Similar to the previous week, you are encouraged to try this week's tutorial questions before the actual tutorial. Otherwise we might not have enough time to finish all the questions during the tutorial hour.
[W9.1] OO Domain Models
[W9.2] Activity Diagrams
[W9.3] Conceptualizing a Design
[W9.4] Architecture Diagrams: Drawing
Full ToC
[W9.5a] Principles → Separation of concerns principle
[W9.5b] Principles → Single responsibility principle :
[W9.5c] Principles → Liskov substitution principle :
[W9.5d] Principles → Open-closed principle :
[W9.5e] Principles → Law of Demeter
[W9.5f] Principles → Interface segregation principle : OPTIONAL
[W9.5g] Principles → Dependency inversion principle : OPTIONAL
[W9.5h] Principles → SOLID principles
[W9.5i] Principles → YAGNI principle : OPTIONAL
[W9.5j] Principles → DRY principle : OPTIONAL
[W9.5k] Principles → Brooks' law : OPTIONAL
[W9.7a] Project Management → SDLC Process Models → Introduction → Agile models
[W9.7b] Project Management → SDLC Process Models → Scrum
[W9.7c] Project Management → SDLC Process Models → XP
[W9.7d] Project Management → SDLC Process Models → Unified process : OPTIONAL
[W9.7e] Project Management → SDLC Process Models → CMMI : OPTIONAL
[W9.7f] Project Management → SDLC Process Models → Recap
Type of Developer Docs
Guideline: Aim for Comprehensibility
[W9.8b] Implementation → Documentation → Guidelines → Aim for Comprehensibility → What
[W9.8c] Implementation → Documentation → Guidelines → Aim for Comprehensibility → How
Guideline: Describe Top-Down
[W9.8d] Implementation → Documentation → Guidelines → Describe Top-Down → What
[W9.8e] Implementation → Documentation → Guidelines → Describe Top-Down → Why
[W9.8f] Implementation → Documentation → Guidelines → Describe Top-Down → How
Guideline: Minimal but Sufficient
tP: v1.2