p is policy though

    I'm not sure why this is necessary

    Oh yes. You are right

    Can this sounds better. Thanks!

    It's different. but the similar part is where a method from Model is called. So instead of addPolicy method called, clearPolicy method is called

    I researched it. But i think this has not been implemented. Let me roll this out with the next PR

    What do you mean?

    Necessary updates needed to close issue.

    • #11

    • #13

    • #15

    Summary Table not yet done

    Resolves #37

    I think the message could be more detailed: "The expense book does not contain the category %s. Please create it using the addCat command first."

    I see where the issue is with this. Thank you Leben.

    Can we increase the top-up amount to at least $200 to prevent -ve default data?

    Will this work even after the tag has been reset in line 56?

    However, can we look into using CategoryNotFoundException for consistency?

    Don't really understand the need for the second part:

    (commandResult.isShowHelp() && !budgetDisplay.isVisible())


    yup done!

    README still needs to be updated with mockup and writeups.

    LGTM! Developer Guide is updated with User Stories as discussed.

    Could we also add the table for Command summary?

    Closed after week 9 tutorial.

    Closed after week 9 tutorial.

    Closed after week 9 tutorial.

    Closed after week 9 tutorial.

    Issue has been resolved after refactoring work

    Issue is resolved after refactoring from AB3 to Bamboo.

    Issue is resolved after refactoring from AB3 to Bamboo.

    User is able to remap command keywords e.g. instead of add &gt;expense>, map to spent &gt;expense> instead.


    Also added a default budget of $500

    Doesn't seem to fix #108? Need to add a new exception for edit if no changes are requested.

    Does this solve #127 ? Was #127 a result of the sample data?

    #128 doesn't seem to be solved either - seems more like a UI problem - that the command should remain the command box?

    Will need to fix this part as well too. Instead of return new CommandResult(String.format(MESSAGE_DEFAULT, expense)) it should be return new CommandResult(String.format(MESSAGE_DEFAULT, &gt;STORE AND GET THE ORIGINAL CATEGORY HERE>))

    The error message in the addCommand will need to be edited as well.

    #138 doesn't seem to be addressed by the code changes

    Also, error message in EditCommand needs to be updated. This could mean setting a default message for CategoryNotFoundException.

    This also means that this CategoryNotFoundException should be used in other situations such as AddCommand

    Limit commands to only letters

    Note case sensitivity

    Use regex

    Limit number of characters for both Description and Tags and Remark

    @maxxyh to update UG that no unicode is allowed

    Maybe change to usage?

    Solution: don't display bar when do find command @hakiem526

    Added spacing, thank you Theodore!!

    Great catch, fixed!

    is this proper grammar?

    is this proper grammar?

    wait really its supposed to be delete1 not delete 1?

    wait got one more here, accidentally delete the space?

    same issue as prev pr?


    in action implies user is halfway using the app, the figure shows what the user shld see when the user first opens the app

    because deadline is not a compulsory parameter of Task, and will cause error if the deadline is set when instantiating

    fixed thanks!

    anything in point form does not have full stops, everything else has full stops

    Yes, names refer to both task name and assignee name. Words as you can have more than 1 keyword

    Words as you can have more than one keyword

    has bugs, will try to fix again


    repeated issue, has been fixed

    repeated issue, has been fixed

    duplicate issue, fixed

    fix done






    remove done status so bug cannot be reproduced (probably fixed)

    no more done status, duplicate tasks also cannot be added anymore


    done status removed, so not an issue anymore




    it is not a valid email


    is a feature, not a bug.

    Name can be duplicated, only git username should be unique

    This is the format of deadline. We will state it clearly in our UG to indicate only one space in between.


    edit git username should be case sensitive

    Solution: dont let user update project name

    Note: update UG and DG to reflect this

    listprojects command is given in the UG


    I defined the class as Telegram and follow this naming convention as well when naming the telegram field for Person.

    What other different stuff are named telegram?

    Search and replace: _MATRICNUMBER -> _MATRIC_NUMBER

    Adds a student to the address book.

    We should only throw ParseException in this function.

    CommandException is used for errors which occur during execurtion of a command.

    ParserException Represents a parse error encountered by a parser.

    In this case, the error occurs during the parsing stage when the users passes in -1.

    There is a redundancy here,

    we called Integer.parseInt twice,

    once in StringUtil.isInteger and once in this line.

    This is because the parser is structured in a "validate first, then parse".

    Would suggest a parse dont validate approach instead: https://lexi-lambda.github.io/blog/2019/11/05/parse-don-t-validate/

    This is more of a FYI, up to you if you want to pull the change in 😃

    For input I think we can leave it as that, without the prefix @.

    I have updated the toString instance to reflect the handle.

    nah I want to keep the throw within each function to be explicit the functions throw exceptions.

    Otherwise it won't be apparent where the exception occurs, as you can see below:

    public static Attendance parseAttendance(String input) throws ParseException {


    try {

    return Attendance.fromDateString(input);

    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

    parseException(input, Attendance.MESSAGE_CONSTRAINTS);



    Include Badge in README

    Update README with new project screenshot

    Not needed after referencing UG https://ay2021s1-cs2103t-f11-1.github.io/tp/UserGuide.html#adding-a-student-add

    Update docs for tags as well:

    \t -> \tg

    Closed by #52

    Sub PRs closed.

    I think we may have to leave it as Ui.png also instead of Ui-change.png otherwise the bot can't scrape 😂

    CI has some flags for trailing whitespace

    Amazing thanks!

    Done via #71

    Do we still want this? If not let's close it

    Resolve merge conflicts

    Not an issue

    extra parameters should just be ignored

    user guide just needs to be updated to remove the address parameter

    Fixed, a/ the address field is no longer in our user guide. That was what caused this issue.

    Actually I guess we could improve our UX better by making inputs of the form: &gt;EXPR>/ invalid?

    e.g. a/.

    A pretty easy hack is to just add a/ as a command, so it gets parsed, then we throw an invalid command error inside the call to it.

    Duplicate of #153

    Included in #153 , closing this.

    Included in #153

    Only accept singapore numbers, i.e. 8 digit numbers

    Hey I've tried to run it locally but it starts with an empty address book.

    EDIT: probably due to JSON format change. Works fine after I removed the addressbook.JSON file in data.

    In terms of usage, what functionality should I test? (Commands to run etc...)

    You can just include the addtiional commands as a user guide entry and ill reference from there.

    Also would be great if you can rebase this on latest master.

    Thanks for your efforts!

    whitespace changes, otherwise LGTM as shown above, after keying in a duplicate name.

    After you fix it, go ahead and rebase it into master


    Not a bug, see RFC 822

    Closing this, there's no meaningful way we can restrict phone numbers,

    NUS has international students as well which have numbers which do not conform to 8 digit specifications

    Can you give a proper example? The example here does not seem to use the recurring feature.

    Remove sysout commands.

    Good Job!

    Maybe can consider abstracting the logic at another place.

    Well done with the testing!

    I see you have covered most of the possible test case. Well done!

    Well done with the use of stubs!

    Fixed by #198

    Closed by #208

    perhaps you want to consider adding multiplicity for the attributes of a person object to make it consistent with the rest of the diagram

    same comment as above

    perhaps consider smaller storage space required since our jar file is only 13MB

    In the case of "delete x", it does not matter whether x is larger than the list size. Perhaps change the "delete x" to "delete contact x" or remove the phrase in bracket.

    Since command is part of the logic component, perhaps change the color to LOGIC_COLOR

    Since parser is part of the logic component, perhaps change the color to LOGIC_COLOR

    I feel like the phrase "easily search for the associated contacts with a task" is too technical and not user-oriented. Perhaps can change to something like "easily find a person I am working with in a project"

    Maybe can update along the way?

    Might have missed this change out, should it be DeleteSessionCommand here?

    Just to check, so this sessionIndex here only contains the updatedSessionIndex? Because in the EditScheduleDescriptor, there's both sessionIndex and updatedSessionIndex, so it may a bit confusing if sessionIndex is referring to updatedSessionIndex here, especially if Bennett is going to implement the other portion

    Just wondering why these few added methods here return null

    not sure if a different prefix should be used instead because there are a number of commands with prefix p/ already, just with starting different command word

    true, but that's why initially I added in session index as well, we always have all 3 parameters so it won't be too confusing to see if its session index or updated session index, but of course we need to update both values which might take up extra work

    yeap and period is sview as well, hmm maybe pd/ like payment done? but its solely just to differentiate with the other prefixes so that it won't be too confusing

    ohh yeahhh okay i'll change that, other than that, anything else?

    yea too many files, but I tested with the test cases and ran the main, all seems well but 1 part says NonExistentFile.json file not found, not sure if it was there before I did all this, but I doubt so

    for this, there are some errors when I change it to clients, not really sure how to solve them, it somehow fails 2 test cases but it passes the checkstyle test on Github, regarding the other checkstyles, I'll amend them accordingly thanks!

    there will be 5 test case errors because the json files are all Clients instead of clients if I'm not wrong

    what do you mean by the actual data file?

    I've already made the changes to both of the mentioned files, but I still have 2 tests that failed, 1 of which is this screenshot, but I can't seem to find anywhere with Clients already

    Screenshot 2020-09-23 at 6 46 56 PM

    hmm yeap I thought so too, I've already edited those json files but the 2 errors in the screenshot above is still present though

    okay sure but it will fail the checks here

    hmm but for now, we are still largely following AB3 so it should still be there?

    okay sure I'll change that

    hmm, the other time when I asked for a workaround in the group, it was regarding this issue but I think changing it to String works to actually! Anyway in the tests, I've added the conversions to LocalDateTime and int respectively, so it works as well.

    I think both ways work but when I was doing it the other time, I didn't think much into it so I just put in the respective params into the method.

    Hmm I would think if you want to add schedule, then you show client and session but since we're editing, we show list of schedule?

    oo okay sure i'll make that change, didn't know that it signifies that

    Yeap its been encapsulated in line 65 to 69

    I would think that its good clearer to have the values here too, esp when I'm debugging the tests and its also required in createEditedSchedule method

    yep sure I can remove that too, it was there for clarity sake when I was doing this

    For now, it shows Invalid Command Format, I get what you mean, maybe after you implement those features that you can try them out? cuz now all 3 indexes are required before your features are being implemented

    But I think for editclientdescriptor, the index is to filter our the client, but for my case, both client and session index are required to filter out the schedule just like how your deleteSchedule is like, it filters out the relevant schedule before it can be deleted

    will the updated change work

    Okay i'll change that, makes sense

    oo so should I just linked it there or actually is this question redundant?

    it was in a code format, the guy suggested this instead and I think this will be more readable?

    There's a huge chunk commented out in EditSessionCommandTest.java

    Are we going to need it? If not, perhaps it is better to remove it first and create a new Issue for this.

    Other changes look sensible to me

    That's for future tests because it requires the find session function for it to work, that's why I commented it out for now

    What's the typo here? I don't see it

    I think either "all clients should be All Clients"

    or "Listing is not the correct word"

    but everything ends with the -ing, so I changed "all clients should be All Clients" instead

    Can our team discuss and standardize the restriction of our arguments?

    Will this case ever be reached? If not, perhaps adding an assertion can be more defensive!

    Using BigInteger may slow the program down!

    Good use of abstraction specifically for Find commands!

    Perhaps can add in images and diagrams in the future?

    There is a typo here.

    Should be returnsStock() here in method header


    I think I read that for javadocs next line should be 4 spaces, let me confirm again.


    User inputted the number already hence past tense.

    I think we can standardize past tense for things that are already done.



    I think its better to tell user that ... refers to zero or more sn/ fields. They might think ... should mean anything else at one glance.

    Prefix: the entire company name

    Content: accumulative stock for the respective company

    Do review the merge conflicts @LimZeWeiDennis under docs/DeveloperGuide.md!

    Same issue as PR #150

    Remember to change the method name to match Logs. This is repeated for the other tests in this file

    Remember to change variable names from Persons to Logs

    Shouldn't the withLog() method take in a Log object as an argument instead of 2 strings?

    Remember to change readAddressBook to readLogBook. This is repeated throughout the file

    Reminder to change variable names to match Logbook. This is repeated throughout the file

    Remember to refactor saveAddressBook to saveLogBook

    In the original person class, equals() method compares both identity and data fields. Removed identifier fields for isSameLog() method

    Yeap for sure, thanks for checking!


    I don't think this has been completed yet


    Remember to pull and fix the merge conflicts

    There are some merge conflicts to be resolved here.


    Make it clear in user docs that the find command will take in the 2nd word (or both words? idk see the code)

    block out 0 reps (show error msg saying cannot have 0 reps)

    Make it clear in the docs that comments are compulsory (if have time can make it optional) (to discuss later)

    Also applies when editex e/[empty]

    Should we change the variable to VALID_INSTRUCTORS too?

    "keywords" might be better since we can have multiple keywords 😁

    Hmm for this part is it better to say "Assigns the contact/instructor at the specified index to the module code"? 🤔

    May I also just check if there is a check for the preamble? So something like "find sjdjahdsj n/ john" would not work.

    Sorry can I just check if there is a check for multiple prefixes 😄

    Should we extract this out as a method? To follow the SLAP principle

    Alright, I've changed it in the next commit.

    Yeah sounds like a good idea, will do so

    maybe can include that the add command prevents duplicate modules from being created? actually right.... as of now our application allows duplicates if they are not completely equal, should we address that?

    very minor nit: perhaps "Edit the details of a module...." would be better? 😅

    oh! and also, i thought we were changing edit to edit {module code} instead of edit {index}? 😕

    i think might not be necessary to mention the save part cause if im not wrong the exit command doesn't do a final save before exiting 😄

    noice noted!

    HAHAHAHA true true true...... then either we stick with this or we must include the 'auto-save' in the other features ah

    Perhaps can improve this by using equalsIgnoreCase? cause as of now if i type in find foundation, all the modules with 'Foundation' as tags won't be listed 😢


    thanks for spotting it bro 👍🏽 resolved! all checks passed now!

    Hmmm, what do you think about "...in GradPad for the module to be successfully displayed."? 🤔


    HAHAHAHA bro i just followed the given, not sure if correct syntax 😂 maybe i should just put the same line as the one above instead of putting "Similar to previous." 🤣

    oh ya its supposed to be help modules LOL cause its under "### Open Help Page". i'll fix it!

    not yet but im planning to implement it!

    is disconfirmation a word HAHAHA this is a good suggestion (i changed the variable name to isCancel though)! makes the code look neater too 👍🏽

    HAHAHAHA i thought like with javadocs would be nicer LOL i'll remove!

    ok will address this! thanks bro




    HAHAHA oh if the requests are $$$ then we can remove them!

    I think I did it this way for the purpose of the message to be displayed to the user...

    e.g. if the user types in edit cs2222 c/cs2101, GradPad will check first if the module exists before even checking if the module is in GradPad's list.

    so if:

    Module doesnt exist in nusmods -> "Module does not exist"

    Module exists, but not in GradPad -> "Module has not been added yet"

    i hope i managed to explain it clearly, but ya i think we can remove if it really affects performance etc.

    Should i?

    ok will include!


    Ah yes bro i actually did think about this!! If you see the EditCommandParser class you can see 2 messages that i didn't use hahahaha nice catch though👍🏽

    Anyway i think i will open up a new issue to clean up all the messages in general

    yes! idk eh but to me it doesnt make sense if we allow edit via module code, but then we can only edit the modules in the filtered list. I was thinking users can just edit any module from anywhere, what dyou think?

    oh no i didn't see this, will change!

    aight bro will add in!

    ahhh okok i just thought it might be a little repetitive but ok i'll put it back hehe


    okok i'll work on it!

    ah man..... ok i'll tweak!

    is the assertEquals equivalent to testing the equals() method of the class?

    wah i honestly didnt realise this HAHA ok i'll use those instead so no repeating json files

    good point! will make the amendments right away 😸


    Good job bro - love the clean code 💯

    Anyway I realise it was quite dumb of me to implement ModularCredits by storing a string value inside LOL cos now we need to retrieve that string and then parse it into int again when we use it. Do y'all think we should refactor this some time moving forward?

    HAHA nah man its fine, but ya while i was doing jn i was actually wondering why the value of the ModularCredits was of type string 😅 however, if there's not much other things that require us to use it then i don't think it's necessary to refactor cause it might be troublesome, so it pretty much depends!

    LGTM bro! good job 😄

    LRGTM! super well done 👍🏽 👍🏽


    Looks guuud; just tiny nits abt the javadocs!

    And on a side note, should we write tests for ForceDeleteCommandParser? Since it's mostly a duplicate of DeleteCommandParser, perhaps we don't need to, so just asking!

    yes we definitely do i totally forgot about that LOL cause if not coverage 0% xDDD

    Should be "of the module [...]"

    Should be "of the module [...]"

    Remove the comment

    Maybe use Module.TYPE instead of "M" for better maintainability?

    This is indeed correct; however I believe it's better to have a separate function to handle this instead of importing from the irrelevant Address class.

    Same as above.

    I am not sure; we will update this section constantly, but the line might be unnecessary. I'll remove it for now.

    Update: fixed.

    Do you feel "There is no module that matches the given module code" is better?

    Noted with thanks!

    Yeah, this is for clarity (and just in case we want to have different keywords for them later on).

    Agreed, I was halfway through implementing when I realized the "time" parameter should've been named "date" 😃 I will change "time" to "date" later.


    Mm, I think the original name should be mentioned before its abbreviation, but maybe it's just me.

    Thanks for the review! Currently, the app doesn't accept strings with '/' as valid parameters, hence it is impossible to type in links. Should we add support for links in the future? I'm still leaving some of the test cases as "E-learning" as placeholder.

    Noted with thanks. I will finish it by tomorrow (Sat) 6pm.

    Dear Minh

    Currently there is one 1 use case, can you add more use case for our app? I think for v1.2 we have already proposed quite a number of features

    Also, can you check again to see if there is any obvious user storie missing?

    Thank you

    Noted, I am working on it now. Will get this done by tomorrow (Tuesday) 6pm.

    minor typo

    Minor changes to remove AB3 needed

    Minor changes needed to remove AB3 trace

    Minor changes

    Should it be assert isInDeck instead? Since the user needs to be in a deck before going into review mode (like the isInDeck still remains true if the reviewMode is true

    Actually the correct format for in-document links are (#main-mode-features) and (#faq) which was probably why the links did not work.

    Should we be consistent with whether to add full stops at the end of the description statement? I think the UG will look cleaner that way.

    Should we be consistent with whether to put a full stop after each step in the use cases? I think the DG will look cleaner that way.

    Should we format the datetime so that it is consistent with the Meeting toString() datetime format?

    Will modify the id setting implementation under my contact-archive branch!

    Does buyerId reflect the lexicographical order of the buyer name?

    The sale edit command doesn't seem to update sales amounts properly. When I change the buyer of the a certain sale, the sales amounts of the affected contacts aren't updated. Is this the intended behaviour?

    Yeah I'll do a quick fix.

    I think the counter resets since a new AddressBook instance is initialised every time the app starts, so if we do a static variable we might have to store it into the storage file.

    Whoops missed out on commented unused imports. Will remove them asap!

    Might have accidentally removed it when merging. Will fix it asap!

    Will go for archive add.

    Might need some time to think about how to do this. Maybe put this under 1.3b? Need to work on other features.

    Yeah did too much Ctrl+C Ctrl+V. Will fix the naming asap.

    Whoops my bad. Will update on another feature branch.

    Will add them in this PR!

    Yeah should've considered that earlier.

    I'll try to fix it asap!

    Styling issues should be fixed now. Let me know if there's still anything missing for the styling!

    Shouldn't weight be included in this check?

    Shouldn't comment be at the end just like all the other fields?

    Did you forget to add the test cases? 😄

    Should the NoteCommandParser constructor be taking a preset patient as a field?

    Not very important, but wouldn't be better if 2 models are only equal if they have the same context as well?

    Would it be better if model had a set...() method that called context.set...() instead? It works either way though 😄

    yep added 😄 I missed it the first time

    Can u elaborate a little? Because I don't what you're talking about

    Theres a test for invalid index in an unfiltered list that checks for that already 😄

    Do you mean to use this.username.equals(username)? Because I feel that would be more confusing instead.

    Decided not to implement this feature

    Decided not to implement this feature

    Decided not to implement this feature

    same as #180

    closed with pr #218

    Perhaps the warning message could be changed to incorporate Calendar too? (Not sure if it's necessary but just a thought)

    Will it be starting with both empty AddressBook and empty Calendar when DataConversionException is thrown?

    I believe this is a typo unless you mean 2 empty lines

    Should add 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 31st as the cases too

    is there a particular reason why the max number of persons to be displayed is 6? seems quite a random number but no objection with it.

    I do not think this change is confusing as 'This' clearly refers to the command of finding a contact.

    We need to bear in mind that this UG is also graded by a professor who is not from SOC, and hence may be more particular in terms of grammar and sentence expression.

    I agree that it is a formatting error, and looks neater and more consistent with space before the colon.

    Have removed the third implementation for now as I've already implemented the feature with the tag in another branch. Will take note in future.

    Have removed the third implementation for now as I've already implemented the feature with the tag in another branch. Will take note in future.

    Have removed the third implementation for now as I've already implemented the feature with the tag in another branch. Will take note in future.

    Added accordingly.

    The number of participants are counted based on the number of tags because you can add the participants by adding a tag with the participants name.

    What do you think of the above?

    Yes the tags are compared string-wise only when the number of tags (i.e. number of participants) for all events listed are equal. Then the events will be sorted according to the lexicographical order of the participant names.

    If not the sorting order based on the participant number would be:

    1. if the events have different participant number, sort according to ascending order.

    2. if a group of events in the list have same participant number, sort based on their description (since they have same number of participants)

    3. if all events in the list have same participant number, sort based on the participant name for each event.

    Does this make sense to you? I don't quite get your confusion here. Would appreciate if you could elaborate more. Do let me know if you need further clarifications. Thanks.

    Okay, will make some changes on the comparison criteria.

    As for your first question, there wasn't much things discussed as a group regarding the tag feature for the events. So Andy and I assumed that names of participants are more or less the main information that the tags will store. Hence I thought comparing the number of tags and the content of tags is acceptable. Would there be a better way to do this?

    Thanks for pointing it out. Have made the edit.

    Okay, have edited accordingly. Thanks.

    I agree that multiple is inclusive of zero but I felt that the sentence structure is rather awkward and weird so is sentence expression?

    I did not edit the second sentence, as the only edit I made with it was to move it to the next line.

    I feel that it is more of a grammatical error, hence the sentence connotation will definitely be the same still.

    I don't think it is necessary as the add command description states the details of the DATE_TIME as well as description, just like the contact side.

    Why do isValidTime and parse need to be changed?

    Thanks for the suggestion. Have included the example below.

    Closed the PR due to the lack of association infrastructure between Persons and Events.

    Have updated the .png images hence merging them.

    Also added an assertion statement for AddEventCommandParser in the same PR. Will be more mindful about the PR and will separate the implementations into different PR for clarify and organisation. Thanks.

    Invalid issue

    sorry can i check why this was added!!

    sorry isit??? i dont think so..? do correct me if im wrong..!!

    should this be Sorted Tag List Accessors?

    maybe can just call .tagName directly?

    sorry just curious where is this class used?

    sorry i think this returns a Tag!

    private static Tag () ....

    yep done thanks!!!

    yes thanks

    yep i removed it thanks!!

    yep done!

    Failed CI checks

    Code still fails CI check


    looks good to merge!



    sry dont merge yet i need to add tests

    is the word 'conform' a typo or it is the intended meaning?

    should the tag be plural?

    I think requireNonNull(addressType) and requireNonNull(addressString) can be combined into requireNonNull(adddressType, addressString);

    Can the Warning be in the information source thingy? (sorry i don't know what is the component called, but it was something like a box of)

    I am not sure about this, but is it neccessary to list the commands, that could be redone? Since redo only exist when undo is executed right?

    Okay then

    should I remove the whole extension?

    Okay, I have restore to original, sorry for the different input. I merge code to master and there were conflicts.

    Yep.. resolved

    not sure


    It's okay I think just keep it first..

    Amend the comments

    Yes it is .. will remove it

    yes..amend it!



    Okay noted

    I am having an issue with the test and I commented out to make it pass

    okay amend!

    Okay fixed!

    Yep, refactor!

    Do you think it is okay to drop?

    I think we should just keep the consistency of checking regex, but for description we just allow "" since it is an optional field for the user?

    what do you mean by empty line??

    Okay empty line deleted

    Okay amend it!

    Fix this!!

    Yep amend this too!!

    Owh yes will add that in

    Added label command

    oh right

    Yes I just want to test the behaviour of the setTag.. there's no intention to create new AddressBook





    Okay will fix

    For this one I follow from the previous use cases. Should I amend for all of them?


    Done updating AboutUs.. Will push the file together with other parts

    Done! Updated DG NFR

    Sorry wrong upload

    @luo-git I have made the changes. Could you kindly check again? Sorry for the overhead confussion!






    Looks good to me, but I am not familiar with testing, so I'm not 100% sure about it.

    Okay we wait for tomorrow then

    DONE BY @anthony6401 . I will close this issue now

    LGTM. Could be improved by writing a few unit test cases for CurrentPath.

    I write the test cases on a seperate PR maybe?

    Everyone one has contributed to DG!

    I agree 😃

    From the delete example given in the DG, should this line be "updating the sales of a drink...?"

    should there be a blank line between the expected result and the test case?

    If you use enter here, does it mean it is a command? as in our user guide, content in `` is considered as a command entering by users

    This part I think should keep c-add? as somebody said it is the wrong command as can't work

    agree 👍

    Thank you for reminding me!

    Yes, I was not sure about the format so I didn't update it.

    Thank you! I already updated it!

    Yes, thank you!

    Thanks! Changing now:)

    en, yes, I agree. I understand but maybe users' can't. I will give a concrete example in the bracket. Thanks~

    hh ok I copied the format from original UG. I will delete alternative one here.


    ok! now

    thanks! change it now

    thanks! I am changing it.

    for #3



    sad 😦

    now the command is not as equal as the original

    already changed now

    already solved

    some unupdated master contents

    reopen it to master branch

    Actually, it is the design consistent with the ab3. You type in the keywords and it will return all drinks match some keywords. So the result is BSBBT and BSBM. Nothing matches ABCD.

    #172 #187 #191 #195 #196 #197 #200

    Thank you for your advice! It has been solved 😃

    Thanks! Tag itself should not be so long. So I add 50 character's restrictions to it.

    should this be a method in PersonList? like .get(name)

    good example 👍


    why would you want to clear my labels

    naming can be more specific like showTimeline

    think we can look into renaming this to timelineCommand in 1.4 similar to help command!!

    Add to notes that name can be alphanumeric

    Already stated in ug time and date is compulsory

    State in UG that name refers to full name

    Stated in Userguide lol

    Will not support

    Implement MAX number

    Add note for user guide to use autocomplete / copy command for names / emails who overflow

    Module need to support no members / 1 member

    Need mention in UG that all module names are case-sensitive

    Command is wrong. It is stated in the error message.

    We did competitive study (Apple, Android contact books), and all support duplicate email and phone number, so we will not support this validation as we hope to give the users more flexibility

    State case-sensitive

    Don't allow resize or make background that colour

    we need to investigate further

    State clearly in UG we don't support this

    Add validation for date time

    state in ug

    won't do

    Also we have new functionality which helps users with this fzf-completion

    Some of the comments are not correct throughout the code

    This is for us to get available rooms based on which Rooms we currently have that are booked. But the booking class only contains the room ids and not the Room object so the input may be a list of integer IDs instead? Depends on how we implement the rest so I think can leave it for now!

    I think this interface is supposed to only return a list of bookings. Can try looking at ReadOnlyAddressBook and find its usages to see how it's used and we can just follow! If I am not wrong it's used with storage. Other than this, LGTM!

    will doing !model.hasRoom(editedBooking.getRoomId()) be better?

    Hm I think this is not needed

    this should still be person, not changed to food ( issue occured when using assisted refactoring to change all person to food)

    Same as above

    same thing as above

    small issues but we should change to "contain +ive numbers"

    HAHA can i have a serving of alice pauline?




    Alright mate


    I think this would create potential bugs. For example, assume there are food items with the same name, fat, carbs, protein, date but different tags in the fridge. Then you filter a tag name and delete the filter result. It might delete the wrong food item because List#remove(E e) only removes the first occurrence of e.

    To prevent this, I think you might need to update the Food#equals method

    Hmm ok I get what you mean. As for changing the food definition, I think we should discuss on Saturday instead(Because if lets say someone eats 2 McSpicies, they may be the same food even if tagged for lunch/dinner). As for now, I will do a quick fix by always removing from index zero from the arraylist ( to prevent any sort of traversal errors) if the "wrong" food item is to be deleted. ( ie when FoodTwin1 is mistaken for FoodTwin2 and FoodTwin1 is deleted, the next FoodTwin1 would delete the next food Twin2).


    Does not match constructor, should be

    new Recipe(0, ingredients, 2, "", new ProductQuantity("1"), "Recipe 1", false)


    Maybe update this or remove TODO?

    can extend Quantity class if you want

    Perhaps show a message to tell the user if no such item is found?

    this should work fine since the filters are reset at the start of every command

    oops forgot to remove this

    the recipecard constructor is also used for listr, would rather let the card handle this than the inventorylistpanel

    Printable recipe currently used only once in its lifetime, toggle option given for ease of future extensibility.

    Bug fixed

    Maybe rename as viewDetailedItem or viewDetails (similar to the command name) so that it is easier for the reader to follow.


    resolves #131


    resolves #114



    typo here, being able*

    I don't really think contactTagIntegrationManager should handle the addressBook.removePerson aspect as well. It feels to me that you should separate it into two commands. Address book still handles removing of the person. But you can remove the tag first before address book removes the person. Correct me if I am wrong. The rest of this PR looks great though!

    I get your point, we will just do this then, I will approve it as it is. Thanks for the clarification.

    Can people use a mix of these symbols? for example 2020.11/12 23-00? if they can maybe show an actual example, I think it will be even clearer than it is now

    Is there an exception being thrown for st/ values of more than 1 or less than 0?

    Thanks for the suggestion, I have changed the magic literals to static final strings

    will delete this PR now and push again after permaSort is merged

    even if it doesn't maintain order preservation, this comparator will always compare the first tag in the set which is also the first tag shown on the contacts display. So it does fulfill what it needs to do?

    okay noted, will change it to comparing email so users can find all people with similar emails easily. For example, sorting by alphabetical order to find everyone who has the nus prefix email quickly

    Yup, please refer to the permaSortCommand PR to see the changes made

    okay will do

    thanks for catching this!

    changed to deletebytag





    I will fix the cli fails before reopening

    Challenges faced: so far only able to sort the address book permanently, if anyone has an idea on how we can sort the address book temporarily, let me know

    As of now, we are keeping the delete function from the adapted project. Will reopen if changes are required in the future

    As of now, we are keeping the list function from the adapted project. Will reopen if changes are required in the future

    can be moved to a separate util class e.g. TypicalAppointments class

    can do likewise for description, datetime, status, tags

    we will need an AppointmentBuilder class too

    LocalDateTime will have to be updated to use custom DateTime class. Refer to the latest commit.

    I think this should be ParserException! Since the code is located in the parser package. CommandException is thrown when error occurs in the command classes.

    Update of README is complete.

    False PR, no changes found.

    I have changed the title in this file.

    I've updated the jar, can you test it out on the latest jar released?

    This is because the font color of the drop down text is white.

    How to fix this:

    • Change the font color of the drop down menu item in LightTheme.css to black.

    We need to delete all appointments associated with a patient when a patient is deleted.

    Zero is not a positive integer.

    The appointments tab serves to show a list of all appointments. However, they need not be sorted. For a sorted view of the appointments, use the 'day' command.

    However, the suggestion to sort the appointment list by date can be considered as there is no harm doing so.

    Rationale for behaviour:

    • If the list of patients is very long, after adding a patient a user needs to look through the long list for that added patient to confirm that it is being added

    • Displaying the added patient alone is clear to the user that the patient is added correctly.

    • If the user wish to view the full list again, he/she can enter command 'listpatients' after adding the patient

    I think we should mention this behaviour clearly in our UG instead.

    An upcoming 'UndoCommand' feature

    To be addressed by UG.

    To be addressed by UG.

    We should prevent users from adding appointments with datetime past the current datetime.

    Is this a good approach?

    Sometimes a receptionist may forget to add an appointment, and he/she may need to add appointments past the current date.

    To be consistent with other commands such as worker-add

    + "[" + PREFIX_WORKER + "WORKER_INDEX (must be a positive integer)]...\n"

    try {


    } catch (AssignmentNotFoundException ex) {

    throw new CommandException(MESSAGE_NO_ASSIGNMENT_FOUND);


    + "[" + PREFIX_WORKER + "WORKER_INDEX (must be a positive integer)]...\n"

    + "[" + PREFIX_WORKER + "WORKER_INDEX (must be a positive integer)]...\n"



    I think we'll still go with 0 removing the role

    Agreed, I have updated User Guide

    I removed this check in favor of just using regex only, the empty string is already rejected by the regex as seen in the RoleRequirementTest

    @WangZijun97 Yup, I have added the test cases and the regex does reject whitespace cases

    I have removed the &gt;space> from the error messages, good catch

    Okay, I'll put calculateWorkerPay() in model for now. Putting calculateWorkerPay() in the command class is also fine.

    Currently, the shift-add and shift-edit commands do not support role requirements that uses spaces (e.g. Fry Cook) #44

    Okay, I'll work on the test cases for commands related to Shift class

    It's working fine on my end, the poster hasn't replied yet

    Throw duplicate roles detected error

    Max 50 of each role

    Throws parser exception: Unexpected argument for command "&gt;command name>": &gt;argument passed> when argument is passed

    Maybe we can immediately show in the results box that there is an error with the json data file when the McScheduler starts and that the McScheduler will start with empty data

    looks like a typo, should be macOS

    This image cannot be used, should be replaced with an image of the person or a placeholder image.

    small typo

    What is the plan for this in the future?

    Changes made, thanks

    I will get on this issue as soon as I can!

    Since the session list keeps a list of student records, NOT students, and said student record list is meant to be independent of student list, hence this is in fact intended working behaviour.

    Closing this for now

    Already fixed by #166

    Closed by #213

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think we're writing the classes as objects (with all lowercase letters)?

    Step 1. The user executes `assign s/1 w/1 r/Cashier` to assign the 1st worker the role of a cashier in the 1st shift in

    the McScheduler. The `assign` command creates an `Assignment` object, storing the 1st `Shift`, 1st `Worker` and cashier

    `Role` objects. The command then checks if there already exists an `Assignment` with the same `Shift` and `Worker` in

    the model, as well as the `Unavailability` of the `Worker` to be assigned. If the `Assignment` is unique and the

    `Worker` is available, the `Assignment` is added to the list of `Assignments` in the `Model`.


    <div markdown="span" class="alert alert-info">:information_source: **Note:** The lifeline for `AssignCommandParser` should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.


    Step 2. The user realises the previous command was a mistake and executes `unassign s/1 w/1` to unassign the 1st worker

    from the 1st shift in the McScheduler. The `unassign` command creates a dummy `Assignment` object, storing the 1st

    `Shift` and 1st `Worker` objects. The command then uses the dummy `Assignment` as an identifier to identify the

    `Assignment` to be deleted from the list of `Assignments` in the `Model`.

    You can also use Worker#isFitForRole() and Worker#isUnavailable() to check for role and leave availabilities

    Can use CommandTestUtil.NOT_FOUND_ROLE_DESC to be consistent but probably not necessary

    usually the standardCommand is put first, but doesn't really change much

    Good catch! I'll fix that as it's used for the initial sample data.

    Doing it that way will still add the previous assignments before the error assignment to the model. Then the feedback will be a command error rather than a command success, yet it still adds some new assignments. Though if there's a solution to this, do let me know!

    I think if it returns an error, you shouldnt accept any part of the command to keep it consistent with other commands. Its also to makes sure the user knows that they're doing something wrong, and not accidentally add unwanted assignments.

    alright, fixed!

    Duplicate of #21

    repeat of #71 (i have short term memory)

    *add to UG also!

    • change the Role error message to the already existing assignment

    • change message to "This worker is already assigned to.."

    add to all other parameters too (phone numbers, names, etc)

    roleRequirement is not updated after worker-delete, update after calling worker-delete

    duplicate of #132





    Fix #278

    Fix #186

    Fix #204 #194

    Thanks for catching this!

    Will it be good to consider testing for equality of ListStudentsCommands?

    I believe this is a typo for "throws" instead of "thrwos"?

    Likewise, a typo for "throws"?


    I think that unallocatedCount can be 0.

    The interface is for future-proofing if we ever want to have a list of piecharts.

    Added logging for setting chart data

    Added assertion for unallocatedCount >= 0.

    Changed maded


    As discussed with @mkeoliya, DeallocateCommand should use the si/ prefix because in a future version, we will add support for allocating a room by student ID, which will then require a prefix. For commands that use only 1 argument, we will add support for usage of prefix to improve self-explanation.

    Changes made:

    • DeallocateCommand now takes in the student index using the si/ prefix.

    User-test basic GUI and Storage functionality. The purpose of these screenshots is to show basic user testing prior to requesting review.

    GUI - Before Deallocate

    GUI - After Deallocate

    Storage - Before Deallocate

    Storage - After Deallocate

    User-test basic GUI and Storage functionality. The purpose of these screenshots is to show basic user testing prior to requesting review.

    GUI - Before Reallocate

    GUI - After Reallocate

    Storage - Before Reallocate

    Storage - After Reallocate

    Fixed UI bug where Student and Panel list does not update upon Allocate or Deallocate command, by updating panels using updatePanels().


    Hi Mayank, I deleted a student then tried to restore but for some reason am not able to perform restore. Is there something I might have missed?

    Sorry, where's the puml file?

    The .puml file has already previously been edited correctly, just that a new .png was not created from the .puml, therefore the .png update.

    Thank you for this pull request. The tutorial command is highly beneficial and evidently value-adds to the user experience significantly. I can see how generations of admin users may appreciate this feature and the countless time it saves from the walkthrough, guidance and tutorial of the myth. The entire process was a pleasure to test and use, and I give you my thanks. It works on Windows flawlessly and deserves a full page in the documentation to showcase and highlight its benefits. I believe that years beyond the development of ResiReg, developers, users and maintainers will look back at this sole pull request and thank you for the great efforts and contributions you have made to the development team. Thank you.

    Edit: LGTM!

    Good workaround

    Great effort to change to booking id!

    Great use of Optionals!

    Great work with the sorting

    as what @shermz-lim mentioned earlier during our meeting, he suggested that there shouldn't be a checking of length for the room id. if the user keys in roomId of length of 5, for example, the user will just be greeted with a 'room does not exist'

    not relevant to the scope of the project any more


    Rename to clearOrder for brevity.

    Might want to wrap this logic into a Model#resetOrder() instead.

    If called by itself, the assumption that the head of orderHistory is equal to order is no longer true.

    Should be "a" instead of "an"

    Fixed AboutUs username.

    I think this should be lowercase cos it's not a class level constant, its a instance variable.

    Can consider adding an instance variable for ID number, based on some static variable that tracks the total number of Order objects (i.e. totalOrders++ in the constructor for Order)

    Furthermore, can consider adding an instance variable to track what Client this Order is linked to.

    Perhaps you can add this created Order to a global List&gt;Order> so that Orders can be listed independently from Client

    This documentation bug has been fixed already! Thanks for pointing it out

    Already fixed! Thanks for pointing it out

    We decided not to allow for searching by time as it is rather unlikely that the user would memorize the exact expected delivery time of an order as opposed to the date or description of an order. It would narrow down the search range too much.

    Minor difference. (Needed for v1.2.1) not inside header format in other places

    Do we leave out checking Tags completely?

    Add whitespace after fullstop?

    Value restriction should be 0 to 10e9 since amount cannot be negative








    Should this be description instead? And maybe it should allowed to be blank according to the isValidDescription method?

    Maybe can change to assert instead

    Should be "do not modify Pivot" instead?

    Should be "Status is invalid"

    Minor spelling error "true"

    Just a thought, shouldn't the validVisit be created based on the hard coded locationId INDEX_THIRD and personId INDEX_FOURTH? Right now valid visit still references the filtered list. If there's an error in the translation of ids between filtered list and the original lists, the test would still pass as both the AddVisitCommand and validVisit would have made the same error.

    I see, no issue then!

    Consider putting this under ModelPredicate as well?

    Edited, thanks for the catch!







    Done, added copyright notes

    Added the criteria for being associated (originally affected). Hope it makes things clearer!

    Also included criteria and explanation that it is an intermediate method.

    Thanks for the catch!




    Renamed! Hope they all are clearer now.

    I think there is already another edit?

    I will merge first

    Should be with "a" instead of "an"

    How about "The start time must come before the end time"?

    oh yes

    For sample data

    Duplicate of #110

    Add in the user guide that name (and maybe other fields) is case sensitive

    Duplicate of #255

    Duplicate of #255

    State in ug that it will take the 2nd specified name (and other fields)

    Technically start time can be after end time if it is overnight (need specify in ug)

    We will take it that address can be any value, including $$

    edit-itinerary-attraction needs to check for timing clash first

    edit-itinerary-attraction needs to check for timing clash first

    Might try to implement but might not be essential

    Might extend to edit attraction too

    Can change behavior to still load attractions even with invalid itinerary list

    Who has so much money?

    Add definitions for index and number too

    Related to #268

    Additional images removed in #330

    Does add command parser need prefix_old_tag_name? Isn't the command tag f/filepath t/tagname?

    Shouldnt personInList be tagInList instead?

    What is all these lines?

    Does this exception ever gets thrown? Would the openTags() method have already handled the tag not opened exception?

    i think tags list sound quite wierd



    dafaq i didnt touch that line

    I'm pretty sure some troller gonna ask, might as well put it in, since this only shows when you type help redo right.



    Fixed in #39

    Did not use branch

    I dont think command should be an address, nvm me and luoyi change it




    OpenCommand should take in "Pepe Julian Onziema" and show "why are you gay meme", while opening https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knn4iDKAO4s





    Didn't read FAQ

    Didn't read UG

    I think you meant to exclude one of the spaces, if not you will get a double space after the COMMAND_WORD.

    You can put the " " with the "week/2" as one String.

    You can put the " " with the "week/2" as one String.

    I think you meant to exclude one of the spaces, if not you will get a double space after the COMMAND_WORD.

    Commits should be in present tense e.g. "Fix styling errors" instead of "Fixed styling errors"

    Dummy comment

    Use present tense for commits. E.g. Write "Add Task..." instead of "Added Task..."

    Looks good to me, do add todo comments if you have any extra work you need done in future iterations regarding these classes.

    Looks good to me, do add todo comments if you have any extra work you need done in future iterations regarding these classes. Also try to standardise capitalisation for comments (Small unimportant detail but for OCD sake).

    LGTM, everything seems to be in order.

    LGTM, no issues that I can find.

    Testcases yet to have been settled, otherwise the code looks okay!






    LGTM, I should be able to solve the issues with String conversion to ModuleId!


    LGTM! Nice to see the abolishment of the boolean chains!





    LGTM! Nice to see the increase in coverage!


    Did you accidentally edit modelManager?

    Maybe can use this for optional description @yuming7144

    What is this line? I saw it duplicated for a few times

    Can I double confirm this with our team that using upper case alphabet for second word of the command? 🤔

    Someone change my list command to use uppercase alphabet for second word and not using all lower case alphabet.

    Should you refer to our google docs for the target user and value propositions that we have discussed about? 🤔



    I didn't add the Ui file individually, instead I try to use the Ui file upload by you after merging the update Readme pr

    ok done

    Close this issue? 🤔

    the conflict is just something I have added to the DG. Not a big deal 😃

    Do you create the expenseClassDiagram?

    I think this is solved. Can help double check

    oh my bad not yet solve. I can take this issue

    Is this missing out the UID of otherPerson for comparing if both Persons are the same?

    Any reason for this change from parallel streams?

    This method seems to be duplicated across the other parsers. Can we move it somewhere else and import it in for the others?

    May want to move the predicates elsewhere to SLAP harder. This method is quite long at about 90 lines, so shortening the predicate declaration would make it a lot more readable. Maybe a method that constructs a Predicate&gt;Person> with the given keyword?

    This is a new method that replaces the old new Title(parseName(name).get()), since the ParseException from that throws the message constraints from Name rather than Title.

    The UUID here just uses the one from Alice Pauline in the typical persons addressbook.

    It's just a placeholder that doesn't actually get used anywhere.

    This is the same UUID as used in ParserUtil's parseContacts. Again, it's just a placeholder that's used to make sure the equals method doesn't just break.


    Should be ready for merging now. There's still some tests that haven't been updated for AddJournalEntryCommand and its parser, but I'll leave that for another PR.


    This is a known bug in JavaFX, and is caused by changing the window scaling from 100% in Windows.

    This issue is closed by PR #214 with the updating of contacts being reflected in journal entries.

    Why will there be an error message after the tag is created (Line 326-328)? Maybe you can write it this way(?):


    1. User requests to add a tag.

    2. Projact adds a tag.

    Use case ends.


    2a. The tag already exists.

    2a1. Projact shows an error message.

    Use case ends.

    Is this clearer haha and also must we show in the use case that there are 2 ways to add a tag (like in user guide) or a general one (seen above) is ok?

    1. "Address list" sounds a bit funny to me haha maybe contact list or phone book? Or keep it as address book? (but I'm not sure if this will fail the thingy when the script detects it).

    2. I think we need to write in present tense: "The user can assign...."

    Maybe we can just remove the link to the jar file for now, in case the script detects the link to AB3

    Same comment as the introduction part. Perhaps address book/contact list/phonebook instead of address list? (Similarly for all other appearances of the word "address list")

    ok I removed the assertion!

    Oops sorry my bad, deleted one of them.

    Failing CI because I've implemented the feature with Tag instead of TagName so when the changing of TagName to Tag is done, I will re-push.

    Error message is accurate, tester is not using the correct command format in the first place.

    The integration between the deck and the UI may take a longer time than we expect, buffer time between thursday and friday may not be enough. Possibly in version 1.3

    I think the 'to put it simply' can be removed. Maybe something like " It is a proven quizzing system that increases the user's rate of learning by using spaced repetition. Flashcards are sorted based on the user's ability to answer them.

    Looks good!

    Might be better to keep the original if statements. Clearer to read through the code with multiple if statements rather than a long if statement

    The indentation doesn't change, seems to be that way. In other classes like Entry.java as well

    Yep changed. Ty 😃

    List command can be deleted as well

    Clear command needs to be updated as well (should it clear decks or clear entries?)

    • Fix the edit command such that it displays the edit command (for now, it only edits the deck's entry but doesn't show it)

    Looks good to me. Will add edit command, clear command as issues. List command probably is still needed only for entries since users are able to filter

    Hmm idt its find command filter. I checked the repo at the time when find command works, the code is still the same.

    If you add a deck and entries and try to filter, it works. But after closing the program and reopening, it doesnt

    Issue with filtered list not updating in Deck.java when Deck.setEntries(...) is called in storage.


    Alright nice work!

    About the test for the command object, you can try refering to the tests for the other commands. They check if the command result given by the command being executed matches with the expected command result

    Nice lgtm

    This is the code to merge the quiz with the UI.


    1. Created this class called CurrentView.java in model. This switches the view of the program between 4 views (start, entry, quiz and statistics). For example when select command is called, the view will change from start view to entry view. Similarly with the play command. When the view changes, the tabs in the GUI will change accordingly.

    2. Added a start page that is visible to the user when they enter the program (Some styling still needs to be done here)

    3. Added a quiz page, which contains the current question, the total number of questions, the number of answered questions and the number of questions left. This page will update until the quiz has ended. (ALOT of styling still needed)

    Addition: Displaying the list of answered questions at the side

    Addition: Adding a progress bar

    Addition: Score page to be displayed to the user after the quiz before returning to entry tab.

    Adjust UI in such a way that more rows are created for decks of entries with long names

    Please fix your own checkstyle. Thank you

    6.5 is not an issue, all images have this to show to show the user the command to type in

    Issues 5, 8, 11, 12 & 13 fixed

    Added more issues to the list

    A minor thing, but perhaps the handle has to start with @ right?

    Minor naming convention - Shouldn't this be tags since tagged is a collection. Other than that everything looks fine so far 👌

    Want to consider renaming the method name, to sound more like an actionable verb i.e returnsWrongInput? Just to match the current code quality standards at https://se-education.org/guides/conventions/java/basic.html#naming

    Should this be throw new ParseException?Not that its a problem, usually thought we throw exceptions.

    I think telegram is clear enough. Telegram represents the class, while telegram is clear enough to understand as handle.


    Don't have any more other than the ones in JsonAdaptedPersonTest

    In terms of usage, what functionality should I test? (Commands to run etc...)

    You can just include the addtiional commands as a user guide entry and ill reference from there.

    Also would be great if you can rebase this on latest master.

    Thanks for your efforts!

    In terms of usage, what functionality should I test? (Commands to run etc...)

    You can just include the addtiional commands as a user guide entry and ill reference from there.

    Also would be great if you can rebase this on latest master.

    Thanks for your efforts!

    As of yet, we can run the add-consult command. Tests have been written to ensure it works. Nonetheless, I faced some issues creating a command to display all the consultations i.e show-consult command; had some issues getting the UI side to display it (faced NullPointerException at the fillInnerParts method at MainWindow.java). So I'll probably need someone who knows JavaFX better than me to work on it.

    I thought setFlashcard was already there in the first place? Or you implement one

    Class Flashcard

    I think this is supposed to fail, no?

    Perhaps you could add a hyperlink here to the Review implementation section? Just a suggestion

    The idea is that any note will be valid, just like the Remark class in tutorial, so that even if you want to clear a note from the Flashcard, you can do it using edit. Is it not supposed to be the case?

    Also, remember to update the TOC with the effort section since I believe Kimberly will be adding one in #195

    Perhaps having triple backtick to conform to the other entries in the table


    Probably would like to stick to javaFX 11.


    @josuaaah please stick to the styleguide.

    Wrong PR submitted

    Updated according to coding standard and checkstyle. Updated testcases.

    #18 and #19 done, will change to no milestone

    This suggests that we need to open a new issue for codecov to ignore .md files

    Cancelling PR, making PR from local branch

    Thanks for reviewing.

    Resolved with #118.

    Will implement a limit to the maximum score.

    Closed with #118

    Duplicate of #116

    (To maintainer): Take note of the mentioned issues, as they might contain additional information.

    Duplicate of #117

    Duplicate of #117

    Duplicate of #131

    Duplicate of #116

    A session is a class session, e.g. Tutorial 1. It has a date and time. It is neither a task nor a group of student.

    Duplicate of #132

    Will update documentation accordingly. Duplicate of #142. Reassigned to Documentation and Low severity. Please read the CS2103 guide for the levels, not just by gut feel.

    Working as intended, this is a documentation bug as we have not put it in the documentation. Thank you for the bug report.

    The student attended that session, hence he should still be inside. Working as intended.

    Duplicate of #117

    Closed, current code coverage at 73%

    remove all tags from sample data file

    Codecov at 79.54%, which rounds to 80%. Closing issue.

    Changing to usage would be good 😃

    Should use the atMainPage()/atCasePage() check here rather than checking the element

    Should be trimmedTitle here

    Is there a TYPE_DESC missing over here

    Case with same title can no longer exist in the program

    I think it shouldn't be the case that the portion on throwing ParseException should be removed since we need the parser to throw an exception if parsing fails. For the invocation of ParseException, I think just testing using assertParseFailure and assertParseSuccess would be sufficient.

    Thanks for catching this mistake and remedying it!

    I don't think the purpose of the application is quite right as the application is supposed to be used to manage a residential college and not teach Software Engineering principles, which is the purpose of AB3. I think that there might have been an oversight regarding this.

    Resolved. I've replaced every instance of "residence regulation" with "ResiReg".

    Just a small edit, it was to group the initalization of the history related fields together.

    Resolved. Thanks for pointing this out. I've extracted the above code fragment into a method called getCommandResultString() in CommandHistory to adhere to SLAP. I've also added a test for this method.

    Resolved. Again, I've extracted the above code fragment into a private method called getExpectedResultString() to adhere to SLAP.


    Thanks for pointing this out, but I don't think not defining the objects inside CommandTestUtils will cause inconsistency, since such testing is done by classes under the Model package. That said, I've used the code fragment annotated with @BeforeEach to remove duplicate initialization statements.

    In line with what has been mentioned above, I've placed the constants in a TypicalPositions file.

    Thanks so much for the review! Yeah I'm planning to fill in line 62 in the near future (actually after we've reviewed team F09-1). Also, thanks for the suggestion regarding the link.

    I think creating new commands will add unnecessary complexity to the system. It will take a lot of effort to set up even if we only provide for a small number of commands in the compound command. Even then, it will not provide much value since it will not take a lot of time to type a small number of commands, especially if aliasing is done well.

    Closed by #125

    I don't think the error message is incorrect, as the second floor number is parsed to be "12 t.CN" due to how the parsing is implemented. In this regard, the error message correctly states that "12 t.CN" is not a valid input.

    Yeah, this can be closed. But no sweat, I'll close it.

    @JingYenLoh requesting your review to ensure that my refactoring adheres to the principles listed above.

    As a side note, I realize that the package definition for EditRoomCommandParser was not quite right so I made sure to fix this, along with a few minor errors related to this erroneous package definition (e.g. import statements in CommandWordEnum).


    1. Add class diagram for undo/redo

    2. Add activity diagram for undo command

    3. Remove mentions of Person in UG and DG.

    Update: To further resemble the output provided by the bash history command, I've made changes to the behaviour of the history command to only add nonempty commands (that is simply pressing >kbd>enter>/kbd> will not be reflected in the history). I've updated the UG and DG to reflect these changes.

    With regard to the UG and DG updates, I've added "state" in front of "history" for the undo/redo implementation section to clearly demarcate that the state history is recorded in the case of undo/redo.

    Thanks for noticing this and updating the diagram to address this bug!

    Yup, as with what Jing Yen said, my diagram is fine. Also thanks for this PR!

    Updated my PPP based on suggestions given; also took the liberty to make some visual issues related to the use of markdown formatting instead of HTML tags in the UG which causes the formatting to not be as intended.

    Just want to double check, the checking of the length of the roomId is done in the execute which is not yet implemented right?

    I think merge wrongly...

    You are not Gene

    PR Merged.

    Hmm indentation looks a bit off - not sure if it's just GitHub.

    Did you CMD/CTRL+ALT+L in Intellij Idea to autoformat?

    Could we just do this here?

    return other == this // short circuit if same object

    || (other instanceof Deck // instanceof handles nulls

    && getDeckName().equals(((Deck) other).getDeckName())); // state check




    Yo! Regarding this:

    But when you use the old select command, ModelManager gets told to operate on the selected deck and stops operating on the stub deck

    Remember when I said the UI is tied to the stub decks UniqueEntryList field? This means that even though you are updating the selected decks list, nothing changes in the UI because nothing changes in the stub's UniqueEntryList

    Could you please provide steps to reproduce the issue? What I did are as follow:

    I resolved the concurrent modification issue caused by replaceEntryList() in ModelManager.java by changing the method body to:

    public void replaceEntryList() {



    I don't think removing all entries in observedDeck.entries is necessary since observedDeck.setEntries(...) will directly replace the old entries with new entries. Java garbage collector will handle the rest.

    Next, I launched the program and issued the following command:

    add w/test_word t/test_translate

    and expected to see no update to the UI. However, I saw my new entry appear beneath all the stub entries.

    I re-launched the program and tested these commands:

    select 1

    add w/test_word t/test_translate

    and saw my new entry appear beneath all the stub entries too.

    EDIT: fix stupid indent kena copied over from idea

    Steps to reproduce:

    Perform the following in order:

    New deck

    Add entry <word -&gt; translation>

    Close the program


    Select deck

    Find entry


    • Finds the entry you searched for.


    • No entries found all the time.

    Possible reasons:

    • find command's filter by predicate might be causing the issue.

    Unfortunately I can't load the saved stuff in the json file so can't debug this atm >>

    nvm I'm retarded I forgot to pull from upstream master

    Btw for stuff like this:

    ### <a name="model-component"></a> 3.5 Model component

    no need to write the html anchor tag (<a ...>...</a>) just the markdown ### will do.

    Weird... CI not passing even after I resolved the issues with not catching PhaseInvalidException. Will fix after I finish data analytics features and stuff.

    Update validation:

    • Writeup

    • Picture (not sure if my component is too trivial for a picture but I'll check again after doing the stats part)

    Update statistics/data analytics:

    • Writeup

    • Picture

    App-based statistics:

    • Statistics and StatisticsManager classes for app-based statistics (average time spent online, login/logout events w/ timestamps)

    • Persist Statistics to file (v1.3.2)

    As for deck/quiz based statistics I plan to add a few classes:

    QuestionAttempt {





    QuizAttempt {





    And for the Deck class itself, I will enhance it by adding a List<QuizPerformance> to which QuizPerformance objects will be pushed after user submits quiz. This will be persisted to disk together with the Deck.

    Overall statistics like averages can be computed when rendering takes place. I intend to do this by building a DeckComparator class. If performance becomes an issue, we can also compute the statistics after every quiz submission via:

    average = (average * (n-1) + newScore) / n;

    Where n is the number of quiz attempts.

    That's all from me for now. Going to wrap this up by Friday night so I can spend Saturday writing documentation.

    @geoboom will fix

    @geoboom will fix. UG issue.

    @geoboom will fix by making the dates appear in a more human readable format.

    Resolved. When click statistics panel it will default to show statistics over all decks rather than the most recently selected deck. 😃

    resolved 2. Chapter 6, 3, select a deck in chapter 5.2 jump links not working

    oh fuck yes finally CI passes

    Perhaps can change this to a switch clause? Also instead of the firstChar maybe use Class.TYPE?

    so like switch (TYPE):

    case Task.TYPE:

    case Lesson.TYPE:

    case Module.TYPE:
    case Contact.TYPE:

    Maybe can mention that the task is specified by index?

    Replace AddressBook with TrackIT@NUS?

    Yes, I realised it too but I forgot to raise it up during yesterday's meeting! Will send Simon another PR.

    Attached above is the updated methods required.

    Main changes include methods to fit the indexing of lessons and tasks for the upcoming tab.

    CS2103T v1.3 methods required (1).docx

    please review my #266 PR. If it's good then we can close this issue.

    Isn't this the format for address? Should it be adapted to title format?

    I think the filter method is no longer need since all UI related code will work on the unmodifiable observable list instead of the calendar object. Can delete.

    I think this should be separated from the add task method. Because this way, deadlines will be added calendar as well I think.

    Thanks prof. We have changed it.

    Please refer to and update on PR #132 for further development.

    Code copied and merged into addSubclassForTask. Refer to #197

    Not yet. You can do it if you want. If not I'll do tmr.

    Shall we consider the situation when a nurse wants to view the whole appointment list (without a date specified)?

    Beautiful assertion!

    A little grammar issue in documentation. Should be "an EditAppointmentDescriptor" instead of "a".

    Since I want it returns true when there is no overlapping. I think this name is somehow acceptable.


    I changed the startAtSameTime method already. Check whether it looks good to you now.

    I've checked with Jin Hao. The input of done command follows d/.. t/.. Later we can update the UG.

    Need the extra line space here

    data folder

    data folder

    Yup will add once they're implemented! Some are already inside but commented out


    haha actl i put under notes, but the doc was under warning but ok i'll change it back

    Wouldn't this cause the logic and ui to not work?

    Why is there an empty class?

    The editType field and accessor seems to be shared by all 3 class, maybe consider putting it in the base class?

    I think the fn signature should be BiFunction&gt;? super T, ? super U, Pair&gt;? extends T1, ? extends U1>>, but I could be wrong here.

    Why the different names?

    What's wrong with Arrays.stream(this.xs).skip(this.begin()).limit(this.size())?

    Missing braces.

    Shouldn't you assert this at the start?

    I think this modifies the argument, which seems undesirable.

    Well it's possible, but at least in Ingredients, the expiry date might not exist, and I think String.format makes it messier to create a string for that. Might be wrong though.


    Was lazy, will do.

    Just OCD don't mind me.

    LGTM 👍

    Other than that it looks ok, though there seems to be a bunch of repeated code which I suspect can be extracted, but we can leave that to 1.3.

    Looks good! We may have to look into where we're using Optionals and where we're not, because the usage seems inconsistent, which might be hard to reason about, but that can wait till 1.3.

    We should probably have some sort of selection of the tabs to indicated which tab is selected, but otherwise good job!

    too many changes i lazy see all

    is there a reason why you dropped the constructor taking Name from Recipe and Ingredient?

    might as well just remove it (it=class Name) right? unless you have other plans for it

    Well like you said, it seems mildly infuriating to have to do new Name(name) every time you want to create a new instance of anything that uses Name. It's still useful to do regex validation though, unless we want to do it directly on the model itself.

    Ready to merge!

    Still missing tests, but functionality should all be there.

    TIL ok will change.

    Looks good, merging.

    LGTM 👍

    I'm current using a event listener in DisplayController to switch views based on whether recipes are add/edited/deleted, so we probably shouldn't do this.

    LGTM once rebased 👍

    LGTM once rebased 👍

    While I don't think we want to put a hard limit on quantities, we should probably make it so that overflows don't cause layout issues.

    Related to #240.

    Related to #241.

    Will be fixed by #204.

    See #243.

    Duplicate of #212

    Duplicate of #238

    Duplicate of #242

    Ah yes I forgot I'll merge this first draft first.

    I think this should be our group's TP repo instead of your fork


    Very detailed tests! Great job! 😇

    Good point! Seems like that was from AB3, but I'll fix it either way.

    Fixed in https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-F11-1/tp/pull/73/commits/0232a53dbc5ea8e2ae8158208d2e23ebe3c7c877

    Closing because this is extremely involved and can make our codebase very confusing. The word "Person" is all over the place, with multiple classes all around. Not a worthy endeavor.

    modified: docs/DeveloperGuide.md

    modified: docs/tutorials/RemovingFields.md

    modified: docs/tutorials/TracingCode.md

    modified: src/main/java/seedu/address/commons/core/Messages.java

    modified: src/main/java/seedu/address/logic/Logic.java

    modified: src/main/java/seedu/address/logic/commands/FindCommand.java

    modified: src/main/java/seedu/address/logic/commands/ListCommand.java

    modified: src/main/java/seedu/address/model/ReadOnlyAddressBook.java

    modified: src/main/java/seedu/address/model/person/Person.java

    modified: src/main/java/seedu/address/model/person/UniquePersonList.java

    modified: src/main/java/seedu/address/model/person/exceptions/DuplicatePersonException.java

    modified: src/main/java/seedu/address/storage/JsonSerializableAddressBook.java

    modified: src/main/java/seedu/address/ui/PersonListPanel.java

    modified: src/test/data/JsonAddressBookStorageTest/invalidAndValidPersonAddressBook.json

    modified: src/test/data/JsonAddressBookStorageTest/invalidPersonAddressBook.json

    modified: src/test/data/JsonSerializableAddressBookTest/duplicatePersonAddressBook.json

    modified: src/test/data/JsonSerializableAddressBookTest/invalidPersonAddressBook.json

    modified: src/test/data/JsonSerializableAddressBookTest/typicalPersonsAddressBook.json

    modified: src/test/java/seedu/address/logic/commands/AddCommandTest.java

    modified: src/test/java/seedu/address/testutil/TypicalPersons.java

    CI failing because I haven't fixed tests yet. Will fix later.

    This supersedes #9, closing #9 and reassigning this to @sun-yitao

    tldr: in #73, attendance data field is added to Person and saved with Person, when serialised into the json file. right now, you need to implement the attend command (and possibly the unattend command) on our app so that the Person is updated with new attendances

    Closing as #71 supersedes this

    This supersedes #7, closing #7 and reassigning this to @rnmy

    tldr: in #73, attendance data field is added to Person and saved with Person, when serialised into the json file. right now, you need to implement the:

    1. UI which shows student attendances - for this, its up to you, but i have an idea where basically we use tabbed navigation, the main tab is the student's details, and the second tab is attendance. inside the attendance tab, we will see a table of all the students (their names in the first column), and the attendance dates are in the row

    Something like:

    | Name | 15/10 | 22/10|

    | - | - | - |

    | Chris | 🚫 | ✅ |

    | Rach | ✅ | ✅ |

    1. maybe the showatt command which navigates to that tab (the UG showatt command currently is for showing a specific date's attendance, maybe we can change that to simply navigating to the attendance page/tab instead, idk)

    Superseded by #72

    Skipping code review as this is urgent. Merging.

    To test this out, merge this PR by assigning the label automerge

    I've reassigned this to v1.4, I think we can just keep it open first. Merge nearer to end of v1.4

    Fixed in #103

    This is an edge case where a TA teaches multiple classes on the same day, and has >= 1 student who attends multiple classes taught by that TA. Not a use case that our app will support, unfortunately. Closing.

    Fixed in https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-F11-1/tp/pull/152

    Need to set updateFilteredExerciseList to false here as well?

    Hi have to edit your Intellij settings to prevent star imports

    Documentation needs to be modified, currently is referring to Exercise

    i think the person here is not the same person as the one in the model

    will it be better if we overload the constructor instead?

    but other than that the rest looks good

    OHHHHH LOL i didnt realise HAHAHA okok!

    I think cos the edit create a new day object without copying over the claroieManager field

    no bug

    ug bug forget to edit modify to change

    i forgot update the ug command for edit calorie from modify to change

    but some people can have the same name tho, and we have the id to uniquely identify someone

    but they might not be intended to add it to the current date, maybe add command prefix for date can be optional

    if date is not present add the current date instead

    i think its the wrong one

    You cannot find quantity and max quantity

    Do you think we should mention in the pointers that time needs to be in minutes?

    My bad, Thanks for pointing it out hahah

    Makes sense, will update it

    is it you want to remove the underline? currently does not seem to have everything underlined

    good catch. my bad on this

    Alright, will make changes. Since edit error message is also in this format, i will make it likewise with the |

    hmmm, now to think of it,i think it should be omitted



    @halcon-blanco my bad, I was doing it on a branch initially but accidentally merge to master when I wanted to transfer my work to be done on another computer. Will be more careful next time

    @Wincenttjoi @halcon-blanco I have resolved the conflict, please check, not sure if I did it the right way

    I can help @wengfaing with fixing the bugs, he can do the unit tests 👍

    @Wincenttjoi Nope, those command stated in #105

    1. no prefix in command

    2. values other than numbers inside quantity field

    @Wincenttjoi Alrights, thanks

    Is there any other exceptions I might have missed out for this command?

    Yup I have checked, all good

    sounds good 👍

    I will be adding it into this later tonight

    Alrights, Thanks @Wincenttjoi

    @xnoobftw my bad for overlooking the interfaces, I have edited the diagrams and added my find implementation

    There's a couple of errors in the diagram! Check out the ss i tagged

    Does inventoryModelManager has Item? Not sure about this, or is it referring to the FilteredList&gt;Item> filtered Items?

    Same goes for deliveryModelManager

    Yes it is referring to the filteredlist>Items>

    @Wincenttjoi my bad, was waiting a while seeing if the other had any comment, LGTM for real now 👍

    Done, changes made

    hows the uml diagram on ur side?

    It looks like this on my side even after ur latest commit

    The class diagram should be blue, looks fine on my side tho

    LGTM 👍

    Instead of passing many booleans, you can just pass in a string e.g if its to show recipes "show recipes" then do a switch statement to set the attribute to true, every other boolean will be default false

    line 57 -> 69

    '''//imagePath = AddRecipeCommandParser.class.getResource("/images").getPath() + "/" + filename;

                imagePath = DIRECTORY_NAME + filename;
                //imagePath = getPathsFromResourceJAR("data") + "/" + filename;
                File directory = new File(DIRECTORY_NAME);
                if (! directory.exists()){
                    // If you require it to make the entire directory path including parents,
                    // use directory.mkdirs(); here instead.
                FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(imagePath);
                URL jarLocation = this.getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation();
                URL data = new URL(jarLocation, "data/" + filename);
                imagePath = data.toURI().getPath();
                //File file = FileHelp.from("file:///" + imagePath, filename);
                //imagePath = file.getPath();
                imagePath = "file://" + imagePath;'''

    DIRECTORY_NAME is "data/", you can declare it as static

    Should we fix the Glossary part now? Since this part defines different terms in the Guide and we don't know what in there yet.

    Alright I see.

    Small typo here.

    Yes, I have added a step-by-step example.

    i don't think you suppose to change this address here

    line 12, the prefix for type is "type:"

    I feel the original code is correct?

    okie will change


    oh i will update this

    if it is empty the parser will return a exception with error message, it won't be turned into a DoneCommand.

    but your concern make sense! i will add requireNonNull(targetIndexes);


    here can change to hairstylex too

    the json can be changed to hairstylex.json

    here too!














    yes i agree with Jon, this way the user will not be confused.

    Extra println statement?

    This too

    I'm not very sure about this either, I just added a getter and setter for isQuiz and made it a private static boolean.

    nice catch!

    nice catch!

    same for this class line 24

    same here in line 24

    i realised that the string will still overflow when it hits the maximum number of characters and when the scroll bar appears, can you help change the left and right padding to 5 instead?














    Fixes #176









    Good rigorous testing, cannot think of any missing cases

    This is just to create sample records for testing?

    Good testing!

    Changes here will need to be edited later when we adjust layout of patient profile page

    Hard to implement by v1.4 without changing a lot of the implementation.

    Add in UG : where exactly to find the file

    Update UG accordingly

    Same issue reported #186

    Update UG

    Same as #183

    Same as #179

    The current exact weight/height can be seen in personal details, the graphs serve as a purpose to see the trend, which can be seen clearly in the chart.

    Would be good if we can make all 5 emails in the same format, but that's very minor. Just a thought!

    You would make a good one, TBH!

    Noticed the O(n^2) time complexity here! Can optimize in future iterations, but OK otherwise since trivial.

    Got it, thanks!

    Not sure if you're planning to fill this up later, but the link on line 62 (the "1") doesn't link to anything. I think you can consider making a link to your PED repo for this aspect.

    Otherwise the rest of the PPP looks good!

    Minor nitpick, but the closing bracket at the end of this line is missing. I'll let you decide whether you'd rather fix this now or in the final version.

    Otherwise, LGTM!

    Alright changed it, thanks for the catch

    Alright changed it, thanks for the catch

    Yup, changed it

    What can I say, IntelliJ suggested it 🤷‍♀

    Oh that's a good suggestion, will do!

    Duplicate of #9

    LGTM, but can you rebase on master before I merge?

    Alright done!


    Closed by #101

    Oh that's a good suggestion, let me add that in!

    I think this is referring to the same issue as #157.

    There's also a lingering reference to addressbook on line 49, which I believe can be updated to point at our repo. I briefly looked at the diagrams and it seems right, but I'll leave the details to Jet and Kevin.

    Thanks for the catch, misread that line.


    thanks for deleting this redundant use case!

    nicely solved the GUI size issue, well done!

    This PR updates user stories and adds user cases for report problem and view problems.

    This PR fixes a major bug:

    When reporting a problem, if the problem is duplicate with existing problems, it is expected to be rejected. This PR fixed a bug that caused the duplicate problem undetected.

    This PR also adds an exception and slightly improves defensiveness.

    This PR adds rationale for rejecting duplicate problem and it also adds minor improvements on other parts

    Thank you for pointing this out! We have added the corresponding content in UG.

    Thanks for pointing it out! We will double-check the jar file name in v1.4!

    This PR adds test code for AddProblemCommand and ViewProblemCommand.

    Checking move to AddCommand.execute() ?

    Messages.class or ParserUtil.class?

    LGTM! Great work Kendrew!

    I think maybe we could provide written examples of what kind of different decks users can have, to help them understand better

    For e.g.

    • Spanish

    • Japanese


    • Spanish Animals

    • Spanish Food

    Possibly can include

    1. Progress in each Deck (to understand how good a user is in each deck)

    Task completed by me

    Alright thanks, will finish up with the storage and StatisticsManager

    Looks good. Can merge

    Where is this used?

    Better to extract this and add it to storage




    This is not my final copy yet. Just want to run the above tests to see where I need to help.

    The TestDriver is created to ensure that I can read and write from the data.

    The reason for the repeats is because it reads all the items in the storage, can't realize that items with same name and date are the same (cuz i am using stubs) and just add items at the end of the list.

    The TestDriver also includes reading from past records and add the same set of Exercise at the end.

    Update code related to display Exercise.

    No bugs found.

    I think good to merge.

    Can't find any bugs.

    Good to go.


    No bugs found

    Fixed #2

    Feel you bro. The amount of checkstyle error.

    No problem found.

    Fixes #42

    Make PR to v1.3 Branch. Closing.

    No changes compared to #60. Merging.

    Done in PR #62

    Completed in #62

    Fix #48

    Slight change to the look of the app as well.

    The cause of the problem is solved in #165.

    Should be resolved.

    Fixes in #165

    Works fine on Window.

    Suspect that it is Mac Problem.

    Will Fix it tmr

    Can't replicate on our end.

    Is this if block left blank intentionally?

    Small grammar error here. Should be "it can consist of...".

    Got it! Will do. Thanks

    Got it!

    Got it!

    I have added additional details in

    No. I have removed it

    You have a typos in your filenames:



    This caused your image to not be loaded.

    Thanks for pointing it out! I have made the necessary changes.

    Looks good to me!

    I think this should be appointment book

    If you pass in a String, it should be invalid command format? But i think it's ok here.


    addappt command updated.

    I think it's the error message. It should be "This appointment is already missed".

    UG specified requirements for the name clearly.

    Added in UG

    Added in UG.

    Is this the intended outcome? I will create a PR to make the appropriate changes

    Could a clickable link be provided to improve user experience?


    I will go ahead with 1 and close this issue via PR

    Jiayous amelia! You can do it! 👍

    No worries @ameliatjy cheers mate!

    Nicely done! Thank you for the good work!

    I will add back the tests later when I start writing test cases


    1. Edit UG

    2. maybe a change c/ (and maybe n/) to a subclass of name that allows apostrophe and other weird stuff?


    Not a bug, only alphanumerical/spaces in job title. can be included in documentation

    It was intended for tag names to be alphanumeric (1 word only), this is a documentation bug and will update

    It's still quite messy but I will change it gradually over the week

    Mind-blowing enhancement! LGTM


    Thank you for the hard work!

    shall we follow the same convention to be consistent? verb + action? like show-s?

    Remember to change the corresponding PREFIX_DATE

    it go back to the Main feature

    thanks, bug has been Addressed

    thanks, bug has been Addressed

    thanks, bug has been Addressed

    thanks, bug has been Addressed

    Thanks, bugs has been addressed

    Thanks, bugs has been addressed

    Thanks, bugs has been addressed

    thanks, bug has been addressed

    thanks, Bug has been addressed

    thanks, Bugs has been addressed

    thanks, bugs has been addressed

    thanks, bug has been addressed

    thanks, Bug has been addressed

    Should we include a table of built in image paths, e.g. images/healthy1.jpg together with their respective descriptions, just in case users want to use our sample images?

    for the last Note, if input invalid url/valid url without internet, Wishful Shrinking will use default image instead.

    Yes it is haha to save into local but I realized it works without this code so I commented it out first


    yesyes hahaha thanks!



    ok removed!

    Maybe this could be named telegramHandle, a few different stuff being named telegram already

    Perhaps the line break after the '=' might not be needed

    Working in current master

    Will allow TA the flexibility to mark attendance ahead of time and use the unattend command to unmark if necessary

    Fixed by #160

    This could be a duplicated method of the getClientNotesAsList

    There's probably no need to tag tagName with the code formatter since its private anyways

    Change to a clearer def. Since TBM performs basic contact management/tracking, the use case should be able to handle the scenario when the user inadvertently tries to add a duplicate entry for someone he might already have an entry. (Could be due to previous professional deals, working relations... etc that he forgot.). Duplicate entries would cause the archives to get messy, and so I added the case where TBM prevents/User does not add the duplicate entry.

    The new business deal might involve some party which the user has encountered before and thus might have an entry in TBM, but forgot. So I wrote the uc in a vague way to put in the duplicate entry uc. @raysonkoh

    Oh lol ps

    Good suggestion! It slipped my mind

    Changed and fixed checkystle!

    Changed and fixed checkystle!


    Yea I using this method as the catch all during the GUI debugging. Actually good idea, I used logger logcenter instead.

    I have reduced the border radius of the to lessen the contrast between the command box and result display box.

    This is being called but my formatting is not obvious.

    Thats weird the preview does not show the change.

    I think for ModelClassDiagram, we might needa add arrows from addressbook to countrynotesmanager

    It will make the diagram look pertty ugly

    nvm i found a good orientation

    Ignore this, not sure why Github flags this as an update even thought nothing changed.

    Oh nice, I keep thinking markdown has no italics.

    Adding of the view box to the GUI will be done in separate branch in case GUI breaks.

    Integrity of Country behaviour seems intact. I'll merge now?

    LGTM, but I'm not sure why some lines of the UserGuide.md were changed?

    I removed the line wraps except for those with lie break tags since almost all the other sections in the UG are not line wrapped.

    Duplicate issue #179 ?

    Please pull this down and test it locally. Especially on Ubuntu or macOs.

    I can help you do this since it there's a possibility I may be bringing down the test suite from AB4 if I can resolve the Robot #335.

    UI overall works as expected, just that the default message with div1 div2 can be seen at certain points of the program, such as when you run the app and type list.

    Also, the view window doesn't update when you execute more commands, for example if I type client view 1 then client note add ..., or client edit ..., the view part doesn't reflect the changes.

    I'll open a new issue for that as it could possibly be a non trivial implementation. Currently, the widget only updates on the being given a view command.

    Ignore codecov.

    client clear command fits the bill

    Shouldn't it be "locationId" instead of "location"?

    Following Siang Ern's comment, referencing the index rather than id is required for this command. Also, "personId" and "locationId" are hiden away from the user. Users by right should not know about the id.



    More tests added.

    Test added.






    Done. In fact, I think that all methods in ModelMethods class can be moved to InfoHandler class and I have shfited all and refactor the test accordingly.








    To be consistent with the code for parsing Index from line 42 to 47, I think it is better to still put it in a try catch block to catch an ParseException and throw new ParseException with a new message.

    The getPredicate() method of FilteredList returns Predicate>? super T> and setPredicate() method of FilteredList accept Predicate>? super T> as argument. If just keep to Predicate>Person> I need to do type casting and need to suppress the warning. So I feel it is safer to change the signature than suppressing the warning.



    Examples added.



    It is a mistake. Fixed.

    Summary command table in UG is deleted. It can be added back with the correct commands in next iteration.

    If you don't use don't leave an empty line in between, Use case ends. will be shown as being on the same line as 3. Bagel... on the website

    Similarly, it'll end up as one long line here if you don't use the * and &gt;br>.

    I think you need to swap lines 3 and 4 in RemarkCommandTest.java. 😃

    import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue is the one that has to before the "import static seedu" statements, while import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test is behind.

    Perhaps the "Address book" in MESSAGE_SUCCESS should be changed to "Flash notes"?

    Perhaps the "Address Book" in MESSAGE_EXIT_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT could be changed to "Flash Notes"?

    Yes, you're right thanks!

    Instead of execute_addScoreOutOfRange_failure(), maybe it should be named as execute_addScoreOutOfRange_throwsCommandException()

    Tiny naming convention error: throwsCommandException() instead of throwCommandException()

    this checks whether PREFIX_PATH and PREFIX_GRP are present

    its also derived from AB3. i added some comment there too

    i think it can haha

    yes. it's derived from AB3. i believe it is to support the Constructor method at line 21

    It is different from equals(). It only checks whether both groups of the same name have at least one other identity field that is the same.



    different header level for extensions too.

    use different header level for MSS and Use case? use MD headers instead of bold i think.

    Closed prematurely. Only Ui mockup added.

    ReadMe done.

    UG page updated

    hi gel, please write more informative user stories!


    Completed: created JsonAdaptedInventoryRecord and JsonAdaptedFinanceRecord classes



    Wrong branch....


    • InventoryStorage

    • JsonInventoryStorage

    • JsonSerializableInventory


    • Storage

    • StorageManager


    • Tests are not added yet, (again)


    • UserPrefs: with file paths to inventory and financeAcc json storage files

    • MainApp: with new initModelManager

    • ModelManager: new constructor for inventory and financeAcc


    • LogicManager: method call to save financeAcc and inventory

    • Model & ModelManager: getter methods for financeAcc and inventory

    Split issue into saving and loading as separate features.

    Move issue to v1.2

    Refactored images directory and removed unused images

    PR accepted and merged

    Pull req closed.

    Link milestoneeeee


    Closed in favour of #169

    UG updated.

    @IronBiscuit Update UG

    Cannot reproduce...

    Command changed to switch to switch between tabs. Todo: update UG

    您好, 目前此软件只支持英文输入,我们不支持英文之外的语言(例如中文、俄文、等等)。为此感到抱歉、敬请谅解!

    Update UG to specify the range of values.

    Added documentation for clear command

    Hello! I think you missed a '*' at the end here.

    Good job changing this from a String to a class variable! Good coding practise, I like!

    Experience has been fixed to 1dp. However, salary still does not display decimals as salary is typically not discussed with cents.

    INDEX shouldn't be optional right!

    Same as above

    Does this mean all the students in TypicalStudents have the same ID?

    I checked the google docs and it said 1 to 5? hmm can someone confirm

    sure I just put mine

    yup done

    yup done

    yup added, just the documentation never write, just edited it.

    cos AddressBook now needs to have a training field, just added it in so the test cases can run

    hmm I wanted to put AddStudentToTrainingCommand but that would be bit too verbose I think, if others are okay with it ill refactor

    woops okay

    oh I forgot to change it back, should be fixed now

    Perhaps we can specify lexicographic order? "S" is placed before "p" because its ASCII value is smaller

    The users are also able to find by tags n remarks right?



    bruh star imports are illegal

    should this be moved to quizbook instead?

    oya oya

    Nice use of stub 👍

    I will change it to something like this

    public String toString() {

    final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

    builder.append("Title: ")

    .append(getTitle() + "\n")



    return builder.toString();


    where getDescriptionString() is:

    private StringBuilder getDescriptionString() {

    StringBuilder emptyString = new StringBuilder("");

    return description.map(desc ->

    new StringBuilder("Description: ")

    .append(desc.toString() + "\n")).orElse(emptyString);


    and getDateTimeString() is:

    private StringBuilder getDateTimeString() {

    StringBuilder emptyString = new StringBuilder("");

    return dateTime.map(time ->

    new StringBuilder("Time: ")

    .append(time.toString() + "\n")).orElse(emptyString);


    I was thinking that technically "" is also a valid dateTime from the user input or reading from the storage file so it should not throw an exception :?

    Okay I changed the regex so that it either accepts valid descriptions or ""

    The new regex is "^([^\\s].*)?$"

    Yup I forgot to switch to another branch for this

    Partially done, move to 1.4 to support 2. and 3.

    For now, if the command is valid and executed, the command will be auto-cleared.

    For invalid command then perhaps it's better to keep the command there so that the user can read the error message and quick-fix their command instead of typing the whole command from the beginning.

    just for better code quality passing in just the observable list to show instead of the entire logic instance

    Reviewed live by Weihong

    When switching from a module tab back to upcoming tab, the upcoming tab will only show the tasks and lessons of that particular module and not all modules.

    @UncleGrandpa925 what do you mean?

    I updated the date formater to accept "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", could you just modify this in order to be consistent?

    I updated in my new commit

    @zhXchD Please review this PR and see whether there is a need to change in Logic. To my observation, the bug only caused by the model part, so now should be fixed

    Updated. If you think this it's ok to have an update for journal according to addressbook, then it should be able to work.

    Model has been updated, please refer to the PR #97 which has supported search by title, if we need more search predicate, I can go and implement that.


    I have finished the functionality of add alias, but I am considering how to maintain a good design for the system and store the change into json file.

    @joshualiangxy Can you help to check whether the storage part is consistent with the other part?

    should be exercises

    Hi Prof Damith, the problem has been solved. The CI badge now works correctly.

    Tested locally. All storage related tests passed.

    For TestDriver.java, if I run it multiple times, the data will be stored repeatedly into testingForExercise.json. Is that the desired outcome or should you first clear the file and then store the exercise book? (not sure about this)

    Otherwise LGTM.

    Saw you commented out some tests, any reasons why?

    Those tests are for AB3. The tests throw a lot of incompatible errors because I modified the original classes (AddCommand, AddCommandParser etc.) instead of creating new ones.

    Tested locally. All tests passed.

    Maybe can wait for the meeting to discuss the assertfailure exception class before merging your PR?

    The code looks good to me.


    Looks nice. Can approve it.

    Tested locally. All commands work fine.

    Well done!

    In the md syntax, we should use >div> tags to achieve similar callout instead. Refer to the callout in lines 31 - 47 to see how it was done under Features.

    Do you mean padding instead of margin?

    Do you want to make more typical budgets if not it defeats the purpose of making these budgets stub.

    Alright will update

    numbering seems weird here!

    Perhaps you can import classes individually

    example has been fixed

    command is 'scores' or 'score'?

    Add command to add German words and English

    Yup, can be used after find command. Not redundant.

    What is translation if "End quiz" ?

    Random function from main list instead of current list (not like current list command)

    Compulsory, default is medium

    For difficultyTag

    Rephrase developer guide to emphasize full German phrase must be entered.

    duplicate of #205

    Duplicate of #212

    Duplicate of #208

    Check for german phrase, case insensitive

    duplicate of #199

    duplicate of #199

    duplicate of #211

    duplicate of #205

    duplicate of #199

    duplicate of #199

    Put in UG this behavior

    duplicate of #199

    duplicate of #203

    Not applicable to german 1 and german 2

    thumbs down

    duplicate of #178

    duplicate of #203

    duplicate of #165

    duplicate of #199

    Reflect in UG

    german 1 and german 2 does not consist of hyphens

    Perhaps the spacing to start the line should be 4 white spaces instead?

    Thanks for spotting this. Have rectified it and the rest below.

    Looks good


    Updated before

    Looks good!


    Should this be in the form of team/githbub_username_in_lower_case.md? i.e. marcustw

    Not sure about this, the punctuation isn't consistent for other message strings too. I guess we can clean this up after integration.

    I think I deleted some stuff by accident, will amend!

    Not allowing the user to add sessions with passed dates is too unforgiving. A tutor might start to use this app halfway through the semester, in that case, he/she will not be able to include any of the previous sessions.

    This bug does not exist.

    This has already been achieved.

    Thanks for adjusting the user guide on my behalf 👍

    Added the compulsory attribute company and optional attribute companyRole of Person.

    All test cases have been refactored.

    Slight modification to the GUI.

    Looks good to merge!

    The new color theme is indeed better! Thanks


    I realize the current implementation is not optimal and doesn't work if the interval expands across more than one day (I assume the interval is rather short and we only need to consider meetings on a particular day). A better and more efficient solution is to find out the nearest meeting before and after the toAdd meeting. We only need to check these 3 meetings do not conflict with each other because the meetings are sorted.

    Sorry for the mistake and will fix it soon (probably after midnight before the tutorial of v1.3 but before v1.4).

    I will specify my assumption in the user guide for now (so it is not buggy under the given constraint) and change it before v1.4.

    Nice visual guidance to users! LGTM

    Do you think we should structure it as steps to make it more consistent with other sections?

    I think we can update later. Right now, I just followed the format of Glossary AddressBook 3 😃

    @printinghelloworld I just updated schedule feature to now have "do after" feature, The new format is:


    Okay updated!

    OK, I have updated test cases and javadoc comments to match assignment

    Thanks JiaXin, I have updated

    Oki, updated 😃

    Noted! Thanks

    Yes I was using it for testing, have remove the dummy test.

    Changed to Final! thanks

    I was thinking of leaving it as Time so we can decide more on can it be minutes, days. But I have changed it to hours!

    It just for the uuuu in YearOfEra

    Oh, the dummy is for testing, the constructor is not

    I was using it to test, forgot to delete it.

    Have updated, thanks

    Ok noted!

    Change to undoes 😄

    Yep, have updated!

    I think it is good to merge


    closes #90



    so users don't have to scroll left-right

    low priority feature and potentially causes bugs

    closes #128






    emails are allowed to contain multiple periods



    This will be the displayed message when expense is created/modified. Description is already optional! Thanks for the suggestion though really!

    Forgot about that. Updated now.

    I didn't add the Ui file individually, instead I try to use the Ui file upload by you after merging the update Readme pr

    Then ![Ui](docs/images/Ui.png) would be fine! No need to add the .jpg

    Not sure if you are continuing with this test?

    Noted, will do!

    Ah ok! I deleted because the UI should already have listed the sample flashcard sets, but i'll add them back

    Yeah, I made "physics" the default

    I think it's an extra check to see if the contents in flashcard bank changes even when the error is thrown. So it will return false when the flashcard bank/flashcard set list is modified

    Perhaps I can make that clearer there


    I'm not sure why during this particular test, the index to be deleted is INDEX_SECOND while it should be INDEX_FIRST. This could be a testing issue instead of a bug in the source code, yet I can't find any problem when inspecting both the source code and the testing code. I will check through again and get back after!

    Hey no problem! Each command leads to the next stage of the quiz, like FlipCommand / AnswerCommand would show the answer to the current question and increment the index of flashcards, while CorrectCommand/ WrongCommand would show the next question and check if the index has exceeded after the execution of the previous 2 types of commands. So the CorrectCommand/ WrongCommand is only run once per flashcard iterated.

    The two exceptions will be thrown if the quiz reaches the end of the flashcard set, and the index being kept track of exceeds the number of flashcards.

    Yeah I agree, we can do that

    Yup, that is exactly right haha

    Alright! will take note and update in next commits

    Yup, will implement the tab freezing in these few days

    Ok! Thanks for pointing out, I'll use it subsequently

    Close tutorial PRs

    Close tutorial PRs

    Close tutorial PRs

    Close tutorial PRs

    Close tutorial PRs

    I have made the changes discussed, do help to review! Regarding the first test case in DeleteFlashcardCommandTest, there seems to be a problem with it in the source code. If there are no problems with it when we manually test it in the UI, consider this issue non-existent and an error from my written tests.

    Overall, the code quality is good. The proposal and the implementation are fantastic. Good job!!

    Thanks for review Eddy! Will update with changes accordingly later (after i'm done with the dg diagrams 😂 )

    I will close this first, if there's any enhancements/bugs reported, create another issue

    Use the &gt;string>.trim() method

    Remove the focus?

    Need to add one line of code to check

    Refer to the original AB3 functionality, if this bug report is valid, the same should apply to AB3.

    Refer to the original AB3 functionality, if this bug report is valid, the same should apply to AB3. Perhaps it would be good to not repeat similar bug reports, thanks!

    Refer to the original AB3 functionality, if this bug report is valid, the same should apply to AB3. Please refrain from writing duplicate bug reports, thank you

    Thank you for the bug report, we appreciate it!

    Thank you for noticing the bug!

    Thank you for the report, we will handle it 😃

    Remove the style, prevent from changing

    Remove focus styles

    >div style="font-family: comic-sans">Thank you for the report, we will handle it :)>/div>


    Cannot replicate this issue. Possible to give the steps to replicate?

    Character limit based on width of space

    Note: handle exit & help alignment

    numbered by features: task 1, flashcards 2, quiz 3

    set wrap text to true for both/character limit for flashcard set name

    Thank you for the report!

    After switching tab, ensure that the command box is available for typing (some hotkey perhaps?)

    Pure UG bug, fixed

    Duplicate issue with #233 that's fixed

    Fixed by @chuyiting 👍

    Closed bc this is for reference only, no intention of merging

    I think this should be 4 states?



    I think it was used in the old AB3 to go with the FInd command, since the list will disappear when you search for something. If we're planning on implementing Find in the future then it'll come in handy


    Duplicate issue.

    Duplicate issue.

    Duplicate of #157

    Fixed together with #211


    As an organised HR manager, I want to be able to add data of my staff so that I am able to have these data at one place in a neat manner













    As a user, I want to be able to add and delete different fields without needing to remember too many complicated commands













    Dude can he at least tell me what his input was bruh

    I dont allow duplicate comments anymore









    Consider importing only necessary classes instead of the whole package. This will make sure that it passes the checkstyle!





    Closed #93

    LGTM! Great job doing it at lightning speed⚡




    Great job on identifying an efficient solution to the schedule recommendation system. It makes sense to resolve conflict that way! LGTM


    LGTM. Good job on promptly updating the UG to match changes in codebase.

    LGTM. Nice work on the OOP and the threads!


    We will not be proceeding to add this feature as we have other higher priority features to implement. Thanks for noticing it. We will update in the UG that the latest prefix will be taken!

    Closed by #170

    LGTM! Good job on fixing bugs mentioned in PE Dry Run. I see that you have fixed bugs that you have discovered yourself too! Thanks for taking the initiative

    We will replace Retrieve with Undo.

    Similar to #73. Will change Retrieve to Undo.

    Fixed in v1.3.1

    Same as #72

    Cannot replicate this issue. Additional details required.

    Retrieve command will be replaced with an Undo command, which renders this irrelevant.

    • Command

      • AddCommand

        • AddTodoCommand

        • AddEventCommand

        • AddDedalineCommand

    JUnit test is not refactored yet

    Modify command parser

    If it's hard to finish in v1.3 we may move it to v1.4

    CI has failed for this PR.

    @UnicornJin @Zhang-Yunjie FYI, I add isTaskCustomized() inside tasklist for you to check whether it is customized. Also, if you call delete() directly and it is not a customized task, delete() will throw ModelException.

    The reason is we have duplicate tasks in sample data. So it will start with an empty task list at second time.

    It is same as issue 169.

    @Zhang-Yunjie @UnicornJin This should be solve by you guys!

    @UnicornJin This may be controlled by Parser period?

    This should be checked before command operation.

    So maybe we can set a hasTask check before all of task related command operations, i.e. edit, deadline.

    It is to check the remark and description. Now the remark are all set as "Nothing here".

    My suggestion is to set it as null type and parse it in Ui interface. Then it will not affect find.

    It is same as issue 196.

    The reason is because there are no tasks shown.

    Okay, we will make CI pass in next PR merge.

    Yes, this works because Expense is immutable, and Expense#resetTag returns a new Expense object instead of modifying the original object.

    Doesn't seem to fix #108? Need to add a new exception for edit if no changes are requested.

    Sorry, it was an oversight on my part. This PR does not fix #108 - I have updated the linked issues accordingly. Also, I have checked with the release again, and I did not encounter the bug raised. The error messages seem to be working as expected (screenshots appended below).

    Does this solve #127 ? Was #127 a result of the sample data?

    Yes, #127 was due to the incorrect sample data, which did not contain any categories apart from the 'Default' category, but contained expenses tagged with those categories (a behavior that is prohibited in other parts of the code). This PR adds those missing categories in to the sample data.

    #128 doesn't seem to be solved either - seems more like a UI problem - that the command should remain the command box?

    The original design was to alert the user to the fact that the tagged category did not exist yet, without throwing any exceptions. This PR patches the bug in which the message was not showing correctly.

    This is the expected behaviour:

    Input: add -dExpense with new category -$1234.56 -@12-12-2020 t/abcdef


    Will need to fix this part as well too. Instead of return new CommandResult(String.format(MESSAGE_DEFAULT, expense)) it should be return new CommandResult(String.format(MESSAGE_DEFAULT, &gt;STORE AND GET THE ORIGINAL CATEGORY HERE>))

    Yes, thank you for catching that! It has been fixed by the changes in this PR.

    return new CommandResult(String.format(MESSAGE_DEFAULT, expense)) ->

    return new CommandResult(String.format(MESSAGE_DEFAULT, toAdd.getTag().tagName))

    #138 doesn't seem to be addressed by the code changes

    It seems to be caused by #136, which is due to the incorrect sample data. (See also: #109)

    @Jillzyt can you help me to review?



    I will do it

    DeleleEx tests are there.

    As a user, I can delete tasks so that I can remove cancelled obligations.

    As a careless student, I can retrieve my deleted tasks from rubbish bin so that i won't accidentally delete them.

    As a new user, I can read the help panel so that I am able to get familiar with the app.

    As a user, I can mark a task as done so that I can take a glance and know which tasks have been finished.

    Keyboard scrolling of timeline would indeed be a nice feature to have but we will not be supporting this.

    Thanks for pointing that out! Tell me if any further changes are needed.


    After alias a b, a is no longer alias for anything and has nothing to do with b, which replaces a as the alias for add. Subsequently setting a to be alias for delete will not affect b.

    Perhaps this could be clarified in the UG.


    This PR contains a bug.

    Bug fix introduced in PR #154 (Along with test classes)

    Help and Get is planned to finish in future versions

    Resolves #23 and #43

    Resolves #46

    How to resolve conflicts...

    fix #69

    fix #69

    close #103

    close #107

    close through #218

    Have given credit to reuse code.





    We should call it Training, I think there would be no ambiguity what we would be referring to. I left the header comments there as a placeholder, would change it after the creation of a Training class.







    LGTM 😃


    I will get on this issue as soon as I can!

    Noted. I will get on in once #18 and #19 are merged.


    Wow! Looks good.

    Sorry, forgot to link the issue when I PR'd it.

    Thanks for the catch! We will update this ASAP!

    Thanks for the catch! We will get on this ASAP.

    Thanks for the catch! I have noticed this problem before and it seems like an issue on JavaFX's end. Will post in the forum to see if anybody knows how to solve this.

    Thanks for the catch! This is a dupe of #117 .

    Thanks for the catch!

    Thanks for the catch. This is dupe of #155 .

    There is a command called goto. Please refer to the user guide. The attached screenshot is the subsection for UI. Thanks for the attempt though!

    This is a feature, as new students added would not be a part of old sessions created. However, this could be reflected in the user guide. Thanks for the catch!

    Thanks for the catch! We will fix this ASAP!

    Thanks for the catch! We will update this ASAP.

    Thanks for the catch! We will get onto this ASAP.

    Thanks for the catch! We will update the user guide ASAP.

    We were unable to reproduce this bug on our end. Could you provide us with a list of commands you entered before encountering this bug. Much appreciated!

    Thanks for the heads up! We will clarify this in the user guide.

    Thanks for the catch! We will get on this ASAP.

    Thanks for the catch! We will update the documentation ASAP.

    This will be implemented in v1.4.

    Have replaced image with a placeholder image.

    I am closing this pull request because I intend to make another pull request containing both tests for MarkCommand and StorageCommand.

    Duplicate of #10 .

    Duplicate of #10.

    Duplicate of #40.

    Duplicate of #23.

    Closed pull request as I intend to make another pull request from a branch instead of the master branch.

    Duplicate of #97.

    Move to end of the steps

    I will just remove module list clean and we will now use contact list to reset the contacts list

    The module add command uses the n/prefix for the modulename not m/

    Fixed In PR's #223 and #267

    Fixed in #267

    its the next line where I sort with a lambda, ideally if we implement sorting in the future we want to properly use SortedList and Comparators instead

    aight will do

    no need to worry about it now haha

    ooh good catch

    yup should be less than 1, changed 😃




    Fixed this in #171, change this again if making comments optional

    Fixed in #171


    misunderstanding of add vs addex




    #173 now finds any log that matches ALL keywords



    good catch


    might want to add the expected result (all related logs edited/deleted) to the UG so ppl dun report as bug haha


    Fixed for all INDEX i could find

    I encountered some issues with junit...so don't dare to merge for now:'')


    filter works for week 12 and 13 on my side???

    Solved. Allowed for case insensitive find command


    Duplicate issue.Solved.

    Duplicate issue.

    Duplicate issue.Solved.

    idk if we should take this suggestion??



    I will modify this to be : allow customised ddl to be later if the task is already overdue.


    Duplicate. Solved.


    @onglijin Could you help to update the user guide? you may refer to the MESSAGE_USE string for each command class eg FindCommand in the source code which are used by me as the modified command formats in my logic writing










    Yep, thanks for pointing that out. 👍 I've changed it.

    Note: Week 6 individual task, not for merging

    This PR is just for checks, not for merging.

    The displayed "listO" looks like "list0" due to the font of the text, and not actually a bug.

    It is stated in the error message that the parameter for index must be a positive integer.

    Same issue as #205

    Similar issue as #180

    Same issue as #204

    Same issue as #205

    Same issue as #172

    Same issue as #172

    Same issue as #204


    ooh nice observation! thanks for the constructive feedback!

    yupp u're right! thanks for pointing it out!

    thanks so much for the exhaustive descriptions!


    sorry still working in progress, don't review first

    can review now

    Milestone v1.1 closed

    README modified

    Issue rectified

    erm im not sure how to do automatic numbering, maybe its a software?

    really? if it will be auto generated then can remove lor, or we can leave it in for this draft first

    ok im changing it in my next pr

    wait i want the attraction

    but it was return this originally

    ok nvm i got it haha

    DataConversionException e, Line 85 in MainApp


    Can do it as a red coloured box, just like tag

    Included the 3 fields yuxuan added, it passed the test cases on my side


    Close #116

    Include in UG that adding itinerary duplicate will only fail if ALL of name, sd and ed are the same

    Add the selected itinerary to the UI as a reminder

    Edit the message in the app itself

    Change example in user guide for the add-attraction

    Change the number in UG

    wrap around in css?

    Put time of visit above the name, maybe with a Time of Visit:>Timing>

    can explain command box and the panels?

    Add in UG

    Type a tip in UG that opening hours can be later than closing hour, cos of overnight attractions

    parse to uppercase

    u are not supposed to see the logs as a user...

    Change error msg of the code from integer to number

    Add a space to the markdown

    duplicate attraction error message

    Make main window static, by making its constructor private

    explain rationale of having full words such as attraction and itinerary in introduction

    more natural sounding

    Create warning in UG

    idk how to do this yet

    Closes #266 and #245 and #221

    Closes #262

    Closes #249

    Closes #223

    Thank for the suggestion, we will be implementing this feature in future updates of the program!

    Cannot reproduce bug

    Hi Ethan, the add_finance command does not have the "i" prefix.

    Bug cannot be reproduced.

    Hi You Chia, our programme will filter and read the command as list_inventory. This is the intended outcome.

    Bug cannot be reproduced

    Zero is accepted as a quantity, so this is the expected outcome.


    LGTM! Maybe you could add some test cases for this functionality later?

    Yes, definitely. I will try to figure how to test peekNext() and peekPrev().


    Quick fix done in my fork, will PR soon.

    It is due to NumberFormatException when parsing string into int. I have added an exception to catch it and it will now return a response saying that it cannot be more than the max value of integer. Will PR soon!

    Do not merge yet. I will need to modify mine after Moon's.

    I realised when I merged Moon's PR to work on the modifications, the format is still following the old one so I updated the format here.

    Hey Michaelia! The pr looks great. There's just one more thing to note about the AppointmentDateTime. Currently, AppointmentDateTime also accepts years beyond 19XX and 2XXX. Also, technically 30 or 31 might not be a valid input for day, depending on the month. So I was thinking you could maybe revert the changes from lines 17 to 21.

    I forgot about it, lemme do amendments to it.

    I agree with Kenneth. I prefer having clearer borders for tabs as well. I think making the unselected tab looked darker in fill would be nicer.

    For the tab borders, the colours are the same except for the bottom side. It may come across as less appealing to me so I think it is good to make it the same colour. Just a suggestion.

    code in getBMI() function in AddressBook class does not achieve required result.




    nicely lgtm




    Fixed in #228

    Fixed in #228

    Is there a way to partition the tabs so that there is a clearer distinction? I drew a rough sketch below.

    Noted, will update this

    Noted, will update this






    Corresponding PR has been merged

    After a long debugging period. I don't think it's possible to change the system decoding to "utf-8" format without changing some core features of the log.java which will significantly affect the rest of the code. I will just leave it as it is

    Remove command functionality seemed to have been included when @IlyaRin merged her adding command branch, I will close this branch now

    The default clear command still works and need not be changed. I will close this issue now

    Canceled due to failed CI checks


    Come up with a new wireframe

    Come up with a color theme - Done (7th Oct)

    Implement the new design - Done (7th Oct)

    Some of your CI (Continuous Integration) checks have failed so you have to change it before we can merge the pull request. You can find out what is the issue by clicking on details > clicking the "..." button on the right > then lastly, clicking on full screen.

    The errors will be the lines before the red alert message. It looks like there are some formatting issues with this pull request. For example:

    • ERROR:../src/main/java/seedu/address/model/person/Email.java:66: no newline at EOF.

    This means that there is no empty line at the end of the Email.java file. Hence, you would have to rectify that to maintain formatting standards with the rest of the program.

    There are some conflicts with the rest of the program, as this is a tutorial program we don't have to merge this pull request but do keep in mind to resolve conflicts in future PRs

    Even though this is one line of code, it is dealing with the build file, hence I have tagged everyone for review.

    @vigneshbhuvan-nus please fix your CI checks next time before merging. It really screwed over the test @IlyaRin had written and I have no idea how to fix it.

    Select command has been fixed

    Fixing the UI

    I found out that during initialization, the wrong output of the method getFilteredEntryList() from ModelManager.java gets passed to the UI. This meant that the UI was watching the first decks UniqueEntryList.

    I changed it so that now the UI watches observedEntries from the PUBLIC field in AddressBook.java.

    Hence, any changes to observedEntries from AddressBook.java will directly result in a change to the GUI.

    Select Command

    I edited the Select Command to now directly change the observedEntries, the low level details are documented in the code.

    Essentially, it creates a copy of the observedEntries, then deletes the original entries. It then fills observedEntries with entries of the selected command. The reason why we have to create a direct copy is to avoid the concurrent modification exception. Not the best performance O(n^2 * m) but performance can be optimized later.


    The modification to AddressBook.observedEntries is done directly (because observedEntries is a public field), we should change this in the future.

    Now edit command has to be updated, please refer to the code I have written to get an idea on how to do it.

    List command can be deleted as well

    Clear command needs to be updated as well (should it clear decks or clear entries?)

    Homework for you guys:

    • Fix the edit command such that it displays the edit command (for now, it only edits the deck's entrybut doesn't show it)

    • Determine if list command needs to be deleted and delete/not delete it accordingly

    • Do the same for clear command

    Done with my latest commit

    Done with my latest commit

    Done with @IlyaRin commit

    Cancelled, we will be using entries instead

    Looks good to me

    Could you explain what's going on like what I have here

    Hi everyone,

    This is my contribution to UG. I have written down the basic table of contents and necessary markdown language. If you need to create any new features (like links , jumps etc). you can just refer to the markdown language that I have written so far. However, I have also gone through the trouble to find a good cheat sheet you can all refer to below.

    Please fill up your portion of the UG in the same style I have written and if you can't finish it, at least do half-ish

    Remember to attach your name!

    Melanie: The individual deck commands

    Vignesh: The individual entry Commands

    Georgie: Introduction to Play, Statistics and Extra commands. Add FAQ

    For Melanie and Vignesh:

    Use this guide as a reference, I think they have done a goodjob:




    Here is a easy cheatsheet to refer to:


    Edit DG:

    I have edited the flashcard portion and the select command portion at the bottom of the DG. From what I can gather, it seems like most of the new additions to the DG will be at the bottom.

    From looking at other groups, I think our DG is honestly quite bad, so we need to redouble our efforts in the DG in future iterations

    These are the following tasks for the each of you:

    Melanie: Update UI components and use cases (don't need to spend too much time on it because you have already done a lot, just need to update the UI part because I saw some UI changes in the latest iteration and maybe 2-3 use cases)

    Georgie: Update your validation component including updating the picture

    Vignesh: Update memory including picture (super important so we can all understand how memory works)

    Some reference DGS that I think are quite good:



    Added basic Leitner flashcard system

    Change parser to accept convert all command user input to lower case

    Vignesh will fix the link

    Vignesh will delete this from the UserGuide as the feature has not yet been completed

    Not an issue, capitalisation is important in some language.

    Change the error message for indexed commands (delete, remove, select)

    Fix the message output for the select command

    This is not a bug but we found a new bug with clicking

    select 1 -> play -> stop -> select 1 -> click on quiz tab -> select 1/0 will not switch tabs anymore

    Also, disable all onActions for the FXML files for entry, quiz,play,stats tabs

    will change help message to have command summary and link to userguide

    Not feasible to implement with our current architecture

    @vigneshbhuvan-nus will update the photos

    @IlyaRin will fix this

    @GabrielSimbingyang will change play to \play from stop to \stop

    I will update the UG as well

    You can have the same word but different translation.

    You cannot have the same translation but different word

    @IlyaRin will fix this

    Duplicate issue

    @GabrielSimbingyang will fix this

    duplicate issue

    @geoboom will fix this

    @vigneshbhuvan-nus as well

    @geoboom will include the units and make the x-axis entries look better as well

    @GabrielSimbingyang will fix this

    @GabrielSimbingyang will fix this

    Not a bug

    Not a bug, capitalization is important in certain languages

    This is caused by another bug that we are fixing

    Capitalization is important in certain languages


    duplicate issue

    duplicate issue

    @vigneshbhuvan-nus will change the memory files first

    modified to our needs

    Will not be including in final version of GreenTea.

    @vigneshbhuvan-nus , why did you close this? It is not updated.

    1. Please edit the help message to only show the link to the user guide

    2. Edit the picture in the userguide in 5.4.1

    Completed number 3,4,6,7,9,10

    Updated DG with new diagrams and updated incorrect diagrams



    Looks good after checkstyle fix.

    Looks good to merge

    Looks good to merge.

    Duplicate user story, refer to #20

    Merge user story into #10

    Split this issue into another issue:

    Refer to #47

    Visual introduction to our app

    Use of Legends

    Use case for each command:


    1. in what situation do you use the command

    2. visual walkthrough of how to use the command

    3. expected outcomes at each step

    4. overall expected outcome at the end of the whole process

    Duplicate PR #104 is the correct PR.

    Closing this issue as the DG problems listed above have been fixed by #101 and #111


    • 1. Fix test files - patient constructors

    • 2. Fix Visit object save format in clinical.json

    • 3. Improve overall code style and checkstyle

    • 4. Improve overall UI of popup window

    • 5. Fix null pointer - message

    • 6. Update list of patients in patient tab when add visit

    • 7. Resizing of profile window - responsive (v1.4)

    • 8. EditVisit (ken)

    • 9. DeleteVisit (eug)

    • [scraped] 10. Show only 3 most recent visits under each patient

    • 10. Total counts of visit per patient to be displayed in profile panel with index of each visit

    • 11. Standardize the /ev /i etc prefixes for new features e.g. addvisit, editvisit and deletevisit

    • 12. Ensure icons are using stethoscope for new popup windows


    • 1. Add in notice that user have to change the appointment details also, after editing finish a patient (problem due to 'snapshotting' of patient details when creating appointment)

    UG Consultation

    • Include name for individual part

    • Understand rubrics & communication principle

    • Need to make it attractive and user friendly

    • Not highly attractive/reader friendly --> Add icon/logo/starting page of app to identify our app (Have icon, logo like VISIT)

    • Can it be more colourful?

    • Do we need to say positive integers --> can change to numbers

    • 3.2.6: Instead of giving these, can you show me how it look like in the interface (should correspond to the exampe)

    • Include relevant annotations for pictures

    • Picture content has to link with text description

    • Don’t show me end result/ Add more pictures before and after

    • I want to know where and which aspect…

    • See more rationale being given.

    • Is it necessary to put TOC on the front?

    Other possible changes (by eugene):

    • Add legend for the markdown/tip boxes and introduce user on how to read them

    • Add labelling of figures

    • Introduce sample data on startup and tell user to clear if not necessary

    • Add picture that user will see on startup and how to read our UI generally with annotations

    Removed the ev/ and d/ for editvisit and deletevisit, the visit index will be i/

    changed i/ to ic/ for addpatient, editpatient

    change addPicture command to addpicture

    ctrl + s to save

    shortcut to switch tab in main screen: ctrl + tab

    EDIT: all done

    I can't seem to understand this bug report, is anyone able to replicate this issue? It seems intended that addvisit should not be able to recognize addvisit input twice, and the example given in the ss works for me.

    Similar to #202

    Similar to #213

    I think we need to include a message/notice after successfully executing


    that the appointment card has to be manually updated, due to 'snapshotting' of patient when creating an appointment.

    Perhaps also including it in the UG under editpatient and addappt

    Related to #209 due to 'snapshotting' of patient info?

    I think this could be due to an uncaught exception

    see the error message in the console when recreating this bug:

    Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "0.5"

    at java.base/java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(NumberFormatException.java:65)

    at java.base/java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:652)

    at java.base/java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:770)

    at seedu.address.logic.parser.ParserUtil.parseDurationWithStart(ParserUtil.java:261)

    at seedu.address.logic.parser.appointment.AddAppointmentCommandParser.parse(AddAppointmentCommandParser.java:40)

    at seedu.address.logic.parser.CliniCalParser.parseCommand(CliniCalParser.java:114)

    at seedu.address.logic.LogicManager.execute(LogicManager.java:54)

    at seedu.address.ui.MainWindow.executeCommand(MainWindow.java:247)

    at seedu.address.ui.CommandBox.handleCommandEntered(CommandBox.java:52)

    Similar to #209 due to 'snapshotting' of patient info

    I can't seem to find the cause of this bug, would appreciate any input if someone knows how to. Currently, our code for find command is in #NameContainsKeywordsPredicate.test(Patient patient) which currently compares only the Name and IC of the patient

    Probably due to an uncaught exception in ParserUtil.parseDurationWithStart(ParserUtil.java:261), see error message below:

    Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "21474836471"

    at java.base/java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(NumberFormatException.java:65)

    at java.base/java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:652)

    at java.base/java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:770)

    at seedu.address.logic.parser.ParserUtil.parseDurationWithStart(ParserUtil.java:261)

    at seedu.address.logic.parser.appointment.AddAppointmentCommandParser.parse(AddAppointmentCommandParser.java:40)

    at seedu.address.logic.parser.CliniCalParser.parseCommand(CliniCalParser.java:114)

    at seedu.address.logic.LogicManager.execute(LogicManager.java:54)

    at seedu.address.ui.MainWindow.executeCommand(MainWindow.java:247)

    at seedu.address.ui.CommandBox.handleCommandEntered(CommandBox.java:52)

    Maybe we can add an event(?) listener similar to how the addvisit/editvisit window behaves when >kbd>Esc>/kbd> key is pressed?

    I was thinking we can include a section of how CliniCal loads up with sample data on first startup in the UG. And in that section maybe we can add some scenario to justify our red colour tag or even use more color tags in the sample data

    Probably some misinterpretation on the user part, as prefixes can be repeated multiple times when ... is used and not multiple key words.

    Maybe we can add a clearer description of multiple prefixes vs parameters vs keywords in the UG

    I think we should stick to Singaporean ICs only as currently our main target audience are GPs in Singapore. Freedom in formatting may be rather complicated to adapt to the different identity number formats used by various different countries


    Only assign visitdate before and today

    Todo: Make it clear in the UG that the next box will go into the save button, to minimize mouse usage instead of clicking

    Todo: remove commit clinical for addprofilepicture command

    We can change it to like the other commands:

    Invalid command format!

    addvisit: Adds a visit record to the patient by specifying the patient's index in the list of patients.

    Parameters: INDEX (must be a positive number) [vd/DATE]

    Input DATE as DD/MM/YYYY. Input YYYY as 19xx to 2xxx.

    Example: addvisit 2 [vd/10/10/2020]

    Todo: change in VisitFormWindow.fxml

    increase min width/pref width

    >AnchorPane maxHeight="1.7976931348623157E308" maxWidth="1.7976931348623157E308" minHeight="275.0" minWidth="308.0" prefWidth="503.0">

    Todo: also in the UG, add in the visit date now only can be before and today for addvisit vd/

    I could only add in some borders for the tab currently selected so like this, however not sure if it looks abit clunky...

    And I couldn't find any documentation on how to change the unselected tab styling (making it darker etc)


    update delete method and test cases

    Code looks good. I think it is good to merge.

    Code looks good. I think it is good to merge.

    The code looks good.

    Fixes #6


    • Display related contacts in entry content.

    • Display person card content.

    • Display date in entry content.

    • Improve the help window.

    It seems that the previous PR should not be merged. @Lingy12 please have a look at this and if the previous PR merge needs to be reverted, you can approve and merge this PR, or you can just close this one.

    This PR is ready for review. Since this part involves a lot of things about the Ui part, could @Nauw1010 review the PR and if everything seems good, merge the PR?

    This is caused by model.updateFilteredEntryList(PREDICATE_SHOW_ALL_ENTRIES) in EditJournalEntryCommand.java. Commenting out this line will solve the issue.

    I will make a PR for v.1.4 to change the sidebar selection behavior as well as to solve this issue.

    Yes, they do.

    This is because after editing, the filtering conditions may filter out the edited item and make it not displayed in the list.

    Work done in this PR:

    1. Get rid of in/SCOPE, i.e. view in/c index/INDEX to viewc INDEX, view in/j index/INDEX to viewj INDEX, find in/c to findc, find in/j to findj.

    2. Update UserGuide of view and find.

      • view part should be done (I mean for CS2101).

      • but find part I just change all in/ to c or j.

    3. For all commands which need to read prefix variables, they now first read all prefixes, and if they detect any prefixes that should not be included, it gives an error message.

    4. Add tests for ViewPersonCommandParser, ViewJournalEntryCommandParser, DeleteJournalEntryCommandParser, DeleteJournalEntryCommand.

    I forgot to delete it, I will delete it later

    Test the equal method of delete command

    ? So that it will not go wrong when comparing two deletetask command. This is also for higher coverage. U can also check delete project command Test adapted from the original ab3 one.

    For the Leader Object, you want to make it an instance of a Person? Such that it can contain email, address etc. I have included that in my implementation of Teammate. Lemme change that to Person then maybe your Leader can be an instance of Person too. This way you dun have to create email classes etc for the Leader

    Maybe we want to wait for Lucas to implement the association class and make Leader class a subclass of association?

    Good use of checkstyle. AssertCommandFailure doesnot appear to work

    update comments fpr exercise

    Improve checkstyle. Other than that well done

    well done!

    well done!

    well done!

    Good use of comments

    Accurate update of DG! well done

    Resolve issue




    Changed GUI for better visibility


    Have to redo

    Failed CI

    Forgot to check CI oops


    Can be merged already. Changed equality notion for day to being the same date. Javadoc changes and refactoring.

    LGTM, approved

    sort result list according to semester

    UG docs settled

    UG docs done

    UG docs done

    Should add this to the UG

    Profile picture and AboutUs has been updated by every member

    We feel that this is not a valid bug. The appointments are already sorted and the GUI is just a bonus for the CLI command.

    Not really a bug. It is just to show roughly how the start screen should look like.

    There may be duplicate descriptions which may make the implementation more prone to bugs. As for index, we feel that it is a valid suggestion but our current implementation is fine.

    Duplicate issue

    Thank you for raising bug!

    Duplicate issue

    Thank you for raising this bug!

    Thanks for raising the concern, we will look into it!

    Duplicate issue

    Duplicate issue

    Duplicate issue

    Duplicate issue

    Duplicate issue

    Thanks for raising this concern, we will update the UG to make it clearer

    Thank you for the feeback, we will look into it!

    Thanks for the feedback! We will look into the issue!

    Problem resolved! Thanks for raising the issue!

    Duplicate issue

    Thanks for raising the issue! Problem is resolved!

    Resolved for Dellsn and ViewGrp

    Ok fixed in latest commit

    Fixed in latest commit. Thanks all

    fixed in latest commit https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-T12-1/tp/pull/169/commits/c276c055ccc67713af31fe5506ca399aa0cee012

    fixed in latest commit, used 'command' instead of 'd'


    fixed in latest commit


    fixed in latest commit


    Actually i meant to say that the square brackets themselves are not necessary bc that was what Aileen feedbacked to us

    In one of my earlier commits I made that change, for the constructor to take in a LocalDateTime but that implementation had its own problems, such as every single class that needed to use Time had to import LocalDateTime as well as ensure proper formatting of its inputs before passing into the constructor (or else it would throw a DateTimeParseException).

    Hence i reverted it to this implementation where Time takes in a String and all parsing is done within the class

    For the other parts of the code, this section here is to check if the JSON info is valid (ie. is the data file corrupt). However, this does not work for this implementation of Time, as we are not storing user input, but we are storing the endTime. Hence we cannot pass the endTime field through the same isValidQuantity/isValidName/etc. method, as that regex is used to test user input not to test this.

    I removed this because I am handling the parsing inside the Time class

    1. Remove this highlighted part from DeliveryAddCommand (it's not from your PR but it shouldn't be there haha)

    fixed in commit: https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-T12-1/tp/pull/202/commits/a7a2dfb73243c472502756ff237ddf71bfefd18c

    1. Add colours for the different delivery time left

    added in commit: https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-T12-1/tp/pull/202/commits/b6740dfa1ff79f72c5183f4355f888aa3a8c15da

    changed to initializeDeliveryCountdown() in commit:


    ok true, fixed in latest commit

    ok fixed in latest commit

    replaced with string constant in commit:


    fixed in latest commit

    @wengfaing do you want to add the relevant unit/ integration tests first for this command? Including parser for the command, logic, etc. Or do you prefer to do these tests in next iteration?

    I think i'll work on it in the next iteration!

    -optional for add

    -prefix: metric/

    -add qty: infront in ui

    -metric to be between max qty & %

    fixed in latest commit:


    @wengfaing btw have you fixed this in your add metric PR?

    Yes, it has been fixed in this commit:


    I don't think you have updated the sequence diagram image (only the puml has been updated from what I see)

    oops slipped my mind. fixed


    Oh yea I didn't update the bottom example, will do so!

    Okay noted!

    Thanks 😄

    I might have missed out on some unit tests, as there were simply too many 😥

    When a recurring event marked as done, will auto-create another same task


    Add purpose of User guide too.

    This problem occurred when a backdated appointment is created then immediately followed by the "a-list" command. As a result, the TimerThread did not have the time to set these appointments as missed.

    However, now that backdated appointments are no longer allowed to be created, this is no longer a problem.

    The bottom part of the last appointment card is cut off by the response box. This is after scrolling down as much as possible. This is more of a UI problem.

    This problem occurred when a backdated appointment is created then immediately followed by the "a-list" command. As a result, the TimerThread did not have the time to set these appointments as missed.

    However, now that backdated appointments are no longer allowed to be created, this is no longer a problem.

    This problem occurred when a backdated appointment is created then immediately followed by the "a-list" command. As a result, the TimerThread did not have the time to set these appointments as missed.

    However, now that backdated appointments are no longer allowed to be created, this is no longer a problem.

    Completed appointments should not be shown for commands "a-list" and "a-upcoming".

    The problem here is the filter used for "a-upcoming" not checking for appointment completed status.

    The jar file is functional and able to be launched via double clicking after being tested on the following operating systems:

    • Windows

    • MacOS

    • Linux (requires setting up of execute permission)


    Remade another PR, refer to Add Sort Command instead

    Done, refer to Add Sort Command PR

    Refer to PR#108


    Deferred to milestone v1.4


    PR #230

    PR #233

    Fixed with PR #234

    Fixed in PR#235


    PR #239

    PR #245

    Looks good!

    Looks good to merge





    Change the example command in Getting Started section of UG

    Work on flow of examples in UG

    put in UG warning

    addressed in UG alr

    put in DG?

    Thank for helping us find the bug!

    Thanks for helping us find the bug!

    display yyyy-mm-dd, x days ago

    User Guide: more description


    okay will do

    Nice la bro




    function does not exist anymore

    command does no longer exist






    This feature has been implemented upstream.

    This feature has been implemented upstream.

    This feature has been implemented upstream.

    The files in docs/diagrams and docs/images have yet to be updated to reflect these changes. Reopening this issue.

    Closed by #61.

    Don't approve this yet! I just realised that this code still generates the file even when the file is already present.

    Pushed a fix regarding the issue above.

    This implementation also allows the user to edit the default profile picture to something of their choice, by editing data/stock_picture.png. If the user wants to return to the default profile picture, they can just delete data/stock_picture.png and the app will automatically regenerate the file on the next run.

    I'm not sure if this should be added into the User Guide, since it's a niche use case.

    In the process of coding my own tests, I found that the test code heavily depends on variable file paths, and it would be hard to write test code for the sections with hardcoded paths.

    As testability is a grading criterion (I think?), I am increasing the priority of this issue.

    LGTM! Did you already update the user guide?

    Thanks for the review. The user guide is updated but I haven't touched the dev guide yet, I'll make a GitHub issue to remind myself of that.

    Check out the sample code at https://github.com/JFXtras/jfxtras/tree/10.0/jfxtras-agenda/src/test/java/jfxtras/scene/control/agenda/trial for integration between AppointmentImpl and Agenda.

    Edit: please don't merge this in yet! I noticed a spacing error in SettingUp.md, will get to it asap

    LGTM! Btw are my previous commits also included inside this pr?

    This PR is to the implement-appointment-class branch, so it will be applied on top of whatever you pushed originally 😄

    I'll merge this in then!

    Closed by https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-W11-4/tp/pull/82

    Working as intended, user can resize window as they like to expand the left list horizontally. Perhaps mention in UG?

    Some of the results on a Google search suggests that this is a misconfiguration on the tester's side. Closing this issue.

    I'll be closing the duplicate issues to clean up the issue list.

    Duplicate of https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-W11-4/tp/issues/209

    Duplicate of https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-W11-4/tp/issues/209

    Possible fix: when checking validity of dates, format the string and check equality with supplied string

    Duplicate of https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-W11-4/tp/issues/209

    What do you guys think about the issue; should we keep the Singaporean IC checking and mention it in the documentation or should we allow for more freedom in formatting?

    Duplicate of https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-W11-4/tp/issues/209

    Fixed in my branch, will PR soon.

    Fixed in my branch, will PR soon

    Fixed by assigning Esc to close window in my branch, will PR soon.

    Fixed in my fork, will PR soon.

    Fixed in my fork, will PR soon.

    Fixed in my fork, will PR soon.

    Fixed in my fork, will PR soon.

    Note to self: This fix also requires a changes to sample data at start and a lot of other places. Will take some time to fix.

    This issue consists of 2 parts, first is accepting wrongly written dates and the second is the irrelevant error message. Reopening this issue as the 2nd issue has yet to be fixed.

    Moving discussion to https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-W11-4/tp/issues/231

    Thanks for the heads up, I'll try generating the test cases dynamically!

    Closed by https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2103T-W11-4/tp/commit/87a2cdaf36106299744014fb08ed54c50a611162

    This implementation only allows a limited subset of domains. Closing for now

    Add reschedule and snooze commands

    -Reschedule command changes the dates and times of an event.

    -Snooze command changes the dates and times of a todo.

    Cause of RecommendSuCommand -> isGradeAboveC. Since technically if your grade is below C, you cannot SU. But actlly you can SU you will just get U LOL so remove isGradeAboveC?

    Think is cause after changing to Y2S2, after running recommendSU, the command still works, but then this line will filter away all the non-Y2S2 mods, so ded

    Need change to sth like this i think. Change tmr cause i previously changed this chunk before so will merge conflict.

    If use list in semester, will only show the modules in the semester.

    Fixed by XY's fix

    Fixed by XY's fix.

    Current coverage is 60~%, i think we should have at least 80~%?

    Yah i think the error is on his side.

    Fixed with documentation.

    Good Job!

    See PR "branch-recommend-su"








    Closed by linked pull request

    Issue fixed by the linked pull request



    AboutUs done

    Thank you for your feedback.

    update_inventory is working as expected. This issue is with add_inventory and edit_inventory, as these commands should not allow negative quantities in the resulting record, as having a negative inventory quantity does not make much sense. update_inventory is programmed to not allow for inputs that will result in a negative quantity, which conflicts with the other commands. We will correct those commands and update the UG to better clarify these issues.

    update_inventory will be working as expected after these fixes!

    Unfortunately, I was unable to reproduce the error either.

    Thank you for your feedback.

    Currently, edit_inventory and add_inventory allows for negative quantities which is not supposed to be allowed. We will be updating these commands as well as the UG to better reflect this.

    Thank you for your feedback!

    We have fixed this issue. update_inventory should be working as expected now!

    Bug fix on EditFinanceCommandParser!

    Cannot reproduce bug

    Thank you!

    Hi Yan! Nice to meet you on github! For now find_inventory only search for the Exact name in the inventory therefore helloo will not appear, but hello world will appear.

    Sadly, we were unable to recreate the same bug again...

    3 Tests failing to fix.

    Explain that statistics is for review session and not deck

    Remove IllegalStateException from ReviewWindow class

    Explain that review all will not save review statistics

    Actual issue, need to save FlashNotes data at handleExit() probably.

    Same as issue #218

    Thanks for spotting it!

    Updated the PR, please help me review again. Thanks!

    Thanks for spotting that! I added a static parseGoal() in ParserUtil that checks not only the format but validity of the date provided as well 😃

    Thanks for the suggestion! Will add that in

    Yup thanks for pointing it out! Forgot how DetailedBookCard inherits from BookCard

    closes #29

    For GoalClassDiagram.puml, will it be better to follow the hierarchal order and put the interface ontop of the implemented class?

    Updated diagram to follow hierarchal order

    Noted I will include them into the usage!

    Noted! I will include the prefix for the quantity! I will make the necessary changes on the UG as well

    Yes, i was trying out if it affected and i forgot to remove it. Thanks!



    README has been updated

    fixes #184

    ok sure

    Idk how editing the font size will turn out, can merge first then i edit later?

    for this one, we cannot iterate and delete in a for loop at the same time, so how i solved this is by moving it outside.

    ohh i get it, so only parsing in the lower half of args without the command word

    sry just saw this..

    ohh thanks, was looking for this link


    actually, i need a boolean field in qAndA to keep track what kind of cell to use for that particular qAndA.

    i think it's possible to pass a copy of that QAndA, but then it means need to refactor the constructor to include isQuiz field, I find it a bit redundant haha (cuz everytime we initialize a qAndA need to indicate isQuiz)

    Do you think we should refactor constructor?

    this is deleted now! It's to reset the cells of displayed qAndA to normal cell

    This version has a small bug, will be solved soon.

    Thank you for updating the user guide 😃

    thanks for fixing this!



    After discussing we decided to allow past meetings because new users may want to enter old meetings to check their schedules

    LGTM 👍


    Ah yes, changed it, thanks!

    Yup sure! Thanks for the suggestion

    The current implementation of StudentBuilder fails the test case as the name of the Student does not correspond to name of any student in the lesson created by lesson builder, so I did not use it haha Do you think it will be better to change the default student name for Student Builder (not sure whether will fail test case elsewhere) or leave my current implementation as it is?

    oh I shall change the way the student is built and infuse in StudentBuilder like 'new StudentBuilder().withName("Aaron Tan").withId("A0123456U").build();' I think that should do the trick:)

    yup okay good idea!

    The current implementation of StudentBuilder fails the test case as the name of the Student does not correspond to name of any student in the lesson created by lesson builder, so I did not use it haha Do you think it will be better to change the default student name for Student Builder (not sure whether will fail test case elsewhere) or leave my current implementation as it is?

    I have decided to change the default student name to the correct one since it seems to make more sense that the default student build is a valid student. I fix some areas to pass the test cases too, they were pretty minor I realise, so that's good. I will proceed to use the default student build by StudentBuilder, thanks for the suggestion! It was a good point:)

    Ah yes, thanks for noticing, I will make the changes:)

    Yes, good point, thanks for pointing it out:)

    yes, range that score can take in is 0-5, in this case the subScoreOutOfRange is an int score that will be subtracted from the original score to result in the score going out of the range. In the case of this test case, the original score is 3 so 4 covers the case where the subScore is greater than the score. The invalid scores for non-integers test case is covered under SubScoreCommandParserTest, I will add in test case for negative integers.

    yes, i will change, sorry for the grammar mistake

    sure, I will do this in the next iteration of edits!

    Can't pass CI due to checkstyle error in RemarkCommandTest.java.

    Checkstyle document says to put "import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test" after the "import static seedu" statements, but upon doing that, it says that the "import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test" is lexicographically before the "import static seedu" statements, and should be put before them. I don't know how to solve this checkstyle conflict.

    Tests aren't fixed yet. Will implement later.

    Thanks, it's updated now

    Okie thanks! that sounds clearer to me

    Problem fixed!

    Update: We will be allowing creation of backdated appointments in the situation where digitisation of hard-copy appointment details are necessary. This will also ensure that test-cases are static and be less-prone to mismatch between the user's device DateTime for testing purposes.

    Related #92

    Related #90

    Related #90

    Related #86

    Related #86 #88

    Closed via #140

    Closed via #106

    im not changing the storage.readAddressBook cause idk if i should touch the storage class at all haha

    the equal method for person checks for id so this isSamePerson only makes use of the overridden equals method

    Wrong branch

    Will indicate in the UG to make it clearer!

    Will update the example in the UG!

    Will update the UG example!

    will update to make sure it's unique ID instead!

    Ohh I forgot to change back to the original version;( I'll change now!

    Add use cases 7-9

    list all expenses

    list expenses ina specific category

    set budget

    Update a bit of DG, edit error message in delete expense command parser, add expense test

    Do you create the expenseClassDiagram?

    Yes I created it in my last pull request if I didn't remember wrongly!

    CANdidates is unable to ensure accuracy of email address inputs due to the large variety of domains available across the globe.

    We will put a note in our User Guide to warn users on this and proceed to close this issue.

    We value informative success message over short ones to fit into the response box.

    Thanks for pointing it out!

    Thank you for the suggestion!

    pull request from the wrong branch!

    The UG was updated a bit late on the morning of the PE dry run so you might have been looking at the older version instead!

    makes sense!

    roger that



    Will have to merge with command dispatcher and refactored logic file before recipes and ingredients can be displayed

    Will fix

    Should we only start with an empty pane if the recipe book is empty? Like maybe the empty pane can get a quick view of the command breakdown

    Looks good

    Looks good

    Duplicate of #76

    oof didnt see

    branch is even with master, plz merge

    Opps gotta update

    oof actually would it be bad practice for me to press the update branch button for you?

    Should I make the application non resizable instead? @zhiayang

    Looks good to merge!

    Looks good to merge!

    Looks good to merge!

    Looks good to merge!

    Realised a potential bug due to incorrect pointer amendment, will fix

    Realised a potential bug due to incorrect pointer amendment, will fix

    ok d

    Resolved by PR #109

    tbh i dont exactly have a clue how to make a bunch of buttons work like tab so imma implement other stuff first

    Looks good to merge

    Looks good to merge!

    Looks good to merge

    👍 regarding the first keypress, is it possible to just set the command box to be focused by default when the app starts?

    okay fixed it but another way 😂

    Looks good to merge!

    oof okay didnt see that, will amend

    I'm current using a event listener in DisplayController to switch views based on whether recipes are add/edited/deleted, so we probably shouldn't do this.

    okay changed

    Okay I have this issue where I'm unable to test the recipe cards and ingredient cards fully cause we are using a gridpane — I cant get the recipe object out of it, only physical attributes; ab4 uses listView which extends selection model.

    Looks good to merge!

    Looks good to merge!

    is it feature freeze?

    Will amend

    I would prefer to leave the links if I were to leave the list in, @zhiayang any thoughts about whether I should remove the whole list?

    add m/CS2030 G/ gives "Names should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces, and it should not be blank"

    should be invalid command format

    Screenshot 2020-11-04 at 3 32 00 PM

    Need to fully add the appointment functionality before I can fully add the appointment commands

    @soaza Is there a way to customise this? We can change the Calendar name tab to upcoming/this week

    closes #161 #167 #179 #187 #188

    Update to public

    Javadoc added

    Update to feedTime

    Line removed

    Error messages and json updated

    Updated to match format


    Resolved typo

    Will close and redo PR due to unintended updates in master branch

    Resolved by #62

    The bullet points are currently standardized by indentation level, will be kept as it is for now.

    This issue exists for Medical Conditions too. Appending an existing medical condition results in a successful append message. Will be fixed together.

    Resolves #253

    Resolves #240, #245 and #260 as well

    Resolves #262 as well

    Closes #10

    #88 Closes this

    closed via #144

    closed via #146

    closed via #128

    Fixed by #224

    Fixed by #224

    Fixed by #224

    Fixed by #224

    Fixed by #223

    Fixed by #223

    Fixed by #224

    fixed by #223

    fixed by #224

    Closed by #264

    Closed by #271

    Closed by #290

    Closed by #288

    Closed by #302

    I think we should leave it as it is to be more consistent since lines 70-71 indicate the indentation that is used throughout the entire code base

    just finished committing this change and the one above about the JavaDocs

    This confirms if the redo stack is empty since there is a check below from lines 66-68

    I think this variable has to be initialized to some base value, if not the check on line 67 will throw an error saying that it is not initialized yet.

    Ok removed

    Ok both issues have been fixed and pushed



    Updated it to 'where x is smaller than all 3 digit numbers' since these are examples of incorrect delete commands

    Fixed this and all other issues above

    Assigned to @m0nggh since he finished it in his current PR

    The only discrepancy found was @m0nggh 's section but his description was more of a feature list than a sequence-based explanation, so it didn't make sense to modify it to use numbers

    UG terms fixed by me, DG terms was fixed by @lamlaaaam

    The outcome is reasonable since undo will allow you to reverse an action that modified the state of the ZooKeep book. Undo is only expected to fail if no such action was taken before it is called.

    If the undo command needs to be modified, the person doing the modification should also modify the redo command.

    I made the find command match substrings since I think it could possibly be labelled a feature flaw if substring matching was not supported.

    It also makes the command more flexible anyway which I think is a plus and could make it less of a hassle if users want to search for a general type of animal i.e. bird or fish instead of looking for a specific species. I can allow for substring matching for feed times quite easily if it's fine with you all since it was a minor error that stemmed from my previous implementation of find.

    Probably will add new tips and examples to show that substring matching is supported

    Maybe we can discuss if we want this to be implemented? I mentioned my reasons in the linked issue #273, but I am okay with allowing only full matching if the rest think so.

    lgtm, thanks for updating the UG!

    LGTM, thanks for adding the ICS!




    Keep up the good work 👍

    LGTM! Btw are my previous commits also included inside this pr?

    I think we can solve this by editing isSamePatient() inside the Patient class to only check name and NRIC, not phone number.

    I think I can fix the REGEX to allow whitespaces

    I will add a validity check to prevent this from happening.

    I will edit the REGEX.

    I will edit the string.

    We'll be adding more screenshots later.

    Will be closing since this is similar with #216

    @ktaekwon000 Btw you also might want to consider implementing dynamically changing test inputs since the AppointmentDateTime now only accepts upcoming dates (including today). Let me know if you need any help with this!

    Closed due to duplicated to #3 .

    As the Director of Human Resources, I want to have quick and easy access to all HR information at my fingertips.


    Done. Can merge now if you feel okay.


    LGTM. Since this is just a small improvement I will not seek for more reviews and merge it directly.




    I have enforced that find must be used with -applicant or -staff, otherwise there will be infinite troubles in the tests. I actually think we better make commands context-free, which means that the operations executed should not be related to the context of the command.

    Fixed in #210.


    The refined UI looks elegant!

    Thanks for the bug fixes!

    Thanks for refactoring