This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.
CS2103/T 2020 Aug-Dec
  • Full Timeline
  • Week 1 [Mon, Aug 10th]
  • Week 2 [Fri, Aug 14th]
  • Week 3 [Fri, Aug 21st]
  • Week 4 [Fri, Aug 28th]
  • Week 5 [Fri, Sep 4th]
  • Week 6 [Fri, Sep 11th]
  • Week 7 [Fri, Sep 18th]
  • Week 8 [Fri, Oct 2nd]
  • Week 9 [Fri, Oct 9th]
  • Week 10 [Fri, Oct 16th]
  • Week 11 [Fri, Oct 23rd]
  • Week 12 [Fri, Oct 30th]
  • Week 13 [Fri, Nov 6th]
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  • Week 5 [Fri, Sep 4th] - Tutorial

    1 Discuss the abstraction aspect of iP PRs

    1. Find the PR you have been allocated to discuss (given below). If the allocated PR is not available or suitable, you can choose the fallback option, and failing that, any random PR.

      Your username PR to review Fallback PR to review
      AaronnSeah YangYue128-helen's PR KohHanMing's PR
      AdithyaNarayan leeweiminsg's PR Syasyazman's PR
      AlexCQY erisjacey's PR Nauw1010's PR
      Anthony6401 TanLeYang's PR yan-soon's PR
      Ashley-Lau pockii's PR tanwayne890's PR
      Asthenosphere Avalionnet's PR siangernlow's PR
      Asuraxsoul EthanTheGoondu's PR rgabelarde's PR
      AudreyFelicio pongzers's PR BILLXYR's PR
      Avalionnet siangernlow's PR pengxiangg's PR
      BILLXYR ngzhenteng's PR ryanlimjr's PR
      Ben-Hanan aizatazhar's PR siddarth2824's PR
      BobbyZhouZijian nicholas-gcc's PR LimZeWeiDennis's PR
      BreadPeanutButter oliviajohansen's PR gsmoon97's PR
      Caiyi34777 sigmund-c's PR jzwoo's PR
      CalistaIo Criss-Wang's PR chrisgzf's PR
      Cedo8 YangJiyu98's PR zhXchD's PR
      ChenXJ98 pooty3's PR xyzhangg's PR
      ChengJiyuqing ramenmen's PR the-reefshark's PR
      ChooJiaXin bowei-yu's PR wang-jun-hao's PR
      Christopher-LM sun-yitao's PR luciatirta's PR
      CodingCookieRookie jh123x's PR CodyChew's PR
      CodyChew kerkpy's PR justintzuriel's PR
      Criss-Wang chrisgzf's PR luo-git's PR
      Diwu-Yi lettuceman4's PR kc-98's PR
      Door-oof WM71811's PR maguireong's PR
      DreamerDragon Ashley-Lau's PR pockii's PR
      Ebolaeater shermz-lim's PR gabztcr's PR
      EkChinHui xz0127's PR cheoksuanne's PR
      EkamSinghPandher onglijin's PR JingYenLoh's PR
      Elgoh JinHao-L's PR hhdqirui's PR
      EthanTheGoondu rgabelarde's PR StopTakingAllTheNames's PR
      FH-30 Sruthisarav's PR JoeyToh's PR
      FizzyAgent nuovonatura's PR hopinxian's PR
      GabrielTeo zhaohuanqdcn's PR KishenKumarrrrr's PR
      GabriellaTeh DreamerDragon's PR Ashley-Lau's PR
      GeNiaaz peironggg's PR chunyongg's PR
      GilbertTan19 nicktohzyu's PR augustinekau's PR
      HCY123902 sudogene's PR UnicornJin's PR
      Hazel1603 chrystalquek's PR petrickjerico's PR
      Hou-Rui GabrielTeo's PR zhaohuanqdcn's PR
      HynRidge sagarsureka's PR hanweic53's PR
      IlyaRin khoodehui's PR howtoosee's PR
      IronBiscuit GabriellaTeh's PR DreamerDragon's PR
      IsaacTin tengjianling's PR tjwjoe's PR
      Jargonx yejiadong's PR mehak24k's PR
      Jaylenlee shadowezz's PR jonasngs's PR
      Jillzyt jialin7878's PR jeffreytjs's PR
      JinHao-L hhdqirui's PR ya0-yuan's PR
      JingYenLoh Hazel1603's PR chrystalquek's PR
      JoeyToh daongochieu2810's PR Asuraxsoul's PR
      Joven-Heng dianneloh9's PR hyngkng's PR
      JunCheng98 xxzz-tt's PR jazerler's PR
      KOH-ZHE-HAO Nauman-S's PR Stefan-Jiang's PR
      KendrewChan kormingsoon's PR LeeEnHao's PR
      KishenKumarrrrr esmanda3w's PR jerrylchong's PR
      KohHanMing shawn-nyk's PR sgn00's PR
      LeeEnHao michael-setia's PR mgiang2015's PR
      LeeMingDe hansebastian's PR Cedo8's PR
      Licheng-Wu fall9x's PR IronBiscuit's PR
      LimZeWeiDennis khinkhinn's PR jiaqi20's PR
      Lingy12 theodoreleebrant's PR jeminsieow's PR
      LinkedInk hoperawr's PR thutahw's PR
      Liu-2001 Caiyi34777's PR sigmund-c's PR
      Lysire zeling595's PR Rishi5154's PR
      Ma-Yueran pennhanlee's PR shaokiat's PR
      MarcTzh kelvinvin's PR orzymandias's PR
      Marcon2509 minhhhnguyen2000's PR lerxcl's PR
      MarcusTw Lingy12's PR theodoreleebrant's PR
      MatthiasLHK bchenghi's PR vigneshbhuvan-nus's PR
      MerlinLim MatthiasLHK's PR bchenghi's PR
      Michaeliaaa kaitlynng's PR khoongwk's PR
      MorningLit qlchan24's PR rnmy's PR
      Nahoyhp Vielheim's PR therizhao's PR
      Nauman-S Stefan-Jiang's PR gloon99's PR
      Nauw1010 HCY123902's PR sudogene's PR
      Nijnxw Ben-Hanan's PR aizatazhar's PR
      Nikhilalalalala JunCheng98's PR xxzz-tt's PR
      Perpetual09 e0316059's PR munharsha's PR
      Persdre dhafinrazaq's PR amylzting's PR
      PhongTran98 cx0810's PR Jillzyt's PR
      PrestonTYR nicholasyeo's PR kkangs0226's PR
      Rahul0506 yuxuanxc's PR Trav1sT's PR
      Raymond0212 Marcon2509's PR minhhhnguyen2000's PR
      Ringo1225 wltan's PR dcchan98's PR
      Rishi5154 cupofjoee's PR Rahul0506's PR
      Robinho98 ethan-l-m-e's PR sebastiantoh's PR
      Rogerlys Jargonx's PR yejiadong's PR
      Royxuzeng jayarengam's PR abdurrahmanfaqihiskandar's PR
      RuiFengg todoge's PR CodingCookieRookie's PR
      SONGYI98 mhdsyfq's PR boundtotheearth's PR
      SherryWu178 andreatanky's PR chuyiting's PR
      Sruthisarav JoeyToh's PR daongochieu2810's PR
      Stefan-Jiang gloon99's PR florenciamartina's PR
      StopTakingAllTheNames zhaojj2209's PR chewypiano's PR
      Syasyazman wakululuu's PR zeying99's PR
      T-Fang eugene3231's PR fanminj's PR
      TCQian chshen1998's PR seantaysl's PR
      TanLeYang yan-soon's PR ypinhsuan's PR
      TheSpaceCuber yongmingyang's PR kswk's PR
      TianYong-Goh wayne987's PR juandavinlie's PR
      Trav1sT hakujitsu's PR Diwu-Yi's PR
      UncleGrandpa925 jonfoocy's PR KOH-ZHE-HAO's PR
      UnicornJin Raymond0212's PR Marcon2509's PR
      VaishakAnand nweiyue's PR joshualiangxy's PR
      Vielheim therizhao's PR erinmayg's PR
      WM71811 maguireong's PR keanecjy's PR
      WangZijun97 Perpetual09's PR e0316059's PR
      WeiJie96 tohyuting's PR kwannoel's PR
      WhiteLio underthehai's PR MorningLit's PR
      Whleee Zhang-Yunjie's PR Lysire's PR
      Wincenttjoi Ziyang-98's PR ZoroarkDarkrai's PR
      Wong-ZZ dextertanyj's PR FizzyAgent's PR
      XIA-LIYI WeiJie96's PR tohyuting's PR
      YangJiyu98 zhXchD's PR richardcom's PR
      YangYue128-helen KohHanMing's PR shawn-nyk's PR
      YuunoKun joeychensmart's PR davidsqf's PR
      Zhang-Yunjie Lysire's PR zeling595's PR
      ZhangWanlin98 FH-30's PR Sruthisarav's PR
      Ziyang-98 ZoroarkDarkrai's PR raythx98's PR
      ZoroarkDarkrai raythx98's PR LinkedInk's PR
      abdurrahmanfaqihiskandar timjkong's PR ijavierja's PR
      afroneth raymondge's PR justweihong's PR
      aidoxe-123 tigerting98's PR EkamSinghPandher's PR
      aizatazhar siddarth2824's PR PhongTran98's PR
      akgrenSoar fyshhh's PR Michaeliaaa's PR
      ameliatjy yuanxing-y's PR jiaax's PR
      amylzting minzzelo's PR yyutong's PR
      andreatanky chuyiting's PR divakarmal's PR
      angrybunny123 peter-yeh's PR cwenling's PR
      aqcd khor-jingqian's PR ruixuantan's PR
      athuyaoo xnoobftw's PR GilbertTan19's PR
      augustinekau GeNiaaz's PR peironggg's PR
      bangyiwu gordonfgz's PR jianhandev's PR
      bchenghi vigneshbhuvan-nus's PR yingqi0607's PR
      benclmnt rachel170's PR kimberlyohq's PR
      blackonyyx Robinho98's PR ethan-l-m-e's PR
      boundtotheearth schoolex's PR zeranium97's PR
      bowei-yu wang-jun-hao's PR IlyaRin's PR
      caitlinjee ethanso56's PR euzintan's PR
      caleblyx angrybunny123's PR peter-yeh's PR
      chan-j-d afroneth's PR raymondge's PR
      cheoksuanne foongsq's PR zhaolingshan's PR
      chewypiano jflim98's PR royleochan's PR
      chiabs YuunoKun's PR joeychensmart's PR
      chiamyunqing IsaacTin's PR tengjianling's PR
      chloelee767 iamgenechua's PR rtshkmr's PR
      chrisgzf luo-git's PR pangpuncake's PR
      chrystalquek petrickjerico's PR Wong-ZZ's PR
      chshen1998 seantaysl's PR RuiFengg's PR
      chunyongg yuki-cell's PR hogantan's PR
      chuyiting divakarmal's PR patricktan6's PR
      chuyouchia tanzhuoyao-nus's PR T-Fang's PR
      claraadora davidcaiqifan's PR justacasul's PR
      claracheong4 EkChinHui's PR xz0127's PR
      constancensq tnsyn's PR gan-jw's PR
      csiongn ianyong's PR Royxuzeng's PR
      cupofjoee Rahul0506's PR yuxuanxc's PR
      cwenling Elgoh's PR JinHao-L's PR
      cx0810 Jillzyt's PR jialin7878's PR
      danadi7 marcus2k's PR claraadora's PR
      daongochieu2810 Asuraxsoul's PR EthanTheGoondu's PR
      davidcaiqifan justacasul's PR limkoonkiat's PR
      davidliew9 ureshiiYing's PR tanweijie123's PR
      davidsqf youaremysky99's PR drake25122000's PR
      dcchan98 sc-arecrow's PR plosslaw's PR
      dearvae benclmnt's PR rachel170's PR
      dextertanyj FizzyAgent's PR nuovonatura's PR
      dhafinrazaq amylzting's PR minzzelo's PR
      dianneloh9 hyngkng's PR Anthony6401's PR
      divakarmal patricktan6's PR ruilingk's PR
      drake25122000 Joven-Heng's PR dianneloh9's PR
      ducbinh2611 rolandyuwy's PR geoboom's PR
      duckmoon99 Jaylenlee's PR shadowezz's PR
      duynguyen24501 youyingfeng's PR WhiteLio's PR
      e0316059 munharsha's PR printinghelloworld's PR
      erinmayg KendrewChan's PR kormingsoon's PR
      erisjacey Nauw1010's PR HCY123902's PR
      ernestlim8 maxxyh's PR ChooJiaXin's PR
      esmanda3w jerrylchong's PR CalistaIo's PR
      ethan-l-m-e sebastiantoh's PR wengfaing's PR
      ethanso56 euzintan's PR ysr25's PR
      eugene3231 fanminj's PR nottiffchan's PR
      euzintan ysr25's PR VaishakAnand's PR
      fall9x IronBiscuit's PR GabriellaTeh's PR
      fanminj nottiffchan's PR AlexCQY's PR
      florenciamartina jetnew's PR Christopher-LM's PR
      foojingyi leeyorktat's PR claracheong4's PR
      foongsq zhaolingshan's PR yuming7144's PR
      fyshhh Michaeliaaa's PR kaitlynng's PR
      g-erm caitlinjee's PR ethanso56's PR
      gabrielsimbingyang junlong4321's PR teekoksiang's PR
      gabztcr caleblyx's PR angrybunny123's PR
      galvinleow chiabs's PR YuunoKun's PR
      gan-jw lebencwb's PR qwoprocks's PR
      geoboom seowalex's PR Asthenosphere's PR
      gloon99 florenciamartina's PR jetnew's PR
      gordonfgz jianhandev's PR TheSpaceCuber's PR
      gsmoon97 itssodium's PR Nikhilalalalala's PR
      hakiem526 MerlinLim's PR MatthiasLHK's PR
      hakujitsu Diwu-Yi's PR lettuceman4's PR
      halcon-blanco ChenXJ98's PR pooty3's PR
      hansebastian Cedo8's PR YangJiyu98's PR
      hanweic53 AaronnSeah's PR YangYue128-helen's PR
      hhdqirui ya0-yuan's PR ameliatjy's PR
      hjl99 sogggy's PR ZhangWanlin98's PR
      hogantan yongping827's PR Nahoyhp's PR
      hoperawr thutahw's PR galvinleow's PR
      hopinxian iamjamestan's PR akgrenSoar's PR
      howtoosee Persdre's PR dhafinrazaq's PR
      hyngkng Anthony6401's PR TanLeYang's PR
      iamgenechua rtshkmr's PR kevnw's PR
      iamjamestan akgrenSoar's PR fyshhh's PR
      ianyong Royxuzeng's PR jayarengam's PR
      ijavierja hakiem526's PR MerlinLim's PR
      iqbxl pr4aveen's PR yu-ming-chen's PR
      itssodium Nikhilalalalala's PR JunCheng98's PR
      jacetjy joshruien's PR rayasamhr's PR
      jayarengam abdurrahmanfaqihiskandar's PR timjkong's PR
      jazerler constancensq's PR tnsyn's PR
      jeannetoh99 danadi7's PR marcus2k's PR
      jeffreytjs raysonkoh's PR ducbinh2611's PR
      jeminsieow jeannetoh99's PR danadi7's PR
      jerrylchong CalistaIo's PR Criss-Wang's PR
      jetnew Christopher-LM's PR sun-yitao's PR
      jflim98 royleochan's PR lyeyixian's PR
      jh123x CodyChew's PR kerkpy's PR
      jiaax chiamyunqing's PR IsaacTin's PR
      jialin7878 jeffreytjs's PR raysonkoh's PR
      jianhandev TheSpaceCuber's PR yongmingyang's PR
      jiaqi20 ktaekwon000's PR w-yeehong's PR
      jiaweiteo mkeoliya's PR SherryWu178's PR
      jimvae Nijnxw's PR Ben-Hanan's PR
      jmleong666 MarcTzh's PR kelvinvin's PR
      joeychensmart davidsqf's PR youaremysky99's PR
      jonahtanjz silvernitro's PR samlsm's PR
      jonasngs foojingyi's PR leeyorktat's PR
      jonfoocy KOH-ZHE-HAO's PR Nauman-S's PR
      jordanyoong seanjyjy's PR kunnan97's PR
      joshruien rayasamhr's PR Rogerlys's PR
      joshtyf AudreyFelicio's PR pongzers's PR
      joshualiangxy xnmng's PR Whleee's PR
      josiahkhoo chuyouchia's PR tanzhuoyao-nus's PR
      josuaaah nopenotj's PR jiaweiteo's PR
      juandavinlie yanlynnnnn's PR ChengJiyuqing's PR
      junhui-phoon theyellowfellow's PR nguyendqminh's PR
      junlong4321 teekoksiang's PR Wincenttjoi's PR
      justacasul limkoonkiat's PR zhiayang's PR
      justintzuriel Ebolaeater's PR shermz-lim's PR
      justweihong csiongn's PR ianyong's PR
      jzwoo chloelee767's PR iamgenechua's PR
      kaitlynng khoongwk's PR Ringo1225's PR
      kc-98 BreadPeanutButter's PR oliviajohansen's PR
      keanecjy vanGoghhh's PR solkim-83's PR
      kelvinvin orzymandias's PR siqiang-ng's PR
      kerkpy justintzuriel's PR Ebolaeater's PR
      kevnw aqcd's PR khor-jingqian's PR
      khenghun gabrielsimbingyang's PR junlong4321's PR
      khinkhinn jiaqi20's PR ktaekwon000's PR
      khoodehui howtoosee's PR Persdre's PR
      khoongwk Ringo1225's PR wltan's PR
      khor-jingqian ruixuantan's PR jmleong666's PR
      kimberlyohq TCQian's PR chshen1998's PR
      kkangs0226 lowjiefeng1998's PR BobbyZhouZijian's PR
      koonweee AdithyaNarayan's PR leeweiminsg's PR
      kormingsoon LeeEnHao's PR michael-setia's PR
      kswk Liu-2001's PR Caiyi34777's PR
      ktaekwon000 w-yeehong's PR jacetjy's PR
      kunnan97 lucastai98's PR soaza's PR
      kwannoel li-s's PR khenghun's PR
      lamlaaaam MarcusTw's PR Lingy12's PR
      lebencwb qwoprocks's PR murtubak's PR
      leeweiminsg Syasyazman's PR wakululuu's PR
      leeyorktat claracheong4's PR EkChinHui's PR
      lerxcl jonahtanjz's PR silvernitro's PR
      lettuceman4 kc-98's PR BreadPeanutButter's PR
      li-s khenghun's PR gabrielsimbingyang's PR
      limkoonkiat zhiayang's PR athuyaoo's PR
      liuyxxy m0nggh's PR zhizhizhizhizhi's PR
      lll-jy junhui-phoon's PR theyellowfellow's PR
      lowjiefeng1998 BobbyZhouZijian's PR nicholas-gcc's PR
      lucastai98 soaza's PR LeeMingDe's PR
      luciatirta PrestonTYR's PR nicholasyeo's PR
      luo-git pangpuncake's PR iqbxl's PR
      lyeyixian duckmoon99's PR Jaylenlee's PR
      m0nggh zhizhizhizhizhi's PR aidoxe-123's PR
      maguireong keanecjy's PR vanGoghhh's PR
      marcus2k claraadora's PR davidcaiqifan's PR
      maxxyh ChooJiaXin's PR bowei-yu's PR
      mehak24k ernestlim8's PR maxxyh's PR
      mgiang2015 Licheng-Wu's PR fall9x's PR
      mhdsyfq boundtotheearth's PR schoolex's PR
      michael-setia mgiang2015's PR Licheng-Wu's PR
      minhhhnguyen2000 lerxcl's PR jonahtanjz's PR
      minzzelo yyutong's PR wireseo's PR
      mkeoliya SherryWu178's PR andreatanky's PR
      moyj01 lll-jy's PR junhui-phoon's PR
      munharsha printinghelloworld's PR Ma-Yueran's PR
      murtubak SONGYI98's PR mhdsyfq's PR
      nguyendqminh lamlaaaam's PR MarcusTw's PR
      ngzhenteng ryanlimjr's PR UncleGrandpa925's PR
      nicholas-gcc LimZeWeiDennis's PR khinkhinn's PR
      nicholasyeo kkangs0226's PR lowjiefeng1998's PR
      nicktohzyu augustinekau's PR GeNiaaz's PR
      nopenotj jiaweiteo's PR mkeoliya's PR
      nottiffchan AlexCQY's PR erisjacey's PR
      nuovonatura hopinxian's PR iamjamestan's PR
      nweiyue joshualiangxy's PR xnmng's PR
      oliviajohansen gsmoon97's PR itssodium's PR
      onglijin JingYenLoh's PR Hazel1603's PR
      orzymandias siqiang-ng's PR TianYong-Goh's PR
      pangpuncake iqbxl's PR pr4aveen's PR
      patricktan6 ruilingk's PR Door-oof's PR
      peironggg chunyongg's PR yuki-cell's PR
      pengxiangg moyj01's PR lll-jy's PR
      pennhanlee shaokiat's PR hjl99's PR
      peter-yeh cwenling's PR Elgoh's PR
      petrickjerico Wong-ZZ's PR dextertanyj's PR
      plosslaw XIA-LIYI's PR WeiJie96's PR
      pockii tanwayne890's PR yeohhq's PR
      pongzers BILLXYR's PR ngzhenteng's PR
      pooty3 xyzhangg's PR bangyiwu's PR
      porkeypine simonteozw's PR koonweee's PR
      pr4aveen yu-ming-chen's PR halcon-blanco's PR
      printinghelloworld Ma-Yueran's PR pennhanlee's PR
      qlchan24 rnmy's PR HynRidge's PR
      qwoprocks murtubak's PR SONGYI98's PR
      rachel170 kimberlyohq's PR TCQian's PR
      ramenmen the-reefshark's PR josuaaah's PR
      rayasamhr Rogerlys's PR Jargonx's PR
      raymondge justweihong's PR csiongn's PR
      raysonkoh ducbinh2611's PR rolandyuwy's PR
      raythx98 LinkedInk's PR hoperawr's PR
      rgabelarde StopTakingAllTheNames's PR zhaojj2209's PR
      richardcom WangZijun97's PR Perpetual09's PR
      rnmy HynRidge's PR sagarsureka's PR
      rolandyuwy geoboom's PR seowalex's PR
      royleochan lyeyixian's PR duckmoon99's PR
      rtshkmr kevnw's PR aqcd's PR
      ruilingk Door-oof's PR WM71811's PR
      ruixuantan jmleong666's PR MarcTzh's PR
      ryanlimjr UncleGrandpa925's PR jonfoocy's PR
      sagarsureka hanweic53's PR AaronnSeah's PR
      samlsm wenhaogoh's PR dearvae's PR
      sc-arecrow plosslaw's PR XIA-LIYI's PR
      schoolex zeranium97's PR jordanyoong's PR
      seanjyjy kunnan97's PR lucastai98's PR
      seantaysl RuiFengg's PR todoge's PR
      sebastiantoh wengfaing's PR josiahkhoo's PR
      seowalex Asthenosphere's PR Avalionnet's PR
      sgn00 chan-j-d's PR afroneth's PR
      shadowezz jonasngs's PR foojingyi's PR
      shaokiat hjl99's PR sogggy's PR
      shawn-nyk sgn00's PR chan-j-d's PR
      shermz-lim gabztcr's PR caleblyx's PR
      siangernlow pengxiangg's PR moyj01's PR
      siddarth2824 PhongTran98's PR cx0810's PR
      sigmund-c jzwoo's PR chloelee767's PR
      silvernitro samlsm's PR wenhaogoh's PR
      simonteozw koonweee's PR AdithyaNarayan's PR
      siqiang-ng TianYong-Goh's PR wayne987's PR
      soaza LeeMingDe's PR hansebastian's PR
      sogggy ZhangWanlin98's PR FH-30's PR
      solkim-83 wilinetan's PR porkeypine's PR
      successs404 Hou-Rui's PR GabrielTeo's PR
      sudogene UnicornJin's PR Raymond0212's PR
      sun-yitao luciatirta's PR PrestonTYR's PR
      tankangliang urieltan's PR blackonyyx's PR
      tanwayne890 yeohhq's PR xinyee20's PR
      tanweijie123 theyifan's PR g-erm's PR
      tanzhuoyao-nus T-Fang's PR eugene3231's PR
      teekoksiang Wincenttjoi's PR Ziyang-98's PR
      tengjianling tjwjoe's PR duynguyen24501's PR
      the-reefshark josuaaah's PR nopenotj's PR
      theodoreleebrant jeminsieow's PR jeannetoh99's PR
      therizhao erinmayg's PR KendrewChan's PR
      theyellowfellow nguyendqminh's PR lamlaaaam's PR
      theyifan g-erm's PR caitlinjee's PR
      thutahw galvinleow's PR chiabs's PR
      tigerting98 EkamSinghPandher's PR onglijin's PR
      timjkong ijavierja's PR hakiem526's PR
      tjwjoe duynguyen24501's PR youyingfeng's PR
      tnsyn gan-jw's PR lebencwb's PR
      todoge CodingCookieRookie's PR jh123x's PR
      tohyuting kwannoel's PR li-s's PR
      underthehai MorningLit's PR qlchan24's PR
      ureshiiYing tanweijie123's PR theyifan's PR
      urieltan blackonyyx's PR Robinho98's PR
      vanGoghhh solkim-83's PR wilinetan's PR
      vigneshbhuvan-nus yingqi0607's PR yanchenglee98's PR
      w-yeehong jacetjy's PR joshruien's PR
      wakululuu zeying99's PR zhengweii's PR
      wang-jun-hao IlyaRin's PR khoodehui's PR
      wayne987 juandavinlie's PR yanlynnnnn's PR
      wengfaing josiahkhoo's PR chuyouchia's PR
      wenhaogoh dearvae's PR benclmnt's PR
      wilinetan porkeypine's PR simonteozw's PR
      wireseo successs404's PR Hou-Rui's PR
      wltan dcchan98's PR sc-arecrow's PR
      xinyee20 liuyxxy's PR m0nggh's PR
      xnmng Whleee's PR Zhang-Yunjie's PR
      xnoobftw GilbertTan19's PR nicktohzyu's PR
      xxzz-tt jazerler's PR constancensq's PR
      xyzhangg bangyiwu's PR gordonfgz's PR
      xz0127 cheoksuanne's PR foongsq's PR
      ya0-yuan ameliatjy's PR yuanxing-y's PR
      yan-soon ypinhsuan's PR davidliew9's PR
      yanbingtao joshtyf's PR AudreyFelicio's PR
      yanchenglee98 yanbingtao's PR joshtyf's PR
      yanlynnnnn ChengJiyuqing's PR ramenmen's PR
      yejiadong mehak24k's PR ernestlim8's PR
      yeohhq xinyee20's PR liuyxxy's PR
      yingqi0607 yanchenglee98's PR yanbingtao's PR
      yongmingyang kswk's PR Liu-2001's PR
      yongping827 Nahoyhp's PR Vielheim's PR
      youaremysky99 drake25122000's PR Joven-Heng's PR
      youyingfeng WhiteLio's PR underthehai's PR
      ypinhsuan davidliew9's PR ureshiiYing's PR
      ysr25 VaishakAnand's PR nweiyue's PR
      yu-ming-chen halcon-blanco's PR ChenXJ98's PR
      yuanxing-y jiaax's PR chiamyunqing's PR
      yuki-cell hogantan's PR yongping827's PR
      yuming7144 jimvae's PR Nijnxw's PR
      yuxuanxc Trav1sT's PR hakujitsu's PR
      yyutong wireseo's PR successs404's PR
      zeling595 Rishi5154's PR cupofjoee's PR
      zeranium97 jordanyoong's PR seanjyjy's PR
      zeying99 zhengweii's PR tankangliang's PR
      zhXchD richardcom's PR WangZijun97's PR
      zhaohuanqdcn KishenKumarrrrr's PR esmanda3w's PR
      zhaojj2209 chewypiano's PR jflim98's PR
      zhaolingshan yuming7144's PR jimvae's PR
      zhengweii tankangliang's PR urieltan's PR
      zhiayang athuyaoo's PR xnoobftw's PR
      zhizhizhizhizhi aidoxe-123's PR tigerting98's PR

    2. 10 minutes Find potential abstraction problems: Go through the code in the dif view (i.e., the Files changed tab), and and find potential abstraction problems (weak SLAP, arrow-head style code, too-long methods, too-deep nesting)
      To identify long methods or deep nesting, zoom out and scroll through the entire PR code to do a visual inspection (no need to read the code line-by-line). After visually locating a method that looks too long/deep, have a closer look to see it can be improved by using better abstraction.If you are unsure about a case, you can also rope the tutor in to the discussion.

      • If you can't find at least one example, you can try the fallback option provided, and failing that, another random iP PR.
      • You can also select borderline cases.
      • Paste screenshots of problematic code in the shared online document provided (in the section of the document allocated to you).
    3. 10 minutes Discussion: The tutor will lead a short discussion to go through the problematic code you found.

    4. After the tutorial, you can apply the insights gained from this activity to improve the code quality of your own iP, if necessary. You are not required to (but welcome to) post review comments in the PRs you examined.

    2 Prioritize tP user stories

    • If you haven't done so already, prioritize tP user stories as explained in the panel below.
    Project planning, with a twist

    Intuitively, you might think the right thing to do is to decide what features will be in v1.4 and then plan the intermediate versions based on that. But that's not what we are going to do.

    Why? Given the difficulty of reliably estimating the effort each feature will need, any such long-range plan is likely to be inaccurate.

    Instead, what we will do is to assume the current iteration is the last iteration, plan that iteration to deliver the product (based on available time), and try to follow that plan as best as we can. After the iteration is over, we plan the next iteration as if it's the last iteration. But that time, you can factor in the experience from the previous iteration to do a better job of planning.

    How is that better?

    • Shorter-term plans have a better chance of being accurate and doable.
    • You get multiple clean shots at project planning. Each try can learn from the previous tries. Hence, more learning.
    • As each iteration produces a working product, you always have a working product, which practically eliminates the risk failing to deliver a working product by the final deadline.

    The goal of this activity is to come up with the smallest possible product that is still usable so that it can be implemented as v1.2, to be delivered at the end of the first project iteration. We try to make it small because you will have only two weeks to implement v1.2 and coding as a team is a lot harder than writing code alone.

    Do not discuss features, UI, command format, or implementation details yet. That would be like putting the cart before the horse. At this stage we are simply trying to choose which user needs to fulfill first.

    • If the product can be of some use without a given user story, that user story should be left out of v1.2, even if the omission makes the product hard to use, as long as the product is not impossible to use e.g., in most cases a product can be used without an 'edit item' feature because the user can always delete an item and add a new item instead of editing an existing an item.
    • Don't worry about v1.3. You can design v1.3 after v1.2 done.
    • Don't worry about v1.2 being 'too small'. You can always add more features to v1.2 if you finish it ahead of schedule.
      You can also select an additional set of user stories that are nice-to-have in v1.2, to be done but only if there's time left.
    • If possible, narrow the scope of v1.2 further e.g., narrower target user, a smaller value proposition.

    Suggested workflow:

    • First stage:
      • Divide the user stories among team members.
      • Each member will go through their user stories to discard (e.g., cross out, or move to a different location, but not delete) which are definitely not needed for v1.2.
    • Second stage:
      • All members discuss the remaining user stories (i.e., the ones not discarded in the first stage), and try to trim the list further.

    3 time permitting Create a feature list for v1.2

    • If there is time left, do the following tP task that is scheduled for the following week.
    • Based on your user stories selected previously, conceptualize the product in terms of how it will look like at v1.2 in the form of a feature list.
      Note down the feature list in your online project notes document.

    Requirements → Specifying Requirements → Feature Lists →


    Feature list: A list of features of a product grouped according to some criteria such as aspect, priority, order of delivery, etc.

    A sample feature list from a simple Minesweeper game (only a brief description has been provided to save space):

    1. Basic play – Single player play.
    2. Difficulty levels
      • Medium levels
      • Advanced levels
    3. Versus play – Two players can play against each other.
    4. Timer – Additional fixed time restriction on the player.
    5. ...